02-14-2002 VC REG-M• MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2002 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Don Noel Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Joseph A. Tringali, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of the Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Mayor Eissey gave the invocation, and President Pro Tem Noel led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. "1'he following Minutes were approved as written: Minutes of Regular Session held 1/24/02 Minutes of Special Session held 2/5/02 REPORT OF THE MAYOR Mayor Norris accepted a trophy for the Belle Glade Catfish Open, a golf tournament won by Village representatives. Mayor Norris appointed the following persons to a Committee to address Country Club benefits: David Norris, David Talley, Paul Lambrakis and Rob Derry. The Committee will address the benefits of club membership. • Tillie Gardner spoke before the Council about her ambulance bill from the Village, which was $200 more than another ambulance service that provided her return trip. Mrs. Gardner staled Minutes of Regular Session Held February 14, 2002 • that she did not receive treatment during either transport. Village Manager Dennis Kelly was directed to investigate the matter. Mayor Norris presented the Certificate of Achievement For Excellence in Financial Reporting to Finance Director Shaukat Khan. The Certificate was awarded to the Village by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED Item 7.c. was removed from the Consent agenda and placed under 14.c. on the Regular agenda. Thereafter, President Pro Tem Noel moved to approve the Consent agenda. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. The following items were approved: Accepted for file the Minutes of the Country Club Advisory Board meeting held 11/5/O1 Accepted for file the Minutes of the Police and Fire Pension Board meeting held 11/6/01 Accepted for file the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held 1/8/02 REPORTS OP SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF ADVISORY BOARDS Mayor Norris reported that the committee is continuing discussion with the monastery for a parcel of land to be used for the north substation, and will be meeting soon with the attorney for the monastery. Councilman O'Meilia reported that legislative updates by the Florida League of Cities can be obtained through the League's website at flcities.com each Friday, and running through the weekend. He also advised the Council that the Palm Beach County Municipal League will hold its annual installation on May 18, 2002 at the Ritz-Carlton. Councilman Tringali told the Council that the Leukemia Cup Regatta will be held in North Palm Beach on March 15, 16, and 17th. He asks that the Village support the effort in whatever way possible. MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Dennis Kelly reminded the Council of the Author's Luncheon on February 25, 2002 at the Marriott in Palm Beach Gardens. Mr. Kelly stated that the Village will have a table for Councilmen and their spouses. Recreation Director Mark Hodgkins asked approval from the Council to change the Heritage Day parade route so that U. S. 1 and the Parker bridge don't have to be closed. Mr. Hodgkins • proposed that the participants muster at Anchorage Park, proceed along Anchorage Drive north to Country Club, on to Overlook and Club Road, and then onto the Country Club. Mr. Hodgkins reported that the Recreation Advisory Board was in concurrence with the suggestion, and that it Minutes of Regular Session ] leld February 14, 2002 would be safer for participants, the route would provide more shade, and it would be less of an • inconvenience to residents east of U. S. 1 getting out onto U. S. 1. Additionally, the bridge would not have to be closed, which requires permission from the Florida Department of 7lansportation, and the construction around the Village Hall could be avoided. The Council, by consensus, agreed to a new route which begins at Anchorage Park, goes north on Anchorage to U. S. 1, turns left on U. S. 1 to the Country Club, possible using only the southbound or northbound lanes. Mr. Hodgkins will consult with the Public Safety Dept. on this issue. I31LL 1051 -ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS -ENACTED AS ORD. 02- 2002 President Pro Tem Noel moved that Bill 1051 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION (4), PROHIBITED LOCATIONS, OF SECTION 45-20, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT, OF ARTICLE II OF APPENDIX C-ZONING, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE, TO PROVIDE THAT RESTAURANTS OPERATING UNDER FLORIDA 4-COP-SRX ].ICENSES ARE NOT SUBJECT TO DISTANCE RESTRICTIONS FROM ADUI,7' ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS; PROVIDING THAT RELIGIOUS 1NST1'1'UTIONS, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, CHILD CARE FACILITIES, FAMILY DAY CARE HOMES, COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL HOMES, PARKS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS THAT SELL OR DISPENSE ALCOHOL FOR CONSUMPTION ON PREMISES (OTHER THAN ESTABLISHMENTS OPERATING UNDER FLORIDA 4-COP-SRX LICENSES) SHALL NOT LOCATE AND OPERATE WITHIN THE DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS FROM SUCH ESTABLISHMENTS AND FAC1I,177ES OPERATED AND LICENSED FOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, I'ItOV]DING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 13e placed on second reading and read by title alone. Councilman Tringali seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Councihnan Tringali moved that Bill 105] be enacted as Ordinance 02-2002. President Pro Tem Noel seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1, with Councilman Tringali, President Pro Tem Noel, Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Norris voting aye, and Councilman O'Meilia voting aye. 1311,1, ]052 - SEPARATION OF CERTAIN USES FROM SALES OF ALCOHOLIC 13EVF,RAGES AND FILLING STATIONS -ENACTED AS ORD. 03-2002 Councilman Tringali moved that Bill 1052 entitled: • AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION N, LOCATION OF BUSINESS FOR 3 Minutes of Regular Session ]leld February 14, 2002 RETAIL SALES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, OF SECTION 45-36, GENERAI. • I'ItOVISIONS, OF ARTICLE III OF APPENDIX C-ZONING, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE, TO PROVIDE THAT ABONA-FIDE RF,STAUKANT OPERATING UNDER A FLORIDA 4-COP-SRX LICENSE IS EXEMPTED FROM THE DISTANCE RESTRICTIONS FROM RETAIL SALES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; PROVIDING THAT CHURCHES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, OR A PLACE OF BUSINESS OF ANOTHER LICENSED RETAIL SELLER OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES CANNOT LOCATE AND OPERATE WITIIIN ONE THOUSAND (1,000) FEET OF A BUSINESS LICENSED FOR RETAIL SALES OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; AMENDING SUBSECTION L OF SECTION 45-36, GENERAL PROVISIONS, OF ARTICLE III OF APPENDIX C-ZONING TO PROVIDE THA"1' CHURCHES, HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS AND SIMILAR INSTITUTIONS WHERE LARGE NUMBERS OF PEDESTRIANS CONGREGATE CANNOT BE LOCATED Wl7'HIN DIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET OF GASOLINE OR OIL FILLING STATIONS OK SERVICE S7'A7'IONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 13e placed on second reading and read by title alone. President Pro Tem Noel seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. President Pro Tem Noel moved that Bill 1052 be enacted as Ordinance 03-2002. Councilman Tringali seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1, with President Pro Tem Noel, Councilman Tringali, Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Norris voting aye, and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay. BILL 1053 -BUDGET AMENDMENT TO FUND U. S. 1 SIDEWALK -PLACED ON FIRST READING Councilman O'Meilia moved that Bill 1053 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING T}IE NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 200]- 2002 7'O APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 15,000.00 FOR DESIGN, PERMITTING AND CONSTRUCTION OF U.S. #1 SIDEWALK FROM McLAREN ROAD "1'O CAROLINDA ROAD 13e placed on first reading and read by title alone. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BII,I, 1054 -BUILDING CODE AMENDMENTS -PLACED ON FIRST READING Councilman O'Meilia moved that Bill 1054 entitled: • AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NOKTII PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 6-16, AUTHORITY, AND SECTION 6-17, 4 Minutes of Regular Session Held February 14, 2002 CODES ADOPTED, OF ARTICLE II, MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, OF • CHAI'TF,R 6, BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS, OF THF. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH; REPEALING SECTION 6- 2, ACCESSIBILITY TO BUILDINGS BY HANDICAPPED PERSONS; STATE LAW ADOPTED OF ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 6 OF THE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF "1'HE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH; REPEALING SECTION 6-3, FIRE DISTRICT, OF ARTICLE 1 OF CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF NOIZ7'H PALM BEACH; REPEALING SECTION 11-11, CODES ADOPTED, AND SEC77ON 11-]2, AMENDMENTS, CORRECTIONS, ADDITIONS, OF ARTICLE II, ELECTRICAL CODE, OF CHAPTER 11 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF TIIE VILLAGE OP NORTH PALM BEACH; REPEALING SECTION 12-16, ADOPTED BY RE,FGRENCE, AND SECTION 12-17, AMENDMENTS, OF ARTICLE II, FIRE PREVENTION CODE, OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH; REPEALING SECTION 25-1 THROUGH SECTION 25-11, INCLUSIVE, AND SECTION 25-23 THROUGH SECTION 25-38, INCLUSIVE, O}' CHAPTER 25, SWIMMING POOLS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OI' NORTH PALM BEACH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HF;REWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be placed on first reading and read by title alone. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. During discussion, Councilman O'Meilia moved to amend by adding the requirement that floor slabs must be 8 % feet above sea level, as in the past. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motiai, and all present voted aye. Thereafter, the original motion, as amended, passed 5-0. RESOLUTON 06-2002 ADOPTED - RESUN LEASE AGREEMENT Councilman O'Meilia moved that Resolution 06-2002 be taken from the table. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Councihuan O'Meilia moved that Resolution 06-2002 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM 13EACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH RESUN LEASING, INCORPORATED, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICI I LEASE AGREEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING A MODULAR UNIT (TItA1LER) FOR USE AT THE PUBLIC SAFETY NORTHERN SUBSTATION; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be adopted. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. • 5 Minutes of Regular Session Held February 14, 2002 RESOLUTION 07-2002 ADOPTED -BENJAMIN SCHOOL LEASE AGREEMENT' • Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Resolution 07-2002 be taken from the table. President Pro T'em Noel secaided the motion, and all present voted aye. Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Resolution 07-2002 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BENJAMIN PRIVATE SCHOOL, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, AND THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AME:NDMENI' EXTENDS THE LEASE TERMINATION DATE OF THE SITE BE[NG UTILI7.ED BY 1'HE VILLAGE AS A TEMPORARY NORTH SUB-STATION FOR TILE I'UI3LIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT TO DECEMBER 31, 2004; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN ]:FPEC"1'IVE DATE Be adopted. President Pro Tem Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. RFSOI UT'lON FOR EOUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT -TABLED 1'O 2/28/02 Vice Mayor Eissey moved that a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an equipment lease/purchase agreement with First Union Bank be taken from the table. ]'resident Pro Tem Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Vice Mayor Eissey move that the resolution entitled: A RI;SOI,UTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE C1,ERK TO ENTER INTO AN EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS THERETO WITH FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK, A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION, ATTACHED AS COMPOSITE EXHIBIT' A, WHICH EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF VILLAGE SECURING FUNDS UP TO $743,000.00 FOR FINANCING ACQUISITION OF VA121OUS EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES FOR THE VILLAGE; AND, PROVIDING FOIL AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be adopted. President Pro Tem Noel seconded the motion. During discussion, it was noted that the financing includes equipment with a life span less than the financing term of seven years. • Vice Mayor Eissey moved to table the item to February 28, 2002, with direction that staff bring back a recommendation on the matter. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Minutes of Regular Session held February 14, 2002 • RESOLUTION 08-2002 -AUTHORIZING CONTRACT WITH WILLIAMS-SCOTSMAN FOR TRAILERS Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Resolution 08-2002 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK T'O ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN, INC., ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH LEASE IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING MODULAR BUILDINGS FOR USE AT VILLAGE HALL PROPERTY DURING IN"I'ERIOIZ RENOVATIONS OF VILLAGE HALL; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 13c adopted. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. GENERAL RELEASE -LBFH, INC. President Pro Tem Noel moved to approve payment of $4,280.90 to LBFH, Inc. and Howard L. Searcy Caisulting Engineers as final payment in exchange for general release to the Village. Councilman Tringali seconded the motion. During discussion, Councilman O'Meilia moved to amend by authorizing payment of $4,280.90 and general release, payment to be made when the appropriate letter guaranteeing the Village access to all work products performed for the Village, including zoning map program, is received by the Village. President Pro Tem Noel seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1, with Councilman O'Meilia, President Pro Tem Noel, Councilman Tringali and Mayor Norris voting aye, and Vice Mayor Eissey voting nay. Thereafter, the original motion, as amended, passed 3- 2, with President Pro Tem Noel, Councilman Tringali and Councilman O'Meilia voting aye, and Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Norris voting nay. NPBCC GOLF COURSE -SPECIAL RATES Vice Mayor Eissey moved to approve a rate reduction for play after 2 p.m. at the North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course fora 60-day period for the purpose of increasing golf play during slow periods. President Pro Tem Noel seconded the motion. During discussion, the Council agreed by consensus to reduce the current rate for residents for 18 holes after 2 p.m. from $39.00 to $24.00; 9 holes from $24.00 to $15; non-resident current rate for 18 holes fran $62.00 to $39.00; 9 holes from $37.50 to $24.00. Additionally, it was agreed to lower cart fees for resident members to $9.00 for 18 holes and $5.50 for 9 holes after 2 p.m. "l hereafter, the motion passed 5-0. WORK ORDER # 3 -PBS&J ]NC. -SIDEWALK ON U. S • Minutes of Regular Session Held February 14, 2002 • Councilman O'Meilia moved to approve Work Order #3 to the Agreement with PBS&J, Inc. for design and permitting of a sidewalk on U. S. 1 from Carolinda Drive to McLaren Road. Councilman Tringali seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. M[NU1'ES OI' THE COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD MEETING HELD 12/3/02 President Pro Tem Noel moved to accept for file the Minutes of the Country Club Advisory Board meeting held 12/3/02. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. During discussion, it was noted that 3 members abstained from voting on a proposal by the Yacht Club to change the name of the Country Club. Village Clerk Kathleen Kelly reported to the Council that she has advised the Board members regarding state statute which does not allow voting abstentions except in cases where a ca~tlict of interest exists. Ms. Kelly stated further that the required form for reporting conflicts of interest had been sent to the abstaining members, as well as the Chairman. Ms. Kelly also told the Council that the vote was incorrectly stated as having passed 3-Q because a majority of those present (six) was required to pass it. Ms. Kelly will return the Minutes to the Board for correction. Thereafter, the motion passed 4-1, with President Pro Tem Noel, Vice Mayor Eissey, Councilman O'Meilia and Mayor Norris voting aye, and Councilman Tringali voting nay. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m Kathleen F. Kelly, C C, Village C rk •