2002-011 Appointing Council OfficersRESOLUTION 11-2002 • A KESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AI'1'OIN77NG CERTAIN OFFICERS FOR SUCH VILLAGE. B1;1T RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FI,OKIDA: Section 1. The following persons be and they are hereby named to the following off ices of the Village of North Palm Beach: Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Mayor Donald G. Noel Vice Mayor Joseph A. Tringali President Pro Tem Section 2. 7'he above-named officers shall take and subscribe an oath before an officer duly qualified to administer oaths that they will faithfully and impartially execute the duties of their offices according to the best of their ability and understanding, which said oath will then be filed with the Village Clerk and spread upon the Minutes of the Village Council. Section 3. The above-named Mayor, Vice Mayor and President Pro Tem shall hold office until their respective successors shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Village and shall qualify. Section 4. None of the above-named officers shall receive any pay or emolument of any kind except as provided by resolution of the Village Council. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. 1'ASSI?U AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF MARCH, 2002. A7";7?S'I Village Clerk