Resolution Index 2001
Doc. Ref. Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date
RES 2001-01 Opposes closing both spans of PGA bridge 1/11/2001
RES 2001-02 Maint. Agrmnt. w/Physio-Control Corp. 1/11/2001
RES 2001-03 Maint. Agrmnt w/Pantropic Power Products 1/11/2001
RES 2001-04 Maint. Agrmnt. w/J.W. Fire Sprinkler 1/11/2001
RES 2001-05 Maint. Agrmnt. w/Powerware Global Services 1/11/2001
RES 2001-06 Maint. Agrmnt. w/Car-Comm Inc. 1/11/2001
RES 2001-07 Opposes Adding LP Students at NPB Elementary 1/11/2001
RES 2001-08 CC Restaurant Lease 2nd Amendment 1/11/2001
RES 2001-09 Authorizes Fin. Dir. & VM to execute financial reports 1/11/2001
RES 2001-10 Notice of Election on March 13, 2001 1/25/2001
RES 2001-11 Agreement for Additional Adelphia Audit w/Lewis 1/25/2001
RES 2001-12 Appoints Library Advisory Board members 1/25/2001
RES 2001-13 Public Safety Certification Pay & Salary Range max. 1/25/2001
RES 2001-14 Zoning in Progress for Northlake Blvd. 1/25/2001
RES 2001-15 Prosperity Farms Landscaping Interlocal Agrmnt. w/PBC 1/25/2001
RES 2001-16 Agrmnt w/PBG re Northlake Blvd. contract w/Redd 1/25/2001
RES 2001-17 Declaration of Trust with WCI for Manatee Protection 1/25/2001
RES 2001-18 Landscape Maint. Agrmnt. w/Generation Green for CC 2/8/2001
RES 2001-19 Hi-Rise Safety Syst. Maint. Agrmnt. for fire alarm 2/8/2001
RES 2001-20 Funding for Regional Planning Councils 2/22/2001
RES 2001-21 Conroy Drive Water Assessment 2/22/2001
RES 2001-22 USA Software Maintenance Agreement 2/22/2001
RES 2001-23 Security Technologies Group Maintenance Agreement 2/22/2001
RES 2001-24 Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement w/DCA 2/22/2001
RES 2001-25 NPB Elementary Ball Field Improvements Agrmt w/PBC 2/22/2001
RES 2001-26 Bid Award for July 4th Fireworks 3/8/2001
RES 2001-27 Self-Contained Breathing App. Bid Award 3/8/2001
RES 2001-28 Golf Ball Retrieval Agreement 3/8/2001
RES 2001-29 Village Hall Arch. Renovation Agrmnt 3/8/2001
Doc. Ref. Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date
RES 2001-30 March 13, 2001 Election Results 3/14/2001
RES 2001-31 Appoints Council Officers 3/22/2001
RES 2001-32 P.H. for Conroy Dr. Water Lines 3/22/2001
RES 2001-33 Alt. Voting Delegates to PBC League 3/22/2001
RES 2001-34 Agrmnt w/Agnolin as Tennis Director 3/22/2001
RES 2001-35 Agrmnt w/Cavanah for Pool Manager 3/22/2001
RES 2001-36 FIND Application for Dredging North Lake 3/22/2001
RES 2001-37 Cushman Utility Vehicle Bid Award 4/12/2001
RES 2001-38 Supports BOAF position on Inspectors 4/12/2001
RES 2001-39 Pinpoint Tech Maintenance Agreement 4/12/2001
RES 2001-40 Prosperity Fms Rd Planning & Design 4/12/2001
RES 2001-41 Harbour Isles Plat Amendment 4/12/2001
RES 2001-42 Audit Agrmnt w/FPL, Harris, Cotherman, O’Keefe 4/12/2001
RES 2001-43 Appointing Advisory Board Members 4/26/2001
RES 2001-44 EMS Grant Application 4/26/2001
RES 2001-45 Agrmnt w/NPB Yacht Club for Garage Use 5/10/2001
RES 2001-46 Note to Finance Capital Projects 5/10/2001
RES 2001-47 Settlement Agreement w/Cumberland Casualty 5/24/2001
RES 2001-48 Bid Award for Leveling Driving Range Tee 5/24/2001
RES 2001-49 Ad Hoc Committee for Swale Trees 5/24/2001
RES 2001-50 Amends Emergency Purchases & Budget Transfer Reg. 5/24/2001
RES 2001-51 Amends Lease w/J.E.D.L. for CC Restaurant 5/24/2001
RES 2001-52 Special Assessment for Conroy Dr. Water Lines 5/24/2001
RES 2001-53 Law Enf. Mutual Aid Agreement 6/14/2001
RES 2001-54 Appoints Roberts to P & F Pension Board 6/14/2001
RES 2001-55 Amends Personnel Rules & Regulations 6/14/2001
RES 2001-56 Emergency Mgmt Proclamations & Resolutions 6/14/2001
RES 2001-57 Re: Permit Fees/Tax - Comm. Services 6/28/2001
Doc. Ref. Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date
RES 2001-58 Communications Services Tax Rate 6/28/2001
RES 2001-59 LRM agreement for Comp Plan Amendments 6/28/2001
RES 2001-60 Appoints Swale Trees Committee Members 7/12/2001
RES 2001-61 Supports Amtrak Passenger Rail Service 7/12/2001
RES 2001-62 1st Amendment to Cavanah Agreement 7/26/2001
RES 2001-63 1st Amendment to Agnolin Agreement 7/26/2001
RES 2001-64 Appoints Talley to CCAB 8/9/2001
RES 2001-65 Supports Small Municipal Fire/Police 8/23/2001
RES 2001-66 Increases EMS Transport Fee Schedule 8/23/2001
RES 2001-67 Renews Haas, Diaz Agrmnt for Audit 8/23/2001
RES 2001-68 Engineering Serv Agrmnt - Dredging 8/23/2001
RES 2001-69 Engineering Consultant Services Agrmnt 8/23/2001
RES 2001-70 Substation Lease Extension 8/23/2001
RES 2001-71 Agrmnt for Uniform & Laundry Services 9/13/2001
RES 2001-72 4th Amendment to Restaurant Lease 9/13/2001
RES 2001-73 WCI Assignment of Voting Representation 9/13/2001
RES 2001-74 BellSouth Maintenance Agreement 9/13/2001
RES 2001-75 Printing Press Maintenance Agreement 9/13/2001
RES 2001-76 Village Hall Complex Master Site Plan 9/13/2001
RES 2001-77 Accepts SERMA Insurance Proposal 9/13/2001
RES 2001-78 Levies Tax of 5.60 Mills 9/27/2001
RES 2001-79 Extends Northlake Blvd Zoning in Progress 9/27/2001
RES 2001-80 COBRA Premium Increase for Terminated Employees 9/27/2001
RES 2001-81 911 Call Takers Salary Reimbursement 10/11/2001
RES 2001-82 Primeco/Verizon Site Lease 10/11/2001
RES 2001-83 Charter Review Committee 10/11/2001
RES 2001-84 Roadway Lighting Maint Agrmnt w/FDOT 10/11/2001
RES 2001-85 Print Shop Agrmnt w/William Bell 10/11/2001
Doc. Ref. Item Ref. Brief Description Effective Date
RES 2001-86 Medical Director Agrmnt w/Wolff 10/25/2001
RES 2001-87 LRM Agrmnt - Monet Rd Parcel Annexation 10/25/2001
RES 2001-88 LRM Agrmnt - PF Rd CRALLS Designation 10/25/2001
RES 2001-89 BEA Amndmnt for VH Renovation Project 10/25/2001
RES 2001-90 PBS&J Agrmnt - Dredging Contract Admin. 10/25/2001
RES 2001-91 PBS&J Agrmnt for Conroy Dr Water Project 10/25/2001
RES 2001-92 PBA Agreement effective 10/1/01 11/8/2001
RES 2001-93 Amends Certification & License Pay 11/8/2001
RES 2001-94 Amends Personnel Rules - New Hire Rate 11/8/2001
RES 2001-95 Rec Facilities Use Policy & Fee Schedule 11/8/2001
RES 2001-96 Supports 800 MHZ Comm. Project 11/8/2001
RES 2001-97 Accepts SouthTrust Banking Proposal 11/8/2001
RES 2001-98 DOT Agrmnt for U.S. Hwy 1 Landscaping/Maintenance 12/13/2001
RES 2001-99 FDLE Local Law Enforcement Block Grant 12/13/2001
RES 2001-100 Subgrant w/DOT for PSafety Speed Control Program 12/13/2001
RES 2001-101 Maintenance Agreement for Public Safety UPS 12/13/2001
RES 2001-102 Employment Vacancies Report Policy 12/13/2001