R2024-25 Professional Engineering Services for Replacement of East Alley Wall2024 01-31 Proposal
Project No. 03045.193
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January 31, 2024
Revised March 7, 2024
Jamie Mount, P.E.
Assistant Director of Public Works
Village of North Palm Beach
645 Prosperity Farms Rd.
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Via E-Mail: jmount@village-npb.org)
RE: Professional Civil Engineering & Surveying Services
East Alley Wall Replacement
North Palm Beach, Florida
Engenuity Group, Inc. Project No. 03045.193
Dear Mr. Mount:
We are pleased to offer this proposal to render Professional Civil Engineering &
Surveying services in connection with East Alley Wall Replacement in North Palm Beach,
FL (hereinafter called the ‘Project’).
Surveying Services
Engenuity Group, Inc. will prepare a Topographic and Tree Survey pursuant to Chapter
5J-17.050, Florida Administrative Code. The specific survey limits are shown on the
graphic below outlined in red from right-of-way to right-of-way for approximately 4,140
Linear Feet.
See the attached Designated Scope of Services for a specific list of items to be
included on the survey. Additionally, Engenuity Group, Inc will recover sufficient control
to establish the right-of-way lines for the alleyway to show on the survey.
Surveying Fee: $16,420.00
SUE Services
Engenuity Group, Inc. will provide services with due diligence and in a manner
consistent with the standards of the subsurface utility locating industry.
Every reasonable effort will be made to locate all utility systems of interest whether
indicated on record plans available to us or not. However, no guarantee can be made
that all existing utility systems can be detected, and or located.
Our work to collect as-built drawings and related data from utility companies is crucial
for the Project's accuracy and completion. These documents are vital for a thorough
representation of subsurface utilities. However, utility companies may not always
respond as promptly as we'd like, which could lead to delays. While we strive to
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minimize these delays and maintain communication with these companies, their
response times and the completeness of their data are beyond our control.
The horizontal location effort will include electromagnetic induction, power source
detection, and ground penetrating radar (GPR) within the sites. The accuracy of these
techniques is subject to the limitation of the available technology and certain factors
and field conditions beyond our control.
Utility locations are provided for design purposes only in an attempt to prevent or
reduce the likelihood of damage during excavation.
Areas to be surveyed with GPR must be level, and free of obstructions.
Use of this service does not relieve interested parties from their responsibility to
make required notifications prior to excavation.
Results are dependent upon field conditions at the time of locating services.
SUE Fee: $9,324.00
Total Surveying Fee: $25,744.00
Technical Limitations of Methods of Locating Subsurface Utilities:
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a non-destructive geophysical method that uses
radar pulses to image the subsurface. This technique uses electromagnetic radiation in
the microwave band of the radio spectrum, and detects the reflected signals from
subsurface structures. The working principle of GPR involves emitting a high-frequency
radio wave into the ground and observing the reflected signals. The radar antenna
emits the signal into the ground, and when the signal hits a boundary with different
dielectric constants, the signal is reflected back to the antenna. The time it takes for the
reflection to arrive back at the receiver is proportional to the depth of the object
causing the reflection. The reflected signals are recorded by the system and then
processed to create a subsurface profile. The resulting profile can be interpreted to
understand the subsurface conditions, including the presence of buried objects or
changes in material properties. Despite its extensive utility in geology, archaeology,
surveying, and engineering, GPR does have some technical limitations. Understanding
these limitations is critical. Soil and Material Properties: One of the primary limitations of
GPR is the sensitivity to material properties. Conductive materials such as clay, salty
water, or certain types of minerals can absorb and attenuate the radar signal, reducing
the depth of penetration. Non-metallic materials and utilities may not reflect signals as
strongly as metallic materials and utilities. Similarly, heterogeneous materials or
conditions can cause signal scattering, which may complicate the interpretation of the
results. Penetration Depth: While GPR can be incredibly useful for shallow investigations,
the depth of penetration is limited. The penetration depth is determined by the
frequency of the radar wave, with lower frequencies penetrating deeper but providing
less resolution, and higher frequencies offering higher resolution but shallower
penetration. Differentiation Between Similar Materials: GPR may struggle to differentiate
between objects or layers of similar dielectric constants. This can lead to difficulties in
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2024 01-31 Proposal
Project No. 03045.193
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distinguishing between different layers or objects within the subsurface, potentially
causing inaccurate interpretations. Small Objects: GPR has limitations when detecting
small objects. The minimum size of detectable objects is approximately equal to the
wavelength of the radar wave, which means higher frequency (and thus, shorter
wavelength) systems are required for detecting small objects, sacrificing depth
penetration. Surface and Subsurface Conditions: Surface conditions such as rough
terrain or vegetation can negatively impact GPR data quality. Similarly, certain
subsurface conditions like soil moisture, temperature, and the presence of metallic
objects can cause signal distortion or absorption.
Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) systems are a common method for locating buried
utilities due to their non-invasive nature and potential for high accuracy. EMI systems
work by transmitting an electromagnetic field into the ground using a coil. When this
field interacts with a buried utility, it induces electric currents within the utility,
generating a secondary magnetic field. The EMI system's receiver detects this
secondary field, and the difference between the primary and secondary fields is
analyzed to determine the presence and approximate location of the utility. Depth
limitation: The depth at which an EMI system can detect underground utilities is largely
dependent on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave used. High-frequency
signals can yield detailed information about shallow subsurface features but do not
penetrate deeply into the ground. Conversely, low-frequency signals can reach greater
depths but offer less precision. Soil conditions: Soil conditions can greatly affect the
accuracy of an EMI system. For example, high moisture content or high conductivity
soils can interfere with the magnetic field, making it difficult to accurately locate utilities.
Similarly, rocky or sandy soils can scatter the magnetic field, leading to inaccuracies.
Interference: When multiple utilities are present in the same location, the signals from
each utility can interfere with each other, leading to inaccuracies. This is especially true
when the utilities are close together, such as in congested urban areas. Non-
conductive utilities: EMI systems are primarily designed to detect conductive utilities,
such as metal pipes or cables. Non-conductive utilities, such as plastic pipes, may not
be detectable by an EMI system.
The final deliverable will be an electronically signed and sealed copy of the
Topographic/Tree Survey and SUE Report with accompanying AutoCAD file, which can
be provided within forty (40) business days of receiving authorization to proceed. In the
event of rain delaying our field work, the delivery time will be pushed back the same
number of days.
Engineering Services
Engenuity Group, Inc. will provide Civil Engineering Design & Plans, and permitting, Bid
Assistance, Construction Phase Services and Geotechnical. Our services as set forth in
Exhibit “A” will be providing for a lump sum of $50,400.00 based on the following
distribution of compensation, with optional services totaling $23,100:
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A. Civil Engineering Design and Permitting $22,000.00
B. Utility Coordination $5,000.00
C. Public Information Section (3 public meetings) $3,800.00
D. Bid Assistance (OPTIONAL) $1,500.00
E. Construction Phase Services (OPTIONAL) $6,500.00
Subconsultant (Terracon)
A. 12 soil borings (Excludes Maintenance of Traffic) $19,600.00
Additional Alternate (OPTIONAL):
B. 8 soil borings with Maintenance of Traffic $15,600.00
This proposal is subject to the terms of the Continuing Contract for Engineering Services
between Engenuity Group and the Village.”
Permit Fees, Reproduction Charges and Reimbursable Expenses
The Total Contract Price does not include the payment of any governmental agency
submittal or processing fees. The cost of these fees and any costs incurred by the office
for printing, reproduction and other reimbursable expenses such as postage, travel, and
document copy charges will be billed to the client monthly.
Invoicing and Payment
Work will be invoiced on a monthly basis for work completed to date. Invoice shall be
paid in full by the Client within thirty (30) days of the invoice date, unless within such
thirty (30) day period, Client notifies Engenuity Group, Inc. in writing of its objection to
the amount of said invoice. Such notice shall be accompanied by payment of any
undisputed portion of said invoice. If written objection is not received within thirty (30)
days it shall constitute approval of invoice by Client. If the payment is not received
within fifteen (15) days of billing date, a late charge will be added to the invoice in the
amount of 1½ percent per month on the outstanding balance. If payment is not
received within sixty (60) days of the invoice date, work may be suspended on the
project until the outstanding invoice(s) are paid in full.
This proposal represents the entire understanding between you and us with respect to
the Project. If this satisfactorily sets forth your understanding of our agreement, please
execute the attached Authorization and return it to us. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Sincerely, Approved by,
Jennifer Malin, P.S.M. Adam Swaney, P.E.
Director of Surveying Director of Engineering
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2024 01-31 Proposal
Project No. 03045.193
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Authorization: Professional Civil Engineering & Surveying Services
East Alley Wall Replacement
North Palm Beach, Florida
Engenuity Group, Inc. Project No. 03045.193
By: Date:
Name & Title)
Name of Company)
Contract Amount: $99,744.00
Engineering: $50,400.00
Surveying: $16,420.00
SUE: $9,324.00
Optional: $23,600.00
I am I am not The Owner of the Property
The Property Owner Is:
DocuSign Envelope ID: 0963AF91-09E3-4647-9494-E70ED512DCD4
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village manager
Village of North Palm Beach
501 US Hwy One
2024 01-31 Proposal
Project No. 03045.193
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ENGENUITY PROJECT NO. 03045.193 DATE: 3/7/2024
Topographical Survey
Included in
Minimum of two permanent benchmarks per every 500’ on site; description and elevation
to nearest .01’.
Contours at 1-foot intervals; error shall not exceed one half contour interval. No
Spot elevation at each intersection of a 50-foot square grid covering the property. Yes
Spot elevations at street intersection and at 100 feet on center curb, sidewalk and edge
of paving including far side of paving.
Topographic data will be obtained at 100-foot intervals of the road from right-of-way to
Plotted location of structures, man-made (e.g., paved areas) and natural features. Yes
Location of water mains, and other utilities including, but not limited to, buried tanks and
septic fields serving, or on, the property based on as-built information supplied by utility
Location of fire hydrants available to the property. Yes
Location and characteristics of power and communications systems above grade. Yes
Location, size, depth and direction of flow of sanitary sewers, storm drains and culverts
serving, or on, the property; location of catch basins and manholes, and inverts of pipe at
Name of the operating authority of each utility. No
Elevation of water in any excavation, well or nearby body of water. No
Extent of watershed onto the property. No
Trees of 6” and over (caliper 3’ above ground); locate within 1’ tolerance and give
species in English or botanical terms.
Specimen trees flagged by the Owner or the Architect (___ in number); locate to the
center within 1’ tolerance; give species in English or botanical terms, give caliper and
ground elevation on upper slope side.
Perimeter outline only of thickly wooded areas unless otherwise directed. Yes
Confirm soil boring location(s). No
SUE Services included in the scope Yes
Scale of drawing is typically 1”=20’ but will be determined by Engenuity Group, Inc. unless the client
specifies a scale they would like the drawing at.
Other (specify):
1. Datum will be National American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88)
2. SUE Services are included in the services
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Project No. 03045.193
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 0963AF91-09E3-4647-9494-E70ED512DCD4
2023 12-11
Revised 2024 01-24
Project No. 03045.193
East Alley Wall Replacement
North Palm Beach, FL
Engenuity Group Project No. 03045.193
A1.01 Construction Documents
Scope of work:
1. Provide civil engineering design for a replacement wall along the east alleyway
Approximately 4,000 LF). The proposed wall shall match as close as possible the
height, architectural style, and color scheme of the existing East Alley Wall
located between Ebbtide Dr. and Anchorage Dr. S.
2. Prepare final drawings indicating the scope, extent, and character of the wall,
paving, and restoration work to be performed and furnished by the
3. Prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
4. Prepare Engineer’s Opinion of Cost for the overall civil site improvements,
including itemized pay-item and quantities.
5. The public information scope includes attending up to three (3) public meetings
and display materials. Meeting summaries/minutes will be provided with the
feedback collected to present to staff for decision making purposes.
6. Provide utility coordination and plan depiction via Sunshine State One Call. Two
overhead poles are located in conflict with the wall. Engenuity will provide
coordination with FPL (or ATT if they are the owner of the poles) to coordinate
removal and undergrounding if possible.
7. Prepare specifications in general conformance with the 16 Division format
of the Construction Specifications Institute. These may provide within the
construction plans in a notes section.
8. Soil borings and analysis. (subconsultant)
A1.03 Bidding Phase Services (OPTIONAL)
A. Assist OWNER in advertising for and obtaining bids for the Work.
B. Attend pre-bid conference and issue minutes.
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2023 12-11
Revised 2024 01-24
Project No. 03045.193
C. Issue Addenda as appropriate to clarify, correct, or change the Bidding
D. Attend the Bid opening, prepare Bid tabulation sheets, evaluate Bids and
make a recommendation for award.
E. Perform cursory review of signed contracts, bonds, and insurance
certificates received from CONTRACTOR and transmit to OWNER for
signing of contracts.
A1.04 Construction Phase Services (OPTIONAL)
A. Preconstruction Conference. Attend a Preconstruction Conference prior
to commencement of Work at the Site.
B. Visits to Site and Observation of Construction. In connection with
observations of CONTRACTOR’S work in progress while it is in progress:
1. Make no more than 8 visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the
various stages of construction, as ENGINEER deems necessary, in
order to observe as an experienced and qualified design
professional the progress and quality of the Work. Such visits and
observations by ENGINEER, are not intended to be exhaustive or to
extend to every aspect of CONTRACTOR’S work in progress or to
involve detailed inspections of CONTRACTOR’S work in progress
beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the
Contract Documents, but rather are to be limited to spot checking,
selective sampling, and similar methods of general observation of
the Work based on ENGINEER’S exercise of professional judgment.
Based on information obtained during such visits and such
observations, ENGINEER will determine in general if CONTRACTOR’S
work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract documents,
and ENGINEER shall keep OWNER informed of the progress of the
2. ENGINEER will not, during such visits or as a result of such
observations of CONTRACTOR’S work in progress, supervise, direct,
or have control over CONTRACTOR’S work nor shall ENGINEER have
authority over or responsibility for the means, methods, techniques,
sequences, or procedures of construction selected by
CONTRACTOR, for safety precautions and programs incident to
regulations applicable to CONTRACTOR’S furnishing and performing
the Work. Accordingly, ENGINEER neither guarantees the
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Revised 2024 01-24
Project No. 03045.193
performance of any CONTRACTOR nor assumes responsibility for
any CONTRACTOR’S failure to furnish and perform its work in
accordance with the Contract Documents.
C. Clarifications and Interpretations; Field Orders. Issue necessary
clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents as
appropriate to the orderly completion of CONTRACTOR’S work. Such
clarifications and interpretations will be consistent with the intent of and
reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents. ENGINEER may issue
Field Orders authorizing minor variations from the requirements of the
Contract Documents.
D. Shop Drawings and Samples. Review and approve or take other
appropriate action in respect to Shop Drawings and Samples and other
data which CONTRACTOR is required to submit, but only for conformance
with the information given in the Contract Documents and compatibility
with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole
as indicated in the Contract Documents. Such review and approvals or
other action will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or
procedures of construction or to safety precautions and programs
incident thereto. ENGINEER has an obligation to meet the CONTRACTOR’S
submittal schedule that has earlier been acceptable to ENGINEER.
E. Applications for Payment. Based on ENGINEER’S on-site observations as
an experienced and qualified design professional, ENGINEER will review
pay applications and advise OWNER to either recommend payment or
return the pay application to the CONTRACTOR for correction.
F. Inspections and Tests. Require such special inspections or tests of
CONTRACTOR’S work as deemed reasonably necessary, and receive and
review all certificates of inspections, tests, and approvals required by Laws
and Regulations or the Contract Documents. ENGINEER’S review of such
certificates will be for the purpose of determining that the results certified
indicate compliance with the Contract Documents and will not constitute
an independent evaluation that the content or procedures of such
inspections, tests, or approvals comply with the requirements of the
Contract Documents. ENGINEER shall be entitled to rely on the results of
such tests. Field testing of materials is not included in ENGINEER’S scope of
G. Record Drawings. Review Record Drawings prepared and certified by the
CONTRACTOR’S Florida licensed surveyor and the CONTRACTOR.
H. Completion of Construction Certifications. Prepare construction
completion certifications and submit to the following agencies:
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2023 12-11
Revised 2024 01-24
Project No. 03045.193
1. Village of North Palm Beach
I. Substantial Completion. Promptly after notice from CONTRACTOR that
CONTRACTOR considers the entire Work ready for its intended use, in
company with OWNER and CONTRACTOR, conduct a review of the work
to determine if it is Substantially Complete.
J. Final Notice of Acceptability of the Work. Conduct a final review to
determine if the completed Work of CONTRACTOR is acceptable.
K. Contract Time. ENGINEER’S services during construction are dependent
upon the timely performance of CONTRACTOR’S work. ENGINEER’S
services are based on a construction Contract Time of 180 calendar days
for final completion of the work. If the CONTRACTOR exceeds such period
of time, ENGINEER’S compensation shall be subject to an equitable
A1.05 This proposal does not include the following:
A. The design of any major off-site roadway improvements.
B. Reproduction of drawings and specifications for CONTRACTOR’S use during
C. Construction layout survey or record drawings.
D. Design of landscaping, irrigation, and lighting.
E. Coordination of new or relocated electrical, gas, telephone, and TV services.
F. Environmental Analysis or design including wetlands, uplands, or contamination.
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