2004-021 Agrmt. w/PBC 800 MHz Radio Syst. - EMS Patient Carrier Agrmt.RESOLUTION 21-2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT PROVIDES TO THE VILLAGE INTEROPERABLE COMMUNICATIONS WITH INTER-GOVERNMENTAL BODIES, AGENCIES AND HOSPITALS ON THE COUNTY MHz TRUNKED RADIO SYSTEM; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County, Florida, attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement provides to the Village interoperable communications with inter-governmental bodies, agencies and hospitals on the county MHz trunked radio system. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County, Florida, set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF MARCH, 2004. (V~.llage Sep;) YO ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK /QACN c\ /~,`' ~2 ~~ ~ '~. \LORl~~ Facilities Development 6~ Operations Department X323 BeIVe•~°C° R,nar1 Building 503 1A~es*, Ya!.m Bearh, Fl, "53406 (561)233-020G FAX Adm (561)233-0206 PftEM: (561) 233-0210 CID. 1561)233-0270 www pbcgov com ^ Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners u3ran T, Marcus, Chair Tony Masilotti, Vice Chairman Jeff Koons Warren H Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equa! Gpportumty Ajfirma[ive Acfion Ernpl~wer September 25, 2003 Scott ~':~hite, L^.formation System Coordinator Village North Palm Beach 560 North Highway # 1 :Forth Palm Beach, Fl. 3304 Re: Countywide 800 MHz Radio Trunked Radio System -EMS Patient Carrier Agreement Dear Mr. Whyte, Attached please find three original EMS Patient Carrier agreements for consideration and approval by your Village Council. Please have all three signed by the Mayor, attested to by the Village Clerk and returned to me at the address on this stationary. Do not date the agreements, as they will be dated when approved by the Board of County Commissioners. When approved by the BCC, a fully executed original will be returned to you for the Village's files. We look forward to this partnership and if you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Au ey Wol~, Director Facilities Development & Operations attachments c: Robert Weisman, County Administrator (w/o attach) Phyllis Koch, Director Electronic Services and Security (w/o attach) M stem Administrator Bob Butterfield, Director Emergency Medical Services (w/o attach) Randy Sheppard, Deputy Chief, PBC Fire Rescue (w/o attach) Page 1 of 1 printed on recycled paper AGREEIl~ENT THIS AGPFEMF?~TT, made and entered into this day of X003, by and between PALM REACI-r COL~?vT~', a political siivuivisi0ii of tiie State of Florida ("County"] and the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation ("Village") WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the County and the Village are continually identifying more effective service delivery methods which result in overall savings to the taxpayers of the County and the City; and WHEREAS, the County has purchased, designed, installed, and operates an S00 MHz Trunked Radio System that meets the reeds of the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, Paim Beach County Emergency Medical Services, and various Palm Beach County general government agencies; and WHEREAS, the County and the Village have determined that the ability to provide interoperable communications is critical to the effective and efficient provision of public safety and general government services; and WHEREAS, it has been determined to be mutually beneficial to both Parties to execute this Agreement which sets forth the parameters under which the Village can access the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and the Common Talk Groups established on the County's Radio System to receive the public safetybenefit of interoperabilitywith County agencies and other municipalities; and WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, permits public agencies to enter into Agreements to jointly exercise any power, privilege or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately: NOW THEREFORE, in conjunction with the mutual covenants, promises and representations contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows. SECTION 1: PURPOSE 1.01 The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the parameters under which the County will provide access to the EMS and Common Talk Groups established on the County System specifically to provide interoperable communications among public safety and general government agencies capable of accessing this feature of the County System. This Agreement also identifies the conditions of ~!se and the abilih,, of the ~rllage to participate in the operational decisions relating to the use of the EMS and Common Talk Groups. North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 1 of 13 1.02 Definitions .~-~_ ~~mmon Ta?k Gro„ns:: alk br~uY~ esiaVllJinleU or. the County's comrtzuillcatloIiS SyStEtn that are made available to County A gencies, ii~i.iriicipaiitics and other non-County agencies for interoperable communications between agencies for the purpose of providing mutual _ assistance and planning and executing of on-scene operations. 1.022 County Talk-Groups: Talk groups established on the County's communication system that are made available to county agencies providing for inter-departmental communications. These talk groups are reserved for particular departments/agencies and only available to outside departments by separate agreements. 1.023 Village Equipment: Also l~^e~.vn as "agency radios", are ~~illage owned 80C MHz handheld and mobile radios and control stations that have the ability to be programmed and used on the County's 800 MHz Trunked Radio System. 1.024 EMS Talk Groups: Talk groups established on the County's communications system that are made available for emergency service personnel to communicate with hospitals in and around Palm Beach County 1.025 Microwave System: A communications system utilizing frequencies in the microwave range to route audio and control signals between sites in a multi-site communications system. 1.026 Prime Site: The location of the COUNTY'S SmartZoneTM Controller. 1.027 Radio Alias: The unique name assigned to an operators radio that displays on the dispatchers console when a radio transmits. 1.028 SmartZone Controller: The SmartZone Controller is the central computer that controls the operation of the County's 800 MHz Trunked Radio System. The SmartZone Controller manages access to system features, functions, and talk-groups. 1.029 S sy tem: The 800 MHz Trunked Radio System funded, purchased, installed, maintained and owned by the County. The system includes fixed transmitting and receiving equipment, a microwave system for communications between sites, system control and management equipment, dispatch consoles, a SmartZone controller located at the prime site, and other related equipment. 1.030 System Administrator: An employee within the County's Communication Division of the Department of Facilities Develonment& QnerationS nenart7lient responsible fnr day to day administration and management of the System and the County's designated contact person pursuant to various sections of this agreement. North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 2 of 13 SECTION 2: Ail1~NISTI2 d~'TI(11V ~~i' Ti-~F r~1TT~T'T~1~S ~,.~Q i~~~jZ SYSTEi:~ Al:'L vSE PROCEDURES 2.01 The Palm ;;each Coun~y Communicatiens Division is charged with responsibility for administering the System. Within the Communications Division a position with the title of 800 MHz System Administrator will be the City's day to day contact and can be reached at 561-233-4417. The Communications Division is staffed from 8:OOam to S:OOpm, Monday through Friday, excluding County holidays. After hours emergency contact will be made through the County's Fire Rescue Dispatch Center on 561-712-6550 and the appropriate contact will be made. 2.02 The Network Administration Plan, Attachment I, identifies the general procedures for the management of the systerr~ a;,d Nrocedures for input t1^uougt~ the user committees info operating procedure development. The plan establishes the Countywide Radio Steering Committee (CRSSC) who is responsible for overseeing and implementing the policies and procedures for the County's 800 MHz Trunl:ed Radio System. 2.03 The Village shall follow all policies and standard operating procedures in place at the time of this Agreement and those developed pursuant to Attachment II and issued to the Village by the System Administrator. The Village agrees to comply with any enforcement actions required by these policies and procedures for mis-use or abuse of the County System. SECTION 3: 800 MHz AND MICROWAVE SYSTEM 3.01 The County 800 MHz Trunked Radio System and Microwave System consists often (l0) 800 MHz transmit and receive sites with eo-located microwave equipment and three (3) microwave only sites that provide network connectivity as well as the ability to interconnect with co-located County owned dispatch equipment. 3.02 The County 800 MHz Trunked Radio System and Microwave System provides seamless County-Wide portable and mobile radio coverage for the EMS and Common Talk Groups. The radio coverage for the EMS and Common Talk Groups is identical to that of other County Talk Groups that reside on the County 800 MHz Trunked Radio System. SECTION 4: Village EQUIPMENT AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4.01 The City's equipment will be 800 MHz. mobile, portable, and control station equipment programmed to be used on the County's 800 MHz Trunked Radio System. The equipment used will be compatible with Motorola 800 MHz SmartNet and/or SmartZone communication systems. The Village wall lie TPgl.+ired tL' keep i±s equipment in proper operating condition and the Village is responsible for maintenance of their radio equipment. 4.02 The Village will cnly program the Co«umon Talk Groups and the individual unit ID numbers assigned by the System Administrator as part of this Agreement. The use of other talk North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 3 of 13 groups authorized by the County or authorized by another Village will be addressed by a separate agreement. The Village will not program into its radios operational talk groups of other agencies without a letter of authorzatior, or a signed agreertient from that agency. 4.03 The Village shall provide the County with a list of persons/positions which are authorized to request activating/deactivating existing units or new units. No programming will be undertaken by the Village or its service provider until requested and approved in writing by the System Administrator. 4.04 The Village shall receive certain access codes to the County's System and shall be responsible to safe guard the code infnn„ation from release to unauthcrized partiES and such codes shall be treated as confidential information. Service staff directly employed by the Village shall be considered autho,-;zed to receive access and programming codes for the maintenance of the City's radio equipment. 4.05 Commercial maintenance service providers are not considered authorized to receive access orprogramming codes for the County system. If the Village does not have employees capable of programming Village radio equipment or prefers to have others program Village radio equipment, it may request that the Palm Beach County Sheriff s Office, Palm Beach County Communications, or Palm Beach County Fire Rescue program Village radio equipment under the terms of a separate agreement. 4.051 If the Village uses a commercial service provider to program Village radio equipment at the time of execution of this Agreement and desires that the commercial service provider program the Village radio equipment with the Common Talk Groups, the Village must submit its existing contract with the commercial service provider to the System Administrator for review. The review will focus on whether the contract terms between the Village and the commercial service provider are adequate to protect the County's radio system from mis-use, harm or release of access and programming codes to unauthorized persons. Notwithstanding the previous statement, the County retains the right, in its sole opinion with or without written reason or cause, to approve the use of a commercial service provider. If approved, the System Administrator will release the access and programming codes to the commercial service provider. The Village will be responsible for ensuring that the commercial service provider adheres to the terms of this Agreement pertaining to the proper use of the programming codes and radio equipment use. If not approved, the Village shall use either the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office or Palm Beach County Communications Division to program Village radio equipment with Common Talk Groups. 4.052 If the Village intends on using a commercial service provider to program Village radio equipment with the Common Talk Groups, the Village shall submit the appropriate bid documents/con pact to the System Administrator for approval prior to soliciting a bid or quote from the commercial service provider. The System North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last tipdate - 09/25!03 1334 Page 4 of 13 Administrator will work with the Village to develop the appropriate larb.:age for the contract which will allow for approval of the commercial service provider. Notwithstanding the previous CtatPiTtPn,, the .roam, retains the right, in its sole opinion with or without written reaser.:,r ;,cruse, tc approve the use of a commercial service provider. If approved, the System Administrator will release the access and programming codes to the commercial service provider. The Village will be responsible for ensuring that the commercial service provider adheres to the terms of this Agreement pertaining to the proper use of the programming codes and radio equipment use. If not approved, the Village shall use either the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office orPalm Beach County Communications Division to program Village radio equipment with Common Talk Groups. 4.06 The Village is solely responsible for the pe:-fo:7nance and the operation of Village equiprne,~t and any damages or liability resulting from the use thereof. Should the County identify malfunctioning Village owned equipment, the County will request the Village to discontinue use of the specific device until repairs are completed. The County may, at it's discretion, disable the equipment from the system after properly notifying the Village in writing if the device is causing interference to the system. 4.07 In the case of stolen or lost equipment, the contact person identified in Section 4.04 will notify the System Administrator by e-mail or fax authorizing the System Administrator to disable the equipment. The authorization shall provide the County issued individual unit ID number and the serial number of the radio. The System Administrator will advise back via e-mail when the radio has been disabled. A request by the Village to re-activate a disabled radio will also be required in writing by e-mail or fax to the System Administrator. SECTION 5 SUBSCRIBER UNIT INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY VILLAGE 5.01 The Village will be required to provide to the County an initial inventor} of the radios that are proposed to be programmed for use of the Common Talk Groups. The Village will provide the following information to the County: 1. Radio manufacturer and model numbers 2. Radio serial numbers 3. Requested Aliases to be programmed. The System Administrator will then compile this information and transmit back to the Village a matrix of the County-Wide talk groups, aliases, and radio ID numbers prior to the City's radios being activated on the County's 800 MHz system. The Village is responsible for adhering to the Talk-Group and Radio ID allocations assigned by th_e System Administrator. North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 5 of 13 SECTION 6: COiT1v'ry RESPO?vSIRILITIES ~.(D 1 Thr COU11t~~ sha?: be responsible ~r the maintenance and operation of the County Radio S;~stem. 6.02 The County shall be responsible for all permitting, licensing, and fees associated with the operation of the County Radio System. 6.03 The County shall maintain the coverage within the County boundaries as described in the County's contract with Motorola R98-2006D throughout the term of this Agreement except for times of scheduled preventative mairtena.^ce, 'vL'hirC It wlii be requi; ed io disable portions of the network for apre-determined length of time or during times of system failures. Pursuant ±o the adopted System maintenance procedures, the village will be notified of scheduled preventive maintenance. SECTION ?: UTILIZATION OF LMS Al.'D COM1~iON TALK GROUP 7.01 The EMS Talk Groups were implemented specifically for emergency medical communications between the emergency providers and hospitals in and around Palm Beach County. The usage of the talk groups are defined below. 7.011 Scenario of Usage 1. A field unit requesting communication with a hospital will request communication with a hospital through the Palm Beach County EMS Dispatch Center on the MED Control Talk Group. 2. The EMS Dispatch Center will assign the unused MED Talk Group and request the field unit switch to the appropriate MED Talk Group. 3. The EMS Disptach Center will contact the hospital and perform a console patch between the Hospital Talk Group and the corresponding MED Talk Group uniting the field unit and the hospital. The units will commence communication with dispatch intervention. 4. At the conclusion of the communication, the Dispatch Center will break the patch between the talk groups and return the MED Talk Group back to the pool for other users. 7.02 The Common Talk Groups were implemented specifically for inter-agency communication among multiple agencies, regardless of their specific discipline or affiliation. They were also created to allow communications between agencies without requiring cross-programming operational talk groups in each agencies radios. Proper usage of the Common Talk Groups are defined below. North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 6 of 13 7.021 Scenario of usage: 1. .y '..nit requesting t:, coordi„ate a mulii-junsuictionai operation or call for mutual assistance, places a call on the Call Talk Group for the appropriate discipline (ie. Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, or Local Government) to the dispatch center of the required agency(ies). 2. The responding dispatch center assigns one of the Common Talk Groups to the requesting unit and contacts its agency's unit(s) and request the user switch to the corresponding talk Po„p. 3. The participating units would cor:,mur,icate on the Common Talk Group(s) and upon completion of the operation, the talk-group is cleared of all radio traffic and put back into the pool for other agencies. 7.022 Examples of approved usage for Common Talk Group are following: Working talk group for multiple agencies fighting a fire together. 2. Coordination during a police chase through multiple jurisdictions. 3. Coordination during disaster recovery. 4. Coordination for a special event which requires participation of multiple agencies and disciplines. (i.e.. undercover operations, investigations, perimeter communications, fire ground coordination, etc.) 5. Coordination for scene security and establishment of landing zone for aircraft. In addition, the Common Talk Groups could be used by any agency experiencing catastrophic failures of their own communication system for a predetermined amount of time. A request to utilize the Common Talk Groups for this situation requires permission of the System Administrator. Once approved by the System Administrator, the Common Talk Groups could be temporarily utilized until repair of the agency's communication system is complete. 7.03 The Common Talk Groups shall not be used for every-day routine communications. 7.031 Examples of improper use are the following: 1. As an extra talk group for agencies that have cross programming agreements and duplicate talk groups programmed into their radios. North Palm Beach EMS Agmt `- Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 7 of 13 2. To provide an extra working talk-group for a single agency supporting a special event or operation. (i.e.. undercover operations, investigations, perimeter communications, nre ground coordination, etc. j 3. As an additional dispatch, administrative, or car-to car talk-group for use by a single agency. SECTION 8: INDEIIINIFICATION AhID LIABILITY The County makes nn representations about the desi~: ar capabilities of the County Systeii-. The Village has decided to enter into this Agreement and use the County's system on the basis of having interoperabilitywlth the County atid~'or other municipalities during times of mutual aid anchor joint operations. The System is designed to assist qualified law enforcement, fire, and other emergency service professionals. It is not intended to be a substitute for the exercise of judgement or supervision of these professionals. Both parties acknowledge that the responsibility for providing law enforcement, fire, or other emergency services rests with the Village which is providing such service and not with the other party to the InteroperabilityAgreetnent. Each party shall be liable for its own actions and negligence and, to the extent permitted by law, the Village shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County against any actions, claims or damages arising out of the City's negligence in connection with this Agreement, and County shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Village against any actions, claims, or damages arising out of the County's negligence in connection with this Agreement. The foregoing indemnification shall not constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity beyond the limits set forth in Florida Statutes 768.28, nor shall the same be construed to constitute agreement by either party to indemnify the other for such other party's negligent, willful or intentional acts or omissions. The terms and conditions of this Interoperability Agreement incorporate all the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the parties to each other. The remedies provided herein are exclusive. The County and the Village waive all remedies with respect to each other, including, but not limited to, consequential and incidental damages, but this waiver shall not apply to third parties. The County agrees to use its best reasonable efforts to provide the Village with full use of the Common Talk Groups but makes no guarantee as to the continual, uninterrupted use of the radio communication system, or its fitness for the communication needs of the City. SECTION 9: OWNFI2SI-IIp OF ASSETS All assets maintained under Section 4 of this Agreement will remain assets of the Village at all times. All other assets involved in the 8C0 MI€z Trunked Radio System and Microwave Systems will remain the County's. North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 8 of 13 SECTION 1Q: TER1N ()F AGRFE?~IENT The itlitiai ter::l ~f this P,~,eemert is for li'v'e (-~') years or until tI1C certlIlCate Of need 20r the Village is .,;, l;,nger valid, wuicil ever comes first. The Agreement may be renewed for three (5) year term thereafter. At least eight months prior to the expiration of this Agreement's term, the Village shall provide the County with a request to renew this Agreement. Such Renewal Amendment will require approval of both parties and the County may not unreasonably withhold its approval of the Renewal Amendment. SECTION 11: AMENDMENTS TO THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement maybe amended from time to time by written amendment by al] parties. SECTION il: TERMINATION This Agreement can be terminated by either party, with or without cause upon 10 days written notice. Upon request of termination by the City, the System Administrator will proceed to disable the City's radios from the County's System. It will be the responsibility of the Village to reprogram the City's radios removing the County's System information from the radios. The Village will complete reprogramming the City's radios within 30 days of the date of termination. SECTION 13: NOTICES Any notice given pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and done by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. The effective date of such notice shall be the date of receipt, as evidenced by the Return Receipt. All notices shall be addressed to the following: As to the County: County Administrator 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Director, Facilities Development & Operations 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 503 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 North Palm Beach EMS Agmt `" Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 9 of 13 With a copy to: 800 N1HZ System Admi~lisS ~tr.Jr 3323 Belvedere Rd. Building 506 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 County Attorney's Office 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 As to the City: Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach 501 US Highway # 1 North Palm Beach, Fl. 33408 Village Director of Public Safety Village of North Palm Beach 560 US Highway # 1 Worth Palm Beach, Fi. 33408 SECTION 14: APPLICABLE LAW/ENFORCEMENT COSTS This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. SECTION 15: FILING A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County. SECTION 16: ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement and any Attachments attached hereto and forming a part thereof as if fully set forth herein, constitute all agreements, conditions and understandings between the County and Village concerning access to the Common Talk Groups, All representations, either oral or written, shall be deemed to be merged into this Agreement, except as herein otherwise provided, no subsequent alteration, waiver, change or addition to this Agreement shall be binding upon County or Village unless reduced to writing and signed by them. SECTION 17: DELEGATION OF DUTY Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the delegation of the Constitutional or Statutory duties of County or Village officers. North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 10 of 13 SECTION 18: CONP'IDENTLaLITY 1 S'~ 1 Count;" ' E`:ng~,-i'es and acK,.;ov; ledges t hat, by virtue of entering info this Agreement and provld~rg the ser:~ices to Vii;age 1-ierrunder, County may have access to certain. information of Village that is confidential and constitutes valuable, special and unique property of City. County agrees that County will not at any time, either during or subsequent to the term of this Agreement, disclose to others, use, copy or permit to be copied, without City's express prior written consent, except pursuant to County's duties hereunder, any confidential or proprietary information of City, including, but not limited to, information which concerns Facility's patients, costs, or treatment methods developed by Village for Facility, and which is not otherwise available to the nublir_._ This prevision is in no way intended to liiiiit Paitu Beach County Fire Rescue's use of such information to comply with its role as an EMS provider. 18.02 Coun~y shall not disclose to any third party, except where permitted or required by law or where such disclosure is expressly approved by Village in writing, any patient or medical record information regarding Facility patients, and Counrv shall comply with all federal and State laws and regulations, and all bylaws, rules, regulations, and policies of Village and Facility regarding the confidentiality of such information. County acknowledges that in receiving or otherwise dealing with any records or information from Village about Facility's patients receiving treatment for alcohol or drug abuse, County is fully bound by the provisions of the federal regulations governing Confidentiality ofAlcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records (42 C.F.R. Part 2, as amended from time to time.) This provision is in no way intended to limit Palm Beach County Fire Rescue's use of such information to comply with its role as an EMS provider. 18.03 County agrees to comply with the applicable provisions ofthe Administrative Simplification section of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as codified at 42 U.S.C. section 1320d though d-8 ("HIPAA"), and the requirements of any regulations promulgated thereunder including without limitation the federal privacy regulations as contained in 45 C.F.R. Part 164 (the "Federal Privacy Regulations") and the federal security standards as contained in 45 C.F.R. Part 142 (the "Federal Security Regulations"), when it becomes applicable to County, County agrees not to use or further disclose any protected health information, as defined in 45 C.F.R. 164.501, concerning a patient, obtained from the City, other than as permitted by this Agreement or the requirements of HIPAA or regulations promulgated under HIPAA including without limitation the Federal Privacy Regulations and the Federal Security Regulations. County will implement appropriate safeguards to prevent the use or disclosure of a patient's Protected Health Information other than as provided for by this Agreement or the requirements of HIPAA or regulations promulgated under HIPAA. County will promptly report to Village and Facility any use or disclosure of a patient's Protected Health Information not provided for by this Agreement or in violation of H r~A, the Federal Privacy Regulations, or the Federal Security Regulations of which County becomes aware. In the event County, with City's approval, contracts with any agents to whom County provides a patient's Protected Health Information obtained from the City, County shall include provisions in such agreements Lvhereby County agrees to the same North Palm Beach EMS Agmt `- Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 11 of 13 restrictions and conditions that apply to Co>>nty with respect to s„Ch patient's Protected Health Information. County will make its internal practices, books, and records relating to the use and disclosure of a Patient's Protected Healtu :rformati~n available to t ie J2cretar-y of iTealrh and HL:r:1an Ser`.'lces t`J the eXt~:iit requusrd fGr deterrr~iring compliance with the Federal Privacy Regulations and the Federal Security Regulations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no attorney-client, accountant-client, or other legal privilege shall be deemed waived by County, Village or Facility by virtue of this Subsection. This provision is in no way intended to limit Palm Beach County Fire Rescue's use of such information to comply with its role as an EMS provider. 18.04 The provisions of this Section 22 shall survive exniratio_n_ or other terrninat;r,n of this Agreement, regardless of the cause of such termination. the remainder of this page intentionally left blank North Palm Beach EMS Agmt Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 12 of 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above ::'^tten. ATTEST: DOROTHY H. WILKEN By: Deputy Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By: Assistant County Attorney ATTEST: . ~~ / ~ y --- -- illage Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Village Attorney PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: Karen T Marcus, Chair APPROVED AS TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS By: Director Facilities Dev & Ops VII.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH B: Dona d G. oel, Mayor Mayor (Printed Name) C^~Documents and SettingslAudrey WoIP'~fy DocumentsVvfy Documents\800 MHz\npb ems agent wpd North Palm Beach EMS Agent Last Update - 09/25/03 1334 Page 13 of 13 Attaciunent i rALivl BEACH C;Gt1~1v T Y~ 000 ivi%iz ttADiO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM _ POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 2002 Last Revision Policy /Procedure Title Date 1. Countywide Use of 800 MHz System (O.P. # I-O1) Oct. 1, 2001 2. Countywide Use of 800 MHz System Talk Groups (O.P. # I-04) Oct. 1, 2001 3. Monitoring and Evaluatior, of 800 MHz System Talk C*roups (O.P. # I-OS) OCi. i, 2001 4. 800 MHz Emergency Medical Communications (O.P. # I-06) Oct. 1, 2001 5. Reporting of Problems and Modifications of the 800 MHz System (O.P. ,# I-07) Oct, 1, 2001 6. Countywide Use of 800 MHz System During Times of Catastrophic Failure, which Oct. 1, 2001 result in non-trunking "conventional" operation (O.P. # I-10) 7. Network Maintenance and Administration Plan Jun. 6, 2002 Page 1 of 1 PALf~ ~ACH COUNTY Talk Group and Unit ID Ranges Range Talk Group Talk Group Range Range Start End 1 800001 800507 2 800508 800511 3 800512 801535 4 801536 802559 5 802560 804095 800 MHz System TALK -GROUF' /UNIT ALLOCAT~i~~~J TABLE ~- Radio ID Talk Group Range Quantity Modulation Start 253 Digital 700000 2 Res. for Sys. 708128 512 Resd. Future 708192 512 Analog 724576 768 Analog 740960 Radio ED Range Radi~~ ID End Quantity 708127 6127 708191 63 724575 16383 740959 1 Ei383 763535 22575 Revised: 08/31!03 PALIv~ -ACH COUNTY . , ~ ,, ;r z ~ ..r~, « . ~;, yy ~ F`4•, TALK AGENCY•~.:..:, ~~s~.~::T i *',-++ ~:~# x~ :~ PREFU ANOUNCEMENT GROUPS ANOUNCEMENT GROUPS PALM BEACH COUNTY AGEIVCIES Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office PBSO Palm Beach Count~i Sheriffs Office PBSO Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue PBFR Palm Beach County EMS PBEMS Palm Beach Count~l'ublic Wolics PBPW Palm Beach Count~Public Works PBPW NORTH COUNTY GROUP Town of Juno Beach Town of Jupiter Town of Jupiter Inlet Colon Town of Lake Park Village of North Palm Beac City of Palm Beach (;arrlan NORTH CENTRAL GROUP Town of Cloud Lake Ciry of Glen Ridge Town of Mangonia Park Town of Palm Beach Ciry of Palm Beach Shores City of Riviera Beach ~`•.~r' Ci of West Palm Beach SOUTH CENTRAL GROUP Ciry of Atlantis _ City of Greenacres Town of Haverhill Town of Ci of L Town of TJB TJ P TJIC TLP NPE CGR CRB Total ital Ana Dlgll Anal Anal Anal An Ana TLCS Anal CLW Aral TLA Anal n;.:> :.... 800 MHz System TALK -GROUP J UNIT ALLOCATI~_~i ~ TABLE= 2048 Total: 4E1000 ' TALK GRP TALK GRP ~ ~ _ s stem IimW~ on ALLOCATION START ~ ~ •: E UNIT ID UNIT lD A . ND ^;r ALLOCATIOW START END NOTES 50 801537 50 800001 801635 8 N/A __ N!A _ N/A 00099 N/A _ N/A NIA 250 50 120 801637 800101 802137 802135 800199 ~ 6000 _ 1000 724576 700000_ 730575 700999 _ 1 1 50 100 Unassi ned 2 802377 802477 800293 802375 802475 802675 800345 3000 1000 4500 100 730576_ 733576_ 734576 708027 733575 734575 739075 708127 1 _ 1 1 5 802677 30 802687 802685 _ 100 739076 739175 7 2 802747 802745 _ 600 739176 739775 _ 7 20 802751 802749 _ 40 739776 739815 7 10 802791 _ 802789 400 739916 740215 3,6 60 10 802811 802931 802809 802929 _ 200 1200 740216 _ 740416 740415 741615 7 3,6` 802949 200 741616 741815 8 2 802951 2 802955 802953 40 741816 741855 5 3 802959 802957 4U 741856 741895 5 25 802965 802963 60 741896 741955 7 3 30 803015 803021 803013 803019 500 60 741956 742456 742455 742515 3,6 5 TALK GRP ~'` - TALK GRP 803079 •=' ~ ' 600 742516 743115 7 ALLOCATION 100 START ' 803081 r ~ END ~ '_ a' .. 8 UNIT ID ALLOCATION UNIT ID A START END NOTES 03279 __ 2010 743116 745125 7 3 80328 7 1 803287 803285 60 _ 745126 745185 7 2 803301 803299 _ 140 _ 745186 745325 7 3 803305 803303 _ 40 745326 745365 5 2 803311 803309 __ 60 _ 745366 745425 5 30 803315 803313 _ 40 745426 745465 __ 7 5 803375 803373 600 _745466 746065 7 803383 _ 100 _ 746066 746165 2 Revised: Ofi/31/03 PALM "~ACH COUNTY Town of Manala an Villa a of Palm S rin s Villa a of Ro al Palm Beach Town of South Palm Beach _ Villa a of Wellin ton _ SOUTH COUNTY GROUP TMN VPS RPB SPB VOW Analog Analo Analo Anal Analo 800 M 2 6 18 2 10 Hz System 803385 803389 803401 803437 803441 TALK 803387 - 803399 803435 803439 803459 -GROUP /UNIT ALLOCAT~1~..,,~9 ~ 40 74Ei166 746205 7 12 0 746206 746325 2 - 360 746326 746685 7 _ 40 746686 746725 7 _ 200 74Ei726 746925 S TABLE Ciry of Boca Raton Cary of Boca Raton City of Boynton Beach Cary of Boynton Beach Ci of Boynton Beach Town of Briny Breezes Ciry of Delray Beach City of Delray Beach Village of Golf ._ Town of Gulf Stream Town of Highland Beach Town of Ocean Ridge WEST COUNTY GROUP CBR CBR CBB CBB CBB TBB CDB CDB VOG TGS THB TOR Anal Di ital Analo Di ital Di ital Analo Analo Di ital Analo Anal Analo Analo 40 40 26 32 8 _ 20 46 2 2 2 5 803461 800365 803541 800445 800347 _ 803593 800201 803753 803757 803761 803765 803539 800443 803591 800507 800363 803631 800291 803755 803759 803763 803773 _ _ 800 _ 800 _ 520 _ 800 _ 400 920 40 _ 40 _ 40 100 - 74Ei926 701000 74]726 701800 _ 748246 702600 749846 749886 749926 749966 747725 701799 748245 702599 748645 703519 749885 749925 749965 750065 3 3 4 3 6 ~5 2 5 7 - City of Belle Glade C~ of Pahokee _ City of South Bay - CBG CPK CSB Anal Analo Anal 18 4 4 803775 803811 803819 803809 803817 803825 __ _ 360 _ 80 _ 80 750066 750426 750506 750425 750505 750585 7 7 2i Revised: 08!31 /03 PALIV~, `-"EACH COUNTY 800 MHz System 1. Allotment based on infor-nalion provided for fleet mapping and unit quantities in project SOW. 2. Allotment Dased on January 1998 survey. 3. Allotment based on information provided for fleet mapping. 4. Included with Ocean Ridge. 5. No information available. Talk group and unit ID alblmenl estimated. 6. Units per talk group less than 20 unfl standard based on unit information provide in January 1998 survey. 7. Allotment based on quantities from January 2000 survey B. These agencies will utilize the 'Comrnon Talk Groups' for communications. 9. Bolded ID Is ttN last block ssslpn~ed ' Indicates break In sequence denoting reserve of assigned talk groups and unit IDs. File: G BOOMMzUalk group -unit 10 eNora6on.Mb3 TALK -GFZOUP' UNIT ALLOCATIvt J TABLE. Revised: 08/31 /03 10096 growth over life of system (or all agencies. Talk Groups assigned for every 20 units (or public safety and every 30 for public works. Only odd numbered talk groups are assigned. Unit ID assignments are limited l0 48,000 due to system capacity. Notes: ' ;~~ ~~i _ \~ a~ ~:d ~~2~~/ PALM BEACH COUNTY 800 MHZ RADIO SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERL'ICES COiLiiLILTiICA T IONS Purpose: The purpose of this white paper is to establish the normal and emergency back up operating procedures as well as establish talk groups to be utilized by the Emergency Medical Service providers operating on the Palm Beach County 800 MHz Trunked Radio System (TRS). It is the intent of Palm Beach County to convert the EMS communications to the new 800 MHz TRS in use by Palm Beach County to be completed by January 2004. Upon completing this conversion it is the intent to deconstruct the existing VHF (HEAR) system and to configure the UHF system in a modified format to provide Florida State EMS Requirements as well as Emergency back up requirements for the Palm Beach County EMS providers. The county will maintain the following UHF Med Channels; Med Channel 8 for SMC communications, Med Channel 1 for North County back up communications, Med Channel 3 for South County back up communications, and Med Channel 4 for Central & Western County back up communications. The back up communications system will only be used in the event of a failure of the 800 MHz TRS or in the event a disaster situation dictates the use of these channels. System Description: The Palm Beach County 800 MHz TRS consist of 28 channels transmitting simulcast from ten tower sites and provides portable radio coverage in medium density buildings throughout Palm Beach County. Palm Beach County Fire/Rescue Communications Center (MedCom) will be the dispatch point for all EMS communications throughout Palm Beach County. The EMS communications, over the 800 MHz TR_:S, was designed to mirror the operations of the existing EMS communications on the UHF system. Two Med Control Talkgroups (a programmed group of radio users synonymous with "channel" in a conventional radio system) and Ten Med talkgroups will be established and programmed into all field unit radios designated MedControl 1, 2 and Med 3 through Med 12. Primary utilization shall be as follows: MedControl 1 Primary calling channel for EMS providers of Palm Beach County F/R Command Calling channel for al! PBC Fire Rescue Units I:~Ied~' - I:~Ied12 Tactical channels for assi ent as needed throu ~ ghoul Palm Beach County Each hospital with an emergency room shall be equipped with an 800 MHz control station programmed with an individual Hospital talkgroup, the talkgroups for the other hospitals, and the16 interagency talkgroups established on the 800 MHz franked radio system for interoperability. An Inter-Hospital tall:group will also be set up solely for communications between hospitals. Use of the interagency talkgroups and the inter-hospital talkgroup shall be limited to emergency communication made necessary by natural or man made disasters. Each hospital with an emergency room will also have a UHF control station to provide capabilities required by the State EMS COnLTillrilcatinpc Plarn ,awe , li , .ve.. as E,~.crgercy SacK up communications in the event the 800 MHz system fails. The UI~ base station will have ?!,led rl;z:,;,el o cott;,~,.u.ed as an RF controi station (468.1750 MHz Tx, 463.1750 MHz Rx a CTCSS of 167.9 Hz) and a second Med Channel assigned based on the geographic location of the hospital within the county (see page 3). Palm Beach County will maintain Med Channel 8 repeater system throughout the county for the Statewide Medical Coordination requirements. The County will also maintain three other Med Channel repeaters on a geographic area assignment. These channels will be utilized should the 800 MHz system fail. Med Channel 1 will be maintained in the north area, Med Channel 3 will be maintained in the south area and Med Channel 4 will be maintained in the central ?z western areas ofPaim Beach County. Each rescue vehicle will be equipped with an 800 MHz mobile radio for communications on the 800 MHz Trunked Radio System. A!1 rescue units will also maintain their UHF high power mobile radios, as required by *.he State of Florida EMS Plan. In order to provide communications with al] emergency medical service providers during the cutover from UHF to the 800 MHz system, the existing EMS U?IF Channels shall be Hard Patched to the corresponding 80C ifilz EMS tailCgroups. By hard patching the UHF channels to the S00 MHz talkgroups, all the radios on either system will hear all communications on both systems. Normal OoeratinQ Procedures• When an emergency medical services unit from Palm Beach County Fire Rescue determines the need to communicate with a hospital, that unit shall notify the Fire Rescue Communications Center (MedCom) via the Fire Rescue Command 2C Talkgroup. Other EMS service providers shall contact MedCom on MedControl 1 or 2. MedCom will designate a Med Talkgroup and request the oral "standby" on that talkgroup. Fire Rescue Dispatch will then call alert (tone alert) the appropriate hospital and patch the designated Med Talkgroup to the Hospital Talkgroup. Upon completion of the exchange between the emergency unit and the hospital, Fire Rescue Dispatch will disengage the talkgroup patch. Statewide Medical Coordination (SMC) Procedure In the event that an out of the area vehicle is unable to access MedCom or a Hospital using the Palm Beach County 800 MHz TRS, the following procedure shall control. When an emergency medical services unit, which is out of its area of operation, determines the need to communicate with a hospital in Palm Beach County, that unit shall notify MedCom via the UHF Med8 channel. The MedCom operator will designate a hospital and have the unit standby. The MedCom operator will then call alert the appropriate hospital and patch, via the Motorola console system, a UHF Med Channel, dependant on the geographical location of the EMS unit, with the hospital talkgroup. Upon completion of the exchange between the emergency unit and the hospital the MedCom operator will disengage the Med Channel to hospital talkgroup patch. Emer encv nr Rack rr., vrocedurc. In the event the 800 MHz System were to fail the following procedure shall control: MedCom will notify all the hospital emergency facilities to switch to the Emergency Back-Up Control Station. At this time the hospitals will switch their primary operations from the 800 MHz System to the UHF channel assigned to its area. If a field unit from Palm Beach County determines the need to communicate with a hospital that unit shall contact the hospital directly on the geographically assigned ,.._ UHF Med Channel. If an EMS unit from outside of the area determines the need to communicate with a hospital they shall call MedCom on UHF Med Channel 8. MedCom will inform the field user of the appropriate I:~;ed Channel and rep nest T{1P iinlt Contact the .~,C ltal vii ~ ''' q sp that charu-te,. r,iviS dispatch and hospital emergency room procedures shall include these failure mode prxed;:res. Regional EMS channel assignments are as follows: NORTH UHF MED CH 1 Jupiter P.B.Gardens St. Mary's Good Samaritan VA Medical Center Columbia SOUTH UHF MED CH 3 Bethesda Boca West Boca Delray JFK WEST UHF MED CH 4 Columbia Palms West Wellington Glades General The dividing lines for these regional assignments within Palm Beach County are, north of Southern Blvd will be the northern region, south of Southem Blvd will be the southern region and west of SR 44i will be the western region. State Required EMS Communications Confieurations• The following are the specific EMS communications requirements delineated by the State of Florida EMS Communications Plan and how chose requirements are being met by this procedure • Vehicle Dispatch and Response (VDR) On notification of need for emergency medical assistance, the communications system must enable prompt dispatch of EMS vehicles to the location of the emergency. The communications system must ftuTher enable dispatchers to communicate with responding vehicles while en route to the scene, while at the scene, while en route to hospital emergency facilities, and during their return to availability for further assignment. This function will be provided by the 800 MHz Trunked Radio System on the Med Control 1 & 2 dispatch talkgroups and the Fire Rescue Command talkgroup. • Local Medical Coordination (LMC) The EMS communications system must provide EMS field personnel with a channel of communications which permits the exchange of vital information between both EMS field personnel and emergency department personnel while the patient is at the scene of the medical emergency and while en route to an emergency department facility. This function will be provided by the 800 MHz Trunked Radio System utilizing the ten Med talkgroups designated Med3 -Med 12. • Local Scene Coordination (LSC) The E* :S co... urucations sysicrn must have the capability for mobile and portable radios of the same local area to communicate directly while on the scene of an emergency requiring multiple vehicle response. This function is provided by an 800 MHz simplex frequency of 867.2250 MHz that wil! be programmed into all portable radios in use by the EMS and Rescue field units. • Pi'ICdlcal ReSOi1Ti•F i nnrn:.^.2!:~r~ (^:)!:C~ The EMS communications system must provide for w,*?less coordiratio^ of EMS resource; between hospitals, providers and dispatch centers for response to a disaster or mass casualty incident.. Telephone lines between dispatch centers can be used for resource coordination during normal operations; however, radio commtutications are needed during situations following hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, etc., when telephone lines are inoperative or when telephone central office switching facilities are jammed or disabled. This function is provided by the UHF Med 8 Repeater system to be maintained at the county tower sites. Control stations will be placed at the hospitals, at the dispatch center, and mobile radios will be maintained for use in the rescue and EMS service vehicles. ' • Statewide Medical Coordination (SMCI The FMS cor:.murications system must provide a communications channel to enable rdedical Coordination between EMS field personnel and emergency department personnel during situations in which a vehicle is out of its prime area and unable to access an emergency department using the LMC channel of that area. This function is provided by the UHF Med8 Repeater channel and the UHF Med channels assigned by region, for vehicles entering Palm Beach County. • Statewide Scene Coordination (SSC) The EMS communications must have the capability for mobile and portable radios from different local areas to communicate directly while on the scene of an emergency requiring multiple vehicle response. This function is provided by Talk Around on the UHF Med 8 Channel in the mobile radios for Rescue and EMS vehicles responding to situations in adjacent counties or for vehicles from outside Palm Beach County responding to an emergency within Palm Beach County.