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2005-017 Funding Assistance for North Substation Construction
RESOLUTION 17-2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE ADMINISTRATION TO APPLY FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE TO ESTABLISH AND CONSTRUCT A PERMANENT PUBLIC SAFETY SUBSTATION THROUGH THE FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS PROCESS IN THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Village of North Palm Beach wishes to establish and construct a permanent Public Safety Substation north of the Parker Bridge; and, WHEREAS, this project will not require assistance from funding sources outside the Village; and, WI~REAS, the Village is willing and able to provide a portion (up to 50%) of the overall costs of the project; and, WHEREAS, funding for local projects is available through the Federal Appropriations Process in the U. S. House of Representatives; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council hereby authorizes and directs the Village Administration to make application for funding of local projects through the federal appropriations process for the purpose of securing funds to establish and construct a permanent Public Safety Substation north of the Parker Bridge. Section 2. The application shall be made in the U.S. House of Representatives through the office of Congressman E. Clay Shaw. The application shall be made no later than March 4, 2005. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2005 ATTEST: ., r. ~,.~ M YOR _ -,• VILLAGE CLERK Federal Fiscal fear 2006 Appr©priations Local Project Form Congressman E. Cla~~ Shaw, Jr. (FL-22) E'icasc complrtc :end rrturr: ~u ~tarcl) ~. _00~. Praieet Name• ~~, - - ~ - - - ,~±}~ Pal.. 3F_~ c~: r~r_'~).'". t: ii['.r.''..}' C)r FLii~L1C :i ft~}~ i1t11-i.11 .. ?=; ±. i:1 .. _LC_)C.. Indh~iduat Contact - - tiame, :address, E-mail and 'T'elephone "umber {Florida): (In aclciition~ include retained ~o~-ernment relations representatiti~e name, ad~ress, e-mail and telephone number, if applicable.) {=er,rge .I. b~7..r_'r~r. ~nl~ t'.c. tr-ighwa: !l ,1 C,[u~.__. i:,~1it~._;l~~l','i 11:='1 C7 i_ r;' :!.~'?iC~ ?l-:~]nt~: (;r,1} 84;-'318 Federal Ef undin~ Amount RecTuested: y t F; , r~ C] G . ~ ~;'~ :additional Funding Source{si {Federal, private, local and/or state): L _-x.';11 : 5 ` t. , ~' ~~' (~', . i O Past Fedora! Fur~din~ Recci~~ed (Amount and Fiscal Fear(s), if applicable): ie.,__~; 1•'ederal Department/Anpropriations 13i1{ (Be specific): ~'GCer'.-:?~ ~`'ji:92-~'=rS1~: i L)f'~ '.~t? c'Ii~' f`_ ,]C~PIE:l~.i:C~ ~t='Cti~T"1~ ' u Project Description: (Please ,imit to 340 charact~:rs. If v~,,: woulii like to include a more detailed clesctipiic7n, please do so on an adiliticmal shcct. j , ~,(~Il~' i.'11r. f,;.~c},*'; C~~ Fi ~ iw,)i~ ~C;_ i:_.. _. .'th~;~~. ~i ~~t~ 1'~f`. :;I"C~ ~'1{a_, ~) (~ 1 7 L.' s-> ~ ~ i r 1_ ... t` fCi r _ C~ r~ - i • l ,.i r. ~ ~._ : 1 .-. ' I '. '_ C F' t. t 7 ... - +'v, i i~OLtI:E?'LP. c-.lI"P:a r)_ thy' 1 1c:C~(? 'v: ...,'I. C:U. 1i~F'(1 C<T~ 3'~lb?"~C~c1t`~.