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2009-70 Collective Bargaining Agreement with Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
RESOLUTION 2009-70 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE AND THE POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the prior Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village and the Police Benevolent Association of Palm Beach County, Inc. ("PBA") expired on September 30, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Village and the PBA have negotiated a new one-year Collective Bargaining Agreement effective retroactive to October 1, 2009 and Village Administration recommends Council approval of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the approval of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement is in the best interests of the Village and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby approves a new Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village and the Police Benevolent Association of Palm Beach County, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, and authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the Collective Bargaining Agreement on behalf of the Village. Upon ratification by the PBA, the Agreement shall be retroactive to October 1, 2009 and shall expire on September 30, 2010. Section 3. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF DECEMBER 2009. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: ~ . - ~~~~ • ~- VILLAGE CLERK ~ C~Z,L~CTIVL .BAR~AII~Il~7~ ~~R~EM~l~IT ~E'T''4~'E~+ N ~"~~ ~L~.~E t3F 2~€~~€Tg PAT~I~ BE~~3~ ANA I'C}R '~`- PATRt'~L,. DET~CTI~+ ~, ~ET~~TII ~.GEt.~."~, ~~ ~~Al`+1':~ ~I~PAT~~~" r~1~ ~iE~Cf~ CL~~ B~.R~~Ii~1II~C ~31tT~'~ ~18t~~9 ~C}.R THE T~~ 1 ~Il,,~{l~ '~(~U~I ~/~C1I~.0 PBA TABZE ~F COIYTFI`~t'F~ A~tT~CLE ~, I~ANfBLE ART~C~.E.2,. ASSf7CIA'T~~7NI~CC~CxNITIO~TBAI{:CAI~ISI~IG~f:CT ART~CL,-3, ~T~CR~f*TA.TIt~~t ARTICLE ~4. VA~,II}ITY A~:T~~CL~ s: ~i~~~s Ca~~~~AT~o~r A~.TI~LE ~. .E~A:LTH I~TSLI~AI~IGE A~.TICLE.7: N~ ~TR:TKE - N€3 L~C~t1C~lTS .~.IZTICLE 8. 1't~A~'E~TSC LEI~~VE A~.TIGLE. ~. I'A~.3 B~~AVEIv1NT LE.A.VE A~.`~'S~~.E 1 Q, ~III,~'x`AR'~ L~A.~E tTI~LE 1I. ICS DAVE ~R:TICLE. I2. CQU~T AI';~EAI~AN~E AI~TTCLE.13, ~A~A,~rEMLfi1T RT~a~`I'~ ARTICLE 14. ENTC)RIT ARTICLE ~:~. FAIL V.r~GATIONS ~RTTCLE T6, ~t~L1T?A~ :A~.T~~L.~ ~~=. ~VA~C~ ~~.~~~~:c~~ r A~~rT~T~o~r ARTTCL~ 1$. DISCII~LT~A~.Y' APPEAL ATtTICT~E 1~. A~~.I~CI,A.TS.UI~T AC.TI`t~T'7`IE ATtTIG~,E.~.~, i~I~LES,. I~TJLA`I'IC)l~t, I3II~C~'I~!E AIZ:TICT~ ~I, ;~3~.1LLET.~I~T T~Q:A .ARTICLE ~2.. ~CHEDT7LEI~ E~UR ~VET~TTiLE 1~AY ARTICLE-~:3. C{~Iv1PE~1~AT~~Y TIIvIE :ARTICLE 2~. I'~ELZC A~.E TY C(~Ii1TTN`~II1*~'~ E1~~C-ATIC?l~t ARTT~LE ~~, W(~ ~;SSSGNNIEI~IT ~1UT {J~ CIE _.. AT~TTCLE 2.6, 3I.~3~CAT. E~A1!€ATSC~. ARTTCi~E. ~7, I~IFE31ii~ A~~ CLU~TITI~G ALT:~3~'VVAN~~E AR:TXCLE 28; VEI~CLE~ ANI) ~QLIIPIv1t1I>IT ARTICL.~. 2~. PEI~S42~IEL ~ILE~ .. ~QMP~.t4:~I*I'T~ AI~TIC:LE 3f~.. ~~Q~E~~C:~~tAX. I~,I~~T.S .AT~'I'ICLE 3:1, AE ARTIC.L<~ 3~, LCI~iG~~IITYEC~NC)'~ ARTICLE 33 ~~ISIQN AR.T~~LE 34 'I`RAQ ARTI~.I~ 3~. PRb:EAfiI~3~AIt~'" E~!tI'L~'irEE~_ AYt'~'IC~E 3~.: ~C~T~T~ACT-Ca~T~'TITUTE~ EI~tTTRE ~.G~EEIvIEN°~ QE TEE P:~iRTIE~ ARTICLE 3~. I~~I2ATIt~N API~ZO~t4L ~.I"CNATUT~:E PAC~r t. 'n~~~htr~r~- ~„ ~1~~75 ~~~ rk~AiBT,~~ Tisis :~,ecn~ent is between ~`H~ ~.~,~ ~7p C~.~~ f'Afl~ ~~.A:~l~, a x~sucipai organization, .herei~ta~er referred tt~ as "VILI;A:~`r~'¢ end ~e P ~.~l~I Bi1A:.C~ ~OU~('I"~ S~~~l~~ ~EI~E.'VC)LEN`l' ASSO~I~.TIC?I~~ b:ereinafter re~errred t€~ as "~~a~IATI(?I~1"; fc3r fhu purposes vprora.g~i~~ h~i~o~zous relatac~s iZetween the two pays, to ~stabl%s~Z an ~~eTeri~~ aid peac~fui proEetiure for -set€ling differences which nay arise. and to .set forth the. basic- and full ~green~ent betwe~~. t~: paa~ti~s. can~rNz~rizzg ~a~es, rats of pad'} dingo beets anal cith~r ec~z~ditic~ix~ of emplcsprner~t. I v~~~~~~ ~~~ ~,, `~~~ ~?~LS,A~~ re~co~~;s die ~s.St~C~A,~"~C~I~T ~ the erti~ie~. ~iarg~i~~~; a~;er~t far t[ae re~xlar ~iiil-f~nie einp.Y€~ye~s desated as patrol~enj deteet~ves, de#~ectives~ser~eants, s~~~geants, po:Eice .dispatcher a~3d pu€U1% safety (records) e~e~ disp~t~her, as zndicated in PERK C?,rd~r e..S~E -3'3~ i~t~e-d on Niav~~.~er 8,18-~ ~r a~. ~n~di~ie~. h}r PE~t.~,. ~:-~--•- '~e~-b,r~~~s~~~.e~~~:I~~.'~~k-~~ i~g.~-e~~=t;e~~i~ii~te~~~ ~~-fllam:~,~t~~e~s~-d~~~te--~s~-~i~~~a:~:tss wixr~td-ix1 ~~-~-~--~~~=~I~;~.t?- 2~ 'The teen "err~plt~3~e-e" ire this ~greexnertfi~.~eans those:ir~divzd~~als.e~nployeel by tie Vile zn p~rsitic~ns r~preserated by the ,t~. sOCIA.TI~2~1 ~:gardless o~ ~i.ern[ierslizp iia the ~S~O~IA'T'IflN. ~fiflage - -- -- PB~t 4 A:RTTG`LE 3. DC~~RI~t~TY(~~ 7, T~`eilher tl~e 'U'ILI:~~,GE nor tlx~ .A:St?CIA'1IC1~1 shad disezz~t~ .~g~t er in ~~~u~~ of any etnpTc~yee 6eeause of race, creed, col~rr, national origin, marital status, sex,. age, disability, or paTit%cat affliatianin violatian of any feeleral, stat~ar- Taal-la~v. ~. There shall be na discximinafion against any emplexyee because of aetivi#~ or meinb~;rsl~.p in the .~,~.+aGlt~~':[C)T~l. 3. There will be rya discrixnir~atiox~-against any et~iplayee far adhexence to any prQVisiot~ of this Agreeinez~t oz refusal to ca~r~~ly with any r~xder, ~+,vl~icl~ vv~~T~ cola#e t~s ~~r~ei~~n#. 4. ~ll .references in Phis Agree~xz~nt to emplsyees ~f tiic ~zaa~e gender are used far c~~~renicuce only and. shall he construed tor~lclu~le both finale aid female ernpTayees. The right ~f tlYe employees tti belong t~, participa#~ in, ~ai r~rn fiai~i heionging to the A~SQCIAfiIC}1~T shall r~ot.6e.-proi'~iteii, abritige€{: sir iilter~ered it[~. 6; 'T~h~: 1~~'~~C7GT~:'~'TC~T*~ rvill. riot diser%minate with rega~c~ to repre~e~itaxien afits niem1~e~ qr ~vtli. ~gard ~n terxms and eoziditians of aaxeznberskiip because of'race, creed,. ca_lox, national prgzn, mat~ital sfazas, sex, ale, disability car pt~litieal affzliatiarl .in violation a-E any f~eleral, stafie a~ 1aca11a~v. '7. `l'lie VI~S~,~.G~ and #lxe ~.~~~.~I;~:"T~~7~i agree tTia# tla.~pravisiarks cif #lx~ ~greernent .shall he applied to all emlalayees. witl~e~t regard tip r.~sce, creed, calt~r~ natiant~ ar%giix, s~arital status; sex.,. age, di-sabiiity, or poiiti~.l-afTiaton itx vialatic~ri o~arry federal, state car tacal 1a~rr. 8. The A~~~CTATTQN rect~gni~es ~e VI.1'uL~;.C~l~ :has estahli-shed an f~ternal prac~dure tc~ investigate atxcl resolve. a~lcged. cases: c~~ dscrihlinafzar~ r~vhich is. i-n addifian ~a existing and adequate .prcc~diues established E~y :the eta#~ gf llc~rirla and flee 1{ed~ral +~~verr~ent. AceQrdingly, it is agreed That all~gatir~ns of empl°oyrnent diseriminafion carat be. processed. ~t~r-~augh the eQrztractuai grze~r~ncaai~ifra~iQn praceaciure. ~1~[age ~B~ A:RTI~LE ~. AL~IT4' ~~ a~ay ~~r~-~na~.~t.~~ pz~nv~.s~nn ~~`tY ~.a~a~an~ s~aa~l b~ ha~et inv~l~c~~ ~~e rez~~ixx~.ar ~t~ this Agt:a.~r~ent sl~a'll nab lie affected- tl~.~r~l~y. I~ t~~ avant ~ manntary ~rcivis~n. t~f t£~is ~~`a~inaxt~ is h.~Tcl i~.val~d; t~i~ ax~ties~ at tke bequest of nitlta~ party, shall ~cnt as sc~a a pract~ca#~ln. and reop~~. n~ntiations n.~ tie arnaneta~y ~x~isigns of Iles A~=ea:~et~t. ~i([~g~ ~~~ Workers Compensation AR`~T~L~ fr .l~~A.~~~. Tl~TU`X~~~.N~l l.. ".~,~ VILL~~I~ mill pro~~~~ h~~th aid ~~zxt~z %nsur~r~ee. to h~~~~irrix~~ uzait tne~i#~e~,~ an~i the'rx de~~n~.ant"s under the pillage heat`th and dental pxggrarn ~t the sane levels of benefit acid rtes establisi}ed b~ the pillage .~auaeil fir nan l~arga~in~ snit e~nplQyees of tl~e Tillage. ,- lr1 the event die VILL~#.~11 agrees ta: pF:av~cl~. rnar~ I~ene~cial enverage ax :ra~tea t~ _an;~ r~tlisr l~argaxning unit i~ the ~Tillagc, the mare bez~~f~x~i,al eaver~ge aixd :rates uriil be,~ravl~:ed. to bAr-g~iniri~ u:t iueii~}ie~ cr7veret2 f~~ this ~a~lecti`~e ~~~.iu.[~~ ~1.~,reetnent. ~filla~e PBR ARTICLE '7. NC `~'~~~ - CIO LC)~KCTC1'i` 1. ~~ is rt~~.tutally ~~ead l~~ tl~e ~.~rti~s laereta that tl~.~a~~~tcnu:t tk~~ li~~ ~f tlz~s Ag~reenx~:nt, there:shall 6e lzo stcilees ar stap}a~.ga ©'E work. ~~ 'Tha p~rtias a~ee ta. campy rvi~h ~.lurida to Statufes ragardin~ a~;~ sees yr stc~~~~~es ofworl~. ~i~lage ~'~A 9 AR`I'I~T~I~. &. 1~IAT~RNI`l; ~' ~E~VE ~. Vt~haYZ~;ver~ an ~ii~lo~tee shall beeaxne ragrtantt, ~~ sha11 f~~rnsh the ~ireetcc~::r with a ee~Cifx~ate fxo~xt liar physician, stating the at~proxi3nate expected d~it~ of delivery, ~~~t~h ~notc.~ s~~all be ivaa got iris t~a~ thirty{3~~. days bef~ra tl~~clate.the Ieav~as try begi.~t. Z-. ~1~~ n~a~ crrntsnu~ to wo~~ ~ lac ra~ta~~Iy ~ssgn~el j~i~ classifi~atir~n ~~til 1~ar ~h~szcia~~ eertifes that slie no longer able to peffor~~n ~hc esse~itial functions €if flirt jol~= -St~a~it~r leave shall staff with cessati~iz ofactual w€~rk and c~intin~~ fQr a..periad not to exceed. six: (fib months, provided that in all ~asea. stn ~nployee shall belaexu~itted t~. t~l~a at lcast~ ~~elve v~re~ks Dave aver e a~.~al deliver}. Ifth~ ~npliiyee d:~ses So he_pa~~ ~vlil~ ~n maternit3~ leave, paid leave shall be ecliat~ted zii tli~ foll~wh o~~ler: sxel~ ],eavei vacation,. ctli~ personal leave. ~. lvlate~ity leave may -lie extended if xnedieally necessary, as deterin%ried liy the amployae's tlaeto~:. ~_ Natliflg hareis~ shall prc~lxibit arr employee ~o~n reeln~lirt~ and receiving a ire-delivar_y o~ post-delivery ~ccc~ulmodatia~ as feques~ted by the a~ngloyee's :dpet€~r, under ~Dt~ slanda~.ds for any disability associated witi~~ or eausedhy h~rptegnane~. ~~~i~g~ ~~~ __ ~.IRTI~LE 9. Pc~ID ~~I2f~~iV~IVfEi'~T L~~ 1. The '~l`Ti,~~G~ agrees #hat when a death is u~n,inent pr cz~cus in the fanxil~; (~,~azr~ily as herein. ~is~neci): father, matlxer., lire#Iter, sister, spr~i~s, eln~Idf fa~~~er-in last, ~n.at~zer-.zn-law; san ~n~l~~r, d~u~hter~ in-la~T, brcithe~=i~: IaGV, sister-in-l~~v, grandparemt, spt~use's grandparents, ~c~ster parent, nephew, niece,. a~.~nti~ uncle,. first cac~sin, s#ep~fiatlxer~ stepather~ stiep 1ixe.#lier, step~stster or sf~p~cliild of tine e~pl~yee. .~. A.n er~~pley_ee sehedule. far ova (5), ~i~t (8} lxaur da~~, shall lea sllci~d t7uee ~3) ~~ lic~ur d~:ys e~bareavement Leave- wfh pay for ~purpases: of T~.ereauei~e~:t. A. requesf ft~r ~cldlfictnal tune ra~ay lie gra~itiedfi sii~,ject fa the;diseretian of `tha VIL.LAC~I/ 1Vlana~er ~r his desi~iieo. ~, en~playce. scheduled fir :twelve. (i~T tieur days, shalt lie atle~~~d tfirc~ (3}, tvrelve (~ ~) lic~ur days of bereavement Icave wifh ;pad far ~urpos~s of bereave~n~nt, lxn~l~~ees ~~y utilise v~:cation nor other personal Ieav~; ~izne. in .cider to he paid for fl~.e additional unpaid :bereavetnen~ Leave. ~. request for additeanal tizue iazay b~ gracif~d, sr~lajeef fQ tlxe discr-efoxi: v~ the ~?"illage IvTanager or his designee: A ~eclues~t fur axldifios~al dine nay he gcant~df s~zh~ect to the discretion of Elie VII,L~G~-1Vlariager or lus d.esigriee. r ~Filiage --- - Pf3A 1~ .~~~zc~~ ~o; l~~TI;,~TATf~' l~~A~. 1< l~xnplc~yees ~vl~o ate ir~e~nbers ~~ the U.S:..~m~~ l~erces ~ese~•ues ~x tlae ~~~~z~al ~aazd will be grar~tcd lave in ac~ordan~e ~vzth state anif. ~erleral 1ativ, ii~elizdin~. tx-avel tune, far tl~e }~epese ~f attett~n~ annual active dut~r fir trazr~in~. 2. A. eopy of empio~~ee's .lVlilita~y ~7rd~xs .are to be fc~~~arde~ tt~ the i7irectex .e1_ VIL.I:,A~~ .lt~ana~ex p~:iar tc~ takixt,~ milit•a~~ [ea~e~ ~fi(lage. AAA ~~ ARTICLE .1L SICK Y,E~iTE 1. icl~ leave mill ~~: paid when tl~e u~nplc~yee is .alzscnt ~•om duty slue to ~tiie fc~iio~ir~~ reasons.. An employee`s i~~jtlry ox iln.es~ Qr ueeess~y tixedical trreaiment which precludes 1~im or her from. repoz~ing far duty, ~riy in,~ury, ii -Hess or necessary rnedieal treatrnt ~.£ nzi employee's spouse,. old, step -child ex parent wl~o resides iti fhe etuployee's hc~~ne which regi~°es the employee's help. to care ~cr him o~ hc~ o~ t~ obtain the necessary ~xedical treatment, ~. Tine ernplo~!ee will certify on the appropriate Pcrsanz~el .~ctzon ~arr~i upc~~. his gar fixer ~eEurn to titt#y that he car she was Hat able to r~porE for- duty due tt~ oue of the ab~v~- r~;asoa~s. ~_ ~©t~v'.ithstan~ii~Yg a ci~ar~:~e iii work sched~xles freti~ emit {$). hour ships to twelve ~1 lit~ur sliz~ts,. ertipic~yees ~varking the twelve (i2~ hour skiff accrue runcty-six {~~~ hr~x~rs of sick ieave per .year, prt~vided the- ~izzety sip ~~~1 hours ~,viil. n~~Sr accrae ax ttae rate of eight (8) hours sick lea-ve per month. ~-. Sick leave may he accunalate~. ~i~. do uia~cimuF A.ny emgle~.yec ~i"th Icss tlxan seven (`~} Years ~~ service to ~e 'V:I.LL~.G;E. ~vho voluntarily tertnrtiafes urnptc~yment3; or wh~i retires c~~ dies while irkthe service a~tl~e VTLLA:~I~ shall receive payment equal to-.hiftypercent ~SD~f~ of up to a m.axi~nusn fief sixty (GO) unused acer~ied sick leap slays ~wl~iel~ e~~als a i~axi~rn~ 01' thirty.~3€}} Clays paytrient~; ~zulsloyees wifii seven ('1} or amore years of service ~~ the'VIl1I,,~1.~i shall i~eeivs payment equal to se~renty five percent (7~°f~}~ ~ deceased empluyce's pay for siel~ leave shall be paid tc~. tine estate of=the decedent. 5~, Sick Dave ~.eirntsur~etnent A. l~inplt~yees. vzho nave accrued forty ei.t (4&) days. of sick leave- .~"rn~itixur l~.as~"} u~ay xequest: xez?r~bursen~ez~l< ;For sick leave accrued ever the min%rnuri -base, Rei~nl~xr~~ezue~it by the VIT:I,.A:€~E trill be on a S(i~~ basis for- ~ve~~y sick day abc~v~ the inimu~. ~iek leave days tail be converted to eight ~8) hear days before pay out. ~. icl~ leant; r.~ii~hixpserri~mt is a. valtrntary right of tl?-~ errzpioyee..~n. ern.~ployee can only submit a request .vz~ce per year during tkxe n~pn. oflvla-y> -The VII,.~A~~ I'll xeimburse the eUiployee no Inter than Novctnber .~ off`-each ye~u•. Village PBA 1. ~. The Td~zrnan Resources Director will be responsible. for esta~6lslzin~ ~. reirnb~.~rsenxeszt forzx~ and accotzntiz~. far tiie base and other data necessary t~s firzazxcially adrzziz~itex~ tk-zs: pro~ranz, :D.. The eznplczyee will ~e re~zzi~ed #o sign. a eertifreatc/af'~d~i~fi .e~~rrxzin~ that tl~~ reirri6ur~er~.ent for the srcl~ leave is final and will not be st~lijeet #~r the e~ranc~ process. tin ~nple~ee. whn. has laeen declared ei~l~er physically or rrzantally ur~~t ft~r .duty by ~ dactox approved ~y the VILLAGE, whezx order-cd for- a fitness ~r duty ,am. by.tlz~ ~ILS,~1.~E, shall b.e required tc~ use .accrn~d sick les~;tre while but ~:~ wosle arz :medical leave. Az~ employee may chailerrg~ a deterzriinatc~zi that Ite cr she cs_ unfit. fox duty by pravidz a ri~edical :z:elsoit .~on~ s .or her physician. Th. the ev`~;n# of .a .eanilict of capinic~ns a- tl~rird dcxc#or's apinic~zz shall lie c~t~#rolling Thy third ckoctor shill be ~clecte.~ anti paid for h3~ tIre VIi,L~1fiE. x pillage P8A ~~ ARTICLE 12. CQMAMARANCES 1. Any -member-required to attend a judicial.matterarising from the performance of his/her -duty shall bo compensated for said services as follows: An employee who is -required to appcar in. court or at a depGsllion during nonworking hours shall receive 3 hours payment at one and one-half times their regular rate of pay. B. 'For the purposes of this arti-ole arid suUsection, eacli additional court appearance separated fi-oin the employees previous court appearance by a period of inure thaa sixty (60)minutes qualifies for compensation as described above. The sixt Y- .(60) minute dine period is cakilated Aom the time the employee is released by the court until the-time stated air the neit subsequent subpoena. C. For the purposes of this article and subsection, componsable time-shall bed thirty(3-0)minutes prior to tho scheduled appearance time set by the subpoena to compensate the employee, for the time necessary to obtain and. return documentation/evidonee for court appearances or depositions. .D. 'Witness fee-shall be retained by the officer. 2. Members who are required to attend ajadicial matter arising from performance of his/her duties shall give notice to the public Safety Director and-the Village Attorney, Rescheduling may be requested and coordinated by the VILLAGE. 1 Payment shall be made as soon as possible (by the -next-) payroll -period folldwing completion of the service. 4. Travel. in excess of twenty _B shall be (20.) in- fles outside the perimeter of the VILLAG compensated as one(1)hour of wages flor the employ. ec concerned. V111age PBA .f:~l:.l:\~.l~~i~AJ.f J, ~.fA t1'~:'~F~GE~~iT ~~~ L i. It i~ rectag~aized aaad agreed that, eacce~t as specifically stand hereiza, tlae ~'IT.,I_,AGE retains w~Zatever ri~ lits azld authority it ~assessecl ~~icr tc entEring into this t~~ecnt, inctudin~, Iaazt nokliznited tra the:right to aerate. azad direct the affairs af~the VTLL- ~CFI~:arid its Public 5a~ety l~epartet~t .ia~ all its various- as~ectsx. tci direct the tivtaiki~g farces; .tc. plan, dire~t~ aril caxi~~l. the ciaeratit}ns azail services of tii~ ~l;epartt~ent; -tea dcteri~irze rrzetliads,. rrzeans, argat7izatiotz end persorlriel lay which such operatl~ns .and sezvices. axe t+~ Iae ct~nduatod~ ~ assign aaxcl transfer etaaplcye~s,- tt} s~h~d?ale the ~rtaricing hours; to hire and l3rtamot~;. to d~;m~tt;, suspend, discililiiac, tar ~Iis~har~~ f~r~xstcause;. t~.-re%e~?~ eznptcye~s fns Iack o:~v~rarlt ~r frsr cattier leitinlate r~asans, t~ n7aiee, estab-Fish, and enfczrcc r<zles and regtziatiazasi and. l€a ehartg~ ~r clianinate e~istirz metlic~ds,. etiuipxrzent; or faclifz (pro~id~d,. ho~,ueVer, that such act~~s ace not inctansisteitt ~itia thetez~aas e£tiais Agreex~aezat~ , 2. 'I`hc A~~}~.`IATic~~ aaad. the ~fII.LAC~~ ~ecc~e tiaat the xesid~rits ~~ Iv:arth l'alin Peach are: entitled to receive services at the highest possible level, sula,~ect to lager constrah7ts, Therefore, t=he .A.~~tJGIAT'I~N Iil~dges that it ~viil erzcourag~- eiriplc~yees to .ncxease their productivity and. zaise their individual level of service in ~rrlcr try pr~vide~ a~,tl iaataua tlae delivezy cif services: at the highest p.ossibie lev~i. Thy A~C3CiATIOi~ agz~es that all epToyees cavcred. under this ,~;gxeemer~t stzall ccarnplywitlz all pillage I'c~=5onzael Ruics aaad:Itegztlatiaaas, includirzgtliose.rclating tta conci~zct-.and ~,vcrk pez~axmarzcra. IN~cept where the A~re~nnezat coza£i%ts u~th-said. regtalafiQns,. the .~:greeziierit ~:rixzs re~xtaiaa.sn effet~t. 4. II' at tine ~iseretion of the pillage ~rtanager or his dsignee, it is det~zxxzined ~iiat a civil: emergency crandition exists, zncluding_ bzrt .riot Iitnit~d tt~ ~itats, Civil disorders,. hurrica~ ccnditians car other catasti:aphes,. the pz~tvlsiar~s of :this Ag€ecemezat may tae scaspezid~cl lay tlae Viila~o Manager; flr .laic desi~zzeo, d~zriirg tlae'tizzae t5f tl~.e rleelared ea~r~~e~cY* pr~a~!ided. that tlae wage~ate antl"mtanetary fringe laexz~fits shall notbe-s~speaaded, .~, fihrase izierent managerzal filaGtinris, ~prer~gatiues and pratey xriaking sghts u~hieh fire V~ Lt~C~la Iaas ttct: ccpxcssly madi~ed or. restricted by a:spe~i~#'zc-roviaie~n ~f this A,gre~me~t axe neat irz arty way sulaject:t~ the grievance audicax axiaitcationlaroeedure ~ontained.herein. Viila~c ~~A A1~T~CLE 1,4. S Cr+II{~TtIT'Y 1. .er~iority shall be d.~~ned as length of serviee in ~c~sitian. (%.e. sel~s~afi} it~i the ~YLLAC~E public ~afetyDe~artrnent< ~< Ssrziorj t~~vi11 ge~ern. seltio~ of ~v~catie schedules and. ~refereizee in ~v~rkin~ overt%rzze, pra~tidecl.the l~zxbli.e Safety btrectflr ha:4 ttze final authczrsty to ©ver-ride se~Qr~t~ tit ~xtraor-diriary esperatxon reasons anal liis dcezsioxz in that xegax~ is ~,ot t;rievable. When the P~ablie safety Director .ov~ryrides a recl~zest based on serziarityT he sh~zl:I ~nfoz~, the xegzzeatizzg party in writing of tliebaais e~i*his decisiorx. ~. W Iten .the Department requ%res overti~zie work t~ ~xll a. vaeancy3 tlzc overtime assi.grnne~t shad first be pfiered ~o~ ~~ employee wlao zs already an ~uty~ .lf ~o ezziplayce on d~t3~ is a61~. or {iz~ali~etl to: work the overtiriie assi~zzient, off .dtztY pei~~nziel i~vll be eailod.. ~ either ~i~~urrzstanee the o~~e tzsa~gnnent shall #~~ of~'ei_ed oxz the bads of sen~xz~y~ ~siug an "~vertizne tuhee~." '~hc a ~erfirne wheel shall function fo iclerzfi~` emplrzyees iit order cif serzi~iri ~*rith the: Pu#~le afetyDeparti~erzt. ~. ~chec~~~l.ed over.e ~Iiall he tlistribzzted tc~ all gtXali~ed ertzp~loy~es ~triz~ wish to partiep~ite can axx t~vertixnc ~rlieel. Tf an errzployee re~se~ his or lzer turzz orz the wheat, he nr .shy will be chargctl zts .i~.fze err she.lzad. w~iketi si~ti ~vili ~o tt~ the bc~tttazx ~~ the c~~er~z~e eligit~lity Izst, Witlz each. r~ttpottunty tfl. wc~rlc overtime:, Duly one ezrzployee znay pass. on the opportunity tt~ wozk .~ o~crtirne.mss;~rient,. When an ~rrrployee passes, the ne:~t employee can tli~ list may b~ ordered towork the ~verlxmc~ assigrua~~zz~< ~f ~Nlzer~ a proznc~tiori~zl c~~ortunity shall occur ~,nd two or more- employees are zYnder consicleranon, the Director shall give. due consideration, to. seniority and gttalificatiozza. ~. ~: the euezzt. cif ~ laycaff, an e[nplc~:yoe y displace the e'ri~.plo~!ee with Lesser sez°zic~rity'in. a l~yver classi~icafiiorz provided the erzz~loyee has fsror sei~ri~e in s~~i leer classz~ea~ozz anal pro~i~led fiu~her that the faltowiz~g fac~~xs axe~~ibstantatl_y eql. .A.. ~nfficient ability and -quali~eafiians to ~erl'oi~rrz fihe work, l~. 1'erforrn~izice evaIz2aticrzi. ~. physical cotidrtion and ash attitzzde< ~. Tzz the evert of ~ulistai~tia~I inequality of Ilzesa.factors as ltetweert eplczyees ixz the same classi~teati~n acid department, the employee with the higlzer~ values of factors z~x t3, and C in< Lire age :e~;a e, shall be retained. ~t~llage I'A '3 7 .An empiayee shall 6e xcealled in invexse t~rder a.!<"1ayo~£ An ~~npi~~. ~iiall le~~ lei s~zrioxz~y as .a result o:i' tl~e f~:ll~~vi~t;: A, Texx~inatoz~ ~.. Retixemerit ~, V~t~.luntary xesig,nation D. l~ay~r~exceedin~~zx C~) ~xo~tl~s .la. ~ail~axe txt xepvxt tv tine ~lilkal;e tMa~Agex, crx his tlesign~e, iz~t~~tl~~x a~re~n~ing tc~ ~rQrk uri~khin tl~xe.€; (3~ days cif receipt. c~~tecall~.as vexsl'iect by certi~ snails ietui~ xeeeipt: ~. ~ailur.~ tc~ eturn fr~rn rriilitaxy lease within the tune bits ~eseribecl b~ Iaw, ~, ~il~rx~ to ~'etu~ri ft-orr~ an a~tl~oriz~~i lea~v~ of absex~e~ ulaon. t1~e eYirati~n. c~~ sn~ leave. ~ €~. ertinrity shall ~antint~e. f~ accrue. ~lr.~rin all ~yp~. n~leave appxau~d by ti~~'t~I.~~~1.~E. i ~{~1age ELBA ~RTf~LE 15. F,A~ID V'~~ATZt~1V'S: l . ~acat~in days accrue lout may tat 1~~ fal~~n durr~tg the first year of serv%ce, l xeeptis~ias tc~ this general rule may he znttde by dse Put~lie Safety l~izeetor in Isis discretan. All pe~•sonnel wh,~ hate completed a~ze (i} year of rnora cif 1`ull~.tirr~e service s1iall e entitled, t~ tape vacation with l~~y its accordance with. ~~ following acsr~al. scheduler ~,IaNQ . C2T~ SEI~;VICIu #~~ ~+IACATIOiC~T Less than six (G~ years 8t}.lsa~as fix (b) l3ltt Less .than. tear ~ l (}) years l2Q hours Ten (~ 0) years anti aver X60 haur~ ~~ Vacatic~t~,. sick .leave,. or any atl~er paid leave,. shall ha.included in: the c€~putat'it~rr, of the one year of re~ui~erl .fiiil sc~rice: ~. All einplayees twice ye~Iy shall select vaeati~ns= Tat~itial selection of ~aca~.c~n~ will i~c by seni~arity within ~~ cli~ss~catia~~. if a bargainii€g un%t it~em.be~ ~liooses to change the ~uacatio s~eetiasi; he in~~st then wait until. the vacation::lzst pisses through a11.c~tikier renaainin~.~cnzbers ~€ the-elass~catioz:~, ~t whi~la tirash~.ar-she shall tl~en.bu eligib%tc~ change the selection. ~. In the event a paid holiday shroud occur during an ~elxrployee's vacatan ~erzod,. the e~nplayee shsatl receive an additi~sraal ~iui~ cla.~r eff with- pay. ~~nplay~netat. teir~at~d wti2aut cause, car by 1ayc~~i`, o~ ~y ~retireznent, illness. or usury shall riot fact. payfnent of dared: vacation. cirne. A:n employee shall not lose his v~cati:ati with p~.y, ~ ii~~pacitateci due to an. ihjury ar illness incurred in tha line of duty, '1'h ~acatign tia~e.;~hali lac xeassig~ted upon. r~t~r~~ to d~~ty.. 5; lf -emplay~rtent is terminated by death, the. estate o~ til~.e etnplayee shall. receive= payxx~erit fir the earned vacation days. 6~. ~~catlan days: shall lie credited and xeparted per pay period, to indicate hours. accr~red less lours taken, reil:ectirrg net vaeati hr~urs availal3le :per ptry period, ~_ The ma~irtiuni irumber ~f vacation des a~x ezxrplayea may aeer~ae is tl~e unused days acez~ued during the einirloyee's previous t~uo ~): gear period, ~4.ny etpployee; other thaxx arz ezrtplayec whq is cliscixatgcd ft~~ cause,. vVha v~Iz~ntarily terrniiratess retires. ar dies -while emp~acl lyy the't~l~.Lt~E; shall receive payment egtil ta. one liLtndrect pe~ccnt (i~0°~a~ €~f.the F?.BA 9 ~xnuseel days of vacation accrued during the fever year period pri~ar tp terrriirration,..ratzresn~Yt car death. Vacation leave: days. r~vill be canvexted to ei~t (~} haur days be~Qre pay out, 8. employee whc~ l~as~ used fei~t (14}) .days a~ vacatitsn time lx~ a ~isc~. yeax iuay request r~imlaur-~ei~xei~t ~`~?r any unused. vacatio~x drys above tie tet~ (1~) da.~s used. E~nplayees ~equestiz~~ reirnburserrze~it must do so, in writi~.g oaa a xtn. appro~~d by `tbe V1lla~e ana~~ as hzslb designee, durih~ the month o~ October iixzme~iately fallowing the fiscaY year in. which- tlze- tett (1.0) vacation clays were used. The ir,LA.GE-will provide reimbursement un hater than tl~e ~Icrvel~er 3.0`h Immediately ~ollawrng the ~vr~:tten .regtitest. R.eirr~hurseinent.shall. 6~ at 1t}0% of the: eniployoes' hourly tats as of S~rterlset ~t?~ ofthe. fiscal year in vvhi~h tlio tvn {.10) vacation days wc:~:~. used. The exx~plny~e gill l~~ ;eequired. ter. sign. a certi~catioula~davil csa~~Fixxrririg that. ~e reimburse`zretit fac the aiiual vaoatinza~ leave days~ho~:a's is ~irial and will riot lie st~~ject tts thy; ~i~vall~G ~F~4~~~~,~' ~ill~~e PISA ~~ ARTICa1.1#:J -!l V# ~l 4 R~L .4 a_~~~~ J_!J 1. The fall~~virt~ days shall lie caztsidered ~a-id holidays3 artd all employees gill recezve .~aY frxr these dtzys even if t11ey do not work. N~iv Years Day. Tlxanksgiving:7~ay ~tlezrrorzal Day F'rldr~y fr~ll~vc!i~g `That~ksgivirt~ D~-y lrtdepe~a.~lcriee Day Ch~~atnrtas lw~e Labar Day Ghrisfas Day l~ai~it ~.~cLther l~ist~ Day gresideat"s 1]ay veterans I~ay { In the- event axt enrployee does v~c~ik are ahy of the ~i~~~~ i~arncd holztlays, tli~ employee shaII 15e paid er~t (~} hours o~sfrai~ht ~ cc~laensatlan plus time arid. ot~e-hal~~ie regular rate cf ~~y for all 11Qax'5 aet~aally arorked. :raid li~lidays cart lye canverted. to eight {8} haute ~~ cornpe~~atory tin1~: It a hQlyday accurs whey. art einplQyee is ahsont ~tart~ work can braid- leave rd~r fl~is e411eetive ba~ainin~ .a,~reen~ertt err. ether persgnn~l rules, reg~.iia#iats yr depaental directivos~ the etnplayee shall be lraid an adctz~onal ei~;11t (S}.hears 1=vr the Holiday at hisllcr velar rate of I~a~'• ~. 1~xec~pt ~o~ absence due tc. ~e itistanees cited above, h~llday pay~~tetrt is abject to the eznpl~?ye~ warkiug his/her: rcgtilarly .scheduled slti~t. on the dad ~rzar to the lzaliday and his/hez re~l:ar scheduled shifil ort tl~e d"~y ft~llav~lrt~ the lialday. .An et~ployee erttitlecl to .overtime caxnlrensatia~~ may r~;cclve ero~xtpensatr~ty tirn.a a~' izz lieu ah=pay at strail~;t tine ~~rr halidy~. I.. ' 1~Illage PE3A ~~E .AI~T~~LL ~7. ~RIEVAN~i~ I~~~~~~~E ~ ~I'I`R.~TI~l~i 1. Try a mutual e~c~t to pravid~ s:lxax~n.enieus wcr(cixxg relatienstxip between tb~ lsarties to this ,Agreementk it is specifically .agreed- and understood that there .shall be ~ procedure fat ttxe resolxYtiazx. of disputes between the parties: ~`ax~.the ptlx~SOSe of it1%3: t~rticle, a grievarcc€: is defined as,. and limited. to, any -dispute, e!i_fferezlce. ez ccxxtrciversy irivolviix~ ttte htterpxetation car appiieation ci~'this agreement. A dispute aver dzseipl-i_z~ary aCtiAU shall be ec~nsidered an apSroal cif diseiSilinac~y actia~n unloss t~therwis~ ~%evabl~, Sf tkx~.dispute is .tto~ s~cxvered by ~e grievance procedure ~~ set Birth ixi the Agrecrnent ikon :the dispute stxail: be piec~ssecl as set f~rt[~ in. ~~ticle l~. ~. der the purpose ~f this t~'ticlo, time i~. consid`eted tc~ be 9f the utxncist .irnpertance: Accordingly,. azxy :grievance. oat sx~bnxitt~d andlor processed by .the ~;x~iovllxg party in uccordanco °with the ~zme limits pr~av.ded 6~1ew s1i;i11 tie ednsidered~ exclusiv~;i~ a~bandcxn~d ac~~ sh€~11 b~ bax~~e~, ferfeted ~xid fox:ever fereclesed fs~r at1 eii~ti'actual pxxrpeses and shall result in ttie ~~arf~ituxe ~f ill ~i~hts t~ arbitratic~~t. Atxy~ ~rievan ~c~t ~tis+,v~~d. er pr~r~esse~i l'iy the VII.[:,A:~ wittxitz the time.Iimits provide, lseow shall be deoxxxetl resolved ixx favor a~` the grievant. 3, Grievances s1ia11 be.presented ixx_. the fcallowi manner: Sfi_~: Itx tlxe event a~x exptr~yoe eQVered by tails Agreer~nt believes that there is ~i basis :for. a :grievance.,-as that teen is..d~ftned above, he shall fist discrzss the llegetl grievance: with. Elie irnxuudiate snp~iviscir, and may be aecampatiicd h~ a r-epresentative of the cx~playc:~'~ eheie~, if se ~~sired, 'S'hin first tliscussioi~ shall ta1~e ptaco within tezx {It}) calendar days of the oceutre~~zce of fhe evcnfs rvhieh -gave rise tc~ ttie aItegecl ~;rievazxcc:, cir ~vitlxitx ten ~l £i) calendar days cif ~vlxen the omplayee: lene~v of slxciuld have l~o~vn o~ the eJ~istenee cif tho events giving rise fo the alleged grievance, fit.: Irx the event that ttxe ezzxpleiyee is rant satisfied with. the disias~sztipn ofthe grievance ~t step 1, he'rnay file af~zal grieva~?ce, ran ~: ferny ~ppr~'ved.t~y fhe VITI~,AE~I~. rich a g~ev'axx trlust lie plod withi~i tez~ ~1~} calendar days a:~er the ttfcirrnal_ disetasszon is held at 5te~p 1. laid grievance mint be iti writing, irxx~st. lie signed by the ein~Tc~yee er the t7nioxx as his representative and .rixtxat cantain:. Via} tlic date ixf ~c allege€1 ~ri~vance;- ~} the s~~cifxc article ~s} of this ~lgrecn~.ent allegedly vio:lat~d;, Vic} ti~xe facts pex~taitang t±~ ~r givlr~~ rise tck the alleged grievances; and (il) the relief requested. ~I`he ~i.a~l ~ievance shAl1 be sxit~riittecl tit tt~e S?ublic safety Director ar lis digriee. -'flie S*xiiilc ~af~ty Utectrs~ ~lxall, ~witliin ten ::{lC}} ca~ecx~ar flays- ails the receipt of the formal ~~rittcn grievarxee, rettdcr Iris decision en the gz~evance in writing, The putiiie safety I~irectt~r ~bs.ll reply in vsiriting within tern, (I:~} cat~txd'ar days afxecoipt ~i'the grievance: Failure try ~/~Itag~ PEA ~~ page 24 7. far the purposes of this Article,. the term'rcalendar day" is d~"ineel to~ include every day except Saturdays, Sundays,. and days designated as Holidays by t}zis..AgFeeaneirt, regarcllcss of hcther the gidevartC is on< cil;ty or off duty; 3. Tlae titrie limits. corztainc:d h~:zein are tt~ be st~Gtly -ac~herecl to aid may only be ext~n~ted by. wa~tte~ agreerrlent bctv.en the parties. ~. The VILLAGE and the A~SO~IATIQI~ shall mutually ~:gree in u~ritir~ as to- the ~~taternent of the. grievance to be arbitratett pri€~r #v tl~e arbitration hearing, and. the arbitrator, °tlrerca~er~_, shad canl~ine his tlecisiort to the pai-tieular grievance thus specil•ied. In the event tl3e .parties. fail to agree. art the statement d£ the girievartee to be. sribrrritte~. to the. arbitrator, the a~litratot 4v1-1 detcrrnne the stat~r~ent of the ~~~~tance, ~i:ovided, hc~wev~r, that fi~t~. axbitr=ttor shall -have rin ac~fih~rity io chartge~ amend, a~1.~i ts~s subtract frair~, sir o~.iex~ise alter ar su~pleiiiezrt °this A:greetrzent o~ arty part thereof or amendment thereto, The arbitrator shall have no authority to considcP ar Ie upon any -matter vuhicla is stated ir€ this. Agreement not to be sul~~ect to atbtratio~.. or wlzlclt is .not. a gtxevance as deftne~, ~ this Article, except tcs the extent as speci~callyprovided.herezn or ~presaly agreed to l~ytheparties. 1 Q ~e atl~it~ttQr may iirit isstt~ declaratory c~pirtions and shall cozif ne hit~sel~ e:rel~usively to the gr~estiort(s) presented: to hirrz, which questit~as~s) rriustbe actual arld e:~istrig< 11. Each p~.r~ty shall bear the expci~se: of its ov~st ~'itrresSes and of ~%ts o~tn- represe~tatives fc~r. ~e pitrpnses. of tlx~ atbitlation hearing. The irntiartial azbitratr~r's fee. and rclatecl expcrtscs aid expenses of obtaii~irig a: fieariilg -rttort~, if airy, sh~.ll be equally ivicleti betw:ecn tlic parties, Ar~y pegson- desiring ~ tr`anscript .of thelaearin~; slrall tear the cost ~f such. tkanserzpt. unless both.p~rties n~uttzally agree to share such. costs. I2. The arbitrator's. awaxd shall be frnal and lainc~ing rin the piit~ties. 1.3. I~or the first #hree hundred. sixty-#`i~e ~3:~} days .~f cpnsecutive sorviee wit~z the VILLAGE, an. errilaloyee is prvbat~iiary. That i~., the entltlayee serves at the will artl pleasure of Sze VIrLL~4.~r~ arid. fihus lte may be disciplined or dischaxge: without ~.plaa-iatian or fo.c art season dee~xted sufficient by the ~ppzopr~ate VILL-AGI:~ ci~cial. Accorelinlyi pt'c~biitit~rtary employees shall have rio ri~it tc. utilize this. grievaiicelarbitrati~an procedure fcrr ~y °matter coeicer~irtg riscli~:gc, ~uapension or other €iis~rplino, 14. The AS.SO~~Tlyt~l~ rep-ceseritatfve w.zll be fiirni~lxed 4vith a eo~sy of e~ckt g~en~rarzee fisted; ley an ctplc~yee.~vithh~t tlre~laargainrt~.unit. I5. l~;mploycus zr~ay request t~ have an AS~~~IAA'I'IC)l~T represex~tati~e ~xesent at any step of the gtevanec.procc~ure: Vsila~o ~'~A ~~ ~~. The ASSOCIATYC~N viii. not be regrzired.fio process the grievance of nrrrz-zxzecers. Tlie A~~a~IAT:LC~N will not be respaz~sible. ror grievances proceeding. $o arbitration witlraut being ~~rst nod.~ed. by fibs V 1LZ,1~:~r~: i~ writzng t~xd with ~ copy o~tl~e. ~ievanac) by ~e VI.LLACE in a tim:cly taaal~ `p17e A~~~~IATrt~I~ representative will have lrisliler nazxae, address .and sl `contact n~urihers oi~ Filu. wifb floe ~:LLA~x~. 1~7. TIae parties agree: that the settletxient of any g~~evatace by fhe °parties prior to the rendition o~ a decisiaaa by . at°~itra#or sha31 ~aot constitute an admissiaza that the caozrtract h~s.l~cen violated nc~r shall such seftlement ct~nstitctte a, p~:ecedent fcar~ the interpl?efation ax application of the provisions o~thzs Agreement. f 3. Whin ari~itrs6ility is raised by the '~I~LA.G~ ~itk respect tra any.grisvanc~;~ t~:e issue of arbitrabilty sIaail be rleternu~er~ by tke abitratoz~ .uc~ less than thirty Cho} hays prier to ct~inrneneetnct~t ~~ai~. arbitz~tiot~.aeari~agon tlie.grzevanee i~elf l~. Lftl~,e V[LLA~E does .not agree float tike matter. is. arl~itra6ie~ riati~ZCatign shall be sent tci tlt~ .A~~}IATLQN of suck ~vitliin ten. ~1.f}} clays -of r.~ceipt a~` fhe ~1,~d~TAfiI(~l~i request- to proceed to arbiitration. The parties agree that in such an instance, the ~:1T.,T,~:~xE r~iay subax~.t solely the questiota o~ arlaifraliility ~itk~er.. to an arbitrator ar tip a c~ If the arl~iirabiiity %ssuc is submitted to nil arbitrator, tka ciecisian shall be 'base€! sa#ely on. written 1~~~efs, c~hibits a~td. affidavits sub~ni~.d Gy the parties, wick iao ~~ral argurriecat allowed; and slx~ll lie. subinnatted to the arbitrator r~vitltiii~ ten days of ~s.elaction of tkc arbitrator. "~'ke arbitr~ztar sha1.I render the~daciszca.ez withinlifteen {r~~ _days.o~receipt of tha partzes' sub~zisslo~zs, ~~. Whichever party 1€~ses- .ate floe. 'issue .af arl~itt:abilzty .slam pay the assts invotv'ed in that prac~edirag. 2 t. Ii there ii; na nb~eetian by either panty to the a~~itralility of the grievance, and the above ~ntipn~l pr:.ocedure kas been ~tzlly complied with- yr aesulfs in a eteferznnafian that the grievance is arbitrable, the-pat`kies. shall prt~ceed. t~ arl?-itrate the grievance. ~f([age F'BA A~.TTCL~ 28. ~X~~~`~TI~~R~ .~~'~~~~~ Appeals erf dissipli~rary action shah be Dandled. as rolluws. 1. ~. employee w.~t~ ~v%shes to challenge ~rny disciplz-nary action shall ale a.ntrtice of appeal to. thn 1''ttblic Safety :Director within tecz X10) .calcndAr days of notice t~f ihe_ cliseiplinary action, Whcr€ an employee leas received a. writtctn Counseling, the enxplc~yec z~nay, wi#l~n den (i~) clays .ofre~eipt of t~zc. written co~anse.~irz~„ s~br~i't a ti~rritten rsb~ittal. wl~icli shall. be atta~k-ed tcs. lkae~ wi~itte~ counseling do~umerit in. the ~~ployee's personzz~l -ale. 2, Upon re~ei~t oi'a.~c~ti~e oi`appea-I~ the .~ublic.af~ty Dr-color ~r~s desgn.c~ sltal have ten ~10~ calendar days trr review the discipline and: to advzse the eznpl.Qyee fihat. the discipline is Wither ~) shined; ~ii~. re!tersed; or viii:) modified? ~ailttre crf the PubXio Safety l~irectc~r tc respond wikliin t {I(3} ~nleirdar days shall constitute a ~leterrirsxzatic~n that the diseiphne is. sussed. 3, e[npTciyee. ~Vho is not satisfied ~,vith. the ~'ublic -safety Director''s decision can further appeal a diseipliue #o the Vlll~rge. l~anageg Upon:.. x~ceipt cri` a .nati.Ce :a~ ~ppeal~. the Vill~:ge 1Vlanager shall have tear {1t7} calendar days tti :review the disciplitxe and ter.- advise the employee that: ~e drsciplitre is e%ther (l:} ~ust~.%neti; ~ii~ reveis~tt; er (iii} mec~rfi~ci. Tai:tu~ of t3~e V~11a.ge Manager tt~ re~lro~zd within ten. (I ~} cal~r~tlar .dayys. s~ia1-1 enristitute a detei~niria#ion t7.iat tire. discipline is-sustained. 'Ihe decision of the- Village 1Vfanager -sha71. b e fin~1. u€icss appealed. a liereitiafteY act forth. 4. 'I'lrc A,S,~~~I~TI~N may appeal a discipline greater than yin elglrt ($} hciur suspension zvitlroutliay to albitfaton using #hc sart~~ preeedure fir appointlneixt ~if:atr arbi#ra#or as set.~orth ire icle l~' above. I`he request ~r appoinhnent cif an arbifiz~ator rr~€~st be rnada to the ~Zilla„~ Manager. in writing uditltin tuz~ {l~~ cal~nclar days ofthe Tillage Nlanagcr's decislo,~.. The decision cif the arbifira#or shall be axaade withiix thirty (3t3~ .days ~olla~vln the cer~.eli.~~ian rrf tlse hea-g r~x the ileaclline f~zr elosi~g briers,, vthielievcr is later.. "Z'lie ~rl~itrstirr may 5ttstaii~,. ~cver~e, ar n~erdify the discipline` which was sit lYy tlr~ Village Manager. The cteeisiaia or tY~.c r6tratc~~ rs ihrar anel.bindingc site-parties:, ~r 1~iQ employee: shall be subject to discipline o~ atry #ype w:ithQUt gust cause> N:cr- etrlployee shall lie subject. tcx ~ suspetisiori. witltatit ~Zay or .a t~ri'ninalion ~vitlrtrut rust being. af£orclcd: a :pz'c`c~etet~ztir~:fion cortriarence with. llie `t?'iilage Ivlanager or hi~Jhex• :tle~ignee: No pre- cl~terminatixsxt cttitrerence shall b~- conducficd with less thatz text {~ Q) calestdar days ncitic~ trs t~~ employee, Vi10a~e' - ~?l~A- ~~ ARTI~L:~ 19. ~~SQ~~~'~~~I~ .ACTN~'TI t., ~a employee shall hove. the right to join or riot ~oiix the tl~~~Ir~TSQi~I, fi uz~~a~;e i~ iatvful oor~certed activity for the ~at~rpc~se of collective ~Zal~gaiz~ii~g .ar othez rtzut~~at ~.i.d or p~.otcctitax~, to express ~r coznzz~u~~.iGate any view,. ~rievanee, coYriptaint or opinion r~lati~ag t e€~uditions of -e~nployrneiit r~~ ce~pensati~, thraugti d~~y appointed tS.~~:Q.CIA'i'IQN representationx, all actiflns to be free from any and atI restraint} ceereion, cliscriminati~~. car ~'eprisal ~by the'~'1~~,~:C~~ or the A:~~(~~l'A.~~QI~, ~, ~,~~~~T;~:TI®taI affic~ls al~dfor ~ei~ntters, nt~ m~ Phan t (}* shall be- ~ar~ted ~reasr~nahle time: ci~xring. vv€~rk%u~ Hours; witihout Iz~ss oi' pay, t€~ ~regc~tiate with ~ rcpresezitative~ of the ~1Ii=,~.~. 3, T~:easonable tirr~e. shad. be geantetT ~`or the praecssixig of grievances with a duty d~si~ated r_cpresent2tive ~~` the AS~f7~l~TICI~N duzaz~:g v{i~rliiig horn. The ~LI,ACr~, °in its ciisereticitt, n~a~! strap the-.use cif such tune ef~if.rt z~xterferes wi~i prad~tivity ~r rnanp~wer -needs ~o~ever, tt~e exerciso o~ such rigtzt azx e ~I11a~-1~`r~'S pad. shat not be arbitzary or ~ap~icious; nc~rr s~lxall it alloi~v ttte Vli:,l.,~~~ to proceed in. a naa~iner ~rrixich ~epri~res the e~.plc~yee: aphis o~ her right cz~ representation. ,Any AS~~3~I.A.TICSN' representative shall be :permitted Icy aecampany a. fellg~v eruplc~yee•in eirct~r~tstanc~;s sueli as, A. The empioye~:.is required to appear:at ~: hea~ng r-elated tc~ a:.grie~anee. ~~, The employee is presentia~g or xes~pc~a~ding to a gricvaxtee. G. The cxnptvyee. is ~ubjec;t to if~terrogation .in. ea~uncti~m Frith ate itYtei~at affairs -in~restigation, ~. The. ea~plrrycc is attendi~~~ a pre-eletert~iinatiaz~ hearing, ~, The ~iltagc li!larzag~ shad -lie itrimediatety notified w~'itng, t~f =changes of ~ppciirited 1~~ ~ C3 CIE1TI~lT x~p resentatives. S. F~~~CJC"ItS:TItJ~i ret~resezitatives shah be .perrr~itted to wear A,~CJ~~fl.TI~t~I insignia wt~.le on el~aty. paid insiia -shall be appravcd_ b-y #}ze t'r~`blic ~afety:t7izector or his de~iee. d ~i(tuge PBA-- ~~ ARTIG"L]E 20w R'UT.~E~ REGIILA'~IEJl`V~, ~~C.`I`I~~G++ ~, ~.rxie~xdments, acldrttons car rncad%fieatans to pers~snnel rules; regaxlati~~xs, and d~p~rt~.ental tiirectivcs shall tie in w~-ltitxg atxd a copy of the sanxe shaXl txe subnmitte~. tcx the ~:.4~:I,t~TIUi~iF.txv less tlxan f~xxrteen ~l~) gays ri€yr fin implementation. 2. ~Ioth-irig in this Article shs3.l be construed as a. wa€vsr ~f the AS~~CIATiQI~i's right tc~ bargain c~vor tl~e ar~xpacfi ~f ,any rule .~1~xg~ v~hicti 3 die pracfieat. e'~et ~.f ~Ite~ixxg ~lxe terrtxs a~:cl ~on~itrt~ns- of e~ploytnent; as esfiahlishe~i izx this A~eeeiizent. Sttelx a reclue~t for ba€~aning must b~ r..ecciv~~l vvitl~itx seven ~~) days after xxotificatiozx Ct~ fihe A~~O~"I`IQI~[ by tl~e '~IL.~.AG1~ ofth i~xplernentriti~r~ of.~ r~1~ clxar~go~ C_ ~It(l~ge PBA ~8- ARTI~L~ 21, 1. 'T`Ite A~~~?CYATi~3l~l~ will prcvrcle a serviceable bt~llefiin 6.onrci ~r its use, .till rnate~~ials posted must be siined by nz~ t~t~icial ~rf the AS~C)~~~~1i>I and a evpY given to tke blrectnt. '~kke V~Li.fL~E agrees t~ ~'ish~pace fQrtkeba~lietin board. 2~ bulletins shall cc~txtai~. n~tthing dera~atory relating to tke VII.~,.~3.~E, its elected o~E"icials cir s~p~er~lss~x:y personnel. Vi11ag~ ' PEA - ------ ~~ ARTIC~.E ~~. 1. The woxl~ sch.Ldul~lcyci~c;s aekt proceduzcs for ~a ixtg ~vertl~e. ~ulich are in ~'ft at tlxe brae vf_ tatificatiern ~?~' dais &gret~rneztt shall be n1ai~~taiiaed as the status. rluo until changed as lzereina~er set forth.. ~. The VI~.L~.Cr~ liar t11e t~~ht t€~ eliange warlc~shifil sehcdules, ~rork cycles and starting times during tl~e tern of dais Agree~.v,ent subj~et tc~ tl~e following: A. Thy tvor(c cycle shall nat exceed t~v~nty-e%gllit (28} days. 'The burs. of work v~ithin the estal~lzl~ed stark ey~le shalC be fi.I (%u~ded~ l~.c~urs. ~i~~~ day nrrd as s.~t f~rtli i~ 29 ~.F.l~, sec#ien 553.3. der vc~~.te~. in excess e~ t~h~ ~a:~i~-nu~ hours provided by the:rc;~'erenced regulation. slxall lse paid: at tune and one-half tl~e ezxzpioyeo's r~lar rate ofp~yF ~, ~'lle ~TI,L.P~G~ shall pr~rvidc tlae A.S~aG.IA.TIf~N vrith no less than tftis#y ::{3~} days `vvritt~n ixoti of its nt~ixt to alter r~ri~rlc%hft sc3edules; tivotk cycles aid starting tirn.es. The' notice shall include a propt~sed date t~f irnplerri~rtat}Qa~. ~. The A~~Q~IA.TS~N may request ix~paet bargaining aver the pa:~op~sed change. ~. Iftlie AS~GI~T~t3l~I reel~tests impact bargainfr~g, the °implcmc~n.tatlon date shall be .delayed tlurfy {~.Q) days :arlct the .parties sl~ll nmeet as snots as passible and. engage irz .good faith. ba~`gaiiung over the ~tnpact issues id~~tti~~d by -the A~~ C~ ~:t.~1: I':I~1"~. _ Time vfff~r a meal per7~ sI~all not exceed one {l) lour, ~. F4r pgrposes of computing -overtizzae pay, all author%~ed paid. leave, exc-opt sick leave, shall be coztsidere~l true worl~ed. ~-. ~~plo ees: assgtred tc~ "standb~~ vain be paid a rzii~~imutxr t~f awe {l.). hc~.ur p der ;standby shi:." In. tk~e evczyt a~~ e~pl~yee is `€eall~d ~adk"# he or the shall receive a z~i~xi~ of two ('?):hours- pay-.. "~tandb~' and "gall back" tune. relate tc~ .en~exgency duty. C. ~r~tpleyees nay exchange h€~ua~s subject to the approval of thy: public safety Director car his desigiacepravidingstrch ex~chaanges d~ riot.result iii overti~i~e. ~3. The- °~t7"LI.A:~E retains -the- right tt~ ~rzae eha~rges in schedules ~wben. extenuating cirestances such as Hurricanes cri other states of errzerncies dictate:. . ,. Vili~xg~ I'BA `~ - ~Ct 8- . civil .~mer~eney l'ay (fram. ~4m~relierasive Fay and Glassi~cation .Plan: Regular., pant time a~xd seasonal ecuplayees wlia are released i"ro worl~ o~ ~vht~ are retained or +c~ellecl batik to peri'arna VILLAGE r~vork cltu~ng the threat r~r accurrea~.ea of a hurryaria, severe staxrn_, civil disaster, or other esxaergeney ceandittis3s affectia~g ~e ~III,LAt~C -shall ]~~ entitled to civic emer~;esxcypay as o'ratliia:edbelow. ~ lacal eFnergerrcj~ shall be dcerned to have e4snsnenced when the: Village :~qun~il car Village ~ar~ragex files with the 'V%11ae ~lerk~ a :declaration o~ local stag of lc~aal ~zner~ency. h~znediately follrs~vii~ such dcelaratic~ra,- the Vlll~e ~araager for clesi~ee) ws`ll iazfQrni each Village c3a;partmezrt and= a#ftca %ai as timely ~ srranner as possibly-that a state of civil ~zxxeraency is isx effect. lZ~: provisian~ of`this civil ~~.ea~~enc~ Pay Pvlioy sha11 becurne e~'e~.tive iaxa~nedia~lyfallowz~ ~e dcelaratiarr of a ~tata of er~~rgeuo_y and are. ~~rid~red ~a that ~~isif tea tal~a prece~~i~ca aver all other' Village Pcrsc~nrrel Rules astd l~el;ulatious, potlcies, resoiutiaras, o~`tlre'~T.~ I<A~~ 1n tlxe axaattera cr:Epay, eaxrsp.~aasatlrah, and:leava as liereir~aa~er sit earth. T`ha pravisians a£tl~%s civil lrnaxl;err~y Pay ~olioy shall .apply `.~t~r ~e Mire titno pei~ad dtarizrg which dYa. ~leclarecl state of erner~cncy mists. I}esigtraton cif eanpla~yees for purp-ases a~ cstabtishin~ pay .and cor~apensation: t~. In a aarsner- t+~ be doterulined by the ~`illage 1Viana~ar ar hisfher acting €l~~%~,ee,..a1.1 VxL~A.~II ~:arplt~yees ~~gardless of fiill4tirne, partWtirrre, saasaxa;al, e~es~pt os` r~os~.-e.~eaz?pt status) ~villbe classl~ed into orle ai'tlie~allowing.tl~sr~e. aategaries:. • A = ~sessfiaU~l`andata~y 1'ersanrrel `ilia assistarrcc of these esnplQyees is cas_isidared essential kcs the ~TTLC.,.A.(.iE' ability tc~ :rn~tioai and pravide pul'rlic.serviaes iin the evezrt o:~a eivzl er~e~gsrloy< ~ ~: = Essential A~1=sanrrel 17ape>xdz`ng aeircusnsta;rc~ and steeds.; the. assistance afthe employees maybe regtzirec~ its the `event ~f a. civil emer~aac~ ~- NonrtEssesrtial Persc~a~z~.el °S'he assist~rrce a~" these. ernpl~yees s.:nnrs~sally riot r~aix:etl d~xizrg a c%vll esar.~xgas~~y ~.vesit< l3; l~arsploye~ who. are dlassil`ted ~as €atsgory "t~" (lysse_ritzal/Nl~rr~latory Persarmel) .as`e expeGte~l to report far war-~ at the heg~~rhig of their assigned shift,. warktheir entire shilfi,. -and l;e prepaie to w~rlc any uveitie hours ~as rraa be r~quis:ecl undex e~ez°ge~.cy caslditlasrs, ~. t. ~tegaa;y ~tA,; esnl~loyees array else bo ,~eclcsir~d t~ repar~t far worl~ on ~.schodt~led days or h€~urs} arrcl shz~uld be ps•eparerl tip p~:xftarsrr tasks. outside tlrei~ n~rrraal =neaps t~f' .dutzas. category `°A;' employees nay be r~gttlr~d t~ reinais~ at ~ d~s%.t~d ~aesity d~uriz~g some portion at~the esnerencyventx ~.. E~nplayees ~vhci are clas~ifsd as. eategn~y f`T3°' ~Essentlal l'ersorrirelj sliazrl_cl lre prepat~.d ttr report for woz~, ari.~I should be pr~paretl tc~ work axsy overtizxa~ l2aaars ifrequir~d tQ do sr~< ' I. -. _ ~Jill~~~ F~!~ 'I 1. ~atsgc~ry {`B" errzgloyees znay alsa: be recluircd to repni•t fczr work can unsei~adziled days or Iiczt~rs, anti shauid be prepared. to pexfarrn Masks atztside their normal scc~pa esf duties. Cate~nry "B°° emplnyses ~zaay be xequr~d to remain at a ticsgnate~ ~aeility dxzrzz~g..sczme poxtion txFtlre emcrlency event. F. ~zxlplziyees ~vhn az~ zlassi~.Gtl as ~atcgory "C" nn~~sse~tial ~'ez~nTU~el} may lr~ teleass~ from their noz~rnal vrork :duties and seitedttles as e~'eumstarxz~es dictate, sula~cct ~tn t%e fnllorvizrg conditit~ns: i. T'i~zc ezzzployee is to~ rexzzaizl in periodic contact with ~Chci~ szzper~isc~i er .other designated zepzescxxtatives.izl accordance with d~partznwntal .pr.~ceelc~res; ~. 13e avarla~le tc~. respnrcd to call bank assi~t~ents as. dixee~d; and ~. Be prepaxe~d. to work. arty :over~x~e lours that rr3ay bc. rer7ixed in advaz~zce of or fnllowlg an ezxzergerzcy event= 'fhe V.ILi~~I~~-retains- thzt z~ght tc~ eha~ge at any dine azz cznplc~~ee's desiatrnn. {as ezthcr tc~a,i ups,- #~l ss~o,l; I~aSed uporI ~~?.; ty~3~ {~:~ eNt~ ~111Lx~~n~ tl2c'~t ~~rStS, ~d ~.'E~[:7YD tllu levztl c~r:stage n~`respnnse that is deemed appre~priatc.lzy V.II.f:AG~ ~.azzagczrzetxt to address fife -civil erxzerge~cy. ezxzplnyee ~li.ti i~ directed to report :~dx v~rnrl~ t%urin~ a declared civil cz~zcxpency, and fails ~~ do sn is subject to being dis~plizlcd, up ~tn az~d ~zrzcludirrg teraxnation. l addition to any disciplinary actznxz~. the employee shall fer~eit any cnmpezisatinn ..payable rtrzder. ~.ese policies, except cQrnperzsataczix fc~x hour's actually waked. lt~.~le~yee cnmpcnsation; ;~. Aziy ~~a~ee ciassi~Zed as either `sA'k ~ssentiall~andatt~ry) ~~ `°B" (essential}; wlib is not e~ernpt from. -tlizf nvextirne prnvision~ of-the. Bair :Labor ~tazidards .Act, will he corxrpensated as f~vltn~vs during; a period ~f local ezuex~et7.cy; 1. The rrrplo~yee will .b~~ `paid their: re~ulaz' ez~rxzperrsatiorz of all lic~urs: tlxey aze scheduled for work, but released ~i-ozn work. ~xazrzple: If azz e~.lrloyee's is sehz<dul~d tt~ worl~ from SaQ~ t~.l'~l. to x:00 l~,lvl., but is released frcazzxz vrnrlc at ~;{I{1 p.M.,. tyre cznplz~yee will be paid as thozzgl~ the employee ~vorl~ed until. S ;~d P,M , hizvrever, only those. lzottrs actually ~rorked will be counted: fr~r nver~tin.~zr ;purposes. 2, Z he erzxptt~yze ~;viil be cQZ~apetzsate~i at a ~reristzm rate of doable their reg„~zlar liasc rate of pay for all Hours actually wonted, ncludln~. l~;otz~s wlzleh ~rorzld: nfi~er-wipe citdi fc~z° ~vez~im.c; pay ~titrze azrd c~z~e haifi~. xazrzplc: If an .employee rvlio_ earns l-U t10 an hour is scheduled at~ci required tt~ vroxk at .III: A.M. bGZt a local errrexgenay was deelareci at ?~~0 ~s.,l~.a. the employee ball be paid $20.OQ an hnur fnr :all..hours actually worked until the lczeal emergency ezids. ~: .y etnplr~yec mho is cxerirpt ~rc~m. the .ovei~tinte Gov%ions of the pair Labor Sta~xdards Act, except the '~J`llage IVlarzager, will :ioe carnpet~sated as fQll~vts; the er~playe~ will lie paid, their regular wceldy pay Pius pne fit). hauz of stxaight dine .i ~lillag . t~~~ ~~- fc~r each hour rxf ~cveirk over 4€1 hours nf'wvrk provided eae~~ hoax ofndditiorzsl pay corxespc~nds to arl hc~ur~urorked ~iuing filie period of emergency. Exarziple; If a local state cif em~rgenGy takes e~feet $;00 A,IvS, c~u a T'ite~day~ suet ezid~ 8;00 .t~..I~. ~n W`edriesdsy at~d ttxe exen~~tt employee is xe~uixed to spext~t Tuesday ziight in tl~e Pnmergeitcy Opexatiofis Genter .f5:{iQ I'.M. ~`uesday tt $;(lOA,Zui. ''~J'edrxesday), tli exnployce..is enti#led. to l.S bcr~s cs~ additiox~ai pay ~t straight tune, pxovcled they Exork ~tl~ie balar~ice o~ ~cu ordinary ~voxlc week {IQxzday through xiday}. It is presumed, solely for tlic~ sake of the calccilation sjf ernez°geney pay,. thafi aii exezp~ statzts ~anplay~e wrtrks ~.n average of 441iet~:s per work week, All employees art respoxisiblc fttx keeping. accurate time ia~slrecorels fflr hour worked. dt-riixg a declared state of einergeney. Tlie submissiQxx of :a xecluest fir corpexssatiinn for ~tirne wvarked v~rliexa the exriployee did. riot aet€iaiiy work .during a pericid of l~cai etnet g~ncy`is ~rourids. fox termiriatioi~ oferrrploynierit. l~cave requests appxav~ed prior to a declared erz~.e.rgex~ey will. be honored. i~, iza. the apirii~n of i<ixe ~:r~lplcrye~'s depai~rrrent directtix, the employee's. absence will not ad~rersely affect the. VILLACzl~'S ability tt~ effectively respond tc the exnergexiey, how-ever, all empicryees are subject to~ having pxevicEUSly approtired leave cancelled, and new zequests fr~r leave denied, based tt~~r~ an ove~rxirlin~ c~r~azii~ati~nal :need to Have tlie: empl©yec xepoit for duty tci iitlfx'li tf~er. ,~~b assignrr~ents.during an, erncrgcrxcy. Any o~ duty ernpl~ayse v~iio anticipates l~eing.unavailable~ta respond to a. call back. assgru~ient associated vrith ari axnergency has a responsibility to discuss their plans. ~vitb ~e Public S:afefiy Director anei reciuest fo be ielzeved ~ozn cal-l back respgnsibiiities for the anticipated ditxation ~f the ezmcxgexiGy Tire Public Safety I~ii'ector will evaluate the• employee's reasciris for the tequesfi to be ~eIie~tecl. of possible call batrl~ responsibilities and notify tlxe ex~aplayee of l~is1lrer decision as sflon as possible. All eruployces who zluest sie:k. leave itxzrzte.diately priu~r ; +lurin~, or iix recovery fronx a; declaredt en~ergericy may be. r~~uired by the Public safety Directai to sribr~ait appx•oprrate rn~dical. dc~eurnenta€za~ to verify their sielc leave reciuest. special l~Tofie: An ~mplczyee =alto is on a p€~viousl~! approved leave that vvas not xevoleed prior to the. specifred ~ivzl ~z~egerzcy tlrr~e period. zs riot e1€gible fir administrative leave wifih pay .or ariy other fQrni ttf speeal..ee~rnpexrsation. that stray 11e rt~ade available under fire pro~risiosrs oftktis.palicy. l<f .tlie :declaz~cd` e~~rg~ncy tixrte period sl~oulcl encortipass a holiday, an eu~piQ~e i~ el.igiblc to ~eecive any.~pplieal~le holiday pay they aye duei~ a€lilitiarx to arty special con~ipsnsati~xx thatis tc~ be Maid to •uiid~r the ~conditioiis otttlzned abdve. ~iilage PBA ~3 ~~~I:~~~~AT~R:Y TI1~IE 1. for ~urpases a°~' tit.is Agreem~t, carr~ensatc~iy tine shall lre del"ined as that ~e~iad of time which is. eared by the ernplayee far hauxs worked iii excess of the eplayLe~s nc~rrnaily ~clieduled work periad~ acaiu~.~lated at a .rite trf time and ane-half` (1. 1J2) in lieu of zxzonetary ~uerfi~~e ~ain~e~satl~in. ~. ~a~pensatar~! time will lse i;rax~.ted if tlxe. em~layee natifies the ~'ublic ~a~ety i~3ire~tar of the ctexr~~ilated use at Ieast seen (7~ calendar days friar. to use; pr.~~ided siieh use: will not b~ uzzdulyburd~nsameta thePul~lic ~a£etyl~epart~er~`s n~rera#ian. 3~. ~ the event..~mare than any em~layee retiuesfs use of ca~rmpensatory fiime aff far the same periadY set~iarit~ sb.all, lie tavern choice, ~. Merntxers u~ay bank up to sixty.(GQ} hcut~s of ca~,,per~s~tor~ time. V.~lia~c - PB~1 ~~ ARTICLE ~~#. ~U~T IC ~t~~TY C(J~1~Ti1`~(JIi~IC~ ~17~7CA,'C£lN 1. Gonrses Co he tal~en dying sciiedulecl waxk t~~a are_suhject to the ai'~icer's abtai~x~ng are ap~i'pved re~lacez~~ent: I~~ order to qualify far rein~li~rsemenf undez~ ~e ~/iL;~,A~~'~ tuition ~agia~n~ all courses to be taken s~.ust be pr€ae a~~aved ixy the I~irectar o;EPublie afet~ and the V%ll~ ~~tnager-.- Tlie ~iI[.L,~GE urill reiml~uts~ the etnptayee £ar the casts t~f pti~~lie sal`ety related ~antinuing education. Any sad ill. confinuhrg educatiai~ will. be done an the employee's awn tikne. Z. `.The 'YILL~:~E vvi#1 niat~lx all ~tatc payments. fcr ~d~~ttia~al ~i~~ree~ ~t~l. 09I~~ft at ~vlih tlpxae #l~~ Vil#~~~ nett s1i~I#. €r~.. 'l`ie-. V'II.~.I:~AL:. s3xnl#. fc~llfl•w ~ t~tit3on •a=efun~l xa xs~a~x ~fi a•.avides a ~~r~:~ia~tXanx ber~~fit of ~~fl#3. per sc~est~x far #echnzi rs~ tt~el~r~it#~~at~ eia~s~s a~9d ~~~0 pc:~_~ena~ster 1'~-x x:~~iu~ttc. cs~:s. Thy r~~~~rse~nes~t ~mr~:unf do exids an fhe mast a~ t#~e ~l~ss ~_d tl~~ xacle r~ceiverl. ~m [ , e.~s ~~st ~•~- u~~st .~ ~ rt~vttl €ar ~ e~rs.u t•ia~, to #h~~s~~~k of the ct~uxse at thy- tii~ae cif` cnr4znent . and then ztxu~t. suk~tnit ravf of tuifion ai~~o€~n~ ~ yid and afflcia#.: ~:~x~le re +~rt ~~it#a:in fir ~#l cla: s r~f'su~cessfal cam. Iet',of t#xe eoarrse~;}:~The '4rLLI;~~E ~~ill .n~al~~ ry#l s[ • :r4x~~c# _av~te~€ts •s~dthh~ sixty 6Q d~vs of xe~el ~ of t#~e _._ ...- ~ecessaty. p~pe~~te~r#t. VI~(agca PEA A,R.TICL~ .~5, 'tV~RICAS~IGntNTE.~t'p t~iTr ~)F ~Al) 1, t!u etnp~l©yee w`[ic~ is rewired to ~ten~ptzra~-i1y acc-ept resp~~sibili~y and carry c~~t tt2~ tlutzes .~f a rank higlre than u+liicIi lie or she no~7nalty ho.Eds: #~ar a ~u.11 sltifY^ shall be .paid eve p~rcel~it ~~%Q) above tl~e indi~u~dual`s present base rate for that po~iti€an while so engaged:. 2. An etz~ployec assi~ec~ to a rank ~vhieh -carries. a rats of pay higher than t1~e pez~maz~e~~t rate of e assigi~~e shall izi ~c dent of injw.y.~ iiluess, :ox dca %neui~cd while .in tlic pclformanc~ ~f service be ~mpensatcd at tli~ lovei. t~f p~tytnent and benefits ~o~° the er~tialt~yee's perrr~anent rarllc and riot the ~ssr~;~dd rank. ~t1I(~gs F?BA .AR.TI.GLE Z6. I~I,El)~CAL ~~;1V~[NATIt31~i~ :l. Itr. those situations. ~rlaeze th e ~'IId:L.A~E rerluires a u~edical exa~x~.inatzora, tlxe enti~:e cc~sf5 sh311 be lioi~e by tl~e VIILA~I~._ ~~ T~ILL~GE agrees- to provide those v~:ccix£atior~s ~n~l examinations as r-squired by secfic~~ 11~.I ~1., .~loxir[a -~fatutes. ~. ~e foregoing shall not be cousfrue~I to ~rohzbit the VILLAGE horn vrdoring an e~~•rployee fcr undergo atx exatxmination to dcterrriirre fitness for duty when the V~LLt~.CIiN has a, reasc_?le. suspicion that ,the_ e~lil~syee is uz~~t to perf~ ki~fher .dtttcs. "~easo7ta~xl~ suspicion" rrrerirrs a hel%ef draw~~ frr~~n::~pecitie t~lijective and artieulable fasts at~d ~easonatile i~~`ei:et~ces dr-a~vur~ fioiu those wets izt ligfit cat` ~x~er~cnee. i~.easauabi~ suspicion testing shall r~c~t he requi~ecl except. upon the final :approval e~ the F'tiblic -safety 17ixecto~, a~fier the xscorrrruexrda~on ~f ~, supervisor wlzc~ is at least Qne 1e-vel of .sttp~r~iisi~nr~ hi~ae~ tttau: flxe inzr~~edate sup~ez~sox of .tl~e etnplny~e in quesfi:orr. A.rnong e#her fliings, .such facts .d inf~renccs ~nayhelrased.upon: :A;. Ahnu~xnal :conduct or erratic l~.ehavr~r. u?liil~.at worl~ or a sigu%f%ant deterioratiorx irr ~r,~orl~,~erfosmat~ce. B; :Exeessi~-use af.sick tune. 1~i~[a~a P8A ~~ x~RT-I~L~ Z'7: [T.NI<1!'(3R1Y~'.AN1~ C1r,~~~NGALTI~'4~At~~~ 1. ~'lairz elathecfi o~F,kicers shall- be p~%~l ~p to fi`i~ve h~ti~dred (~~~O.Qt~~. dr~ll~irs per year for ~e purchase .off appxeYpi~ate ~l4th~ig, receipts for such clotliin~ tniist: be pieseiited to the Public al'et3r T3irector ~~ his desi~ee ~itlziu. til>~y .(3~ days ~f payizient. This ~lotlin~ replacement allowance shall l~e.paid setni~annually in iiicreinents o~tvro liiu~dred fifty (~2S-~.JO) cf~Ilars each t~ctob~z° lst- aiid April lst_T.he el<othixi~ replacement allowance shalt be prorated with tl~te change i~t'persc~nuel.i~i tli~ D:ete~tive.l3:~eau. ~.- A~ eaghty~fz~ro (~~~.00} zlaitar zz~~nzxth~r ~il~~vaz~c~. shall be Maid to €ill zz~e~n:kiexs of fize baz~~anz~izzg wzit~ ~ct~~ pi`~i ~lattiscl- ~f~cer~, for tl~e #~epair az~d cleazzi~€g of ~~ti usz~~~rn~ zzsed izi- the performazxcc of duty. A lrtt:y {~5~.t)t3). dallax zx€v~#~y ~~IIu~~!atz~e shill he $i.d tzr all i~ziiz clrithed ciffi~ers "etti~~::~ an.~X I~e~ccti~c .~;r~z~+~eazzx frza tii:e ra air anal cleanizi~ of ciiitliin_ zasi;ct -in the: erfoz`man of dii ,: ~: ~Jrii~:c dai~€aged b~y~~ repair ~ii~ the Brie o~ duty shall be r~ilaced l~ the '~1t.,LA~~ at no cost to the employee. 4: hosts for repair er i°eplaceix~ent ofwatch~:s or e~yeglass~es dainageii ar destr~iyed whip in the course cif duty will he. paid by the V'1LLACrlti .at a asst not ~. exceed one hundred (~l Ot~.Ui}} tlcillars-per itei~~. 5, A.. shoe allowance: of up -to. scveiaty-eve (~'X~.00): dollars per year shall b.e pazd tc~ all teal gaizzi~~ ~.uzit rriernl~ers dauYn the fist pay porrc~~l ?.~ Vie.#ober. ~_ road Patrol aid di~patchcrs shall be issaed three `(~~- tyuo ~Z) sErirts and three {3). pitzr .off pants annually l~~ll~g~ I'~A ~~ ARTICLE .28. V~CL.~S A.ND EQUIPNIE3~`P Use of I'i~i~rate Ac~tomcvbiie. h~ ~e evert an emp.toyee (i~` authnrx~ed mod. dire~t~d i~ advance usES lus a~vn; autoabiie for the ~e~or~nance. of o~ficittl duties un tiet~aif of tiie ViI1LA:~E, the e~pfoyee wits be compensated at the ~ rate prevaiir"rr~ at the tine 4f uae, ~L~A~ vehicle use shall be covered by the V-ILI.,t~.G-E' S. ada~te~i ""~zila~e '~ehicie a~:d Take 7d~rne V`efiicle Poiiey." ltllag~ p~~t. c#RTICL~ ~~: pE~t~t71V~]`E°L. F'~L~ - ?~f~iy~~~,~~I~T~'S The V7LLAG~ agx~es ti~at ~.o dise~?Si~nssy action. shall die t~k~n a~air~C a l~a~gain~ing ~~~%t ~~~t without dno pro_c~ss, Ananyrnous complaints a~! ti~ib~~r are. investi~atio~f but air ano~lytnQUs compt~int alone zn~.ynotbe tl~ebasis-<~disci~Tnary aetit~n. Uiliac~e F'BA ~~ ~Ak.~~i.,*L.~7r ~„3Vr FI~CI CEO t7R ~~,. I~+G~I'T~ The V~~,A.txi~ agrees that aiI ri ;Tats v~ L" aw ~niareem~xit {~f~eers ~nde~ in~restigatir~tY detailed and granted h~ Florida. Matti#es, section 1'1~.53~(l)(a)-~ij- an~i Section 1 I2.5~3 fas amended .~rorn time ka time) ~til~ be- til~served .and practiced. T1ie A~~.t~~IA'I't~~ ria~.}~ host a e~ipy r~~ the I~a~x ~ttforcement C?~.eer's Bill cif Rights (pax:t V~ o~ Gl~pter 1.~9), I~I.or~d~ Statutes ~~ the bulletin board(s), In the. went .of and c~on~ict between the rights of a member Bader the La~,~t ~t~oz'c~n~.eat U~'fze~r's ~i11 af.R:iglifis anc~ tktis agreertzen~ cox any VIT~I.~A£:"rl csr Depat-~~aeat polio ar pra`eedure, the rl~lats worded under the )~aw l;~f:r~ineilt ~}:eer's B~il1 0~ Tights shall p~re~aai~., Vil[~~e PBA 4~ ~.~.~r~zE ~x. ~v~~~s _. . ~~~~~~~ -ten: ~lte. ~ninini~t~ and ~uaxit~iuni ~Y far ~ositzo~ in the ~o~tectiv~ Bax~~ainirr.A~r~emeut .are ~s ~allo~vs, PoI"ice ~f~c.~r ~.fQ~ ~m~crxtt ~~~# ~~ ~ s~t~~ ~mout~.t 1 rlr~$~4~~,3~i7 7',00°l~ ~. ~~~~ 500°f~ 5 ~~~„„83 5,04°~~ 6 ~~;~tl~' ~~fl~Ql4 ~ ~~,~~~ 3,2.8~1~ TO ~~~'~~G~ Gl.l Enx~r~enr~ ~is~a#~her Ito ~t~uut ~sVV 6/1? ~ti ` ~~j .i~~j.i L7ll fit1 ~ °lo 3 `,29' ~ra~92r~3~ ~ ~ { ~~~.V p~0 {{ Y `` q~ ~ -~'~Ttl_~l~ ~:4 Q~/~ 5 ~~b~~1,~~7:~ R ~ .. Yt .f ~A~ ~~~ ~~, f y * { ~n ~taQ°Ju ~ ~,~.~. ~. pillage ~~ ~.~~~~a ~ ~~~~~ x.00°J~ 4- ~~8,~#~fi x,00°~Q ~ ~J~7=~,'~~~ 3.SO~Ifl '~ ~~~~0~7'7,3~0 3,2~°t~. ~ ~8~9 ~~:1 ~~~~~~ a~n~ ~ -~ ~~ St~ _ ~~ {y ii~? t ~ Ct pp ff ~~ / ~raKr^'r'Yh ~: ~.~~ .ff-1$' ~ /ey ~~~ ~~ ~ .1,1 -~~~t~ ~~ fir ~ ~~~ ~sz ~ ~ ~#- ~~ ~- ~ 8~~ ~~~~ ~9~°~- ~ Racord~ Ct~r~ ~t~ p ~tn~~ nt 1 i (/~~ q ,f y ~} ?~FT~ /'MY'Ft.A .~7. V V ¢~$ ~ ~:7~a7~aT J: i l V fll~ ~ :75YptJKJ~iI~ ~ y ( '~ aJ~f J ~ 7 I iy s~l t ~V ~3t ~~a V yy ~ + ~rJt~~~O pp d ~~ yy ~~ ~ ~+ }y j 37"~~`~V~~yJ1Q. p8A 1?rt~xb. ~tober 1 ~0~~ until e tenshes~ 3f3. ~QltT an em 10 .ee ~vhz~ leas not already xea.~hecl Yiissller tnp step will move cane std in. the x~~v iilau on fhc eF~Ic~Xee's ~i~i~iyo~~ttry d~t~: 'i,*htN ~r+. Av4 fY i iYi ~" 4 vM W Klf1tTxxM1f ~ ~ ~{n dk ~~,.°-°°..,~^'~t~'~ns' °~~rc~c{~rccc~~.il~sx~~,..sfcr''+:-z'ta'.~...... - .. .,~-.:~vra'2.:~d--a-P;r~'••{k'l--t ., - '~~~:'#~1~k~--a~~'13~"_..tmr F= =~.~ ~:_~=~-~'~~-~1-~i-132t~~r'r~~-a" u~~~~~~~3-4~~~Ii~1=: ~. I~otwithstaoding hat3sitian to a step paY plan, perf©r€nanee .ev~luatt`t~ns will still. be cc~ziductcd and siicave~.ezit tl~rn~igh t1x-e steps plan is canclitic~~e+d nn a S`ueness~£ul .Leval I'° ar lied radng, A baxga?~:uig unit member ~vli~ receives. a perl'oru~c evalu~ttznxi rating 9P ~`;T3el.o~v tandsr~s'~ nr "l~evclvpxnexit P.e~uircd" shall liav~ a caunsc;ling. session with supet~silry personnel and be provided with perl`cx ~n~nc:c ~;o~:1s, Tli~ memt~er ~,vill ~~. i~~-cvaltiat~d.~.iii~#y (~} days f~llow:ing the counseling session. l:f' a perF~rmance rating of "uccessfui Level.:i" or better is i`eceived~ ttie member will Novo to dxe ize~.t. ste~+, An employee olio does i~t~t obtain a. "~uecessful Level l" o~r better is subject to .apci~ozxnaYx based ~schar~e, ~, ~=-~~,~~~~;-~-~t #i€t~~e~~~~-Elf~,~~~~';~~ at~ove-i{~f~~=ene~~ pad pta ~1leahas ~ecn: i~.ereaseel nn~ ~x~tce~~# f~°~0'1 #:a~ ftsc~tl. year ~##4#~-Il).- ~t~,~-g~~~~#^~..cl ,g Y31{y~y p '~:i-a~..~n. nrv~x 7 _{.~ {~~y~ ~~y~~yyy 'j~Y S i) ~)le] (!~,~an ,p'f,/~ 7R es 'L`r }ilas,rcss ~:`n~tty~sy~~~}~~+ SiAa'.f=l~3V"R f~F iT~~SGiriSaid~tr S+'k~, si l[1'~il%l•L-6i'fS~dT~~~~1l. YrAi)~~'~1F~~-.[.~1M~G4i'1Ti:~~-~4~~X~r~SL~-`T'12SK,~A+-9f..-,£+.i,.tCW}1,~^f3 iY#tCicrv~-~F~r'~+'~°li-A~~# ~`&~:i~S~S$'f3f~[;E' ~~=~•'~~-~3i3 3~i' a~~~Q~~°~t2't~~G~Z ~~. No .member shall receive a. base wage -increase over the rnaxium salary ~feip~ocf) established iii the VILT,AGE pay plan: liiGreas over tnp-out pay shall be paid as lump sut~n payments and shall be heated as salary l~or pet~sic~n ealcnlatloi~ purposes3 ~~ The. raxnitmutaa .rate estal.?lisfsed ~`~sz the. bargaining unit posi~ians in: tl~.e "VZL:LA~E day placi, shall ~e-paid upon: employnterif to "~.e~v laxe" ernpiayees; except. that a~z amc~€~n~.aT~avc tom- minimum rate niay be paid v~ihen die-rate is approved. by the `~1`II.LA~E l~rlanag~ :following a written justi~~calzor~ frarr~ the Public safety I3lxecfior. Approval will be based ~. ~~~ e~eeptian~l c~ual~.catir~sis of the appointee or 'the Irtabilzty to empln.~ ade~uat~ personnel at the ~iniinum rate. `~~~ Public aa.~'ety :3:recttrr shall sddress iri his ;}ustificstic~n the rate .o:~ pay o~ current mezribnrs c~~ftlte elepai'trn.entivho l~:ave. comparable dears t~~seruiceas the.prnpnsed appo%iitee: _~, ~'he: PILLAGE will appx~iprzate ~~7,~~;~~ for assinient pay i`br p ~tr~ ~Ieven ill bargaiiiing t~r~r`t meFnbers assi~l to act ~s Pi~ld Trainizxg :~cors or l~etectivesp .~.ssigent pay I'c~r eaeli xncinber assigned ~y the .Public. safety l~irectnr, itteluding G€~trtuncatiorfs ~111ag~ CUBA 43 Training Uf~ieexs, Czime eerie ~'eel~nician/~uidex;ce ~ustc~dian, wilt be $~,5.t1t1,0~ auaily_, prorated ta~ tiznc assigned as those. units. above: ~; ---~---:~~1--~ ~-st1--~ikt~°--~ ~ ~ ~1#~--~I~~ i s~~~tl~~ _.. -- £'~.: . ~ ~"c':r~~ xcaz~."~ ~r--~~ar"ax''~-~ui~~~!~~El~tt°a~l~~~~1~i4~~~~: i~~~~~~:~~-~ ~ ~ _ ... rte; .~:dditiox~al :monetary $ene~ts as proviifed. ~?y the ~I`II,L,~~E C.on~prehensive Auy and ~lassificatinn Plan, ha~~t Tax°nr 'Dis~ibilty I€xsuz~uncs ~-'~ze~ VtLL~;.~4 current ~l~ort ~"errn. I7.isebilit}~ ovexa~~ shall lie cIisearrtin~,t°d for 1'Bf~. union-eligible employees_ Loztg Term ~i~ak~iliiy insu~anee -'lhe ~1LL~.~E'S euzyent: ~or~'~`ee~zx I3isa-b:zli .y Prt~gra shall be iiseontitzued far P~~. union:-~ligiblc exuplaye~. Life insurance: ~ Thy ~'IIaI,A.G~ life incurce program for .l?BA. union-eli~iblc employees shall bc~ a level uivalent tc~ the zna~clrnuxn level ~Ilo~ved by ~~ regulations before iir~pa~ng adder enploXec co~xipezisatio~r ~~O,QQ~, o~ $~.~,0.~0 a~x thy- age iif 7Q~. dick Le~vc Incentive .~,,~vard F3~~graxn - Reg~a7at fulltiine {zio~-preiliationaxy): ~8.~ union emplr~yees ~vho do riat use any sick leave v,~ithin- any continuous sip raaan~ ~~) laeriod nre eligible to ear:. eight (8) ~iours atanual leave ti~n~ as incentive fdr not u~in~ sicl~ lea~~: Certifi~~tinz~ IucenC~vc -The cei~i~ication incentive pregram will prc~vid~ .cer-tificati~n pay fir ~Qb .related. ce~~i~cations above those which arc .tnininau~t: xe~uirements. for the joC~;as reccrnixtcr~d~d` by. tl~e-P'ulslic safety ~ixcctor and apliroverl liy ~e ~illagc lvlanager. Cert~ficato~ incentiue pay-will ltc issued as fallo~rs: ~-. Ceiti~cati~ns° rcqu%rir~g arz e~amii~ti4zx ar~c~ ~aniziuing edt~catian e $1,x:00 * Certifteatic~ns zequi~ing ec~ntinu%n~ etlucatv~. a~zd zzc~ en%natian - l,t~(~~ • C~rti~cation requiring. ari examination with no continuing. ~ducatiori - $50Q ~'he z~~~iz~um. zzuxnbcz° of eertifz~atit~x~'s. oligil~:le fir thy: certi_~lcatic~rz ~xtcentiv~ v~ill b~ tht°ee ~~ itadividual. The cexti~eation incentive will r~ot.be included iu t1x~ lias~.pay rate, at~d. payrrtent urill lip p_rc~r~ted used ~n tli~ standard pay cycle. Employees ~vlios~ base pay plug c~tier types a~ pay car~p~nsatic~n bus reaclieil tho pay r---ange ma~ciznurri ~cvili. ~b.c ineli~iblo ~~r certzfieat~?n pay above the pay range zz~a~imuerz.. For eez-ti~catoz~ r~quii~ing renewal or eontizitzizrg ed~soatibxt,. the ~lalayee :l~ ~requrecl ~a~ mecC dzc ap~cprzate xcn~w~sl a~.d tea `l~avc thr~ cer~.catiozs .rczzc~ed iz~ order fcr contrnu~ reeei~vit~g filxe ~ez`~:i~xeatittx"i incentive .lsay. I~ addition., if an ernployc~ x~e~iving EST eextific~tion is ~~ozizo€ed to a. ~arao~edie pQSZtion, the .E~1"t` ee~fie~tiozx pay will be r~:rQVetl~. F'~A 44 ,~~~ n. 1. >rl __~r,~:,..l.i~,a..,n «~..,at ~«arr.~~A~t_as T F ...:.t ~.•r.m ,.,r v~ F1F{~~°~`~11~~~'}~~:33£k 41ct~zrn. c-c~~~ w•a~.~.a.a ~~av.4 ~., ~: ~e-8~~~k~etx~}~t~-Est-~~~r~~a~~e~~~~#~~-~~~ ~'" - . +- <+r:tiT ; Ml ".«Fc., f~Flt :~ z,n.'~7.71 _t _~L`:i-',__i•+ri} ~~v'a=i--v4..sxti=i's~t~i~;~-~a~~ar•cra~ ~~i--~~ akl~;~~S-~"82~3~~-6~-~'~~ ~fl~:t~~~~}---'F~,~.---r~x,.:r•iv~---.r-a~ °'~)~tc-~rrrj";~zzcr-rca-ax''•sara3 :'sl~~~~~`~~rr2~'~i°~~'~~';~$~3~~sx-criv~`.s~PF` i 4 ~~M 4~ ARTZCLE.~2 Lf~l`-CC~uIT~ B~NI77 lmpiayees phase ca~x~pen;satio~x is eq~a~ ter ox e;~eee~s tlt~ xna~irr~um ~an~aal pny image far their position shad l?~ eligilite foi- the ~riu~.ual performance. %rzeentive bares prograrr~. ~i~tial performance review bon~xses ~vc~uld be .pazd luux sum based uptrn written- ~ec€~~mendntion. and €iocuinentatic~n -from the Pi~l~iie safety Di~eeta~s subject ~ written. appxa :af .fie Village Manager or. designee as (allows; Exceptienal Level ~ perfo~narice review i'uting ~ ~~.,~QQ uct;essfiil T,ev~I I througlx E,~ceptianal Level ~ p~farmarice review ra#in~ Develaprnent Recltrited fhraugh l3ekow tantiar~ls perfaxrx~ance xevi~w ratiiag ~ $~}. The bonus payment shad oat he %clude~i in a~~: employee's. regcdar base. xate of pay azid shall ~aat he carriEd ft~~ward in s~ilasetlt~ent year. .~ ~~fillag~ ~'BA 4~ A~t"_PrC~~ 33. P~NZt?I~ c~zs-~~'r'r:~igzc~.7 ~ ~? a ~~t~~~~~ft';t~-~}itcl ~~.t~~nt•-c~~t~r~:~~----t~.~~~~t~-s1ii~~-~~t--~r~=r:~~~~-~~~~~i~l-r~~~i~ x - .. 3 - ~~~ ~-dal-~'~e~i.;c~i~~~~a~i~~;t~t~;-~~=~t~~-~r~ ~~ k -'FTze: r~,rYF; xlt, rxrill- 2a'r~,z~_°YV'3.Ti`~~~3-'C~~- - -. .. .~ a•~ ~• n j~~Y~'U~~'z?s"+"i'iF ~#'~S~ t~c~:t~'~~~~~~~~~ze?;1~.'~~~:' '~.F'17 -rear s~':( '11 ~ #:rn y +v+vrr:P#rr rrr 7,, y ~' y ~~ 3.~--run-~.~~-t~iii~~xl' '~°~-t"~`t^ica=aca''x~i~ix zw...~'L~T~_ ,,.vrx~ricc=v~-`rs~'~~~S:f°'~'C~~l'tthi i31fi~3£~Ei~i^`kt~}~~~`°iTC ~'c,,c~rrza~: ~.x1 izx.. r'a~.~ .k'k"' ,#.,,,,.. ; _.,i,.A;.,.~ h,.# ,9nt~-T;~-.,;e,~:a #.,_ _#l,H~~f3~•';t21'zx .s,.~v~oRO~, .~1~k~1f:,iL.,, o ^:i~~~srG-xrb'?k~'~~~r`~~ :ssv~,.+MV . y;., 1 - ~ r:.n y,+ h¢,:na &'7 n~,•")~ taxar„•a rr~rnvt~>ztc~ -`T,--~ziFC^irT~ll~th'i#~'-i~'~~I~~H~#f~~t~l~ .Y.~.::'T~...~ . A• F~.°,~.~...,°~~~ii~~y-~~~i~~.'~~k~?t~ ems-~~-~r. ~~'-~~~1'-~~~f- f.,. - ..1.i 4~, ..- ..E,:n# v.•.~i~in--'Yn_~:sr~cvriis_x.. -is. : I, ,:~~r„~.# m ~[n„ n~''' ,~~rs~l~~~.~'~~~ --rz~w x.c~~~F~"" _ „~-'~. „# ,,,~<,~~~w .,-~~., ~.fl ~;' ,~~;~3~i~--,fit: i..IIrt .t•~^r~•:....~ ":~ :.'~~Pk 1 - rl h ~ ~ # -' ~ 1. 4~c:-k:~1=..s~n i n~:,•r - +..nr-..,Y.. =pTrrszti:r.~-cry"Biiri~cnc-ia4--u~~rfiir~-cri-cxi,.~~+`a,-ixuxw:~x Via. r,.~, u~ '~'Yi-'~~"IT~L'',sSfl~"~~-~'i'~}~a2c;i-c-5-~c t,7 n~.,,.r:TTT.r th.~tiz•i~t~~'--~`~~~i:~_T~. ~li'--~J-k~ --~3 t-1~-ck-~~:t~~c3-~~-~ .~5'~~d',y-w-~~-~.~o-C~ii`sit}I~ r3 r.,:.,.~sraazrc --g=~==~'sk~'y-•-~- ~a'- G.,~,,.,~,,.:~t„r,n.. „-1~~t1,.,-.rte X3.-143 - - ~[~-fn'€csir-rc-a~vz~ zic~~~,~.~i ~1 ~?~~c''~Llt'~.'~Fik~~"u~~~B~Skrt~~- hivpirc`~civii va-viar,~ W ~,.:~'x~..-,,.k...,,.,,...~,. ~U.'17~1f32~ ~3~it~$~`3° ~~~ ~~ page 49 ~r~~~~ ~. '~"I~.e ~~.L.l1G~ agrees to pravide nri~ week's advaige~ price fix ar~y hazn%n~ s~laoeiuleti for weekends. ~. Any training beyond D~.~e, Btoward, lvartin, ~.t. laude,. And Pa[m ~3~ach ~€~~ukCy gill allow :far an overni°ght stay-paid fir ~y ~e 'tIII~LA~E. ~1`hen training, in Dade ~a~~ity fn~rolves a t~vo day~lass the nit between t1~e txaia%~.~ days vcFili allow for an otrerrnight stay pain fc~r by the 'Vit>S:,AG~, ~lillago _ PBI~ - d~J page 51 .~;~I2`CICLE 36. C~QN'T`R~CT CQ~~T:I't~UT~S ~AITIRL AGItEENIE~I`I` (]F TFI~ I~~'TI~~ ~, fi`lie'V~L~.,A~`x~ and the A.~5C7~~`I~;bT acl~owled~o that du~.rzg.the rsegcitirttions ~xilrich Tesulte~ in tlii~ Agreement, each lead the unlhnitetl right aril opportunity tc~ ma`ke demand's and grczposals ~vifh respect to -any snliject matter nat remoucd by Iaw frorn t~xe area of collectiti~e ba~gaining~ azzd tit the: uzzderstandin~ and. agreeznenta aix~veci. at. liy the parties aver tlz~; exercise of that. right and opta.orttnzity arc set forth and -solely embodied in -this- Agree~'nent. '~~e VIX.;T;.~.~E and the ~.~~.C?~TA:'~~C7I~F .agree that all z'~egotiable: iteins that sho~.ld or could haste been tiffs-~.issed, Mere tiiscusseci; therefore, :neither party slial~ be abli~ated to ~egetiate .bz' bar~a~ cellecti~!ely with. respe-ct tQ arty s~zhjeet or znatte~,- vvh~ther ~ef~rred. tc~ hezeia. c~~ naC, exert a~ c~th~rwse specifically Lequirect in phis ~,grecmer~t, even thoz~gh auc~ -stalijects €~r znattexs. may not have been within the ~no~vledge or. eonteznpl~atiorz. of eifiher ar bollz ~f fihe parties at the tune they neg~tiated~ air ~goed. this Agreetne~,t, ~, Tbereft~, this .A.grecznerzt contains the ezztare contract, understandings, un~.et~akii~ €znd. arcerne~rE ref tine ~ra1.•t lrercto azYd finally d~t~:z~z%ncs and settles aI1 tnatrs. ccf cr~ileetivc bargaining for ar~d cTuring its tez~n. 3:. Tn the event 8f a corr.~flict Between- this agreement and any collateral docaznent, the terms of this agreement shaTi cgrztrc~l. k ~I~~dC,)~ f'~~ .~.RTIG`LE 37. DIITiA'T`i~N 'T'~' 1 :m r.+rt #~ y nom' 4:rc •. <.#~r+rvo e~-F't'JRY j~., {"~~~.~~~yl~~ 1- ~1A.,~~~~~,,_~,y~y~ttt ?x.1L ,~(~4'l~y~~ 1Y]~y ~.L1~~~,y[~__ ~p} ~p}"~i~i'~-}j"~~yv [GGlIiG1.1~~3.iFJVFk ~'4 1%~il lst4Y445`~"~~w~?~~1:1~,%7"'[.i+.JM~ ~~"cr °[fClvt ~,, iua~s_'i-lA~ a+Yi`"Ci:~a`4"1'q"'"i.'x'4'1-'~?l:,F°'.~ 4 Sr-L1C'~s~~E[ ' ' ~ ~ .. 'l. Tlz~ ri~~=~~i~ns rr~ tl~~.~ A ~ce~~cnt sl~~l~ ~ecom~ ~tfeeti~~ far tli~ t~rn~€. l Ofl~~~ ~1~~-c~i3~~~ ;913/"10 after a ~a~~a_l. b a ~~~a'ar~:t o-f €Ilase~ c~~tit n~ei~~~~rs va~ir~.~. a~ci aft~i• ra~ifica~iQn_bv_tl~~ V~.llas~~ C:.azniazi~~irrzi: ~~ -~I.L--CAGE anc~. tle: ~~~~IAT~~l4 a~,r~~ tc~ c.~tt~~~ez~e~ bar~ar:~a.i~~~ ft~r ~: ~t~~e~s~or d>,~;'T~~CI1~SlY Qtl pT t~l7f}12t.lVMi~V ~1,:~~~: V[ilage P~iA 5 A:~'~'~2:~'4r'AL Bursizant to Bl€~~ic1a St<7t~te ~~7.3a9~ the ~~.,~,ACE'~ ~l?i~f Ilxeeutive ~ff~Eer a~.d the A~~CCIA.`I`I~~Nfs ~argaig AgeY~t hexeby can~r~n that tl~e :~oi~gc~in~ repxeser~ts the Gc~lleetlve Bargal~triag Ageeeizxent xeaehed. by the nt~.geti~ta~s ~thr~~.tgh bargaliiing.. '~hls Agreement shall iaat ~e hii~tlt~g o~. the VILLA. of l~`©rth Balm Beach un~l ~t l~a~ ~ee~ rati:£ieil by the Village Coune`iI and ley the einBl~~e~s ~dhe arerr~eznbers aftlae bargtuning iinit: 'lV FfE ~'~I~~A~~ ~~` I~(3It~l~ 1'.A~,M I~EAC`~L FAI.1t~ ~~A~~4Ul~ITY Pt,3LICE ~~: T' ~ "ght V . age 3v~a~ex dated: . = t T V#Ilag~ 'C ~~ B~ ._........ ~,a enq'e ~aga~. Legal Cc~ut~sel l~~te ~~ ~ P~~ ~~ SIGN~TUR~ Fr1~E 'T~ V~I,~LA.G~ Q~' ~I'Q~.2.TH YF?i.LN1 ~~AG~ ~A;L~'T~L+ ~.~~i ~t~'CT~'~'~:Pt~~., ~~ I'3ateofrati~~ati~n~yl3ar~;ai~it~gUnit: ~~ _ --- _-- _-_--_-_-- ~a~~ cz~xatifi~atiar~ ~Y the DTI-LLA~G~~ ~ o~ ~~ ~l~ / Eic~1985+.88D~O8tN1'B~?.t}0'1 GSRs~lP13r~Yiitng~l?n?pasal t k3:1.2t}d~?.t#UG ~~~~~. ' ~~A 5~ iVIel:~s~afieat, ~~~ Viiiage .~terk '~ ~I~ ~~t~i~~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~? ~ ~ i ~~ ~~ fit. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _._-__. ~~ ~ .~~-'1~9 ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ - ~-t~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t-'~-C ~ ~~il ~~ ~ - 8 --- ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~g~~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~` ~~ ~~i ~~~ ~~1~~-~?9 ~ ~ ~e.~i~: #i~ ~1~1-~9 ~ ~ i ~k N~ ~' -'~-~ ~~ ~ ~+~~ ~~ ii ~~~ ~~ ~~ k~ .. ~. ~ ~ ~ t~ ~~1l~- ~~8 ~~ : ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~4 ~ ~Iilia~e #~BA ~~~~~-~ ~ ~~~ 4a~ ~#~~ 8 ~-~~?1 ~-~ ~a~r~'~1~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ --- ~ ~ ~a4 ~€: :~`45!~T ~~€~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ _ ~ ~ 4 ~i~~ ~: ~ ~ ~-9 -~~~~ 4~A ~ ~~~ #is~ ~ - ~~ ~ ~ ' ~. ~i~#~k~ ~1-~~ ~~ ~ ~. ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~~~ ~~~ . -- ---- ~~~ ~ . ~~~~ ~~A ~~ll~ge