2004-042 Bid Award for Re-roofing Public Services Main BuildingRESOLUTION 42-2004 U A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF ROOFING CONCEPTS UNLIMITED, POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,192, FOR RE -ROOFING OF PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT MAIN BUILDING; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED FROM A4200-09300 (BANK LOAN) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Roofing Concepts Unlimited, Pompano Beach, Florida, in the amount of $40,192, for re -roofing of Public Services Department Main Building is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, in accordance with its terms. The monies are to be expended from A4200-09300 (Bank Loan). The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd DAY OF JULY, 2004. A C7 all! 2, W-MR.40,�' i Re -Roof Public Services Main Building PRICE SCHEDULE — LUMP SLIM CONTRACT All bids shall be submitted based upon the folloawOptions. d l One of theative matena-I following Options proposals shall not be considered prior to Contract or of Public Sert��ces and shall become the contract shall be chosen by the Village Direct specification for this Work. All work shall be Ped E heb P #4er hn Ops Bid tion Pacl a the Director and the installation requirements Bids may be submitted for any or all of the following three system Options. COPT_ 1 G.4F 4 ply built up roofing system consisting of a mechanically fastened stratavent base sheet, 2 plies of flexply 6 mopped and a GAFGLAS cap sheet. The roofing system shall be installed as specified in the revised Dade County NOA No. 03-0501.06 and GAF spec. N-B-4-1vVP6 attached hereto and labeled Exhibit #L. Price 41 using 4" x 4" galvanized steel drip edge/gravel stop installed per GAF spec. MB 1 attached hereto and labeled Exhibit 41. 3 (Oil • 00 If pi-� 2 using 4" x 4" stainless steel drip edge/gravel stop installed per GAF spec. 1\1B 1 attached hereto and labeled Exhibit #1. $ 3`f,91 -A - ,o OPTION 2 GAF 4 ply built up roofing system consisting of a mechanically fastened stratavent base sheet, 2 plies of flexply 6 mopped and a rubberoid mop plus granule capsheet. The roofing system shall be installed as specified in the revised Dade County NOA No. • 03-0501.03 and GAT spec. N -3 -1 -MGP attached hereto and labeled Exhibit 412. " �; 4"011'anized steel drip edge/gravel stop installed per GAF spec. _--.—:_Price #7. us"'1g 4>. ----- .....:... .... 1� attache hereto and Fa _5 lbit Tice #2 using 4" 4" stainless steel drip edge/gravel stop in, per GAF spec• P � 1 attached hereto and labeled Exhibit 92. $g -7a-1 0 OPTION 3 of a mechanically fastened Coated JCoppers 4 ply built up roofing system COI1515t1ng ed in p itch and atop Glass base sheet, 3 plies of Tar-Glas or Premium Tar-Glas mopp coating of coal tar pitch and gravel. fin s istem s17a11 be installed as specified in the revlsed ld Exhibit ��.ade county OANo The roo g 5 03-0501.06 and Koppers spec. No. 220 attached hereto anabele irlsta]i2d �r Iiopp� 5'�Pv' Pri�ic®l using 4'" x 4" galvanized steel gravel Stop p k attached hereto and labeled Exhibit #3. soft Price #2 using 4" x 4" stainless steel gravel stop installed per hoppers spec. BA P_-- attached hereto and lalieled Exhibit 43. °`' FROM <FRI)APR 11 2000 11:10/ST.11:02/N— 751587470W a 20 EXHIBIT 3 -- - - MTAMI-DADE COUNTY.FLORMA @A1. AtF9A0� METRO-DADEPLAGLER BUILDING _ 140 WPST rLAGLER STREET, SUITE 103 BIMMG CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE (BCCO) MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1563 I.1t0B1JCt' C0NTR0LDA9SION (305) 315-2901 FAX (305) 975 X908 Koppers tnunsrnes 436 Seventh Avenue, Room 1650 Pitlsburgh, PA 15237 SCOPE: ovem. I the use of construction materials. This NOA is being issued under the applicable roles and regulations g rodnst Control Division and accepted The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Miami -Dade County • pand Other areas where allowed by Ly the Board of Rules and Appeals (BORA) to be used in Miam Dade County The Authority Having jurisdiction (AW). and -Dade County Product This NOA shall not be valid after a> � u (in areas otherstated othan Nliamt Dade Co nty) reserve tlreCgb t D ision (hl Miami Dade County) m c-_< L this product or material fails to perform in have this product or material tested for quality assurance p `P `es. and the A.HI may immediately the accented manner, the manufa Curer will incur the expense Within n their testing diction. SORA reserves the right revolt, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material withir. Product Control Division that this product or to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade Comityng , material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable build This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. Concrete DESCRIPTION: Koppers Bnilt-Up Roofing over Ligntweight Insnlnt ng — LABELING:Banti unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name of 10g0, cit`„ state and following statement: "Iviiaiu Dade Covet- Product Control Approved". unless Otherwise noted here n. RENEWAL of this NOA sbabbe considered after a renewal application ltasbeenfilo and thew has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the Performance of this pr ')'h'a*,IINA t ION of flus NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there bas been a revuet ision or change in the materials, use, andlor manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply ation and removal of with any section of this NOA shall be cause for terminado ABVNRTISnnfiENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miaiof the NOA US the expiration date may be di '-- displayed,County, Florida, d fthen t shall splayed in advertising literature. If any portion be done in its enfirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distrSoutors and shall be available for inspection at the job site 3t the request of the Building Official. This NOArenews NOA f 00-7108.07 and consists of pages I through 9. co ZuloRRC The submitted docmnentation was reviewed by Frank ago, NOA a D33-21280`8 Expiration Data: 12128!08 Approval Date: 11/13/03 -+z- page 1 of 9 Page f of -10 FROM <FRI)XPR 11 2000 11:11/ST.11:02/M-.7W1WG74705 P 24 ROOFING SYSTL'M APPROVAL Cate or . Sub-Cateeory: Material: DeckTvav Maximum Desien Pressure Fire Classification - Rooting Built -Up Roofing Fiberglass, Polyester/Organic Lightweight Concrete -82.5 psf Set General Limitation #1 TRAD)zNAMES OF PRODUCTS M&NUFACTuRn OR LABELRD BY APPLICANT: Produci Coal Tar Pitch Glass Fiber Base Sheet Kop-R (WC) Kop-R (WI) Kop-R (WII) Kop-R high Density Wood Fiber No. 15 Tarred Felt Ply Sheet Organic Base Sheet VI -m -erasions Available in 20 or 55 gallon drums or in bull:. Roll size: 36" x 108' Test S„ecification ASTM M D 450 t}me I ASTM D-4601 various PA 110 various PA 110 various PA 110 various PA 110 Roll size: 36" x -AS T1YID' 27 144' Roll size: 36" x ASTiv`iD2626 75' Product Description Coal tar pitch used as a waterproof and adhesive material in conjunction with organic or inorganic felts, Non -perforated, type 11 asphalt impregnated and coated glass fiber base Sheet for use in conventional and .modified bitumen built-up roofing. %1visocyanurste and perlite composite insulation board. Polyiselcvanurate foam insulation. Polyisocyanurate foam insulation board. Wood fiber insulation board. Tar-Glas Ply Sheet Roll Size: 36"x ASTMD 4990 108' Tar-G1asPremium Ply Roll size: 36 x ASTMD4990 Sheet 108, ASTM D2824 Koppers Aluminum Type I Roof Coatings 435 Rappers Aluminum ASTM D2824 Type III Roof Coatings a45 s As halt Roof ASTM D4586 Ro yper p Type I Cement 0- org,,.n+c fiber based felt saturated with refined coal tar. Non --perforated, organic fiber based felt saturated and coated with asphalt surfaced with a parting agent. A coal tar impregnated and coated glass L11-161 ply sheet for use in conventional built-up roofing. A coal *--- imPregnated and coated glass fiber ply sheet for use in conventional oimmen bulb-ap roofing• Premium grade asphalt reflective coating, fiber feinforced. Commercial grade asphalt reflective coating, non-fibrated. Medium consistency asphalt flashing cement. NOA No 03-1015.06 Expiration Date: 12!28108 Approval Date: 11/13/03 page 2 of 9 FROM (FRI>RPR 11 2009 11:11/ST.11;O2/No.7616974799 P 29 NOA No 03-1015.06 o Expiration Data: 12/28/08 Approval Date: 11/13t0� page 3 of 9 Test Prodact Product D'r1nc—,sions �eei� fication Description Color coded blue. Stabilized l,ieot, Wali, Koppers Cold 3' x 300' larit base flashing backer sheet. polyester Fabric ASTM D4586 Heairy consistency asphalt flashing Koppers Flaic 441 TypaI Gement- ementAsphalt AsphaltCement ASTM D41 Thin asphalt based prime, Koppers High Yeu Primer 452 Color coded gray, spun -bonded non - Koppers HotPolyesmr 3.3' x 324' woven polyesmr fabric. Asphalt coated polyester reinforced SBS Koppers Polyesier 3.3' x 50' Modified Bitumen base flashing. Base Flashing . Polyester reinforced SBS Modified Koppers 2041-M 33 x 33' Bitumen base flushing. modifiedBitumen Premium grade polyester reinforced SBS Koppers 2045-M 3-3` x 33' Modified Bitumen base flashing. Modified Bitumen Proprietary Emulsified coal tar pitch. ohTYX Coal Tar Emulsion proprietary Asphalt based SBS modified asphalt ONYX Modified flashing cement - Flashing Cement Proprietar; Asphaltbased SBS modifiedbitumen ON-YXModified adhesive. Bitumen Adhesive NOA No 03-1015.06 o Expiration Data: 12/28/08 Approval Date: 11/13t0� page 3 of 9 FROM <FRI)ROR 11 2008 11:11/ST.11:02/Mo.7615074705 V 20 TRADE.NAmE5 OT PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY OTHERS: Produet ACFoamH E'NRG'Y-2,P8I-25 HyTherm AP Pyrox E'NRG'Y-2 Plus ACFoam Composite Fiberglass Perlite. Insulation Test Dimensions 5 eco various PA 110 ITighDeasity Wood Fiberboard DdTast Fastener F oofgdp Fastener (ll, ropk 1 1—_ Olympic CD -10 Olympic Fluted Nail 1111 Insu VbCx Fastener Tru -Fast Fastener FM-9DFastaners Asphalt Primer Coal TmPriming Oil various various various various Various various various various PA 110 PA 110 PA 110 PA 110 PA 110 PA 110 PA 110 PA 110 PA 114 Product Desc�on Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Polyisocyanurate, foam insulation Polyisocyanurate. foam insulation Polyisocyanurate, foam insulation Polyisocyaunrate composite insulation Polyisocyanurate composite insulation Fiberglass roof insulation PA114 PA 114 PA 114 PA 114 PA 114 PA 114 various PA 114 Perlite insulation board Wood fiber insulation board Manufacturer Atlas (with currentNOA) Iowa-- Manville (with current NOA) Celotex (witb current NOA) Apache (with current NOA) Johns 1vIauv le (with current NOA) Atlas (with current NOA) See Approved Systems Listings See Approved systems Listings See Approved Systems Listings Insulation fastening assembly thteel Construction with steel and plastic stress (with ccuurrantNOA) plati- Insulation fastening assembly IIV Buildex andplastic stress (with current NOA) wt s plate. Insulation fastener ASTM D 41 ASTM D 43 insulation fastener Insulation fastener Olympic (with cturentNOA) Olympic (with current NOA) Olympic (with current NOA) Insulation fastening assembly SPS Stadler with steel and plastic stress (with current NOA) plate. Insulation fastening assembly with steel and plastic stress plate. Galvanized steel base ply fastener for lightweight concrete decks Asphalt Primer Coal tar based primer Tru -Fast (with current NOA) ES Products, Inc. (with current NOA) gcneric generic NOA No 03-1015.06 Expiration Date: 12128/08 Approval Date: 11/13/03 page 4 of 9 FROM ENTWt1 1`11.L SU3NIIT OD: Test Aeenct' Name Factory Mutual Research FM Approval Guide Corporation Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. IRT of S. Florida, Inc. ULRoofmg Materials aad Systems Directory 00010 00011 (FRI)NPR 11 2008 11:121ST.11:021Mo.7616674766 P 00 Reyort 3 uulation attachment requirements Fire Classfications PA 114 Date Published Annually Published Anuually 0910212000 NOA No 03-1015.06 Expiratim Date: 12128!08 Approval Pate: !1113103 Page 5 of 9 FROM (FR1)NPR 11 2006 11:12/ST.11:02/Mo.96166T4T96 P 31 Deck Type 41: Lightweight Concrete, Insulated: New Construction Deck Description: Elastizeil Insulating Lightweight Concrete system Type E: Anchor sheet mechanically attacbed to ,of deck. All General and -System Limitations shall apply. Deck: be secured to thick 18-22 ga Marlin Type' n V" vented steel deck shall /4 5 ft on centers with 518" puddle welds structural supports spaced a maximum of the bottom of each rib (6" ole, Side laps sball be fasten 24" o.c and wasbers at between spans with #10 TEK fasteners. the, c a b BS Product' base shee`tfealap Base -Sheet: Koppers glass fiber or organic o.c. at a 4" s_-, p an ? twotsta Staggered rows in FM -90 fasteners spaced',' the center of the sheet. ply Shcat: Three or more plies of Koppers Tarred Felt, Glass Felt, TOf app e'ved PremiumTal - at an m a � mopping of appy Glas or poiyestet Roofing felt adhered application rate of 251bs./sq- t - Can Sheet: None. ibs.lsq.; plus gravel or slag at Surfacing: Flood coat of coal tar with an application rate of 10 application rates of 400 and 300 lbs./sq., respecti%�e Y• Mudd mtnDesiga Pressure: -82.5 psf; (See General Limitation 41 Maximum Fire Classification: See Gerimal Limits -11011#1. Maximum Slope: See General Limitation 4t1. I LIGHT LNSULA'iilvG L ONCD.`TL� cycmr.MLIN1iTATIONS: rete is If methane 3�atthment to the strut[ al deck through the, ea lightweight len sulatmrpanems and proposed, a field wit resistance i t lg shall be p p hcation Standard s a0 he in co ncc wt log PP 1p ons shall be sieped and sealed by a density. All testing and fastemn TAS 105 and Roofing Application Stan or Registered Roof Consultant. FloridaregisteredProfessional Bng'neer gist For steel deck application where spec' k cons coon s . ` etenced: The deck shall a 'nimum22 gage attached.g7t d e welds t t wel washers at flute with maxitmtm deck spans of 5 ft Par syste ere specific lightweight insulating concrete is not referenced, the minimum all be a minimum Of 250 psi. NOA No o3-1015.06 Ecpiratiou Date; 12128108 Approval Date: 11113/03 FagesofJ FROM <FRI>HPR 11 2005 11:12/ST.11:02/Mo-7616574706 P 02 GhNERALLIMITATIONStroved Roofing Materials 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance, refer to a current App Directory for fire ridings of this product. The 2. Insulation may be installed in multiple layers. fust layer shall he attache) in compliance with Product Control Approval guidelines. All other layers sball be adhVed in n full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT rauge and at a rate of 20-40lbs-Isq., or mechanically attached using the fastening pattern of the top layer I All standard panel sizes are acceptable for mecbanical attachment . when applied in approved asphalt, panel size shall be 4'x 4' maximum. Over closed cell 4. An overlay and/or recovery board insulation panel srequiredeoMar applications iUed the base sheet foam insulations when the base sheet is fully Mopped' shall be applied using spot mopping with approved asphalt, 12+' diameter circles, 24" oet ll strip mopped S" ribbons in three rows, one at each sidelap and one down the center of the sheet allowing a continoad: shall be. uous area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips is Dotacre, _cation of either system all placed every 12' in each ribbon to allow cross ventilation. Asp pP be at a-unniraum rate of 12 lbs.lso. Note: Spot attached systeols shall be limited to a maximum design pressure of -45 psf. value of 5. Fastener spacing for insulation attachment is based cati II�nt �d�d � C �Sstilcf the ForZast-Tic T 1 "Ice, 275 IV., as tested in compliance with Testing APP as $eld-tested, are below 2751Uf, insulation attachment shall not be acceptable. 6. Fastener spacing for mechanical attachment )n ncuou withborlbase thetmaximum design Or membrane tvalue listed within on a minimum fastener resistance value in conj a specific system. Should the fastener resistance be less than t a re eealed by a Florida registered Building Official, a revised fastener spacing, Prepared' Registered Roof Consultant may be submitwd. Said professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Regi ltcation revised fastener spacing shall utilize the withdrawal resistance valve taken from Testing App Standuds TAS 105 and calculations incompliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. 7. Perimeter and comer deals shall sincomco il with the enhanced uplift pressure requirements of these licalion S ndard RAS 17. Calculations prepared, signed and sealed areas. Fastener densities shall be increased for both insulation and base sheet as calculated ed compliance with Roofing App . stared Architect, or Registered hoof Consultant by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, g (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #9 WW not be applicable.) 8 All attachment and sizing of Perim anon Standard*RAS 11 and applicable wal profile, andlor flashing tindload equirements. shall conform with Roofing App applicable to all roof pressure zones (ie. 9. The maximum designed pressure limitation listed shall be rational analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for field, perimeters, and corners). Neither enhanced fastening at enhancdpreypressure refer redrwithin this NOAzones peri--pters-, , General Limitation #7ewill not (When this limitation is Specifically be applicable) d herein have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida W. All products liste Building Code and Rule 9B-72 of the Florida Administrative Code. END Or, THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No 03-1o15.06 Expiration Date: 12/28!08 - Approval Date: 11/13103 Page 9 of 9 FROM (PR,IRPR 11 2003 11:12/HT.11:02/Mo.7616674T36 P 33 .rage i u, L Specification No. 220 (4 -ply) - - Specification No. 910-4 (4 -pit`). Prc(nium "'Par -Chas Specification No. 410-4 14-¢h')• Stand:u %ailable decks without insulation: Premium coal Tar Impregnated Glass Fiber Felt for Spec 910-4 Standard Coal Tar Impregnated Glass Fiber Felt for Spec 410-4 Aggregate Surface poured and Mailable decks: plywood, wood plank, !ightwelaht insulating concrete, precast gypsum. Possible slope Slope requirements: 1/4' per foot (2%) maximum.See Slopes for restrictions or variations. Nlaiiabls � + alfiii + + ear- sheet _ RosN 5hnIhi-9 {5:@9p (Nallem paper lylppd Onct , Only] 9{ �RRQi roar lar � 0 { i ' r ci IIZD, {Te) .i :'e•o.., lir,. , 24>Ji 2'kiaed Lap p'o�°a•1 ��:�. (511 KaApes •.D.°,�.^,i-::'ul i Cna7Tarantl 'D'•o•�o.V tale + , _ h9gra9ele Swlaeln6- 1 (45n Awj W..p . -- * Ap proxim ate ateriais per 100 sq. ft. (9.3m2) of roof area %Freight -- 5 lbs. (2.3kg) 1 ply plood pecks Only) 30 lbs. (13.6kg) oated Glass Base Sheet 1 Ply Non -perforated) — �--- —130 lbs. (13.5ky-) ed in Pitch) 3 Plies 15.5kg) -ar Glace Mo?P 34.5 lbs. lremium Tar-Glas (Mopped ini3 plies - 'itch) (3 moPP in9 s @ not less than 20 60 lbs. (2? 2kg) Roofing Bitumen 1b3 rg.ika) each) _ (not 1__ ess than 70 lbs) 31.8kg)��701bs (31.8kg) Top Pour Coat 2113/2004 FROM <FRI)HPR ll 2006 19:13/ST. 11:02/No. T6166T4T86 P 04 Page 2 ot2 Specification No. 220 (4 -ply) nM Surfacing. `=ravel— *Actua weig s us Ed'wilt�vary"dependingweigta�+y=3o lied. does not assume responsibility for actual weights applied. Application of Membrane 1, (Wood decks only.) over the surface of the roof perc160 sq. ft (2.3kg/9 3m2)k install one layer of n sheathing paper weighing approximately - and nail sufficiently to hold in Lap each sheet at least two (2) inches (51 -mm) place. -perforated coated base 2. Apply over entire surface, one (1) ply of f Koppers over areceding sheet, nailing sheet, lapping each sheet three (3) inches at lap on (9) inch centers (229mm) and stagger nailed down center of each sheet on nine (9) inch (229mm) centers. 3. Apply over the entire surface, (3) plies of Koppers Tar-Glas (Premium Tar-Glas for Spec. 910-4 or Standard tar-Glas for Spec, 410-4), lapping plies twenty-four and two-thirds (24-2/3) inches (626mm), so that in no place shall felt touch felt.4 inch per foot (2%), such as 4. On short run slopes in excess of one-quarter (1/4) P on crickets and saddles, and when the deck permits nailing, ack of - upper edge of each sheet six (6) inches (152mm) the back edge onnailw four (24) inch (610mm) centers. Where desI. .. does r._t permit nailing, g back of upper edge at strips are required and each sheet must be nailed along spacings to assure penetration of naiiers. c, For enveloping procedures, see section regarding "Bitumen Control".ating of ontinuous CO 6. Pour over the entire surfacelo pto the than four hundredng metnbrane,a s{400) pounds (lalkg) coal tar, and, while hot, apply ousts n fokg) of drag for each one hundred of gravel or three hundred NOTE: Rosin paper, base sheet and reinforcing felts (Inn) square feet (9.3m2) must be installed the same day. OReturn to Application Considerations and 5 _ciefications. 2/13/2004 nnfinvlrnnfluusnec910.11h13 FROM <FRI)PPR 11 2008 11:10/ST.11:02/Mo.T6166TA70W P 36 Page 1 of 1 BA Light Metal Roof Edge 113A I,igbl Metal ROOF BA tight Metal Rovi Edge joint cover 4" to 6" 1102 to ikMin) wide— iet in mastic Two plies of fell lemhered in over ilange in toal UT Nails no greater than 3' Omrn) O.C.—staggered I nrn d0em one ply al #c11 to below blocking Fell CnV0309lf Of neral dan9 12' to 18"(305AC, 457n1m) Tape -ted edgE StnIn ,� Continuous cleat NOTES* This detail should be used oniv where the deck is supported try the outside wall. Attach nailer to mason; wait. This darted should be used 61UmrR) gauge ed meal or 0.040" {1 such as 16 ()mm) copper. 21l gaugE (. ) 9 aluminum. A tapered edge strip is used tr raise the gavel slop. Frequent nailing is necessary to control thermal movement. Treated wood blocking tvay be slotted for venting where requiredi. IS Return to Flashing Specification and Details � 1� n rnnnn FROM <FRI>APR fl 2008 ll:l6/ST.11:02/Mo.96166T4TB6 P Ge EXHIBIT 4 Installation Requirements partesl 1,01 Ullo*conditions A. Work shall only begin when the contractor has decided, to his sat siacCrnn.; that all specifications are workable as specified, and that the contractor can meet project and code requirements. and are ready B. The contractor shall only begin roofing work when the substrates have been prepared as necessary, and acceptable to have materials installed as speciftied. C. Do not bework when lnclarront weather is forecast to occur prior to the anticipated time of completion of it e work item. D. Do not install materials during inclement weather, except for temporary work necessary to protect materials that are already installed. Remove all temporary work before installing permanent materials. _. in any form, is present on the roof deck, or substrate to which the materials Do not install materials when moisture, are to be applied, or when foaming of hot asphalt occurs. F project the building, contents, surrounding area, building occupants and contractor personnel during work. Coordinate all work operations with the building owner and building ons is is so d at adequate interior protection, as necessary, is provided and disruption to normal building op prov<da adequate exterior protection to prevent damage to the building owner's property. G. Roof system installation should not begin until all roof openings, curbs, pipes, sleeves, ducts, vents or Other pene- trations through the roof are solidly set, and all tapered edges and cant strips, reglets, and wood milers are secure and tight to the building as per this specification manual. is able provide and us-, H. or plywood. wheeled or over aeminimum thick ess of rigid board insulation to Protect the newly installed roof. plank 1, ove all temporary work at the begin Provide temporary water cul -offs and tie ins at the end of each workday. Rem ning of the next workday. J. When tearing off an existing membrane, limit removal to the area that will. be completely reroofed that day with the new roofing system. K. if conditions are uncovered or created which would be detrimental to the prover conduct of specified work, immedi- ately notify the building owner L. Observe fire and safety precautions as recommended by Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association, the National Roofing Contractors Association, OSHA and this Manual. M. All work shall be performed in compliance with local code requirements. M are and poie; coedit ons that. maybe A. Potential problems in the applica i e resolved prior to the start of the application. This detrimental to nstallation and pe �ormance with the architect, roo icr, general contractor, alt other can best I accom li -jo meeting esentative. a .ore wgrk Wit involve the roof systemfrelated systems and the man a se5 Hot Mopped Roofing systems 122 Page 1 of 21 FROM (FRI>APR 11 2009 11:19/ST.11:02/Mo.7S19974T9S P 37 1. Ro f ck c�ndit ons. 2. Flashing expansion joint details. 3. Insurance unde ' ers or building code requi ants. g nlrcation. 4. Unusual project con r ocwpants, and conte during and after ap '. 5. Protection of the root, builds . 9 B. Application techniques.k' g on project, 7. Coordination ands ing of other tra who will beersworking responsible e far quality control. This person g. resignation b or in roofing contractor of a qua shall be a project full -t me during application gi oat sys?em, and shall not be changed withou ap al of GAFMC. p ng. cheduling of material shipments, material storage, and mgfto \ 10. Submittals of materials, drawings and project documents. 1.03 Delivery, Storage and Handling A, GAFMC roofing materials leave the factory dry and must be stored to prevent the materials irom gatling v a B. Untoad and handle all roofing and construction materials with care. d, unlabeled or Otherwise C. Examine all materials as they are received. Do not use any materials that are damage appear to be urftit for use: Materials must display legible labels, which identify tne materials and applicable reference standards. Immediately notify carder and GAFMC or other manufacturer of damaged, wet, or defective materials. GAFMC Wit not accept responsibility for damage to its roofing materia s after the materials have been released from GAFMC manufacturing or warehousing facilities. r. Do not expose mate moisture in any form before, during, or after delivery to the site. Reject delivery of of conlactwith materials that show evidence moisture. two s. be Used E At the weeks] b site, no vnore should belshould p operlybwarehousede stored ni a II dry, ventilatedron pallets, eta yo mora r pedods Imater.al shonger thanould d seasons, no moreo othan can be used witn fing materials should be�suppl ed to the rooftop than can be used Wit ve days- When prolonged inclement we nather htwotdays1 a" rainy F Store roll goods on end on pallets in a clean, dry, wail ventilated protected area. Take care to prevent damage to rail ends or edge . Dg not double stack modified bitumen products. G. Remove manufacturer supplied plastic covers from materials provided with such covers. use "breathable" type ct Protective ti tarpaulins until immediately before material covers such as canvas tarpaulins to allow venting and protection from weather and moisture. Cover and prate materials at the end of each day work. Do not remove any will be installed. H. Lightweight insulation products should be properly stored and :��eighted to avoid weather and wind damage. 1. Store roofing asphalt to prevent leakage and carton deterioration. J. Store all coatings and sealantsicaulks to protect from freezing. Frozen material must be discarded and replaced. Ieal all liquid material containers after use. Properys hcallgn. -red above 55°F (12.B°C), a rritnimum of 24 hours prior to app K. Materials should be s o L. Follow the requirements indicated in Part 11 when applying GAFMC membranes ai temperatures below 45°F (7.20C). SBS nor i•ADPPW Roaring 5ysrems 123 FROM (PRI)APR 11 2009 11:14/ST.11:02/No.7915974796 O 99 ji. Intfie ujnlike y event fhat o6vrousiy aerec" �a ua - occurs from improper storage on Ilse job site, it is the responsibility P the roofing con rac_ defects; Installation of al. GAFMC should be notified immediately about material that has aPpanre 'tarPmeni material, if the roofing defective material can result in additional costs above the cast of Supplying P ponsib lily of GAFMC. contactor chooses to install material with apparent defects, this added cost is not the res 1,04 Regulatory Requirements wind uplift and fire resistance A. Conform to all applicable building and jurisdictional codes, including roof assembly P requirements. 1.05 Quality Control of Application ni A. GAFMCreognizuciafeOfmIneo aget and handling, and conoover maa al application perform fpaled le life.Material delivery. procedures are also of great importance. B. There are recommendations and requirements, \~%inch must be considered in the root system construction process. The folkwing include, but are nottimited to: use 1 al program to the building Ownerr,, whichan be followeddeveloduring the ofnstruct onnof GAFMcontractor roof systems. stener f of be p. Visual inspection should be of the following: deck surface; specified materials being installed; use of proper bitumen type; conditions of the materials being installed; use of the pro peand spcationecified nummer of o correct; (if required); and that the correct number of Plies are being used and that the appy P and surfacing. 3. Checks of the asphalt temperatures at all phases of application. q. Architect, owner and contractor shall monitor progress of work for omplian-to project specifications and tial fir problems, provides for each resolution and correction drawings. Such monitoring minim zee the poten -place of errors, provides participants with documentation of work in, and allows far inspection of work which cannot be examined by standard tests, such as flashing and sheet metal installations. Architect, owner, general, and roofing contractors are responsible for meeting insurance and/or code requirements. 5. Roofing products and other associated roof system materials shalt be installed according to the minimum guidelines set forth in this Manual and to individual project requirements. fi. Careful visual examination of all side, end, and 71aps of each ply of Ruberoid° membrane for proper adhesion and bitumen bleed cut WALA C. Contact GAFIvIC, i-Boo,76-13411 for further information about quality control concerns. 1 _� safety Con,ideratians ani Warnings A. General insialacable safety standards and goodtion ro practiees mitust be followed Firon e prPntion is element, the apo cator's All appil responsibility. B. Warning N BURNS, DOTHER JSE SEOf THESE RESULT I TCAUE BURNS. WCAMACT WMDIEN ECOME INFtAM DCOdACIOR JhMOliET 505 w Mopped Roofing Systems "' FROM (FRI)APR 11 2009 11:14/ST.11:02/No 7616974796 P 09 other cold liquid com- statement u1 n aww: ,. .w • •_. - h skin. Get medical attention immediately. patible wit C. General Precautions a licaUon. Follow all READ AND UNDERSTANDGAFMCSSPECIFICATLONMANUAineforestarting pP precaugons and direction. ronane . Thoroughly train allpeaonnel in the recommended saleq procedures for use of ketties, asphalt mcpping, p torches, and for application of Product: FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTIDNS should be conducted periodically during installation, with a final inspection being conducted upon completion of that days work. THOROUGHLYTRAIN All PERSONNEL ON PREVEN iNG AND E9INGUISHING FIRES. NEVER ALLOW CONTACT between the heated surface of the product, hot asphalt, open flame and hair, ski er clothing. loves, + WEAR PERSONAL PROTECTIVE GEAR. Always use approved safety hardhat goggles, heavy -duly g snug -fitting clothing (long pants and long sleeved shiAj, and boats. + SOLVENT -CONTAINING CEMENTS AND COATINGS ARE Com aUSTIBLiners mustD SlH spored i OULD ypostec S BE KEPTAWsub 1ZAY nce�T OPEN FIAME, OR ANY SOURCE OF IGNITION. Empty, �VOVD DIRECT CONTACT AND landfills in accordance with iocal, state'nA federal regulations. INSURE WHEN WoRKINGYuTfiSOLVENT iOclNGENIENT AND COATS,;uucttMSDSfor additional inftn VENTILATION.1Nearapp p protective equipmentIo THOROUGHLY TRAIN ALL PERSONNEL IN FIRST AID PROCEDURES. Always COMPLY WIDMLLAPPLICABLE OSHA SAFETY STANDARDS and fire codes. NEVER APPLY built-up or modified bitumen products DIRECTLY OVER EvoSFD CONDUITS OR PIPES LYING ON THE ROOF DE + Use eKireme caution v.�hen working around equipment, such as gas lines or HVAC units, which have electdcal and/or gas connections. + PROVIDE in the immediate work area at least one (f) ABC -rated FlRE 1]InNGUtsHER for each torching device. PaTt 2 inspection andPregaration of Sud aces 2.01 General even, sound, clean and dry substrate minimizes the liked A. Prepare substrate sudaces thoroughly prior to application of new roofing_ materials. This is particularly important or recover and reroofing applications. Providing a smooth, hood that underlying deficiencies will cause Premature deterioration or even failure of the new roofing system. 2.02 Roof Decks A. The surface of the roof deck must be dry, firm, smooth, and tree of dirt and loose material. Electrical conduits, bolts, and other similar small items must be removed from the surface of the root ra c i', such conjrP_. deck must s cannot be properly insulated and mored. li is the responsibility of the roofing contractor, deck contractor, or owner's se representative to determine the suilabftdy o the roof deck surface to receive iha root allone on of meet GAFMC requirements, as described whih in the goof Design sec circumstances Will assu-tion 01 hme suchaespon ebi ty. a foregoing tactors are the responsibility of GAFMC, SBS Hal Mopped Roofing Systems 125 FROM <PRI)APR 11 2008 11:15/ST.11:02/Mo.9616694795 P 46 2.04 Reroofing -Tear -off A. All old roofing must be removed down to tie deck. The deck shalt be cleaned, repaired, and otherwise conditioned to conform to the requirements of a new deck B. All old flashing must be removed and stripped from all walls, curbs, etc. in osition and metal flashing must be removed and replaced. C. Alf exrskng co p D. All metal counter -flashing, metal coping and other metal work above the roof system must be Inspected, and replaced or repaired as necessary to Provide a watertight assembly. E. All metal flashing must be primed where it will come in contact with the"6Prficit&membranes. S rime all masonry, metal and existing asphalt surfaces and substrate with asphalt primer where 6kFld� membranes are to be adhered. ed bolts, clamping G. Inspect roof drains and outlets. Remove existing drain flashings and replace broken or stripy tO'srain Drains bd';drat metal type drains FICA an hAomusbesmodtopr promptly remove water from the roof canzndo e surface and meet code requirements. the Duma as being teeny w receive and hold Note: suhsVales must be inspected and accepted by ' the roof system as specified. PartPPh31LS 3.01 General A. Hot asphalt must be handled carefully. See Section 1. per 06 Safety Consideration and W temperatures In the kettle and at the p PP point of application on are g Feld experience has demonstrated that pro essential to obtain a saf sfactory roof. Kette temperatures in minis as below n result in la k of adhesion. .^ changes to the asphalt, while temperature below specified C, Do not mix different tyPEs of asphalt. p. Take all necessary precautions to avoid asphalt drippage into the interior off building. 11 E. Discontinue application of asphalt over any substrate where foaming of asphalt is observed. 3.02 Asphalt Type Type tV Asphalt. Type Istbe installing 585 fro[ mopped A. only use an ASTM 0-312, Type Ill or roofing systems on all slopes 11T' per, fool (4.2 cm per meter) a 9r B, only use asphalt manufactured in the United States or Canada, unless otherwise approved in writing,try-1 3.03 Asphalt An 1"Catlo� th Rale Ucalion w th hot asphalt requires continuous, uniform interply mopping rates of 25 lbs. 2hall per result A. App Too little asphalt may result in voids, while too much aspha. square feet of roof area (1.2 kg/m1). in membrane sflppege, s semsta sits no[ Hooped Roaring Y i. 1Nhen aapplying non-nroameo noeiy�a» �-�� -- . of the asphalt must be at the Equiviscous Temperature (E T) vnth a tolerance o T p viscosity should visws8y of f25 centistokes is attained. When using mechanical asphalt applicatow, the target be 75 centistokes. of application temperature of the asphalt must e C. For all SBS modified asphalt membranes; the minimum point al the EVf or 425'F (21ti'C), whichever is greater, with a rolling hank (puddle) of mopping asphalt across the futl width otthehe tuff. temps ature (E\R) for the asphalt can be found on the asphalt cartons or bills of lading. D. The equroes For subst ales that absorb asphalt, apply the asphalt in sufficient quantity 10 assure the level of adhesion specified. F_ Asphalt application shall not Comm when the outside temperature is below 45'F (7.20C) unless cold weather application instructions are followed. See Part i f . G. In cold weather, insulated piping and tuggers ray be ary to maintain the required asphalt temperature at necess the point of application. 3,04 Asphalt Heating A. The operator of the roofing bitumen kettlehis fully Gonrained and familiar with its safe Operation and have the required safety equipment and clothing .e . P B. Never leave the roofing bitumen kettle unattended while operating. . C. Accurate thermometers must he on the iob site to check temperatures at the kettle and at point of application. D. Do not heat the asohaltto or above its flash point. E. Done hold the asphalt at temperatures above the nnished blowing temperature for more than 4 hours. F. Do not keep heated tankers above 325-F (163'C) overnight or weekends. r,. The rooting bitumen kettle nest be placed a safe distance from the building. it should be on plywood or a tarp to facilitate easy clean up. Pail - Fastefiia 4.01 General A. GANG recommends the use of tools and equipment specifically designed for mechanically fastening roof materials to conform to requirements of the fastener manufacturer. l3 DFastener--ve fasteners tenersa e an appropriate installed shall be remopedthread h correengagement. ga emeni and specified holding strength. C. Do not drive fasteners to the point where the stress plates cup and insulation "dimples'. This is indicative of over driving the fastener. D Do not drive fasteners to the point where the head of the fastener is lft exposed above the stress eplate. This is indicative of under driving the fastener, d to secure the roof assembly to the structural substrate to r 91 local code, insurance ar other minimum wind uplift resistance equa to o« anre values, a design professional must a wse ul SBS Nm KOpped RaaBng Systems 12a FROM <FRI)PPR 11 2000 11:15/8T.11:02/MP.751607470W P 42 --^=�,=moo not-installiastene[saot�l���-"ret-or-detedorated.iosulation andlor su s ra e . — ondu is In or under Beeks, andler walls before any -- H. Be sure to locale and identify electric or any other c I Fastener pullout tests are recommended for all deck types. K. Metal or plastic stress plates, minimum 3" (7.6 cm) it,, diameter, are required when mechanically attaching insulation or the base sheet and insulation simultaneously. Metal stress plates must he used for torch or heat weld applications. refer to Factory Mutual LPDS 17, 1-�B,al L. For additional fastening information, and for FM conrolval Guide and GAFMC Factory Mutual App 1-29, and 1-49, also refer to ahe story Mutual App Reports for Supp ion 4.02 Fastener Types GENEP.At_ FASTENER TYPES FASTEN ER TYPES DECKTfP€ Base Sheet insulation A Steel B,C C Wood C E D,E Concrete F, G, H, i K Gypsum (Poured) `— Gypsum LightweighUCetlular Insul. Concrete G J K K Structural Wood Fiber SBS VD, Mopped Roofing 5y5rem5129 FROM <FRI>RVR 11 2008 11:16/ST. 11:02/No. 7616674786 0 40 coating, self -tapping drill mn ' pant, driven through a minimum 3'(7.15 cm Prate, ul b minimum T (7-G an) plate. B. Cap Head Nail -1" (25 mm) diameter round or square cap, smooth shank ore driver threaded. Rooting Nail 3B" (10 mm) diameter headi �ateauge, smooth shank or annulzr threaded; must be driven through minimum 1" 125 mm) mundlsquare cap p elf -tapping, C. DRILL -TECH screw and plat wood. Carbon steel fastener vnlh corrosion resistant epatlng, s driven through a minimum 3' (. c) plate. late. D, DRILL-TEGm spral Fluted Shank concrete Fastener -driven through a 3" (7.6 cm} P E. DRILLTEC"'' screw and plate foncrete. Carbon sleet fastener with corrosion resistant coating, driven through a minimum 317-6 an) Plate' F- Hardened Split Shank. Nall - when driven, shank spree arroen p n'bend back-on, oks lout to provide back out resistance. G. Two -Piece Tube Natt- f" (25 mm) diameter cap; stress Plates are optional. tapered cone shank. H. One piere self-locking hollow cane shank fastener - electro z tic galvanizedalvanzed shank spreads out to provide 1N Fastener - when driver astener to be driven through 3" (7.6 cm) plate. DRII L -TEC LWIC Base Ply back out resistance. Some Instalations may eq uireJ. Self -Locking Fastener- f- (25 mm) diameter cap, when driven, shank spreads out to provide pullout resistance. K DRILL TEC' Nylon Screv! and Plate -two-piece reinforced nylon screw and plate systemwith deep slotted, selfdocking thread design; vritl 3" (7.6 cm) mthose fasteners that must be etal plate. used in GAFMC guaranteed Refer to the GAFMC list of appriivt s available from ed fasteners for GAFMC at 1.800-766-3411 roofing systems. A copy part !ta^^r Reorder installation Ger:eraI application. Laps and joints must be propedy not sealed, - A. The bestvapor retarder material cannot be effective in reducing transmission of moisture aPe`a d r fevelo 'Ins, property sure installed or if g is damaged pr punctured during the time of app ed at the vapor projections extending Through the vapor retarder must be flashed or envelop integrAy of the vapor re0 r boards should beuinstalled lmmed+ telyover the bapopraeta de Ito proie�lthe vapon of r roof insulation. Insula ,, P cent construction traSic. retarder tram Punctures or damagz cause b1 subs -q tra ed asps between the vapor retarder and the B. When a vapor retarder is installed, aP,cw for venting any PP ®g Mvenis -toted ore vent for every edmeter venting or by using Mwetd One -Way H nurate insulation above root membrane by using p ,Pot the vapor retarder. When using isocya I fitlo square feet, venting fro. fi e surf-== Venting base sheet as the first ply over the a vapor retarder, GAFMC recommends Strataven? Eliminator - isocyanurate insula-lubTs. SBS Hat r,"pld RaorIng SO" 130 FROM <FRI>NFR 11 2005 11:151ST.11:021114o.7e:16574705 F 44 ever a minimum layer of non-isocyanurate insulation of sufficient thickness to span the A, Install the vapor retarder deck flutes: NOTE: See comment it' Rod Design Section of this manual regarding insulation thidmessesP R' values required for this construction. 1. Bottom insulation Layer Mechanically attach the bottom insulation layer as specified in Part 7- 2. Vapor Retarder Ina the surface a. Starting at the low poiint't lle roof. of thechalk apor retarder pl els then the ins all two iom layer pon to serve as guides lies of for the proper mapp a g 6 GAFGLAS° Ply 4 cr GAFGLAS FIexPIV" 6 felt aver the insulation, dth sheet w th a9ma� m5 rn of)1TV+3 (44.9 cm) cm) widths and lotto✓✓ with a second felts 20full 39 ''1 ao (52.6 cm) with an 18"lu' (47.5 cm) exposure and lap 4° exposure, applied shingle style. LBP (102 cm) on ends. staggeradjacent a to laps 25 lb/square are (1.2 kgl(m') i 20"o Install the felts in full and uniform mopping of hot asphalt applied a the 3. Top Insulation Layer Install the next and subsequent insulation layers in hot asphalt as specified in Part 7. 5.03 Non-Nailable Decks A Vapor Retarder f. Prime the dent %Ob aspha't primer (ASTM 041) applied at the rate of 1 gallsquare (0.41 Urn") minimum or as required by the primer manufacturer. 2. For precast or prestressed concrete decks, a. Hold primer application back 4" (10.2 cm) from pallet joints, cracks or root openings. Allow the primer adequate time to dry. h_ Over the panel joints, install a minimum 8" (20.3 cm) strip of GAFGLAS° #75 Base centered over the joint and spot attached on one side to the deck with hot asphalt 3. starting at the low point of the roof, install two plies of GAF GLASS Ply 4 or GAFGIASe FlexPly" 6 felt over the deck. Install 19 "hI"(5D cm) and 39'M (100.0 cm) widths andfollow with a second felt 39 id' (105 - c m 4" 102 cm) on ends, stagger adjacent end laps a - inimum of width sheet a maximum of 17' m (44.9 cm) exposure, applied shingle style. Lap felts 20"1+I (52.6 cm with an 18"1is" (47.5 cm) exposure and lap 19'(45.7 cm). Install the felts in full and uniform mama nq of hot asphalt applied a1 the rate of 25 Iblsquare (1.2 kglm') 3 20%. 4. Install insulation in hot asphalt as specified In Part 7. SBS Hat Mopped Roorug Sysrems 131 FROM 5.04 (FRI)FlPR 11 2008 11:18/8T.11:02/Mo.T6166T4786 P 46 A. Vapor Relarder Install vapor relarde' over sheathing paper on the deck, slatting at the low point of the roof. Refer t° Part 4 0, INS Section for fastener types applicable to the root deck type: fasteners approved for 1. First Ply: Mechanically fasten one ply of GAFC—l-W I" Base Sheet using applicable deck type. fasten with three res °entersnLocate thferse and row of Lap the base sheet 2" (5.1 cm), and mechanically a and on 9" (22.9 cm) the seam) wAlum) from the leaea a and on 18" (457 am) cente .The third row of fasteners shall fasteners 14" (35.6 cm) from lite leading g centers. The centers for 1ne second and third rows be 26" (66.0 cm) frpm the leading edge on 18" (45.7 cm) should be staggered.ping n of hot asphalt 4 or GAZG 20% 1 <aply P Y a lull and Snifo) a ° de aps and 4" 2. Second Ply Install GAFGIAS` Ply the I sheet 2" applied at the rate of 25 ibisquare (1.2 kglm ) (10.2 cm) on end laps. 3. Install insulation in hot asphalt as spedfied in Pa 7 5.05 LighlweigM Insulating ions ete or Peumd cvnsum Decks A. Vapor Retarder (Note: Installation of insulation ovo, rew lightweight Insulating concrete wth or without a vapor retarder is not recommended.)using Of 5`satavent° Eliminator- Nailable 1 se Sheaf thne and mechan sally fasten 1. First Pty: R4echanically fasten one Ply 457' approved far lightweightinsuiating concrete decks. Lap the base sheetC ( from the leading edge and on 9' on the seam) wilt be V (= ) ' edge and on 1 e" frpmtheleading g w its three rows of fasteners. The first row l cm the te_dtng 9 a ed eon 18" (45.7 cm) centers. (22.9 cm) Center's. Larate the second row of fastenefifi t36 � roved fastening patlerns cm) centers. The third raw of fasteners shall be 26" ( ered. For FMRC app The centers tpr the seporld andovaldGuideshould be Stagg retertothe current FMRC App In of hot asphalt 0 4 or GAZG �O°yFl Lap i e Ply shelet 2"1(5.1 cm} atos de aps and 4" 2. Second Ply: Install GAF6tAS PIY1 2 k Im ) - applied at Oneend laps' iblsquare (. 9 (10.2 cm) 3. Install insulation in hot asphalt as specl5ad in Part 7. Pad Sty slope C1,^DerFoot and Over) Re uirements 6,01 General es of inch per foot ( 4.2 cmlm) or greater. A. Use ASTiv u 312,TYPe nr asphalt must be used on slop or teeter. Supplemental occur on slopes of'11 inch per toot ( 42 cmlm) 9 B , Slippage of mop applied roof systems may n %inch per foot (4.2 cmlm), supplemental fastening is fastening is therefore required. If the roof slope is less ha• not required. 8 y wide and equal in thickness t° the C• Use treated wood milers (insulation stops) at least 3% inches ns ) insulation. Natters must be mechanically fastened to the deck installed at right angles to the direction of the slope SBS Hot Moppd Roofing Systems 13Z FROM CPRI)APR 11 2008 1V:10/ST.11Z021H..7N16G747S5 P 46 jttg@swtrere insulatler 3tep5 efLeSIUICEd,_tr�ate�,wood Hailers must he a minimum 3'h inches (8.9 cm) wide and equal in thidmessiothe insula8on. Nailers shall tie secured mdcharveally-to-tk�derk4o bothsides of -the- ridge. lNhere na!lers meet, `bevel edges to form a flush surface for membrane appbcalon. IIen. on Slopes ^f'JZ Mat Less than r' per Foot 6.02 Wood Nd - A. er foot cm but fess than i6.eters). All dimensions are from 7 ern per meter) use wood nailers If slope is inch per fool but less than 2 inches p at the eave, at the ridge and at lntermediate points of no more that 16 feel (4.Insulation, but where possible, 9 m inside face to inside face of the wood nailers. Ensure a snug fit with the courses of avoid cutting the insulation. B. For non -insulated nailable decks, back -nail the plies directly to the deck at the intervals listed. and install at the intervals as indicated. C. For non -insulated, non-naitabte decks, set the woad nailers flush wlih decks 6.03 Wood Nailers fln scopes of f fo r to 2 eter) use wood eTS at the A. if slope is 2 inches per foot to 3 inch as per foot 16.7 cm feet t (2 cm ). Alldimensions are rib nide face to inside the ridge and at intermediate spacing of no more than B feet (2.4 m). face of the wood nailers. 8. Ensure a snug fit wife the courses of insulation; but avoid cutting the insulation where possible. C. For non -insulated rraitabla decks, bast -nail the plies directly to the deck at the intervals listed. set the wood nailers flush wdh decks and install at the intervals as indicated. D. For noo-msulated, non-nai!ahle decks, 6 0; Wood Nailers on Slopes Greater than 3t' per Foot p For roofs v ith sbpes greater than 3 inches per foot (25.0 cm Per meter), contact GAFMC Contractor Services p1'at i-�800-7,6.6,-31411. '6.V.i�n$�ldRUrl rnSNnBt♦Brt _ �_..,.,. .,��aaa. 6.06 Membrane installation roximately 1 inch (2.5 a�I) from he leading edge of the A. Install crit plies of base and ply sheets ve tically on slopes Of '12 inch per toot (4.2 cm per meter) and greater an back -nail them into wood nailers or nailable decks SPP sheets. All end laps must be at wood nailers and blind nailedeinto the mood nailer on 8 -inch (20.3 cm) center. se nails with integral metal heads at least 1 inch round or sq ova the nailer and be fastened on B•inch B. At ridges, base plies must extend across opposite sides of ridge, (20.3 cm) centers. An additionalcurer of base sheet shall be centered over the r dge overlapping the fasteners at least 6 inches (15.2 ) Wood !ales on 8 inch (20.3 cm) censers C. Install Ruberoid° membranes vertically on slopes of ithScrews inch per tint and greater. Terminal membranes0.3 fop off the nailer and fasten the too edge of each sheet Sheet must extend a?t!e(ast 9 inches (22.9 cm) P across the top of the sheet. The ovedapp 9 to length not to ffycee underhy ng sheet. All end laps must be staggered to the closest wood nailer, spaced a minimum of 4 feet i.2 m). it M th Cm).slopes For non -insulated ted woad deck Per to mfnaleeandbfa ten the end of the Rube old° sheets to erold 5.1the deck v (feat (5.2 same fasteners, on the same spacing tnd!caled above. 595 Hot Wpped Rwring sysBns 183 FROM CFRI)XPR 11 MOOS 11:1716T.11:021Ro.7B16674906 P 47 I iMuwan �.3 install additional insulation layers, maximum W x d (122m x i , Press size, to full and uniform mopping a all applied at the rate of 25lbs.lsquare (1.2 kglmn±20%. Press each board firmly into place. Sia r the joints each additional layer by as much as possible in relation to the insulation joints in the layer Blow (mini - t er) to eliminate continuous vertical gaps. mum 6 cm) s agg h the top layer of insula - g. As an alternative hod to the above, multiple layers of insulation of the same, non -i red insulation materia in thickness nor total thick - may be simultaneous eche ically fastened with approved fasteners and p ate ro ton to the structural deck. ividuat layers of insu -qt ot exceed a pout wntten a prove on must not exceed3 GAFMC)Contractor Services" GAFMC ness of all layers should not d (12.7 cm) P and FMRC approved penile or wo Iberboa anumteinsulat oof nsuion. a inim n s'm �taneously)a I ched. Stagger and offset over one o more layers of approved po all joints of each insutaton layer from under ' layers. Fastening pattern and uplift classdications for sim pus upon the top layer of insulation directly under iastene the specific insulation material, deck type d fastener as 1 nB and 1-29 for addifional require is and information. attached insulation assemblies is dependent for les according to the listed FMRC app roval hhlV used. Beier to FMRC Loss prevention Data a thly A hof steep asp qulw N 4° (10.21atiOn cm) enol IapshCaall be tato be takenid avenly, in assume smooth a nd em ed raGohnof tape, aniform ld fullf emhedm� of the tape in the asphalt B , cation of the asphalt and cape maybe made by either "back mopping" the Pape and pressing tope ra I place, or by use of taping macflire (small felt ever) which will applV asphalt to the tape in a contnuous eratic part 8M_ e�Y� t10n 8.01 General A. Substrates must be inspected and accepted by the contractor as suitable to receive and hold roof membrane materials. g. Start the installaton of all membrane plies at the low point or drains, so the flow of water is over or parallel to the ply tape, but never against the taps. C" Chalk lines where necessary to assure proper alignment and headlap widths of membrane plies. D. Use half base sheet width as a starter stip in two-ply roof constructions. E. installation of an membrane plies, except those that are mechanically fastened, shall result in a minimum'Ia' (10 mm) Bow -out pf bitumen at side and end laps. F. Assure that an membrane plies lay tat and are uniformly secured to their substrate. Wrinkles, fish mouths and similar defects most be removed and patched. -necessary to accommodate Bashing conditions shown in the Flashing G. Extend all membrane plies to dimension Details of this section. n immediately after H callap re mustt be taken to nsu epmembranes shaft be comp complete bondng at"T'laps. Lap edgesled-in or W�) on all merriorane sheetsllshouldAbdditional inspected for full and uniform bondng to the underying membrane sheet . SBS Hal Mopped Roenng Systems 135 FROM <FRI)AVR 11 2008 11:17/ST.11:02/Mo.7®19974796 F 49 18" (45.7 cm). Side laps shall not ca!ncide with underlying plies in multiple layer appl!rauons. sting n Or J. Prime, all masonry, GAFMC membranes are to be l and adhered.pPrimer (ASTM 10 41) shall be applied atthelt surfaces and substrate with asphalt rate Of 1 gat squaimer where ro (0.41 Um2) minimum or as required by primer mailuTacturer. Atlowthe admer adequate time to dry. K. Bmoming4n of glass iehs is vital to minimize voids and assure complete, uniform attachment. L OccasionThese spticesfull a a mmembrane Y41fCut u_l a1! so!lces`tand ce that asfann end laps pad of the manufacturing . M. Back nailing of fells and cap sheets, and the use of ASTM ()-312 Type IV asphalt 1s required on slopes `lf per foot (4.2 c{ per meter) or greater. Refer to Pad 6, "Steep Slope 'y=" per Foot and Greater". o.02 phasinn A. Th "phasing retersio the practice of apply ng pad a total root membrane at one time and allowing that pad to remain exposed to the weather for a period of time before applying the remaining elements of the root system. Membranes applied in this manner are subject to early deterioration. Blisters, voids, membrane damage and moisture infiltration are much more likelyto occur in "phased" roof membranes. B GAFk C does not approve the practice of "phaseng . C temporary root mus!sa r. lirtibenever Ills necesryemoved prio!rdtogi "innstthe dry" I on of the roof system. temporary roof covering is recommended; this 8.03 Use Sheets - Mechanically Fastened A. Ater allowing hesheet torlayp sheet ssrat center of sheet and "king in 000"ite ecuonPush allwneand buckles ahead as p The fallcvding are minimum fastening patterns. that may be used when fastening the base ply. For FMRC approved fastening Patterns, reterto the current FMRC Approval Guide. 1. Base sheet (no insulation) on decks of wood, plywood, OSa, lightweight concrete, gypsum, or cementitious wood fiber (Figure 1). A. Lao the base sheet 2" (51 cm), and mechanically fasten with three rows of fasteners. The fust row (onOf the seam) will be 1" (25 cm) from the leading edge and ons �2cm) centers. The third To of iastnrers. Locate the second s shall fasteners 14" (35.6 cm) from the leading edge and on 1 B" be 26" (66.0 cm) from the !eating edge on 18" (45.7 cm) centers. The centers for the second and third rows _ should be staggered. Staples aced at 9" (22.9 cm) o.c. centered over B. Plywood or OSB desks w�ty. Lap he nose sheet 2" (5.1 cm), and mechanically fasten with four equally spaced rows of SencoTope and N12 BAB or N12 FAB Stap p aced in the field of the sheat the 2" (5.1 cm) wide laps and at 9" (22.9 cm) o.c. in three rows equally spaced 2. Simultaneous fastening base sheets with insulation, with the DRILL -TEC" fasteners having a 3" (7.6 cm) Plate (Figure 2):61.0 Lap the base sheet 2" (5.1 cm). Screws and plates are then installed in 3 equally spaced rows on 24" inch side lap, the other rows are located equidistant 30.5 33.0 cm) iroril he lap rows. This pattern results in approximately cm) maximum centers n each row. One row is in the 2" ) h cm from the lap rows approximalely 12" —13" ( imeters (minimum 4 foot wide) fasteningpattern must per 1.2 square lent (uild nl ), 4 equally rows of fasteners on 18" (45.7 cm) centers. one fastener per 2.1 square feet (0,20 m ). Along building Pel be increased to one fastener p SL's W Mopp1d RMo q 5yst9n5136 FROM (FRJ)APR 11 2008 11:16/ST.11:02/Mo.TB1669470K P 40 8.04 Basellinefply Sheets • Hot Nsph W Appiicatior, A. General wh!eh maybe used as my sheets or base sheets (excluding The following applies to all GAFMC Sheets, Stratavenr Eliminator" Perforated): st kept k to a Foot and machine tnimum to naducelln� affic on freshly applied membranes`'iressure. The potential result s'the c ea ion of an arca possibility of asphalt displacement due to "pcim applied" P where the asphalt quantdy may be too right to perform the required waterproofing or bonding function. equipment over, or stare materials on, Workmen muss stand on the insulation, or deck side of the system and avoid traffic on G`:e freshly laid mem rane system for a long enough time to allow the asphalito muDo notst have ballooQ fir s. the freshly laid membrane. Asphalt dispensing equipment B, For slopes under'h° perfoot (4.2 cm per meter). Type lit or Ican he used. Type IV must be used V asphalt on all slopes'11" per fool (4.2 cm per meter) and greater. 2 +20%. See C Asph t shat! be applied in a uniform layer, without voids, at a rate of 25 IbJsquare (1.2 kglm ) — part 3 "Asphalt°. D. For mop applications of GAFMC membranes, the mopping stroke Will h , such that the side lap is covered with asphalt last. E. Rubercido Mop (Smooth) and Ruberoid 20 (smooth) should have 4" (10.2 cm) side laps and 6 (15.2 cm) end laps.sides and 4" (10.2 cm) on ends. Stagger E Base sheet: Install full width base sheets, Tapping 2" (5,1 cm) on the adjacent end laps a minimum of 18" (45.7 cm) apart. G. one -ply inlerply application: Install full width ply sheets, lapping 2" (5.1 an) on the sides and t, t gg r ply on ends. Stagger adiacent end laps a minimum of 18" (45.7 cm) apart Where installed over base sheet, stagger ply sheet side and end laps from underlying plies. 565I.bt ldopped Roofing Systems 137 S N _3 N9 a FROM (FRI)APR 11 2006 11;16/ST.11:02/H-.7U16674T66 P 60 width starter plies, and follow with a second X% (5 (6 ci cm} widthsheet wi 2 cm cn end fags. Stagger aola xn: ei w r- felts 20 1, (52.6 cr-ir) With an iB"ia (47 Crr) exposure and S. (1 ) a minimum 0118" (45.7 cm). 6.7 I. Three ply inlerply applications: Install starter strips of w'd'h sheet with a maximum 11 4a (283 cm), DPosu e. widths and follow with a second full 39'le (100.0 cm) ) applied shingle style. Lap tells 2d11,,,, (68?cn) with a 121"' (31.6 cm) exposure and lap 6"(15.2 cm) at ends. Stagger adjacent end laps a minimum of 18" (4 b.7 cm). J. Four -ply applications: Install starter strips of 911.' (25.x'0 sheet with a maximum 71 " (20 cm) exposure, applied ) widihs and lollo�v with a second full 39 h (100.0 cm) � 1 F 2 cml at ends. Stagger shingle style. Lap fells 3014 (76.4 cm) with a 91a" (23.6 cm) exposure and lap 6' (=• adjacent end laps a minimum of 1 a" (45.7 cm). lit Appty asphalt sn that a small head of asphalt shows al the edge of the membrane. Do not avow heavy flows of asphalt to extend beyond the membrane edge. Heavy, loegular surface news of asphalt will make proper app bon of cap membrane difficult. i application of the membrane, do not "v+aik enrti3own" as and patched L In the event a wrinkle or a"fishmouth"forms during heFishmouths or wrinkles shall be sliced op p memory of the sheet or tell may cause i1 to reappear. with he, asphalt and additional membranes. Avoid cutting into the plies below the fishmouth or wr n le by angling the knife blade to the side. of base sheet laid fd Two-ply base sheet applicat en:Two a more base sheets must be installed with each ply individually with side and end laps off set from previous plies. 8.05 Strataverif Eliminator Perforated Base Sheet urate insulation, A R1 C. ya Roll Eliminator" Pedomted Base Sheet out dry, granule -surface down, directly over ed but1 asphalt -primed smooth structural concrete or asphalt primed existing smooth -surfaced built-up roofing. Lap base sheet 2" (5.1 cm) on the sides and 4" (10.2 cm) on the ends, with adjacent end laps a minimum of 18" (45.7 cm) apart. Th Install the subsequent system plylplies in hot asphat mopped over rthe surface. of Stratavenrfi7laorated l m atop" PeaaBase to ere hot asphalt used to install the subsequent Ply/Plies Base Sheet flows through the perforations to attach the base sheet and membrane system to the substrate - �� o lica6on 8.06 Ftuberoid ivlop SBS Menttral,� �pp A For slopes less than `i:"par foot (4.2 cm per meted, Tvoe Ili or IV asphalt can be used. Type IV must be used on all slopes'h" per foot (4.2 cm per meter) and over. B, Psphall shall be applied at its EVT temperature or 425°F (218°C), whichever is greats-, in a undorm layer without voids, at a rate of 251blsquare It -2 kglm') ±20016. See Part 3 "Asphalt'. C For mop applications of GAF{,qC membranes, the mopping stroke will be such that the side lap is covered with asphalt last. A rolling bank (puddle) of mopping asphalt must be maintained across the full width of the roll. 1 D.2 cm} on the sides and 6" (.15.2 cm) on sed from ds. D, cap sheet application: Install full width cap sheets, lapping 4" All side and end laps must be Stagg Stagger adjacent end laps a minimum of 16" (45.7 cm)apart underlying plies. E. All laps must be parallel or perpendicular to the slope of the trot such that the flow of water is never against the lap. SBS Har Mapped Roofing Sy ,nn, 1 3B FROM (FRI>APR 11 2000 11:18/ST.11:02iR0.7e168747eB P 61 pwithout precautionary measures i r n temperatures below 4a'r t1.4- iJ. G. Coiled roils should be unrolled, placed upside down and allowed to "relax" p rior to installation. Then reroll to apply. f, There on Care should be taken fp insure that the cap shall Grooming in may belays flat in lhe lnecessary untder. complete conditions to between fire cap sheet and the mopping asp I extra pressure to avoid creating open channels, insure ilial fire cap sheet adheres solidly to the asphalt. App Y where three or more membranes are lapped las are not acceotabie. Check all K A minimum'10" (10 mm) asphalt fiow-out must be obtained of all laps. Dry p seams for full and uniform adhesion. ;. A11 end taps must be staggered a in of 18" (45.7 cm) so that no adjacent end laps coincide. If end laps fall in line or are must bestagstaggered the proper distance, a full widl of Ruberokd"Map SBS membrane must be installed ot over the end laps. patt9- Flash 9.01 General Iencountered A Refer to thes. install flashing materials 10 0lt i s shown in fie constructionch rinnict ' detailng gsuirements for typically I„qtr cripn. A ply of must be installed nstr- do Ruberoif B. Base flashing for rook systems to be guaranteed for TI years must as i minimum two ply un GAFGLASO #75 Base Sheet extending the Tull heio_M of the base clashing Membrane top Ply - . for 20 years must be Base flashing for root systems to be guarani a + unimum two ply construction..4 ply of Ruberoid” 2D membrane, extending Re full height o the of Flashing se ashinc pl ieI must be 'for fllashiled ng designatnderthe ions and Mop granule surfaced membrane top ply. guarantao length eligibility. C. dations are found in Factory Mutual Data Sheet 1-49. These Basic wood blocking, anchorage recommen recommendations are required for Factory Mutual approvad projects. D. NI penetrations should be at least 18" (45.7 cm) from curbs, ails, and edges to provide for proper dashing. _ E. Install flashing sheets starting at low points• F. Use only Type III or Type IV hot asphalt Ortrowet grade modified adhesive. Maintain asphalt at EVT +I- 25oF (13.91C) for all base and ply sheets used in flashing details. Apply flashing membranes at the EVT temperature = or 425"F (218°C), whichever is greater. G, prime all meta; and masonry with asphalt primer allow to dry prior to being sully adhered to with flashing sheets. H. Only use GAFMC membranes in construction of flashing details. I, Do not use mete base flashing. Damage to the roofing system caused by metal base flashing is not the responsibility of GAFMC. J. Base flashing should extend a minimum of 8" (20.3 c n), and a maximum of 24" (61.D an) above the rootline. rs and alls' for rs or er Them - K Comer b ane reinforcements encs ahe9equi ed to ensu a thater outside carm -base dashing corners are sealed at feast areas Alternate method of corner reinforcing: install a smooth MB membrane reinforcement niece on the prepared corner substrate prior to final surfacing membrane. Refer to MB Flashing Details section. Note: Mastic and fabric coursing is not an acceptable alternate for proper flashing and c^'.^. flab ing details. 595 RIX Mopped Roofing Sysrems 339 FROM Systems ano quaint' to u" ^ '- f information and installation Instmcticn g.02 Cam 5irips and Wood Nai{ers (FRI)APR ll 2008 11:19/ST.11:02/Mo.7616974796 P 52 can be used in conjunction with SBS Viol A. Canistrips ets curbs or i. BMCA Petite cant strips must be installed at the intersecshah he approzimaiely 4I' (10.2gon of the roof and all walls acm) in horizontal and 4" transitions approaching 90° that are to be flashed. They (10.2 Gin); vertical dimension. The face of the rant shall have an incline of not more than 45° with [hero . cents ly with ral 2 Specification cants shall l_1535 d, and pressure treated for solid wood cants where mechaasistnncal seureme Fiberboard to cants shall required or when solid wood cants will help stabil1� the vertical wood milers at projections or expansion joint openings. 3. Masonry canis shall be integrally Cast to the wall and deck. They shall be finished and prepared with the some care as the deck. The cant shall be constructed so that it provides a vertical offset equal in thickness to the roof insulation. 4. Metal cant or metal curb strips are not approved. 5. Cants shall always be installed on top of the roof insulation, or wood Hailers. 6. Mechanically fasten cant where applicable.Othervise, set in hot asphalt orTramel Grade Mortified Adhesive and install as shown in "Flashing Detalle, in this section. 7. Neatly ft all joints and miters. Q Wood Haters 1, Wood milers must be 3 4." (9.9 cm) minimum width or 1" (25 mm) under than metal flange and minimum 1" (25 mm) thick and sevurely fastened to the deck. ckness as tapered edge strip or insulation. 2. Wood Hailers shall be the same thi 3. For roof systems requiring perimeter venting, Tellers shall be slotted. 9.03 Sheet Metal A sheet metals andthe large temperature component changes that scan b e Per enced on a rroof, sheet metacoefficient of l orexposed metal components must be isolated from ine waterproofing components of the roofing and flashing system as efficiently as possible to prevent the metal from splitting the membranes. caused by the movement Hf accessory rnelal. GAFMC assumes no responsibility for damage to the roofing sY a at caths, gravel slops), treated wood Hailers B. When it is unavoidable to use metal in the roofing system (i.e„ lead flung and insulation stops, 1" (25 mm) wider than the metal flange, should be provided far metal flange securement het iicable construction detail to meet Metal flanges must always be set on inn of the roof membrane with modified trowel grade cold adhesive app material for SBS mot systems. The metal flange is then sealed using the app applicable guarantee requirements 071 mm) Metal accessories (gravel stops, counter flashing, etc.) should be 16 D7. (�mm a56 lL,m Purer, 24 gauge ( . galvanized or stainless steel, 2% to 4 Ib (1.1-1.8 kg) lead, or 0.032" t . ) se5 WMOPPM Roaring sysums toe FROM (FRI)RPR 11 2005 11:15/ST.11:02/H0.7616574756 P 60 efer to CNA sheet metal materials as shown in app. licable con�f^u�uldanctelonsl eetmeta lea m not addressed in this Manual. p. Clean metal and apply asphalt primer to all sheet metal surfaces that will come into contact vMh asphalt I other bituminous materials; allow"�a pnmer ade. 'u ate time to dry. E. Use fastener types compatible with the sheet metal type. 1. Copper or lead -coated copper: use copper or bronze fasteners. 2. Lead and galvanized steel: use galvanized or cadmium -plated sheet fasteners. 3. Aluminum: use aluminum fasteners. 4. Stainless steel: use stainless steel fasteners. Metal counter -flashing shall have a minimum 4" {10.2 cm) lace v^th a drip lip. The bottom edge of the Counter- ` (10.2 cover the Vel sfiv9 odenbwalls and/or -augh wall metal ltashinq_s should be by a minimum of4` a two piece dtesign totallow for ing used for masonry als snould be installation and later removal . Metal counter -fl.. agerialss for ss ch as r type flashing, while Iprovidlar ing lfor securement designed to receive and set as a base for those ...-. 6 ell or more. of separate metal counter-flasphing to cover bare against w. d forcetal end joints shall be shall b 3" at ) Adequate fasteners must be rodded to ..cure wind forces. Skirt fasteners shall be watertight. G. Metal termination bar shall be a minimum of'I+a" (.3 mm) thiel x 1° (26 mm) wide vnth preformed sealant edge lap. Bar should have'!;' (6 mm) x'16' (1D mm) slotted holes on 4" (10.2 em) centers to facilitate macharical anchorage. } he used in can - Nate: jurdon w�hars an � not le coin -flashing extenall base ding a minimum oand wall ff conditions10.2 cm) below the termination bar.- - H. Metal flanges for gravel stops, eave strips, and pitch pockets to be used in conjunction with roofing shall be primed (both sides), set in modified trowel grade cold adhesive applied material for SBS roof systems. Flanges shall be a minimum of 3'!d' (8.9 cm) wide for gravel stops or eave strips and 4" (10.2 em) wide for p steal tions and extensions through the roof. The gravel stop lip should be at least'1t' (19 mm) high. Eave sVip lips shad be at least % (10 mm) high. _ kirt to the face of the wall. This may be wood nailer strips for masonry provision must be made for securing the s and metal construction. In all cases, gravel strop and eave strip nailer should be fastened to the deck or deck system with adequate resisfarioe against wind forces. I. Stacks shad have rreai sleeve flas i.^.g a minimum of 8" (20.3 cm) high. pitch pockets for brackets, supports, h II have a 4" (102 cm) minimum height metal sleeve. pad -eyes, etc., s a On reroofing projects, provisions shall be made for reinstallation of existing sheet meta{ duct work, equipment, coo- ing metal and co ntt r-fashheet mng r coved i replacement conjunction missing ng and it irreparh the neA able sheet metal t e for omatch9 xstding types of existing Light gauge sheet metal. flashings which are incorporated into the Auberoid° roof system are not suitable for re -use and must be replaced with new material. K. Conduits and piping such as electrical and gas tines most be set on wood btck ng or some other form of support. Wood blockinglsupoorts must be set on doubler pads (an additional layer of the roof membrane). 565 Hoc Mapped Roofing Sy57em5 141 FROM -..9:04-.-Ruberoid.. Flashing Membrane Application <FRI>APR 11 2006 11:16/6T.11:02/M- 7616674766 P 64 A. Ruberoid" membranes used for flashing material can only be installed using MATRIX" SBS Flashing Cement. B. Refer to the construction details in this section. C. Wood curbs and walls must be covered with a layer of approved GAFMoved fasteners wC Sheet or ith minimuat lm ie diameter or flashing system and fastened W (20.3 cm) o.c. in all direct ons with app square caps. All vertical laps shall be 4" (10.2 cm). Base sheet or backer ply muss extend out onto field of roof as shown in applicable GAFMC construction detail. ashing Cement or hot tes in D asphallpmusl beaoul into manageable lengths to enled over Masonry or other sure adequlablF ate adhesion to cantstripland vertical surfaces with- out excessNe voids. All vertical laps shall be 4" (10.2 em). Backer ply shall extend out onto field of roof as shown in applicable GAFMC construction detail. E. It is recommended that the finished ply of base flashing berune i alll he sto lheet isr unOvide l vage edge thorizontallyhat will aid in achieving proper adhesion at the 4" (10.2 cm)vertical laps- must be removed form the ge the vertical laps must be a minimum of 6" (15.2 cmi and the salvage a shall extend out onto the field of sheet or fully covered by the countertlashing. The finished clashing ply fcable GAFMC construction detail, and must be extended a minimum of 4" the roof as shown in the app parapet,) beyond the area and edge t the prior esshinult in a Iminirnum cois The ld' rg must ngoco sltruct on`. to the F. Trowel Grade Adhesive Application: 1. Apply MATRIX" SBS Flashing Cement with trcvvel or wide -edged Duffy knife at approximately 118" (3 mm) thickness in a full and uniform application. 2. Firmly press sheet into adhesive. Immediately nail he too of the flashing as specified in flashing detail to prevent slippage. G. Hot Asphalt Application: er 1. Be careful to insure the SBS flashing sheets are set in a heshlt eet s recommen the ended, with is at the the s 7eet temperatures (minimum 425°F( 218" C.) Back Mopping being quickly applied to the substrate. 2. Firmly press the sheet onto the substrate. Nail the top of the flashing as specified in the flashing delai . ftinn raft Is n 10.01 berterar A Install all surcacry to prov de proper membrane: wind uplift and fire protection as requited by GAFMC in conjunction with local code, insurance and project requirements. os stems ability B. Surfacing weights must be considered when determining the load capacity G the structural 5uPible it y to handle load capatretiescand recommfendstthat a cerufilation and ad professional make anyer expected nation is not rel lvb_ to ad bearing capacity of a strucnire. C. Ruberoidk Mao Smooth membrane is not covered with factory applied surfacing venules and must be protected immediately after installation with a flood coat of asphalt and embeddad with gravel. Under no circumstances may the Ruberoids Mop Smooth membrane be unprotected for more than one week. D. GAFMC shall not be liable or responsible for ballast and paver surfacing systems. SBS Hot Mopped Roo@g systems 142 FROM <FRI)NPR 11 2008 11:2O/ST.11:O21Mo.7616874786 P 66 Gravel and -Asphalt ..__.._ _ . _ ._--._-- — -- -- -- —.._, A. GAFMC does not permit gravel surfacing of RubeCC;[M roof membrana systems on �Inpes yreafer than 1=me ser— — foot (8.3 cm per meter). d flood g. Not less than MIDIblsquare (195 kgln?) of gravel or 3DD Iblsquare (14.6 kg1m1) of slag shall be applie in a u coal of 60 Iblsquare (2.9 kgim') of hot asphal . i. Gravel at the time of applicationASTMll e hard. durable, opaque and tree of day, loam, sand or ocher foreign substances and comply ? Type D 312 C. Asphalt shall '1 conform toot (4.2 atecon peevisionmeter. f ASTM D 312 Type N must be used ton slopes ofor IV 1t(mperfool toslo1' e used n per foot (4.2 cm to 8.3 cm per meter). D. No more asphalt shall be applied at one time than can be immediately covered with gravel or slag. 10.03 Walkways A. Walkways for normal rooftop traffic can be consiructe use�m two plje5 of moo modified b tuminous membranes. This type of walkway is not for Sidewalk or patioAn S. Construct walkways prior to the application of field surfacing by solidly adhering a first ply of smooth surfaced hering a granule surfaced membrane to the surface of the first ply, membrane to the field of the roof and than ad C Walkway sections should be no longer than -ly (3 ml; with a 6" (i5.2 Cm) minimum gap be each section to allow for drainage. ds if additional surfacing is added to the Rubercid° membrane. D. Surface the roof around and between the pa Part 11- Cold Weather Application Precautions A. In cooler weather, unrolling and relaxing modified bitumen rolls and can ber.ut inSheeto rolls Pengths foralllaion handlinge the potential for wrinkles to form in the finished foo t. The ralswhen remitting and installing. C roof membranes at temperatures below 45°F (7.2°C): B. special care is required when installing GAFM_ 1. The roof substrate must be dry. There most be no ice, dew or water. rninirnum for east at 8 2. All membrane mils, adhesives norr to their 2pp cand coatings must tion.tAll waters -biased coatingsrmust be Protect ed temperature of 55°F (12.8°C) - PP from freeang at all filmes. eing . Install membrane 3. R;movmovlal from storaaettg avoid ed gm membrane cool ne only as they rg bModifiedrlolls most be at east 45H'llt!is MGMwill - after mended that the finished ply of base flashing be run vertical flaps.tp If the sheet ovide a is run horizontally, aid aid in achieving proper adhesion at the 4" (15.2 cm)the salvage edge shall extend out onto the vertical laps must be a minimum of 6" (152 The d shed fla h ng ply must extend removed form the sheet or fully covered by the counterflashing, the field of the roof (10 Shown c! beyond he edge of the prior flashing plies. The flashing must be ed a minimum of to ( ) y soundly adhered to the parapet, cant area a of surface to result in a minimum void, non - bridging construction, (7.2°C) at time of app lcatio SBS Ho! I,dopped Roo519 Sysmms la3 FROM <FRI)APR 11 2006 11:20/6T.11:02/Mo.7616674796 P 66 4. For mop applied SBS membranes, the asphalt temperature at point of application must be maintained at the – -- halts Et/ -T -o -.r-4-2 -(218°C)whick eve;-is-9reater.; w lh_a mlling.haok (puddle�_ot mouplt9 icitioasphalt across the full width of theroll.nodi e ft—fettslt e2sphaltiemperaiureal-poin �t3pph at onlDslsl.-- be maintained at the asphalt's EVT 125°F (13.9'F). The use of insulated asphalt handling equipment is recommended in cold weather. Do not overheat the asphalt to try to offset the cold ambient temperature. If Be awareproper that cohalt ol, wition ndy conditionsre can not be will cause asphalt consistently s to Occurmaintained ai a rate equivalemust be nt to atin- lower ambiant temperature. 5. Mopping must not precede the roll by more than five feet. 6, if insulation is being set in mopping asphalt, a must be set quickly while the asphalt is still hot and fluid. Use the minimum insulation size available. M no time should boards larger than 4'X 4' (1.22m X 1.22m) be set in hot asphalt. more viscous and difficult to apply. Be careful to insure Thai 7. In cooler weather, modified adhesives become the adhesives are applied at the proper rate. SBS Hol Mapped RMFIN Systems 144