2005-032 Stormwater Lines Repair Anchorage and Privateer RESOLUTION 32-2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH D.S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR THE REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT OF VILLAGE STORMWATER LINES AT ANCHORAGE DRIVE AND PRIVATEER ROAD WITHIN THE VILLAGE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FORTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($40,000.00) DOLLARS; FUNDING TO COME FROM GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT NO. A7321-34684; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an agreement with D.S. Eakins Construction Corporation for the repair and improvement of Village stormwater lines at Anchorage Drive and Privateer Road within the Village in an amount not to exceed Forty Thousand and 00/100 ($40,000.00) Dollars; funding to come from General Fund Account No. A7321-34684. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF APRIL, 2005. ,~~~. ,~ ,,, ,~ (Village Seal) i ~);jlii ~,, ,,~~ ~~ ,~~' ATTEST: -.-- .~~C' 2~ VILLAGE CLE • ~~ I .\ __~~ Q..~E _ /NS ~ i~ •~ ~ ~•~ CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION , POST OFFICE BOX 530185 LAKE PARK, FLORIDA 33403 (561) 842-0010 TO: Village of North Palm Beach PHONE: FAX: 626-5869 ATTEN: Mark Bates DATE: 12/19/03 Village Manager REVISED :3/30/05 JOB LOCATION: Anchorage Dr. & Privateer Rd. JOB DESCRIPTION: Slip line existing 30" with 24" HDPE, then lay 85' of 24" RCP across Anchorage Drive and tie into existing C/B. Also install 60' of 18" RCP across Privateer Rd. LOCATIONS BY: 1-800-432-4770 PIPECREW HRS 120.00 @ 200.00 $ 24,000.00 DEWATERING HRS 144.00 @ 40.00 5,760.00 3 TRUCKING HRS 25.00 @ 50.00 1,250.00 PIPE-PVC & FITTING /WATER OR SEWER FOOTAGE 0.00 PIPE-DIP & FITTINGS /WATER OR SEWER FOOTAGE 0.00 PIPE-RCP FOOTAGE 0.00 120' of HDPE, 85' of 24" RCP, 60' of 18" RCP 7,990.00 E-BASIN 0.00 MANHOLE DEPTH 0.00 ' PLOWABLE FILL AMOUNT 0.00 CONCRETE PUMP 0.00 CONCRETE WORK 0.00 CONCRETE DRIVE By Other CONCRETE CURB ~ ~ 0.00 CONCRETE SAW CUT 0.00 FENCE REPAIR 0.00 ROAD BASE AMOUNT 50 CY 500.00 PAVING TYPE AMOUNT By Other # 4 stone AMOUNT By Other SOD AMOUNT By Other MOT By Other TESTING By Other BRICK -BLOCK -CEMENT -HYDRO 500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE $ 40,000.00 ~' 68 32/- 3y ~a~~ ~ ~ ~ purchasing Department 50 South Military Trail, Since 110 Wet[ Palm Beach. FL 33415.3199 (561) 616-6800 FAX: (S61) 616-6811 www.pbcgov.comlpur ■ Palm Beach Cour 11 Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Tony Masilon, Vice Chairman .Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addle L, Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman "An E'Vdl 0pp0rrunity Affirmative Action Employer" June 22, 2004 DSEA0001 D S Eakins Construction Corp,, Inc. Post Office Box 530185 Lake Park, Florida 33403 Dear Mr. Fakins: RE: TERM CONTRACT #: 02069B This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering into a Term Contract with your company for Crews with Equipment, Rental of based on one of the following: I ] FORMAL BID #: [ REQUEST FOR QUIOTwT1.0-N 1RFQ% -4. .uvv n vr• l 1 7 [✓] RENEWAL OF FORMAL BIDIRFQ #: 02-069/KM (] EXTENSION OF FORMAL BID/RFQ #: [ ] WRITTEN QUOTATION #: [ ] STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #: [ ] PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD BID #: j ] OTHER: The term of this contract is August 1, 2004 through July 3311,-,2045. The estimated dollar value for all awarded vendors is $430.000.00. The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its .purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver. All invoices must reference each unique document number. if you have any questions, please contact Phil Ridolfo, Senior Buyer at (561) 616-6823 Sincerely, as Kathleen M. Scarlett Director of Purchasing c: Reid Raymond, Parks & Recreation Mike Bowman, Director, Road & Bridge Conrad Ailstock, Water Utilities File rz, Za'd 6000Eb8T9S SNIAH9 S Q F-Z:tiZ SGIO7.-).T-NHW Purchasing Department 50 50urh Military Trail. Suite I 10 Wesr Balm Beach, FL 33415.3191) (SGI) 616-6600 -. .. .. .,., 11:.,'6..1. www.pbcgov.ccmlpur ■ Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Karen T, Marcus, Chair Tony Niasilorti, vice Chairman Jeff Koons warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Bun Aaronson Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robrrt weiseYut -r977 Equal ppporruni(j, '111 irrrtmnve .lcnon tmployln" T9:\ 1 nrin fi.rl nn rar•vnlari nanwr S0'd 5000Z78tiJS June 03, 2003 D. S. Eakins Construction Corporation Attention: Cindi M. Frick, Vice President PO Box 530185 Lake Park, FL 33403 Dear Vendor: Form L TERM CONTRACT #: 02069A This is to inform you that Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners is entering into a Term Contract with your company for Rental of Crews with Equipment based on one of the following: [XI FORMAL BID #: 02-0691KM The term of this contract is Oi510 112003 through 0%13112004. The estimated dollar value for all awarded vendors is $ 700,000. The obligations of Palm Beach County under this contract are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the State of Florida and the Board of County Commissioners. Palm Beach County Departments will issue hard copy orders against this contract as your authorization to deliver_ All invoices must reference each unique document number. If you have any questions, please contact Keith Gainey. Buyer at (561) 616-6825. Sincerely, Ka hleen M. Scarlett Director c: Mike Bowman, Road & Bridge Conrad Ailstock, Water Utilities File SNIAU3 S Q ZE:TT Seel—LT—JdW Form W AMENDMENT #1 Dated: A rill 29 2002 PALM BEACH COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 50 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL, SUITE 110 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33415-3199 BID #: 02-069/KM TITLE: Crews with Equipment Rental of, Term Contract OPENING DATE: may 9, 2002 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, PAGE 12 Under BASE RATE -- Delete "Daily Rate (LOT i)" in its entirety Under Hourly Rate - Add LOT I REPLACE BID RESPONSE, PAGE 13 WITH THE ATTACHED REVISED BID RESPONSE, PAGE 13 NOTE: For all bidders offering on Lot 1, this executed amendment shall be returned with your bid response. Failure to include with bid response shall result in rejection of your bid. &�*D. S. EAKINS_CONSTRUCTION CORP. 05/08/02 COMPANY NAME SIGNATURE 1 LATE Kristen A. Mon Buyer Patricia M. Wiltse, Purchasing Manager b0'd 6000D78T9S SNIAU3 S Q zZ:TT SOOZ-2,T-6dw P.oard c,f County Commissioners Warren R. Newell, Chairman Carol A_ Roberts, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti Addie L. Greene fC, \�DR��41'► BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF SOLICITATION BID #02-069/KM CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT BID OPENING DATE: May 9, 2002 AT 2:00 P.M. County Administrator Robert Weisman Purchasing Department www,pbcgov.com/pur It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that all pages are included. Therefore, all bidders are advised to closely examine this package. Any questions regarding the completeness of this package should be immediately directed to Palm Beach County Purchasing Department (561) 616-6800. It is requested that all bids be submitted in triplicate, one original and two copies. BIDDERS SHALL SUBMIT, IN A SEALED PACKAGE OR CONTAINER, AT LEAST ONE ORIGINAL, SIGNED IN INK BY AN OFFICER HAVING AUTHORITY TO BIND THE COMPANY OR FIRM. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF YOUR BID. Palm Beach County is exempt from Federal and State Taxes for tangible personal property. Call Bid Hotline number 795-8080 (from Palm Beach County), 425-7420 (from Broward County), or 655- 4527 (from Dade County) or tune in to the Education and Government Television Cable Channel for a list of additional advertised "Invitations for Bid" and "Requests for Proposal". The Bid Hotline also provides updates on posted award recommendations. This same information, to include posted award information, is available on our web site uwuw.pbcgov.com/pur. Protests can be accepted only during the five (5) business day posting period. CAUTION Amendments to this Invitation for Bid will be automatically sent only to those vendors who received this document directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. Palm Beach County shall not be responsible for the completeness of any Invitation for Bid package not purchased directly from Palm Beach County Purchasing Department. In accordance with the provisions of ADA, this document may be requested in an alternate format. 50 South Military Trail, Suite 110, West Palm Beach, FL 33415-3199 (561) 516-6800 FAX: (561) 616-6611 S0'd 6000Zb8T9S SNIAHE S Q EE:TT S00z-LT-�JUW F1 *** REVISED *** BID RESPONSE BID #02-069/KM CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OR, TERM CONTRACT LUT I - ROAD & BRIDGE DEPARTMENT.- ITEM EPARTMENT. ITEM DESCRIPTION (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 355 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. 1. ROAD FINISHING CREW CONSISTING OF A MINIMUM (3) EXPERIENCED OPERATORS, including Motor Grader, Roller and Water Wagon when necessary ! requested, to prepare a shell or limerock road base ready for prime in compliance with the latest Florida DOT standard specifications and measurements. Payment shall be made by the hour for road finishing crew and shall include all equipment, labor, water, density tests of base as requested, and all miscellaneous associated costs. County shall provide material for road base. LOT 11- ROAD & BRIDGE DEPARTMENT, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT, WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS: (") NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED, 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd capacity when requested with item 41 only, 5_ Tri -Axle Dump Truck with sideboards 15 cu. yd. capacity when requested with item #1 only. Page 13 BASE PRICE PER HOUR I') $ 250.00 (*) WEIGHT FACTORED FACTOR RATE 90 = $ 207.00 ON S 40.00 BASE PRICE ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (") 1. CREW - CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 230.00 X consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36" up to 84" diameter_ County shall furnish materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete and $ 50.00 X asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only. 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd capacity when requested with item 41 only, 5_ Tri -Axle Dump Truck with sideboards 15 cu. yd. capacity when requested with item #1 only. Page 13 BASE PRICE PER HOUR I') $ 250.00 (*) WEIGHT FACTORED FACTOR RATE 90 = $ 207.00 ON S 40.00 X .06 S 50.00 X _01 = $_ x..00 = $ 2.40 $ 50.00 X .01 = $ .50 I LOT II, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: $ 211.40 Continued.... NAME OF FIRM: D EAKINS C0N5.jFTICT10N CORPORATION 2,T 'c:1 6000Zb8T9S SNIAU3 S Q SETT SOOE—LZ—dUW Page 14 BID RESPONSE BID #02-0691KM CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT III - FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT 8. OPERATIONS: (�) NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE HOURLY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M.); HOWEVER, COMPENSATION WILL PAID FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAY RATES (SEE PAGE 12). BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (" 1 FACTOR RATE 1. CREW - CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 210.QQ_ X _90 = $ 189.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe 36" up to 84" diameter_ County shall furnish materials. 2 Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu. yd. capacity (for concrete $ 50.00 X .02 = $ 1.00 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only. 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40.00 X .06 = $ 2.40 including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $ 5n nn X .01 = $ sn capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5_ Tri -Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd_ $ 50.00 X .01 = $ .50 capacity when requested with item #1 only. LOT 111, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: $ 193-'40 V D & BRIDGE DEPARTMENT, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT, WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT, EPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS: ASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR 0 FACTOR -RATE 1_ CREW - CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, $ 200.00 X .90 $ 180.00 consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter_ County to provide materials. - -. 3 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu_ yd. capacity (for concrete 50.00 02 = $ and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only_ cz-)�/ 40 . DO X .OS T $ 2.40 3. Well Paint Equipment up to 150 points complete including pump and jetting equipment when requested with item #1 only. Continued.... NAME OF FIRM: r, c rAVTNG r BT'd 6000Zb8T9S SNI71dE S Q 9Z:SZ Seel-Lti-adW Page 15 BID RESPONSE BID #02-069/KM CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT' IV - ROAD & BRIDGE DEPARTMENT, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT, WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS (continued): (") NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED. BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR I " 1 FACTOR RATE 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cy, yd_ $ _ 50.00 X ,01 = $ .50 capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri -Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. $ 50.00 X .01 = $ .50 capacity when requested with item #1 only. LOT IV, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: $_ 184-� 40 LOT V- FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: (`) NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE HOURLY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P_M_)-, HOWEVER, COMPENSATION WILL. PAID FOR OVERTIME AND HOLIDAY RATES (SEE PAGE 12). BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR f ") FACTOR RATE 1. CREW - CONCRETE OR METAL PIPE LAYING, S 1 Rs nn X _90 = $ 'In consisting of a foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavating, installing and back filling equipment necessary for laying pipe up to 36" diameter. County to provide materials. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu_ yd. capacity (for concrete $ 50.00 and asphalt disposal) when requested with item #1 only. 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40-0 0 including pump and jetting equipment when requested with item #1 only. 4_ Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu_ yd- $ 50.00 capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5. Tri -Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu. yd. $ 50.00 capacity when requested with item #1 only. X .02 = $ 1.00__. X .06 = $ 7-40 X .01 = $- ____ .50 X .01 = $ _- .50 LOT V, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: $ 170.90 Continued.... NAME OF FIRM: D. S. EAKINS 'CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 6T'd 6000Zb8Z9S SNIAU3 S Q 9E:TT Seel-LT-ddW Page 16 BID RESPONSE BID #02-0681KM CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT VI - ROAD & BRIDGE DIVISION: (') NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 355 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED_ BASE PRICE WEIGHT FACTORED ITEM DESCRIPTION PER HOUR (") FACTOR RATE 1. CREW - INFILTRATION DRAINAGE, consisting of a $ 185.00 X foreman (with 40 hours of OSHA training), a minimum of three (3) experienced men, including layout, excavation of swales 36" wide, 24" deep, 8" cores to existing drainage inlets_ Contractor will also be responsible for utility locations and hauling away excess materials. County shall furnish all materials (i.e., rock, filter, cloth, jack & bores, V PVC sch. 40 pipe, sand. 2. Dump Truck, 15 - 20 cu- yd, capacity when requested $ 50.00 X with item #1 only. 3. Well Point Equipment up to 150 points complete $ 40.00 X including pump and jetting equipment (run time only) when requested with item #1 only. 4. Tandem Dump Truck with sideboards, 12 cu. yd. $ 50.00....._ X capacity when requested with item #1 only. 5_ Tri -Axle Dump Truck with sideboards, 18 cu- yd. $ 50.00 X capacity when requested with item 41 only. .50 = $____92.50 10 = $ 5.00 .20 = $ 8.00 10 = $ 5.00 .10 = $ 5.00 LOT VI, TOTAL FACTORED RATE: �L Continued.... .. . 0E, d 6000zb8T9S SN I AU3 S Q 9E : T T SBBZ—LT-2IUW TZ, d 1Ulol BID RESPONSE BID #02-069/KM CREWS WITH EQUIPMENT, RENTAL OF, TERM CONTRACT LOT VII - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT": (") NOTE: BASE RATE SHALL BE 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS PER YEAR FOR ACTUAL TIME WORKED_ ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. 4 MAN CREW, FENCE REPAIR, including supervisor and 3 skilled tradesmen all equipment and tools necessary for repairs of existing split rail and sand fence lines located in Palm Beach County. Palm Beach County shall furnish materials. Is Qualification of Bidders information included, per Term and Condition # 8 ? YES �_ INITIAL Page 17 BASE PRICE PER HOUR (' ) 185.00 (") * PLEASE AFFIX SIGNATURE WHERE INDICATED (FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF YOUR BID) By signature on this document, bidder acknowledges and agrees that its offer includes and accepts all terms, conditions, and specifications of the County's bid solicitation as originally published, without exception, change or alteration of any kind, except as may have been published by the County in official amendments prior to this date of submittal. FIRM NAME: D. S. EAKINS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION DATE: 05/08/02 1VICE PRINT NAME_ CINDI M. FRICK "SIGNATURE; i PRINT TITLE: PRESIDENT ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 530185 ZIP CITY/STATE: 1481 KINETIC ROAD LAKE PARK, FLORIDA CODE: 33403 E-MAIL: TELEPHONE #: ( ) 5 ) FAX #: (61 APPLICABLE # CG C036066 - STATE LICENSE PEDERAL 1D # / SS #_ 59-1691997 # 622 - LICENSE(S) TYPE: COUNTY L CENSES NUMBERITYPE # 2001 -T14946 -GENERAL CONTR, CW -001 2001--14944-GENERAL CONTR. OC -032 TYPE:2001-1492—EQUIP.RNTAL/HVY OS—01 TZ'd 6033EV8T9S SNIAU9 S C 9E:TT SBBZ-LT-dUW