Resolution Index 2000
Doc. Ref. Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date
RES 2000-01 Notice of Election on March 14, 2000 1/13/2000
RES 2000-02 Bid Award for P.O.S. Cash Register at CC Rest. 1/13/2000
RES 2000-03 Lease Purchase with Wachovia Bank (cars & cash reg.) 1/13/2000
RES 2000-04 Lease Agreement for Golf Club Protectors 1/13/2000
RES 2000-05 Rejects Bids for Kitchen & Snackbar Renovation at CC 1/13/2000
RES 2000-06 Bid Award for Golf Course Equipment 1/13/2000
RES 2000-07 Agreement for Countywide Local Mitigation Plan 1/27/2000
RES 2000-08 Agreement for Batting Cages at Community Center 1/27/2000
RES 2000-09 Agreement w/LRM for Comp Plan Amendments 1/27/2000
RES 2000-10 Hurricane Floyd Disaster Relief Funding Agreement 1/27/2000
RES 2000-11 Hurricane Irene Disaster Relief Funding Agreement 1/27/2000
RES 2000-12 Countywide Interoperable Radio Agreement 1/27/2000
RES 2000-13 Life & Accidental Death Insurance 2/10/2000
RES 2000-14 Implements SBWA Job Titles 2/10/2000
RES 2000-15 Implements SBWA Salary Ranges 2/10/2000
RES 2000-16 SBWA Salary Adjustments 2/10/2000
RES 2000-17 Bid Award - Chilled Water Fan Coil Units 2/24/2000
RES 2000-18 Opposes Closing Both Spans of PGA Bridge for Repair 3/9/2000
RES 2000-19 Communications Site Lease Agreement w/ATT 3/9/2000
RES 2000-20 Supports BOAF Position on FL Building Code 3/9/2000
RES 2000-21 Unused Vacation Reimbursement Policy 3/9/2000
RES 2000-22 March 14, 2000 Election Results 3/15/2000
RES 2000-23 Appoints Council Officers for 2000-2001 3/23/2000
RES 2000-24 Bid Award for Driving Range Landscaping 3/23/2000
RES 2000-25 Requires Weekly Accrual of Vacation Time 3/23/2000
RES 2000-26 Grants Easement at Anchorage Park to Seacoast 4/13/2000
RES 2000-27 Bid Award for Fourth of July Fireworks 4/13/2000
RES 2000-28 Recreation Master Plan Update Agreement 4/13/2000
RES 2000-29 Urban Design Corridor Plan for Northlake Blvd 4/13/2000
Doc. Ref. Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date
RES 2000-30 Supports Hood Road Extension 4/13/2000
RES 2000-31 Appoints Advisory Board Members 4/27/2000
RES 2000-32 Opposes Internet Tax Moratorium Extension 4/27/2000
RES 2000-33 Ad Hoc Committee on North Palm Marina 5/11/2000
RES 2000-34 Law Enforcement Block Grant 5/25/2000
RES 2000-35 Prosperity Farms Landscape Committee 5/25/2000
RES 2000-36 NLBTF 2nd Amendment to Interlocal 6/8/2000
RES 2000-37 Amends Prosperity Harbor North Plat 6/22/2000
RES 2000-38 Audit Agreement with Haas, Diaz & Co. 6/22/2000
RES 2000-39 Prosperity Farms Rd Ad Hoc Committee Appointments 6/22/2000
RES 2000-40 Bid Award for Aerial Map of NPBCC 6/22/2000
RES 2000-41 Approves terms of Tolling Agreement re Action Mech. 6/22/2000
RES 2000-42 Supports Good Sam/St. Mary's Hospitals staying open 6/22/2000
RES 2000-43 Appoints Finck as CCAB Pool Member 7/13/2000
RES 2000-44 Opposes overhead lines on U.S. 1 between Juno & Jup. 7/13/2000
RES 2000-45 Bid Award to Mike’s Alumin. for CC Hurricane Shutters 7/27/2000
RES 2000-46 Supports Legislation for In-Home Health Care for Elderly 7/27/2000
RES 2000-47 Supports APWA Position on Clean Water Act 7/27/2000
RES 2000-48 Endorses Starace for FL League of Cities 2nd VP 7/27/2000
RES 2000-49 Library Lighting Analysis/Study Agrment w/Gee & Jenson 7/27/2000
RES 2000-50 LBFH Agrmnt for Water Main Design for Conroy Dr. 8/10/2000
RES 2000-51 Bid Award for Pizza Oven at CC Snack Bar 8/24/2000
RES 2000-52 Amends Personnel Rules Salary Schedules 9/14/2000
RES 2000-53 Amends Certification Pay Policy 9/14/2000
RES 2000-54 Salary Adjustments-Revised Cert. Pay 9/14/2000
RES 2000-55 Bid Award for Pizza Oven - CC Restaurant 9/14/2000
RES 2000-56 CC Restaurant Lease Amendment 9/14/2000
RES 2000-57 Levies Tax of 5.75 mills 9/14/2000
Doc. Ref. Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date
RES 2000-58 Bid Award for Canal Dredging 9/28/2000
RES 2000-59 Longevity Pay for Part-Time Employees 9/28/2000
RES 2000-60 Print Shop Agreement with William Bell 10/12/2000
RES 2000-61 Phase 2 Canal Dredging Bid Award 10/12/2000
RES 2000-62 Agrmnt w/Sub-Aqueous for Dredging 10/12/2000
RES 2000-63 2nd Amendment to Restaurant Lease 10/12/2000
RES 2000-64 Opposes Amendment on High Speed Rail 10/26/2000
RES 2000-65 Adopts Local Mitigation Strategy 10/26/2000
RES 2000-66 Public Safety Substation Lease Addendum 10/26/2000
RES 2000-67 Agrmnt for Audit of FPL Fees & Taxes 10/26/2000
RES 2000-68 Bid Award for CC Weekly Landscaping 11/9/2000
RES 2000-69 Interlocal Agrmnt for School Concurrency 11/9/2000
RES 2000-70 911 Maintenance Contract with Dictaphone 11/9/2000
RES 2000-71 Refinance First Union Bank Loan 11/9/2000
RES 2000-72 Harley-Davidson Police Motorcycle Lease Agreement 11/29/2000
RES 2000-73 Bid Award forComm. Cntr. Sound System 12/14/2000
RES 2000-74 Prosp. Fms. Rd. Landscaping Int. Agrmnt. 12/14/2000