2006-041 FL Boating Improv. Prog. Grant Anchorage Park Marina.pdFRDAP Phase 1 RESOLUTION 2006-41 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR AND EXECUTE A $200,000 GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH GRANT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING A PROGRAM TO IMPROVE ANCHORAGE PARK MARINA FACILITIES AND BOAT RAMP, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach desires to apply for a Florida Boating Improvement Program Grant for Anchorage Park marina and boat ramp facilities, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Village Clerk to apply for and execute a grant from the Florida Boating Improvement Program as set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF JUNE, 2006. (Village Seal) ATTEST: _~- ~ ~~ VILLAGE CLER FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION ~;__; Fiscal Year 2006-2007 _ _ FOR OFFICE L1SE ONLY Grant A lication Number : Date Received: I•~ill in ul! sectiu-is llru! u ~ rlr !..cove all other a~eclions 61unk 1 -APPLICANT INFO1tMAT1UN a. County/Municipality Name: e. Project Manager Name: Palm Beach County,'Village ni'North Palm Reach Mark I lodgkins b. Federal Employer Id. No.: Project Manager Title: ; 59-6017984 Director of Parks and Recreation c. Applicant Name: f. Mailing Address: J u~ Mark Bates SOl l1S E-lishway #1 Applicant Title: City: Lip Code: Village Manager North Palm Beac__h 334{l8 '~d. Applicant Address: g. Telephone: Fax: Suncom: 501 US Highway ti l 561-841-3384 561-881-7469 City: Zip Code: Email: North Palm Iicach 33408 mhodgkins~2~village-npb.org ~h. District Numbers: y L`S Congress: 23 State !louse: 83 State Senate: 25 County Commission: Palm i Beach 11- PROJECT SUM!V1ARY _ _ a. Project "title: Anchorage Park p ~ pp )~ ( ) ^ Reconsideration l ^ Phased Continuation Phase No.: ~ b. -1';,• ~ of A lication Ne~~• never considered before r T1ER-f T1F.R-11 p l_J A -- Recreatior-al Channel Marking ., _ ^ A -Boat Rantps C. Tr•pe of Project: ~ ®B Public Launching Facilities ^ B -Piers and Ik~cks ^ C - Aquatic Plant Control ^ C -Boater Education ! ^ D -Other Local Boating Related Activities ^ l) -Economic Development Initiatives t d. Project Cost: !Total Cost: $ 150.400 Amount Requested:_S lS0,000 - c. Pmjcct Summary° 1'he Village of North Palm Beach, located in Northern Palm Beach County, is a small residential community with approximately !2,000 residents. The Village is situated directly on the Intracoastal Waterway with many of its homes adjacent to canals and lakes that provide recreational boating opportunities. Over the last decade, the population of the northcrrt Palm Beach County area has signifigantly increased and, along ~}•ith it, the number oi' boat users. The number of registered vessels is expected to reach 50,000 by the end of the decade. The Village is requesting funding assistance in the amount of 5150,000 for renovation and expansion of its municipal marina. "ffie project, w-bleb is located within the City's largest recreational facility, Ancorage Park, will consist of~redesigning the area to increase the number of boat parking spaces, renovation of the in-water slips to enhance both efticicncy and safety; and improving the bulkhead and other watcrhont suppnrrt facilities. 'l he marina project is part of the ihree million dollar renovation of Ancorage Park that includes not only the boating facilities, but also the creation of a trailhead, community center and other recreational elements. These apporuntities ~vil1 be available to those accessing the park by boat. The Village has already received $400,000 from FD1:P and various other grants from local and state agencies. IIl -PROJECT NEED a. List Priman~• Need for Project: ^ 5afcty ®High Demand by tlsers ® Age-end of LJseful Life ^ Recommended by F1A/C Staff ^ Fm•ironmental Needs of the Arca ^ hack of In-house Capability _._ .. ^ Other: h. Need Statement: Boating in Palm 13cach County is a $627 million a year industry that benefits the local economy in many ways. The total economic impact of public boat ramps in Palm Beach County is estimated at just over $24 million annually. "Phis iricludcs expenditures for travel, food, lodging, guides and other expenses along with almost 320 jobs that arc created bath directly and indirectly by boat ramp activity in Palm Seach County. The Marine i Industries Asscx;iation ranks Florida number one in both the number of recreational marnine businesses and ~ annual marine sales, and the state ranks third in the U.S. for boat registration behind Michigan and C:alifon~ia. Palm i3cach County continues to be one of the fastesK growing counties in the state with resident population nearly doubling from 557,000 in 1980 to 1,131,000 in 2000. By the year 2010, the County's population is expected to gro.i• to 1,375,000. As the Cormty's population continues to grow, the anticipated number of boats is expected to increase at a similar rate. In 2000 there were 40,109 registered vessels in the County, with 8,824 adc{itional vessels expected by the year 2010. This tremendous growth has led the Village to redesign the site including the boating facilities. 7-his renovation and expansion will increase the number of parking spaces, slips, storage areas and improve the bast launching facilities. With the site currently ai its maximum capacity and no new facilities scheduled to be constructed in the area. tare project's success is critical in maintaining sufficient boating opportunities. c. Known Public Support: (Name) ^ Adjacent Land Owners: ®llser Groups: Area Residents I ^ Neighborhood Assoc.: ® LocaL~St<~te/l~cderal Government: FDEP, FTP1D and SFWMD ^ Legislature: ^ Other: d. Known Public Opposition: (I\ame) ^ Adjacent Land Owners: ^ [ user firoups: ^ Neighborhood Assoc.: ^ LocaL'State/Federal Government: ^ Legislature: ^ Other. 1<~' -BUDGET a. Has a detailed cost estimate been developed for this project? If yes, attach a copy to application. ~( Yep. I'rcliminary ^ Yes, rival ^ No ~ --- b' PROJECT COST: '~lc)1`-C'ASl f FUNDS -' -~ ~ Outer Cost Item Applicant (l,isl in Section V) Do Not Use 't'his Column C'OTAL Administration $ $ 5 In-Kind Engineering/ Construction Management ~ $ S I $ 1n-Kind Labor S $ $ -. l Kind Materials $ $ ~ S In-Kind Equipment S S $ "Total Non-Cash Funds $ $ $ c. PROJEC'[' COST: C11SH rUNDS Other 1 Cost [tem Applicant (Liss in Section V) PBIP Grant TOTAL. rPlanning.% Engineering $ 50,000 S $ $ Implementing%Constn~ction $ 600,000 $ 200,000 ~ $ 150,000 S 950,000 ? Other: ` S $ $ $ Total Caslt Funds $ 650,000 $ 200,000 S 150,000 $ 1.000,000 d. TO"I'AL FUNDS $ 650,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 1,000,000 V - OTHER SOLRCE OF FUNDS (STATUS) a. ®F'ederal ^ State/Local ^ Loan Agency: Nlorida DEI' h. Grant Name: FRDAP Amount $ 400.000 c. Approval Status: ®Approved ^ Pending ^ Intend to Appl}~, Date: a. ^ federal ®Statc/Local ^ Loan Agency: Florida DOT b. Grant Name: 'transportation En4tancement Program Amount $ 400,000 ~ c. Approval Status: ^Approved ^ Pending ^ Intend to Apply, Date: ' a. ^ Federal ^ State/L.ocal ^ Laan Agency: h. Grant Name: Amount $ _, c. Approval Status: ^Approved ^ Pending ^ Intend to Apply, Date: Vi - PEIL'biITS Subtritted Approved NIA a. Florida Department of Environmental Protection ~ - ~] h . Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission c. U.S. Army Corps of l:n_iri~ers ^ ^ d. Local and Others (Ii•neecicd) Y ~ VII - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT :• YES I No I a. Wil! the projcx;t significantly or adversely affect the em~ironment? [] ® i b. if Yes, please explain key issues and describe any mitigation actions proposed. VIII -BOATER SAFETY a. Explain how the project may affect boater safety whether positive]y or negatively. The project wilt greatly impact the safety' of those utilizing the marina and boat launching facilities at Anchorage Park. The. combination of aging materials, an out-af--date design and the facility operating at maximum capacity dramatically decreases the level of safety far not only boaters but visitors to the park. The V illage believes that through an efficient design and subsequent renavation, more boaters can be accommcxlatcd while ensuring that saf'ety' levels remain high. t•wc :~u~.i:-zsz urzrh6) 4 FROM NORTH PALhI BEACH RECREATION FAX NO. +561+844 1836 May. 31 2006 09:45AM P2 IX - ApPLZCA'TION ATT ACHI~EN~ CH~CKLI.ST - For all ttpplicatloas - - - ~, N!A fl lrgrtsmittsl conrtT tctler (Identify ptiadty rank with multiple applications). ~ a. Covt~r I.ettcr' t° ~ autba~ individual. ~ b. pppl;catioa; OIbC (I) ~0° with oriel sigaariue a ddailed description ~ Pmt as arttlincd in the applicadaa i~tntCtions. c. Project ~ ltas the ~ fe9olIItt~, by the Gor~riusg ~Y- ~ ~ the Froj~ Ma~oager d ~: An administer the gram an babalf of the 9pQlic~ft.lf tlfe A~)lic~ ~ ap¢~~ QII bGhallf Of tO Exlv+rdexr thie Applicant ar~d the public fatsty must ® anoti~ ptrblia erutity, that a tvlatrroreu+drua of Undue also be sub• ® a. Sawa ('n Pbot°caPics of the application snd an eioctronic caFY an C~ or flopP9 distic f. Pensita: Phatooopies of neo~try P~~ petutit(s) or perlxit applic~u~on(s}- ff cxem~t, Provide not~'~t'oa of D ~ exemption from pacmitring al~Y- g. Dt;tttgod Ca^t »aamate: Cost rstinrau in the Forte of a Earmal bid, wdit~ea gaotie from proposed ventbr' of alt ® D ~~+$ ~ estinmte. - - - Fer projatx ' bet ra~Npf, pkrs snd dodos, aad Pam lA1pgEl~ing facl7iiiect Daly - - - ® D ~• ~~Y w ® ^ i. Boundary Map: indic~Le bortndary of the Project eras. ® ^ j- Site Coetro) Dpcarmaatrutlau: (ag. a deed, lease, results Of title eeareL, etc. far the pmjed site-) ^ k. E:ist3ag Condition Pt+etagrapka (su~citnt to ciePiCt the physical cbsractmisrics o£ the pa~oject area) ~ ^ 1. Auixl Photagx-apLx (rnarkrxl wiW the appso>mnate bauttdarics of the project site) ® © m_ l~tavigtttioti~ C)sart: An 8.5" x 11" photocopy of a c~aneat NOAA NCCth Ar>zerican Datwn 83 aatrtic~l clot (lx+ovide the NOAH chart name attd mttuber) indicating the precasa locstioa of the pnoje~t sire. ® ^ a Flans: pttlimiaary dcaigdertgineering Plans (if eoropleted). - - - For '15es• I appiixrttiwo only - - - 6d [^l a. Aaue~di: B: Detenfainadoa of Unmet Naads MPLICANT $IGNATIJRI~ Application is hereby made for the activities described hereva. T certify drat Y sm familiar with the information coed in tic applicatior~ and, to the best of my knowledge aad belief, this information is true, camPlete, and acctrrabe. I furtha• certify daft I possess the authority includzxtg file necessary requisite properly i~e$ts to undertake the proposes activities. I also cxrtify that the Applicam'a governing body is aware of and has ~tlrori~d the Prnjcd Manager as the offuial rCprVE Of the Applic3rtt to SCt ID cotu>QCttOn wrth 11119 application aad sttb9equerrt p[oJed as we11 as to Pt!avlde additional information as maybe t~quiri;tl. By signrtturo below, the Applsc~t agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws in conjunction with this ptrsyoaal and resulting project so eppravcd. PriutlT3lx Name ,,,,~,,. Title ,:.::~:,,., cHU~sccNt a wc~cart /'~ ~~ ?~, aosory p~ar~c . stole of Fcaao l ~,~ / r_ iicant S' tratxue _.. ._,,..,.,.' APP ~ ~~_ __~~ comrt„ssian~ STATE QF FIARIUA, COUNTY OF Pexronaily appeatr±d btfare me this ~0~ day of , 2U0fQ, ~~ ~f~'T~5 , wfio subscrt~ed and sac to t1x above in.4tnifinent in my presence. Notary Public Name: ~~~--d ~-~ ~~ My commission ea-pires: 1~ ~,~~~ NO'1'B.; ioa aa+d slather lafca-nnr~an sagaidiitg this appliC~lion and the Florida Ha7tling Iuipravtnntat Program can be fatmd in ~ Florida g~tirtg ltrtQrxaveanent program Procedcue Chside or 3 w may w~rtad the Program Administrator, Florida Fish and Wiitilife Con6csvstidrt Commission, 6211 Sautri'• Street, Fi. 32399-1600. Telephowe (850) 488-5600. A Cover Letter [3 Project Proposal C Resolution ~ Boundary Map E Site Control Documentation F Existing Condition Photographs G Aerial Photographs H Navigational Chart Permits J Detailed Cost Estimate K Plans L Appendix A M Appendix B ~~~ YlLtA6E of MORTY PALM BEAC1 FRAM NORTH PALM BEACH RECREATIQN FAX NO. +551+844 1836 May. 31 2066 09:44AM P1 ~TtIE VILLAGE t7F • • NO~t'~~H PALM BEACH ViT.I:AGE. HALL, 50] U_S. H1GN1~'AY 1, NORTH PALM B'EAC'H, FL 334Q8 TELEPHONE: (S6I) 84 3 -33$0 + FAX: (S(~ l) $G$-3344 May.3Q, 2006 Nis. Patricia Harrell Grant Coordinator ~. Florida Boating:irnprovennent Progranx 620 South Meridian-Street Tal]ahasscc, Florida 32399-1600 Dear Ms _I-lar~rell: I ann, pleased to submit, this request far $200,000, to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation .. Commission for fiztancial asaistancc through the FY200b-200 Florida Boating Improvezxient Program on behalf of the Village of Forth Palm Beach. Respectfully submitted, Mark Bates Village Manager PROJECT PROP08Al TraditionaAy, Paim Beach County residents have had the time and means to enjoy diverse leisure pursuits including pleasure boating, offshore fishing, water skiing, scuba diving and other water resource-based activities. It is no wonder that boating remains as one of the most popular recreational pursuits for Palm Beach County residents. With its subtropical climate, 47 miles of Atlantic Ocean coastline in proximity to the Gulf Stream, Intracoastal Waterway, over 30 miles of Lake Okeechobee shoreline, and numerous navigable lakes and canals, the County is rich in saltwater and freshwater recreational boating opportunities. However, access to the County's vast saltwater and freshwater resources is limited by the availability of public boat launching facilities. There are 13 parks with public saltwater boat launching facilities in Palm Beach County. In total, these facilities offer 43 ramps and 560 car/trailer parking spaces to accornrnodate an estimated 40,109 vessels. Eight coastal municipalities account for almost 70%, or 30 of the saltwater public boat ramps in the County, with Palm Beach County providing the remaining 13 ramps or 30%. Also, of note, there are no federal, state, or regional agencies currently supplying saltwater boat launching facilities in this County. Cities also account for over half of the saltwater car/trailer parking with 324 spaces or 58%. The North Palm Beach municipal marina is located within Anchorage Park. The 20-acre park is a multi-purpose site with bath passive and active recreational facilities. The site is centrally located within the Village and accessible by bath automobile and boat. to addition, the park serves as a traiihead that connects to the Village and provides bicycle and pedestrian access from local schools and other public facilities. The entire Anchorage Park renovation project is anticipated to exceed 3 million dollars. The marina and boat launching facility is the only saltwater access point located within the Village. There are several private marinas, mostly located on the Intracoastal Waterway; however access is limited and costly. Available to the entire community, the project provides access to the AICW and the Atlantic Ocean via the Palm Beach and Jupiter Inlets. Providing boat access to the water also allows users to visit popular destination such as Peanut Island, John D. Macarthur State Park and the Jupiter Lighthouse. The marina is currently at maximum capacity and the boat launching facility cannot meet the increasing demand. The proposed project will expand the dry and wet storage areas. Parking will increase to approval 30 boat-trailer spaces and wet slips will be renovated to increase safety allow for more use. The two-lane boat launch will be renovated along with the boarding docks. The ramp is aging and deteriorating from heavy use. These improvements will ensure continued use for many years. ~~ YILLABE ®f KORTB PALM BEACY ~ ORB 1 i 4~4 t+g 1Es86 - pp~t~~ of c~-~~NC~~r~r ~~~:'~~-~- :;,_._ ' E.±s; I N COOIa(q 58CArv .T - lpwt: Sn~ aii - k~+„E a,' ~_• r FZ .9. ~. • - , -': ~~. :•. '_ ~ ~~•~ r-A' C• ~ 1,' 1Af,;,A 0~~~9k'~! CLM ~n-H ri . -~ _iNC ~L+.' 'JNE ryi '''f-ExI~tNG ':~• Lf'I:,' rcy_ r~ ~ ifi I `'' ~ f -- _ --- _~ C~ ? ya/ t E'A5f u.h7 ~fi~'c S':.u•F ~- '5:53-... ~ ~ ~ .~. am - R:(i'S-O~-K.\~ ~ ~ O - ~ ~Si9'!3'-a-g 62:s J'~ j`~ .;1, ._ 5-~ _ , , •~~~ F ', :. v R~rAiNEB~ ~ ' .I 1 -'• -• ' ~ _.-:`' ~paEr~T of B~c~Nr,~r,c'~~ is t.vj ~+•~. ?Y_ S? ~ ~; 9ElliIIliG 8Ag '-. `: rcet~.;G ;.tea -HE 1.QgM Llkt ~ -FACT 'R' ~ ~ r• I~: ~t-•T'. 5' : ;.µ yr DT TiE P_t' :f :rtE PILLAGE .'k ' `~. I ~ ~.R.3 5',s,9•:- /~. ACR7fi SAW 6EA;,ti, p~.A? VJYB:n ~~' / QHF IS fAiC•Y ?G $' AR N9:•G~ ~..-'n ~ ~ .x~-`^~ ,~~ ` ~. A.r•,; All Otr.=~ $CRa.f:~S pRc rib3"j5 «:• w ..,'J~~\ `~' ~ ~/~ SOUS}'1WII\ i7~' R~p•1-Or-w+~; •~2M..~ ~7n ~ _ :i _a ~'L r•' C Tr.E YL.+~d ~' v~]1t'TS ~fi.L ~. _ -- r'..' - ~x-~: a7 t• .,b- F_A! r:LU9ER D~:C aac -_ c_ a•.~- 8~~, 2. - -•:ES :~.:~5 pRIF ~ fON SK~TGH 1 - SU~'~EYOK Ah7 R!AraC!?•j Sl~KAiURE <. 3-99. 0:.7...x ?aAC' -•.• Ewr_.~. ~r.S45 ~• ~J:iS tr%,Slyq(~?URE,AMv ;,i~_vA; fi.L'Sil LSA. C' • °.;.==p+~ .`_v5•_D SWlrY'R`itM~114P)'CiI. i+a~ YAP/F;rJ?' F. ~6P ~Kr^,J3e+:r.••~reti •'-7-9~ c-i+< <CIL.'C "°•%.C ~ -~ Ln5?LS ,r,.snSSSS .Oil ~ lai~'~S-l~ f1~li~. ~ Iy ~. ..:.. ~ !. ~ EV19 H_ T. rye SL~1s • ~fe~ d ' -~1 0rr* vt::! ?` Ir.s ; L ~_ r. _.':~~;* I i•,.~- PiiQ1EiG7 NAME: sEACO~sr uaurr Aun,o~~~ . v - •..~ - RETAS!IlE~ ~JT PARG~l r. rpW,~an •w aaoEZSSry.:Kt Sl, xTa • u.oc_;, S-•;-p1- :lTilt~¢A *~Of •S.'~~ -.~.x.^_ ~:r./.*i -tiS :5 4Se ~rH:N TRACT A' V11P8 PUT 1 UN~M~ ~ ~ t ?EE1L'JINNOI~ OiC: S:elc I Snas: -~_ . 600•. <:pitSJLla1G C~+cr4t~S; T~.it're?~E}, ~ w ~ r4 ~` .. . ~. i.C+G SL''r0~~!l[t PG4.'SUiI! SK "~ ~~ - ~ ~ ,fn ~.t CO~G..I .G ~ l ~rOr'y ~iC (4 (7fC1~~ r + :S0': :eE-ref fM. i%~: 250-:{2. ~ I 4.. i ~2[( ~' S-98 ,~ f 40. 88-29D rcr ew,r deM• prrut >,fwlr ~ ~•e.c: wu~vs: G~ec•so H() 1 • U]! V f 1 LUNJ tt, JL J1.JL V Vl 1 1V 1 ~~~~~ at-s~~ ~ ~ ir~~~3os ~ ^~~ sstr+l ~wr iii ~ cot: t~t~~s a.r ss~.oa .~.~, ~..~..~, -,.a ~ rr, w...ae ~- KERRY R. 5CHw8NCiCE. P,A. 5uitc +M7211 iG4S Paint Heach tikes 19t+ulcvard Wtatt Palm t3cach, t*Mr.'do :1.1401 'i4i1S WARAA1+ffY 1)EBD, nude this a~'.~rdar of September, 1993, ty PINN$R, INC:; a-koee Rddrest is No 1Carty 1t. Sehttrettekc, P.A, 1615 Palm Bcaeh i'~Itcs Soulevttta, Sttitc eK720, West Palm i8each, Pbrida 33101; horeinsiur called the Granttx, en TtiE Vit.UGE OF NORTH FALM 13FaCH wtyOSe addrsss is VillaPe Hall, Sbl US. Highway One. Nonh Palm 13arcb, Florida 33108; honeirtaller Called the Granter: :: (Wltcr>rver wed herein site Terms jrmtor" and '"Srantrr• include ail parties to this ;% instrameat and tltoir ltcirs, kpi represeatatives and aasipit of indn:~inals. and the anecegots and ~ of sosporatiospt} WTl7YFSSEitt: Tint ehc Grantor, For and in cortsideratiart of the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND NO/100i7iS (5)0.00) and Otllt3f vaiuabk CtJtlSideralloru, receipt .Yltert.Of is hereby sekrtoevlodged, hereby 8nttts. bargains, ulis, aliens, t7;:misex, rdeasat, ootweys and rertt"urus ants the gratetct:, all that certain land situate in Pa1tp 13oaeh Cotsrtty, Florida, viz: PROPERTY MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ON 6KHi81T `A' ATTACKED H6RET0 AND. MARL A PART HEREOF ~Y.i tT'. _..;s.~ L:,;_ ~ . . `+~~ , w_' `~ ~. T033r i'tifiR with ail tenements. hcrcditameets and appurtcnanccs thereto belonging er in anywise •ppertaining, , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever, ,':~" AND the Granter hcrcby covenants with said Grantee that the Grantor i; l~tw[utiy :.,_L . aolatd of said land io fee simple; tMt the Grantor hat good r~ht wd lawful atethoriry to scp _~ std et~ervay aid lead; .that the C`staator heresy tnily warrants the title to said tautd sad w01 ,+ defartd the same apirot the lawful c#litns of ~'i persons whosaaacver.'at~d that said land is tY~or all attwrabrstttxs. easept pees socruini wtrsoquent to Deecmtxr 31, 1443. ~. ~, ~,-; ~ _L .~..~' . Of6 ?92b Pe l Ci3I tN WI'l'NE3S Wti1rAE~, the sold Grantor has hc~tunto set its hate! and seal the day and 7'~ first ttbave wriuea, . ~, 'a'I~: J i t. Signed, seated •ttd deiivercd PINPtER, IPt a Finrida corporation in tsar ptret:nce: ~ v '~ / %`~_ ~",y ~~i r r 1 J~Hi~ 5G7fiMEa1QCE. VtCC PtrsidCttt ' ~~~ / ~:• STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PAity! BEACH ~ - ••- -- T1tc forgoing insttutttent was atdctiowled~d before tae thi~"~ day of Septcntber,~~ r. 1993, by JOHN A SCHWENClCB, vice Presitlont of PINf+IER. INC.. a Ffloida taurparatiorti on hehaff of the ootporadan HC is potabs~ily knows, to ma or bas produced ,tJ. r~-. as identification and d'id {did not) nke an oath. .. "s -. _ (printed) vJI V.f LVVJ 1C•JG JU1{JV111uJ C~CYER~I9~bD~~ ~~Lt~1 nti I.EGJ1f. DESCR1f~170F1: AtWCM Bland M TrrsK'A". ViMapa of Hwif- Patin Bey P!a! R T. apoort~tblM Ph1 tl~e-se/an Ota Fn Ifta plllCe d tha Clerk of Rie Cirwll Gotert to and for Paka Beach Cotaly. Florida, taaorda0ln Plat Soak 24, Pape 2Q2: end bring rrtors pe-lkxAerly s:earslbad as foROw~ ~ ~ ~~~~d~~ Trs~ "A at a dlagnoe od 2011.03 ~ptrllt d q7. °p''3w. ~ a~+«,~ew~. n~rn Norll,eaegty d ~ ~f~ ~~ ~d~e•~-.d alo~ny aaa tllerlCe adMt~ ~~ ~pnq ~ ~~~ Yle Rte ~~el /l4en 1~1a pf~0 P~Ae1 of (et~d~ ~tatlter Cf '~ ~ ~ ~~grrerte, a dFe:fan d 1ZD 1ae~ p~ y~y~~ ~~ ~ geed Uter>t~e sotrRteryr K ~p arty ~~~ ~ ~ ~~° !° ~ Phea~q tmtxse, a dalanoe~~ feet to Rle ~~. to dlatenc~p o/ 9e0Nn+lnp. ~`~. is :. ?. ~. I Y ~ ~ ~ ~i 'v ' ~'~M YrtE.~ im ~ f°'e9oM+9 b ° true og/tr + ~ . Y- t~ , y-..~°~ ~ ~ ~ • DC. ~; V1LLA6E of NOATN PALM BEACY 'i YILLA6E Of NOYTN PALM YEACY North Palm Seach -Anchorage Park ury uocK storage 1.5 acrea v zUO,~UD zoo,UVa Boat Launch 2 lanes 50,000 140,000 150,000 Boat Slips 30 slips 50,000 100,000 150,000 BulkheadlSeawall 500 feet 0 200.000 200,000 Boat Parking 50,000 150,000 200,000 Landscaping 0 24,000 24,000 Restrooms 1 restroom 0 75,000 75,000 Signage 3-4 signs 0 1,000 1,000 150000 850, 000 1,000, 000 Itca•rrau.n NIdL. ~~ •M.n. ~..~'.i.... ~. {~.\i~l {III ... ~cli\il\ pu\W i.\z `` . ~. ~; V1ttA6E of aORTN PAtM YEACY FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE. CONSERVATION COMMISSION FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION: APPENDIX A For Boat Ramps, Piers and Docks, and Public Launching Facilities Only I -PROJECT DESC'RI PTION a. Project Titlc: Anchorage Park b. Type: of Pmjcct: - - -- - - ' . ^ New Construction (Neva Facilit}~} ®Nevv Construction {Existing Facility) ^ Renovation.!Replacemen ^ E/ngineering/Plannittg (no construction) ^ Other: _ ' [[ -PROJECT LOCATION a. County: Palm Beach County b. Water body: F.atman River-access to Intracoastal c. I-atitude: Longitude: ~~ d. Facility Street Address or Location: 60 ~ Mchorage Drive, North Palm Beach, Florida 3 ~4D8 a III - GF.NFRAL FACILITY INFORMATION a. Facility Name: Anchorage Park '~ b. 'Type of Facility: ^ Primitive ^ Small (l lane ramp) ® Medium (2 lane ramp) ^ Large Regional (3+ lane ramp) ht!'vloora ®'I'ie-u /Ovcrni elMarina c. Lpland O~~•nership: - ®Puhlic -Fee Simple ^ Public - Leasc Number of Years Remaining in Lease: Name of O.vner: ---- p g g d. is this facility open to the general public:? ^ Yes ®No e. Estimate Percent {%} t.;se of Launching facility: 95% Motorboats/Sailboats 5%Non-Motorboats T. Uay Use, Parking or Launch Fee Amount: $SQlvr Tie-up/Uvernight Moorage: $i426h~r ; r~~~~,rx.r.-2s2n rt;3iu;; Page J of 2 iII -GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATION (Cont.) I a. Numbcr of Launch Lanes: 2 b. Length of Boarding Docks: 15 Ft. Typc of Ramp: ^Asphalt ®Concrete ^Other Type of Dock: ^Wood ®Aluminum ^Other Condition: ^I'u~~r ®Average ^Good _.. -- Condition: ^I'oor ®Average ^Good c. Numbcr of Boat •l'raile-r Parkinb Spaces: 30 d. Length of Tie-u Dock or Moora e: 100Ft or iOSli P g - - p Type of Parking: ®Asphalt ^Concrcte ^Uther "l' ype: ^S1ip ^Broadside Condition: ^Poor ^Average ^Good Condition: ^Poor ^Average ^Good • e. Other Facility Attributes: Restroom: ®Yes ^No other: F'utnp out or Dttmp Station: ^Yes ®No Other: ~ .Names of ad'acent boatin facilities ublic and rivate ram stie-u f'tcilities/tt~ - g J ~ ~ p P ( p ~ p arenas) wtthm a 10 mile radius. Name Distance Name Distance I. lake Park Marina 3.5 2. " ~. Bert ~i'inters Park 6.0 4. ~. _ .-- ---- - - ----...-_-- 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. IV -PROJECT F,NGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION a. 1~4'ho is ur will be completing project design/engineering? b. Level of engineering completed at time of application: ^Applicant Ow•n Staff ^None ®Consulting )rnbineers ®Conceptual (Master Plan Phase) ^N/A (Materials or Equipment Purchase) ^Prcliminary ^Otlier: ^Final {Ready to Bid) d. Preferred period of construction (based on user activity, weather and .+~ater level): ~ ^Winter ^Spring ^Summer ^Fail ®My~time ofthc Year P. Estimated length of time to complctc project: 8 months f 41~(':iUE.F.-~~?A X43'05) Page 2 oft FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION: APPENDIX B Determination of Unmet Needs from Vessel Registration Fees For Tier I Applications Only ~ I -APPLICANT INFORMATION I a. Applicant: Village of North Palm Beach b. County: Palm Beach County c. County Population: 1,265,900.00 d. Registered Recreational Vessels: 45,350 II -DETERMINATION OF UNMET NEEDS a. Amount of Funds from Vessel Registration Fees: $ 0.00 b. Amount of Vessel Registration Fees Available: Y+ $ 0.00 c. "Total Project Cost y $ I50,000.00 d. Amount of Unmet Needs: $ 150,000.00 INSTRUCTIONS I -APPLICANT 11~TURMATi(ON a. Applicant: L'nter the name of the county, municipality or other governmental entity applying for the grant. b. County: Enter the name of the county where the project is located. c. County Population: Enter the population of the county where the project is located. Please use the 2000 census or newer estimate. d. Registered Recreational Vessels: Enter the number of recreational vessel registrations issued in the county where the project is located. II - I)E~l'1~:RMINA"PION OF LlNMF.T NEEDS a. Amount of Funds from Vessel Registration Fees: F,nter the amount of funds collected from recreational vessel registration fees in the county where the project is located. b. Amount of Vessel Registration lees Available: Enter the amount of vessel registration i'ees available for this project. Subtract the amount of fees used for other projects from the amount in Line a. c. Total Project Cost: I~:nter amount from Page l of the FBIP application form. d. Amount of Unmet Needs: Subtract Line c. from Line b. Page 1 of 1 SALTWATER BOAT LAUN~HIN~ FAGlt.ITIES Map "°- Location urlsdivfion boat Ramps raging Docks Garttraiter Parking 1 S Burt Reynolds Park East PB Cou 4 5 80 2S Burt Reynolds Park West PB County 2 0 37 3S ert Winters Park _ ~ P8 Cvun 2 0 24 4S uno Park PB Coun 1 0 14 5S o e Park vrth Palm Beach 2 0 18 6S Lalt~ Par1c Marina" ke Park . 4 4 fi0 7S hil Foster Park PB~ Coup 4 2 81 8S rrie Park est Palm Beach fi 0 82 9S ant Park ke Worth 4 0 _ 3i 1QS pdrtsman's Rark ntana 4 0 29 11 S oat Glob Park on Beach G Q 57 12S nowles Paris Delra Beach 2 0 16 13S ilver Palm Panic oca Raton 2 4 31