2005-018 Growth Management Priority to FL Leg. from FLCRESOLUTION 18-2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING GROWTH MANAGEMENT ISSUES DURING THE 2005 LEGISLATIVE SESSION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Florida's Growth Management Act was created in 1985 in an effort to create a blueprint for growth in Florida's cities and counties; and WHEREAS, cities and counties plan for future growth through local comprehensive plans, but there is no defined state plan that provides an overall growth management strategy; and WHEREAS, as Florida's population continues to increase, cities are challenged to meet the infrastructure needs to account for new growth and development, but there is no infrastructure revenue source dedicated to municipalities; and WHEREAS, counties, school districts, or the state of Florida control every funding source that has been authorized for implementing growth management capital improvements and complying with concurrency requirements; and WHEREAS, Governor Jeb Bush and Florida's House and Senate leaders have made growth management reform a top priority for the 2005 legislative session. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, urges Governor Jeb Bush and members of the Florida Legislature to support legislation as part of a comprehensive growth management package that: • Establishes a process for the county commission and the municipal governing authorities within a county to jointly levy local government infrastructure surtax within their jurisdictions to fund infrastructure improvements. • Authorizes municipalities to levy a real estate transfer fee for infrastructure improvements. • Repeals the fuel adjustment charge exemption from the municipal public service tax. • Revises concurrency requirements or adequately funds needed infrastructure. • Ties state funding and budget allocations to articulated state growth management policies. In other words, no more public expenditures that are inconsistent with articulated growth management policies. • Revises the Sustainable Communities Certification Program to encourage, not discourage, cities from participating. • Creates a state comprehensive plan that articulates state planning goals and policies with measurable benchmarks. • Grants cities greater flexibility and less state oversight in pursuing growth management strategies. Section 2. That a copy of this resolution shall be provided to Governor Jeb Bush, Senate President Tom Lee, House Speaker Allan Bense and members of the Florida Legislature. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th DAY OF FEBRCiARY, 2005. .` l M YOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CL RK