2006-035 Brownfields Grant Application for Anchorage ParkRESOLUTION 2006-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR AND EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH THE TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL BROWNSFIELDS ASSESSMENT GRANT ATTACHED AS EXHBIT "A", WHICH GRANT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING A PROGRAM TO FACILITATE THE REDEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTIES AT ANCHORAGE PARK THAT ARE SUSPECTED TO BE CONTAMINATED WITH PETROLEUM, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach desires to apply for a Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Brownfields Assessment Grant which would provide monies to help fund the redevelopment of Anchorage Park, and for other purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Village Clerk to apply for and execute a grant from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Brownfields Assessment Program as set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY (Village Seal) ATTEST: Village Clerk TREASURE COAST BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM BROWNFIELDS SITE ASSESSMENT APPLICATION On behalf of a qualifying applicant, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) may perform via qualified contractor, an environmental site investigation, such as a Phase I or Phase II, for a qualifying petroleum- contaminated Brownfield property. The goal of the program is to facilitate the redevelopment of properties that are suspected to be contaminated with petroleum. Projects sponsored by a public agencies with firm redevelopment plans and a strong commitment to facilitating the development of the site after it is assessed, are preferred. Projects that have financing available for potential cleanup costs and community involvement in reuse planning will be given higher priority. This year's program focuses on potential Brownfield redevelopment projects encompassing one or more of the following program areas: • Workforce Housing • Mixed-Use Development • Health and Welfare • Job Creation • Creation of Parks and Open Space For each site, please provide the requested information and submit application along with letters of support to: Greg Vaday Economic Development Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, Florida 34994 Phone: (772) 221-4060 Fax: (772) 221-4067 E-mail: gvaday(a)tcrpc.orq APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Applicant Organization Village of North Palm Beach 2. Address 501 US Highway 1 City/State2ip North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Contact Person Mark Bates Phone/Fax/Email (561) 841-3380 3. Describe Applicants Eligibility. D MunicipalitylLocal Government D Non-Profit Organization Q Private Property ~ Other (Please specify) ~ Citizen Affected By Potential Site SITE INFORMATION 1. Site NamelParcel Former Seacoast Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant Parcel Control No. 68-43-42-16-02-028-0010 Site Address 603 Anchorage Drive COY North Palm Beach 2. Current Site Ownership (if different from applicant) Name Address City/State2ip Phone/Fax/Email Site Zoning: Total Acreage of Site: (attach site map, if available) P-Public District 3.2 Acres MOL 4. # Buildings on Site: Approx. Sa. Footage: Condition: (e.g., usable, partia~iy razed, gutted by fire, etc.) __ Several Various Poor (See attached Property Appraisers Data) Amount of Delinquent Property Taxes (if any) $ N/A Assessed Value $ 2.077,197.00 ff the applicant owns the property, please describe whether you are responsible for any of the environmental concerns at the site. The Village of North Palm Beach is not responsible for environmental conditions on the property. The property was deeded to the Village from Seacoast Utilities for use as a future part of the existing park facilities. Past Site Uses and Approximate Dates: (e.g., type of manufacturing, landrill, industrial, commercial, retail, etc.) The former wastewater treatment plant was constructed by Palm Beach Utility Company in 1956. It was deeded fo the Village of North Palm Beach in 1994 for future use as part of the surrounding park. Describe how the property became contaminated and nature and extent of contamination. Potential Contamination issues are from historical uses of the property including a Wastewater Treatment Plant. Currently the following potential environmental concerns remain on the properly. • Abandoned underground emergency generator Tank associated wdh past wastewater treatment activ-ties. • Potential sludges associated with the decommissioning of exisfingprocess equipment from the former wastewater treatment plant. • Potential Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) requiring demolition asbestos survey and possible abatement prior to demolition of the remaining components of the wastewater treatment facility structures. • Potential confirmatory assessment required due to dredge material deposition on the property. • Unknown conditions resulting from future demolition of the wastewater treatment plant. For the applicant's petroleum-contaminated site, provide documentation of the following that: a. the site is of "relatively low risk" compared with other "petroleum-only" sites in the state; Currently the pollutant storage tank on site is an inactive abandoned underground storage tank. Other tanks of this facility currently have a ranking of 0 indicating the abandoned Tank on site would be ranked low. The site is currently served by public wafer supply which also supports a low ranking (see attached Environmental Data Base Report excerpt). b. there is "no viable responsible party" legally capable of satisfying obligations under Federal or state law to assess, investigate, or clean up the site; funding for the site will be used by a party that is not potentially liable for the petroleum contamination to assess, investigate, or clean up the site; Seacoast Utilities formerly owned the site and the property was deeded fo the Village of North Palm Beach in 1994. c. the site is not subject to a corrective action order under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The site is not subject to administrative action under RCRA. 9. ff the property is not owned by the applicant, please describe any plans for property acquisition. The Village of North Palm Beach currently owns the property. 10. ff the applicant does not own the property, does applicant have legal permission authorizing Council to enter the property to conduct site assessment activities? ^Yes. ff yes, please attach the Site Access Agreement form ^ No. Please Explain. Note: Failure to obtain legal permission for site access will result in delay of the application. The applicant is the current owner and an executed site access agreement is attached for this facility. 11. Describe the anticipated flow of ownership ofsite/property throughout the process of assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment and describe any problems. The Village of North Palm Beach currently owns the property and will own and maintain a park on this property. GENERAL 1. Is the Brownflelds site eligible for State of Florida cleanup funding under the Inland Protection Trust Fund? No 2. ff yes, what is the DEP priority score? N/A 3. What is the timeline for proposed site development/redevelopment activities? Additional Park Planning Activdies are to commence w~fhin 90 days. It is anticipated that Phis projecf will be completed within 36 months. ASSESSMENT 1. Describe prior site assessment activities, if known. Please attach relevant assessment report(s). TBRPC funded and has copies of a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment for this project dated September 2004, EPA approved the Quality Assurance Project Plan dated February 2005 and a Phase 11 Assessment was completed in June of 2006. 2. Describe any compliance or enforcement actions, historically or pending, at the site? N/A 3. Describe site assessment activities being requested (Phase I or Phase II, etc) and estimated costs. The following potential petroleum site assessment activ-ties are requested to be funded from the Petroleum Assessment Grant Funding portion of the projecf - • Tank Closure Assessment, estimated at $5, 000.00. • Potential Confirmatory Soil and Groundwater Sampling for Petroleum Source Removal (-f required,) estimated at $3, 500. • Petroleum Constituent Dredge Spoil Confirmatory Sampling, estimated at $7,500. The following add-tional activities are anticipated for the project and are requested to be funded under the Sub- Grant Portion of the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund - • Tank Removal, estimated at $12,000.00. • Initial Remedial Action for Petroleum Contaminated Petroleum Source Removal, esfimated at $15,000.00. • Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey, esfimafed at $5, 000 - $7, 000. • Potential Asbestos Abatement (required prior fo demolition of structures), estimated of $10,000 - $50,000 dependent on Asbestos Survey Results. • Non -Petroleum Post Dredge Spoil Confirmatory Sampling and Wastewater Sediment Sampling, estimated at $7,500.00. 4. Describe the financial needs for each phase of the project (assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment), if known. The Village of North Palm Beach is requesting an estimated $16,000 of Petroleum Assessment Grant assistance for Tank Closure, Confirmatory sampling, and Petroleum Constituent Dredge Soil Testing for this project. Additionally, the Village of North Palm Beach is requesting an estimated $49, 500 - $91,500 of Browntie/ds Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund Sub Grant funding for Tank Removal Activities, Initial Remedial Action Activities, Demolition Asbestos Survey and Asbestos Abatement Activities, and Non- Petroleum Post Dredge Soil Confirmatory Sampling Activities. REDEVELOPMENT 1. Mticipated Future Use: (i.e. residential, recreational, commercial, retail, industrial, greenspace area) -The subject site will be incorporated into a 17.6 Acre Waterfront Park and greenspace. 2. Describe applicant's proposed vision for reuse. The site location will be developed into amulti-purpose Municipal Waterfront Park. 3. Provide a proposed budget for the project. Demolition of existing structures is estimated at a minimum of $500,000 and the costs for the renovation of the remainder of the park are estimated between $2,000,000 and $5,000,000. 4. Describe municipal commitment such as financial incentives to encourage redevelopment (i.e., tax incentives, tax increment financing, fast-tracking permitting etc.). Attach any supporting documents. The park will be funded Through municipal fax base, grants and appropriations. 5. Describe proposed funding sources for any site cleanup and current/past evidence of developer interest. The proposed funding sources for this project include Grant Funding, Appropriations, Tax Dollars and Recreational Impact Fees. The Village has developed a master plan for Phis project (see attached) and is committed fo the redevelopment of the park. The Village has also solicited an RFP for additional planning and engineering services for the redevelopment of the park. 6. How do proposed reuse(s) and your ongoing efforts to prevent the creation of future brownfields fit into your community's master plan, economic development plan/activities and other relevant planslactivities? The proposed project wilt remove an abandoned former wastewater treatment plant and replace it with a waterfront park, additional recreational opportunities, open space and greenspace. 7. Describe the extent to which the grant would facilitate the creation and/or preservation of parks and open spaces. 100% of requested grant funding will be utilized to support transformation of the abandoned wastewater plant info a park and green space project. 8. Describe whether the project will use existing infrastructure or require its expansion. The project will fully utilize existng infrastructure including; water, sewer, electric, roads, and other utilities.. It is anficipated that there will be upgrades and improvements to these utilities on an as needed basis. Additionally, it is anticipated that storm water management improvements will be implemented as a result of this project. COMMUNITY 1. Provide a detailed description of the target community that the project will benefit. Explain how the targeted community will benefit. Village residents and families will benefit from the enhancement and redevelopment of this property. The community immediately surrounding the park will also benefit from the removal of abandoned buildings through improved aesthetics, recreafional use, and waterfront access. 2. Describe how your plans for reuse of the site will enhance your community's social, economic, and environmental well-being? Describe the extent to which the grant would facilitate the creation andlor preservation of parks and open spaces. This project will provide add-tional access to the adjacent waterways and recreational opportunities for Village residents. This park will also serve as a community gathering location and will expand and improve the adjacent obsolete park facilities. 3. Describe efforts to involve community organizations in project development and implementation activities. The Waterways Board and the Recreation Advisory Board have been involved in making recommendations for park improvements since the inception of the project and have provided (heir recommendations to the Village Manager and Village Counsel. 4. Describe how affected communities will be involved in future land use and site ownership decisions. The Waterway Board and the Recreation Advisory Board will continue to be involved in updating the master plan for this project. Describe any environmental justice concerns associated with the site. N/A -The potential park project is not in close proximity to low income or minority residents