2002-042 Amends Personnel Rules - Accident Prevention & SafetyRESOLUTION 42-2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BF,ACII, FLORIDA, AMEND]NG SECTION 10.01.01, ACCIDENT PREVENTION AND SAi'F:1'Y, OF THF, PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH I'AI,M BEACH, WHICH AMENDMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN IiFFECTIVE DATE. I3F,1T RIiSOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA: Section 1. 7'he Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby amend Section 10.01.01, Accident Prevention and Safety, of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village of North Palm Beach, which amendment is attached as F,xhibit "A". Section 3. This resolution shall take effect on August 1, 2002. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF JULY, 2002. (Viaage Seal) A"I'TES l VILLAGE CLERK • EXHIBIT A • 10.01.01 ACCIDENT PREVENTION AND SAFETY: It is the policy of the Village of North Palm Beach to provide and maintain both a safe and healthy working environment for Village employees to prevent property damage and interruption of operations and to provide protection to those we serve, the Village residents and the general public. All department heads, ate supervisors, and employees must recognize their responsibility for a successful safety program and will participate in a safety program designed to eliminate unnecessary accidents and needless expense. T ' ` ^^^°^"", Special supervisory attention must be directed to the proper, safe and economical operation of equipment. Each department head is responsible for the safety training, n~~d--education and compliance with all safety rules and regulations e€ for the employees under his/her general direction. All employees are expected to follow all safety rules and to use all safety guards and required personal protective equipment (PPE) in performance of their iob. r 1 LJ