2006-050 SFRN, Inc. RFP Lighthouse & Monet BridgeRESOLUTION 2006-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE PROPOSAL OF SFRN, INC., ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH PROPOSAL PROVIDES FOR THE PREPARATION OF OUR VILLAGE RFP FOR THE REPAIR BID OF THE LIGHTHOUSE BRIDGE AND MONET BRIDGE AS SPECIFIED IN AN INSPECTION REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT); AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the proposal of SFRN, Inc., attached as Exhibit "A", which proposal provides for preparation of our Village RFP for the repair bid of the Lighthouse Bridge and Monet Bridge as specified in an inspection report submitted by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF JULY, 2006. (Village Seal) ATTEST: Village Clerk K. OonielShallowoy~ P.E. Tory M. Roymon, P.S.M. ~: Women N. MeweN Brian J. laMone, P.E. f .~ ~ . Keith B.locksai P.E Engineers Serve~ors GIS Mappers lisaA. Tropepe, P.E Shalloway Engineering ~ ~ ~~2~o~x.~.r `. r---. May 9, 2006 Via Email: ccangianelli~village-npb.orq Charles A. Cangianelli, Chief Building Official Village of North Palm Beach 645 Prosperity Farms Road North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Re: Village of North Palm Beach Lighthouse Drive and Monet Road Bridges SFRN Project No. 03045.08 Dear Charles, Pursuant to your request I offer the following Scope of Work related to repairs to the referenced bridges. 1. Coordinate structural engineering services with Alan Gerwig & Associates (sub-contractor). 2. Review current Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) bridge inspection reports for both bridges. - Lighthouse Drive, Bridge No. 936550, dated 6/8/05. - Monet Road, Bridge No. 936551, dated 6/8/05. 3. Prepare bid manual including technical and non-technical specifications, front-end documents per Village Standards, bid form and FDOT inspection reports describing deficiencies. Manual to be produced in both hard copy and digital format. 4. Bid manual to outline only repairs suggested in the FDOT reports. At the Village's request, fencing repairs on the Lighthouse Road bridge will be addressed. No further investigations, surveys, testing (destructive or non- destructive) or recommendations will be conducted or included as part of this proposal. Construction plans are not part of this proposal. 05-05-06 Cangianelli -Bridges Proposal SFRN 1103045.08 1101 Belvedere Roof, West Palm Beoch, FI 33405 TE(: (5611 GSS~IIS] FAX: (561) 831-9390 E~lvtorl~ info~'sirnrn~.ram Oflinol We6site: www.s(rninr.iom 5. Assist Village as required in review of bids from qualified contractors and make recommendation for award of a contract. Note: Construction Administration Services (onsite construction observations and certifications) are not included in this proposal. We propose to provide these services on an hourly basis with not to exceed totals as follows: ~ Bid Manual Pre oration Cor rate Officer 72 Hrs. ~ $149/Hr. $ 10,728.00 Pro r 16 Hrs. ~ $118/Hr. $ 1,888.00 Technician 8 Hrs. ~ $67/Hr. $ 536.00 Sr. Admin. Asst. 40 Hrs. ~ $57/Hr. $ 2,280.00 Sub Total NTE $ 15,432.00 ~~ ~ GIB ~G(p Sub Total $ 15, 432.00 ~ Reimbursables (Plotting, Printing, etc.) Sub Total $ 250.00 Grand Total $ 15,682.00 Thank you for your consideration. If acceptable, please issue the necessary purchase order. Since y, ~ r Keith B. Jackson, P.E. Vice President KBJ/thw c: Mark Bates, Via Email: mbates@villacte-npb.orq Jodi Nentwick, VNPB, Via Email: jnentwick@village-npb.org C. Sorensen, SFRN OS-05-08 Cangfanelll -Bridges Proposal SFRN x03045.08