2006-032 FDOT Grant for Anchorage ParkRESOLUTION 2006-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR AND EXECUTE A GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH GRANT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING A PROGRAM TO FACILITATE THE CONSTRUCTION OF WALKWAYS, BIKE PATHS AND BOARDWALKS AT ANCHORAGE PARK, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village ofNorth Palm Beach desires to apply for a State of Florida Department of Transportation Enhancement Projects Grant which would provide monies to help fund the construction ofwalkways, bike paths and boardwalks at Anchorage Park, and for other purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Village Clerk to apply for and execute a grant from the State of Florida Department of Transportation Enhancement Projects as set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF M~ (Village Seal) ATT-EST: ~ ~~ Village Clerk TRANSPORTATION - ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Grant Application for: Village of North Palm Beach _ May 1, 2006 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT - OF _ TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS Appendix B STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2rzoos - ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS Page 1 of 3 - (Project Title: Anchorage Park Boardwalk Project Sponsor (municipal, county, state, or federal agency, or tribal council): ~ Village of North Palm Beach _ ~ Contact Mark Hodgkins Title Recreation Director ~ Address 501 U. S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 - ~ Phone 561-841-3384 FAX 561-844-1836 Priority (relative to other applications submitted by the Project Sponsor). Name of Applicant (If other than Project Sponsor): 1. Qualifying Enhancement Activities: Check the enhancement activity that the proposed project will address. (NOTE: Checking all activities possible does not ensure or increase eligibility. Each activity checked must meet all criteria listed for _ that activity in Appendix A of FDOT Procedure #525-030-300, Transportation Enhancement Projects). ~ X Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles The provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrian and bicyclists Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites Scenic or historic highway programs, (including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities) .. ~ Landscaping and other scenic beautification Historic preservation Rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals) ,. Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails) Control and removal of outdoor advertising Archaeological planning and research Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle- caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity Establishment of transportation museums - Appendix B o2noos Page 2 of 3 _ 2. Project Description: Use additional sheets as necessary to respond to the following: (a) What type of work is being proposed? (Check all that apply) Planning Activities Project Development and Environmental Studies Engineering and Final Plans Preparation Work - Right of Way Acquisition ~ X Construction - Construction Engineering and Inspection Activities (b) Describe how the proposed project is related to the intermodal transportation system by either - function, proximity or impact. (One or more may apply). (c) Where is the project located (and what is the project length and termini, if appropriate)? Include location map. (d) Summarize any special characteristics of project. Provide typical section drawings for appropriate projects. (e) Describe the project's existing right of way ownerships. This description shall identify when the right of way was acquired and how ownership is documented (i.e. plats, deeds, prescriptions, certified surveys). (f) Describe any proposed right of way acquisition, including expected matching fund source, limitations on fund use or availability, and who will acquire and retain ownership of proposed right of way. (g) Describe any related project work phases that are already complete or currently underway. (h) Other specific project information that should be considered. 3. Project Implementation Information: _ Attach documentation as exhibits to this application. (a) Describe the proposed method of performing (i.e. contract or in-house) and administering (i.e. local or state) each work phase of the project. If it is proposed that the project be administered by - a governmental entity other than the Department of Transportation, the agency must be certified to administer Federal Aid projects in accordance with the department's Local Agency Program Manual (topic no. 525-010-300). ~' (b) Describe any public (and private, if applicable) support of the proposed project. (Examples include: written endorsement, formal declaration, resolution, financial donations or other appropriate means). (c) Describe the proposed ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the project when it is completed. - (d) Describe source of matching funds and any restrictions on availability. (e) Other specific implementation information that should be considered. Appendix B 2i2oos Page 3 of 3 Project Cost: What is the total estimated cost of the work requested to be funded as an enhancement project through this application? Planning Activities. $ Project Development and Environmental Studies. $ Engineering and Final Plans Preparation Work. $ Right of Way Acquisition. $ Construction. $ 400,000 Construction Engineering and Inspection Activities. $ Other. (Describe) $ TOTAL: $ How will the project be funded? FDOT Enhancement Funds $400,000 + Local $ 0 =Total $ 400,000 FDOT Enhancement Funds 100 % + Local 0 % = 100% CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT SPONSOR I hereby certify that the proposed project herein described is supported by the Village of North Palm Beach (municipal, county, state or federal agency, or tribal council) and that said entity will: (1) provide any required funding match; (2) enter into a maintenance agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation; (3) comply with the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Acquisition Policies Act for any Right of Way actions required for the project, and (4) support other actions necessary to fully implement the proposed project. I further certify that the estimated costs included herein are reasonable and understand that significant increases in these costs could cause the project to be removed from the Florida Department of Transportation work program. This project will be administered using the department's Local Agency Program (check one) yes X no_ FOR FDOT USE ONLY YES NO Application Complete Project Eligible mplementation Feasible clude in Work Program Signature Mark Bates Name (please type or print) Village Manager Title Date _ PROJECT DESCRIPTION _ (a) What type of work is being proposed? The project will consist of construction and construction management activities. Transportation Enhancement Funds will be used for development of bicycle and pedestrian trails including a boardwalk located directly on the water. This project will act as a trailhead and destination point for pedestrians and other recreational trail users. (b) Describe how the proposed project is related to the intermodal transportation system by either function, proximity or impact. The Anchorage Park Trailways will enhance the ability of trail users to access a community park that allows for public transportation access and boating facilities. The proposed project will increase access to intracoastal waterways by both boat and trails. Boaters visiting the site will be able to access the trails and travel _ throughout the community. _ (c) Where is the project located (and what is the project length and termini, if appropriate)? The project is located in the Village of North Palm Beach and directly on a navigable waterway that connects to the Atlantic Ocean Intracoastal Waterway. Trails on the site, including the boardwalk, will be approximately 1.5 miles in length. The site will also act as a trailhead to connect the community's pedestrian and bicycle system. A location map is provided in Exhibit E. (d) Summarize any special characteristics of project. Provide typical section drawings for appropriate projects. The Anchorage Park project site will be a desirable trailhead for the bicyce and pedestrian trail users. In addition to boat and water access, the park will include a senior center and cultural facility that will provide educational and entertainment _ programs. The entire project is estimated to cost $2-3 million dollars. It is anticipated that by providing an attractive destination, trail usage throughout the community will increase. (e) Describe the project's existing right of way ownerships. This description shall identify when the right of way was acquired and how ownership is documented. The Village of North Palm Beach has site control of the project boundaries. The _ specfic trail connections from the site to the rest of the trail system are located partially on right-of-way controlled and maintained by the Village. Please see Exhibit E. (f) Describe any proposed right of way acquisition, including expected _ matching fund source, limitations on fund use or availability, and who will acquire and retain ownership of proposed right of way. The project will not involve any right-of-way acquisition. (g) Describe any related project work phases that are already complete or currently underway. The Village completed a master plan several years ago and is in the process of updating the plan to meet the changing boating facilities priorities. Once the plan is completed in the summer of 2006, the Village will select an engineering firm to complete construction specifications. In addition, an experienced construction firm will be selected by RPQ to wmplete the project. (h) Other specific project information that should be considered. The project will provide access to the water for persons with disabilities. ADA compliant parking and trails will allow access throughout the site and to the section of trailways that will border the water. The number of opportunities in North Palm Beach County for ADA compliant water access is limited. The successful completion of the project will provide an important resource for all potential trail users. PA~m BEACH /RPO October 5, 2006 PALM BEACH METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION 2300 North Jog Road, 4th Floor, West Palm Beach, Florida 33411-2749 Phone: (561) 684-4170 Fax: (561) 233-5664 www.pbcgov.com/mpo Mr. Mark Hodgkins, Recreation Director Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway 1 North i'cinl t3ccGn, FL 3341,6 RE: Transportation Enhancement Application -Anchorage Park Boardwalk Dear Mr. Hodgkins: At the September 21 meeting, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) approved the above-referenced application for funding under the Transportation Enhancement Program. The list of all approved applications has been submitted by the MPO to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for inclusion into their work program, which will be adopted on July 1, 2007. Keep in mind that actual funding disbursement for the projects will not take place until July 1, 2009. The MPO will keep you informed about the status of your project as needed. We look forward to working with you and appreciate your efforts to utilize the Transportation Enhancement Program to improve your community. Should you nave any questions, please contact Bret Baronak, Senior Planner of my staff at (561) 684-4163. Sincerely,__,_ Randy Vy itfield, P.E. ~ ~~ Bret Baronak, MPO Daphne Spanos, FDOT