2004-015 Bid Award for Fireworks to Bay FireworksRESOLUTION 15-2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF BAY FIREWORKS, SYOSSET, NEW YORK, IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000 FOR FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS DISPLAY; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED FROM A8229-34932 (PUBLIC EVENTS). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Bay Fireworks, Syosset, New York, in the amount of $20,000 for Fourth of July Fireworks Display, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from A8229-34932 (Public Events). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2004. iviuyvi ATTEST: L~~~~ Village Clerk THE PALM LEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION _ NO. 7754979 ADVERTISEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA Sealed bids will be received by the Village of North Palm ge Flonda at the Villa Beach COUNTY OF PALM BEACH gg gg HallaNorrthoPalm Beache Before the undersi ned authorit ersonall a eared Trace Di lio, who on oath sa s that she g Y P Y PP Y g Y Florida, until: 3:00 P.M. January 7, 2004 is Tele hone Sales Su ervisor of The Palm Beach Post, a dail and Sunda news a er P A Y Y P P at which time they will be opened and read in publx: m ffi ` ublished at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach Count Florida; that the attached co of P Y+ PY s o ce. the village Manager osals to ro- h Bid ro S advertising, being Bid in the matter of Fireworks Displacewas published in said newspaper in p uc p ', J~iy 4inr2ooa°Fi~eWio~s ~is- the issues of November 20, 2003. Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper tae contract shall be published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper bidderewh chhsaidsqual fibae bl th h ll has heretofore been continuousl ublished in said Palm Beach Count Florida, dail and Y P Y' Y e ena e bons s a awarding authority of the Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach ' er o l , in said Palm Beach Count ,Florida, fora eriod of one ear next recedin the first ublication Y P Y P g P n the f nancal respon- ti a sibility of the bidder, proven f ili of the attached cony of advertisement; and affiant further sa s that she/her has neither paid nor Y ac - skilfand experience, ties for performing the con- i t t promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the erq tract; 7srevrcus sat s a^ abuiti s of the bidder astWel purpose of securing this advertisement for publi tion in the said ne'w~paper. ~' enable him to pertorm effi- ciently the contract bid v l t ~ ,~ ~ ~ upon. The envelope containing the Bid shall be marked as fol- - lows: SEALED BID - ~ Fireworks Display Sworn to and subscribed before this 20 ' day of N tuber, A.D. 2003 BOPENEMDE _ TO 3:00 P.M., January 7, 2004 i hd hi ~. raw s No bidder may w t Bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening thereof. The Village reserves the right Personally known XX or Produced Identification to reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, andlor Type of Identification Produced make awards either as indi- vidual items or as a total combined bid, whichever it considers in the est interest of the Village, and to waive any informality in any pro- osal _ ... .. _ , .... __. .__-... _.- _...,ti.-R.~ . p Specifications and proposal ~4a~r s "`"` 2f ~ ~°'i ~ °~~ )'~h' 1 ` ` ~ blanks may be obtained by bona fide bidders upon lication at the office of a y E:~ 'v, : Wi iSS ~ n Cc sbtr^ pp the Village Manager, 501 rF^r i~ °' ~ ~ ,...... ,~ ~ ' h. a~ ~:r+ U.S. Highway 1, North Palm FL 33408 4906 h , ~ .~ rz r -,;av ~ v . , c _~ _ . ~_ ;,.~_-_. .. , - Beac THE VILLAGE OF _ _ NORTH PALM BEACH Dennis Redmond, 'Village Manager PUB: The Palm Beach Post November 20, 2003 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Bid Summary Sheet e Jul 4,2004 Fireworks Date Janua 7 2004 Time:3:00 m Number of Bids mailed 9 Date Advertised ~/A14-d.1 Department: Recreation Number of Bids received _3 Due Date 1/7/04 Account # A8229-34932 Vendors: Description Ba Fireworks Melrose P rotechnics Zambelli Internationale PO Box 912 PO Box 209 PO Box 1463 Syosset, NY 11791 Catawba, SC New Castle, PA 16103 Total 5% Bid D~ Village Per ne esent Vendors Present _ p~opo~d 9~a~. -~~ ~` Yf//pye Of Nord Pwla~ Baat~i FH~~~~~R~~ ~~~~~~~~R YFIREWORKS ~`~ ~ rsrrfltslTtl9 N fJTY D,ESCRlAfK1N _ _ _ _ _ --qf'Y -- OPENING FINALE CANDLES units /shots 1 .5" Multiple-Shot Finales Three-Inch Shells 1,200 150 15 mm Assorted Effect 30 mm Assorted Effect 45 / 360 15 / 120 Four -Inch Shells 20 45 mm Assorted Effect 15 / 120 Five-Inch Shells 5 60 mm Assorted Effect 10 / 80 Six-Inch Shells 3 Ei ht-Inch Shells 2 BODY OF PROGRAM MINES Three-Inch Shells 205 3" Multi-Effect Mines 15 C r_Ir-~r.h Ch~llr I GUI II Il..l I JI I~..IIJ 7AA LVV A~~ ~ A~ .I+~_C4f~..~+ ~ Air-~~n Y IVIUIII LIIGVI IVI11 IGJ i 5 Five-Inch Shells 150 5" Multi-Effect Mines 0 Six-;; I~h ShCIIJ ~ 40 MULTI-SHOT units /shots Ei ht-Inch Shells 45 4000 Shot Stars 3 / 12,000 Ten-Inch Shells 18 1000 Shot Whistles 4 / 4,000 100 Shot Crossettes 6 / 600 GRAND FINALE 1.5" Multi le-Shot Finales 2,200 FAN BARRAGE 30mm Crossettes 50 shot units /shots 4 / 200 Three-Inch Shells 1,200 30mm Stars & Whistles 50 4 / 200 Four -Inch Shells 50 60mm Bombettes 25 shot 4 / 100 Five-Inch Shells 27 60mm Crossettes 25 shot 4 / 100 Six-Inch Shells 27 60mm Mines & Stars 25 shot 4 / 100 Ei ht-Inch Shells 8 30mm Strobe Unit 750 Shot 2 / 1,500 Ten-Inch Shells 2