Code of Ordinances Supplement 44 SUPPLEMENT NO. 44 October 2009 CODE OF ORDINANCES Village of NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Looseleaf Supplement This Supplement contains all ordinances deemed advisable to be included at this time through: Ordinance No. 2009-15, adopted September 24, 2009. See the Code Comparative Table for further information. Remove old pages Insert new pages xi, xii xi-xii.i Checklist of up-to-date pages Checklist of up-to-date pages (following Table of Contents) 133 133 169 169, 170 725, 726 725, 726 2819, 2820 2819, 2820 2891 2891 2935, 2936 2935-2936.1 2938.1-2940 2939-2940.1 2943, 2944 2943, 2944 Insert and maintain this instruction sheet in front of this publication. File removed pages for reference. MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Post Office Box 2235 1700 Capital Circle, S.W. Tallahassee, FL 32316 (850) 576-3171 1-800-262-CODE Website: www.municode.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Officials of the Village iii Preface v Adopting Ordinance vii Readopting Ordinance x.i Checklist of Up-to-Date Pages [1] PART I CHARTER Charter 1 Art. I. Corporate Name 3 Art. I.A. Vision Statement 3 Art. II. Territorial Boundaries 3 Art. III. Legislative 10.2 Art. IV. Administrative 15 Art. V. Qualifications and Elections 17 Art. VI. Transition Schedule 18 Charter Comparative Table 65 PART II CODE OF ORDINANCES Chapter 1. General Provisions 77 2. Administration 133 Art. I. In General 135 Art. II. Council 137 Div. 1. Generally 137 Div. 2. Rules of Procedure 138 Art. III. Administrative Code 138.1 Div. 1. Generally 138.1 Div. 2. Audit Committee 139 Div. 3. Department of Finance 140 Div. 4. Department of Records 140.1 Div. 5. Department of Public Safety 141 Div. 6. Department of Public Works 142 Div. 7. Department of Library 142 Div. 8. Department of Country Club 142 Div. 9. Department of Recreation 142 Div. 10. Department of Community Development . 142.1 Art. IV. Manager 142.1 Art. V. Pensions and Retirement Systems 143 Div. 1. Generally 143 Supp. No. 44 ~ NOR'PH PALM BEACH CODE Chapter Page Div. 2. Social Security 143 Div. 3. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Gen- eral Employees 144.1 Div. 4. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Fire and Police Employees 151 Div. 5. Length of Service Award Plan for Volunteer Firefighters 161 Div. 6. ICMA Defined Contribution Pension Plan.. 163 Art. VI. Code Enforcement Board 163 Art. VII. Alternate Method of Code Enforcement...... 169 3. Alcoholic Beverages 211 4. Animals and Fowl 263 Art. I. In General 265 Art. II. Dogs and Cats 266 Art. III. Rabies Control 269 5. Boats, Docks and Waterways 319 Art. I. In General 321 Art. II. Boat Launching Area 325 Art. III. Construction Requirements 326 Div. 1. Generally 326 Div. 2. Canals 326 Div. 3. Bulkheads and Seawalls 327 Div. 4. Docks and Piers 328 Div. 5. Erosion Control Structures 333 Art. IV Marine Sanctuaries 333 Art. V Waterways Board 334 6. Buildings and Building Regulations 381 Art. I. In General 383 Art. II. Minimum Construction Standards 383 Art. III. Appearance Code 384 Div. 1. Generally 384 Div. 2. Reserved 398.3 Div. 3. Certificate of Appropriateness 398.3 Art. IV Reserved 398.5 Art. V Signs and Outdoor Displays 398.5 Art. VI. Energy Efficiency Building Code 398.18 Art. VII. Coastal Construction Code 398.18 7. Bulkhead Lines 453 Art. I. In General 455 Art. II. Filling Permit 455 8. Emergency Management 507 Art. I. In General 509 Art. II. Civil Disorders and Disturbances 510 9. Country Club 559 Art. I. In General 561 Supp. No. 44 Xjj 'FABLE OF CONPENPS Contd. Chapter Page Art. II. Golf Advisory Board 562 Supp. No. 44 X .1 Checklist of Up-to-Date Pages (This checklist will be updated with the printing of each Supplement) From our experience in publishing Looseleaf Supplements on apage-for-page substitution basis, it has become evident that through usage and supplementation many pages can be inserted and removed in error. The following listing is included in this Code as a ready guide for the user to determine whether the Code volume properly reflects the latest printing of each page. In the first column all page numbers are listed in sequence. The second column reflects the latest printing of the pages as they should appear in an up-to-date volume. The letters "OC" indicate the pages have not been reprinted in the Supplement Service and appear as published for the original Code. When a page has been reprinted or printed in the Supplement Service, this column reflects the identification number or Supplement Number printed on the bottom of the page. In addition to assisting existing holders of the Code, this list may be used in compiling an up-to-date copy from the original Code and subsequent Supplements. Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. Title page 1 65 38 iii 1 77 OC v, vi OC 79, 80 OC vii, viii OC 81, 82 25 ix OC 83 25 x.i, x.ii 1 133 44 x.iii 1 134.1, 134.2 34 xi, xii 44 134.3, 134.4 39 xii.i 44 134.5, 134.6 39 xiii, xiv 41 135, 136 39 xv, xvi 41 137, 138 39 1 25 138.1, 138.2 33 3, 4 25 138.3 30 5, 6 25 139, 140 34 7, 8 25 140.1, 140.2 28 9, 10 29 141, 142 33 10.1, 10.2 38 142.1 33 10.3 38 143, 144 31 11, 12 25 144.1, 144.2 36 13, 14 25 145, 146 36 15, 16 33 146.1 36 16.1 33 147, 148 32 17, 18 25 148.1 32 19 25 149, 150 29 Supp. No. 44 [1] NOR"I'H PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 151, 152 39 401, 402 OC 153, 154 39 403 OC 155, 156 39 453 OC 156.1, 156.2 39 455, 456 22 156.3 39 507 22 157, 158 35 509, 510 33 159, 160 35 511 22 160.1 35 559 36 161, 162 25 561, 562 40 163, 164 36 563 40 164.1 36 615 36 165, 166 25 617, 618 36 167, 168 25 671 2 169, 170 44 673 24 211 OC 695 13 213, 214 19 697 13 263 OC 723 24 265, 266 OC 725, 726 44 267, 268 42 727, 728 5 269 42 729 5 319 29 777 OC 321, 322 17 779, 780 OC 323, 324 33 781, 782 OC 325, 326 32 783, 784 OC 326.1 32 785, 786 OC 327, 328 27 787, 788 OC 329, 330 36 789 OC 331, 332 36 839 OC 332.1 27 889 39 333, 334 32 891, 892 40 335 32 892.1, 892.2 40 381 23 893, 894 43 383, 384 33 945 41 385 24 947, 948 41 398.3, 398.4 7 949, 950 41 398.5, 398.6 40 951 41 398.7, 398.8 40 997 OC 398.9, 398.10 40 999, 1000 22 398.11, 398.12 40 1051 33 398.13, 398.14 40 1053, 1054 31 398.15, 398.16 40 1054.1, 1054.2 31 398.16.1 40 1054.3, 1054.4 31 398.17, 398.18 33 1055, 1056 36 399, 400 OC 1057, 1058 33 Supp. No. 44 [2] CHECKLIS"I' OF UP-"I'O-DA"I'E PAGES Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 1059, 1060 33 1463 OC 1060.1, 1060.2 43 1465, 1466 OC 1060.3, 1060.4 43 1517 OC 1060.5 43 1519, 1520 OC 1061, 1062 8 1521, 1522 27 1063,1064 8 1523 27 1121 OC 1573 24 1171 OC 1575, 1576 29 1173,1174 28 1627 9 1175, 1176 36 1629, 1630 27 1177 36 1631 27 1225 31 1681 OC 1227, 1228 37 1683, 1684 33 1228.1 37 1684.1, 1684.2 24 1229, 1230 21 1685, 1686 OC 1231, 1232 21 1687, 1688 17 1233, 1234 33 1689, 1690 17 1235,1236 30 1739 14 1236.1 30 1741, 1742 21 1237,1238 16 1781 21 1239, 1240 33 1783, 1784 21 1241, 1242 33 1785, 1786 33 1289 3 1787,1788 33 1291, 1292 OC 1788.1 33 1293, 1294 29 1789, 1790 21 1295 29 1791,1792 21 1343 4 1793,1794 21 1345, 1346 22 1795, 1796 21 1346.1 22 2043 OC 1347, 1348 29 2045, 2046 33 1349, 1350 33 2046.1 25 1351, 1352 33 2047, 2048 OC 1353, 1354 33 2049, 2050 OC 1355, 1356 33 2051, 2052 OC 1356.1 33 2053 OC 1357, 1358 OC 2353 OC 1359, 1360 33 2355, 2356 OC 1361, 1362 33 2357, 2358 33 1363, 1364 33 2359, 2360 33 1365, 1366 33 2361, 2362 33 1366.1, 1366.2 33 2363, 2364 33 1366.3, 1366.4 33 2364.1 33 1367 5 2365, 2366 OC 1411 OC 2367, 2368 37 Supp. No. 44 [3] NOR"I'H PALM BEACH CODE Page No. Supp. No. Page No. Supp. No. 2368.1 37 2510.23, 2510.24 25, Add. 2369, 2370 OC 2510.25, 2510.26 25, Add. 2371, 2372 OC 2510.27, 2510.28 25, Add. 2373, 2374 33 2510.29, 2510.30 25, Add. 2375, 2376 33 2510.31, 2510.32 25, Add. 2377, 2378 33 2510.33, 2510.34 25, Add. 2379 33 2510.35, 2510.36 25, Add. 2479 9 2510.37, 2510.38 25, Add. 2481, 2482 41 2510.39, 2510.40 25, Add. 2483, 2484 41 2510.41, 2510.42 25, Add. 2485, 2486 41 2510.43, 2510.44 25, Add. 2486.1, 2486.2 41 2510.45, 2510.46 25, Add. 2486.3, 2486.4 41 2510.47, 2510.48 25, Add. 2486.5, 2486.6 41 2510.49, 2510.50 25, Add. 2486.7, 2486.8 41 2510.51, 2510.52 25, Add. 2486.9, 2486.10 41 2510.53, 2510.54 25, Add. 2487, 2488 OC 2510.55, 2510.56 25, Add. 2488.1, 2488.2 18 2510.57, 2510.58 25, Add. 2489, 2490 18 2511, 2512 30 2491, 2492 18 2512.1, 2512.2 23 2493, 2494 18 2512.3, 2512.4 33 2495, 2496 18 2512.5, 2512.6 33 2497, 2498 32 2512.7 33 2499, 2500 32 2513, 2514 OC 2500.1 32 2515, 2516 22 2501, 2502 25 2517, 2518 22 2503, 2504 28 2619 38 2504.1, 2504.2 29 2819, 2820 44 2504.3 28 2869, 2870 OC 2505, 2506 10 2871 OC 2507, 2508 13 2873 OC 2509, 2510 32 2875, 2876 OC 2510.1, 2510.2 32 2877, 2878 OC 2510.2.1 32 2879, 2880 OC 2510.3, 2510.4 25, Add. 2881, 2882 14 2510.5, 2510.6 25, Add. 2883, 2884 14 2510.7, 2510.8 25, Add. 2885, 2886 19 2510.9, 2510.10 25, Add. 2887, 2888 25, Add. 2510.11, 2510.12 25, Add. 2889, 2890 33 2510.13, 2510.14 25, Add. 2891 44 2510.15, 2510.16 25, Add. 2933, 2934 25 2510.17, 2510.18 25, Add. 2935, 2936 44 2510.19, 2510.20 25, Add. 2936.1 44 2510.21, 2510.22 25, Add. 2937, 2938 39 Supp. No. 44 [4] CHECKLIS"I' OF UP-"I'O-DA"I'E PAGES Page No. Supp. No. 2939, 2940 44 2940.1 44 2941, 2942 36 2943, 2944 44 2944.1 41 2945, 2946 39 2947, 2948 41 2949, 2950 36 2951, 2952 41 2952.1 41 2953, 2954 36 2955, 2956 39 2957, 2958 36 2959, 2960 36 Supp. No. 44 [5] Chapter 2 ADMINISTRATION''` Art. I. In General, 2-1-2-15 Art. II. Council, 2-16-2-38 Div. 1. Generally, 2-16 2-25 Div. 2. Rules of Procedure, 2-26 2-38 Art. III. Administrative Code, 2-39-2-114 Div. 1. Generally, 2-39 2-50 Div. 2. Audit Committee, 2-51 2-58 Div. 3. Department of Finance, 2-59 2-66 Div. 4. Department of Records, 2-67 2-74 Div. 5. Department of Public Safety, 2-75 2-83 Div. 6. Department of Public Works, 2-84 2-92 Div. 7. Department of Library, 2-93 2-101 Div. 8. Department of Country Club, 2-102 2-109 Div. 9. Department of Recreation, § 2-110 Div. 10. Department of Community Development, 2-111 2- 114 Art. IV. Manager, 2-115-2-128 Art. V. Pensions and Retirement Systems, 2-129-2-170.11 Div. 1. Generally, 2-129 2-135 Div. 2. Social Security, 2-136 2-145 Div. 3. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for General Employ- ees, 2-146 2-158 Div. 4. Pension and Certain Other Benefits for Fire and Police Employees, 2-159 2-170 Div. 5. Length of Service Award Plan for Volunteer Firefighters, 2-170.01 2-170.11 Div. 6. ICIVLA Defined Contribution Pension Ylan, 2-170.12 2-170.15 Art. VI. Code Enforcement Board, 2-171-2-250 Art. VII. Alternate Method of Code Enforcement, 2-251-2-256 *Charter reference-Administrative provisions generally, Art. IV. Cross references-Rabies control, § 4-42 et seq.; elections, Ch. 10; fire division, § 12-29 et seq.; library board, § 16-16 et seq.; impersonation of village officers, § 19-14; enforcement procedures for noise regulations, § 19-117; local planning agency desi~,mated, § 21-12; taxation, Ch. 26; appearance plan, App. A; subdivision regulations, App. B; zoning regulations, App. C. Supp. No. 44 133 ADMINIS'PRA'PION § 2-252 tions, one of which shall be the prop- will hold a hearing on the violation if the citation erty upon which the violation is al- is either contested or if the fine is not paid within leged to exist and the other of which the time specified in the citation. shall be at the primary municipal (Ord. No. 2009-11, § 2, 9-10-2009) government office. 2. Proof of posting shall be by affidavit Sec. 2-252. Form and contents of citation. of the person posting the notice, which affidavit shall include a copy of the (a) The citation issued by the code compliance notice posted and the date and places officer, sworn police officer or public safety aide of its posting. shall be in a form prescribed by the village, and shall contain, at a minimum, the following: (c) Notice by publication or posting may run concurrently with, or may follow, an at- (1) The date and time of issuance; tempt or attempts to provide notice by hand delivery or by mail as required un- (2) The name and address of the person to der subsection (1). whom this citation is issued; Evidence that an attempt has been made to hand (3) The date and time the civil infraction was deliver or mail notice as provided in subsection committed; (1), together with proof of publication or posting (4) A brief description of the violation; as provided in subsection (2) shall be sufficient to show that the notice requirements of this part (5) The number of section of the code or have been met, without regard to whether or not ordinance violated; the alleged violator actually received such notice. (Ord. No. 19-79, § 10, 9-27-79; Ord. No. 9-80, § 10, (6) The name of the issuing officer or aide; 4-24-80; Ord. No. 8-90, § 7, 4-12-90; Ord. No. 18-96, § 6, 5-9-96; Ord. No. 04-2000, § 5, 2-10-00) (7) The procedure for the person to follow in order to pay the civil penalty or contest Sec. 2-182. Actions for money judgments; the citation; limitation. (8) The applicable civil penalty if the person Actions for money judgments may be pursued elects to contest the citation; only on fines levied after October 1, 2000. (g) The applicable civil penalty if the person (Ord. No. 08-2003, § 2, 3-27-2003) elects not to contest the citation; and Secs. 2-183-2-250. Reserved. (10) A conspicuous statement if the person fails to pay the civil penalty within the time allowed or fails to appear before the ARTICLE VII. ALTERNATE METHOD OF village's code enforcement board to con- CODE ENFORCEMENT test the citation, the person shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to contest Sec. 2-251. Issuance of citations. the citation and that, in such case, judg- ment may be entered against the person A code compliance officer, sworn police officer for an amount up to the maximum civil or public safety aide may issue a citation to a penalty. person when, based on personal investigation, the officer or aide has reasonable cause to believe that (b) After issuing a citation to an alleged viola- the person has committed a civil infraction in tor, an officer or aide shall provide the original violation of a duly enacted code or ordinance for citation and one copy of the citation to the village's which enforcement by citation has been autho- code enforcement division for further processing. rized, and the village's code enforcement board (Ord. No. 2009-11, § 2, 9-10-2009) Supp. No. 44 169 NORTH YAL1Vl BEAGH GODS Sec. 2-253. Codes to be enforced by citation. The village council shall establish, by resolu- tion, aschedule of the code sections that, due to their nature, lend themselves to enforcement by means of the citation method, in addition to a schedule of penalties for violation of these sec- tions. The schedule of code sections and penalties may be amended at the discretion of the village council. (Ord. No. 2009-11, § 2, 9-10-2009) Sec. 2-254. Right to hearing; maximum pen- alty. (a) Upon receipt of a citation, a person alleged to have violated the village code may request a hearing before the village's code enforcement board and present his or her case to the board. (b) All violations shall be considered civil in- fractions, and the code enforcement board may assess a maximum civil penalty not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), plus the village's ad- ministrative costs if the violation is contested. (Ord. No. 2009-11, § 2, 9-10-2009) Sec. 2-255. Failure to accept citation. Any person who willfully refuses to sign and accept a citation issued by a code compliance officer, sworn police officer, or public safety aide shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in F.S. § 775.082 or F.S. § 775.083. (Ord. No. 2009-11, § 2, 9-10-2009) Sec. 2-256. Provisions additional and sup- plemental. This article constitutes an additional and sup- plemental means of enforcing the provisions of the Village Code. Nothing contained in this divi- sion shall prohibit the village from enforcing its codes or ordinances by other lawful means. (Ord. No. 2009-11, § 2, 9-10-2009) {'rhe next page ie 211} Supp. No. 44 170 FIRE YREVENPION AND YRO'PEC'PION § 12-28 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL shall be collected in accordance with the fee schedule established by resolution of the village council. Secs. 12-1-12-15. Reserved. (b) The effective date for collection of fire in- ARTICLE II. FLORIDA FIRE spection fees is October 1, 2006, and on an annual PREVENTION CODE basis thereafter and is to be made a part of the business tax and paid therewith. For multi-family Sec. 12-16. Adopted by reference. buildings or structures governed by a condomin- ium or other community association for which no Under the authority of Florida Statutes, Sec- business tax is due and payable, the annual fire tion 633.0215 and 633.025, the "Florida Fire Pre- inspection fee shall be paid by October 1 of each vention Code" adopted by the State Fire Marshal year. Failure to remit the annual inspection fee in Rule Chapter 4A-60 of the Florida Administra- and any late fees shall subject the association to tive Code, including NFPA 1 Fire Prevention Code code enforcement proceedings in accordance with (2007 edition) and NFPA 101 Life Safety Code chapter 2 of this Code. (2007 edition), both as modified by Rule Chapter (Ord. No. 2006-13, 1, 2, 8-10-06; Ord. No. 4A-60 of the Florida Administrative Code, is herein 2006-28, § 4, 12-14-06; Ord. No. 2009-15, § 2, adopted by reference as the minimum fire code for g_24-2009) the village. There has been for at least ten (10) days last past and shall be during the time that this code is in effect, two (2) copies available for Sec. 12-18. Review of construction plans and public use, inspection, and examination. (Ord. No. 12-2002, § 1, 5-9-02; Ord. No. 2009-15, fire suppression, detection and § 2, 9-24-2009) alarm systems and establishment Editor's note-Ord. No. 05-2002, § 6, adopted Feb. 28, of fee schedule. 2002 and Ord. No. 12-2002, § 2, repealed § 12-16, in its entirety. Ord. No. 12-2002, § 1, adopted 1Vlay 9, 2002, enacted provisions to read as herein set out. Prior to amendment (a) All Construction, reCOnstructlon Or renova- § 12-16 pertained to (fire prevention coded adopted by refer- t10n p1anS and all fire SuppreSSlOn, Smoke deteC- ence and derived from Code 1970, § 6-ll; Ord. No. 16-75, § 1, tion and fire alarm systems requiring review by adopted Oct. 9, 1975; Ord. No. 13-77, § 1, adopted July 14, the fire rescue division shall be submitted to the 1977; Ord. No. 22-80, § 1 adopted Oct. 9, 1980; Ord. No. 7-83, division for review to ensure compliance with all § 1, adopted Aug. 25, 1983; Ord. No. 3-87, § 1, adopted Jan. 22, 1987; Ord. No. 6-90, § 1, adopted 1Vlar. 22, 1990; Ord. No. applicable requirements of this article. As re- 13-92, § 1, adopted Sept, 10, 1992; and Ord. No. 11-97, § 1, quired by the provisions of this article, the fire adopted Feb. 27, 1997. rescue division shall inspect all new structures to Cross references-Building, gas, mechanical and plumb- ensure that all requirements have been met prior ing codes adopted, § 6-17; housing code adopted, § 15-1. to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Sec. 12-17. Annual fire inspection and estab- lishment of fee schedule. (b) The inspection and reinspection fees for reviews required by this section shall be collected (a) Effective October 1, 2006, all commercial in accordance with the fee schedule established and multi-family buildings and structures shall by resolution of the village council and shall be be subject to an annual fire safety inspection. For paid prior to the issuance of a certificate of the purposes of this section, amulti-family build- occupancy. ing or structure is defined as any building or (Ord. No. 2009-15, § 2, 9-24-2009) structure with three (3) or more units where access to the units is accomplished through use of common hallways or walkways. The annual fire inspection fee and all reinspection and late fees Secs. 12-19-12-28. Reserved. Supp. No. 44 725 § 12-29 NOR'PH PALM BEACH CODE ARTICLE III. FIRE DIVISION''` DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 12-29. Created; function. A division to be hereafter known as the Village of North Palm Beach Fire Division, the object of which shall be the prevention and extinguish- ment of fire and the protection of life and property within the limits of the village, is hereby created. (Code 1970, § 15-1) Sec. 12-30. Composition. (a) The division created by this article shall consist of a chief and such other officers as the village *Editor's note-On Aug. 27, 1968 the village entered into a mutual fire-fighting aid or protection pact with other mu- nicipalities and fire control districts located in county (see Resolution No. 363-68). Cross references-Administrative code provisions on de- partment of public safety, § 2-75 et seq.; length of service award plan for volunteer firefighters, § 2-170 et seq. Supp. No. 44 726 STATUTORY REFERENCE TABLE This table shows the location within this Code, either in the text or notes following the text of references to the state law or related matters. Section Section Section this Code Section this Code 1.01 27-31 ch. 177 App. B, Art. I, 1.01 et seq. 1-2 § 36-2 ch. 22F App. B, Art. II, App. B, Art. II, § 36-10 § 36-8 ch. 39 App. C, § 45-2 App. B, Art. II, Ch. 50 2-181 § 36-15 50.041 2-181 App. B, Art. IV, 50.051 2-181 § 36-27 55.03 29-5(a) ch. 185 2-167 ch. 98 Ch. 10 185.06(1)(b) 2-166 101.657 10-7 185.08 26-16 112.181 2-161(e)(9) 202.195 29-8(m) 161.55(1)(d) 6-156 203.012 26-51, 29-3 161.041 6-153 29-5(b) 161.053 6-154 203.012(5)(b) 26-51 162.12(2) 2-180 ch. 205 Ch. 17, Art. II ch. 163 12.5-1 205.043(2 21-1 205.043(3) 17-24, 17-25 21-ll 205.053 17-20 21-43, 21-44 205.192 17-22 App. B, Art. I, 210.03 17-33 § 36-2, App. B, Art. ch. 212 26-53 I, § 36-4 ch. 252 Ch. 8 App. B, Art. II, 8-4(a)(2) § 36-16 252.38 et seq. 8-6 App. B, Art. VI 253.125 7-19 163.01 2-4(f7 280.02 2-4(f7 163.161 et seq. 21-O1 286.011 2-1 ch. 163.170, App. B, Art. II, Ch. 316 18-20 §163.3164(17) § 36-10 316.008 Ch. 18 163.225(3)(x) (c) 5-86 316.272 19-117 163.295 6-150 316.293 19-117 163.3161 et seq. Ch. 21, Art. II 316.1955, 316.1956 18-37 163.3177 21-44 320.01(1) 14-37 163.3178 6-155 ch. 327 Ch.5 21-44 327.02 5-33 163.3180(12) 21-48 335.065 App. B, Art. IV, ch. 166 6-16~~' 36-29.1 Ch. 24 337.29 29-2 Ord. No. 2478 § 3 337.401 29-2, 29-3 166.021 Ch. 17, Art. II 29-5(a), (e) 166.221 17-34 29-6(a) 166.231 Ch. 26, Art. III 337.401(3) 28-3 ch. 170 21-2 337.403, 337.404 29-7 170.01 Ch. 24 342.03 Ch.5 ch. 175 2-167 362.01 29-2 175.071(1) 2-166 364.02 29-3 175.101 26-17 ch. 373 19-200 Supp. No. 44 2819 NOR'PH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section this Code ch. 380 21-44 App. B, Art. II, § 36-10 380.04 21-103 393 App. C, § 45-2 ch. 394 App. C, § 45-2 ch. 400 App. C, § 45-2 ch. 401 11.5-21 ch. 402 App. C, § 45-2 App. C, § 45-34.1 402.302(4), 402.302(5) 17-33 413.08 4-27(d) ch. 419 17-33 App. C, § 45-2 471.003 29-8(c)(1) ch. 472 App. B, Art. I, § 36-6 ch. 480 App. C, § 45-2 ch. 495 1-10 ch. 553 6-16 553.73 6-154 11-11 553.73(2) 6-2 561.01 3-1 561.01 et seq. Ch. 3 563.01 3-1 564.01 3-1 565.01 3-1 628.901 29-12(d) 633.35 2-159 633.025 12-16 633.0215 12-16 ch. 650 Ch. 2, Art. V, Div. 2 2-136 650.02 2-136 658.12 2-4(q) ch. 760 App. C, § 45-2 768.28 29-12(d) 775.082, 775.083 2-169(B 2-255 794.011 19-31 800.04 19-31 827.071 19-31 ch. 847 App. C, § 45-20 847.0145 19-31 870.041 8-21 870.44 8-22 870.45 8-22 872.05 2-104 943.14 2-159 943.25(13) 1-9 ('Phe next page is 28691 Supp. No. 44 2820 CODE COMYARA'P1VE 'FABLE Adoption Section Ord. No. Date Section this Code 8 19-221 9 29-5(a) 10 App. C, § 45-20(9), (10) 11 App. C, § 45-36 Q(5) 2007-01 1-11-07 2 Added 21-48 2007-03 2- 8-07 2 6-17 2007-10 4-12-07 1 2-52(a) 2 2-54(3) 2007-13 7-12-07 1, 2 2-1 2007-16 10-25-07 2 Added App. C, § 45-16.1 2007-17 10-25-07 2 Added 2-166(1)d. 2007-19 12-13-07 2,7 18-34 3 2-173 2007-20 12-13-07 2 Rpld 9-16 9-21 3 9-16 9-19 2007-21 12-13-07 2 14-30(2) 2008-O1 1-10-08 2 6-ll5(F) 2008-02 1-10-08 2 2-148 2008-03 1-24-08 2 10-5 Dltd 10-6 10-8 Ruud 10-9 as 10-6 Dltd 10-10 Ruud 10-13 as 10-7 4 Rpld 10-58 10-64 3 10-76 Rpld 10-77 2008-04 1-24-08 2 5-83 5-85 2008-06 2-28-08 2 Added 19-11 2008-07 4-10-08 2 36-23 2008-09 8-28-08 App. D 2008-15 10-23-08 2 Rpld 14-37 14-52 3 Rpld 14-79 14-83 Added 14-79 14-83 2008-16 10-23-08 2 14-30 2008-17 11-13-08 2 2-4 2008-18 11-13-08 2 5 2-159 2-162 2009-01 1- 8-09 2 Added 14-31 2009-02 1-22-09 2, 3 6-111, 6-112 4 6-114 6 6-115 2009-03 1-22-09 2 9-17(a) 2009-04 4-23-09 2 App. C, § 45-2 3 App. C, § 45-19 D. 4 App. C, § 45-27 A.l. Added App. C, § 45-27 F. 2009-05 5-14-09 2 Added 15-ll 15-18 2009-006 6-11-09 2 4-27, 4-28 4-31, 4-32 2009-07 7-23-09 2 17-33 2009-09 7-23-09 2 14-79 2009-11 9-10-2009 2 Added 2-251 2-256 2009-15 9-24-2009 2 12-16, 12-17 Added 12-18 ('Phe next page is 29331 Supp. No. 44 2891 CODE INDEX Section Section A ALARIVIS Nont'd.) ABANDONMENT Code enforcement board, enforcement through 19-217 Abandoned real property 15-ll et seq. Definitions 19-207 See: YROYER'PY Exem ~tions 19-218 Boats 1 Boat launching area; abandoned boats False alarms and equipment 5-36, 5-37 Excessive false alarms declared public Generall J_8 nuisance 19-212 y Discarded materials, (vehicles, boats, etc.) Service charge; collection 19-213 Abatement of public nuisances on pri- Fire division equipment; fire alarm system 12-53 vate property 14-79 et seq. Fire prevention and protection See: NUISANCES Florida fire prevention code Dogs, other animals 4-10 Review of construction plans and fire suppression, detection and alarm ACTS BY AGENPS systems and establishment of Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 fee schedule 12-18 ADIVIINIS'PRA'PIVE CODE Identification required 19-215 Audit committee 2-56 et seq. System standards....................... 19-219 See: AUDPPS 'Telephone trunk lines Bonds required of certain ofFicers 2-42 Interference with public safety depart- Definition 2-39 went telephone trunk lines prohib- Departmental organization 2-40 ited 19-215 Oaths of ofFice Violation and penalty 19-214 Chief administrator and ofFicer s, form of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES oath 2-41(b) Consumption on playgrounds and public Mc tubers of department of public safety, form of oath 2-41(c) parks 3-3 Persons required to take oath of ofFice . 2-41(a) Nudity, partial nudity, sexual conduct; pro- Yolicy and procedures hibited at alcoholic beverage estab- lishments 3-4 Department heads 2-43(b) Departments 2-43(c) Sales restricted; hours of sale............ 3-2 OfFicers 2-43(a) State law definitions adopted............ 3-1 'Coning ADULT ENPER'PAINMENP ESTABLISH- Location of business for retail sales of MENDS alcoholic beverages 45-20(2), 'Coning regulations re. See: 'CONING (Ap- 45-36.N pendix C) C-3 Regional Business District...... 45-341(9) ADVERTISING A1VIBULANCES Handbills; distribution restricted......... 19-7 Definition 17-50 Noise control policy re loudspeakers and Unlawful operation 17-51 devices for advertising 19-105 Si~,ms and outdoor displays 6-110 et seq. AIVIUSEIVIENPSANDAIVIUSEIVIENPPLACES See: SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS Coin-operated amusements; proximity to AFFIDAVPPS schools restricted 19-4 Home occupations; local business tax AND, OR AfFidavit of applicant required......... 17-3(e) Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 AFFIRIVLA'PION. See: OA'PH, AFFIRIVLA'PION, SWEAR OR SWORN ANIIVLALS AND FOWL Abandoning 4-10 AGREEIVIENPS. See: CONPRAC'PS AND Birds AGREEMENPS 1Vlolesting songbirds 4-9 ALARIVIS Village desi~,mated bird sanctuary; hunt- Alarm business central ofFice required.... 19-215 ing prohibited 4-2 Alarm permit required 19-208 Cats. See herein: Dogs and Cats Application for 19-209 Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 Issuance 19-211 Contagious diseases, animals with 4-ll 'Perms; fees; nontransferable 19-210 Cruelty to animals 4-7 Audible alarms 19-216 Definitions 4-1 Supp. No. 44 2935 NOR'PH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section ANIIVLALS AND FOWL (Cont'd.) APPEARANCE PLAN (Appendix A) (Cont'd.) Dogs and cats Building desi~,m IV(D) Collar and tag Buildings to site, relationship of....... IV(A) Required 4-25 Evaluation, factors for................ IV(H) Unauthorized removal 4-26 Landscape and site treatment IV(C) Impoundment Maintenance-planning and desi~,m fac- Disposition upon owner's failure to tors IV(G) redeem 4-30(d) Miscellaneous structures and street hard- Notice 4-30(b) ware IV(F) Redemption by owner 4-30(c) Si~,ms IV(E) Required 4-30(a) Definitions VIII Inoculation 4-24 Maintenance for good appearance Prohibited in certain areas; exceptions . 4-27 Buildings and appurtenances.......... VIIB) Rabies control. See herein Heat subject Public property VII(C) Re~,ristration 4-24 Site VII(A) Running at large Participation and incentives VI Cats 4-28(c) Statement of policy II Dogs on property of others.......... 4-28(b) Dogs on streets and sidewalks 4-28(a) ARCHAEOLOGICAL SPPE YRO'PEC'PION Vicious, biting and attacking dogs 4-29 Appeals 21-107 Waste removal Applicability 21-102 Persons walking; dogs re5pon5ible for Archaeolo~,rical review, development sub- removal of ~ rite 4-31 ject to....... 21-104 Waste-removal implements, persons Certificate to dig 21-105 walkin r do r to Carr 4-32 Cost 21-106 Y.......... Enforcement Definitions 21-103 Hearing 21-108 General enforcement 4-5 Hindering enforcement 4-4 Intent.................................. 21-101 Fight, causing animals to 4-8 Purpose................................ 21-101 Keeping certain animals prohibited; excep- Violations and penalties 21-108 tion 4-6 ASSEIVIBLIES Killing 4-3 1Vleetings of boards and commissions; ad- Molesting songbirds or domestic pets 4-9 journment of 2-3 Noise control policy re animal noises 19-107 1Vleetings of specific boards, etc. See spe- Nuisances, animals creating 4-12 cific subjects Poisoning 4-3 Yar k and recreation area; meetings and Rabies control r~fflerm 5 20-22 et se Deaff1 or destruction, reporting........ 4-46 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q~ See: PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND Muzzles; when required 4-45 RECREA'PION Rabid animals Confinement 4-43 A'PLANPIC OCEAN Duty to report; impounding......... 4-44 Regulations governing construction of docks, Nuisance, declared 4-42 piers in Lake Worff1 and Atlantic ANNEXA'PION Ocean 5-85 Planning and development; filing fees and AUDPPS cost for voluntary annexation of land 21-2 Audit committee ANPENNAE Access to records 2-56 Administrative services 2-57 'Coning regulations 45-21 Composition; terms; vacancies......... 2-52 APPEARANCE PLAN (Appendix A) Created 2-51 A ;/com;(Note Section citations contained Duties 2-54 herein refer to section citations found Organization 2-53 wiff7in Appendix A) Removal 2-55 Administration V Areas of jurisdiction III B Basis I Criteria for appearance BA'PHING Building and site to adjoining area, re- Diseased persons prohibited from baffling lationship of IVB) in public pools, etc. 19-3 Supp. No. 44 2936 CODE INDEX Section Section BICYCLES Yark regulations 20-6 Subdivisions, required improvements re bike~~~ays ~6-29.1 BILLBOARDS. See: SIGNS AND BILL- BOARDS BIRDS. See: ANIIVLALS AND FOWL Supp. No. 44 2936.1 CODE INDEX Section Section BUSINESS REGULA'PIONS (Cont'd.) C Enga~,ring in business without certifi- cate of regulation or under ter- CABLE 'PELEVISION. See: 'PELEVISION tificate issued on 17-34.11 CAIVIYING Fee exemptions 17-34.10 Recreational, boating and camping equip- Fee schedule 17-34.12 ment;parking on residential property Half-year certificate 17-34.3 restricted.......................... 18-35 Issuance of certificate 17-34.3 Unauthorized lodging and camping....... 19-ll Noncompliance of principal............ 17 34.8 CANALS Nonprofit enterpnSE, special permit for 17-34.5 Refund of fee 17-34.9 Construction requirements 5-56 et seq. Re~,ristration required 17-34.1 See: BOA'PS, DOCKS AND WA'PER- WAYS Rene«gal 17-34.4 Suspension or revocation of certificate . 17-34.9 CAPS When due and payable 17-34.3 Regulations enumerated................. 4-24 et seq. Garage and other sales 17-61 et seq. See: ANIMALS AND FOWL See: GARAGE AND O'PHER SALES Home occupations 17-3(al et seq. CER'IIFICA'PES See: HO1V1E OCCUYA'PIONS AppE ~rancc code; cEr tificate of appropriate Local bUS1nE s tax ness 6-56 et seq. Application for business tax receipt.... 17-18 See: BUILDINGS Boats, docks and waterways; unlawfully Business tax exemptions 17-31 anchored or moored vc5sels Business tax imposed; basis of one year 17-16 Unclaimed vessel to be Sold; certifica- Business tax receipt renewal; delin- tion of sale 5-22 quency penalty 17-20 Bti~in~,,,~.; located outside village limits, Business tax schedule 17-33 certificate of business regulations re. 17-34 et seq. Compliance by principal deemed compli- See: BUSINESS REGULA'PIONS ante by agent; noncompliance of Emergency medical services 11.5-21 principal 17-29 Historic site overlay district; certificate of Declaration where fee depends on vari- appropriateness 45-37(H) able factors within applicant's knowledge 17-23 CIVIL DISORDERS AND DIS'PURBANCES. Doing business not covered by receipt; See: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENP receipt obtained by false state- CLERK meats void ab initio 17-28 Department of records, provisions re vil- Duplicate receipts 17-27 lage clerk and deputy village clerk 2-67 et seq. Enga~,ring in business without receipt or See: DOCUIVIENPS AND PUBLIC under receipt issued on false state- RECORDS meats 17-32 How tax construed as to specified pro- CLUBS fessions 17-21 Country club 9-1 et seq. Issuance of receipt; duration; half-year See: COUNPRY CLUB receipt; when due and payable 17-19 COAS'PAL CONS'PRUC'PION CODE Marking of commercial vehicles 17-33.1 Coastal construction requirements Receipt to be posted or carried 17-26 Location of construction 6-155(4) Special permit for nonprofit enterprise. 17-22 1Vlajor structures, structural require- Suspension or revocation of receipt; re- meats for 6-155(1) fund of fee 17-30 1Vlinor structures, structural require- 'l~ansfer of receipts to new location.... 17-25 meats for 6-155(3) 'l~ansfer of receipts to new owner...... 17-24 Nonhabitable major structures, struc- Wellfield protection tural requirements for 6-155(2) Regulation of business activities with Public access 6-155(5) potential to contaminate land and Definitions 6-154 water resources 19-221 Flood damage prevention................ 12.5-1 et seq. 'Coning See: FLOOD DAIVIAGE YREVENPION Location of business for retail sales of Purpose 6-152 alcoholic beverages 45-20(2), 45- References 6-156 36.N Scope C-3 Regional Business District...... 45-341(9) Applicability 6-153(x) Supp. No. 44 2939 NOR'PH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section COAS'PAL CONS'PRUC'PION CODE (Cont'd.) COIN-OYERA'PED AIVIUSEMEN'PS Exceptions 6-153(b) Proximity to schools restricted........... 19-4 Permits, application for 6-153(c) COIVIBA'P AU'PO 'PHEF'P (CA'P) 'Pitle 6-151 Establishment, regulations 18-19 CODE ENFORCEMEN'P, AL'PERNA'PE CO1V11V1I'P'PEES, CO1V11V1ISSIONS. See: DE- ME'PHOD OF YAR'P1V1EN'PSAND O'PHERAGENCIES Codes to be enforced by citation.......... 2-253 OF VILLAGE Failure to accept citation 2-255 Form and contents of citation............ 2-252 COMMUNICA'PIONS Issuance of citations 2-251 'Pelecommunications Provisions additional and supplemental 2-256 Generally 29-1 et seq. Right to hearing; maximum penalty...... 2-254 See: 'PELECOMIVIUNICA'PIONS Service tax 26-51 et seq. CODE ENFORCEMEN'P BOARD See: 'PAXA'PION Actions for money judgments Limitation 2-182 COMMUNI'PY DEVELOYMEN'P DEYAR'P- Alarm regulations, enforcement re 19-217 MEN'P A>>licabilit 2-173 Director's duties 2-111 rr y Declaration of le~,rislative intent 2-171 Divisions Code compliance 2-112(2) Definitions 2-172 Enforcement procedure 2-175 Permits and inspections 2-112(1) Planning 2-112(3) Fines; liens Appeals 2-180 COIVIYU'PA'PION OF 'PINE Copies of orders imposing fines 2-178(d) Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Determination of amount of fine....... 2-178(b) CONCURRENCY MANAGEMEN'P Duration of lien 2-179 Generall 2-178(x) Provisions enumerated 21-41 et seq. y See: YLANNINGAND DEVELOYIVIEN'P Notices 2-181 Reduction of fine 2-178(c) COUNCIL. See: VILLAGE COUNCIL Hearing, conduct of 2-176 Organization COUN'PRY CLUB Attorne 2-174(c) Finances y Officers; quorum; compensation 2-174(b) Delinquent accounts; penalties 9-32 Golf advisory board 9-16 et seq. Qualifications and term 2-174(a) See: GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Powers 2-177 Premises CODE OF ORDINANCES* Disfiguration and/or removal of building Altering Code 1-7 or other property................ 9-1(1) Amendments 1-6 Enforcement 9-2 Catchlines 1-3 Hours 9-1(2) Court cost Sidms 9-2 A~~~~~~ment of additional court costs for Violations and penalties 9-2 criminal justice education expendi- COUN'PY tures 1-9 Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Desi~,mated and cited 1-1 COUR'PS References to chapters or sections 1-3 Court cost Repeal of ordinances, effect of............ 1-4 Assessment of additional court costs for Severability of parts 1-5 criminal justice education expendi- Village clerk, duties re recording ordi- tures 1-9 nances 2-67(3) Village logo 1-10 D Violations and penalty 1-8 DECALS Combat Auto 'Pheft (CA'P) 18-19 *Note-'Phe adoption, amendment, repeal, omissions, effec- tive date, explanation of numbering system and other matters DEYAR'PMEN'PS AND O'PHER AGENCIES pertaining to the use, construction and interpretation of this OF VILLAGE Code are contained in the adopting ordinance and preface Administrative code 2-39 et seq. which are to be found in the preliminary pages of this volume. See: ADMINIS'PRA'PIVE CODE Supp. No. 44 2940 CODE INDEX Section Section DEYAR'PMENPS AND O'PHER AGENCIES OF VILLAGE (Cont'd.) Appearance board. See: AYYEARANCE PLAN (Appendix A) Audit committee 2-56 et seq. See: AUDPPS Boards and committees 2-1 Code enforcement board 2-171 et seq. Community development department..... 2-111 et seq. See: COMMUNPPY DEVELOYMEN'P DEYAR'PMENP Finance, department of 2-59 See: FINANCES Supp. No. 44 2940.1 CODE INDEX Section Section FIRE YREVENPION AND YRO'PEC'PION FLOOD DAIVLAGE YREVENPION (Cont'd.) (Cont'd.) Building ofFicial Emergency medical technician volun- Desi~,mated as flood damage control ad- teers 12-32 ministrator 12.5-21 Equipment Duties and responsibilities 12.5-23 Acquisition 12-52 Definitions 12.5-5 Fire alarm system 12-53 Development permit Generally 12-51 Required............................. 12.5-22 Housing 12-54 Findings of fact......................... 12.5-2 Private use of equipment 12-55 Flood hazard reduction provisions 'Pampering with equipment 12-56 Coastallligh hazard areas 12.5-44 Impersonating fireman 19-8 General standards Motor equipment and members' cars des- Anchoring 12.5-41(1) i~,mated emergency vehicles 12-31 Construction materials and methods 12.5-41(2) Personnel Enclosures below lowest floor 12.5-41(6) Badges 12-41 Mechanical and utility equipment... 12.5-41(5) Car insi~,mia 12-42 Subdivision proposals.............. 12.5-41(4) Other ofFicers accountable to chief... 12-39 Utilities 12.5-41(3) Police assistance 12-43 Regulatory floodways................. 12.5-43 Special police powers 12-40 Sand dunes and mangrove stands 12.5-45 Volunteer firefighters, length of service Specific standards award plan for 2-170 et seq. Nonresidential construction......... 12.5-42(2) See: YENSIONSAND RE'PIREIVIENP Residential construction............ 12.5-42(1) Florida fire prevention code Interpretation 12.5-9 Adopted by reference 12-16 Lands to which provisions applies........ 12.5-6 Annual fire inspection and establish- Methods of reducing flood losses 12.5-4 went of fee schedule 12-17 Noncompliance, penalties for 12.5-11 Review of construction plans and fire Statement of purpose and objectives...... 12.5-3 suppression, detection and alarm Statutory authorization 12.5-1 systems and establishment of fee Variance procedure 12.5-24 schedule 12-18 FLORIDA, S'PA'DE OF. See: S'PA'DE Hazardous substances, cost recovery for cleanup, abatement and removal of FOLLOWING, PRECEDING Authority of public safety department.. 12-102 Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Cost reimbursement to village......... 12-103 FOOD AND FOOD YREYARA'PION Definitions 12-101 Barbecue grills and similar cooking devices 19-10 Exceptions for fire suppression services 12-105 Late fee for failure to reimbursement 12-106 FORFEPPURES. See: FINES, FORFEPPURES Records 12-104 AND O'PHER YENAL'PIES Remedies 12-107 Pension and certain other benefits for fire FOWL. See: ANIMALS AND FOWL and police employees 2-159 et seq. FRANCHISES See: PENSIONS AND RE'PIREMENP Enumerated. See Appendix D FIREARIVIS AND WEAPONS Use of rights-of-way for utilities.......... 28-1 et seq. Concealed weapons, carrying 19-184 See: U'PILPPIES Forfeiture; disposition 19-186 Possession 19-183 G Sales restricted GAIVIBLING Record of sales required 19-185(c) Animals, causing to fight 4-8 Specified weapons, display and sale of . 19-185(b) Switchblade knives prohibited......... 19-185(x) GARAGE AND O'PHER SALES Stench bombs prohibited 19-82 Garage sales 17-61 See: S'PENCH BOIVIBS Permit required 17-62 Violations and penalties 17-63 FLOOD DAIVLAGE YREVENPION Abrogation and greater restrictions 12.5-8 GARBAGE AND 'PRASH Areas of special flood hazard Abatement of public nuisances on private Basis for establishment 12.5-7 property........................... 14-79 et seq. Warnings regarding desi~,mations 12.5-10 See: NUISANCES Supp. No. 44 2943 NOR'PH PALM BEACH CODE Section Section GARBAGE AND 'PRASH (Cont'd.) HEAL'PH AND SANI'PA'PION (Cont'd.) Boats; refuse disposal 5-12 Boats, docks, etc., provisions re 5-10 et seq. Garbage collection and disposal See: BOA'PS, DOCKS AND WA'PER- Charges WAYS Commercial use property waste dis- Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 posal fees and collection proce- Garbage and trash 14-23 et seq. dures 14-30 See: GARBAGE AND 'PRASH Fee for excess amounts from commer- Yark and recreation facilities; failure to cial establishments 14-28 cooperate in keeping restrooms neat Generally 14-27 or sanitary 20-2 When and where paid 14-29 Rabies control 4-42 et seq. Definition 14-23 See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Frequency of collection 14-26 Garbage cans HEDGES. See: FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES Kept covered 14-25 AND ENCLOSURES Required 14-24 HI'PCHHIHING Landscaping; refuse container areas...... 27-41 Prohibitions 19-6 Public works department Refuse disposal division 2-85(2) HOME OCGUYA'PIONS Customer service requirements and perfor- GA'PHERINGS. See: ASSEMBLIES mance standards 17-2 Definitions 17-3(b) GENDER Effective date 17-3(i) Definitions and rules of construction 1-2 Local business tax. See also that subject GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Generally 17-16 et seq. Composition and terms 9-17 Home occupation provisions Composition 9-17(a) Affidavit of applicant required 17-3(e) Officers 9-17(c) Appeals 17-3(g) 'Perms 9-17(b) Requirement of business tax receipt. 17-3(c) Creation 9-16 Permitted uses, home occupations as 17-3(a) Repeal of ordinances 17-3(h) Duties 9-19 1Vleetings 9-18 Standards.............................. 17-3(d) Violation of standards or conditions deemed GUNS. See: FIREARIVIS AND WEAPONS a Code violation 17-3(f) HORNS H Noise control 19-103 HANDBILLS HOUSING Distribution restricted 19-7 Abandoned real property 15-L1 et seq. See: YROYER'PY HANDGUNS. See: FIREARMS AND WEAY- Boats, docks and waterways; anchoring ONS and mooring Use of vessel for dwelling purposes in HANDICAPPED PERSONS. See: DISABLED prohibited area 5-25 AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS HOUSING CODE HALARDOUS SUBS'PANCES Adopted by reference 15-1 Recovery of costs for cleanup, abatement Amendments 15-2 and removal 12-101 et seq. Code enforcement board, applicability re.. 2-173 See: FIRE YREVEN'PION AND YRO- 'PEC'PION j HEAL'PH AND SANI'PA'PION I1VIYERSONA'PION Abatement of public nuisances on private Impersonating police officer; fireman or property 14-79 et seq. other village official................ 19-8 See: NUISANCES Animals and fowl, provisions re.......... 4-Ll et seq. IMYOUNDMEN'P See: ANIMALS AND FOWL Boats, docks and waterways; unlawfully Bathing regul ~tions anchored or moored ve55els DISC ~ ed persons prohibited from bath- Department of public 5 ~fety to im- ing in public pool, etc............ 19-3 pound.. 5-19 Supp. No. 44 2944