2002-054 Establishing a Donation PolicyC~ RESOLUTION 54-2002 A K}:SOLl1TION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BRACH, I'LORIDA, ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE DONATION AND ALLOCATION OF VII.].AGE FUNDS TO QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WHO DEMONSTRATE T}IAT TILE FUNDS SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR SUPPORT OF VILLAGE-BASED ACTIVITIES, EVENTS OR PROGRAMS AND SERVES A PUBLIC PURPOSE, WHICH POLICY IS SET FORTH 1N EXI IIBIT "A" ATTACHED AND MADE PART OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN L'FFECTI VE DATE. 13E 1"1' RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby establish a policy for the donation and allocation of Village funds to qualified applicants who demonstrate that the funds shall be utilized for support of Village-based activities, events or programs and serves a public purpose, which policy is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached and made part of this resolution. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2002. (Village Seal) `. l C~ MA OR A"1'"f S ':~~~~ht~/ mil'.' ~~,re~~~C~ VILLAGE; CLERK EXHIBIT "A" • POLICY FOR DONATION OF VILLAGE FUNDS The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby establish a policy for the donation and allocation of Village funds. Person or Entity Requesting Funds Request for Village funds must be received from: A. Community-based cultural events or activities; B. Community-based not-for-profit organizations; C. Individuals sponsored by a community-based not-for-profit organization. Purpose Village funds shall only be allocated for the support of Village-based activities, events or programs that in the opinion of the Village Council furthers or augments a public purpose, interest or activity of the Village. Additional Re uirements All applications shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Village Council the funding opportunities and amounts theretofore approved for the applicant and what other funding opportunities, including grants distributed by the federal, state and county governments, are being sought and the likelihood of securing additional funding from other sources. Limitation of Funding All donations or allocation of funds must be approved by the Village Council. There shall be no donation of funds to any activity, event or program that exceeds One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars for any fiscal year, including in kind services, unless four-fifths (4/5th) of the entire Council votes to exceed such sum. Budgetary Requirement The Village Council shall establish and retain a line item for donations in the Village budget. • village~donations