2006-044 Agreement for Gas Tank Removal & ReplacementRESOLUTION 2006-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH DELTA PETROLEUM AND INDUSTRIAL, INC, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REMOVING AND REPLACING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AND FUEL DISPENSING SYSTEM AT THE PUBLIC SERVICES FACILITY; APPROVING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED WITHIN AN AGREEMENT BEING PIGGY BACKED BY THE VILLAGE BETWEEN THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY AND DELTA PETROLEUM AND INDUSTRIAL, INC. FOR "PETROLEUM, TANKS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES" ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; APPROVING THE CONTRACT PROPOSAL BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND DELTA PETROLEUM AND INDUSTRIAL, INC. ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "B", AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTNE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the terms and provisions set forth in an agreement upon which the Village is piggybacking between the School Board of Palm Beach County and Delta Petroleum and Industrial, Inc. for the removal and replacement of underground storage tanks and fuel dispensing system attached as Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the contract proposal between the Village of North Palm Beach and Delta Petroleum and Industrial, Inc. attached as Exhibit "B" in the amount not to exceed $171,840.00 Section 3. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract proposal of Delta Petroleum and Industrial, Inc. set forth in Exhibit "B" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22"d DAY OF (Villa;; Sea.) AT"I'EST: ~~~~~~~~ j~~~i~G- VILLAGE CLERK 06/27/206 14:17 5616895814 DELTA PETROLEUM PAGE 81 Page 1 of 1 rick From: "BRIAN" <~RIAN~DELTAPETROLEUM.NI="f> Ta: "Rick Shaw (E-maii)" <rick~DELTAPETROLEUM.NETy Sent: Monday, June 26, 2Q06 5:19 PM Subject: FIN: Contract propo~i and acxeptance -----priginal Message--___ From: livingston, whey [mailto;wlivingsbOn~village-npb.org] Sant: Monday, June 26, 2006 4:p2 PM To: i3elta~deltapetroleum.net Cc: Ramsaroop, tare; Vedas Manic subject: Contrail proposal and acceptance Good afternoon. My name Is Wiley Livingston_ I am the acting Public Works Manager. Our fleet supervisor, Mark Vedas, has been spearheading our tank replacement project. At the tact council meeting on June 22, the council unanimously voted to accept the contract proposal from your company. We era anxious to proceed with this project. The mayor for the Village of North Palm Beach will sign the contract this YVedneaday mominp. I would like to take this time io convey my concerns. On the contract document in the acceptance clause, there is aline that reads"subj4ct to a1) terms and conditlons on the reverse side " We do not have anything on the reverse side of our contract. Also, items such as pipe, valves, fittings and wiring were not listed in me document. Would it be possible to get something in writing before Wednesday marring that states this contract is all inclusive but not restricted to el{ items listed on contract. That way, if additions! parts are needed that were not listed in the contract document, the village will not be held responsible. The council has directed staff to strictly adhere to the contract Thanks for your consideration, If you have any questions, please give me a call (~ 691-3~t50. 1Niey Livingston Acting Public Works Manager Dear Sirs, ,As per our contract furnished to the Village Of North Palxxa Beach for the full rnai.ntenattce facility, please be advised that all items such as piping, valves, fittings, and wiring are included fox a complete "tuna key project" Alsa that all equipment furnished will be operational per manufactures requixements_ C f,~ // /pi ~ -~ , ~ f~q 6 ~I `4 1 Yaurs truly, Approved II '` '// g 1 f ~~ a Pete Delderfield President, Delta Petroleurxz & Industrial, 1xac. MEME3ER o ~~' = QUOTA"TION AND CONTRACT DELTA PETROLEUM & INDUSTRIAL, INC. ~fUM EQUIPMENT INS 1134 53rd Court North West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Phone: (561) 840-1446 Fax:(56I)840-1737 Email: Deltatn deltapetroleum.net I 11 Pagc ~_ of 4 Date: 6!1/06 Quotation # ~S,02c~6 TO~, Reierenae The Village of North Palm Beach Fuel Facility Upgrade 645 Prosperity Farm Rd. NoR~~',~each, Fl 33408 1vlark Vedas Jr. We are pleased to submit this quotation, based nn our interprcration of your requirements, as follows: Submit engineered approved drawings to Palm Beach County E.R.1\1. and to the Village of North Palm Beach for permitting the tank removal and replacement upgzade. Break out a section of tl-te concrete over the under growtd fuel storage tanks approximately 60ft.X40ft. Excavate and remove one (1) 6,000 gallon and one (114,000-gallon steel storage tanks. All product to be removed by owner prior to excavating. Secure the electric before removing the tanks. The existing tanks will be cleaned and purged prior to hauling to a scrap yard. Haul and dispose of all concrete rubble and job related debris. It will be necessary to install an interlocking panel system to shore the excavation and to remove the amount of contamination requested by project environmentalist (32' X 40') (Arcadis) The environmentalist is recommended to be on site during the tank removal and to test the soils and ground water prior to the: installation of the new tanks. (Arcadis) Excavate and install one (1) Modem Welding 10,000-gallon Glasteel II and one (1} 4,000-gallon Glasteel II famished to the site. Ballast the tanks with hydrant water furnished by Delta Petroleum. Back fill with clean soil. Famish and instal] hvo (2) Environ tank containment sumps along with hvo ('') F.E. Petro I '/i h.p. STP's complete with leak detectors. Furnish and install new ~lmeron double wall fiberglass product lines to the tank sumps, and to the pump island Famish 1 - 4' X 12' pump island form and dig down and install two Environ dispenser sumps. Run the new vent lines to the buildirtg where they are presently located. PAYb1ENT TERMSc ACCEPTANCE: This proposal, when accepted by the Purchaser, and final approval of sellers Official Officer, will constitute abona- tide contract between us, subject to all terms and conditions on the reverse side. It is expressly agreed that there are no promises, agreements, or understandings, oral or written, not specified in this proposal. Village of Nprth Pa~ap Beach Co pa'li~ tie J St avi B. Norris, Mayor Print name of signature and title 6/28/?005 D~t~test: aae C Sales Kepresentative D lta Acc tense Si are of Offices ~~ 1. , 0 6 Title Date Sales Mgr. Credit Mgr. M E M B E R o ~~' ... QUOTA"hION AND CONTRACT DELTA PETROLEUM & INDUSTRIAL, INC. ~FUM tQujPMtrvr jr~s` 1134 53rd Court North West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Phone: (561) 840-1446 Fax: (561) 840-1737 F,mail: Delta~iudeltapetroleum.net ~~ 11 Page 2 of `f vate; 6/1/06 Quotation # OS-0796 TO The Village of North Palm Beach Reference Fuel Facility Upgrade 645 Prosperity Farm Rd. Nottl~~ā€ž~each, rl 33408 Mark V arias Jr. We arc pleased to submit this yuotation, based on our mterprttation of your requirements, as follows Re-use the existing conduit runs and extend to the new STI' units. Install A Veeder Root TLS 350 system that will be famished by Delta and installed in the office next to the pump island. The system will include tank inventory and monitoring, sump sensors, inter-stich leak sensors and the required mounting kits. IIack fill, compact and top off the tank excavation w~[h peacock around sumps and lines. Set new manholes to the proper grade and famish 6 inch x 6 inch 10/10 reinforced wire mats for the tank slab and trench run. Also reinforce around each manhole with a #4 rebar mat for added slab support. Pour an 8 inch thick slab over the new tank farnr to match existing grade. Have a certified line test performed prior to putting system back in service. The work area is to be krpt clean and Gee of job related debris and secured so the service garage can be kept operational. Famish and install 1 - Gasbo~ 9853Q,1'DZ high gallonage dispenser and 1 - Ciasboy 9852Qh'DZ standard gallonage dispenser, both equipped with pulsars, filters, hoses, and nozzles. The diesel dispenser to have a high hose handler installed. Provide and install 1 - Fetrgvend K800-HFIT-02 hybrid fuel island terminal with 2 -hose pump control boards, magnetic card reader, and pedestal. Also included 1 - system II Phoenix Plus windows software and 1 -factory phone support for software, start-up and training, and 100 encoded magnetic cards. Famish and install l -Veeder Root TLS-350 console with printer for inventory control and fuel monitoring, complete with 2 -tank interstitial sensors, 2 -sump sensors with mounting kits, and 2 - MAG probes for product inventory. Veeder_Root controls to be installed in the fleet maintenance supervisor's office. PAY'ME:~T TERMS: ACCEPTANCE: This proposal, when accepted by the Purchaser, and final approval of sellers Official Officer, will constitute abona- fide contract between us, subject to all terms and conditions on the reverse side, It is expressly agreed that there are no promises, agreements, or understandings, oral or written, not specified in this proposal. Sales Representative Village of Nor#sh Pal each Co pan, ~~~n, f Si na ate avid Q. Norris, ~4ayor , Print name of signature and title 6/28/2006 L)ateAttest: i~~~~Cf%~~a~ ~llaae CIPr elta cceptance S ~ ature of Officet t-a. Title llate Sales 11gr. Credit Mgr. M E M B E R ~~~ QUOTA'TION AND C01'TRACT ~ ~ ~EUM E 5` ujP DELTA PETROLEUM & INDUSTRIAL, INC. a MENI jN 1134 53rd Court North West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Phone: (561)840-1446 Fax: (561)840-1737 Email: Delta~dcltapetrnleum.net t ~ 1! Page ~_ of 4 Date: 6/1/06 Quotation ~ p5_02Q6 .fO' Reference: The Village of North Palm Beach Fuel Facility Upgrade 645 Prosperity Farm Rd. Nottl~Q~altivt<3each, Fl 33408 I~fark Vedas Jr. We are pleased to submit this quotation, based on nur interpretation of yuur requirements, as follows: Paint all manholes and pump island. Pump out ballast water and check all systems for proper operation after customer has received product. For the sum total of: One Hundred Seventy One Thousand Eight Hundred Forty $171,840.00 ('Tea Exempt) Environmental Notes: This proposal includes removal of the contaminated soil in the immediate tank excavation. Any additional work agreed upon for soil or ā‚¬~oundwater clean up will be completed with Arcadis. All contaminated soils will be stacked on site and disposal quoted separately [o Arcadis. The Petroleum Equipment industry is currently ezperieneing price volatility x~tJr products. Because of marketJlucbuations, the prices ojthese products are subject to sudden, signifecant changes and firm prices cannot be obtained from suppliers. Ijthere is an increase rn the price ojproducxs charged to the contractors subsequent to making this proposal, the price set fordr sill be increased to reflect the ad~rtional cost to the contractor. A'e roll submit ~vritten documentation of the increosed charges. YAYh1ENT TERb7S~. 25% upon acceptance balance upon draws ACCEPTANCE: This proposal, when accepted by the Pu rcheser, and final approval of sellers Official Officer, will constitute a bona fide contract between us, subject to all terms and conditions on the reverse side. It is expressly agreed that there are no promises, agreements, or understandings, oral or written, not specified in this proposal. Village of North Palm 5each Con~any~ a`ie ~' ~/ ~~ t~~ _ Sienature David B. Norris, Mlayer Print name of signature and title 6/28/2006 Date Attest: ~~i~:~ā€¢, ~ T~_ ~~ , Sales Representative elta Acceptance tore of Officer ~ `D \ 170 Title Date Sales btgr. Credit Mgr. v i i l¢ t~ C V ICI n M E M B E R y ~~~ ` QI?OTATION AND CONTRACT BELTA PETROLEUM & INDUSTRIAL, INC. ~FUM EQuirMENr ~N5` 1134 53rd Court North it _ West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Phone: (561) 840-1446 Pale -~---- of 4 F'ax: (561) 840-1737 Date: 6/1/06 Email: Delta(n;deltapetroleum.net Quotation » ~1S-02Q6 T0. kr.ferencc The Village of North Palm Beach Fuel Facility iJpgrade 645 Prosperity Farm Rd. Nortl,~~~pā€ž~3each, Fl 33408 Marls Vedas Jr. We are pleased to submit this quotation, based on our interpretation of ~~our requirements, as follows: 1 Modem Weldinl; 1Q000-gallon Glasteel II tank with manway and sump attachment kit. 1 Modem Weldiry; 4,000-gallon Ulasteel II tank with manway attachment kit and sump. 2 Environ STP stunps 2 Pemco 42" steel manholes 4 OPW containment manholes with fill caps and adapters 2 OPW extractor vent valves 2 Pemco 20" steel manholes 2 F.E. Petro 11!2" I-IP STP units with dispenser hook isolation box with controller. 2 F.E. PeVo leak detectors 2 Environ MGD stunps with entries 2 OPW shear valvts 2 Titeflex 2" X 1 ! z" X 12" flex hose 2 Titellex 2" X 24" flex hose 2 Veeder Root interstitial space leak sensors 2 Veeder Root sump sensors 1 Pemco 4' X 10' steel pump islands 1 Veeder Root tank level and leak detection svstzm 2 Veeder Root tanJ< level probes 1 Gasbov high gallonage dispenser #9853QXDZ complete with filters, hoses. auto nozzle, and breakaway. 1 Gasbo~ standard dispenser #9852QXDZ with same items as above OPW Petrovend hybrid system II fuel management system complete with re er and pedestal. 2 20-4268 Voltage to can-znt sznse converter module. I 20-1478 PC cable to FSC 1 20-6147 System II Phoenix Plus ~~'indows software. 1 20-615003 Factory phone support for software Freight (includes) Start-up equipment and phoenix training. 1 20-8042 Fuel site controller with office journal printer memory level I and card record sofrivare. I K800-I~F'IT-0-2 Hybrid fuel island terminal with 2-hose pump control boards, magnetic card ad PAYMENT TEKMS: ACCEPTANCE: This proposal, when accepted by the Purchaser, and final approval pf sellers Official Officer, will constitute abona- fide contract between us, subject to all terms and conditions on the reverse side. It is e><pressly agreed that there are no promises, agreements, or understandings, oral or written, not specified in this proposal. Village of North Palm Beach Company Name n3tll e avl~ B.Norris, Mayor Print name otsignatlue and title 6~za~2oo6 Date Attest: Villana Clrrk Q~~ ~ Sales Representative Delta Acceptance Si lure of Officer Ca Title Date Sales Mgr. Credit Mgr.