2004-051 Agrmt. w/Ashbritt for Disaster Recovery~• RESOLUTION NO. ~oZD A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH ASHBRITT, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR AND SECURING DISASTER RECOVER SERVICES FOR THE VILLAGE; APPROVING THE .TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED WITHIN AN AGREEMENT BEING .PIGGY BACKED BY THE VILLAGE BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOCA RATON AND ASHBRITT, INC. FOR DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; APPROVING THE LETTER AGREEMENT -BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND ASHBRITT, INC. ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "B", AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village ofNorth Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the terms and provisions set forth in an agreement upon which the Village is piggy backing between the City ofBoca Raton and AshBritt, Inc. for Disaster Recovery Services attached as Exhibit ,~ ` A. Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the letter agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and AshBritt, Inc. attached as Exhibit "B." Section 3. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the letter agreement with AshBritt, Inc. set forth in Exhibit ""B" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. • `i~ a PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~~~ DAY OF E ~ , 2004. ~,,,~~nnui~„~ ,,,,~,,,,,` ~, a `,, 1` (V~lage Seal) :t's ~~ ~ I ((~I~If~/~, ~ ~„ ' ~ ~ ~~~: 1~ r n '~~ ~. ATTEST: ~ ~~ AYO ~~ • AshBritt Agreement . ,~~~ ~, '-`~z~,,,r'' ~ ~~~ THE VILLAGE OF North Palm Beach 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 • NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 •56i-841-3355 • FAX 561-881-469 VILLAGE COUNCIL Donald G. Noel, Mayor Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor Charles R O'Meilia, P.E., President Pro Tem David B. Norris, Councilman Robert F. Rennebaum, P.E., Councilman VILLAGE MANAGER Dennis D. Redmond VILLAGE CLERK Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC AshBritt, Inc. Mr. Randall Perkins 480 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 103 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Dear Mr. Perkins, September 1, 2004 On September 1, 2004, the North Palm Beach Village Council voted to approve t e Agreement for Disaster Recovery Services between AshBritt, Inc. and the City of Boca Raton, Agenda Item: pSG Pursuant to Village of North Palm Beach procurement regulations, the Village of North Palm Beach hereby consents to "Piggyback" the Agreement for Disaster Recovery Services (RFP No. 2003 -009), between Boca Raton, Florida and AshBritt, Inc. The same terms and conditions that apply in the Agreement for Disaster Recovery Services for Boca Raton, Florida shall apply to the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. All references to the City of Boca Raton, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida or to County, shall be assumed to pertain to the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Notices shall be sent as follows: u to viuage or North Yalm t3each• If to AshBritt. Inc.: Hal Bear r AshBritt, Inc. 645 Pro my Farms Road Mr. Randall Perkins, V.P. North Beach, FL 33 Ac ted, Ashbritt, Inc. ccepted, Villag o orth al Beach Ra dall Perkins, V.P. Donald G. Noel, Mayor ~~ o ~ di ~~~ ®T Date Date • t st: Village Clerk ~ C~'%"~ ,~ '. ~~ 09/09!2004 10:20 5616265869 NORTH PALM BEACH PAGE 02/02 SEp- $-04 WED 4.56 FM FAX k~0, 000000000000 p, Z ~9lA3~~E04 14;12 5616265859 NORTH PALM B~qp-1 ppGE 04!05 ~,y"" . ±~' .~ ~,. TH$ vILI.Ar:I13 OP ;fir ~ fir" ..~~.~~t,.~, ~0~~ pal $~~,C~1 ~o~ V.B. HJC3HWAX z • I`IORTH >'AI:M SFAC[t, FI,O>Z.TdA 3340$ . Sba_847-3335 • P+4715d7-98f,-7469 ViLt,At3$ tbtl~rCfiL Dotaald G, Noel, Mayan !Edward 11~I. F.fseey, Pfr,D., Vice MaYOr C}aa><'tes R. O'1Meilia, P.E., President Pro e'en, Davfd B. NerrIs, Cotmcflman Robert F. Be~s~e>y2Urti, P.;;,,, COt7pCf13IIAn vilLLna$ ~raa~~ Dennfa 1't. 7:Cedmond ~n-1~19B CLF,Ri( Kat#ijeen Y=. ICei1y, CMC At+hAritt, lqc, September 1, Mr. Ftendali Perkins d8Q Srntth Andrewa Avctlu4, Sw;it i03 f'p-r:~,1no Beach,l°>•. 330ti9 Rear 1+4r. PGrkina Qn Sepfert~Fxr A, a0t74, ~ Norte palm Beach village Couneit vatod to ap~o~ A Recovery 5ervicec lrttweeq AahBriti, Inc. and the City of Boca Raton, A l~mant tOr t?ieaater getida Item: `3'`. Pursuant ~o Village of North Palm $each pmcur+ar,-ent +~$ulativnB. the viJJage bf Narrh Patm 13exh hereby ocrosenr., to "?iggy>yacic° the Agreetngnt for Diaastsr EteCClve Serofe Raton. Florida and AshBtitL Fnc. ~~ same tenr~ erld a ditionc that! a~lyNri t~3 ` lX}9}, betwec» Btxa Recovery 5erviocF fnr igoee, Ratan, Florida sha11 apply to the village of North Palm Beach, ~attaa,nt for Aisaatcr All referencoa to the City of Boca Itayots, filorida. a peieeicei stlbdiviai0n pf the g~tc of Florida or to County, ahatt ba assumed to pertgln to the Village of Norte .Pa{m Boaoh, Florida. Nouoes shall be sent as falJawa: ~~ ,.:. If to V' e a Notth 7 ~ Hal Beard 645 I'~'acperit ~ my Road Npttlt PaT ate, FI.~340A/ ~ AecEpccd, +Aghbr-ttni Randall Perkins, v,p, ~~ b~ DaIZ I~Ash$ritt enc.- Mr, Rand$IlPcrkinc, V.P. cccptcd, V 11~a Of nrtTs elm each bald C}. Noel, Mayer r.~ VillageCierk, r ~~ AGREEMENT FOR DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES • AGREEMENT NO. 2003-009 THIS AGREEMENT' made and entered into this ~7 ~ da of ~ ` ?.~ City of Boca Raton, a munici al co y ~ ~ 2004, by and between the p rporation of the State of Florida, here' referred to as "CTTY", and Ashbriu, Inc. hereinafter nefen-ed to as "CONTRACTOR": WHEREAS, the CITY intends to enter into anon-exclusive agreement for the provision of disaster recovery services according to the work requirements represented to CONTRACTOR by CITY at the time an emergency condition exists and as declared as such by the appropriate levels of authority within the CITY WIIEREAS, the CITY desires to engage CONTRACTOR to perform such services on an as-needed basis NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE 1-EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this Agreement shall be 10 days after approval by the City Council for a one (1) year term with the option in the discretion of the CITY, to renew for four (4) one year renewal periods, subject to cancellation as provided herein. The option of the CITY to renew shall be in writing no later than thirty (3p) days before expiration of the term. ARTICLE 2 -SERVICE TO BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR shall perform the services as specifically stated in the Scope of Work and as may be specifically designated and additionally authorized by the CITY through the issuance of a Work Order. Such additional authorizations will be in the form of a Work Order, pursuant io Attachment "A" Scope of Services, which is attached hereto az part of this Agreement. Each Work Order will set forth a specific Scope of Services, amount of compensation deliverables~and completion date and shall be subject to the approval of the Municipal Services Operations Manager in accordance with the CTTY'S procurirment Code. CONTRACTOR shall perform no work . anti! a Work Order for same is issued and countersigned by the Municipal Services Operations Manager. ARTICLE 3 -COMPENSATION The CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR in accordance with Attachment "B", Fee Schedule, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 4 -STANDARD OF CARE CONTRACTOR shall exercise the same degree of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the Services as is ordinarily provided by a specialized CONTRACTOR offering services for local governments in South Florida, under similar circumstances and CONTRACTOR shall, at no additional cost to the CITY, re-perfot7n services which fail to satisfy the foregoing standard of care. ARTICLE 5 - IlVDEMMFICATION CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Boca Raton, its officers, and employees from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to reasonable atomey's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongful misconduct of CONTRACTOR and persons employed or utilized by CONTRACTOR in the performance of this agreement. Except as specifically provided herein, this agreement shall not require the CONTRACTOR to indemnify the City of Boca Raton, its officers, and employees from any liability, damage, loss, claim, action, or proceeding. Any costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, appellate, bankruptcy or defense counsel fees incurred by the City of Boca Raton to enforce this Indemnification Clause shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR This Indemnification Clause shall continue indefinitely and survive the cancellation, termination, expiration, lapse or suspension of this agreement. • ARTICLE 6 -INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR , CONTRACTOR undertakes performance of the Scrvices as an independen[ contractor and shall be wholly responsible for the methods of performance. CONTRACTOR shall work closely with the CITY in performing Services under this Agreement, The CONTRACTOR shall not receive any CITY benefits, stipend or privileges afforded by CITY employees. ARTICLE 7 -COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS In performance of the Services. CONTRACTOR will comply with applicable regulatory and other applicable requirements including federal, state, and local laws, rules regulations, orders, codes, criteria and standards. ARTCCLE 8 -INSURANCE During the performance of the Services under this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall maintain the following insurance polices, and provide originals or certified copies of all policies, and such coverage's shall be written by an insurance company authorized to do business in Florida. WORKER'S COIy>PENSATTOj`1 The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain, for the life of this ContracdAgreernent, Worker's Compensation Insurance covering all its employees with limits meeting-all applicable state and federal laws. This coverage shall include Employers' Liability with limits meeting all applicable state and federal laws. This coverage shall include Employer's Liability with limits meeting all applicable state and federal laws. This coverage shall extend to any agent of CONTRAC'T'OR that does not have their own Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance. Thirty (30) days notice of cancellation, lapse or material modification is required and must be provided to the City of Boca Raton via Certified Mail. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY The CONTRACTOR shalt procure and maintain, for the life of this Contract/Agreement, Commercial Genera! Liability Insurance. This coverage shall be on an "Occurrence" basis. Coverage shall include Premises and Operations; Independent Contractors' Products and Completed Operations and Contractual Liability. This policy shall provide coverage for death, personal injury or property damage that could arise dinoctly or indirectly from the performance of this Agreement. The Minimum Limits of Coverage shall be $1,000,000 per occurrence, Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability with a $10,000 deductible. The City of Boca Raton and Greater Baca Raton Beach and Parks District must be named as an additional insured The additional insured requirement is waived if Owners and Contractors Protective Coverage is also provided, or required. Thirty (30) days written notice must be provided to the City of Boca Raton via Certified Mail in the event of cancellation. BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY The CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain, for the life of the ContracdAgreement, Business Automobile Liability Insurance. The minimum limits of coverage shall be $500,000 per occurrence, Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. This coverage shall be an "Any Auto" or "Comprehensive Form" type policy. In the event that the CONTRACTOR does not own any vehicles, we will accept hired and non~wned coverage in the amounts listed above. In addition, we will require an affidavit signed by the CONTRACTOR indicating the following: "Name of CONTRACTOR" does not own any vehicles. In the event we acquire any vehicles throughout the term of his Contract/Agreement, agrees to purchase "Any Auto" or Comprehensive Form coverage as of the date of acquisition. "Name of CONTRACTOR" • CONTRACTOR Signature: Thirty (30) days written notice must be provided to the City of Boca Raton via Certified Mail in the event of cancellation, lapse or material modification of any coverage required by this agreement. SUPPLEMENTAL PROVISIONS 1 • The insurance coverage and conditions afforded by this policy(s) shall be be suspended, voided, canceled or modified, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested has been given to the City of Boca Raton's department that originated this contract. 2. Certificates of Insurance meeting the specific required provision specified within this Contract/Agreement shall be forwarded to the City of Boca Raton Department that originated the contract, and approved prior to the start of any work or the possession of any CITY property or the commencement of services, as application. SUBCONTRACT'OR'S INSURANCE 7'he CONTRACTOR shall require each of his subcontractors to take out and maintain during the life of his subcontract the same insurance coverage's required of the successful CONTRACTOR. Each subcontractor shall furnish to the successful CONTRACTOR two copies of the Certificate of Insurance, and successful CONTRACTOR shall furnish one copy of the Certificate to the City of Boca Raton. ARTICLE 9 -CITY'S RESPONSIBILIT<FS The CITY shall be responsible for providing disaster recovery services project teams who will consist of representatives of designated CITY Departments who are empowered to direct the activities of the agreement under the operational control of the CI'Tl"S Municipal Services Operations Manager. ARTICLE 10 -TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The obligation to continue Services under this Agreement may be terminated for cause by either parry upon seven (7) days written notice of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terns hereof through no fault of the terminating P~Y- CITY shag have the right to terminate this Agreement or suspend performance thereof without cause for the CITY'S convenience upon written notice to CONTRACTOR upon giving ten (10) days written notice of its election to so terminate or suspend. and CONTRACTOR shall terminate or suspend performance of Services on a written schedule acceptable to CITY MANAGER. In the event of termination or suspension for CITY'S convenience. the CITY shalt pay CONTRACTOR for all Services performed through the date of notice of termination or suspension. ARTICLE 11 -NONDISCLOSURE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION CONTRACTOR shall consider all information provided by CITY and all reports, studies, calculations, and other documentation resulting from the CONTRACTOR'S performance of the Services to be proprietary unless such information is available from public sources or is a public record under Florida law. CONTRACTOR shall not publish or disclose proprietary information for any Purpose other than the performance of the Services without the prior written authorization of CITY or in response to legal process. ARTICLE 12 -GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce the Agreement will be held in Palm Beacb County and the Agreement will be interpreted according to the laws of Florida. ARTICLE 13 -MISCELLANEOUS 13.1 Nonwaiver A waiver by either CITY or CONTRACTOR of any breach of this Agreement shall not be binding upon the waiving party unless such waiver is in writing and duly signed by both parties to this agreement. In the event of a written waiver, such a waiver shall not affect the waiving party's rights with respect to any other or further breach. Tire making or acceptance of a payment by either party with knowledge of the existence of a default or breach shall not operate or be construed to operate as a waiver of any • subsequent default or breach. .13.2 Severnbility ' The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement, or the occurrence of an portion or provision of this Agreement void or voidable, shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability event rendering any Y portion or provision of the Agreement. Any void or voidable provision shall be dcerncd severed from the Agr'cementand the balance of the Agreement shall be conswed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular rtion or void. The parties further agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid pro vs~onslhat comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. The provisions of this section shall not prevent the entire Agreement from being held void should a provision which is of the essence of the Agreement be determined to be void by a court of competent jurisdiction. 133 Polii6cal Campaigns During the term of this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR or any employee or associate shall not be involved in an campaign for CITY elective office nor make financial contribution to any such campaign. ~ Y Political ARTICLE 14 - WTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION This Agreement is adopted by the CITY and CONTRACTOR as a final, complete and exclusive statement of the terms of the Agreement between the CITY and CONTRACTOR. This Agreement supersedes all rior a representations, negotiations, letters or other communications between the CITY and COP greements' contracts, proposals, whether written or oral, NTRACTOR pertaining to the Services, The Agreement may not be modified unless such modifications are evidenced by an amendment in writing signed by both the CITY and CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE 15 • SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS The CITY and CONTRACTOR each binds itself and its director, ollicers, partners, successors, executors, administrators, assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the panners, successors, executors, administrators, assigns, and legal representatives. Any assignmen[, sale, pledge or conveyance of this contract by CONTRACTOR must be previously approved by the CITY, whose consent may be reasonably withheld. ARTICLE 16 - CONTINGENT FEES The CONTRACTOR warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not aid or a company, corporation, individual or fum, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the C NTRt1CTOR,yany fee, commission, percentage, gift or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. ARTICLE I7 •TRUTH-!(N-NEGOTIATION CERTIFICATE Execution of this Agreement by the CONTRACTOR shall act as the execution of atruth-in-negotiation certificate certifying that the wage rates and costs used to determine the compensation provided for in this Agreement are accurate, complete and current as of the date of the Agreement and no higher than those charged the CONTRACTORS most favored customer for the same or substantially similar service. The said rates and cost shall be adjusted to exclude any significant sums should the CITY determine that the rates ad costs were increased due to inaccurate, incomplete or non-current wage rates or due to inaccurate representations of fees paid to outside CONTRACTORS. The CITY shall exercise its tights under this "Certificate" within one (1) year following payment. ARTICLE 18 - OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS CONTRACTOR shall be required to work in harmony with other CONTRACTORS relative to providing infomratiort requested in a timely manner and in the specified form. Any and all documents, records, disks, original drawings, or other information shall become the property of the CITY upon completion for its use and distribution as may be deemed appropriate by the CITY. ARTICLE 19 -NOTICE Any notice, demand, communication, or request required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postage prepaid as follows: As To CITY Ciry of Boca Raton Ciry Hall 201 West Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Attention: Judi Ahem, Municipal Services Operations Manager Municipal Services Department As to CONTRACTOR: Tent' Jackson, Division Vice President Ashbritt, [nc. 480 S. Andrews Avenue (Suite 103) Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Notices shall be effective when received at the address specified above. Changes in the respective addresses to which such notice may be directed may be made from time to time b an Y Y Pte' by written notice to the other party. Facsimile is acceptable notice effective when received, however, facsimiles received (i.e.; printed) after 5:00 p.m. or on weekends or holidays, will be deemed received on the next business day. The original of the notice must additionally be mailed as required herein. Nothing contained in this Article shat! be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of CONTRACTOR and CITY. ARTICLE 20 -PROJECT TEAM The Project representatives of the CONTRACTOR shall consist of the following: Randal Perkins -Executive Vice President John Noble, Jr. -Division Vice President Terry Jackson -Division Vice President Project representative members may be changed only with the prior written approval ofthe CITY, • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Boca Raton, at a regular meeting thereof, by action of the City Council and directing the foregoing be adopted, has caused these presents to be signed by the Mayor, and it's seal to be hereunto affixed, and Ashbritt, Inc. has executed this contract al! as of the above written. day and year fast Witne ~s: CITY OF BOCA BATON B Steven L. Abrams Mayor Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: By: Ci ttorney CONTRACTOR ~Y ,, ,. .. Signature --•---------- - (Affirm Corporate Seat) (Seal) Witness: ? ? ,~~~' Nara: ~ (~- ~ Tit1e~Y`Q~i~(t~ PreSldent (or other duly authorized Officer) (Attach ResoludonBytaw of authorization if no President) • Approved by City Council on ~J , 2p(}4, item # 3•a ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES PRE-DEPLOYMENT INFORMATION At the time an emergency condition exists and is declared as such by the appropriate levels of authority within the CITY, the CITY executi~e staff may be deplo~y~ d to the Emergency Operations Center which is located at the Municipal Services Complex, 2° Floor, 2500 N.W. 1 Avenue, Boca Raton, Florida, (unless otherwise determined.) This will be the primary base of operations. The disaster recovery project teams will consist of representatives of designated CITY Departments who are empowered to direct the activities of the agreement under the operational control of the City of Boca Raton, Municipal Services Operations Manager. Administrative matters under the agreement will be referred to the R & D Specialist, Fire- Rescue Services. I SCOPE OF WORK S u~ of Work ((,eneral Description oPServices) The following is a general description of services that upon issuance of a Work Order shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR as approved by the CITY'S Municipal Services Operations Manager. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment, and subcontracted equipment/ tools, materials necessary for the performance and completion of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct the work so as not to interfere with disaster response and recovery activities of federal, state, and local governments and agencies or public utilities. Scope of Work shall include, but tray not be limited to the following: A. FIRST RESPONSE (INITIAL PUSH) The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) shall set the emergency period for the initial push, contingent upon the magnitude of the disaster up to seventy hours (Seven (7), Ten (]0) hour days) and may be extended only upon the approval of FEMA. Prices paid to the CONTRACTOR for this period of time ape identified in Section II of the "Fee Schedule" attached hereto as "Attachment B"and are subject to reimbursement to the CITY as approved by FEMA. The CONTRACTOR shall perform the following services for the first response (initial push), as directed by FEMA and as approved by the CITY per issuance of Work Order: • CONTRACTOR shall conduct emergency clearance of debris from primary transportation routes. • CONTRACTOR shall accomplish street clearance by removing large debris from traffic lanes and stacking the debris on the rights-of way. • CONTRACTOR shall develop pre-event emergency response contracts with local equipment contractors. as approved by the CITY, to insure sufficient resources are available on a timely basis to rapidly accomplish road clearance. Equipment and personnel will assemble at pre-determined rally point(s), as established by the CITY and the CONTRACTOR, to be assigned priority roads for immediate clearance based on the disaster event debris stream. At the rally point(s) all equipment will be photographed, equipment numbers assigned, and all the pertinent information for each crew recorded. A master crew summary will be provided to the City of Boca Raton for documentation purposes. Crews shall be inswcted to protect to the extent practicable existing utilities, curbing, sidewalks, signage, street pavements, and other permanent fixtures. • CONTRACTOR shall be able to respond to emergency situations when product is unknown or extent of service needed is uncertain. • CONTRACTOR shall identify work-site limitations. • CONTRACTOR and their subcontractors shall obtain all required permits, certificates and licenses. • CONTRACTOR shall provide clearance to allow for emergency access of search and rescue operations. • CONTRACTOR shall allow for major roadways finking outside areas to designated response staging and relief center sites. • CONTRACTOR shall provide for access and entry roadways to and from disposal sites and solid waste disposal facilities. • CONTR`ACT'OR shall assist public/private utility companies with the ability to provide water and electrical service. • • CONTRACTOR shalt be responsible for the removal of various types ofdebris from public property and right of ways. • While CONTRACTOR is engaged in work requirements under this agreement, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible • for the protection of street surfaces/asphalt, water, sewer, storm drain, cable TV, gas and electrical lines and all other • infrastructure and communication lines or other utility lines. • • CONTRACTOR shall provide for the emergency assessment of suspected contaminations of hazardous materials. B. PICK UP AND HAUL 1. Debris Removal from Public Property and Riehts-of Wav • CONTRACTOR shall mobilize equipment to the CITY as soon as a disaster event is deemed imminent. • CONTRACTOR'S primary responsibility includes, but is not limited to the pick up of debris removal from public property and rights-of--way and the hauling to the designated disposal site, or to the Temporary Debris Staging and Reduction site(s) for further separation and reduction prior to final disposal. • CONTRACTOR shall utilize their own vehicles to collect and load all debris from the CITY'S properties and right-of--ways. • The CITY shall direct CONTRACTOR'S arriving equipment and crews to a central rally point for inspection, measurement, turd certification prior to assignment and deployment. • CONTRACTOR shall take photographs and detailed information of each vehicle used for debris removal. The CITY shall supervise the process and appmve each vehicle's entry in the Truck Measurement Log provided by the CONTRACTOR. • CONTRACTOR'S Truck Measurement Log shall include: - Assigned equipment number. - License plate number of the haul vehicle - Operating company - Driver's name - Measurements in feet of the height, width, and length of the truck or trailer bed. - Sketch of the vehicle indicating exactly where the measurements were taken, volume capacity in cubic yards as calculated For the truck or trailer bed and initials of the CITY and CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the trucks and/or trailers their company logo and sticker in 8"numbers which details the assigned equipment number and the calculated volume capacity of the Wck/trailer bed. 2. Debris Removal from Private Procerty • Unless otherwise previously authorized by the City Municipal Services Operations Manager or Designee the CONTRACTOR shall not conduct "right of entry" operations on private property. • The CONTRACTOR'S technical team shall assist the CITY with the request for right-of-entry (ROE), interpretation of the ROE eligibility criteria, ROE rules for the curnnt disaster, and the documentation necessary to authorize work on private property. 3. Work Areas/Lones • Using a system that incorporates neighborhoods, major streets, waterways, and other natural boundaries the CITY and CONTRACTOR shall prepare zone maps of the affected area. An Emergency Management City Zoning Map is attached herewith and is Labeled "Exhibit A". • The assignment of CONTRAC'TOR'S crews to specific zones for debris collection shall .be made in coordination with the CITY, prioritizing those areas most affected by the disaster. • The CONTRACTOR shat! monitor collection crews in their assigned areas to insure debris eligibility, safe operation, and adherence to FEMA debris collection guidelines. • The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a minimum of three debris removal collection passes from CITY properties and right-of ways within each of the zones. CONTRACTOR'S third debris removal collection pass will require the CITY'S close observation and inspection to ascertain whether or not the CITY will certify the zone clear of debris. CONTRACTOR shall resolve any deficiencies noted by the CITY prior to moving crews to the next zone. The CONTRACTOR shall submit daily reports to the CITY that indicate each zones status including those that have been cleared. • The CONTRACTOR shall assist the CITY in the development and execution of public information notices, . announcements and programs. • CONTRACTOR shall insure all debris is loaded at curbside with appropriate machinery that will not destroy property. • Depending on debris size and type, CONTRACTOR shall uae appropriate excavation type machinery in accordance with local, state federal safcty guidelines. . C. TEMPORARY DEBRIS STAGING AND REDUCTION SITES TDSRS /INSPECTION STATIONS The CITY has identified the following TDSR sites: Temnorarv Debris Staging Reduction Sites (This list is subject to change and sites will be confirmed upon issuance of Work Order) The Yamato Road Fisheries 27 acres Part of Spanish River Park 30 acres East side of cemetery off NE 3rd Avenue 2.5 acres Blue Lake Area (NW 40'") 150 acres Prior to using the TDSR sites, the CONTRACTOR shall take site preparation and activation steps to record baseline data to document the site's pre-use condition. The following actions shall be taken to support this process: • Take ground or aerial video/photographs of the entire site • Note important features, such as swctures, fences, culverts and landscaping • Take and analyze random soil samples • Take and analyze water samples from any existing wells • Topography and soiUsubstrete conditions of the site shall be evaluated to determine the best layout for debris management and processing activities. 1. Site Plan CONTRACTOR shall submit to the CITY for approval the site plan and operating procedures for the TDSR sites and shall at a minimum include the following. • Ingress/egress identified with caution signage on approach roads • Establishment of a interior road system utilizing any existing roads to the fullest extent • TrafFc flow throughout the site with appropriate traffic control and safety signage • Inspection tower, with roof, sufficient for a minimum of three inspectors • Separate termed containment areas lined with an impermeable material for the storage of HHW, ash, and fuel • First aid station • Debris collection area for receiving debris from haul trucks • "Clean" debris area for separated woody debris and burnable C&D awaiting reduction • Tcmporary storage areas for metals, white goods • Temporary storage area for non-bumable debris awaiting transfer to final disposal • Debris reduction area with appropriate set backs for the type of reduction (burning or grinding) employed • TDSR activation date time and daily hours of operation • TDSR management team with 24 hour contact numbers CONTRACTOR shall attempt to limit the modification of the site to the extent practicable in order to minimize site closure and restoration activities/cost. 2. Debris Separation end Reduction Prior to disposal of debris, CONTRACTOR shall provide all assistance in the form of personnel and equipment to perform debris separation and reduction. The CONTRACTOR shall separate debris into four general groups: woody vegetative debris, construction/building rubble, hazardous materials and recyclable materials, such as but not limited to aluminum, steel, cast iron and house hold white goods (refrigerators, appliances, etc.). CONTRACTOR shall provide any one or all of the following debris reduction a'tematives for determination by the CITY. • Grinding, mulching and/or chipping. • Air curtain incineration or burning into ash. CONTRACTOR shall secure proper permits. • Compaction • Recycling • Maulers and shredders as used to reduce metals. ' • Separation and removal of CFC refrigerants and motor oils from white goods. • Separation of soil from debris with the use of screens. • Household Hazardous Waste shall be separated from the general waste stream and stored in a lined containment area. incompatible household hazardous waste chemicals shall further be segregated and properly stored or packed for transportation to a facility specially permitted to accept hazardous waste. • The CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary containment of any storm generated hazardous waste identified by the CITY. Hazardous waste shall be identified, segregated, and containerized. 3. inspection Stations The CONTRACTOR shall construct, establish and maintain Inspection Stations as the points of inspection and determination of load volume for use by the CITY. The CITY shall provide the CONTRACTOR with five (5) part debris removal ticket to be used for weighing in Loads at each Inspection Station. The CITY will complete the five (S) part debris removal ticket for each load of debris and provide a copy of the debris removal ticket to the CONTRAt_"I'OR'S vehicle operator. CONTRACTOR shall insure that inspection stations are situated in a well organized and manageable working area ai the entrance of each of the TDSR site(s). These Inspection Stations shall be constructed, established and maintained by the CONTRACTOR at every debris reduction, recycling and/or TDSR site. CONTRACTOR shall construct inspection stations to allow for working conditions in a safe and comfortable working environment to be determined acceptable by the CITY. CONTRACTOR shall construct Inspection Stations in accordance with applicable technical and building code requirements insuring the following guidelines aze met. • Each inspection station shall be of sturdy construction using pressure treated wood. • The floor elevation of cach inspection station shall be such that it affords the CITY a complete view of the load bed of each piece of equipment being utilized to haul dehris, and also allows for easy transfer of the debris remova] load ticket between the CITY and the CONTRACT'OR'S vehicle driver. • The floor area of each inspection station shall be a minimum of 4' x 8', conswaed of 2" x 6"joists, 16" on center with ~/"plywood supported by 4" x 4" posts. • The perimeter of the floor area of each inspection station shall be protected by a 42" high railing constructed of 2" x 4" studs with access by wooden steps and a handrail. • Each inspection station shall reasonably accommodate a minimum of three (3) inspectors designated by the CITY. • CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing and maintaining portable sanitary facilities at each Inspection Station, which complies with all sanitary and technical codes. For each Inspection Station, CONTRACTOR shall also provide portable sanitary facilities in accordance with American Disabilities Act (ADA) and Florida Accessibility guidelines. 4. Maintenance. CONTRACTOR shall perform routine maintenance of the TDSR site(s) throughout the tenure of the site to insure safety and minimize environmental impact. The CONTRACTOR'S maintenance activities to the site shall include: • Adding rock to roads for stabilization • Modifying road system as needed • Installing silt fence or berm systems to divert rainwater and protect areas from run off and loss of topsoil • Relocation of traffic personnel and caution signage • Periodic replacement of liners under stationary equipment • Periodic updates of video/photographs of TDSR site(s) features to track evolution • Documentation of any accidents, spills, or environmental mishap occurring at the site 5. Site Closc~nut. Each TDSR site shall eventually be emptied of all debris and restored to its previous condition and use. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a timely closeout of the TDSR site(s). Prior to emptying all debris from the TDSR • site(s) and restoring it to its previous condition, CONTRACTOR shall: • Tesl soil and ground water and compare with pre-use baseline tests to insure that no long-term environmental contamination is present at the site. 10 • Remove all debris, stored material, and unnecessary equipment From the site • Conduct an environmental audit or assessment ' • Develop a restoration plan • • Submit the plan for review and approval by the CITY • Execute the plan • Obtain acceptance from the CITY and execute the site closure documents 6. 4uality Assurance CONTRACTOR shall provide a team of experienced debris monitors to observe and provide guidance to subcontractors. D. FINAL DEBRIS DISPOSAL FROM TDSR SITES All debris collected by CONTRACTOR during disaster recovery activities shall be disposed of in accordance with all applicable state, federal and local laws, standards, and regulations. CONTRACTOR shall collect debris that has been separated and reduced into piles at the TDSR Site(s) and haul it to its final disposal destination. All debris generated, inclusive of debris that has been separated and reduced shall be disposed of by CONTRACTOR in accordance with, but not limited to the following methods as approved by the CITY. • Woody debris that has been grinded, mulched or chipped shall be disposed of by CONTRACTOR to an approved SWA disposal facility, if no beneficial use is available for the mulch. • Woody debris that has been burned to an ash residue shall be disposed of by CONTRACTOR in the most efficient manner as approved by the CITY. • Construction and demolition material such as but not limited to; concrete, asphalt, gypsum, wood waste, glass. bricks, clay roofing tile, and asphalt roofing tile) shall be disposed of by CONTRACTOR to an approved SWA disposal facility, if C&D debris cannot be recycled. • All metal debris either reduced or not reduced by maulers and shredders shall be disposed of by CONTRACTOR to an approved SWA disposal facility, if metal debris cannot be recycled. • White goods such as but not limited to: household appliances shall be disposed of by CONTRACTOR to an approved SWA disposal facility if whitc good debris cannot be recycled. Prior to disposal, CONTRACTOR shall separate and remove CFC refrigerants and motor oils from white goods. • CONTRACTOR shall use soil ensile for backfilling ruts and voids created by stump removal or for site restoration. • Household hazardous waste such as but not limited to; household cleaning supplies, pesticides, motor oil, lubricants, transmission and brake fluids, gasoline, anti-freeze, paints, propane tanks, oxygen bottles and batteries shall be disposed of by CONTRACTOR to a facility specially permitted to accept hazardous waste • CONTRACTOR shall contain, collect, containerized, manifest and transport hazardous waste to a facility specially permitted to accept hazardous waste material. CONTRACTOR shall insure storage areas and TDSR sites are restored to their original condition. E. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEJRECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING 1. Technical Assistance CONTRAC'TOR'S technical assistance team will perform the following core responsibilities, which are intended to assist the CITY in receiving the maximum eligible reimbursement from external sources. • CONTRACTOR shall comply with federal and state guidelines conducted under the Public Assistance Program including, but not limited to the following reference materials; Debris Management Guide (FEMA), Policy Digest (FEMA), Public Assistance Guide (FEMA), Applicant Handbook (FEMA), Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (US Congress), and 44 CFR (U5 Congress). • CONTRACTOR shall provide experienced Compliance and Documcntation Specialists to support and guide the CITY in dealing with the State and Federal agencies that are responsible for providing project funding to • disaster impacted communities. This support will begin on site immediately following a disaster event and continue until the CITY team tasked with the claim documentation and the project worksheet has been submitted. • CONTRACTOR shall provide documentation of all costs associated with emergency incidents in a timely manner to assist the CITY in cost recovery in accordance with established Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements. CONTRACTOR must coordinate with appropriate CITY staff regarding proper billing procedures to meet FEMA reimbursement requirements. CONTRACTOR'S invoice shall include the • segregation of costs by Site or Project Worksheet. CONTRACTOR shall deliver the aforementioned records to the CITY'S Municipal Services Operations Manager and the CITY'S R & D Specialist. • CONTRACTOR shall submit a plan to the CITY describing method of compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. CONTRACTOR shall submit written reports documenting all action taken to assess and dispose of hazardous materials. • CONTRACTOR shall provide recovery overview to CITY local elected officials. • CONTRACTOR shall draft and recommend specific resolutions for recovery funding purposes. • CONTRACTOR shall brief the CITY on the recovery process, critical meetings, required procedures and the current disaster recovery environment. • CONTRACTOR shall provide recommendations for organizing a CITY disaster recovery program. The CONTRACTOR shall make recommendations to assist the CITY in the formation of a disaster recovery team drawn from existing CITY personnel. • CONTRACTOR shall prepare the disaster recovery learn for FEMA meetings. CONTRACTOR shall de-brief the recovery team on the purpose and conduct of the two key meetings, "Applicants Briefing" and "Kick-off Meeting' which are generally scheduled by FEMA and the state early in the recovery process. CONTRACTOR shall review for accuracy and completeness all documentation sent to or returned from the State and/or Federal Agencies. The CONTRACTOR'S technical team shall have the experience to support and assist the CITY with data preparation and accurate estimates for presentation to FEMA. • CONTRACTOR shall assist and support the local recovery team throughout the recovery process. • The CONTRACTOR'S technical team shall remain on site as long as their service is of a real benefit to the CITY. • CONTRACTOR shall provide guidance of grants and/or mitigation opportunities resulting from the disaster event. The CONTRACTOR'S technical team shall research and advise the CITY of grants management about disaster related special grants from departments such as NRCS, DOL or HUD. • CONTRACTOR shall conduct an exit interview with the CITY. The CONTRACTOR'S technical assistance team will request an interview with the CITY at or near the conclusion of the on-site technical support mission. • CONTRACTOR shall prepare an after action disaster event report for the CITY. • CONTRACTOR shall remain available for any additional recovery assistance and guidance requested by the CITY. 2. Documentation and Reoortine CONTRACTOR shall supply the CITY with the load tickets to record the debris collected from the rights-of--way and transported to the designated disposal site. CONTRACT'OR'S load ticket shall contain 15 key data points described in the Debris Management Guide (FEMA). CONTRACTOR'S load ticket shall consist of five-parts allowing all recovery participants to maintain documentation. The CONTRACTOR shall post the load tickets to a report with a hard copy and disk provided to the CITY'S Municipal Services Operations Manager and the CITY'S R & D Specialist. CONTRACTOR shall detail the following load ticket information on the report • Date • City of Boca Raton • Preprinted ticket number • Hauler's name • Ttvck number • Truck capacity in cubic yards • Load percentage full, 'as assigned by the City Representative in the tower • Load amount in billable cubic yards • Debris classification as burnable, non-bumable, mixed, other • Point of origin for debris collected and time loaded • . Dumpsite location and time dumped • CONTRACTOR shalt provide to the CITY'S Municipal Services Operations Manager daily reports denoting progress to date and crew assignments. CONTRACTOR'S reports shall detail current crew assignments by zone and the percentage of completion for each pass by zone. The CONTRACTOR will also provide a project deficiency 12 report to the CITY on a weekly basis detailing any accidents, private or public property damage, and/or homeowner complaints. CONTRACTOR shall be committed to an initial response to all deficiencies within 24 hours. . F. TRAINING Between the months of January and June CONTRACTOR shall conduce on site classroom training for key personnel as selected by the CITY. Training by CONTRACTOR shall be approximately 6 to 8 hours in length with appropriate time for questions and answers. CONTRACTOR'S key points for the classroom training curriculum shall include the following: • Review of potential disaster threats • Congressional actions in review and pertinent pending legislation • Current debris management environment • The "new" public assistance program • Relationships of local governments • Disaster recovery team (local Government, federal Government, technical assistance contractor, debris contractor) • Roles and responsibilities of CITY key staff members • Local Governments preparedness • Required and recommended resolutions • Categories of Public Assistance • CITY actions -Mgt, Administration, Finance • Recovery Meetings -Applicants briefing, kick-off meeting • Benefits of action vs. reaction G. PRO.IECT MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR shall attend meetings, assist in public relations, and provide for daily progress reports and public relations as well as the dispatching of field supervisors where necessary. A twenty four (24) hour response must be provided by CONTRACTOR for any complaints from homeowners. CONTRACTOR shall provide for quality assurance at all times. H. OTHER SERVICES AS NEEDED The CONTRACTOR shall perform other services only as specifically designated and additionally authorized through the issuance of a work order for the following services in accordance with Section II of the "Fee Schedule" attached hereto as "Attachment B" and/or as negotiated in accordance with F.rnergency Procurement Procedures. • Hazardous Stump Removal • Hazardous Waste Collection • Hazard and Debris Removal from Canals and Waterways • Beach Restoration • Removal of Debris from Sand on Beaches • Aerial Hazard Mitigation • Demolition of Unsafe Swctures • Fire Suppression Support • Delivery of Potable Water and Ice • Temporary Sanitation • Mobile Kitchen and Shower Units • Temporary Satellite Communication • Mass Decontamination • Backfill Material • Dredging • Temporary Housing !3 ZI TERMS AND CONDITIONS • A. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS CONTRACTOR shall provide to the CITY upon award a performance and payment bond in the amount of $1,000,000 and shall be renewed annually for the full term of this agreement including all renewal option periods. CONTRACTOR'S performance and payment bond shall be conditioned on the faithful performance of the Contract and on the payment of all persons supplying labor and furnishing materials for the Work as inquired by the applicable laws. The CONTRACTOR'S surety company acting as surety must appear and remain on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended) during construction, guarantee and warranty periods, shall be licensed to act as surety in the State of Florida, and shall be subject to the CITY'S approval. B. ANNUAL RE-CERTIFICATION CONTRACTOR shalt provide the following forms of evidence as assurance to the CITY that contract requirements are in full compliance and being maintained accordingly. 1. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge in writing to the CITY'S Municipal Services Operations Manager no later than ninety (90) days prior to anniversary date of contract all evidence in support of the Contractor's ability to pedotm and the intent to perform. 2. CONTRACTOR shall provide to the CITY'S Municipal Services Operations Manager a statement in writing of any material changes, including but not limited to; financial capabilities, updated certificates of insurance, equipment availability, staffing resources and subcontractor an'angements during the previous twelve month period or any such changes that are anticipated within the next twelve months. 3. CONTRACTOR shall provide to the CITY'S Municipal Services Operations Manager a written confirmation that the scope of services contained in the Contract can be provided in accordance with the response times provided in the Contract. 4. CONTRACTOR shall provide evidence that shows all insurance and surety requirements are being maintained and are in full effect. Failure by CONTRACTOR to provide any or all of the aforementioned, may result in the CONTRACTOR being declared in default and may result in action taken by CITY for bonding recovery. C. ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT It is anticipated that payments to the CONTRACTOR shall be made based upon payment lenrms of net IS days upon receipt of invoice and completion of services to the satisfaction of the CITY, matching truck load tickets to invoices and approval of service signed by both parties (CITY/CONTRACTOR). Failure in providing customer satisfaction to the CITY will result in payment withholding until CONTRACTOR makes corrections and compliance is received and CITY approval is granted. D. PURCHASING AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER GOVERNMENT A ENCIES It is hereby made a pan of this agreement that the same terms, conditions and prices set forth herein may be extended to other governmental agencies, including the State of Florida, its agencies, political subdivisions, counties and cities by option of the CONTRACTOR; provided, however, the services to be performed for the CITY under this agreement shall be given priority. Each governmental agency allowed by the CONTRACTOR to use this contract shall do so independent of any other governmental entity. Each agency shall be responsible for its own purchases and shall be liable only for goods or services ordered, received and accepted. No agency receives any liability by virtue of this agreement. E. PERMITS CITY permit fees will by waived by the CITY, other permit fees required under this contract shall be paid for by the CONTRACTOR and reimbursed by the CITY. Any fines and/or penalties which result from permits shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall submit invoices to the CITY for reimbursement of permit fees. The CONTRACTOR shall give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. Permits to be 14 secured by the CONTRACTOR include; but are not limited to, City of Boca Raton Environmental Permit for any tree removal of land clearing which may be required on the project. F. SECURITY MEASURES • CONTRACTOR shall take all measures necessary to insure that CONTRACTOR'S em subcontractor's comply with the security rules and regulations of the CITY and all Federal, State andtlocalfrules, laws and regulations. For the services rendered under this agreement, CONTRACTOR'S employees or that of their subcontractor's, shall not use controlled substances not prescribed for them, nor illegal substances on or off the CITY'S premises, and shall not use alcohol on the CITY'S premises nor preceding their work shift when to do so would in any way affect the performance of the services. The CONTRACTOR shall attest in writing that a background check to the extent allowed by law of employment history and references has been conducted on each employee prior to employment. The CITY shall have the right to request any additional investigative background information including, but not limited to, the employment record of any personnel assigned to perform the services. To the extent allowed by law, the CITY reserves the right to conduct its own investigation of any employee of the CONTRAtV I'OR or Subcontractor. The CONTRACTOR shall remove from service on the premises of the CITY any employee of the CONTRACTOR/S1JgCONTRACTOR who, in the opinion of the CITY is not performing the services in a proper manner, or who is incompetent, disorderly, abusive, dangerous, or disruptive or does not comply with the rules and regulations of the CITY. Such removal shall in no way be interpreted to require dismissal or other disciplinary action of the employee by CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall establish, implement and maintain procedures and controls to insure each employee of the CONTRACTOR complies with all applicable provisions of the contract and all site rules and practices of the CITY. To the extent allowed by law, the CITY reserves the right to investigate the CONTRACTOR'S employees with use of the CITY'S Police Department's computer network system and database. Results of any of the aforementioned information obtained to be forwarded to the CITY's Project Manager. The CONTRACTOR shall provide its employees with a picture I.D and Warne of CONTRACTOR'S firm to be wom while . perfornring work for the CITY or on the CTTY'S premises. • 15 ATTACHMENT B FEE SCHEDULE • In the event of a disaster or an emergency, the CITY shall pay to the CONTRACTOR the fee schedule identified in Section 1 and Section II as approved by the CITY upon issuance of a Work Order. • SECTION I Item ~ce of Work Description of Services Fee Schedule A First Response (Initial Pu h) Once FEMA sets the emergency period for Per Fee Schedule identified in Section II. s the initial push, CONTRACTOR'S primary responsibility includes, but is not limited to the accomplishment of emergency clearance of debris from B Pick Up and Haul ri trans nation routes. CONTRACTOR'S primary responsibility Smail Event -where disaster primarily includes, but is not limited to the pick up of produces small vegetative stone which is debris removal from public property and hauled directly to designated disposal site. rights-of--way and the hauling to the $7.90 per Cubic Yard for haul distance designated disposal site or to the TDSR between 0 -15 miles. site(s) for further separation and reduction $8.90 per Cubic Yard for haul distance prior to final disposal. between 0 - 30 miles. Significant Event -where disaster primarily produces mixed storm debris such as vegetation, and construction and demolition material. $9.75 per Cubic Yard for haul distance between 0 - 15 miles. $11.00 per Cubic Yard for haul distance between 0 - 30 miles. Catastrophic Event -where disaster primarily produces mixed stone debris such as heavy vegetation, construction and demolition material and environmental waste. $12.75 per Cubic Yard for haul distance between 0-15 miles. $14.25 per Cubic Yard for haul distance C Temporary Debris CONTRACTOR shall plan, prepare and between 0 - 30 miles. $3.60 per Cubic Yard of stone debris that Staging and Reduction (TDSR) Sites and manage the site, mobilize equipment, reduce and separate incoming storm debris enters each of the TDSR sites. Inspection Stations and construct, establish and maintain in lion stations. D Final Debris Disposal from TDSR Sit CONTRACTOR shall collect debris that $3.00 per Cubic Yard for haul distance es has been separated and reduced into piles between 0 - IS miles. at the Temporary Debris Staging and $4.25 per Cubic Yard for haul distance Reduction (T'DSR) Site(s) and haul it to its between 0 - 30 miles. final dis sal destination. E Technical Assistance / CONTRACTOR'S technical assistance No Charge. Record Keeping and team shall perform various administrative . Reporting responsibilities that shall assist the CITY in receiving the maximum eligible reimbursement from external sources. l6 (Continuation) ATTACHMENT B • SECTION I Item Scone of Work F Training G Project Management FEE SCHEDULE Description of Services FeeFee Schedule CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY No Charge. with on site classroom training of disaster related events such as, but not limited to; government preparedness, public assistance, recovery meetings and the roles and responsibilities of CONTRACTOR and CITY. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for No Charge. taking an active role in meetings, public relations, progress reports and the dispatching of field supervisors as nece • 17 (Continuation) ATTACHMENT B FEE SCHEDULE SECTION II 18 Tipping fees that are not paid for by the Solid Waste Authority will be paid for by the CONTRACTOR and reimbursed by the CITY. CONTRACTOR to submit invoices to the CITY for reimbursement of upping fees. • (Continuation) SECTTON II ATTACHMENT B FEE SCHEDULE 19 • (Continuation) ATTACHMENT B 20 FEE SCHEDULE SECTION II • • (t:ontinuation) SECTION II ATTACHMENT B FEE SCHEDULE 21