09-26-2002 VC PH3-M• MINUTES OF THE SECOND PUBLIC HEARING BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2002 Present: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Mayor Don Noel, Vice Mayor Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman David B. Norris, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL, CALL Mayor Eissey called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of the Council were present. All members of staff were present. I'URPOSF, OF THE PUBLIC HEARING 7'he purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear comments from the public on the operating budget for Fiscal Year 2002-2003, including the North Palm Beach Country Club. M'A"fEMENT OF PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN_MILLAGE OVER THE ROLLED-BACK RA"]'E Mayor Eissey announced that the proposed millage is 5.80, which is 13.9% more than the rollback figure of 5.0938. This year's proposed millage rate of 5.80 is 3.6% more than the 2001- 2002 millage rate of 5.60. The three main purposes for which ad valorem tax revenues are being increased are as follows: I) much needed capital outlay and Special Response Team (SRT) program startup cost for Public Safety; 2) financing of the new fire truck and computers; 3) inaease in personnel and operations cost. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Manny Grinn, 536 Greenway Drive, spoke regarding the increase in salary of the Village Manager. Mr. Grinn stated that, as he understood it in previous years, an increase in salary was determined by the evaluation. He further stated that the way it is done is to use the average percentage score from the performance evaluation, multiply that, and that's how much you're going to get out of the five percent. Mr. Grinn said that the way it is presently scored, an • evaluation that rated unacceptable would be given 1% increase. He feels that what should be given is 0 for unacceptable, 1 for below average, 2, 3, and 4. It would then show that the average Minutes of Public Hearing Held September 26, 2002 • percentage score would not be 66.86%, but would be 58.57%. And if the Council is working on $99,000, the difference would be $410.35. Mr. Grinn said he thinks the Council should change the rating. Itoseinary Truesdale, 832 Country Club Drive, addressed the Council regarding the Village's desire to get new members at the Country Club. Mrs. Truesdale feels that people have to come to the Council meetings to put out fires, such as the attempt to restrict walkers. She further stated that members who are on fixed incomes or who have suffered losses in the declining stock market will have to adjust by reducing their play. She does not feel that raising rates will bring in more business. Robert Rowe, 837 Fathom Road, asked the Council if the proposed budget includes the completion of the Village Hall or the $1.6 million phase for the driveway and fountain; the work proposed for Prosperity Farms Road. Village Manager Dennis Kelly responded to Mr. Rowe's questions by saying that the completion of the Village Hall is included, but the exterior plaza for the Village Hall is not included, nor is the Prosperity Farms Road project. Robert White, 732 Kittyhawk Way, spoke as a member of the Country Club and also as an MGA member. Mr. White told the Cowtcil that when he was a member up north, memberships for golf, swimming or tennis were all the same. Down here, there are different rates for different people. As a golfer, Mr. White says he has to pay extra above his golf membership if he wants to walk or use a cart. He says members do not have to pay extra beyond their membership fee to use the pool or use the tennis courts. He does not feel the golf members should have to support the other activities if the pool members and tennis ruembers aren't required to support it with ina•eased rates. Bob Brandner, 130 Yacht Club Drive, asked the Council if the increased budget includes the fire truck, start-up costs for the Special Response Team in Public Safety, and the personnel increases. Mr. Brandner was told that a 3% average was figured into the budget for personnel as well as a 1.6% COL increase based on the April Consumer Price Index, but if the Council accepts the recommendations of the Personnel Consultant, the budget will have to be amended to incorporate those changes. Financing of the fire truck is included in the budget, but the Council will be deciding on that later on in the agenda. The start-up costs for the SRT in Public Safety is also included. Tillie Gardner, 1117 Marine Way, asked the Council if there is anything included in the budget for the Public Safety sub-station north of the bridge. Dennis Kelly told Mrs. Gardner that there is seed money included for that, but when the time comes to purchase the property and do construction, a budget amendment will have to be done to put the financing into the General Fund budget. The Village is currently negotiating for the purchase of some property. Norman Berman, West Palm Beach, asked the Council to not raise the rates at the Country Club this year because of the economic uncertainty that exists at this particular time in this country. • } le told the Council that many people have lost quite a bit of their retirement fund with no way to go back to work. 2 Minutes of Public Hearing Held September 26, 2002 • Jack Midgely, 721 Buttonwood Road objected to the increase in cart rates. He told the Council that he cannot walk due to a disability. He said he would understand the increase in rates if rates were raised for everyone, but doesn't approve of raising both memberships and cart fees, and if that is approved, he will have to drop out and play in the summer as anon-member. Fred Cavlovic, 1200 Marine Way, told the Council that the members of the Club should elect a Board of Governors who will report to the Manager with recommendations on what to do for the Chib. Mr. Cavlovic feels that with the increases as proposed, the Club will lose a lot of members this year. Don Wilsat, 312 Ocean Dunes Circle, Jupiter, told the Council that he plays golf almost every day and spends about $3,000. He is a walker, and objects to the drastic raise in walking fees that he has heard about. He feels an increase to $13 that was suggested would cause a lot of people to drop out. Mr. Wilson was told that an increase of $13 was not being considered. llott Urbanski, 45 Yacht Club Drive, suggested that 18 yardage markers which are now in disrepair could be repainted and reused to generate revenue of $13,000 or $14,000. He finlher stated that someone made a proposal to the Board and was told it was on the backburner. Mr. lJrbanski was told that markers are being replaced during the new budget year. RTSOLU1'ION 49-2002 ADOPTED MILEAGE RESOLUTION President Pro Tem Tringali moved that Resolution 49-2002 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACI I, FLORIDA, LEVYING A TAX ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATED WI1'}IIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ON JANUARY 1, 2002, FIXING THE TOTAL VALUATION THEREON AND THE TAX MILEAGE RATE THEREON FOR SAID TAX YEAR; AND REPEALING AEI. KESOLU7'IONS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS RESOLUTION 13e adopted. Vice Mayor Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. RECESS "1'he meeting recessed at 7:30 p.m. and reconvened at 7:34 p.m. BILL 1074 -BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-3003 -ENACTED AS ORDINANCE 25- 2002 President Pro Tem Tringali moved that Bill 1074 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING • BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 2002, TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2003, BOTH INCLUSIVE, FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND, INCLUDING DEBT RETIREMENT, AND FOR THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY Minutes of Public Hearing Held September 26, 2002 • CLUB REVENUE FUND; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE 13e placed on second reading and read by title alone. Councilman Norris seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. President Pro Tem Tringali moved to enact Bill 1074 as Ordinance 25-2002. Vice Mayor Noel seconded the motion. During discussion, Councilman O'Meilia moved that walking fees not be raised. Mayor Eissey passed the gavel and seconded the motion. Vice Mayor Noel returned the gavel to Mayor Eissey. The motion passed 3-2, with Councilman O'Meilia, Mayor Eissey and Councilman Norris voting aye, and President Pro Tem Tringali and Vice Mayor Noel voting nay. Village Manager Dennis Kelly asked the Village Council to incorporate revisions to revenues and expenses totalling $91,000 into the proposed budget, i.e. the refuse disposal fee in the amount of $41,000 and the Osborne Park Recreation Building design and construction in the amount of $50,000 to be carried over into next year's budget. The total of the budget would go from $13,471,749 to $13,565,749. Councilman O'Meilia moved to accept those proposed changes. President Pro Tem Tringali seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Thereafter, the original motion, as amended, passed 5-0 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Cathleen F. Kelly, CMC Village Clerk • 4