2006-096 Coastal Partnership Initiative Grant for Anchorage ParkRESOLUTION 2006-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MAYOR AND CLERK TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR AND EXECUTE AN APPROPRIATE AGREEMENT PROVIDING A $50,000 AWARD FROM THE FLORIDA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ATTACHED AS EXHBIT "A", WHICH AWARD IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING A SHORELINE BOARDWALK PROJECT AT ANCHORAGE PARK, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach desires to apply for a Florida Coastal Management Program fora $50,000 award for Anchorage Park BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; Section 1. The Village Administration is hereby authorized and directed to submit an appropriate grant application to the Florida Coastal Management Program seeking award of a $50,000 grant for Anchorage Park. Section 2. The Village Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to execute an appropriate agreement subject to the possible future award of this grant application. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2006. (Village Seal) ATTEST: ~~ VILLAGE CLERK CUAS`I'AL PARTNERSHIP INI`I'IA`I'IVE Anchorage Park C~;~tegory: Access to Coastal Resources 11~plicant: Village of North Palm Beach Contact: Mark Hodgkins "Title: Recreation Director Address: i01 U.S. Highway Onc North Palm Reach, F[._ 33408 Plrunc: ti61-841-3384 Fax: ~(i 1-84-1- 18 ~(~ 1'ruposed Project ~~Ianagcr. Mark Hodgkin 13y signing this title page, the undersigned certifies that: a. This application is in all aspects fair anti submitted in ~~~.x~~i faith ~~ ithr~ut collusion or fraud; h. If selected thrrrugh this application process, the recipient will ~~urk in gc>ud frith and in partnership with theFlorida Coastal Man<rgcment Protr<rm tc~ r1~~rnu,~c its suhgnrnt in a timely and accurate nranncr: c. Any funds awarded as a result o1 this application proses, will nut he u~cd tc.~ supplant or aplace arty state or local funds: ~~. Any funds awarded as a result of this application process will not he used as nuttchin~; funds to apply for or receive other federal funds; e. No federal funds will he used as match for funds awarded as a result of this application process; f~. "T'he applicant local government's adopted comprehensive plan has heen found to be in cor~~pliancc with Chapter 163, Part Il, F.S.; ~~. (lfconstruction is proposed) "T'he applicant has conducted preliminary cunsultatiun with appropriate federal, state. re~iunal and luc;rl agulatorv u,~c~ncic, agardin~r any cunstructir>n proposed in the application and the agencies"did n~~t identit:v any apparent contliets with applicable permit reduircmca~ts: h. (If construction if proposed "I'he property on which construction activities ~{ill take place is owned or leased by the applicant or the applicant holds a sul~fi~:icnt u;tsernenl: and i. "I~he undersigned has full authcrr'ity to hind the applicant.' / ~a O ~ Late --