2004-062 Bid Award to Fast Dry Courts, Inc. for Tennis Courts RESOLUTION 62-2004 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF FAST DRY COURTS, INC., POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $46,999 FOR TENNIS COURT RE-SURFACING/OVERHEAD IltRIGATION INSTALLATION AT NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED FROM L8050-66210 (CONSTRUCTION & MAJOR RENOVATION) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Fast Dry Courts, Inc., Pompano Beach, Florida, in the amount of $46,999, for tennis court re-surfacing/overhead irrigation installation at the North Palm Beach Country Club is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, in accordance with its terms. The monies are to be expended from L8050-66210 (Construction & Major Renovation). The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2004. M OR T C~~l~ VILLAGE CLERK A • 09/03/2004 09:15 5618483344 t+ARTH PALM BEACH vM rAtat nr ~• NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB - REQLTI<,ST FOR SID PROPOSALS 'the North Palm Beach. Country Club invites bids to resurface and irttprove the irrigation system for ten (l t)) Har-Tru Tennis Courts. The spcciftc work we would like to have accomplished is as follows: *Furnish and irtstall ten (10} tons of Haz-Tru material per court, usia;g a laser grader to obtain precise slope maintenance. Water surface to its full. depth immediately after leveling and compact by rolling. In preparation for the application of the new material, remove and haul away all dead material and foreign debris. *Install new line tapes on each court. The lines should be accurately located and marked in accordance with U.S.T.A. regulations. Also inspect and repaint net posts are required. *Install overhead sprinkler system with. a minimum of, six sprinklers per court. Water source fnr sprinklers to be determined by Village of North Palm Beach based on input and recommendations of the contractor. '`Furnish and install in-tine chlorinator systems. "5% Bid Borxd, cash equivalent, or irrevocable letter of credit required. In the event of failure of bidder to enter into a Contract with the Village and furnish the required bonds, the Bid Bond, cash equivalent or letter of credit shall pay to the Village the difference between the amount specified in the bid and such larger amount for which the Village may in good faith contrast with another party to perform the work covered by said bid. i~ THE l~~E~iC~1H [NSTITUTE t~F ~R~HITE~TS ~~~ +h~ S~~n7A ~-~.,~-- ~!~ ©E?CtlEilel'1t 1Q$'~~ Bid Band KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we FA5T DRY CQURTS, INC. 1400 NW 13TH AVENUE POMPAddQ BEACH, FIB 33069 as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY a corporation duty organized under the taws of the State of Illinois as Surety, hereinafter tatted the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto vI~,~GE aF N4RTH PALM BEA: H as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of FIVE PERCENT t Sg) of sID A~ou~rT E3oltars ($ --__----_-__-_ ), for the payment of which sum welt and truly to be made, the said Principe! and the said Surety, bind oursetvesr our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firrr~y by these presents. WHF~2F.AS, the Principal has submitted a bid for TENNIS COURT RESURFACING; C3VERHERD IRRIGATION INST_~1LL~1TI4I3 NOW, THEREFORE, i€ the Obligee she#t accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal she#I enter into a Contrail with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or txinds as may be spet.~fied in the bidding or Contract Qocuments with good and suffscient surety €or the faithful performance of such Contrail and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Print pal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 11TH day of AUGUST > ~0(?4 . ~"~ "- r ~y~s~,~~/ Q FAST DRY Ctl 7RTS„ TNC. ,__ .~./l l/'- +/~`} (Prrr~ciAall fseal) {Y4htness) tee..--~ (7-~e) ~~ STATE FARM FIRE ANl3 CASUALTY COMPANY '~'~.~ (Surety) (Seal) { 4Yitness) By: Title) Attorney-in-fact Power of Attorney KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, an Illinois corporation, with its prinapal office in Bloomington, Illinois, does hereby constitute and appoint: Mary Allen, John C. Anderson, Teresa L Brown, Kelly Butterfield, Ceota Campbell, Pamela Chancellor, Mary Elshoff, Kim Fitter, Julie Freed, Brooke Furry, John Gibson, Christine M. Goben, Christy Herald, John R. Horton, Cynthia Johnson, Susan K. Johnson, Mary K. Ketfoot, Julia Klinzing, G.F. Krawcyk, Donna K. O'Crowly, Michael D. O'Donnell, James Platt, Debra Pro#er, Lynn Rakowski, Vicki Redman, Linda Rieck, Suzanne M. Robertson, Alice Schuler, Angie Scott, Trudy nce, Heidi Stevens, Cindy R. Swidc, Diana Tarter, Peny Tracy, Susan M. Wagoner, Diana L Watt, Karen Weber, of Bloomington, Illinois its nd lawful Attorney(s)-tn-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for, and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds, undertakings or other ngs obligatory in the nature of a bond as follows: Any such obligation in any amount This appointment is made under and by the authority of a resolution which was passed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Diredor5 of State Farm Fire and Casualty Company on the 24th day of July, 1974, as is duty authorized by the Board of Directors in Article i(, Section 6 of the 8y-taws of the Company, which resolution is: Resolved, that the Executive Vice-President or aVice-President of the Company is hereby authorized to appoint and empower any representative of the Company or other person or persons as Attorney-in-Fact to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertakings, policies, contracts of indemnity or other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, which the Company might execute through its duly elected officers, and affix the seat of the Company thereto. Any said execution of such docxrments by an Attorneyan-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company. Any Attomey-in-Fact, so appointed, maybe removed for good cause and the authority so granted may be revoked as speafied in the Power of Attorney. Resolved, that the signature of the Executive Vice-President or any Uce-President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted, and the signature of the Secretary, Vice-President or Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any such power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid-and binding on the Company. IN WITNESS THEREOF, STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed by its Vice-President, and its Corporate Seal to be affixed this 14th day of September 2001. This APPOINTMENT SHAl1 CEASE AND TERMINATE AUTOMATICALLY AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2004, UNLESS SOONER REVOKED AS PROVIDED. ^ ~`~~~an ~~~a ~y STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY ~~ ~ ,~ ~ ~!_ `ppPORAT ~:~ i iu --: ..... ~ i a t w ._ 5L1U.~ .~ <, ~ B ~/~/ Y r,, goo •..........-~~a.+^ Vice-Pre ident ~~N,,~~'CTYM. {~~' .- STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McLEAN On this 14th day of September 2fl01, before me personally came Brian Boyden to me known, who being duly sworn, did depose and say that he is Vice-President of STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such Gorporate Seal; and that he executed said instrument on beha{f of the corporation by authority of his office under the By-Laws of said corporation. "OFFICIAL SEAL" ~ ~~ Heidi J. Stevens No ry_Public Notary Public, State of IAinois My commission expires March 12, 2005 My Commission Expires 3/12/05 CERTIFICATE !, the undersigned Vice-President of STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the original Power of Attomey of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy, is in full force and effect and has not been revoked and the resolutions as set forth are now ~n force. Signed and sealed at Bloomington, Illinois. Dated this 11TH day of AUGUST 2004 3=~~~~ 7~q0 Cgg4'q,~t 4' ''1 i ~~• < ~ ,~ `oavon~ r `: a 4 F / W is ~Ry ....• :; If you have a question concerning the validity of this Power of Attorney, call (309) 766-2090. FB6-9043A.S4 Pruned in U.SA (8/03) • 99/03/2004 09:15 5618463344 I~RTH PALM BEACH VM PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA Gentlemen: rA~t n7 The undersigned, as bidder, does declaze that no other person other than the biddex hereirt named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that it is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion. or fraud: The undersigned furthex declares that he has carefully examined the specii'icati,ons and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned fwrtlter declares that he proposes to Furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below arc available within the State of Florida, to wit: DATE: ~~~" -3 e ~ a ~ MANUFACTURER: ~`~ s, i ~ CO~"-ss ~r~ DELIVE1tY: ~'~'"' -~~ ~o ~ 5 (~a r ~M a NS~` y ~ /~ v-Q ACS WARRANTY: l,z r''-4' ~"~~` PRICE: ~ ~ , `~ `1 `~ ~ U v ~cf Y-c-K 5 ~~ a ~ V • AllG-08-2DOd 13:08 FR011- Y-026 P-D08/OOY F-6So PRpPOSAL TO 1~IE Y i LLAGE QF Iii- Pr~iltit- BFA~H, FIAR I DA~ t Co s t i a u e d} V7[G1G~.~f ~ Lac ~ a .~ RE~L~RKS I EXCE~T I V YS : ~4.:s~ pv ~,~ ~ s f~~r5 i s viv ~N~.w N r ~j~,,~ ~- p 1 Y'.riICCVlIrfS~ ltY~' f/ lO~r y~fiLic~Y .~BUY~ ~~(/li,~.Y-p~u.S GL(.S ~of~~i' d~ Vr.~+~ ~jc~+'~t' S ~°'d"+ Gt ~.~" Gj t•aG N -'7G ~G S~.A''~iC t2. M oc'T.e r..s.1 ~' )' /v{' /'-r ~Q.o~ l`'~sL ~i1~'~fi-!/v"aa O Cf- CoN~?Y I t,Yi ~t/'e- $~ U sa- ad- SPn N,~lt.•- S~S~-~• 1.t~.s.;°`L~ST~ ~n7T~ta~fi-~ =%sx.~.v~r,.w-- c•. rx Officers of Corpvratian nr ktembers of Partnership: °5 s~U~ as ~'ITLE ADDRESS ~Sorin/lr~,c- ~~ NA~rtE ~~ ~- Y" . J icy ~~,.~-- . /1CGc~ N h! i ~ ~~ ~ary+~~rv .~~j~-333,+ FIRM; SIGNED BY: T I'TLE e • W I T~iESSES : 1 ~~ ~~~ ADDRESS: --~,. -~- G nuu-ub-cues ~3,un F~Mt- T-026 P.003/009 F-660 SaYORN STAT1; VT PVItSIIANT ?0 SECTION Z8'l.13`i(3}{a3, ON PIISLIC BNTTIY CRt?~s 'r$FS FORM tl~iti$T BE SIGNED AND 5WORt~i Tp II~i TBE PRESFNCt"s OF A NOTARY PtJBIZC OR OTI~g OFFICI~i,, AVFSORIZEU TO Al}DIFMSTIIt OiA~'8S. 1. 'this sworn stacemeat (s sabatiued to , f/I'~~~a. D `~ YVdn~ ~~1.~. T~,a,~-,~. ~/~ by ~T ~ /V ~- t o 2 t game of rite Dubuc entftyj [ la 'ridtaaNs aama red tt 1 for print ~ROme o~ cull sabatttttn~ SVIOi'tt S temet:t . whose business address is and (tf mpplicabte) its Ffldotat 2=taployer Identification Number (F~nv}~ is ~ alb ~f D (If the aaa`h- bas rev. iaclade t>se Seatcig- Number of the itidividasl signing this swots statement: r~~~ -) 2. I nadetstand that a 'gctbiic entity tie' as defined is Pua~ph 287.133{i)(g}, Florida Statnr~c. means a violation of asp stun. or fettttal law by a person vPitb respect m and direce€y related to the transaction of basiaess ~~ w7 public eoriry or with an s8eacr ar potitica! subdivision of sup other stare or of tha Uu[tcd States, $tcludiug, bur rwi Gmitcd to. say b!d or canttact for goods of Setvicas to be provided to any public rarity of an agcaty or goliticai sulidivisioa of wY other statt or of tb~ United States and irtv+oIving aatictust, fraud, then, brt3+ery. coiinsioq racketceting, +oouspirary. or iaatet3at taisrepreseatatioa. 3• 1 uaderstwd ihac'oottvIeted' or'aonvistiOa` as dc5ued in Paragraph Z87-I33{2)Cb}t Etoride Statures. iueaas a finding at gest~t or a coaviciion of a public eatiip aime, wirh or without au adjudication of guile, fa say i~ctst or state trial evert of t~eoord retstitt; co ciarga brought by indiumeac or ittformaaon skier .July 2, 1489` u a resnit of a jury verdict, noajtup trial, or eauy of a plea of ~N or solo oonuadere. 4ti I ttadatstaud that as "affiliate' as defined is Paragraph 287.L33{1}{a}, ~ do a to mesas: 1. ~. predeerssor or suaocssor of a person eoavtcted of : public entity crime; or Z Aa esttity ends tire. caatral at oar natural pessoa motto is aetirc is the maaagesaoat of the eatitp sad °0~4 P~~, ~d~ ~wa~ a~ 17u cuts 'aflb7iate' ineiadGS those officers, directors, an trffi7ia~ta Tho plQ~ sad agents alto arc active is the ntaaagemeat of whip by one person of shares eottstItutua a' ar ~~~ ~ pmca~r ar iaoome a,moag persons rhea trot ~ r hir~ta~arke~r vaua reader an ~ sp ~gor~h '¢ ~ F ` facie case that one petraa ovatrots another rsoa. A enters into a joint veatt~re wricll. a g` person ~° ~"`'u'S!Y the preczdittg 36 tnoatbs sitaIl be eoasid ~ ~ a®iaiG a~icted of a public entity crime in Florida during S- I uadCCtraad that a tsoa' as I33{ }{ ) petsaa or curt ar ~ defined in Paragraph ?$'!. 1 e , Florida Statutes. mews any tfatutttl ~ ~~ trader ilk ~~ of sap' slue or of the United States arith the kga! power to eater Taut a biadiaa contract sad which bids or applies to bid on eontratxs for the provision of Soodt or services tatmbr a ~~ ~~, °t' arltich otitet~vise uaasacts or applies to ttaasaa•busiacss with a public entity. Tate 'person' fadudes tlt;ose o~tl, dit~xtot5, eaecsapv~, parta~, shareliolder5, eatpioyees~ members, and ~~ wlto arc aeti~ne in taaaageateat of as eatlty. ~' AUG-D6-2Dltd 13:46 FRObt- T-426 P.D44JOD6 F-664 6. Sased oat ioiorasatloa; sad bctie~ the uatemettt ~rhich I bavC marked below is teat in tGtstion to tt~ entity tab ttiag this saoac sricemient. (indicate .rbtdt stateacsat sppttes.} Neither the entity aubtaicrina this stirorrn ststement, nor atq of tts ofBce~„ directors, «acarives, pads. shareholders„ emgloyeea. tneatbets„ or agents wrho u+e active. fa the taaaagamtac of tke entity, nor anp af~liatc of du entity tats beeII charges! vrlth sad eoamicied of a pabiie entity crEmc subsequent to July 2, 1989. . The entire subtttittiag this swots ststemcat. or one or more of its otBatS, ditticsors, extczstives, partners, sbat+ehaldc~ employees„ meanb~. ar agents motto are ttccivC is the tnaaagcntenf of the eatlry, or as atBtiate of the ttttity has 6exst charred .ritlt sad coa~ricted of s public entity cz£tae sabaequart to July 1, 1989 ,,,_ ~'he enury sulzatitting this swrtta statement, or one or more of its of5cers, direatets„ execncivas, pastaers, sharehotders, ~a~pioyees, aseanbers, or a8cau who are active is Use meaagcmeac of the esstiry, or aA affiliate of the entity tsar boea cbargaf .vtrh sad oanvicx~ of a public entity t=ittle subsegncnt to Iu2y i, 1989. Ffo~ver, tftcre ltas beet a sttbsegseat prooeedipg bcitue n Heating Qffiaer of cite State of Florida, Division of Administra_~ H=a-itt~ a.,uct the Fsnal Order eacu~ by the f~~titt8 Officer Qat~ttaiaed that is was sot in the public interest w place the entity submittin8 this sworn statement vtt the convicted vendor list [attAtb s Dopy of rho fins! order] . I ITNI}F~iSTAND THAT TSF S`IIBti~L55iON OF TTf3iS 1tOBM TU TSE CONT~tACTING OFFICER FUR TBE PUBLiC ENTITY IDIIYTg1ED Ilri PARAGt2AP8 I (a1+11E~ ABOVE IS FUR ?8AT PUSLYC IIdTiTY ONLY AND, T8A? Tt3fS FORD IS VwLID TSRQIIG$ DEt~ER ~L 4F THE C.'TiF~IDA$'lfEAR 1N ~itSICB IT IS FILED, I ALSO tTNDERSTAi'iD SEAT ti AM REQI~ T'O II+tFOtitM TSE PUBLIC ENTITY PRIOR TU IIV'TERING INTO A CONTRACT IlY EXC.~S OF T$S T~80LD AMUUNT PROVYDED IiY SEGTION 287 OL7. ~T~~~ FOB CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGS IN T~ INFURMATION COI~tTAINED IIY TSIS FOR,I~f, [slgua re] Sworn to and subscrb~, before me this ~ ~" day of __ ~ys~s~ k@~--a-~.~ Pcrsoualty layovvn t3$ P:ro~±~lcea ide^s:ficntiotz (IypC of identification) . Form PUR 7068 (Rev. OG111-92) public) • Village of North Palm Beach, Florida ~~ ~. Bid Summary Sheet ...~__ _ _ z.nn un,~ Bid Opening For: ~- ,y/ ~ No. of Bids Mailed Out: No. of Bids Received: Date Advertised: Department: No. of Bids Qualified: NA Due Date: Account Number: Vendors: _ ~-' ~ Description a~ 9 . °a 5% Bid Bond - Yes/No: - ~° - o Cost/Item (if an ): NA Total Item Cost: NA Frei ht: NA 1 Grand Total: NA Delive Date/Time: NA O Comment: /~ /~ Geir~~~~~o^/ 2 venaors rresc~n. THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Tracey Diglio, who on oath says that she is Telephone Sales Supervisor of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper, published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising for a Bid in the matter of Tennis Court Resurfacine was published in said newspaper in the issues of August 30.2004. Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first pubiication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adverttsement for publication in the said newspaper. ~ .~~~ Sworn to and subscribed before 30~' day of g st, A.D. 2 04 ~' ` Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ~1~RY Pp KAREnI M McLIN7'ON '9 ~ MY COM,M(SSION # CC 974~~q ~` OF ri~P EXPIRES: Nov tS, :004 1-9003N07ARY FL Notary Service & bonding, Inc. NO. J637907 .. VILLAGE OF;'. NORTH PALM BEACH NOTICE OF SOLICATION TENNIS'COURT ::, RESURFACING/i>` n OVERHREAD' IRRIGATION . INSTALLATION BID OPENING DATE r TUESDAY,;. SEPTEMBER 7; 2004 -'~'3~MPM '. hon package:"please Call 561/841-3380 or send_ydur compapy name; maipng address, phone number•~rtd the bid description to: ' Village Manager , Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. #1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 The Village of North Palm Beach is exempt from Fed- eral and State taxes for tan- gible personal property. Village Managgeer PUB: The Patm Beach Post August 30, 2004