01-12-2006 VC REG-A VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA REGULAR SESSION THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. Edward Eissey [ ] David B. Norris [ ] Rob Rennebaum [ ] Charles O’Meilia [ ] Donald G. Noel [ ] Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Councilman Councilman Mark Bates [ ] George Baldwin [ ] Melissa Teal [ ] Village Manager Village Attorney Village Clerk 1. ROLL CALL 2. INVOCATION – COUNCILMAN NOEL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – PRESIDENT PRO TEM RENNEBAUM 4. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION a. Proclamation – 50th Anniversary of the Village of North Palm Beach 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Minutes of Regular Session held 12/8/05 b. Minutes of Special Session held 12/15/05 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS MATTERS A. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC, PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS B. DECLARATION OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS C. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND QUASI JUDICIAL MATTERS 1. BILL 1192 – 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE REZONING LAND ADJACENT TO Consider a motion to approve first reading of CAROLINDA DRIVE (TABLED ON 12/8/05) Bill 1192, a proposed ordinance rezoning a parcel of land adjacent to Carolinda Drive from R-2 Multiple-Family Dwelling District to P-Public District, and providing the zoning district of P-Public District for 2 adjacent parcels. ACTION D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. directing the Village Clerk to publish notice of the General Election to be held Resolution: March 14, 2006; designating the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections for the purpose of canvassing absentee ballots and election returns on behalf of the Village; designating the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections or his designee, as the Village’s representative for the Logic and Accuracy testing of the tabulating equipment on February 24, 2006 and the runoff election, should there be one REGULAR SESSION AGENDA THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2006 E. OTHER VILLAGE BUSINESS MATTERS 1. Consider a motion to adopt a RESOLUTION – APPROVING NEW OFFICIAL ZONING MAP resolution approving a new official zoning map. ACTION 2. Consider a RESOLUTION – TERMINATING ASHBRITT ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENT motion to adopt a resolution authorizing and directing the Village Manager to terminate the Agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and AshBritt Environmental. ACTION 3. Consider RESOLUTION –MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING – GT SUPPLIES, INC. a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with GT Supplies, Inc. for loading and transporting storm debris generated by Hurricane Wilma. ACTION F. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION MATTERS MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS 1. a. Seacoast Utility Authority Presentation VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS 2. a. Special Group Play Event Request b. Nicklaus Agreement Update c. Village Hall Landscaping (verbal report) d. Waste Disposal Demonstration Program Timing (verbal report) e. Public Safety Monument Sign 7. REPORTS (SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND ADVISORY BOARDS) a. Minutes of Planning Commission meeting held 8/2/05 b. Minutes of Planning Commission meeting held 9/6/05 c. Minutes of Planning Commission meeting held 10/4/05 d. Minutes of Planning Commission meeting held 11/8/05 e. Minutes of Audit Committee meeting held 11/9/05 f. Minutes of Library Advisory Board meeting held 11/15/05 g. Minutes of General Employees Pension Board meeting held 11/22/05 h. Minutes of 50th Anniversary Committee meeting held 11/23/05 2 REGULAR SESSION AGENDA THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2006 i. Minutes of Planning Commission Public Hearing held 12/6/05 j. Minutes of Planning Commission meeting held 12/6/05 ? Recommendation to Village Council “to approve Commercial Planned Unit Development for the Passionist Monastery of Our Lady of Florida, Inc.” (see Workshop Agenda, item 2.c) ? Recommendation to Village Council “as submitted” to rezone parcel of land adjacent to Carolinda Drive to P-Public District and provide the zoning district of P-Public District for 2 adjacent parcels (see Regular Agenda, item 6.C.1) 8. ADJOURNMENT Next Ordinance 01-2006 Next Resolution 01-2006 If a person decides to appeal any decision by the Village Council with respect to any matter considered at the Village Council meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to based. This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in this agenda. 3