2002-057 Budgetary PolicyRESOLUTION 57-2002 • A RI;SOl,UT10N OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM 1;I:ACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING BUDGETARY POLICY MATTERS TO BE CONSIDEKED AND ACTED UPON BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL; PROVIDING THAT AN I;STIMA7'E OF EXPENDITURES IN THE BUDGET FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS OI' TIIE VII,I,AGF. SHALL INCLUDE AN AMOUNT TO FUND REPLACEMENT OF FLEET ANll V}sHICI,E ASSETS AND MAINTENANCE OF INFRASTRUCTURE; PROVIDING FURTHER 771A"1' TI IE ESTIMATF, OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE GENERAL FUND OF THE VILLAGE SHALI, INCLUDE AN AMOUNT FOR CONTINGENT EXPENSES; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN 1'sFFECTIVE DATE. BE ]T RI:SOLVGD BY 1'HE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section ] . The estimate of expenditures in the budget for all departments of the Village shall include an amount to fund replacement of fleet and vehicle assets as well as maintenance of infrastructure at a level consistent with adepreciation-based methodology or as recommended by an independent condition assessment (engineers report). The funding should be designated to maintain the condition of assets at a desirable service level without shifting the costs disproportionately to future taxpayers. Section 2. The estimate of expenditures for the general fund of the Village shall include an amount for Village Council contingent expense. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSF,D AND AllOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2002. (Village Seal) AT77:ST: r~-~/oo~~J L~-l/!_ • VILLAGE CLERK