2003-33 Comp Plan Text Change AmendmentORDINANCE N0.33-2003 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING AMENDMENT NO. 02-1.2 TO THE ADOPTED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION ACT, AS AMENDED, BEING SECTIONS 163.3161, ET SEQ., FLORIDA STATUTES, WHICH AMENDMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE; PROVIDING TEXT CHANGES TO SPECIAL POLICIES 5.8 AND 5.11 OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE VILLAGE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes, being the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, the Village of North Palm Beach is required to adopt, periodically evaluate and revise a Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on December 4, 2001, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, held a Public Hearing to review Amendment No. 02-1.2 and made a recommendation to the Village Council to approve the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, after public hearing and due consideration, is desirous of adopting Amendment No. 02-1.2 to the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of North Palm Beach. BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Section 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes, the Village ofNorth Palm Beach, Florida, hereby adopts Amendment No. 02-1.2 to the ComprehensivePlan ofthe Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. A copy of Amendment No. 02-1.2 is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". Section 2. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a Court to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon a final order being issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding the amendment to be in-compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F. S.; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding the amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184, F. S. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 28th DAY OF AUGUST, 2003. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 28th DAY OF AUGUST, 2003. PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 11"' DAY OF DECEMBER, 2003. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 11th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2003. (VII.LAGF SEAL,) `'-'~- ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK " MAYOR 2 Village Of North Palm Beach Florida Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Amendment 02-1 November 2001; Revised: January 2002 Prepared for the Village of North Palm Beach Prepared by Land Research Management, Inc. * -Amendments OZ-1.1 and OZ-1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 Introduction ......................................................... 1-1 2.0 Analysis Of Map Amendments .......................................... 2-1 A. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 ....................................... 2-1 R. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 ......................... . ............. 2-1 3.0 Analysis Of Cumulative Impacts Of Proposed Amendment ................... 3-1 3. 1 Village Character ........................................ ....... 3-2 ~. 2 Fuh~re Land Use ......................................... ....... 3-2 3. 3 Transportation .......................................... ....... 3-3 3. 4 Housing ............................................... ....... 3-~ 3. 5 Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge ...................... ....... ~-4 3. 6 Coastal Managcmcnt ..................................... ....... 3-5 3. 7 Cunservatiun ........................................... ....... 3-S ~. $ ~Zecreation And Upen Space ............................... ....... ~-5 3. 9 Intergovernmental Coordination ............................ ....... 3-6 3. 10 Capitallmprovements .......................... ........ ....... :~-6 -1.0 Consistency `With Regional Arid State Plans ................................ -I-1 S.0 Cunclusiun .......................................................... 5-1 5. 1 Finding ....................................................... ~-1 5. 2 Recommendation .. ........... ....... S-1 5. 3 LPA Public Meeting ........................................... 5-1 4 LPA ivleeting .. ................ ..... ... S-1 Appzndia A NPBCP Amendment 02-1 ........................................ A-1 TABLE OF CO~~V-TE1~V-TS (co®tinued) LIST OF EkHIBTI'S Number Page 1 Existing Figure 3-]8 Future Annexation Areas Map . . . ... . . . . ... . ............ 2-3 2 Location Of N"PBc-P Amendment G2-I.2 ...... . ............................ 2-4 3 Detailed Location Gf lv~t FsCP Amendment G2- 1.1 ................ . .......... 2-~ A-] Future Land Use Map Series Amendment NPBCP Amendment G2-l. l ..... , , . ... A-2 A-2 Amendment 1v-P1~CP Amendment G1-1.2 . .... . . . ....... . ................. A-."s "LIST OF TABLES Number Page i NrBCP Amendment G1-1.2 Cumulative Impact Factors Summary , .. , j_1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Village of North Palm Beach is currently considering the adoption of comprehensive plan amendments consisting of two amendments (NPBCP Amendments 02-1.1 and 02-1.2) to the Future Land Use Map Series. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 is a revision to FIGURE 3-18 (Future Annexation Areas) of the Future Land Use Map Series. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 consists of proposed text changes to Special Policies 5.8 and 5.11 of the FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT which impact the planned development potential of two parcels of land in Village Planning Area 6A, as shown on FIGURE 3-10 of the Comprehensive Plan. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 is necessary to update the Future Annexation Areas map to incorporate current Village annexation policy within the Comprehensive Plan. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is a corrective amendment necessary to update the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the "as built" situation on the following two parcels of land within Village Planning Area 6A: 1. The Prosperity Harbor North P.U.D. (a.k.a .Prosperity Harbor) was approved by the Village and developed at 125 dwelling units, as opposed to the maximum 98 dwelling units permitted by Special Policy 5.8; and 2. The Prosperity Harbor South P.U. D. (a.k.a Harbow Isles) was approved by the Village and developed at 105 dwelling units, as opposed to the maximum 108 dwelling units permitted by Special Policy 5.11. This document provides data and analysis required by Sections 9J-5 and 9J- 11.006(1)(b)1. - 5., Florida Administrative Code, as they pertain to the proposed amendments. Section 2.0 consists of brief summaries and analysis of proposed I~TPBCP Amendments 02-1.1 and 02-1.2, in terms of the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(1)(b)1. to 9J- 11.006(1)(b)6., Florida Administrative Code. Section 3.0 presents an analysis of the cumulative impacts of the proposed amendments in terms of each element of support documentation, and Village Of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan Section 4.0 contains an assessment of proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1, in terms of the Regional Policy Plan and State Comprehensive Plan. The appendix to this document contains proposed NPBCF Amendments G2-1. I and 02-1.2. 2.0 ANALYSIS OF AMENDMENTS A. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 is a proposed revision to FIGURE 3-18 (Future Annexation Areas) of the Future Land Use Map Series. The map revisions reflect the following: (1) Recent annexation actions by the Village, as well as neighboring jurisdictions (Lake Park, Palm Beach Gardens, Junu Beach); and (2) meetings with neighboring jurisdictions oriented lu coordinating future annexation activities. The existing Futwe Annexation Areas map (i.e. FIGURE 3-18; F'i-JTU~RE LAND USE ELEMENT) is presented in Exhibit 1. A future annexation area map is not, by state planning law or rule, a required component of a local government comprehensive plan; rather, annexation maps and related policies are included as optional items by local governments. - The Village included a future annexation area map in the 1989 Comprehensive Plan as a result of a countywide effort coordinated by the Palm Beach Countywide Planning Council (PBCPC}. The initial effort was coordinated by the PBCPC in order to set the framework for a countywide program to define and plan fur municipal annexation areas. As part of the initial effort, the Village met wish neighboring jurisdictions in order to coordinate the designation of aru~exation areas. The PBCPC no longer exists, and no single entity has emerged to maintain coordination of countywide annexation activities in a comprehensive manner. However, in an effort to continue planning for future annexation activities, the Village has completed a review of its designated annexation area, as delineated on FIGURE 3-18 of the FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT of the Comprehensive Plan. The review, accounting for recent municipal annexation activity, to the extent possible, current policies of neighboring jurisdictions, resulted in the preparation of revised FIGURE 3-18, as presented in APPENDIX A, EXI-OBIT A-1. B. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 This section provides data and analysis of the proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2, pursuant to the requirements of Sections 9J-11.006(1)(b)I. to 9J-1 1.006(1}(b)6., Fiorida Administrative Code> including: The fixture land use plan map designation of the subject properties; the boundaries of the subject properties; and the mapped locations in relation to the s~u-rounding street network. 2-1 A map of the present land use designations of the subject properties, and abuttin_Q properties, including future land use map designations; 3. The size of the subject properties in acres, or fractions thereof; A description of the availability of, and demand upon the following public facilities: Sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation, and recreation and open space, as appropriate; and 5. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed future land use map amendments with the Future Land Use Element objectives and policies, as well as those of other affected elements. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 includes revisions to Special Policies 5.8 and 5.1 1 of the FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT, which impact the development potential of two properties depicted on FIGURE 3-10 (Planning Area 6A). The locations of the two properties which are the subject of NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 are illustrated on Exhibits 2 and 3. Special Policies 5.8 and 5.11 had previously limited development potential on the subject properties to less than the maximum allowed under the assigned future land use designations. Proposed revisions to Special Policies 5.8 and 5.11 will match development potential, per the Comprehensive Plan with "as-built" development intensities on the two subject properties. Special Policy 5.8 currently limits the development potential of a 33.4 acre parcel in Planning Area 6 A (i.e. Prosperity Harbor) to a maximum of 98 dwelling units (i.e. a density of 2.93 units per acre), while the maximum permitted density of the assigned Low Density Residential land use category is 5.80 units per acre. The proposed revision to Special Policy 5.8 will increase the development potential of the parcel to 125 units (i.e. an increase of 27 dwelling units; or a total approved density of 3.74 units per acre). Special Policy 5.11 currently limits the development potential of a 63.47 acre parcel in Planning Area 6 A (i.e. Harbour Isles) to a maximum of 108 dwelling units (i.e. a density of 1.70 units per acre), while the maximum permitted density of the assigned Low Density Residential land use category is 5.80 units per acre. The proposed revision to Special Policy 5.1 1 will decrease the development potential of the parcel to 105 units (i.e. a decrease of 3 dwelling units; or a total approved density of 1.65 units per acre). 2-2 EXHIBIT 1 -Existing Figure 3-18 Future Annexation Areas Map r~a x~a,~s ~.,,®m~. ~~. 611.Idf.l{H 1L~ IM.1701 2-3 EXHIBIT 2 - NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 N NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 K spat. soo o soo tsoo r..t legend -~ Zoning Boundary for t1+e Ylloge of NPB __-- Roods k Hignroys --~- t-L Eoat Coast RaJ Rood - Waten.oy~ r; ~a 'r L, ~y ~ 1 ~` VILLAGE OF NOP.?H PALM BEACH Polm 8eoch County, rlorida ~-'t~ ~ ~~ ~ ~e ~\ 4 N, ~,~ ~~ I ; L•' .._.. _ i ~I `- ,, ^... .._.._ . __ I _........_, i L .__ - ~ -- - - ~ t-' i , \ ~ ~ .1 f ~ LA1fC ~ ~ ~, t ~.. i ~ ~_-_- ~.. _ . ~• ~ C~ ~.a _. .._ __._ -r- ~~ ~ ,\ .\ ~ ~ \~~ ,\ LAKE WCR;M ,1 Atlantic OCFQTi ,` `\ ~ (~ w - ~ _ I c -- ~ , 1 t Source: LR~1, Lnc. 2-4 EXHIBIT 3 -Detailed Location Of 1`+TpSCP Amendment 02-I.2 Professional Office Mobile Home Park ~ -12 Palm Heach Gardens Palm Beach County \ LAND USE KEY High Density Residential (1 I.1 to 24.0 Units/Acre) Medium Density Residential (5.81 to 1 1.00 Units~'Acre) Low Density Residential (Fewer Than 5.60 Units/Acre) Recreation /Open Space ® Vacant Commercial LR-3 Palm Beach County KEY: Existing Land Use Futur Land Use Designation Jurisdiction Sinele-Fautily Low Drnsity ~ North Pelm Heach t ~a Vl 8 L W ~, .~ 1 Professt- °~ pff~ Palm Beach Gardens Residrntial ~~ Palm Beach County SirtYl~Family NPBCP 7 Palm Heach Gardens Ameedmeet 02-1.2 ~ 3 ~. ~, v Residential 3 -12 ~. Palm Beach County v O V ~ CC Special P~Iic~ ' ,~, t S-g 1' rL, - ~ ., ., \' Sinele-Family @ Golf Course .~ R/OS c$. Low Density ,ti ::::::~::: -:::::.:• ,~~ North Palm Beach p+ ~`~~ ~~ n~PSCP ~`~ V . . ~:~~ Amendment 02-1.2 ~ v W' E ~~ 4 ~ S 4 Scale v soo o soo o~ 1 Prosperity ~ Feet Harbor _ ~ Legend Sulele-Family Corpcraic Lva,t I-ow DenstR ~ I RcRr to Land L!sc Tables )-I and )-: North P--~=h • • ~ • ~ ~ • Rc(cr io Spec!a, Pol!cy 5 J Source ~an~ R,r.cearc~i 1l~anasement, lnc. 561.686.2481 Fns 68~ 8909 2-5 The balance of this section contains descriptions and analysis of NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 in terms of the five criteria listed above. References to other related sections of this document are provided as necessary. 1. Summary Of Existing Land uses (acres) NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 consists of two parcels (i.e. Prosperity Harbor and Harbow Isles) of ]and with a total of 96.87 acres. Both properties are assigned a future land use designation of Low Density Residential. A change in the future land use designation will not be required to accommodate proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2. Both properties have been developed for residential purposes, consistent with development limitations imposed by proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 (i.e. Prosperity Harbor - 125 residential units, consisting of 79 zero lot-line, and 46 townhouse units; and Harbow Isles - 105 single-family residential units). 2. Summary Of NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 a. l~`ame or Designation: Prosperity Harbor and Harbour Isles. b. Parcel Description or Location: Prosperity Harbor -Irregular shaped parcel located at the northeast corner of Prosperity Farms Road and Monet Road A-1-A Alternate (Ref: Exhibits 1 and 2). The parcel is 33.4 acres in size, and is located within Village Planning Area 6A. Existing land uses are discussed in Section 1, above. Harbour Isles -Irregular shaped parcel located at the east of Prosperity Farms Road and south of Monet Road. The parcel is 63.47 acres in size, and is located within Village Planning Area 6A. Existing land uses are discussed in Section 1, above. b. Existing Future Land Use and Zoning Designations: Future Land Use: Both parcels are assigned a Low Density Residential designation.; and 2-6 Zoning: Prosperity Harbor is an approved Planned Unit Development (PUD) with a split uncieriying zoning designation (i.e. R-i single-family and R-3 multiple-family designations). Harbow Isles is an approved Planned Unit Development with an underlying R-1 -single-family zoning designation. Comprehensive Plan Special Policies are in place limiting the development potential of each parcel, as follows: Prosperity Harbor -Special Policy 5.8: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy 5.8" on FIGURE 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of 98 residential units. Harbow Isles -Special Policy 5.11: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy 5.11" on FIGURE 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of 108 residential units c. Proposed Future Land Use and Zoning Designations: Futwe Land Use: No changes to the current designations are proposed; and Zonin : No changes to the current designations. Revised Special Policies are proposed which will limit the development potential of each parcel, as follows: Prosperity Harbor -Special Policy 5.8: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy 5.8" on FIGURE 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of 9$ 125 residential units. Harbow Isles -Special Policy 5.11: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy 5.11" on FIGURE 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of -}$~ 105 residential units d. Abutting Land Use Summary: Abutting Land uses, and future land use and zoning designations, are illustrated on Exhibit 3. 3. Development Potential: a. Development Concept: Prosperity Harbor -Residential PUD consisting of 125 units; Harbour Isles -Residential PUD consisting of l05 units. The cumulative total of 230 dwelling units is 27 greater than the current Special Policies allow. 2-7 B. Population Potential: Prosperity Harbor - 255 residents; and Har Isles - 214 residents. The cumulative total of 469 potential residents is 55 greater than the potential under the current Special Policies. 4. Infrastructure Impacts: a. Transportation: Refer to Section 3.3. b. Potable Water: Refer to Section 3.5. c. Wastewater: Refer to Section 3.5. d. Drainage: Refer to Section 3.5 e. Solid Waste: Refer to Section 3.5. f. Recreation/Open Space: Refer to Section 3.5. 5. Compatibility With Comprehensive Plan: The proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is deemed consistent with the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. Details are presented in Section 3.0. 2-8 3.0 Analysis Of Cumulative Impacts Of Proposed Amendment This section provides data summaries and analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendment 02- - 1.2, pursuant to the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(3), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), which states that all comprehensive plan amendments must meet the requirements of Section 9J-5, F.A.C. Proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 has no characteristics, by which impacts can be measured, and therefore is not analyzed in this section. The factors affecting the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment 02- l .2 are increases in residential units and population potential. A summary of the factors affecting the cumulative impacts of NPBCP Amendment 01-1 is presented in Table 1. TABLE 1 Amendment 02-1.2 Cumulative Impact Factors Summary Prosperity Harbour Net Effect Impact Factor Harbor Isles 02-1.2 Total acres 33.40 63.47 96.87 Existing Land Use Mix (acres) Residential Low 33.40 63.47 96.87 Proposed Land Use Mix (acres) Residential Low 33.40 63.47 96.87 Dwelling Units Existing FLU 98* 108* 206* Proposed FLU 125** 105** 230** Population*** Existing FLU 200 220 420 Proposed FLU 255 214 469 * -Development limits imposed by existing Special Policies. ** -Development limits imposed by proposed Special Policies. *** -Dwelling units x 2.04 persons. The subsections that follow present a review of the 1999 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan, in terms of proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1, which is presented in the APPENDIX to this document. 3-1 3.1 VII,LAGE CHARACTER Proposed NPBCP Arnend,-nent 02-L2 is classified as a "large-scale" future land use amendment since it entails proposed text changes, and deals with properties larger than 10 acres in size. The cumulative effects, as summarized in TABLE 1, include the increase in the build- out number of dwelling units (i.e. a net of 24 units), and population potential (i.e. a net of 49 residents). A discussion of the key impacts is as follows: The residential land is unaffected by the proposed amendment. Existing future land use designations (i.e. Low Density Residential) of the parcels will remain unchanged. Projected housing stock is increased by net of 24 dwelling units. (NOTE: The two communities have already been built). 2. No additional Village land use categories are affected by the proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2. Due to the limited increase in the number of units at buildout (i.e. 24 units) involved in NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2, impacts of related upon infrastructure services are minimal, and have already been addressed by the land development approval processes of the Village and third-party service providers. Properties included within NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 are located within Village Planning Area 6A, as illustrated on FIGURE 3-10 of the Future Land Use Element. Planning area maps do not need to be revised as a result of the proposed comprehensive plan amendments. It is therefore concluded that the proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent with the Village Character, as described in Chapter 2 of the 1999 Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. 3.2 FUTURE LAI~~ tiSE A. Data And Analysis An analysis of topography, soils and minerals, flooding, and native vegetation in the Village is presented in the 1999 Village of North Palm Beach Support Documentation (Future Land Use Element). Since NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 will not require changes to the future land use designations on the subject properties, no additional analysis is required. 1. Current Population Estimate The Village housing and population estimates, per the 2000 Census, were 7,325 housing units, and 12,064 residents, respectively. Adding units represented by building permit activity during the 2000 - 2001 period, it is estimated that the Village currently contains 7,482 dwelling units. Assuming 2.04 residents per unit, applied to 3 -2 the growth in units since the Census, the current population is estimated at Population growth has been almost exclusively the result of 12.384 units. Harbor and Harbour Isles. the development of Prosperity 2. 1/-and IJ e Proi~tione: Since the future land use categories assigned to NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 properties will not change, land use projections will not be aff ected. B. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive plan, as amended; however, two text amendments are required Ref 2.B.2.c., page 2-7, above). The subject properties are in Village Plan.nin area( ~ Section located in the Village's Urban Services Area. The current future land us gd 6A, which is properties included within NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 will not change, and aregcono stent the future land use pattern along the east side of Prosperity Farms Road. with 3.3 TRANSPORTATION A. Data Aad Analysis NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 will not have any significant impact upon the Village roadway system. According to the Evaluation and A sisal Re ort, all roadwa s wit Village are currently operating atlevel-of-service "C", or better. At build y hin the units resulting from NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 will have no significant impact u onaV itional roadways. Prosperity Harbor and Harbour Isles had to meet concurrency requirements illage receiving building permits. The developers of both communities prepared traffic im a prior to and received Coastal Residential Exemptions (Section 15.(I) L, Palm Beach Coun p studies the Palm Beach County traffic performance standards. n' ULDC) to B. Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent with the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and no text amendments aze necessary. 3.4 HOtiSING A. Data And Analysis NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 will effect the Village's long-term inventory of housir.Q adding 24 units to the total stock. b b 3-3 B• Goal, Objectives And Policies NPBCP Amendment ~2-i.2 has no effect upon the Housing Eleme amendments are required. nt, and no text 3.5 SA~TTARy SEWS NATITRAI, GROUNDWATID AASTE, DRAINAGE, POTABLE WATER AND QUIFER RECHARGE A. Data And Analysis Due to the small net increase in dwellin 1.2, there will be no significant impacts upon infra fracture sergvicesn NPBCP Amendment 02 Prosperity Harbor and Harbour Isles are within the service area of Seacoast Authority. Developer's Agreements for water and sewer service have been ex Utilities properties, and water and sewer systems are in place. ecuted for both Drainage facilities are currently in place to provide service to the NPBCP A 02-1.2 properties. Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District has cr development to build and maintain the systems within Harbour Isl mendment Bated a unit of Harbor were built by the developer, and will be maintained by the pr Sestems within Prosperity P rty owners. Solid waste collection is provided by the Village of North Palm Beach in th included within NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2. Disposal services will be rov~ Beach County Solid Waste Authori q p e areas buildout. ty, which has ade uate ca acity to s rve the V~ lage through " olic_ 3.3: All properties within the designated Urban Service Area not utili water and wastewater systems shall be governed by the provisions of.~ 1 Florida Administrativ zing central regulate the use and installation of ndPvidu a sech Coun ~) Chapter 381.272, ty Environmental Control Rule -1, which wage disposal systems. B• Goals, Objectives and Policies Proposed NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent ~i~th the Sanita Waste, Drainage, Potable Water And Natural Groundwater Aquifer Rechary eSe~~er, Solid Comprehensive Plan, and no text amendments are required. g element of the 3-4 3.6 COASTAL MANAGEMENT A. Data And Analysis According to the Comprehensive p]~n ~~G -- 3-] 6) Prosperity Harbor is located within Flood Zone C, while Harbour Isles is located within Flood Zone Comprehensive Plan (FIGURE 3-17) both properties are located withinA According to the vulnerable zone of a Category 1 _2 hurricane (i.e. surge elevation of 4 _ 8tfe storm surge Village policy requires a minimum fast floor elevation of 8.5 feet, and a eet). However, meets level-of-service standards. drainage system which B• Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 02-].2 is consistent with the Coastal Management Elem Comprehensive Plan, and no additional text amendments are required. ent of the 3.7 CONSERVATION A. Data And Analysis NPBCP Amendment 02-].2 has limited potential to impact natural resources within the Conservation Element. Environmental assessments were com leted addressed approval stages of both Prosperity Harbor and Harbour Isles. Further, allpenvironrne g the have ben obtained by the developers. ntal permits B. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent with the Conservation Element of th Comprehensive Plan, and no additional text amendments are required. e 3.8 RECREATION A1VD OPEN SPACE A. Data And Analysis The result ofNPBCP Amendment 02-].2 will be to increase the buildout oten Village by 49 residents. The increase in buildout population will not create an any additional recreation facilities. P teal of the y need to develop 3-5 B. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent with the Recreation and Open Space Element of the ComDreheneivP plan, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.9 L~ITERGOVER~`'tiI1,NTAL COORDIl~ATION A. Data And Analysis NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 raises no intergovernmental coordination issues. The development of property associated with NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 has already occurred. The amendment will be processed through the IPA.RC process in Palm Beach County, at which time any unfurseen interguvernmental cuurdinaliun issues will be identified. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is not located within an Area of Critical State Concern. B. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the Comprehensive Pl n, and no additional text amendments are required. 3.10 CAPITAL Ll-ipROVE~1E~vTS A. Data And Analysis NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 has no effect upon capital improvements planning. The element->,y-element review presented in Sections 3-1 to 3-9 did not result in the identification of any additional needed capital improvements. NPBCP Amendment 02-1 ,2 has no effect upon programmed capital impruvements in terms of adding additiunal capacity lu currently planned improvements. B. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent with the Capital improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and no additional text amendments are required. 3-6 4.0 CONSISTENCY WITH REGIONAL AND STATE PLANS - According to Chapter 9J-5.021, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), the comprehensive plan must be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Policy Plan. Chapter 9J-5.021(2), FAC states ".....for the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate regional policy plan the slate or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies." 4.1 REGIONAL, POLICY PLAN NPBCP Amendments 02-1.1 and 02-1.2 were reviewed in terms of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Regional Policy Plan in order to determine consistency. Based on this review, it is determined that no significant regional issues are related to, or impacted by NPBCP Amendments 02-1.1 and 02-1.2, and they are found consistent wish regional goals and policies. 4.2 STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NPBCP Amendments 02-1.1 and 02-1.2 were reviewed in terms of the goals, objectives and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan, as presented in Chapter 187,1~lorida Statutes. Based upon this review, it is concluded that NPBCP Amendments 02-1.1 and 02-1.2 are found consistent with stale goals, objectives and policies. 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSION The following recommendations are presented: 5.1 FIl~TDING NPBCP Amendments 02-1.1 and 02-1.2 are consistent with the provisions of the Village Qf North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. More specifically: (1) NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 represents a normal, periodic update to the Village's annexation area map; (2) NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is within the Urban Service Area, and does not contribute to a condition of urban sprawl, as defined by Chapter 9J-5.006(5), Florida Administrative Code; and (3) NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is consistent with Policy of the Capital Improvements Element in that it does not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, does not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits, as described therein, and is compatible with land uses, as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. 5.2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment 02-1 . 5.3 LPA PUBLIC HEARING An advertised public hearing on NPBCP Amendment 02-1 was held at 7:00 P.M. on December 4, 2001 in the Village Hall. No members of the public chose to speak at the public hearing. 5.4 LPA 11fEETING The LPA (Planning Commission) considered NPBCP Amendment 02-1 at its regular meeting on December 4, 2001. A motion was made, and unanimously supported, to recommend approval of NPBCP Amendment 02-1 by the Village Council. 5-1 APPENDIX A - NPBCTP Amendment OZ-1 1. NPBCP Amendment OZ-1.1 NPBCP Amendment 02-1. l consists of a Future Land Use Map Series amendment to revise the Village's designated annexation area. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 is accomplished by amendment to FIGURE 3-18 the Future Land Use Map Series of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive PIarL NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 is illustrated on Exhibit A-l. 2. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 consists of a FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT text amendment to revise the language of two Special Policies. NPBCP Amendment 02-].2 is accomplished by amendment to Special Policies 5.8 and 5.11 the FLTI'URE LAND USE ELEMENT of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 is illustrated on Exhibit A-2. A-1 EXHIBIT A-1 Future Land Use Map Series Amendment NPBCP Amendment 02-1.1 Revised FIGURE 3-18 of the V~a~~ of North Palm Beach Comtzrehen~ive Plan 56l 6B6 IiBI Far 6B~ B709 3-36 A-? LO/]O /ieSeU/Ln MUr7p(~C/rlCnl,lnL EXHIBIT A-2 Amendment NPBCP Amendment 02-1.2 Revised Special Policies 5.8 and 5.11 (page 3-8) of the Fntnre Land Use Element Village of North Palm Reach Comprehensive Plan Special Policy 5.7: The Village shall review proposed Future Land Use Map Series amendments to determine whether or not they discourage the proliferation of Urban Sprawl based upon the application of standards contained in Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C. Special Policy 5.8: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy S. R" on FIGU~2.E 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of 9$ ~ residential units. ~pccial Policy 5,9: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy 5.9" on FIGURE 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of 232 residential units. ecial PolieY 5.14: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policv 5.10" on FIGURE 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of 184 residential units. Special Policy 5,11: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy 5.11" on FIGURE 3-10 shall be limited to a maximum of ~-9~ 105 residential units. Special Policv 5.12: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy .5.12" on FIGtTRE 3-3 shall he limited to the existing 197 residential units. ~ccial Policv 5,13: Residential development on the property delineated as "Special Policy 5.13" on FIGURE 3-12 shall be limited to the existing 48 residentia! units. Special Polic,Y 5.14: Residential development on Planning Area 1 shall be clustered in the least environmentally sensitive portion of the parcel which is the subject of an application for a development order. Rev: NPBCP Amendment 02- l 2 3-8 A-3