2005-046 Temporary Mooring Permit PCL Civil Constructors, Inc. RESOLUTION 46-2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A TEMPORARY MOORING PERMIT TO PCL CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS, INC., FOR THE MOORING OF A "MATERIAL BARGE" IN THE LAKE WORTH BASIN AT A LOCATION EAST OF THE NAVIGABLE CHANNEL AND MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A"; WAIVING A MOORING PERMIT FEE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize the issuance of a temporary mooring permit to PCL Civil Constructors, Inc., for the mooring of a "material barge" in the Lake Worth basin at a location east of the navigable channel and as set forth in Exhibit "A". The mooring permit shall provide a time limitation of thirteen (13) weeks. Section 2. The Village Council does hereby waive a mooring permit fee. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF MAY, 2005. ,, ,'' '' (Village Seal) ~; ~. ~, ''~ ,, ' ~~ ,! ,`s ATTEST:..,,~~~'' =~~~~~s ~,~~0.~~~~ VILLAGE CLERK • CONSTRUCTION LEADERS May ] 0, 2005 Mark Bates, Village Manager VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH 501 i7.S. Hwy #1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 RE: PGA BOULEVARD (S.R. 786) OVER THE LC.W.W. BRIllGE KEHABILI'fATION Financial Project ID.: 229898-1-52-01 Work Program No.: n/a F.A.P. No.: n/a Contract No.: T4020 County: Palm Beach PROPOSED BARGE MOORING LOCATION {REVISED) File No.: 5504106-i-L Letter No.: 006 Dear Mr. Bates: Further to our letter dated April 27, 200, we aze pleased to advise you that PCL Civil Constructors, Inc. has received approval from the United States Coast Guard to moor our crane barge adjacent to the vacant lot Located'/a mile S. of the PGA Bridge, on the East bank of the I.C.W.VV.. That being said, all that is left to be resolved is the temporary mooring site for the material handling barge. In taking a closer look at our project schedule, we have determined that the material barge will only be required for up to thirteen (13) weeks. Because of this short duration, PCL wishes to propose that the azea East of where the crane barge is currently moored (previously identified as "Location X"; aerial photo attached) be made available for mooring the material bazge and performing material transfer operations. Recent visits by your Officer Scott Van Deusen and PCL Superintendent Alan Dale have confirmed that this site is outside of the navigable channel and that suitable water depths for barge-to-barge material transfers exist. Choosing the above referenced location eliminates any need for the Parker Bridge (country club) option, which was understood to be an undesirable location for the Village. The Phil Foster Park site, while desirable to the Village, would directly impact material transfer operations from a schedule standpoint, ultimately delaying project completion. It is our intent that material transfer operations involving the crane barge will occur only 10 to 12 times (one shift per occurrence), and that this work will be limited to weekday, daytime hours. VVe respectively request your assistance in presenting our proposal to the Village governance for their consideration and approval. Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please contact the undersigned. PCL CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 38(0 Nottltdale $Ivd., Suite 20U, Tampa FL 33624 Tclephrntc: (8li)2W9500 Q Fax: (513)264.6689 (AN EQUAL 0]'I'ORTLR~ITY L•~1PLOYER) • i . CONSTRUCTION LEADERS Mr. Mark Bates May 10, 2045 (page 2) Yours truly, PCL CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. ~~~~ Kevin D. Stepanick Project Manager cc: Geoff Parker, P.E., FDO'i' attachment PCL CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 3810 Northdale Blvd., Suite 200, Tampa FL 33624 Telephuna (8!3)264-9500 ~ Fax: (8)3)264-6689 (AN ):QUAL OPPORTIINIPY EMPLOYF,R) • C r'~ ~~ Gary R. Nikolits, CFA ~~~ Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Mapping System ._.,.~~ ~._ p§iyl3~t~lfis Ov~ner Information PCN: Not Available Name; Not Available t.OCatiOn: Not AvaiWhle MailinJ: Not Available Not AvaiW ble 0000 Preiiminary Assessment Market Value: NotavaiWme Assessed Value: NotAvaiWble Exempt Amnt: NotAvalWble Taxable: NotAVailabte 0000 Estimated Tax Ad Valorem: Notavaltabie Non ad valorem: Not AvalWeNe 3otal: Not Avaiable Sales information ~al~s.Date Price NA NA ~"~~'L~a~"U~i (4~ it7 L Legend Palm Beach County Property Map O Pared Botndary Map Scale 1:7988 0120 t_at number Copyright Palm liexh Cotmty 2003 All Rights Reserved -Subject to a License Agreement. Map produced on 5110/ZOUS from PAPA ~{~~~~ cizkr~ ~~ ~16~u~~b ~~r~-, • • •