2006-036 Kasper Electrical, Inc. for Emergency Pool RepairsRESOLUTION 2006-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO THE FOLLOWING PROPOSALS WITH KASPER ELECTRICAL, INC.: PROPOSAL SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO SUPPLY THE LABOR AND MATERIAL TO RUN NEW 100 AMP 3 PHASE 277/480 VOLT SUB FEED FROM NEW DRIVING RANGE PANEL TO POOL HOUSE MAIN DISCONNECT IN AMOUNT OF $7,116.00; PROPOSAL SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED TO SUPPLY LABOR AND MATERIAL TO RUN A NEW 400 AMP 3 PHASE 277/480 VOLT SERVICE FOR THE NEW DRIVING RANGE BUILDING AND POOL HOUSE EQUIPMENT IN AMOUNT OF $22,820.00; AND PROPOSAL SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "C" ATTACHED TO SUPPLY THE LABOR AND MATERIAL TO REMOVE POOL EQUIPMENT DISCONNECT AND REMOVE BURNED UP WIRING AND FEED POOL EQUIPMENT PANEL DIRECT FROM SERVICE DISCONNECT IN AMOUNT OF $665.00; FUNDS TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM ACCOUNTS A8028-35610, RECREATION - CAMP EXPENSES, A8028-35630, RECREATION - SPORTS LEAGUE EXPENSES, AND A8028-35640 RECREATION - TRAVEL TICKET EXPENSES INTO R & M BUILDING & GROUNDS; A8051-34620, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the following proposals with Kasper Electrical, Inc.: proposal set forth in Exhibit "A" attached to supply the labor and material to run new 100 amp 3 phase 277/480 volt sub feed from new driving range panel to pool house main disconnect in amount of $7,116.00; proposal set forth in Exhibit "B" attached to supply labor and material to run a new 400 amp 3 phase 277/480 volt service for the new driving range building and pool house equipment in amount of $22,820.00; and proposal set forth in Exhibit "C" attached to supply the labor and material to remove pool equipment disconnect and remove burned up wiring and feed pool equipment panel direct from service disconnect in amount of $665.00; funds to be transferred from accounts A8028-35610, Recreation - Camp Expenses, A8028-35630, Recreation - Sports League Expenses, and A8028-35640 Recreation -Travel Ticket Expenses into R & M Building & Grounds; A8051-34620. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the proposals with Kasper Electrical, Inc. set forth in Exhibits "A", "B", and "C" respectively attached to and made part of this resolution. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY OF MAY, 2006. (Village Seel.) ATTEST: G~. ,~~C~i~~~ Village Clerk 05/10/2006 11:49 5618451575 KASPER ELECTRICAL PAGE 02 KASPER ELECTRICAL INC.IIZS OLD DIXIE HWY #9 LAKE PARK, FL 33403 PHONE (561) 845-1660 LIC. # EC-0001409 FAX (S61) 84S-1S'7S ---._. PROPOS ~ ~~~. ~ TO: Village of Narth Palm Bcach FROM: Kaaper Electrical Inc. E00001409 Parks sad Rocnation JaY ~P~' Attn: Charles Cangianelli JOB NAME: Sub food for pool bouso oquipcnoat DATE: 5-10-06 JOB LOCATION: Pool Howe Equipment room JOB PHONE: Fax - 626-5869 PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE: Supply the labor end mstcrial to run new 100 amp 3 phase 277/480 volt sub facd fivm new driving range Panel to pool boost main discormoct. Trenching by othct9. NOTE: Win pricing hen been going up every 3 days tb~is price is only good for 3 days if accepted please fiat beck t0 US immediately so that WC can SCCtit~e the wire At t12e Quoted amOUnt. NOT INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL AMOUNT: Permh fees TOTAL JOB COST FOR PROPOSAL: S 7,116.00 No Cuttbt or patching of want, floors, or ' c~eilin=s. AUTHO SIGMA ACCEPTANCE OF PRO CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL SIGNATURE Net 3o Days Signature Date 05/10/2006 11:49 5616451575 KASPER ELECTRICAL PAGE 01 KASPER ELECTRICAL INC.112S OLD DIXIE HWY #9 LAIC PARK, FL 33403 PHONE (S61) 845-1660 LIC. # EC-0001409 FAX (S61) 845-1575 PROPOSAL TO: Village of North Palm Beach FROM: Kasper Electrical lac: E00001409 Parks and Recreation Jay Kasper Attn: Charles Caagieaelli JOB NAME: Service For New Driving RaUge DATE: 5-10-06 JOB LOCATION: NPB C,ouatry Club JOB PNONE: Fax - 626.5869 PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE: Supply the labor and material to run a new 00 amp 3 phase 277/480 volt service for the new driving range building sad pool house equipment. Set up new service rack with meter can and rain tight 400 amp mein distribution panel. Run approximately 380' of 3 y~ "PVC Conduit &+nm the FP~tL hand hole to servicx rack, pull (4) runs of S00 MCM wiry from FP&L hand hole to feed service. Trenching will be by others. NOTE: Wire pricing has been going up every 3 days this price is only good for 3 days if acxeptod please fax beck to us imnnodiatcly so that we can secure the wire at the quotod amount. The wire cost for this proposal is ~ 17,122.00 j ust for the wire. NOT 1QVCLUDED IN PROPOSAL AMOUNT: Permit fen TOTAL JOB COST FOR PROPOSAL: S 22,820.00 No Cutting or patching of walls, floors, or cellin ~. AUTHO SIGMA ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOS CONDITIONS OF PROPOSAL SIGNATURE Ntt 30 Days Signature Date 05/11/2006 08:34 5616265869 NORTH PaLM BEaCH PAGE ei/ei d/1dl7b by:l7.i 5b1Fi4b1575 i KASF-'E.F? ELECTRICAL PAGE 91 KASPER ELECTRICAL ~11C.112S LLD DIXIE 1iWY #9 LAKE PARK, FL 33403 PONE (~xl 845-1660 LIC. # EC-000149 FA,X (S61) 845.1575 PROPOSAL ~ ~C` TO: Village of North Palm Bcach FROM: Kaaper FlecMcxl Inc, 800001409 Panics gad Re~tYatiom Jay Kaepcr Attn: Cherlea Cangiaaelli JOB NAME: Pool Dlscomnoct DATE: 5-9.06 JOB LOCATION: Pool Hauia~ Equipment Room JQB PHONE: Fex - 626-3569 PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE: Supply tlae labor and material to remove pool egtriptnent d~tscottneot and remove btaDed up wiring. Feed pal o9~Pm~ panel direct from service disoonflecrt. NOT INCLUAED I~ PROPOSAL AMOUNT: Permlt fees TOTAL JOH COST POR PRQPOSAL: 5665,t>0 No CettMS or Patcblo~ of walls, tloorr, yr cc~tngs, AU'I'>EIOWZED SIGNATURE ACCEPTANCE OF PAOP09AL CONDITIONS OF PRpPOSAL SIGNATURE Not 30 Days Signatutti Date