03-25-2010 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA • MARCH 25, 2010 Present: William L. Manuel, Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Vice Mayor David B. Norris, President Pro Tem T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman Jimmy Knight, Village Manager Len Rubin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 8:55 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. DOGS IN VILLAGE PARKS Mr. Knight referred to Ordinance 2009-06, which amended the Village Code of Ordinances to allow dogs in certain portions of Village pazks that do not have a dedicated area set aside for use as a dog park. Mr. Knight related that formerly, dogs were prohibited in all Village pazks. Mr. Knight noted that some residents are seeking modification of the current ordinance so that they may walk their leashed dogs at Anchorage Park and not be limited solely to the dog park area. Mr. Knight advised that this issue was presented to the Recreation Advisory Boazd on 3/9/2010, and although the Board was sympathetic to the residents, it was reluctant to recommend any change to the current ordinance. Five residents spoke in favor of allowing dogs in Anchorage Park, on leash, on the pathways, with proper disposal of waste. During discussion of the issue, the following concerns were expressed: dogs off-leash, dogs in the playground azea, dogs in the sand volleyball area, dog waste not being picked up, impact on the Movies in the Park programs, and affording a park area for children and adults who don't wish to be around dogs. The Council asked for additional information and statistics. Mr. Knight will prepare a survey and provide the results to the Council prior to additional discussion of the issue. VILLAGE BOARDS -COMPOSITION AND RESPONSIBILITIES Discussion took place conceling the General Employees Pension Board, Audit Committee, Code Enforcement Boazd, Planning Committee, and proposals for a Development Review Committee and an Economic Development Boazd. • General Employees Pension Board: Discussion was held concerning the composition of the General Employees Pension Boazd, as well as establishing specified terms for the members. Mr. Knight noted a conflict in serving as a boazd- member, due to collective bazgaining negotiations. Village Attorney Len Rubin reviewed service of elected officials on pension boazds. Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held March 25, 2010 Page 2 of 3 VILLAGE BOARDS -COMPOSITION AND RESPONSIBILITIES continued • Mr. Rubin reported that some municipalities have afive-member pension board comprised of two representatives selected by the governing body (Council), two representatives elected by the employees, with the fifth member being selected by the other four members. The Council discussed this option, as well as the manager's continued attendance at the meetings regardless of membership status. It was requested that dates of the General Employees Pension Board meetings be added to the Council's rotation schedule for attendance at board meetings. Discussion ensued on changes to the pension plan. Mr. Knight clarified that only the Council has the authority to change the pension plan. Mr. Knight advocated engaging athird-party administrator and an attorney with pension experience. A proposed ordinance will be brought back to another Workshop Session for continued discussion. Audit Committee: Mr. Knight asked Council to consider appointing a member with experience in the area of commercial insurance and to expand the focus of the Audit Committee to include review and assistance with the Village's property casualty insurance coverage. Mr. Knight noted the Council could engage an insurance broker or firm to prepare Invitations to Bid and cost comparisons, as is done for health insurance; however, it could cost $10,000 - $15,000 for these services. Mr. Knight clarified that he is not requesting any change in the Code of Ordinances as it pertains to the Audit Committee. By consensus, Council agreed to have the Audit Committee review the Village's property casualty insurance coverage and to consider appointing a member with expertise in commercial insurance. Code Enforcement Board: Mr. Knight briefly reviewed the progression of code enforcement hearings from Municipal Court to Code Enforcement Board and noted that in 1999, the legislature provided for the use of a special master (now known as special magistrate) to hear code enforcement cases. Mr. Knight advised that most municipalities in Palm Beach County use the special magistrate system. Mr. Knight stated that the Village would not incur any additional cost by using a special magistrate, because the Village currently engages an attorney to represent the Code Enforcement Board. Code Enforcement Board Chairman Eric Hoecker addressed the Council in support of continuing the present system of enforcement using the Code Enforcement Board. Additionally, Mr. Hoecker submitted a letter to Council from Vice Chairman Ryder. Mr. Rubin explained the advantages of the Special Magistrate system. This issue will be brought back to another Workshop Session for further discussion, pending Council obtaining further information regarding the Special Magistrate system from other area municipalities. Planning Commission: Mr. Knight recommended changes to streamline and update the development review process,`such as establishing a color palette and design criteria for residential and commercial development, to be identified by the Planning Commission and applied by Village staff; eliminating the Certificate of Appropriateness procedures and adopting new procedures and standards for approval of site plans; and requiring site plan review and • recommendation by the Planning Commission, with final approval of site plans by the Village Council. By consensus, Council agreed to move forward with the suggested changes. Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held March 25, 2010 Page 3 of 3 • VILLAGE BOARDS -COMPOSITION AND RESPONSIBILITIES continued Development Review Committee: Mr. Knight stated the proposed Development Review Committee would consist of representatives from all agencies involved in the approval process for development applications, including Village departments and divisions, such as Community Development, Building, Planning, Public Safety, and Public Works, as well as public utilities and local and state agencies, as necessary. Mr. Knight explained this would enable applicants to prepare project plans that are complete, comply with Village code, and meet technical requirements before being presented to the Planning Commission for review. Council consensus was to approve the formation of a Development Review Committee. Economic Development Advisory Board: Vice Mayor Aubrey suggested establishing a board to advise the Council on methods to encourage economic development in the Village. Discussion ensued on the proposed membership composition of the Board, and whether it should be a permanent board or an ad hoc committee. Discussion took place on the number of businesses in the Village. Mr. Knight estimated there are 3,000 businesses in the Village, including home-based businesses. Council determined to hold a business forum to identify issues, suggestions, and potential members, before taking action to establish a board or ad hoc committee. Mr. Knight will initiate plans for a business forum and send invitations to area businesses. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:47 p.m. dam'/ /~~ G~z%%~%~ /%E~f , C, ~~~ ~- Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk