2004-044 Minimum Fire-Rescue Level of Service StandardsRESOLUTION 44-2004 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, COMMITTING TO COMPLY WITH MINIMUM FIRE-RESCUE LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARDS. WHEREAS, representatives of Palm Beach County ("the County") and the municipalities within the County ("the Cities") have engaged in extensive discussions regarding the implementation of countywide minimum fire-rescue level of service standards; and WHEREAS, the County and the Cities have determined that the provision of fire and emergency medical services is a fundamental governmental service that affects the basic life, health, and safety of their residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, the County and the Cities desire to voluntarily implement a countywide minimum level of service for all fire-rescue providers; and WHEREAS, representatives of the County and the Cities have met, conferred, and established the criteria for a minimum level of fire-rescue service; and WHEREAS, the County and the Cities have agreed on a five year implementation plan that includes a three year voluntary program to comply with all criteria except sub-paragraphs V-D, E and F; and WHEREAS, the County and the Cities have agreed to coordinate their progress and status in implementing the level of service standards through the Fire-Rescue Level of Service Committee, whose membership is comprised of both municipal and county representatives. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL-0F NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby expresses its intent to comply, subject to budget and appropriation of funds by the Village Council, with the minimum Level of Service standards as outlined in the Countywide Minimum Level of Service For Fire-Rescue, attached as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ °a~~tetc~fa > ~'~ f' °°° •i~ i?. ~° (V'llage Seal) °E~~ .' 1 `° °` ~ r t -F~_ / AT`P~ST,; 12th DAY OF AUGUST, 2004. MA O VILLAGE CLERK COUNTYWIDE Iv1INIMUM LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR FIRE-RESCUE This countywide minimum level of service applies to all agencies providing fire-rescue services in Palm Beach County. Anine-member "Fire-Rescue Level of Service Committee," appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, in cooperation with municipalities, will serve in an advisory capacity to assist in the implementation of the standard. This nine-member committee shall be comprised of: Seat Cate o Term 1 Count Administrator or desi nee Permanent Cha irman 2 Cit Mana er small cit I ear initial; 3 ears thereafter 3 Cit Mana er ]ar e cit 2 ear initial; 3 ears thereafter 4 Cit Fire Chief small cit 2 ear initial; 3 ears thereafter S Cit Fire Chief tar e ci ) 1 ear initial; 3 ears thereafter 6 Count Fire Chief ermanent 7 Labor re resentative 1 ear initial; 3 ears thereafter 8 Fire-Rescue Adviso Board member 2 ear initial; 3 ears thereafter 9 EMS Council 2 ear initial; 3 ears thereafter It is the intent of this committee to be advisory in nature to assist with the implementation of the minimum Level of Service standard as well as to establish a timeline and work plan for the development of a common dispatch system in Palm Beach County that could provide closest unit response capability. The Committee will serve as a technical reviewing body on all fire-rescue providers' plans to comply with the proposed Level of Service standard and advise the Board of County Commissioners on a quarterly basis on the progress toward compliance. Each provider will have three years to voluntarily comply with the LOS standard. If at the end of that period, all municipalities are not in compliance, the Board of County Commissioners will revisit the issue. All municipalities and County government will have until July 1, 2004 in order to adopt a resolution indicating their willingness to voluntarily comply with the proposed Level of Service. Notwithstanding the three-year voluntary implementation process described above, all providers shall comply with the Level of Service standard, not later than October 1, 200?. Functions of the Fire-Rescue Level of Service Committee are: - review and approve a model resolution to be approved by County government and all municipalities to voluntarily comply with the proposed LOS standard; - advocate the adoption implementation of the proposed minimum LOS; -assist providers in developing action plans to meet the minimum LOS; - review initial reports submitted by all agencies; LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA, re~is?d 3%2%04 Paoe i • -review action plans of those not in compliance and prepare quarterly progress reports to the Board of County Commissioners; - review partnering arrangements to determine if they meet standards; - review compliance reports; - provide feedback reports, with specific recommendations to non-complying providers. -serve as a central collection point for reviewing updated standards and determining inclusion into Palm Beach County standards; Standards: The Committee will have no ongoing responsibility for standards and laws established by local, state and federal governments. The standards and laws included in this document are for reference purposes only. However, at the time an agency submits its compliance report, it shall attest to its overall compliance with all local state and federal regulations. On October 1, 2007, whatever edition of referenced standards that are in effect will be the baseline standard. Amendments to any referenced standard will be reviewed by the Committee within 6 months of their adoption to determine whether they should be incorporated into Palm Beach County Standards. Whenever reviewing amended standards for possible adoption, the Committee shall provide asixty-day public comment period, followed by a public hearing, and then adoption of such standard. Consultant: The Committee has the authority to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners to contract with a Fire and EMS expert to assist in the initial review of compliance reports and implementation plans. Said consultant would provide professional expertise to those agencies required to develop and implement a compliance plan, if requested by that agency. Listed below are the specific criteria established as a minimum to be a provider of fire-rescue service in Palm Beach County: I. STAFFING A. Daily staffing should be no less than I 1 personnel: 1. 2 engines/quints (staffed with 3 each) 2. 2 ALS transport units (staffed with 2 each - FS, Chapter 401.25(76), 2002 compliant) 3. l officer (Incident Commander) (a) Minimum staffing may be accomplished through partnering with another provider, through interlocal agreement, as long as all partners are under a single dispatch/communications system, or separate, fully-integrated dispatch centers with common communications capabilities, which includes closest unit response between the partnering agencies, operate on the scene utilizing the same Standard Operating Guidelines, and utilize the Incident Management System, as adopted by the Palm Beach County Fire Chiefs Association. (b) Alternative deployment strategies for personnel and equipment submitted as equivalencies to this standard must be reviewed and considered for • approval by the Committee. LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA, revised 3/2/04 Page 2 B. Each provider will employ or contract with a State Certified Fire Inspector, as outlined in FS, Chapter 633.081, 2002 references: Florida Statutes, Chapter 401.25(76), 2002 Florida Statutes, Chapter 633.081, 2002 Incident Management System, as adopted by PBC Fire Chiefs Assn II. APPARATUS/EQUIPMENT A. All fire engines/quints, as a minimum, shall be Class A pumpers, and shall meet NFPA Standard 1901, 1999 edition, plus 1. carry adequate adaptors to provide continuous fire flow to neighboring jurisdictions 2. carry or have available at the emergency scene hydraulic equipment capable of releasing entrapped victims. B. All ALS transport units shall meet State Licensing requirements l . transport capable (meeting FS 401) 2. equipment to meet FS 401 for ALS transport (Admin Code 64E2, revised November, 2002) III. TRAINING/CERTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL A. Basic (FF II, EMT) [Note: Strategies to certify FF I's to FF II level and non- EMT's to EMT level should be included in an Agency's compliance plan.) B. Paramedic C. Hazardous Materials (Operational Level) D. Supervisors -Incident Command Training (per IMS adopted by PBC Fire Chiefs) E. State Certified Municipal Fire Inspector Certification (for at least 1 employee or outside contractor) F. Emergency Medical Dispatch Training (for dispatchers), Utilizing certification available through; A.P.C.O., Medical Priorities, or Powerphone. references: EMS Ordinance #01-25 Regional Haz Mat Ordinance #01-27 Incident Management System, as adopted by Palm Beach County Fire Chiefs Association 29 CFR 1910, July, 2001 edition IV. COMMUNICATIONS A. CAD systems that produce standardized data (implementation to be in accordance with Section V) B. Synchronization of clocks C. Emergency Medical Dispatch and pre-arrival instructions D. Policies & Procedures to capture response time elements E. Records Management System, standard reports F. interoperability with other systems in the County (at a minimum each operational unit shall have access to the County-Wide, 800 MHz mutual aid talk groups) • references: Incident Management System, as adopted by Palm Beach County Fire Chiefs Association NFPA 1221, 1999 edition LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA, revised 3/2%04 Page 3 • V. RESPONSE TIME/PERFORMANCE A. uniform response time elements will be alarm handling, turnout time and travel time, for all responding emergency units B. all providers shall respond to all emergency fire and medical calls in an average of 8 minutes total response time C. by March I, 2007, the Committee shall identify exclusions of call groups for response time reporting (i.e., Code 1 responses and mutual aid responses) D. by October 1, 2007, each provider will have a CAD system that captures all established time elements, as identified and adopted by the Committee E. by October 1, 2008, each provider will report all established time elements to the Committee on a quarterly basis F. by October 1, 2009, the Committee will establish a response time standard which will become part of the compliance requirements references: EMS Ordinance #01-25 and Rules & Regulations Haz Mat Ordinance #01-27 VI. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT Al] agencies shall adopt and utilize the Palm Beach County Fire Chiefs Association Incident Management System, with appendices. references: Incident Management System, as adopted by the Palm Beach County Fire Chiefs Association Chapter 633, Florida Statutes, 2002 Florida Administrative Code 4A-62, revised November, 2001 29 CFR 1910.134, July 2001 edition NFPA 1500, 1997 edition NFPA 1710, 2001 edition • LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA, revised 3/2/04 Page 4