2002-012 Bid Award for Fireworks to SparktacularRESOLUTION 12-2002 • A KI:SOI,lJT10N OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIllA, ACC}?PTING THE BID OF SPARKTACULAR, DANIA, FLORIDA, 1N TIIE AMOUNT OP $14,000 FOK FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS DISPLAY; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED PROM A8229-34932 (PUBLIC EVF,NTS). BE 17' RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Sparktacular, Dania, Florida, in the amount of $14,000 for Fourth of ,luly Fireworks Display, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of Norih Palm Beach, Florida, in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be e~;pended from A8229-34932 (Public Events). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSF:U AND ADOP"fF,D THIS 14th DAY OF MARCH, 2002. A"17'EST: a • Village Clerk VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PROPOSAL FOR FII2EWORK5 DISPLAY Bidding Company: $PARKTAGULAR Phonc: 4~ 'y9.,2 - //D/ Address: tr I D I ~C'AVENS w ~0 t 12 l7. i .S'TE) Fax ~ : Q,~ 79a- - /k ~ ~ city: 7/~-NIA state: F L zip: ~=S ?~ I ~ Contact person: S7-EVG FRGG1~Mt~.t`1 JDFER I~ERIiy If your company is unable to submit a bid for this project, plcasc IDark the box that gp to ica toyour simatiori ( ) Unable to provide services on date requested. ( ) Unable to meet specifications on bid. ( ) Not enough time to respond to bid request. ( ) Please consider our company for the next opening (/) Yes ( ) No INCTR TIONC: You may submit up to thr iff rent oro~s~l&. Each proposed fireworks shell or effect must clearly indicate it's size measured by the mortar/tube diameter. If the proposed effect is a "multi-tube cake" or similar de~~ce, you must so slate. Multi-shot effects (i.e. roman candles) must be counted as nue effect and not eight effects (i.e. 8 shot candle). Proposals that are unclear or vague may be considered and be disqualified. J • TIC PRCIp'OSAi FARIS~ k~AY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR A-~DITIONAi PROP~CA1 C VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PROPOSAL FOR FIILEWORKS DISPLAY Bidder: SPARkTAGULAR p.~ TI D N 1 This is bid proposal q I 2 3 (circle one) (Ma~mum size sbeU allowed : " ) Opening Segment: sneu.w. Quaaar e,uc ~'eas pra~ied: SPECIAL Ci~X S'}/F_LL.i' PiCTUQr- 'AO0 SNy-rS W171i S!-IAPe?G~~l~l-i1tE,RLD S'am'/AL C3py SHL-LLC PICTURE 300 CNO1S HONG KON(x NIGH'(' SPre.11aL F.CJY sNC~Lf ptCrUkr. I~ SNo~rs FAN C4LITTER WOi2l-~ S -'1 p,0~ SIiCLLS QlCTURE (aDU S1(0'15 FAN yCt.LOtA) STR(98E I.iJILL.OW Maio Body Segment: sndl dm QTY easie ~'eas pfd: ?3rr _~ SHELLS MIXC:I) ~GFEC7S 3n ~_ SNFL CALM - 41'C-['.iAL ''SOCIAL SHELLS L3DX ADO SHELLS STAG-C- MINE SPECIAL SFIEUS C-SOX 1800 SIdELLB SILVCR WNIS-iLE TU ~ALIJrL SPE/'(AL SIdELS 130K 300 SHELLS I~t'~RP.bISC: '~. $i-IfL,L,S CiDX' 3a.0SNELLS "U12AG~OIJ E&C~S WI'AALM COt2E SPGGIAL SHELLS 1~oX 320 SN6l_LS SII.VCR FiCN CPrC1AI gy~LLS ~. 32oSNc1.LS ~Rf~L1K~ i=LOWEf,' WIYN 12ED1~P.1-M SPC IA1 ~(aF~~ C3~x 2100 SNEI-.LS CRACkLIN6- COMC-T GROSSF~TC Grand Finale Segment: sbai.~ Qwair e.L~~~rr~ea: $P~CIf\L FInfNLt I30~C SHELLS 200 SNOTS WON1~t=RFUL LA1S~ 'P-JA FWALr- [3py SHELLS' 200 ~SNh~rS HPMM[2RIt1~, ~L FiNI>L.e t3oX SN- 1 20o''SNOtS CULO NI~.IJG'PALM "IRCG FiNl~L1=. ciPFGlAL (~~ 12Sl10~S SHELLS Cl2taCkLIN4ICPMURn__ __ FltvAt_~ SPrCIA1 l0'~ l+S}'IOTS N- IS CPID R • .a ~L _~ ~.~.. V M~ W a t 0 Z AO W a 0 o r%i O F ~ ~ ~z Q 7 ~ U Q 1 Q 1 w F Q A ci 5i H ~ A b Q I Q Q Z ~ 7,. Z Z z ~` o V m •~ ~ ~ ~O 7 ~ Ej ~ C ~" 'p ~ d d ~ k" C ~ '_' A ~ '~ ~ ~~xa a m ~' .~ O oa m o ~ O H d > w ~ ~ c a ~ h d ° ca on •~ w w o 0 o00 .. a o o z z z ~ U .~ N E /~ •~• C N N a` N O b C O THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily ~rld Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida . PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared C. Morgan Miller, who on oath says t}lat he is Classiiled Advertising Supervisor, Inside Sales of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attatched copy of advertising ,being Bid in the matter July 4'" 2002 Fireworks Dlsolav established in said newspaper in the issues January 18.20D2 Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Patin Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Pakn Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and atfiant further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, tum or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said new- Swom to and subscribed before this 18th da Personally (mown XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ,~~°Y V° g ~• KAREN M McLINTON MY COMMISSION KCC 9]9669 ~~~ ~ t ~ ~0ln , ~ppi I'XPIRFS Na l 1 ~B003NOlAFY Fl Ndary Semen 8 Barcfn9, Inc.