2004-026 Arcadis Agrmt. for Irrigation Study at CClub Golf CourseRESOLUTION 26-2004 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH ARCADIS G&M, INC., ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING AN IRRIGATION STUDY OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Agreement with Arcadis G&M, Inc., attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement is for the purpose of securing an irrigation study of the North Palm Beach Country Club golf course. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement with Arcadis G&M, Inc., set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF APRIL, 2004. `~~,~~uuulr~,, ~~ ~(~Ici/~~~~~ ,_ .~ ~ ' ~« . ;, r s' _ _ <~ i, M YO ~ ~~\ ii ®~~ Nl1~~ ~~ 11~~~~~~~ lll'. AT T: VILLAGE CLERK • ~ ARCADIS • PURCHASE ORDER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PURCHASE ORDER between the Village of North Palm Beach ("Client") and ARCADIS G&M, Inc. ("ARCADIS") dated ~~~ , 2004. Pursuant to the following terms and conditions on the back of, or attached to, this Purchase Order, which are incorporated herein by reference, ARCADiS agrees to diligently and professionally perform professional consulting services and produce all of the deliverables, described in this Agreement and all exhibits hereto for the proper completion of the Scope of Work. ARCADIS shall faithfully perform the Services required under this Agreement in accordance with standard of care, skill, training, diligence and judgment provided by competent professionals who perform work of a similar nature to the work described in this Agreement and any Work Authorization. Client agrees to pay for the Services performed by ARCADIS in accordance with this Agreement. The Work shall commence on or about April 1, 2004 and be completed by June 1, 2004 for the not-to-exceed fee of $14,500 for Tasks 1, 2 and 3. SCOPE OF WORK The Village of North Palm Beach intends to upgrade its existing golf course facility and is hiring an architect to support the Village's efforts. The Village and the architect need to be assured of a reliable, available and sufficient irrigation supply for the golf course and landscaped areas served from the golf course supply. The current irrigation supply (permitted by South Florida Water Management District [SFWMD]) consists of a surface-water intake and pumping station in the C-17 Basin upstream of the S-44 control structure adjacent to State Road 811 (Alternate AlA), an 8-inch diameter pipeline (about 3 miles long) from the intake to the golf course, and a holding pond near the 16`~ green at the golf course. The irrigation pumping facility at the golf course is adjacent to the pond. The Village has concerns about the long-term viability of the existing supply. Of particular concern are: • Declines in the levels of the holding pond that appear to be greater than historical, • Possible decrease in the volume of water being delivered to the holding pond due to pump inefficiency, head losses or pipeline leaks, • Adequacy of the existing water use permit to serve the golf course AND the landscaped areas, • Assurance that the Village can modify and renew the water use permit, when necessary. Task 1: REVIEW OF EXISTING SYSTEM THROUGH DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ARCADIS will perform the following services to attempt to determine if there are "unaccounted for" losses in the supply system and/or if there is additional seepage from the holding pond: • Review the design, drawings, pumping records and water-level records of the system (to be provided by Village), • • Visit and inspect the intake and walk the route of the pipeline (access to be provided by the Village, if • needed). If possible, based on the visual inspection and design information, determine if the pump is performing within its original design parameters, • Prepare and provide to the Village a recent aerial with the approximate pipeline route superimposed (if not available from the Village), • Estimate the cross section and volume of the pond. Use a small boat, if needed, to measure the approximate pond depth. Obtain rainfall records from the nearest station(s) and perform a preliminary water-budget analysis of the holding pond using available rainfall, pumping and water-level records. Task 2: REVIEW CURRENT AND FUTURE IRRIGATION DEMANDS The Village will identify the limits, extent, acreage and crop irrigation requirements of the irrigated areas. Most of the irrigation is for turfgrass; however, there may be some areas of landscaping that require larger volume applications. ARCADIS will review the existing SFWMD Water Use Permit and Staff Report for this project for consistency with current conditions, compliance and demand. Using SFWMD methods of calculating irrigation demand, ARCADIS will compare the permitted allocation, demand and water use. Generally, the SFWMD method of calculating irrigation demand justifies an allocation that exceeds the volumes calculated by agronomists as being needed. One of the biggest obstacles to permit renewal is lack of compliance with the existing permit conditions. ARCADIS will provide the Village with a summary of findings and opinion on the adequacy of the existing permit and the potential for modifying or renewing that permit at the appropriate time. For your information and consideration, Seacoast Utility Authority has applied for and anticipates receiving an allocation from the SFWMD for an irrigation supply from the C-17 Basin. At this point in time, there does not appear to be any resistance to issuance of that permit. Task 3: IRRIGATION SUPPLY SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ARCADIS will prepare an imgation supply system status report summary (the "Deliverable") describing the findings of Tasks 1 and 2 and recommendations to establish and/or assure the long-term reliability of the imgation supply. Recommendations may range from additional data collection (by the Village or others) and/or testing if data available for Task 1 are not adequate, through system repair or possible activities to better respond to existing permit conditions or requirements likely to be imposed on the issuance of a future permit renewal or modification, to the design of additional facilities to increase the irrigation supply. FEES FOR ARCADIS SERVICES The project fee has been presented on anot-to-exceed basis. A task breakdown is provided for comparison purposes. Task 1: Review of Existing System $ 7,000 Task 2: Review Current and Future Irrigation Demands $ 4,000 Task 3: Irrigation Supply System Status Report $ 3,500 Actual charges for services will be based on hourly rates and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. A fee scheduled is attached to this Purchase Order. Receipts will be provided for out-of-pocket charges exceeding $25. ARCADIS will charge for mileage for use of personal or company vehicles outside of North Palm Beach, only if directly related to this project; there will be no mileage charge for work within North Palm Beach. • However, ARCADIS will fully perform the Scope of Work described herein for a sum not to exceed $14,500. ADDITIONAL SERVICES • The proposed study (Tasks 1, 2 and 3) may result in the need for additional services. These services may include but not be limited to surveying, pump testing, TV survey of the pipeline, pressure testing, design of facilities or instrumentation. Any additional services will be authorized by a separate purchase order executed by both parties. Although it is not recommended at this time and is unlikely to be necessary, a fee for a TV survey of the raw water pipeline has been estimated, in case the Village is specifically interested in its condition. The estimated fee for professional services and subcontracted services for a TV survey is $2 per linear foot. This would apply to the entire pipeline or portions thereof, assuming that the survey could be completed in one mobilization and access is considered routine. Attachement: Fee Schedule Rev.3 3/17/04 CLIENT By: Jovd/a~ ~ ~ . /r/o~/ Title: i~/Cf~-~D/e Date: !~ ~~ ~~ ARCADIS G&M, Inc. By: G~ w~~,~,,1 Title: ti uN~ Date: ~ /~j~ y ~~ PURCHASE ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS • 1. Changes in the Work. At any time after execution of this Agreement, Client may order changes in ARCADIS Services consisting of additions, deletions, and revisions within the general scope of services being performed by ARCADIS under this Agreement and/or any applicable Work Authorizations. Whenever a change in the scope and/or time for performance of services occurs, or if Client has notified ARCADIS of a change, ARCADIS shall submit to Client an estimate of the changes in cost and/or schedule, with supporting calculations and pricing. Pricing shall be in accordance with the pricing of this Agreement. 2. Tem7ination of Agreement. Either Party may terminate this Agreement and any associated Work Authorizations without cause and/or for convenience after giving five (5) days' written notice to the other Party. However, ARCADIS shall not have the right to terminate this Agreement, without cause, prior to completion by ARCADIS of all Services required under the Agreement. In the event Client terminates ARCADIS services without cause and/or for Client's CnPyrnignre Client shall be liable to promptly pay ARCADIS for all work performed through the date of termination, all of ARCADIS expenses directly attributable to the termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit for work performed, and costs incurred by ARCADIS in [emanating any contracts entered into in connection with the performance of its Services. 3. Use of Documents. It is understood and agreed that all documents prepared pursuant to this Agreement are the product of professional services intended for one-time use in the Project that is the subject of this Agreement. Such documents are and shall remain the property of ARCADIS, and they are not intended or represented to be suitable for re-use by Client or others on extensions of the Project or on any other project. With ARCADIS' consent, the Client may retain copies for information and reference in connection with the occupancy and use of the Project. In the event Project documents provided to the Client in machine-readable form are so converted, or in the even[ of any re-use without written verification or adaptation by ARCADIS for the specific purposes intended, the Client agrees to assume all risks associated therewith and to the fullest extent permitted by law, to hold harmless and indemnify ARCADIS from and against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages and costs. Any written verification or adaptation authorized or performed by ARCADIS will entitle ARCADIS to additional compensation at rates to be agreed upon by ARCADIS and the Client. The Parties shall at all times remain entirely responsible for the results and consequences of their sole negligence and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the other Party from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, which may arise or result from such sole negligence. Notwithstanding anything contained within this agreement to the contrary, the Village of North Palm Beach does not waive sovereign immunity, and liability is limited in accordance with Florida Statute 768.28. For any services provided by ARCADIS involving or relating to hazardous waste elements or to the removal or encapsulation of asbestos, the Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ARCADIS and their consultants, agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct and indirect, or consequential damages, including but not limited to fees and charges of attorneys and court and arbitration costs, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work by ARCADIS, or claims against ARCADIS arising from the work of others, related to hazardous waste or asbestos activities. 4. Limitation of Liability. The total liability, in the aggregate, of ARCADIS and its directors, officers, or employees, and any of them, to Client or anyone claiming by, under or through the Client for any and all injuries, claims, losses, expenses, and damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to ARCADIS Services, shall be limited to the amount of applicable insurance that ARCADIS has procured for services under this Agreement. ARCADIS shall provide a certificate of insurance to the Village for review and the Village of North Palm Beach shall be named as Additional Insured. ARCADIS agrees to correct, at its own expense, any services provided that do not conform to the standard of care hereunder for a period of one year following the completion of services. No other guarantee or warranty, express or implied, is intended by this Agreement. The Client and ARCADIS waive incidental, indirect, or consequential damages, loss revenues or profits from claims, disputes or other matters in question arising out of or relating to this Agreement, whether such claims arise from negligence, breach of contract, or strict liability. 5. Payment Terms. ARCADIS shall invoice Client for Services in accordance with ARCADIS standard invoicing practices. Invoices are due and payable on receipt and should be remitted by check or wire transfer of immediately available funds. If Client fails to make any payment due ARCADIS for services and expenses within thirty (30) days after receipt of invoice, the amounts due ARCADIS will be increased at the rate of 1.5% per month (or the maximum rate of interest permitted bylaw, if less) from accounts not paid within thirty (30) days. If Client reasonably objects to any portion of an invoice, Client shall provide written notification to ARCADIS of Client's objection and the basis for such objection within fifteen (15) days of the date of receipt of the invoice. Client shall not offset amounts due ARCADIS under a Work Authorization for any credit or disputes arising under a different Work Authorization. Client shall waive any objections to ARCADIS invoice if it fails to timely provide such written notice to ARCADIS. In the event of litigation or other proceeding to enforce performance of this Agreement or any payment obligation under this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover from the other Party attorneys' fees and costs as may be reasonably incurred by reason of the litigation. 6. Special Conditions. The Client and ARCADIS agree that there are no SPECIAL AND TECHNICAL CONDITIONS made a part of this Agreement. / ~I J ARCADIS G&M, Inc. FEE SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • Invoices for services provided by ARCADIS consist of (1) hourly rate professional services fees; (2) material and equipment expenditures and usage; (3) subcontractor costs; (4) travel, shipping, and communications charges; and (5) sales or gross receipt taxes, as applicable. Subject to periodic revisions, hourly raie fees for ARCADIS professional services are indicated below: STAFF CATEGORIES HOURLY RATES • ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS Staff Scientist/Engineer 1 $62 Staff Scientist/Engineer 2 $75 Project Staff Scientist/Engineer 1 $85 Projcct Staff Scientist/Engineer 2 $110 Senior Project Staff Scientist/Engineer 1 $123 Senior Project Staff Scientist/Engineer 2 $135 Proj. Principal Sci./Eng./ Sr. Proj. Advisor $180 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND TECHNICIANS Technician 1 $4'7 Technician 2 $62 Technician 3 $~1 Field Manager 1 $92 Field Manager 2 $105 OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF ClericaUWord Processing $42 Drafting $56 Project AssistandSenior Drafting $62 Designer/Senior Designer $81 INVOICING AND PAYMENT: Progress invoices will be issued monthly and payment is due within thirty (30) days of invoice date. Invoices for subcontractor charges are payable upon presentation. Non-standard, client-requested invoice formats and supporting documentation will be invoiced at $44.00 per hour plus expenses. A finance charge of 1.5% per month will be payable on past due account balances. G:\proposalWorth Pa1mWPBCC\Fee Sched modified at request of NPB 03 04.doc ARCADIS FEE SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES • ADDITIONAL TERMS • PROJECT MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: All project-related expenses, materials, field supplies, equipment charges; premiums for insurance, bonds, and letters of credit required by the client in addition to normal coverage; project-required permits and licenses; etc. will be invoiced at cost plus I S%. PROJECT COMMUNICATION AND SHIPPING EXPENSES: Charges for long- distance telephone, outside service photocopying and blueprints, express and regular shipping and postage will be invoiced at cost plus 15%. TRAVEL AND RELATED EXPENSES: Charges for rental vehicles, meals, travel and lodging will be invoiced at actual cost. Company and personal vehicles will be charged at $0.31 /mile. SUBCONTRACTS: No subcontractors are anticipated as part of this (NPBCC} scope of work. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS: A surcharge of 50% will be added to the professional services rates for actual sequestered preparation time and for actual time spent in depositions, public testimony, court and/or hearings. ARCADIS EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: ARCADIS -owned equipment, vehicles and materials will be invoiced at fixed unit rates. A summary of these rates will be provided upon request. ARCADIS TREATABILITY LAB ANALYSES: Routine Treatability Laboratory analyses will be invoiced at a fixed price per test. Rates will be available upon request. G:\proposal\North PaImWPBCC\Fee Sched modified at request of NPB 03 04.doc • • ARCADIS EXPENDABLE ITEMS BILLING RATES Unit Expendables Unit Price Field Items: 1.5" X 3' Disposable PE Bailer each $13.00 Disposable VUC Sampler each 3.00 QED Sample Pro Filters each 16.00 Nalgene Water Filters each 6.00 Nylon Rope (1/8") per/ft. 0.10 1/2" Vinyl Tubing per/ft. 0.40 1/2" Polyethylene Tubing per/ft. 0.80 1/2" Tygon Tubing per/ft. 2.00 1/2" SiliconTubing per/ft. 3.00 1 Liter Collapsible Bottle each 2.00 Soil Sample Brass Tube with Cap each 12.00 Deionized Water per/gal. 3.00 Lab Grade Detergent per/pt. 12.00 Surgical Gloves ($30/box) per/pair 0.40 Respirator Cartridges pair 18.00 Inorganic Water Test Ampule each 3.00 Lock each 15.00 2" Locking Well Cap each 18.00 4" Locking Well Cap each 32.00 Film each 6.00 Graphic Output Charges: B&W Color Blueline per sq. ft. 0.15 N/A Paper Sepia per sq. ft. 0.50 N/A Mylar Sepia per sq. ft. 1.50 N/A Photocopy Bond per sq. ft. 1.00 2.00 Photo Copy Velum per sq. ft. 2.00 4.00 Photocopy Mylar per sq. ft. 2.50 5.00 CADD Plot Velum per sq. ft. 0.60 1.20 CADD Plot Mylar per sq: ft. 1.50 3.00 A-Size Scan each 15.00 15.00 G:\proposal\North Palm\NPBCC\Fee Sched modified at request of NPB 03 04.doc /-~RCADIS • EXPENDABLE ITEMS BILLING RATES Office Items: Reproduction per page 0.15 Bindery: Document MaterialsBindery original 10.00 Document MaterialsBindery copy 5.00 3-Ring Bindery Materials: Up to and including 2" original 20.00 Up to and including 2" copy 10.00 2" to 4" original 25.00 2" to 4" copy 15.00 Fax per page 0.50 • G:\proposal\North Pa1mWPBCC\Fee Sched modified at request of NPB 03 04.doc ARCADIS EQUIPMENT RENTAL RATES • Rental D~a ~ Week WATER MONITORING EQUIPMENT W 1 Bailer (Stainless or Teflon) 8 24 W2 Conductivity, pH, Temperature ::'Teter 25 7S W3 Dissolved Oxygen Meter 50 150 W4 Redox Meter 65 125 WS Turbidity Meter 35 100 W6 OiUWater Interface Probe 65 200 W7 Electric W.L. Indicator 25 50 W8 ISCO Stormwater Sampling System --- 525 WATER PUMPING EQUIPMENT P1 Peristaltic Pump (N1-Flex) 35 100 P2 1" Centrifugal or Sump 20 60 P3 4" Submersible Pump (10 - 20 gpm) 70 230 P4 1" Pneumatic Diaphragm Pump 45 180 PS Bladder Pump and Controller 85 250 P6 2" Pneumatic Submersible w/Controller 95 285 P7 2" Redi-Flo Pump w/Converter, 100' 150 390 P8 2" Flowmeter 30 95 LOGGING EQUIPMENT L1 Data Logger/Processor 135 400 L2 Transducer 80 240 L3 Barometer (recorder) 25 50 HEALTH AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT H1 LEVEL D -Initial Equipment: Tyvek, Eye 28 Protection, Ear Protection, Hard Hat, Gloves H2 LEVEL C -above plus Respirator and One Pair 58 of Cartridges • G:\proposal\North PaImWPBCC\Fee Sched modified at request of NPB 03 04.doc u • ARCADIS EQI,fIPMENT RENTAL RATES Rental H3 LEVEL A or B H4 Scintillator Week (Price Quoted Upon Request) 35 100 FIELD VEHICLES V 1 Field Truck $0.45/mile + $75/day V2 Sampling Van $0.45/mile + $290/day V3 Trailer (up to One Ton) $40/day AIR MONITORING EQUIPMENT AI LEL/OZ Meter 55 175 A2 COZ Meter 55 175 A_3 COz ,Methane, Oxygen Meter 115 320 A4 FID 125 375 AS PID 90 270 A6 Automatic Air Sampling Pump 50 80 A7 Manual Air Sampling Pump (Indicator Tubes 10 20 Extra) A8 Air Flow Meter (pitot, anemometer) 45 105 A9 Portable GC (Prices Quoted Upon Request) $25/use calibration charge applies to items A 1 to AS SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION EQUIPMENT E 1 Mobile SVE Pilot Test Unit 640 1,280 E2 SVE Vacuum Gauge w/Well Adapter (ea.) 18 36 E3 Mobile Soil Vapor Extraction Systems,Vapor (Prices Quoted Upon Request) Treatment Systems, Vacuum-Enhanced Remediation Systems SOIL SAMPLING EQUIPMENT S 1 Soil Sampler 35 100 S2 Power Auger 65 195 G:\proposal\North Pa1mWPBCC\Fee Sched modified at request of NPB 03 04.doc f ARCADIS EQUIPMENT RENTAL RATES S3 Hand Auger S4 Hammer Drill SS Metal Detector Gl GEOPHYSICAL EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT O1 Air Compressor (up to 2 hp) 02 Generator (up to 5.0 KW) 03 Surveying Equipment (transit, rod and tape) 04 VCR Camcorder OS Camera 06 Cellular Phone 07 2-Way Radio (pair) COMPUTER EQUIPMENT C 1 Computer Equipment for CARD, Modeling, Plotting, or Analysis CS Computer Animation, 3-D Graphics • Rental D~a ii Week 25 75 45 135 25 75 Provided Upon Request 35 60 40 20 9 8 (+ calls) 35 135 180 120 75 24 24 (+ calls) 60 $25/hr $30/hr G:\proposal\North Pa1mWPBCC\Fee Sched modified at request of NPB 03 04.doc