2002-026 Application for PBC EMS Grant AwardRESOLUTION 26-2002 C~ • A KESOLU'1'lON OF 7'HE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH I'AI,M BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE COMPLETION AND FILING OF AN APPLICATION I'OR A 1'AI,M BEACH COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES GRANT AWARD A'1'7'ACHI?D AS EXHIBIT "A"; CERTIFYING THAT MONIES FROM THE EMS COUNTY GRANT' AWARD WILL IMPROVE AND EXPAND PRE-HOSPITAL SERVICES WITHIN THI; VII,I,AGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND MEET THE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE I:MS COL1N7'Y GRAM' PLAN; FURTHER CERTIFYING THAI' GRANT MONIES SHAI,I, N0T 13E L1SEU TO SUPPLANT EXISTING BUDGET ALLOCATIONS OF THE VILLAGE; ANll,1'KOVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE 17' RF,SOI,V}'sll BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FI,ORIUA: Section 1. The Village Council ofthe Village of Norih Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize the completion and cling of an application for a Palm Beach County Emergency Medical Services Grant Award attached as }:xhibit "A". Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach does hereby certify that monies from the }MS County Grant Award will improve and expand pre-hospital services within the Village of Norih Palm I3each and meet the goals and objectives of the EMS County Grant Plan. 7'he Village Council of the Village of Norih Palm Beach does hereby further certify that monies from the I?MS County Grant plan shall not be used to supplant existing budget allocations of the Village. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. }'ASSI?U ANU ADOPTED TIIIS 25th DAY OF APRIL, 2002. (Village Scal) A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIV/S/ON OFEMERGENCYMANA CEMENT OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PALM BEACH COUNTY EMS GRANTA WARD APPLICAT/ON PRIMARY GRANT REQUEST Organization: North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety/EMS Authorized Official: Dennis Kelly Title: Villa eg Manager Alternate: Lt. Jack Watrous Title: EMS Supervisor Mailing Address: 560 U S Hwy 1 North Palm Beach FI. 33408 Telephone: 561-841-3319 Fax: 561-881-5708 2. Authorized Contact Person: Jack Watrous Title: EMS Manager Mailing Address: 560 U S Hwv 1 North Palm Beach FI.33408 • 7'clcphone:561-841-3319 Fax:561-881-5708 Agency's Legal Status• ALS Provider/Transport 4. first Responders: Please attach a copy of your MOU with a licensed provider. If you do not have a MOU, attach documentation that you made reasonable efforts to get one, which you cooperate with the provider or that you requested but did not receive a response from the providers in your area. 5. Your Federal Tax ID Number: 60-23-113693-54C 6. Identify the EMS county plan goals this project will accomplish in whole or in part: 2. System Enhancement. 7. Communications Projects: All grant applications which involve communications equipment and/or services, in total or in part, will be reviewed by the State of Florida Division of Information Technology. Final approval must be obtained prior to any purchase commitment. 8. Background: Describe your agency, its operations, and how it relates to other EMS agencies in your area. Also, provide a description of your major resources including the number of employees, vehicles, and equipment. Tl~e North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety provides Fire and Emergency Medical Service to the Village of North Palm Beach. In January 1996 the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety expanded it's EMS service to include both ALS and BLS transport. Based on nin report data from the first half of the current fiscal year this agency will respond to approximately 1,500 for service by the end on this fiscal yeaz. This agency provides service for approximately 14,000 permanent and seasonal residents. The Village has entered,into a mutual aid agreement to provide back-up EMS services with the Towns of Tequesta, Lake Park and Palm Beach Shores and the City of Palm Beach Gardens. Our department operates two licensed ALS transport units and two non-transports ALS vehicles in addition to four fire apparatus. We respond to approximately 1,500 emergency medical calls per year. "I he department is staffed with cross-trained police/fire/EMS personnel, including 19 paramedics and 10 EMTs. We are funded through the Village of North Palm Beach revenue sources and ad- valorem taxes. 9. Grant History: Briefly describe your current and previous grant awards for the past three years. Explain how this application does not conflict or duplicate them. • 'I~he North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety has requested funding during FY 2001 for traffic pre-emption devices. The request was not funded. No other EMS grant applications have been made in the last three years. t n ~~ You may attach additional pages, if necessary, to complete sections eight and nine. • 10. Project Need Statement: Write a clear, concise statement describing the need(s) addressed by this project. This must include 1) numeric data, 2) time frame for the data, 3) source of the data, and 4) the involved target population and geographic area. At the present time there is no EMD system in place at the North Palm Beach PSAP. Project /priority 1: Improve the PSAP ability to perform pre-arrival instructions and call prioritization by the use of a nationally recognized software program and improve quality assurance monitoring of emergency medical dispatch call handling Tor 100% (approximately 1500) of 911 EMS calls each year. Purchase and install three licenses for ProQA software stations for EMD and priority dispatch pre-arrival instructions along with installation and training in the use-of the software. Purchase Medical Priority Dispatch AQUA Quality Assurance software to monitor Emergency Communication Operator (ECO) performance and compliance to EMD protocols along with installation and training. • This Agency is seeking EMS grant funds for the purchase of software and associated hardware and training to implement an Emergency Medical Dispatch program in the 911 PSAP center at North Palm Beach Public Safety. 1 I. Project Outcome Statement: Write a concise quantifiable statement describing the degree to which the need(s) will be changed by the project. This must contain the same four characteristics as the need statement and indicate the evaluation methods used to measure the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the project's outcome. Outcome will be measured by a computerized Q/A case review software program to better track and retrieve Q/A information. This computerized Q/A system will provide management with the proof of ECO competence in an objective format. Management reports will be generated through the computerized Q/A program to include training hours; numbers of EMD calls handled; types of EMD calls handled; and feedback on EMD calls handled. The Medical Director and EMS management staff as well as Communication Operations managers will monitor compliance. • 12. Major Activities and Time Frames: You must follow your schedule, if grant is awarded, and justify your time frames. Activity Number of Months After Grant Starts Project#1: Install ProQA call priority software -n dispatch center on all call-taker Positions. Conduct training on ProQA and AQUA Quality Assurance case review software. Install AQUA software in dispatch center to evaluate and monitor ECO compliance to Medical Priority Dispatch program. Perform monthly evaluations of ECO Performance. In first quarter (3 months) In second quarter (3 to 6 months) In first quarter (3 months) In second quarter (3 to 6 months) and thereafter. You may attach additional pages, if necessary, to complete section twelve. • s 13. Budget: The applicant must submit a written price quote for each line item. For equipment include, the cost per item, quantity, and cite vendor information. For each type of position, include the pay per hour, number of hours, and cost of each benefit. For expenses, include unit costs (e.g. if rental give the cost per square foot). hems uantities and Position/FTEs Cost Per Total Vendor: Medical Priority Consultants 139 E. South Temple, Ste. 500 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 3 ProQA Software stations CAD NAE 3,100 9,300 1 Faircom Server 820 820 1 AQUA Quality Improvement Software 1,900 1,900 1 EMD Module 800 800 3 MPDS Manual Dispatch Card Sets NAE 395 1 ^ 185 G Protocol Training and Certification (3 days) 250 1,500 • 1 Software Training Days (plus 1,500 per trip) 1,500 3,000 1 Combined AQUA Trainign Day (plus 1,500 per trip) 1,500 3,000 I Year I Annual Software Maintenance 1,923 50 118 1 Year 1 annual Card Set Maintenance . shipping and handling 24'99 $23,571.49 'TOTAL • You may attach additional pages, if necessary, to complete this item or justify any budget item or its quantity. 14. Medical Director's Approvals: These are required for all projects which involve professional education, medical equipment, or both. (I) Professional Education: All continuing education described in this application will be developed and conducted with my input and approval. Medical Director: Signature Date • Printed Name: Randall L. Wolff (2) Medical Equipment. I hereby affirm my authority and responsibility for the use of all medical equipment in this project. Medical Director: Signature Date Printed Name: Randall L. Wolff 15. Resolution: Attach a resolution from the Governing Board(s), City Commission, Town Council, Board of Directors, etc. certifying that monies from the EMS County Grant Award will: • improve and expand pre-hospital services in that coverage area. • not to be used to supplant existing provider's budget allocation. • meets the goals and objectives of the EMS County Grant Plan. 16. Certification: I, the undersigned official of the previously named entity, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief all information contained in this application and its attachments are true and correct. • 1 understand my signature acknowledges that I will comply fully with all with the State Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Palm Beach County's Rules and Regulations Governing the administration of the State of Florida Emergency Medical Services Grant Program for Counties. ' Authorized Official: Signature Date Printed Name Title •