2006-019 Agrmnt with Phillips & Jordan for Debris RemovalRESOLUTION 2006-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER _ INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH PHILLIPS & JORDAN, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR AND SECURING HURRICANE/DISASTER DEBRIS REMOVAL, REDUCTION, AND DISPOSAL FOR THE VILLAGE; APPROVING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED WITHIN AN AGREEMENT BEING PIGGY BACKED BY THE VILLAGE BETWEEN SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AND PHILLIPS & JORDAN, INC. FOR HURRICANE/DISASTER DEBRIS REMOVAL, REDUCTION, AND DISPOSAL ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; APPROVING THE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND PHILLIPS & JORDAN INC. ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "B", AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the terms and provisions set forth in an agreement upon which the Village is piggy backing between Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County and Phillips & Jordan, Inc. for Hurricane/Disaster Debris Removal, Reduction and Disposal attached as Exhibit "A." Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the letter agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and Phillips & Jordan, Inc. attached as Exhibit "B." Section 3. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the letter agreement with Phillips & Jordan, Inc. set forth in Exhibit "B" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 23rd DAY OF (Village Sealy ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK EXHIBIT "A" CONTRACT FOR HURRICANE/DISASTER DEBRIS REMOVAL, REDUCTION, AND DISPOSAL, BETWEEN THE SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AND PHILLIPS & JORDAN, INC. CONTRACT NO. O l -252 ~'Af~L~ QF~ ~C'C7.N~'.~I~lT~4 ~' '~ ~ ARTICT,I~: PAGE l . Effective Date/Tezm..........--• ................................................1 2. Services to be Performed by Contractor ............. .................1 _>. Campensation ..................................................... .................2 4. Instu-az~ce .............................................................. ................2 5. Standard of Care .................................................. ................3 h. Indemnitication .................................................... ................4 7. Ilidependent Contractor ......... . ............................ ................4 ~. Authority to Practice ............................................ ................4 9. Compliance with Laws ........................................ ._ ............5 0. Sub-contracting .................................................... ................5 1 1. Federal and State `faxes ....................................... ................5 1l. twailabiiityafl~unds..... ...................................... ................} 13. Authority's Respousibilities ................................. ................5 l 4. Tsnnination of Contract ....................................... ................5 l5. L7ncontrollable Forces .......................................... ................b l f. CJoverning Law and. Venue .................................. ................fi 17. IvTan-Discrimination ............................................. ................fi 18. Waiver .................................................................. ................7 19. Severability .......................................................... ................7 20. Entirety afC.ontract ............................................... ...............7 '_ 1. IVladification ................................................,....,.... ,,......,...,.. 22. Successors and Assigns ......................................... ...............7 ~.?. Cantingent Fees .................................................... ...............8 24. "Truth-in-Negotiation C'ertficate ........................... ...............8 ?;. O~rnervhip of Dacu::~ents ..................................... ............... %6. Access alzd Audits ................................................. ...............8 27. l~dotice.-----......_ ............................... _.._.................. ................9 28 C'unkrack Ai±mirtistrakion ........................................ ......-.......9 29, Key Personnel ....................................................... ..............9 3~. 2vlinority/Women Business Enterprise (Ivs./~V}31J). ..........._.i0 3 A. C:onfdentiality ...................................................... .... ........-1O ;2.. fsca.lation Clattse ................................................. .............IO 33. Order of Cantraci 1'xctivativn ................................. ............10 ~4. Ta51: C>rder,~i'erforn~zczzce ........................................ ............1 1 {~or-atract Fxecutic~n ............._ - ....------- -...__ ..... .......... I2 Cuntz~act hc. {', i -2~"? -1- ~'ontract fr~r ~t~afessioncrl `Services C;'r~ratt-act Nr~,. l~ 1'-Z52 7`hiS COltti'flCt, between the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach. County, a special district created by Ch. 7i-473, Taws of Florida, as amended, (hereinafter referred to us ~t1T1~C}RITY) <utd Pheliips arc Jordazz, Irzc. (hereinafter rcfc;rred to as CC)NTIte'~CTtr?K), a North Caroina Corporation, whose Federat Employer Icientificatian ?vtlmber is 56-O~i94~73: Whereas, AIITHOiZITY requires the removal, reduction, and disposal of hurric3nc/ciisaster debris. ~3'IzerE'as, COIvTIZ_AC'I'OIZ represents it is capable ;uld pt~epareci to provide such services. .~~c)w, tlte;'efot`c', in consideration cif` tht- prornisc~s contained herein. the u<+rties iteretc~ ahrec ,~s allUVrs: _ - -- Ait'I'iCL1<, :1 - I'~FFhCTIV>r DATE/'J'ER1dt "1'he effecti~,~e date of illis Contract stlali be dtraP 1~1, 2t)Ct?. Term of Contract shat] be for a three (s) year period, tlnicss othcrw'isc tec~ninated as provided. herein. The AiJ"I'HO~iI'I'Y shall have the option of extending the Contract for one (l } adrliticlnal thzec (3) year period at the same terms arld conditions with approval from ille AUT`kIC?RI7'Y's Gcwertrirzg Iioard_ Such exterlsioll shall be irl the; fotrll of a w-rittell AnTetxl~ment tc) the Carltra3ct executed by bath parties. Thu coniinuanco of thi:; Contract ft~orll yew- to year is contingent upon successfill ann~~zal recerti#icat%on of the CC}N'I'IZt\C:"I't)lt'S capabilities. The rc;ccrtii~caton process will be a review of the fiscal (banknlptcy, etc), logistical (equipment avaiiabitity, etc,), anci Irloral {COIlVIC21OI1 for :.nviroranel:±al Crlnle, C.>r1V1Ct:U ::;r :=r1;siU" a~;it,Tl:it '.i t.u ~iiG untit.~', E't+:;.j res}~onsibility o2 the C'ONTRACT(~IZ and a determination by the AI_JTHt~~I''Y, based on this. review. 01' whether or nut the COI~TI{ACT0J2 continues to be a viable iirrn to provide the services dcseribud in this Corltr<.ct. '~.~?"I'JE~I..Iti ? - `;~,;?~;VI~'L~'S "?'O IzE I'Eitl'C?:.'_~'€I~'U kJ ~''.:';~l`;'.I'II,3,,C"i'€~I~ (-'i)N'TRACTOR shall pc:rfoPrrl the services as stated in the Scvpc oP' ~l'ork, I~xhibit A, :r^, Ibia~,• I~t: sneci#ca.lly auihl~rized }~y the At1`l'~i012i'T'~'. ~;zPC.b :~utlTOrizctis,,n:; ~~;ll !;~ re#`clr~ari tc~ ~ T~,;l; tlydtir:i. l';<ICIl ~ iL~iC t11YlGr Vdlia Sfl j!)!"1h ;'~ 51)f':'11i1' Sf'!,S'!' Cv1 ~'r~„'Ci,'t, C~.t;"al~P:::7iiT:t X'` C;?rT'1?enr ttpr;. CCrtlp,Ct',rl C1atC, zxid Gtlier (~(::riil7e,alT tilEl:i;lS ut E' ~ :~x."s '>cill~ ek_tr;c;~:7^~;t]. 2. Automobile Liaa~itzt-y lnsur«r~cc with bodily injury Iir~its of not Iess than $1,000,000 for each person and not less than $1,OUR,000 far each accident and with property damage limits of not less than X1,000,000 fvr each accident. 3. Workers' Corr~pensatian Insurance in accordance with statutory requirements and Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of not Iess than ~SOO,U00 for each accident, $500,00(1 for each disease, and $500,000 aggregate. ~. Excess Liability Insurance with limits of not Iess than S10,000,000 far each occturence and annual aggregate. Deductible amounts shall not exceed 5% of the total amount of required insurance in each category. Should any policy contain any unusual exclusions, said exclusions shall be sc-~ indicated on tha ccrrficate(s) of i:-~urarce. CONTRAC`I`O12 shall furnish AUTHORITY ccri.ifrcrttes of insurance which shall include a provision that policy canceilatian, non-renewed car reduction of coverage will rnst be effecti~re until at least thirty (30) days written entice has been made to the AUTI~C)RI'i`r.'. CONTRACTC}R shall include AUTHORITY as an additional insured vn the General Liability and Automobile i,iability insurance policy required by the Contract, All of CONTTt.ACTC)R`S sub-contractors shall be required to include AUTI-IORITY and CONTRAC`1'OR as additionaD insured on their General Liability insurance policies. Ir, the event that sub-contractors used by the CC)N'I'RACTOR do not have insurance, ar do not ntett the instix~lce limits, CONTRACTOR. shall indemnify and hold h<rrmless the AUTHfJR~i"F'Y for any claim in excess of tlae sub-contractor's insurance coverage. `1'he CONTRACTOR shall nai commence work under this Contract until all insurance required a.5 stated herein :nos been obtainea and such insurance has been approved by t;he AUZ'HORI1`Y. AR't'ICI.,t~~ 5 ®~'I'ANUAIZI~ {1l~' i;ARI+~ C'.C)NIRAC:"I'C:)1Z shall exercise the same degr{,;e of care, sl;.ill, artcl diligence in the performance of the services as is ordinarily provided by a comparable professional under similar circumstances and CONTRACT(.?l~ small, at no adtlitiarial cast to ,gtJTHURII'Y; re-nerzorTn services which fail to satisfy t'i;~ foregoing standard of care. The C:OIv TR~.t.'TGR warrazits that ail services shad be l;crfon:led by sl:iLlPr1 and corr~petert personnel to the hiLhest professional standards in the ic;ld. -' C:c:~~tract No. t)t-?_52 -;,- ~rf071?~' AR'l:'XCLE ~ - COiY~~LIANC~ VV1'I'ti LA'~~'S In perfannance of the services, CUIti'TR.AC`1'UR will comply with applicable regulatory requirements including federal, state, special district, acid Local Laws, rules, regulations, orders, codes, criteria and standards. ARTICI,F lil - SU13-CONTRAC"l'T:1tC The AUTHORI"I'Y reserves the right to accept the use of asub-contractor or to reject `~lte selection of a particular sub-contractor and to review the capabilities o£ any suh-contractor to perform properly under this Contract. Rejection of any sub-contractor will be based. on, but not limited ta, negative references, insufficient resources, or cc7nviction of a Public Entity Crime. If a S,ib-contractor fails to perform ar make progress, as required by this Contract, and it is necessary to replace the sub-contractor to complete the work in a timely fashion, the CONTRACTOtZ shall promptly do so, subject to acceptance of the new sub-contractor by the AUTHORITY. ARTICLE 1.1 - k"k;i)h;RAI., ANI) 5'1'A"l.'E 'i'AX.N;S The AUTHORITY is exempt front Federal Tax and State Sales and Use T'axes_ Upon. r:.quest, ilzc AUTHORITY will provide art exerription certificate to GONTtZACTOR_ lfie CON'I'KAC'I'OR shall not be exempted from paying sales tax to its suppliers far materials to fu1fll contractual obligations with the ArITI?IU12rTY, na:- shall the GON"I'RACTOR be authorised to use the AU"I'I~ORI'fY'S Tax k;xemption Number in securing such materials. AIZi'1CLE l.2 - AVAIZ.,Al3tLI'I'Y Qk' FUNDS The obligations of the AUTHORITY under this Conl:r<ict are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated for its purpose by the Governing fsoard of the t1 u T I1tUlZt l"Y. AR'TICLL 13 - ACIT~I4~lZ.C'I.'Y'S RE;SI'CANSI3Ii,iTi.I~~S AUTHORITY shall he responsible #or providing access to ail project sites, and providing inzonnation ceduired by CGi~TR~iC'1'OR that is available in tl~e files of the AU"I"HORITY. AR'I'ICT~1~; 1~ - T~:~L`YCF£°<~a.'~'IC'T~ C~t% t.: iJ~'.t'kaAtv'~' This Contract i.aa;r he terminated by the C'ONTRliCTJR: ~iport thirty (3G} drays prior ~zittert notice to the AU'l'110RiTY in the event of substantial failure by the At,"I'HC31t1-I.~, to perforrr~ it accordance with the terms of the Contract through no fault of the CONTRAt~`"1-f)R. It ma_v also --- be tem~inated by the At,T'I't-lORI"1~Y .vitl~ or without c :use irxs..;;di~t~ly u;~cn writtcr. notic:, ro the CONTRAC`I'OI~ I.~n_les~ the c~(~~~.i'r'~ 1r"I'OT? is ire bre~c>i „rt;~l --=t=',-- _ C ~~::~, ~ ;~ ~ ~'~: ~ _ ~. t'imtrnc-t No. Ol-.? Z 5- t~s",/fii`;'t)1 rS~tTICLE d3 - ~JAIVE~; ~: waiver by either AUTHORI T Y ar CCiN"i'1tAC"I'LR of any breach of this Contract steal! not'ze binding upon the waiving party unless such waiver is in writing. In the event of a written waiver, such a waiver shall not affect the waiving party's rigt}ts with respect to any vtlter or ftuther breach. The making or acceptance of a paymf:nt by either party with knowledge of the existence of a default or breach shall not operate or be construed to operate as a waiver of any subsequent default or breach. AK~`I('lLE 3.9 - SF.VIrJRAk3II,ITY The invalidity, iltegality, or uncnl'orceavility ofany provision of this Contract, or the occurrence of an_y event rendering any portion or provision of~ dais Contract void, shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of the Contract. Any void provision shall be deemed severed from the Contract and the valance of the t:,ontract slial} be construed and enforced as if the Contract did no# contain the particular portion or provision held to be void. The parties fuzther agree to reform the Contract to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision tlzai comes as close ~zs possible io tine uiteltt of tl;c stI-icke,~ trovision. The provisions of ibis section shall not prevent tl.e entire Contract from being void should a provisiazz which is of the essence of the Contract be determined to be void. ARTICLE 20 - ENTiRETI' Ole' C(~NTRAC'I' The AtJTH~1ZI`I'Y and the CONTRACTOR agree that this Contract sets north the entire Contract vetween the parties, and that there are no premises or understandings other than those stated 'Herein. "Phis Contract superedes all lzrior contracts, proposals, representations. negotiations, letters or ether conarnuzzi.cations "t~etween the ACJ`fHC?1;ITY arzd C©NTRAC'I'C~R pertaining to the services, whether wriltcn yr oral. None of the provisions, terms and conditions container) in this Contract may be added to, modiried, superseded or otherwise altered except by ~~~ritten instrarnent executed by the parties hereto. AR'I'I~.;LE 2X - TNIOL`t;!I+I<C~.~'Id?N The Cvntract may r~et be n~vdifzed unless such modifications are evi:ienced in writing signed by bet}I AtJTNORTTY and C.C?NTRAC'TC3R. 5uc}a mvdifcati.;ns slxali be in the fozzn of a written Amendment executed by both parties. ~.R'~'IC;L:I? 22 - StJC~;I?SSC?~l~S <~~d~ !#.S~1Ci'•I~ AL'TH<)I~1T'~ and C:Oh]TI2-ACTOR each binds ;tselt and its partners, successors, assigrzs a~~d ie~;al repre.,entatlveS to the Other party tv tl-zzs C'o:atraCt.:znd to the t~artnr~rs, s:~cc^ss:,rs, execu#ors~ u>_dI*_zlnls?r'~lvr~, asSl~,n~, ~an~l le'~~l rc°~I~.,..~.._ ,ves. C'~I~'`f?fi.~1~:'. Oh :~I~.~4} k~o. r:S~I `his C~~...t.Y WIt~lCrrlt IIIC rXpT~SS ~.v-lltCn al)~rt?yai E?l t13~ _'_I'~ l'It;;~_t?,ii` v .;; ; C-. _ ,eltl ? .,,_.end ~It,1`_ C~:~~i~r~c<i`d=~. t?1-"''`'' 7- iii;;(iri ~-- A~3.TIC;L.E :~7 - >ait~TIC.E Any notice, demand, carnn~unicatioit, ~~r rcgtiest required ci- permitted herecii~irLer slialI he in writing ar_d delivered in person or sent by ceriificd mail, postage prepaid as 1-gll~~vis: As To:-~iUTI~E,~TY Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County 7501 N. Jog Road '~~Jest Palm. Beach, Florida 33412 Attenticn: Executive Direr#or As To C`~l`~iTR.At,1t7~t.~_ J ~--~ Phillips R, ?ordar;, In::. 8940 Uall 131vc1. Zcpliyrhills, T'L 33541- 740? Attention: {.'ontract Administratar notices shall be effective when received at the addresses a.5 specitzed above. Changes in the respix:tive adclrGSSes to which such notice is ti> be directed niay lie made from finis to time uy either party by written notice to the other party. Facsimile transrnissian is acceptable notice effective when received, Eao~aever, facsimile transmissions re:,e:ived (i.e.; printed} after 5:00 p.m. or on weekends or holidays, will be deerzred received an the nc;xt business day. The original of the natice must additionally Ese mailed as required Herein. Nothing contained in this ~s-ticJe shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine cozn.municatians between rcprescntatives of CG~T`T:'l'.ACTOR ~~id ~,LiTfIORITY. ARTICLE :~8 _ CC~NTItACT ~nIINTS 1'I2ATIG1`,` Sei-Jices of CO:l~T1tACTOF2 shall be undc;r the general direction of 1'Iark ,yeiugfon, Director of Operations. ar his successor, who sEiall act as the AITTIIC~RI"1'Y'S representative during the term of the Contract. =~.I2"TICL;<; 29 - I-~`. I'E,I2S6~i~il'dE.L, ~l 77f~ C ~ 1 a a CC~''dTRl;::"1'OK shall notify !-~( i'ii~~1 T x' is the event of key r..c~n~el changes u hieL n~i~ht affect it~is Contract. hatification shall be ix?ade t.ith.i~< lrve (5) days of staid ci~ar,ges. AUI'IOl2ITY iu~s the ri~.lit to rcicct proposed ci~angc:s il~ kc~v pi;rso,:3-~r1 ar::1 rescind This Contract. The f~7llovr°in ~;~ersonnel shall be cotisicJc;red lticy;aer:~c~nrl~l: ~ie^ T ........ ,~ .~.:. ~1.RTICLF 34 - "'A5K OI2llEK/Y~:RI~'OfLVI:1.1'~CI: Task Orders shall be executed bilaterally and the scope of services and fcrmat of 'Task C)rder shall be mutually agreed to by t1?e COl~'~'RAC'TOR acid AtITf-iORITY. Performance wll be measured by the metrics established in each Tasl: Order. r~ftcr li3 and again after 2l3 of the stipulated neunbcr of days of work in the 'mask Order have elapsed, the CONTKACTOR(s} shall provide a written progress report to the AI.~THOR.TTY for review and acceptance. The AUTHORITY- shall have the right to correct fvr vender e3efault yr underperfortrra.rtcc by any means it deems in its best interest. CONTRACTOR will be required to provide a daily report of quantity of work performed under °ach Ta.Sk Order_ The daily report shall he suhrnitted by 1 l :Ot) a.rn. or earlier the following morning. ARTICLE 35 - Bt~iV~S CON'fR_AC'I'OR shall -naintain a Proposal Bond in the sum of $SQD,000. The CONTRACTOR'S Proposal Bond will be returned to the Contractor in exchange for and acceptance of an appropriate size bond as determined by the Ai1TFiORIT'Y after assessment. of damage and definitive of tl•Ac CONTR.AC7"OR's scope of service;. In case of hurricane caused damage, a Category f storm would require a $2,OC~(),00© F3t}nd, a Category II would require a ~4,OC)O,OOQ Bond; a Category Ll[ would require a ~6,t3Q0,00C1 Bond, a Category N would reeluire a ~A,CQO,OC)0 Bond, and a Category V would require a ~10,00(),D00 Bond. 'I'hc Band required would be a Perfomance ~.uxl Payment IIond. The cost of the Band is included in the unit rates in die Fee Schedule, Cxhibit Fi. The CONTRACTOR shall rz~aintain the Proposal Bond in effect anti; the Purfonr~ance ~^.:~ Payment Bond is submitted to and accepted by the AUTHORITY. If the CONTRACTOR fails to supply a Performance and Payment Bond, the AU"I'HOR.ITY shall be entitled to retain the Proposal Bond to rectify the CONTRACTOR'S unaccept<abie perfvrmance. Pending successful annual i:.ONI'RAC~'I'OR re-cc:iilication, the Proposal Band shall be in effc;ct for the entire term of the Contract except for the period(s) of time when a Perforrrzance and Payment T3ond is ir-: effect. ills<1~i:-TINDER OFP.aGis If'~'i''Z;'t'~'?"i•UIVAl,L1'L~FT73L.~4rYh t~Oi?zi3i;i jlt:) (Zl-~y_ -i l' l.'l>%{}!,~')' ~9s j'?''1~11~:9:~ ~Y' ~Zf?Fu°~~ Ir1' ~CJ~ICj ~V~'rJS~C t1UI~1tiI'1XV Ctf [~~:li'ii ISC:'.3ia1 ~. (i;lfiiV, ~iCiC: ~ka~°e executed this L't~ntract all as oI'the day and ;year first al3c~tire ~v;~tte:~. S~LTD W~ST;~, AU`C'FiORi`I'Y C}~' ~'ALYI BFAC'H CQL:ti'I''1'. bVimess: 1- _. __ _. __..__....__.~ By: Approved as to Porn and Leal Suf~icictlcy: I3}~: - ~a;:era: C~u; rel tta the:~iuthc~ri,~ tlitest: /~//i/~//% -~t~'~-- ~`~=+5~. C;orp©rate Sc:cretarR,, ~1l "SS: i f _. ~,r -I~onalci L. Lockhart I~xecntive Director ~, ~~ 3 Y : ~-~------`r ~' _Y--'° (f'orp~aratc ~i'c:l) y ~~ .~ -~ ~' _ ,.... ..~_ --- ---~''C> r~ ~.. ___- _~_ L ~' C'oni7"wc~ 11"`du. 0!-?`>"L - l t> (3!Slti~%;'( I exhibit A ---SCOPE 0'.F' ~i'O.RK ._ SECTION X PROJ"F€~"r SJESCIZIP'TION AND ItE;QUIFtEMLN'I'S The COIti~"I'RACTOR shalt remove acrd lawfully dispose of disaster-generated debris (other than hazardous materials and household putrescible garbage) from public property and public right-of- ways, and setup and operate Debris Management Sites in Palm Beach County, Florida, immediately after a humicane or other disaster. I'he CON`I~2AC7'OR shall assemble, direct, and manage a work torte that can complete the debz-is removal from public streets, public roads, right-of--ways, and other public property in a rrraximum ctf 90 days. "I`he duration of cffort/complciion dates of alt tasks will be deterrnii~ed jointly by the ,Z~T~:ORTT1' :.nd COI'~('I'RACTOR. This deterrrrirration •~uiil ire set in ~x~ritirrg in ilre at~proc~ri~rie Task (?rrter{s). "I'he C{)NTR.ACTOR shalt perforn~l all wort: in aecordarrce with FI:MA guid.elisres in c~rdc:r to maxirriize rc;covery of rc:iml~ursabie expenses. 'I7rs task shall include the provision of audit cluaiity documentation as required by and acceptal-sle to FEM~ far till work accomplished. The CONTRACTOR may be required, at the, At7TIIORITY's discretion, to be under the dir-ec:tiors of an agent of the AI.JTa:IOR.ITY. While uitended to cover debris rrranagenrent needs to any major disaster scenario, the primary ioctis of this Contract is an the work resulting from lrurrica.~te damage to l'alar Beach County. SEC7i'TCI>eI 2 I3AC:KGRf3 e7Ni~ ~~. :tmtrodactican '?'he At)TI-1C}1Z1TY'S Debris Mtrnt yement Plan that describes the general ne~;ds and approaches for handling largo volumes o: debris after a major disaster and provides general information on debris classifications, local hauling, and disposal capabilities and capacities, acrd considerations for temporary Debris Nianagernerrt Sites is part of this Contract as F,xhihit C. The Ali'tHORIT~C"'S disaster recovery plartnir:I; includes considerations for removing a~~ci processing the votrrmes and. types of debris expected to be generated by a major disaster suck as .x hurricane grad the procedures fbr disposing of that debris. The planning appraac~h is forznulatcd in pari on the concert of strategic pre-positi.~ning of plans and resources necessary for timely: coordinated recovery operations, including; removal. of ~iebrzs from public p=.-operty and riglxt-of=wags throughout F'alrr Beach County using a cornbinatiorz of coutzty, ~nurticipal, and CONTT2AC`,Tt~R ti~rr;es. - Cab%Ci"i /{} When a major disaster occurs or is imminent, the t~U'I'I-IORITY will initially send out an Alert to the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR slsould anticipate receiving the Alert 72 to 24 hours before projected landfall of a humcane. This Alert will. sc;rve to activate the lines of comnaunicatian between the CONTI2AC"I'OR representatives and the AGTIiORITY. Subsequently, ih~ AUTHORITY will issue a call far the CUN"I'RAC'T~OR to send an Operations Manager to the AU'T'HORITY ~xrithin 24 hours of receiving such tali to begin planning far the operations and mobilization of ttie personnel and equipment necessary to perform the work. Tne general concept of debris removal operations includes multiple, scheduled passes of each site, location, or right-of--way. 'I'bis will allow residents to return to their properties and bring debris to the right-of--way as recovery progresses. The AUTHORITY v.~ill prescribe tha speci£c schedule to be used after ascertaining the scope and nature; of the disaster's impacts. The AUTHORITY will endeavor to identify at least one (1) Debris Management Site per Debits Management Zone. Additional Debris Management Sites will be identified as needed. The Ct?NTRACTC?R will operate the Debris Management Sites and only CONTRACTOR vehicles anti others specifically authonzed by the AUi'HORT'I"Y will be allowed to use tlap sites. The locations of publicly owned sites currently available are shown on I/xl~ibit I7. Additional sites will be located as the need dictates. 1',h:. AUTIIOTZITY' may ul,a cstaulisli designated homeowr-er drop-off sites. TI-ze CONTRACTOR will ba responsible for removing all debris tz~om those sites daily. Curbside segregation of debris and disaster generated or disaster related wastes is an element of the AC_]THORITY'S disaster recovery program. T17e CONTRACTOR will be required'to aid in the segregation and waste stream management proccsses..~tiy Ilousehald Hazardous Waste (HHW) encountered by the CON'T'RACTOR is to be set aside. ££IiW disposal will be the responsibility of the resident. Tile AUTHORITY will designate IIiIW drop-off locations. The following items are considered I-3~HW far the purpose of this Contract: d Used Oil + Batteries s Paint + Aeros~:,l spray cads a Pesticides ® Antifi~eca,e - p'l;.zoresccrrt light C;ulhs + Propane tanks (household size} The CONTRACTOR will setup a tined eontaitl~t°,rit a~ca~~d will seaarate anv HHZ~~ inad~rerter+_tly delivered to : Lebris Manage:r~nt Site. The collecti~,n r=:~d iTispcsal of l~-3~~r ~;~ili be by a contraetcr to be determined by die AUTT-TOT%ITY. __- ~oG.u~~ctP1o. Cil-:~5~'. - 3 - t)t>%(}il~ll "I~I*te; work output reported in the daily operational rea>ort will be ~•eriE~~cd by the f~U.T~~C)R.IT~r" Eznergcncy Ma;~agerx.ent Cot:~rdir~ator. l'aynients v,~il} l~~e l:;acie .~t~ iFie unit ra.tos set in the h:,~ Schedu lc. Shoofd hourly sates be used to pay far certain equipni~nl then preventative :naintcnazZCe not in excess of fifteen X15) rninutcs in a norn~ial workday will be paid for. Preventative maintenance or down time resulting ~'ronz equipzxzent failure, routine maintenance aril fueling that exceeds fifteen (15) minutes will be considered unacceptable work sand non-payment of that tune will be rounded off to the half hour of all hours where delays occur. Preventative maintenance is deFuzed as the usual. field maintenance to keep equipment in operating; condition wit`zout the use of extensive shop equipment. Fueling of equipment will be considered as part of preventative maintenance. "the C()N'i'IZAC'1'(:tR shall be responsible for c:orrectin~; arzy notices of violation issued as a result of the COl*ITRACT(?R'S or any subcontractor`s actions or operations during tlZe performance of this Contract, Corrections for arty such violations shall be at no additional cost to the ~I_ITftQRI"fY. The CfJN'I'~AC=I~(3R shall conduct the work sea as not to interl'cre ~a~ith the disaster response artd recevcr;~ activities ~f federal, state;, local g,,werrtrrlet~ts or agencies, or o1~ any public utilities or other private contractor(s). Part 1 - Det~z•is ~enzoval and ~ist~osai t3per.atlc~ns General The purpose of Part l of this scope of work is to defzn~~ the requirements fir debris re:sloval as~d disnc~sal olleratic~ris aitt;r my crtastt~pt~it: eli:..t:;tur within Palm I~cac,h r`attn~°. Service°s The CONTRACT©IZ shall provide equipment, operators and laborers i<~r debris removal operations. "I"fie Cf?~NIRAC"}'C)R shall t~r.;~iefe a}1 }char and crlateriair ne•ce~sary to fully operate <.rd maintain (including fuel, oil, ~rcasc, anti repairs} all eruit::n~ent under this C:oniract. t+ll r~rtes izrcIude the cost of proto~tive clothing (t~~ include ha.rc3hats anci stt/c.l-tac:rf }y,c~) frirgt. benciits, hartcl tools, supt;rvisiun, transportation and any other costs. 'T"he ',vork shall consist of clcxring anc} removing disaster generated debris as directc,el }, ;, the .(.'1`i~L,ilZi"l Y' .~tr>crgcsrtey tvlanagement C'oorciinator. 4~ork nxav include: •~ t.:le:trln~ de'l,rt:i il.)rr2 ~.".iit711i riJ:iLlti'v%??-' it~lli-vl -!x'lY:i c Lc~a<firr4; if~e' cle~~rs c f-Tai ~ i, .in - R . }. <~ 7.. .~ltng tae debrys to ass apprt~.~e.d I~r,~,rts h~ana~etnrr~~ ,~stte or atttl;.or-l~ed l~~.rtr~ifil °" l:..ln~?l..a ui: (~(:cJrl i i:t t1.IC: 1-~Cl~i;i i~t:i+l~ 4t'IC(:.'ii Fzfi i`:i il. ~P17 ail}i11i,11?,'.,-( 1:7f'_f_l:ili L.Ci'.i:3(a "'plc). Li ~ ';~ - J - ;):rr(J/1i,11 "1'he C{3N`I'ItAC:TnR. shall submit to the AU'TIIORITY certifications indicatin~7 the type of vehicle, snake and .model; license plate number, equipment number, anti measured rnaximr.ksn vohune, in cubic yards, of the load bed of each piece of ec;uipment utilized to haul debris. `t`he measured volume of each piece of equipment shall be calculated fiom actual internal physical mea_tiurer:rent performed arad certified by the CONTR~.CTOR. Maximum volumes may i;o rounded up to the n~rest cubic yard. "I'he reported measured maximum volume of any load bed shall be the same as shown on the signs fzxed to each piece of equipment. The AUTHORI~I'~' reserves the right to rcmcasure trucks at any time to verify reported capacity. All tnrcks and trailers utilized in hauling debris shall be equipped with a tailgate that will permit the vehicle to be loaded to capacity and effectively contain. the debris on the vehicle while hauling. Sideboards, if installed, must be constructed of 2" x 6" boards or greater and may not extend snore than 2-feet above the metal bedsides. Once installed all sideboard extensions must remain in place throughout the operation, or the vehicle must be remeasured and remarked. Ail. extensions to the bed are subject to acceptance or rejection by the AU"1`HORITY Inspector. Trucks or equipn-rent that are designated for use under this Contract shall not be used for any other work dui3r?g wurking hours. The i;OIv i RACTi~R shall not sulicit work. frvrn priv<itc citizens or others to be performed in the designated Debrs tvl.anagement 'Lone during the periaci of this Contract. Linder no eircurri<Stance will the CONI'RA.CTOR mix debris collected far others with debris collected under this Contract in the same truckload. Securing )debris The CONTRACTOR shall bc; responsible for properly and adequately securing debris an each piece of equipment utilized to haul debris, Prior to leaving the loading site, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that each load is secure and trimmed so that na debris extends horizontally beyond the bed of the equipment in any direction. All loose debris shall be reasonably compacted during loading and secured during transport. Tarps or other load coverings shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR when haulm;; reduction by-products (aslt or mulch) to prevent material from being blown liom the truck bt;ci, Equipment Sianagc Prior to commencing operations, the t;ONTRACTOR shall affix to each piece of egiipment, signs or markings indicating the Owner Operator's name and a unique equipniert identification number- One sign shalt b~ placed an each side of the equipment. For those trucks, trailers and other equipment intended to haul debris, the maximumL volume, in cubic yards, of the lord b~~d shall also Lie shown. Signs shall be maintained in an easily readable fashion for the durat~a;;n of the u~crk. Minimum letter size shall be 3" in heibht. Ot!aer C'onsidera#lo:i5 The Ci7i11TT: A,.C'TOR s~:a..ll <issitn? ,~r,d provide an Operatio:r5 Man.~~;er (Oi~,~f} t1 tl~e ~U'i'Ht~RITY IjeLris Pviunagen~ent t~:enter- to s:.r~°~ as _tlre principal liaiscrr becdveer~ tlx:: ~"~;~ JTN~`stt.ITY Emcrger~cy x'v;anagemc:rt Caordirrator anci the L".ONTRACT02'S fcrees. The assisrned O~~l n3ust be Icr,-rcv,~IGdgcabla of all fac.c;ts of the Ci.)NT':.~_GTUR'S operations and l:a~~~e autl~oricy in ~i~itin` to cc~rnmit the C;Ot~TIZACT()IZ. 'the t~ltiS shall ue ors call 2.~ he-urs her dav. .'s~ri'ra;;t i~EO. (l l-%S2 - - - ~~ ~~, ~li! 1,~~1 i1 1 crushed concrete access roads, sodding, and any other sirniiar activity tyecessary to make the site usable for il,S intended purposes and to return the site to its original condition_ The second part consists of Debris Management Site operations and material processing az~d shall be compensated in accordance with the unit prices provided in Fee Schedule, Part A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide equipment, operators, and laborers for Debris Management Site apc,-rations as specified by the pertinent 'Task Under. Unit prices provided in the Fee Schedule, Part 1l, include all labor and materials necessary to fully operate and maintain the site and all equipment tinder this Contract including foci, oil, grease, repairs, operator, mobilization, dernobilir.:.t.fion, overhead, profit, insurance, inspection towers, light towers, etc. For wank performed on a Time and Materials basis, all hourly equipment rates include the cost of the maintenance, foci, repairs, overhead, prafit, insurance, and any tither costs associated with the equipment, including labor and operator, unless labor costs are identified separately in tlzc Task Order. All rates iitCliide the cost nfprotective clothing (to include Itarcihats and stee}-tacd boots j, Binge benefits, hand tools, supervisian, transportation, lodging, meals, aszd any other costs. The work shall consist u£in~utaging the operations of a Debris Maz'tagerrzent Site and performiz7g debris reduction by air curtain incineratian and or grinding cif storm g°nerated debris as directed by the ~1U'1'1-3OKIT'Y Emergency Management Coordinator. The AUTHORI'I~Y plans to use two types of Debris Management Sites. Vegetative Debris Management Sites will be devoted to the. reduction of clc~.n woody debris by either burning or grinding. ~ Mixed debris and Construction & Demolition (t= &I~j Debris Management Sites will. 17e: up€:ratt~d as transfer points_ Mined and C&L1 debris will be deposited at these sites and then reloaded for final transport to an authorized landfill. The AUTHOI<I'f Y does nut guararttee any number or type of site(s) in any rune. lvlaterial taming into the Vegetative or C'~L Debris Management Sites will be rrteasurcd and paid far by the inbound truck measured cubic yard ace~~rciing to the Fee Schedule, Part A., ltez~t ?.t~. viatcrial rezno~tred and traetspurted £rucrt a Cc~r:t Debris Management Site will. be measured and paid by the yard-mile accertiirg to the Fro Schedule, T'zrt A, Item b.Q, ar as agreed to in -Task f~rder_ Mileage will ~c measured based an the most dircci route and. agreed upon in advance by the. AI ~'1'HORITY and C:(:~NTRAC'I'OR. Locations of a?I Del7ris Marz:tJen~ert ~;ites will be provided by AUTI-Ol'.,ITY. `'l,L r,t~ 1'HOR -1 Y Lznt:rgenc-~ ~~Sanagement e«o.r~~inaior must ~apprave site irprovements b.:`~re ~n~ork begins :znr_l any costs, other than the, r:ctcs in the i'c;c Schedule t}.a rnipht have.: lze~;.,I ne.~ofiated urdur a Task 4rcier slxail l7c dot.zzrrtented £or ~payzncrzl. Contract i~'t~. t7t-25% - `) - t;`~t~:~F~~;3 between thrr County and loeaI fires. I~ia~ever, in a signifi:.ant ra~~ytster, <hcse resources n1a}~ b~ insul}icient to pcrfarm the elearance a~~tivities in a tirneiy manner anel the CQhITT~ACTC3R niay be (iirected to perform there. It is anticipated Lhat debris clearance activities w=ould be conducied, if r:ceded, on a tune anu material basis using the rates in the Fee Schedule, Part ~. SECTIO`1 ~ MISCELL~NEQI/TS REQLZREl4'IENTS Debris Management Site Foreman The Debris Management Site foreman is responsible for management of all ap~:rations of the site to include, traffic control, dumping aperations, segregation Gf debns, burning, grinding, anci safety. T'he Debris Management Site farer;~an will be responsible for manitanng and documenting equipment. and labor time and providing the deity aperatianal report to the Operatian I1~Sanagers ia~ho will in tole provide this inforrlatian to the AIJ'I'HORITY Emergency ManagrmWnt ~:.oordinator. Debris lwianagernent Site it,'iglzt Foreman 'I"he~ Debris ivs,zaaeeinent Sate nigi-it foreman is responsible far managing all night ol7er~?tion~: approved by the AUTHC)Ri"I'Y. 'sight operations may be limited to homing and ti-ansfcr_ "1'he Debris Managem.ert Site night fareman will be responsible for nlonitaring and dacumerzting equipment azrd Iabar ti~3~e ~u-}d providing ~bc daily aperatiol~al reps;rt icy t?~e C?peration ivlana~er who Li•=iil in turn provide this infort~ation to tie AUTHORITY Emergency Management Caardir ati~ r. Debris lblanagezncrtt Site I~:lanrtgemcnt Ilan Once a Debris Nlanagcment Sitc is identific~~f by the AIJ'I'IiUIZITY, the CUNTR.~ICTC)I~ v~rill provide a Site Management P1:ir:. Three (3) copies of the plan are regt?ired. The plan shall be drawn to < scab of t" - SO` and adc?ress tl?e fallCwwin=,F fur:ciicns_ a t~c.cess to sit:; • Site prepar:ztii~n -clean!?g, ~; casic~n ccrrstrol, and grx,.3ie?g ~ Tr:~>~i~ control t~roeedures ® Safety Sc~-~reg:at;~r~ oi`rlebris ~' LCCtiLiGr Ot 3S11 uISCOS~iI area; lla'1:~1'dC)US tTtitCritt CGntriZrl>.'<trlL area, Cu;1~r~Cf)' wOI'lC area, and lr?SpCCtk01i iCYvA''C: ~ i.,(1Cat2Qn ()t lnCirier8t70n (yT72r3#1(Jti~;, ;sT:.^,(';t:iF; OpE;r~ltit")11 (i;r i"C~^~'?jrC;;?, ~;i1:-;'21nL,,~" Csnr'r3tiE?r;5 "±;~t!?r;,,? ~ fit)-`+>f;'. C'.~:,...i,_ „~~: I;Y~C; fll,: .;4C7Chj~!!+ ^IIEl t ) !v lGt ,~-f(~ut " r,. C:ti:«3iiuC ii±>SII ;iii~ii i:iUi~S. C ,t;II l~aL'r 'V L). l} ~ ' % ~~ - 1 !. i}()i r.,i? (s~} i Exhibit B FEE SCHEDULE tiURRtCANEIDESASTER DEBRlS R=~".OVAL, REDUCTI(3N, AND DISPQSAL Ce7NTRACT NO. 07-252 PART A ltemlDescriptian ~ Unit Unit Price 1.0 Public Property and Right of Way Pi,~.Scup and Hauling to a designated Temporary Debris Management Site or Disposal Facility S.D or less miles away (one-way miles). CY 59.75 (miles in excess of 5.0 corn ensated at 1t~e rate q uoted in Item 2.0) 2-0 Public property, right-of-way hauling to a ~ j Temporary Debris Management Sita or designated IandfiN site based on one-way n>Iles). Yard-Miles $0.13 3.0 Tc~orary Debris Management Site operation, debris acceptance, oiie management and material loading for transport I GY $1.73 1.0 Processing of debris through grinding and/or chipping. Hour See Part t3 i 5.0 Volume neducff on through air curtain Inaneration or open burning. hour See Part B 8.0 Temporary C3ebns Management Site to designated landfill sit© hauling (based on cne way miles) ' minimum 'd0 CY payloads "minimum ti0 CY payloads `lard-Miles E CONTRACTOR is responsibe for providing sufficient capar.:ity egr.ripment'.o meet the ai?ovp 0_15 mile"' 80.15 f minimums. The AUTHORITY wit! only pay for 18-60 mi.' 50.11 actual volume of debris transported. a1` 20+ rni." 50. ~ 0 UNIT FRtCES Unit Prices include ail lat~or (operators, laborers, supcrvisorsj and materials necessary to complete Uis project, including taut net limited to: wages, 5enefits. insurance, safety equipment. pans, supplies, equipment maintenance, rel:rairs, fuels, lubricants, cellular phones, housing, transports+SOn, mobilization, and demobilisation. Y.4R'~-MILES A Yard-Mile Is defer red as the volume of x~aste in the truck/tratler limas the one-way mileage to the destination. The distance ~^.~ill Je neasured road miles based on odometer re:adir,gs noted on the load tict;et and vet~fiad by an Authority representative. li' the ono taffy distance from the pickup point to the Te:`rporarf ue iris fv1arrayurr~ant Site is greater tt~:an five miles, Contractor will ;~e compensated based en the`ollo~/~ing formr:ia: (Estimated yards err trunk , did Rate per Y?rri ntEr,~ 1.p), f`I,;~; {Esttrnatc~d yards in iruc'c w (r?ne-way Milos minus S.0)x Bid Pate pr;r Yard-~dil (ltar~ ^.C~ii. c,.,rnrr rti~o n~as~. 617 ~Ot) ; .~.'_~~T ~ - ~ca~~rl~, prices `Xf-I~i7 ~`'or Debris Management Site Set-up and Closure _____ nd Debris Clearance nor A.cwess - o~tianal use by Ccunty and other Governmental Entities _~ Equipment and Labor Rates . ~ourl~ ~~~ourl}~ ~ Total t y ~=,;Iui}~r~e~ Ty~~e Eq.zi~mGrt i Labor ~ ri~ Hou -..___ ___ ___ ~ 4 Rate Rate J . . Rate __ ~ ~ ~J,em~~ ~~! Cell r'~:or:e ar:~ Pic}can ~ ?S.oO 3q,oo 54.a~ ~ A? ~i:e~w, L;5 ©- ~i-ri!av _,=--~- - ~`e 1` J 37.85 ~ 7g.c~ =_, ,__ 'ru;~kPd, Do o~ sir~i`iax ~ 57.;5 37 SS ~ ~ ~ `~5 0~ _ ~ ___- ' ~~, ~ 37.85 _ ?~~ 00 ~~~ i -- ~ lce~ a8 or s' r~~ ~, ~:rr~i'ar L 8 z, ~ , i 3 ~% ~~ ~ _ ~ Eck, ~ CY-? O CY 2 7 ! ~ 3 7.8 5 i / ~ 5 /.lr[/ (' ate..... a'.i itl: L.t\~ ,L .l ~,. 1"~1..} `... ~r _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _-.__-~~, i ~ ~ 7.5. ~c `ve ac,~r a:-~c: ~iahc:n~ _ „ , ~ ~ . opt ! .~ . ' ~ °t8,oo ~. w' .~ `~ 7~ ~ 5 37.8.5 85.E _ ~_ ~, hXcavat:, l ., CY -- + 5 ?, r ~ 3 7..8 5 5.co i ------ ___ ~_ ~°~' ~ 7 7.15 - -- ~3?.8~5 ~ ?~- 5.tx~ `ra~ Lc~.;~e; ` i 9~7. (~5 3~7.SN ~ ~r35 c~ - L. ti4; ~.~la ~a~: _ I , _ . ~ ~ --~-- . z ..cx~ Z ~ . cxa '~ t ~ ~~ wi -~ c co- _._ ~ 2 i S ' 3 ? 85 .._ ~ ~i . 7o.C~ ` _- r ,, ara~e_ ;1~/ ..ell P~~~u4ie Qr~~ Pic4cw~ ~' 1 5.r~c ~ 55 oa '~ .~ Ton - f . c,.~ C T ' ~ ~ ~. ~~.:2C~rt ~:~~' i -- _.~_____ ° ` CI~; 2~ C?' t~; u~ 2-; :' ~ ~ ---~. __.~.7.CJG ~ .~ 7•SS ~n~t,g.~.~ ~ . ~ „ _ -.! _ .4.~~E~'L3i'4fE','VT #7 TU TfiL ACRFEri1E~''w'T F (~T -- 1'ROF'ES,Sf(i.N.•fL SERVICES i3ETtYEE.'~' THI: St1Lf1) i6ASTF, AUT1/URITY~Ff'AL:'#rf BEAC:tI C'C)U.ti`7'f' :-3rVDPf~IILLIPS~ JCIR1~.-4 N, f.~C. 1)r#TF,I) TFiE idTHI)AYOf JUr'4'E', ?til)1 This Seve~tth Ametrclraent, dated the 21ith ds~y t~f C)etober, 2iH)4, tc? the Agr~cmeni fi7r the al>ovc wr-ittcn .cn~ice:>, Agt-eement No. t~'i-253, bet~~~een the Sulici W'astt rluthari~~ of Palm 1;3eactl (,ounty lhr~rei;±after referred ;o as Ali'I'HURI~'Y), and P}+illips ~. Jordat7, IRS. (1°;ereinafier rc;ferrau to as CUtiiRAC'"i"Olti: r~'isPreue, both paries atiree a envision to L:~ibit L3, Parts A & I3, I~ee Scheciulc'Timc; ek, tiiaterials iti requisrtr; and. t~'hereas, Ali~I"HUItl7~~`, desires CUB"I'Rr:C;'h(iEt to continue to nertorm tits ser•, ict~ as may ire s;~eclticailti desig;nated <and alrtht~riaed by the Ai'THORITY; and, ;'~'uw, Ifiercf~re, in censiderati;in Uf the f-oregning and tE,e ;nutl:al pror::ise~ and cc~~.enartts corrtuinetf herein, ~tc3 ether good and valuable causideratian, the parties hereto agree: as follt~«'s: IJelete .lmendments No. ? tluough No. 6 in tl~leir entirety and replace Keith the attached revised I~.~chibit B, P~u'ts A and B. Al.l Otl'.gr ~rnyi~r0?t`; 4f the :~~'r~Z;II?Grlt tU2~ ChS SerViC S IlS aTlttP.n :IJCIt'~ r3ateL'1 the 14;A Of ,tune tiJ{) i, Si:ilii i%i7iuii7 iii fill! ~OrCC iln(i tffCCt and shall not be alieCe:I, fr.nlended Ur CCtiClndeLi eXCCpt ~..', pCOa.Ided herein. In Yiitnesr ii<7terec~J„ t!~!e E;'accutive I)irecor cf the ,~C>TrIORITY has r.~ade and ex~cilted i}tis Alr~ct7dulcnt ~~n behalf c,f ttte Sialid 1l`a to Aui.horit~° of Palm Reach Catlnty and Phillips r.~ Jar~lan, ;nc. has e~ecutecf i is :!:r.~n~ar:;e^.t ;:s ~#'tt;;: c?iz~ and ~,'exr xbovi w~rtten. <ILIL) `r~'AS~"E AIiTiIE3ttiT~' c~~ ~AIa~1 ~T3T:ACFi C'~L'iV"I`~': W ime ~ N~~ '~ ~~~~~ Approv .d as to Fclrni and Legal Suffix. ~ cy: Cicrnerat L~uurzsel to [dte.iuthr~rirv ~~~ .3v~ f ~ __ __ __ _ ,; Jchn L). 13trc~th h'H.ILLiPS & .IORDA*v, INC.: ~.tte~>t: _ ~~ C'or~c~rcue ec v ~ ~ ~ ,~ A`~i ~ 'Y ~~ '~ '~.>~,,ySVt~L~, vi,~=azatrrre _~ __~. ~rrr;Pt2f~ ~~'Clii t Zlti~: t~'~ ~ FSl~~a,t~, - - ~J ------- --- EXHIBIT "B" U PHILLIPS & JORDAN INC. May 2, 2006 Mr. Mark Bates, Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 RE: HURRiCANE/DEBRIS REMOVAL, REDUCTION AND DISPOSAL; THE SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY OF PALM BEACH COUNTY: CONTRACT NO.Ol-252 Dear Mr. Bates: Phillips & Jordan, Inc. is pleased to offer the Village of North Palm Beach the opportunity to piggyback our existing contract as referenced above. This offer is made at the same terms and conditions as are contained therein. In addition, we offer the Village, at no cost, the following: 1. Positioning a Project Manager in the Village Emergency Operations Center just prior to and during a disaster event for timely activation of operations; 2. Helicopter reconnaissance of the village in the days following a major storm event, and; Training your staff in disaster debris operations and the rules, regulations and procedures associated with reimbursement of eligible funds in accordance with Federal and State Public Assistance Programs. We will also participate in any disaster preparedness and response exercises as the Village may conduct. Also, in accordance with ARTICLE 27 -NOTICE of the referenced contract, any notice associated with this agreement shall be delivered to the following individuals (listed in priority order) at their respective offices: Wiley Livingston, Acting Public Works Manager Village of North Palm Beach Public Services Department 645 Prosperity Farms Roads North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Office: 561-691-3440 Fax:561-626-5869 Cell: 561-644-4821 Dudley Orr, Vice President Phillips & Jordan, Inc. 191 P and J Road Robbinsville, North Carolina 28771 Office: 828-479-3371 Fax: 828-479-3010 Cell: 828-735-0947 P.O. Drav~er 604; 16 Court St. •Robbinsville, NC 28771 ph 828.479.3371 • tax 828.479.3010 www.pandj.com Mark Bates, Village Manager Village of North Palm Beach ._ 501 U.S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Office: 561-841-3880 Fax: 561-848-3344 Cell: 561-267-5984 Jimmy Knight, Director Village of o h P Im Beach Public epartment 560 U.S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Office: 561-848-2525 Fax: 561-881-1141 Cecil Patterson, Vice President Phillips & Jordan, Inc. 7856 Westside Park Drive, Suite H Mobile, Alabama 37912 Office: 865-688-8342 Fax: 865-688-8369 Cell: 865-414-4400 Tim Berkhimer, P.E., Director Phillips & Jordan, Inc. Disaster Recovery Group 191 P and J Road Robbinsville, North Carolina 28771 Office: 828-479-3371 Fax: 828-479-3010 Cell: 828-735-0072 If you are in concurrence with this arrangement, please have these documents signed and dated below and return it to Dudley Orr at the address listed above. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 828-735-0072. Sincerely, PHILLIPS ~ JQRDAN,`INC. o~~ ~. Timothy R. Berkhimer, P.E. Director, Disaster Recovery Group ,s" 9/o,G Date ~- ~~ - ~ ~~ i age C erk cc: Randy Jordan, Senior Vice President, Phillips & Jordan, Inc.