2007-034 Trailer Lease for Temporary Tennis FacilityRESOLUTION 2007-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH GE MODULAR SPACE, A DIVISION OF TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL POOL, INC., FOR A TRAILER FACILITY FOR USE AS A TEMPORARY TENNIS BUILDING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE SAME; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, through the adoption of Resolution 2007-30, the Village Council approved the acquisition of a trailer facility from GE Modular Space for use as a temporary tennis building; and WHEREAS, the Village Council wishes to approve the Lease Agreement with GE Modular Space and determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby ~• approves the Lease Agreement with GE Modular Space, a division of Transport International Pool, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference and authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the Lease Agreement on behalf of the Village. As set forth in Resolution 2007-30, the lease payments and all related expenses shall be funded from the Country Club Contingency Account (#L8070-49910). Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF MAur'u ~nm (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK FEB 27 2007 14:15 FR GE CRPITAL MOD SPACE54 975 0394 TO 15618483344 G~' Modular Space madspace.com RETURN EQUIPMENT TO GEMS: POMPANO BEACH 3120 D NW 16 TERRACE POMPANO BEACH FL 33064 Telephone: 954-972-5629 1.800-523-7918 Fax; 954-975-0394 LEASE AGREEMENT NO.: ACC4UNF NO.: GU5TOMER NO,: P.02i06 344037 787388 727363 GE MODULAR SPACE, a division of Transport International Pool, lnc., a Pennsylvania corporation ("GEMS") hereby leases the equipment specified below (the "Equipment") to: Village of !North Palm Beach 501 US Highway 1 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33408 Customer Contact; Charlie Cangianelli Telephone: 561-841-3369 Fax: 561-848-3344 P.O. #: x Project Name: Country Club Tennis The Equipment will be located at (subject to Section 4 on attached page): 9s/ 899'8. Federal Hwy NORTH PALM BEACH FL 33408 Customer hereby leases Equipment from GEMS for a minimum period of 12 months (the "Minimum Lease Period") from the start of the leaseterm in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement including the terms and conditions set forth on the attached page (this "Lease"). Rental month is defined as a thirty~day period. Customer agrees to pay GEMS without demand and in advance the monthly rental and other Charges on the due dates set forth in this Lease. The anticipated delivery date for the Equipment, subject to Section 3(c) on the attached page, will be on or about the 9th dav, of March, 2D07, Unit . i Class .,I Wfdth Length Sena! No ' 147691_ ~ CLSS _.--___ 14' i 50_-_ _j AD191 GA.17 _ ONETIME CHARGES _ _...------- --------.._.. DELIVERY ..--------.. ......----._.... BUILDING DELIVERY , (QtY 1 at_$600.00) . ,.,-,,,.-- DE1.11lERY FUEL SURCHARGE _ _ .,_.-_ ... ;...._~Qty;...1 at $25.00)--._......_. INSTALLATION ._.... ._....__...._..__.... --.- BLOCK ANQ LEVEL (Qty _ 1 at $850.00) ____ Includes tre down.. __..._....... _._ MODIFICATIONS i "MODIFICATIONS LABOR (Qty: 1 ak $8 695:00). k~•m RETURN DELIVERY,-------.... -------- . '_-__BUILDING,RE'fURN*. (Qty:1 at$680.00) ! RETURN FUEL SURCHARGE*,_,_-..-._._- ...- ......-- ~. _ (Qky _ 1 at $25.00) . -------._ .. . ..DISMANTLING .__.__...._ ..... _ _ .... UNBLOCK' (Qty__1 at$350.00) .,.,,_.__.__ '*' Billed 3t Termination Total ~- ......_..._.........Monthly---~---...._.....-j_Weekly..-._._.._.._..: Daly ....--------r._InsuranceValue 1 ~ - .-. I i -_._......._.$375, 00----'.__ .. $86. 30 __._... $12.33 . i_.._......$5, 894.__ AMpNTHtY CHARGES .......---..._ . ~ ~. UNIT $800.00 ... _-- - $25. DO i DAILY: ---..... .----~ WEEKLY: ._ _.... $850.00 ; ----.... ..---- - --1 ...._$8~. 695.00 -._-.._...... X660.00...; --.... $zs. ao -~ $350.00 $11, 205.00 _.._...-._......_E375.OU.. Totat $375. d0 $12.33 $86.30 No agent, employee or representative of GEMS has any authori#y to make any representation or warranty concerning the Equipment chat is not specifically included in this Lease. Unless specifically identified in this Lease, this Lease supersedes all prior negotiations, proposals and documents. This Lease will nok be subject to any additional provision that may be contained in the Customer's purchase order, although Customer's purchase order number may be used by the parties as a convenient reference for invoicing purposes. lax rates may vary dependent upon confirmation of final delivery address. Any adjustment to the Tax rate imposed by city, county, state, or federal government or other taxing authority subsequent to the date of GEMS' quotation, proposal, or commencement dale of the Lease will be refEected on Customer's invoice. Customer is responsible for thr3 payment of any increase in Taxes and such obligation supersedes any conflicting language contained in any Customer document. Any Value Added Products or services (including but not limited to holding tanks, ramps, security services) are products provided by a third party vendor, GEMS will not be held responsiblE for the maintenance or servicing of such products. Customer will be responsible for any and all of the third party vendor's terms and condikions that typicaliy govern the leasing and servicing of the equipment. The Customer understands that for their convenience GEMS will coordinate the product or service and act as a billing agent for the third party vendor. FEB z7 2007 14:15 FR GE CRPITRL MOD SPRCE54 975 0394 TO 15618483344 GE Modular Space modspace.com RETURN EQUIPMENT TO GEMS; POMPANO BEACH 3120 D NW 16 TERRACE POMPANO BEACH FL 33064 Telephone' 954-972-5629 1-800-523-7918 Fax; 854.975-0394 LEASE AGREEMEN7 NO.: ACCOUNT NQ_: CUSTOMER NO.: P.03i06 344Q37 787388 727363 (Continued) The attached page (Form No,US20021216) contains Terms and Conditions that form an integral part of this tease. Those terms and conditions include but are not limited to disclaimers of warranties of merchantability and fitness and Ilmitatlons on damages. The only other documents that form a part of this lease are: NONE. Slg by duly autha ~ ed a ents with he intent to be legally bound, this ~ day of DO By BY G 04UCAR SPAGE A HORlZED AGEN CU OME U1(~T ~ IZED NT ~~~ i Name BARBARA SCHEITHAUER i `~~~,~~ ~~1/l0>/ ~ - /~c`,!Z/t ~s 'd/02_ ~ /me ~ / {please print] Accepted and Oel, By: Dale; Freiehl Vendor Remarks; Received and Accepted ey: Name: _...._. (please prink) Date: GE Modular Space Form: US20021216 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LEASE AGREEMENT NO.344d37 I. I.rasr This aanwcuun is xu nperaung lease and nor a salt. Cus'tomar detL~s not acquire through this (.cast or by payrncnt of rrnml under this heasu any rigln, rifle or uuciccl .n .,r i,~ d.r ISyurpnxnt, cacupt the right al possess acrd mu tht Equflnncnt so bn>: ax Cusluuu;r ix oat in dclirulr under this 1_cazc, '.. Itrnrul anJ Olhrr 1'aymcnu (al Tiru clan of the lwsc teen is Ute dale an which GIih1S xubsttuuially complLYet its scope of wnrk Cur inslailation, tutlcss otherwise agntid w among the p:nucs Alond,ly rem:,: „~u accrue tlurwgh aril ilrrhlding Iha mwtrh is which the 17rtM of Ilea Kuunt Date ar End of the Tenn cecttrs. The 'Return Date" is Ow dale on which the Gquiputcrn is tenoned to t; E\I S u. accordance w idr d)c tcnns of thu lease. Tlrc "find of ilru Terns" it d)e daft on which dts term of this Luria is to expirL, either originally, under a rencsval turn ur tinder rnwuh-lo-m•.nu, rcuewah as comLhttplatrd by this Lcaxc. Raoul atul suds txhw charges will bs proroted al a daily basis +vhcrr r(ecv~ssary. lA(Icss whenvisc spL~;ificd in Utis l.casu, char~,rs i,: dchrrn and insrdlati(>ti, initial mwuli s rant urn! any applicable initial rhargex 1'ar Iho Optiorwl lnsulatsrc Nrulram tool llmnage \Vaiver will be due ru)d payable at thu start of the k:u.• term .,~~,I rhargrs fur tcaNown and rcwrn will be dos mxi payable al ilia earlier of tlx Rotum liars or der End of Tcnn. Agar payrnenr of Oft inUial tnunth's rent, each nwnlli s rem d,crralfc: r> du-: and payable widxrol dcntantl and in adwanee (i) at the end of Dads dtiny (J0) day periwl following the rauununucn><ut of the lcxw tens, if u runud mwah is defined nu dtc ii. sr pai ~ cl this I-rase as a thirrytilay prrial w {ii) wt tbs first of each atatth immediately fallowing dtu month in which this Inasc cnlmnenccs, il'a rcmul nwnth is dciincd un the Iirsl page of d... i..c85r as a t'a lCodar tnomh. r\Q whet xlnllx payabls try (: axiarllL'f Ulldltr lhs l.taxa aR dUC and )IayablC Whale n1YUICed. Unlevx ltglCL'd Ui1K;1w Ur, all pay'Inellla nladt lmdef 11115 Lc:rsc .,,il be made by Gtsrwtx:r's check Drown ore its regular lank chocking nccoum or arch other lixtn of pa)•nrenl as is aceepwblr to GL"•M1, All paynu:nts by Castnntrr ;+iil hr m:+,ir ,.~u.~,u: scrotTor drducuon of any kind. rb) Cusrwnrr will pay GCMS fin mry and all sales atul use tvras, odtrr direct sores and registration fees hniwsud by ony coy.. rwrmy, state, nr fsxlrtal gnccnuncw nr oihrr c,~n::~ umh(xitics anJ rclaturl dnruly (u indires;Uy to the Equiprnmd or its use, cxcludirrg fcderad ur state tuxes relating to incutne (oll o(' the lorcgonru that Cwtunsr is Ia pay. '~fo~c>" i 7 a.n may br allxatrJ by GE\1S un either an hxlividtral or proratal basis Cur any item of ISyuipmtnt 1>nsed un purehasu prier, atilue, pusessinn, use, kxntinn, rrnuds, dclicup• :,c uperiuon ,>I such l:yuipnunt. 1'azcs may include an alloeatiuu on a statwride basis of laeully imposed larus. Cuuomet's r>i)ligauunz under dtis Subsurtiwt will survive the tcnnnrau uu ui au~ ! :., v: (ci fvr ('uswurvr'x catvmtkucu, GEMS intends to issue invoices for autwudx dua under This Erase. If Custwnar fails to pay any amwun duo within twenq (201 day; of Ihr due d.,rr GL\1S may nnpnse a chffig;c a0 xlleh allli)Ian al WIC utld one•Iwlf lltfrenl (I.12~i) )ar ntomh or tha higlxsl mss punnuted by law, whichcvur is lower, front the due dale uruil p.,"urr,: ,~~ Bill is received by (ih'.AiS.,,~ci)+~itltsrnnciif3@ tiyJiirSk:41('&_(..1LLLt1U.vf_4:.?i I!ii!.LGil).~~il?a)t+1Jl?91!tl.Jhy;-SIB.LSt.±ZL.h(!.}D,kl(r,.i+~gl..1a x614'ii ~ c+ _ii,pj lryin?. (?II-2i1~4.¢ ilpd, u~.~_ri~..~ idl t\'trrn the Lease term csc¢cds eleven (I I) tnwuhs, dte rrulal charge Wray, al GE,\i S's option, be adjustsd upward, baard apvn dx ('wnnmer Price lndra.:~li Ulbau Cunswn.r;, t.~ ~. City ,l enrage.:\II hems ("CPI") (United Slates iluteau of Labor Sutisticx or suds ther index xs moy succeed the CPI ), as follows; Pot each change of one lateens r 1.,0} in the r.: PI li,~u~ Ibc CPI ns available inuncdiately print to the start dote o(thls (.tau, the rental tale will br adjr(xlud bg a lheuu of one purccul (14:).:\ny adjushnants will rake efl'crt at sip I h I urmti„ Ihllow,up dre slap Jau• of Otis Lcasc and will ttc furdrur adjustrrl cash sin (tSi nronWs therL'a0er. Tlw adjusnaent will 1)e based wt dte moss recent CI'1 indices avatlablu prnx IU the ino. •~, r m whi,i, an a,ljustntcw Is n>.idc. .y; ir,.~r,:u;,.){a unw;~ar-(,N;`SJ'",.p.i+s+tr(ii:A~lS~rna}:Id.iu.lditiururl-:;,>cls~yr>.I~u~(w~w,:irw{udin(rtau-n,,r~hlrniwi~tu-i)wruns+,s~ia~~tua6cosl:an.Uc)r~sHhuv~uiti•r:m,+g~c.~,~.7,~.1 v,l .~.,,~c, ,~,~.:.1:(i;w~.)mill)ur:t,nr,~<lo>IC=')~t,rihp~runl;tl i3,argVtv~alnl-iNlwf-jaNyntwutt-Istar;l=~ilrrtlwr•+twzrirsWn-Gift1.1?Inu{ur-slot.-I:<sai.,-: ..vHf.l.l,lriiun+rfr;,purnirl(: ('~,i~.w,ll~l..r ,cul•,~,~,; ;.. (.:i~\1~:.,o-ir.olo Jiwr.,li.,n::s:, t.:~uh ~,{ iocra'rr,atiLt4~ilAiti=sonata ar+J.'ht,cni.,, 3. Uelivrn• :u)d lnztallariun ra) l`avuxtnr will provide lice and clear access fix delisuy of the [gttlpntelll by swndurd nli)2)IIL' (ranxpan V{:Itll'ICx, C'axrWrter well (/t sale!)' rrslwnsible, xt its cost, (ix Inrp;ualion of ;6c site on ,vluch the Ggnipntrm is to bs ussd Uhc "Sita"). usdraling ony ruyuireJ slrtscluml or grade altsrxtions atul idumificatfw) of utility litres, ('rrxunncr will provide firm anJ Ic,ci g, uuod on rro noun IlLin a sic-inch (G') slobs 6om are end to d(s whsr Par safe mrd wtohstrtxted iasloUnliwr fw the Gquiprncnl. Situ sulecnon is rho salt respaudrilin~ of ('usru,nr GL?ti ASS(.".Iris VO l.lAllli,ll'\' ~!U}t OFFERS :1NY \VpRRANTI' FOR'fH8 FITi+lsS5 OR ADGQUACY OF, OR `f}IE U')'ll.l'I'I[i3 ,IVAII..\8Ll AT THh S1'fE Ib) ('1111 nlner wdl (rave :rdu respalssibiluy, to Cttstonrer's teals, to otnaia arty and all licmrsss, lillex, bmlding and other purons and tiny what uppranrls lord ttniticate> as tong br requurd by lain or mbcnvise fur llrc instaUurial oral placen>cnt oftl>a Equipment and Cuxtolner's Inwfill operntion, tHUSessfon w nceupanry afdle (iquiputwu. Custnntor agars that all rcn,fia,~r, of udc or registration applicable to Ott lquipment will re0oct GI:MS's awntrship of dre liquiplneut. rc) GIi~iS's rklivery ottlu; Equipnrrm is subject to dslayt in manufacturing, nwdificatiwt, drliveq• or irtstallatian due to fire, Oocxl, +vindstwut, tiw. rfvil disubrdirnce, su:kc ur oti.<; tabor acuuns, arts of GrxJ, a any cirewturarrcas beyaud GfifviS'x wntrol (uxludiag bur raw lirnital la brooches by (iEMSy sub•rontraetors or rrwnuGrcturersi whirl, driay mr manufacture ar nwdil'roation of prodrxas or the making{ olduliverics in tlw rwrntal w(usr of husirkss. fd 17hc poets fur drlivuq•, iustallaliwl. I~r+lnwn, relunr dalivvry nerd o111Cr "Ofla•lllrra" CIWI~'L'S, Ilx Jue dates of slab clrar)(rs and tha stare date of ihi3 Lruse atsinne accuracc ~•f ilu in&umauon gn~en ul Cif•.\t5 wiOr respect w tide conditiana and loeatiwtx and ate sttbjcct to adjnstmrnt to llnn exteni that Iha timing of ur physical nauuc of acct>s ru dtc tine i> r.: hraanes limited, dte Sde dots nv1 Rave adeyuata Inad beatutg ur tr>)wgiraphic gwlitius tx is atl>ern•ise not prapurly prepared, utilities are not corructfy Iacalud, provisum of miLUC., n u;~l ornery ur applicable lircnsca or Ix:mtits are raw provider! in a limsly owmwr nr Ctu«atxr otherwise delays annplution of G1iA1S'x scope uf+rork. icl GCi\IS may suslwixl wwk at the Sire ifGla\ISrI_eutns Ilia 5itc to Ix: mtwia ~ ' 1. \luintrnancr ut F.quipount (a) C'uswntcr will Ito! nruvr or in any way uwdi[v the Cquipuwrn widtwo wnttcn ttutssnt of (iF.:\iS, tnhvdhsmnding GI:MS's wnsc~u to Custouut's mvdificuuun of dre• li;;wpinc~n (:usnnn<, is liable fur the cost of the removal ofsudt modilitalion or roslwutf0u o!'the F.quipntLatl u)xm the rutminstion ul' dtiz Lease far dre modific~rl liquiprnan. Gi:\IS~n~,y {•{.,;o ,, ~a:f;;..-,ul,h~.1-quiptrrwr,-:writ,'uzrnraur~vill~ISSw:rNwt•surlr•r-saw+--ta;s•runk~vav{+sr-~;rWkralaJ in-witnfd<tr-in-p;ut, lh) Custrnncr, at Custonwrs sole c(u1, +vil) keep flee 1~quipnranl a[ all tinrL~l wail du Rewm U:rtc in g,•crod re)wir and vperniilrg randiuwr, sub-jeer ro ordinary wear :md (car, and i,r. ui any ;utd all lions and crrcwnbrrurcts. GE~1S will have the right In inxpcu dte Egtupuwnt lean rime u) tuns until dte Re«nn Ume wul il' ('iGAiS believes Utu fiyuipntrm w to nusu,ra..,t~u,~d yr uepleciud, GL•~iS may suuunnrify rsrnove and repossess the Eytriprocrrl rat ('usromcr's cat. !r) Cuslumer wits purfixnr, usw:utr end comply with all laws Wlddr in arty way affect the use, nlteratian, n)ainlrnance, or stnntge of the L•yuipnrcnr. 'Laws" means all a,~.. i~el:>, rugubtiurrs ur nnirn of any govcmurental agency of irgtrumerrlal)ty of dtc United Slates, Cvrada, any xmle. provhrce, nwnicipaliq• or other local go+cmmcrrl anJ .ill nrdrn. ,. nu :u:d d~~crres of any coon, nibrural or udlninislrativro uyency, in pay Casa whrch ao+v tarts or hurealler arise (imfuding but nut Bruit YI to lo+rs guruming Huranivus Substances and ,al:.:, cpvirwtmcmal nsl's and Ihr ,\mentxlts with Disabilitis Acl). Ctsstomor will nor make nr pcnnil any unlawful uxc ur Ituuging ofthc Gyuilmtcnr. i~) fiA7_:\RIX)US SUDS'fANCI'iS. (i) 'liaztnlous Substarxes" rnsstu hazardous, male, rudfaagive 0r bin-haurrdwts substaores or pctttdnun products. (ii) Ctuu>ntu a lIl not u>c ..a Swre tlazatdota Substmrers m the fyuipntau, except such substaneas and in suds grautities as would be nontral fn tltu operation ufa ewnrnerrial ufliru. Crwwncr will nut locate ll .c iiquipuunt at a rcntediariau or nuclear x)ts or use the Lquipmrnl for mr:(lical laboratory tssung. (iii) Ordirwry wear and (car doss rtot include cwuarniuauon by Hazardous Suhstanccs. li ;my recanted C•quipmeru is IiAms! Io lwvu be~un roatominated by llarrrdous Subsunces during Cuxhuta:r's pnucstiinn. Gf;hIS may charge Custwnu iirr the clean up or n:ay :ry:, r.r Cusranu7 tv purchase Ora L'yuipntern at tlw then elrrr(utt utuket priCo ilutrgL~(I fur an wxoalatnilta0.~d unit. (e) ('ustonttr agrrL~s dot the Fquipnunt leased hcrrttndar wiU nut be occupfcd by any ))crsou other slum Cusbrner ar its ogrnts, enq)lo+•as or invdrus. the Gquiprnent will uoc he a cd tar lrsidcmial w dunnitory puryoscs. 5. VO IYARR:\N'fl' FOR f+1tiRC11A1T,\BILITi' OR YITNF.S5 "I'IISRF: ,\RE: ;~() \V:\Rlt.1\TfES, kXPRF.SS OR InfPLIF:D, ANU Ai.l. 1V,\RIL\>`TIGS OF ANY F:INU, 1NCI,UUI:S(: ,\NY E\YRF.SS OR ISIPI.IEt> wARlt.\~"1'\' ut ~IF:HCIL\NTANII.IT1' Oft PITNP«AS FOR PURI'USE, AHF: }IEREltS' C?XCI,UDFD UU'I'll ,\S TU 'fHi~. F;QLIIP:\tKKI' ;\NU dS TU :\Nl' I~S'I'At.t.,(TIU~, ai:\INTk~ANCE OR HEP:\112 1VUKk PERFORM1IED UY CEb1S Oti'I'lIS EQUII'~1}:NT. G. t,imitatiou of Damag;cs Custwnrr dc>LS hereby cspreszfy waive rory and all claims and drtnands for loss of profits or whir a)Ieged cwrsalucntial, urcidrntal tx punitive damages nosing raw of or ur euunrrh~,a wish thrs Lruse. Cil:A1ti is (rot liable far ony loo or darnagr to arty property shad, rotated or trmtslwrud in, upon, undLY cx around any laluipnum and ('nston)cr do`s hzrcbs~ wai,~r a,r; m,d II daunt and duntaruls fur any such loss or damage GE Capital Modular Space Form: US200212~ 6 • ~ TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LEASE AGREEMENT 'r "r, liml of t.ra,c to t t. ulcer >ixudrd ,xlnhw isc, Ctutuu(cr must givrUF:MS siay (40) Jays prier written notice of rhr dart un which ttie [iqugnnrat is to be rcutnscJ. th I If Custutn,:r, widuan auy further wrinen agrcanlcnl, ranlitwes to possess br yrrupy rhr Jiyuipnicnl a(ier rhr rxpinninn of tiw itulinl and mty renowal Iran of I,.easc, ,tali .x u lu.,,,.1 cua;a,+ w C tats, C'ustnnirr will ihcn he +ka7naJ to lour runewrd this l.ix)sc nn o nwnlh-tanloiub bosis subjwt Io suakrulc ar' (,I:~IJ Jiclarv+~(u~br 111 inacrtan J .n d„ , „~ ~u,h.lc.~aruuuaat•thr last nu>tahly ratr applicably w the F:quiptnent), wld (iE~IS M[Li1 [1Uygltrl'.tney tenuintt(r such mm~th•Itrmtxnh u~lrnituue ul any time ~ss,it i).~Iln (_I,,i...., ,,;..I~; r) li, at any umc after the initial ur any aYlcwul trmi (M a1 GE1lS's r+equat at any tinsr this l.cau: is on a nwnlh•to•mandi lx+sis), 4EM5 riyueus the rrh+m uCdlr Lywpnlinl. Cu.nan:: ,;ill r•ncrn the [iquipnxnt to CiH~15, within five (5) Jays, at GE41S's Jisigtwtud aJJress, at Cu.,t(rlnrr'a wit COST. \lissing accessories, allachnxnts ur uUlcr items, repairs uf:mr l.uul old Ic,torapou ro (uigiltai spceilieatimu Irlirllwr due Ia Ctutontrr ahrrnlirxls +u mlienrisc +c ill lxmain Oii wlc respmuibility of Cl,iuxner, normal wcYtr anJ tear esccptcd tJ) t' as,(:uw; ; l.l. tcnninatc Ibis Lease pn(x w Uie expiration of the t\iinilnum [.case Period, Subject to u11 terms nnJ cunJitians of this Lease, ulul.dle ('usiuux•r wdl pay t in additilxl ro tear-Jt„a,l ,.;d rouln, chargciJ the Collbwing tcmliualiwl charges: i i I(C'4ila)11AY Is the first osrr of tlic fignipln+att: Ihr remaining unpaid renal rhurgrs lbr rhr Afininnun Least Period; ii) JI'Custonlcr iz not the tint user. (:\) if the \liuiuuun Leaia• p;r:..d 1'~ILP') is Icxs than there (3t reutxl mOttdie fculr (al tintrt dli Adjusted 1Veekly Lrair Charge ('A\VLC"); tl)) if rile fit[J' is Iwtwrrn there {3 t rrm:d nuxuhs and .ix (Gt rental nuwdl,. inelusisr, clglu (a 1 limes Ihr AN'I.C; if ilk >,11.P ix ittdre than six (b) nxunl nwnths liar wti (t) year or Wis, twclvi i I _') Iirnes the :\ 14'LC'; if the \l1.1' cecrrds unr t I i year, Ion Icon , i ;, tuna Ulr :\NI_C ter cacti year, (u portion dwrcof, of the pcxtiun afthr ,,\ILl' ianarllcJ. iii) Ihr "At~ustrd N'rikl)' l.taic C'Iwrgc" or -',\1YLC' wwtus tlw \1'cekly Lcasc Ciclriw Irsi 1611 ix,num uprescnnuE amnniiatiun of nny Jclivery, set-up, twrdu\v n, r~lunt or sunilnr one•tinir ehulgrs wed eustomer•ra)uiiial moduie:uums ItAt pruvidiJ xx a separate c11arEK• under u~c teens ofilus Lease (+hr "Auwrlizc(1 Unr• 1'intr Cusu"1 !u a(klilitsit. Cusuxnrr will lay in till dw unpaid Amoniz~'rl One-7iutr C'nits. In no cast will the trnniitatiwl eluut:ri br ul c~cc;> uCth,; ,moat cturgc fu+ the rrmaiiulrr ofMl.l' x. Inilcnmificution (. UiI0n1aY IMroby 9p~tii1lCIIlY rndCt11t11f14S, agfeis l0 dCfClnl and huk1SllAltltll'YS Cllsl\!J, Ili enlplnyuv,s Arid Agr1118 IJOiTI any a+1J uII LOSS, Clxirlla, h;l blhhei, dn11PIgCti, linci, (prldn,trr>, sruure;, penalties anJ expenses (i1xluJiug au+x•rleys' 1'<cs t+nd imYStigaU\r ct»ts) (cuUrctively 'Lussis")Thal may arise from ur in vauwctiun with: tai 11x luii of (x daarago o, d>< liquipnwlu print to tlw Krtum Aatr lwrausr ul cullisial, fire, liglunia; cx dicR, Ikts(h u'indsa+ml or cgdusion. civil disturi,ancc ur 17a1 or an> other prl I Or iaimlh); - t hj 'I be death of in~ injury to, including but lull Iintiled ta, tlamagr to Ilia proprny of. any pirs(m (other than thdCquipuirui) ns a lcsuh ol; in e'holi ar in part, ihr use or oxuDtlun p, iul ,+ die Return L)ale uf~dir I;gnipmvnt: tcS :Ul\' act cu ctttxisinn of (.'aslOillrr in ~lOldllba of lhii I.+:ui: tJt 11ie areal or alkgr<I a+uragr, nmimcnaaa, uw, lundliug, npoir, ur opcratial of Ihr Egwpnx~n, pnur to the Krtunt [)ale, IIICIU{lnlg hUt Ilbt IIIni1L'd 10 art)' (alhur Ii, u5r :md:u( .Ir,.;,>. nny o'otk dune on, nr mty murrixls supplicil w ur in ennniclicxt with Utr crpitutiutl, nruintrn:utce, Ixassissiwi or sturogc of the Equipltwm and any Ina ur damage ul :urythwg alurcd w any of the fiyuipn+em; and ir) :;n} d:uaagr to Cusonnr+'s pmpetit)• or the plulierty ofmry third parties incurred dunng ar~in camactiurl with the fullilhurnt ufCusuuuer's ublipxiian> tp~ or uu bcludfrlf Gf:.~1S ,rc the rupoiscs>ion cx rcann of Equipnlcnl by OGSlS in acctxilancu with Ilrr tcrtns of this Lease. 'ILr obliguuuns c+xtroincd is this Srcti+xl a u•ifl survive expiration or. tintluution ufdw term ol'this Lcuse oral ihr Return Untr. Ihr iudcuutitieaouux cuntainid ul this Sccticm x rcdl ap; •Iy ic. un) Lussrs whedlrr they art assoneJ Ucfura or after Ilea Rrtwn 1)atr. 111. _ hclt.,t i~lll V)><Ilr~,,1 4.N:dt~_K.o'('utlnl~',•3,S!L:F~J'L~J!)itlun]rp Jrlhits'lltfn~_rt..ptk.;lpr )b n1.ai~ti~tI11X1x:~yiay~d unlia•r_I;I„p~lu. Cr,C_....I_hl.., lutl:~il_liil~di,.,~~ ; I ,r I,I :I I ~ .,. ...: • ,,gym 1 s!IC f ~i,l ?q,r to tudsrro if} t it ~i~ f',r rL); h;;y_nl„~I~ttyhl(?t>.al rt unn , ,f t~.f \IS i< •m Iuy .'v;(ut1..u m; . _ .__ _ `%. In.ur:utrr ,a) C'u,annrr, al t'u.:umlrr's sole rust. adl procure and keep in full toter unJ rlycwt, tinm the initi;d Delivery dart nutil flat tenon u(ai1 I[yugnuent Ihr (i,llun lug puh.ie> ut ul,ur;alcc sa;la.lel, : ; w GL'1ts as u, d>L inswrr and ;ts w rhr fwni and autuuni al'eovrrags;, with prwuiuu+s prepaid: u r'urnolrtcial Cirncral liability huuruwr wish a nunimum combined single limo ofSl,(NtQO4Q tale utcunuicc, wrixen tat :w +x;currwtcr ii+nn, inelutling cusrragc Ihr prrmisds, uprrati,ss. a nrnctuat Iubilil)~, brnaJ tutor pntputy domage, inJupendrnl eauraqurs lied persawl dtjury• lixhiliry, iwwiuke t:i{z1lS ns un aJdilialal insureJ, iit Caunnt.rcial P+rrycrry lnsuranrc protrcnm• ar:unsl al! iuSS ;u1J Janwgrs, at foil tiplacclnint cvst, stistaiiivd W suA'crr{I Jue to for loss ol'+ir damage tb the 1'sgtuputant :u a result of cullisial, fire, lit;hnling. Ihell, lhxxl. +rindstnnn, explusiat ur auy Whet casually, l+anung (iG'.IS as n kiss pays. t tot Cusuaner u ill Jrliver cenifieates evidencing all sorb btsurattce tv OFhIS within ftxineen (la) days alter drlivery bf dti I:yuipntent w Custurner:a snr. tiuw bring of rhr eiitnce. r.~erpt Ili.,!. li ::ustollu'r elrcti Io enroll iu Uir C)ptioual huwnnci Program w ilte I)amagr \Vaivrr gphoa, Cuqunwr will trot hour in drlitror ccrtilicuroi n!'insurance to GEMS for the iype nfrisks euceres by the Upliun:d l+liuranw Probr:un ur Omuagc \Vaner Optwn as rluard by Cttslanur. ('Atli ienilic•ute wiH store Ihal sttrh insurutca will ren Icrmiitatr or hr matr+i:dly clanged ,a rgaun wit I) (~)) days pnur n•nl1.n eerier to CiE\IS. _._ , tc ICCustanur fails to deliter rhr insurance artitcate as required by paialraph (h) on the deer ryuiml, Customer will I>e nt JeGlult under this L case, In additirxl to all the ocher unlcdlr> G a Jefauh raider Uus Least, Ci}~;,\1S may (i) intpnsr tgxul Crtslo+irrr a oIp•time fee for insuranci pr(xisiltg ufOni I IunJrcd pullars {Sites)) unJ (ii1 nsicss ai additiurtal rem ml uninsuraKl k>soc kc uftut percent tlu?:) of tier nwntldy twnal from der clan ufllu: base tent until Ilw tequircd iissurancr ccrtifieatc is dilivervJ u. <i13hIS. (J • t7btau,ing iluwance ai dcsrribrd abaw, including Ihr Qptiorwl Insuronci ProgronL will na all'ect CustOlnct's ubligatitxts aoJ indcnmitics urxlur this t.cnsc, mW rhr loss, dam;lgr w, r,r dc;tnl.uun ei anv of the F.yuipaica will ncillirr temiimac this Loaar nor, except Ip Ihr extent duo Gti~iS i.t nrhlally compensated by insurance paid C<rr h) r'u;hsmer, rohivr Cuirolnc•r ,~i :ul) uI Cuit(unu's liability mJu this [.rani. IILt)ptiunal Insurance anJ Uama¢e IVUA'er (al In cream tmurnstarxcx: Cusolna.•r utay clwb>r (i) ro rluulf 6i ati Optional blxurancr Prugr:un to carat ginrrol liahilit)• risks phr "Uptioi+al btsurutcr Program`) ul iiii w acca;u ., t)anutr W'aiur.L)ptintl a, an•er dulllagi;..iu rhr Fduipiurm (ilia 'llanmgr 11'oiver Option") w (iii) w elect bmh options, lfthr Optional Insurance Pnljuxui or the !)anwge \\'aivrr Optiml is as-,u Lddc :nal Custunicr. in lsliling prior w Jclier+y of the lquipnaerx to elk situ, elects In cgrvll in for Optional htsurancc lkugram ur uctx:pt the Danwge lVaiaer Upliuu, then, socuon lu{tit ,viii up, Is :f CUSIOtatT ileiu to enroll ht thi Uptiuttal Ltsuntncu Ymbram and, 5ectitxt !0(e)++'ill apply ifCustntucr accepts Ihr L7amxgr \4'uivcr Option. - I b t 1'hr Opuwwl Insurance I§u~am (s tidfy drsCrilwd in an Owlita of Cuvcra4ro t"rhr "Owlillr of Coverage') which ('u>louwr has wevived unJ reviewed pl iur to arty, elrnlou to a~uoll in the Opti(aial ln;urxncr Progrwn ,\II q(ustia+ts rrgarJing Ute O<xialal lnsmaneC Ihugntnt will tic answrreJ by tlw qualilied liransed iusraxncr aginl i(Ioniili:Yl to rhr Outline of ('outrage t I C'uuamrr properly elects ro cltroll ul UIr Optional huwaner Prot<ram, eb long as tacit criverbgs: is still in lull fnrev anJ titter, C'usltxnrr will mat err required, under this I,cust, to earn additional cv+nnteriial liahildy inswanir as retpured by Srrtioo 9(aHi). tc I If Iho,DSuta_G N`uiv~r Option is propirfy elected and ut I(mg ss Cusftuner liuxly pays die uddi(igtal Ice sptroiGrdfix such Uauiny'c 1\'aivrr Option, Cuannler wiH not Ge required, antler Orr temu bf this l.rase, to Curry my odJili+ntal coounrtcixl prnpnly uisurapcr as required by Simon cs(a1(ii) and Cuitonler wiA out Ik liable t., t71[~15 ,., r.\(t73.O[ SS4U pVf aJllt Uf ):gUtpnlrlll fb( IOSS (W ([a11171gC specified iq Section S(a), r~crpt Clutwnrr tt'ilI mu [w rclir<'rd of liability it Costumer violate. nay ether pt uaiai,+n ofthis l.rsc ll Il~. D,(~IA(i[i \V.\tVli12 IS i:pT IT~SUItANCf? ('O1'ERr\Gli tJ I Cus+iutcr'i alccrattr ululcr rhr Optisutal Insuranci Program w accrynirttt of the Uaanl>;e \1'aittir Option stay be c:nicrllrJ by either pony mxJ tree,; tar coverage mldcr Ulc Upuun.d hu Inner Program cu lees for tlu: 1)anlxyv 1Vaivrr CI•Niwt nay lw duuiged upon tbuty (3f)) dat'a'' prior tvtiuen notice. If Uw Optiwlul Insurance: Ihugrnm or paau+ge \\'airor gptiwl L;, il,r a„• Ica:un, cwsetlhJ. Custmtxr will protide to GEb1S evidence of policies of insttraMr as sot CnnB in Scirtons O(a)(t) or 9(akii), as oppropriatc, within ten (I O) days prior In the eti'c:ncr dole ~.i tacit t:u,celLvi(xl. - (ci Il,e cuccragc plosiil~•ct wxJcr ilia Optional hlsruarxr Pmgraal and the limitati+xt of liability undcT rhr C)amage. \Vnirir Option Jcxs' lx,t axtcnJ to the uaospunatiiw of kgwpmcut or a; i,uuenti and, only cxtcudt to [aplipmchn installed un dmxxlnd k'K) ±1)1 he GamaFe \5'anvr Option will uul be bindbtg ullun GC•.h1S tmkss any loss, dmlwgt, ln)Wy UY Cla1+l1 1>i fV11bi1eJ In filc~IS ell 1tYlllltk P'Ilhlll 3l'VCllh'•tt4O I7:) Iloan of d!e IKCW Ienir PI auy so: t rar,a Cunwuu ,a~ill also pr,n~iJe auy inforin;ltial in rcyant w tact) avnu dwt Gli\iS rrawnably rcyuists, ' r. GE Capita/Modular Space Form: ~U520021216 ' TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LEASE AGREEMENT I1. t)r(ault ` 'nc~ o«urrru~r al .u+r or a,ae of d+e Ji>tloonrg iu clauses {a) • te) Ixluw will cwlSlqutr +uI livens nF Default antler this !.case; +:,) C'uvoa+rr mils a, pay +vhen due ;ury ramal Iuynx:ru +K mry ollkr p,ryment due under d,is Lcasc +x fwls ur pcrfnnn its obligununs under Sceluw 9 0l' d,is Lr;i.:c: i i,~ +'u>ioma tats u, pcrl~nn or ubsrrvc any +xhrr term ur eandiriun Iurdtr Ibis Luse uud such failure rcnwins ururmcdicd for more Ilwn Ian L I oI days alter aueh Giihu r a> tier knm o, .,i,ccrce, i:; Cusioo~n .,r any prrsau or entity which cumrols mwe than silly prreeru (30"u) of Cuslonrrt s Cquity is "Crntlrvl PcrsrNr"1 nr ant I:u~rrmunr of any of ('uzunncr's olrlit:roau.: hart/ Ur,.lw i., "Gn:uanror') (U brcwnrs naoh•rru, jii) Iwcomrs subject ro any vvlwuary ur invulrunuq bankniptc)' or rrurlpurization pruccidings. i,iii) rnuunils an act of banknrplcy, uv ~ w.d:o. ,~: asz,gnmmn i'ar Ihr huiclit of credilvra, (vJ uplwuus ar submits Iv the apprinuncnl of u receiver fw all ur wry of its assets, Ici] aduiils m writing ns inability r, p.iy its dal t; ::. u,_, brcoux due or n~iiJ curer.; tom mp• typo of vnhunary nr in~rhnuap• liquidntion +w dissuluJion, Jd7 t'nsrumri, any C+mrrul Perr.m nr any Gr4tranurr dclhubs urxlcr airy utter xgreYnknt +vigr Cil•:\IS ur any uililixre ul" G[M11S; and Ic) :\uy Icnrr of credit. ~uataun~ nr r,lh., :~•„~; ~n g,e~•u u, ururr dw prrronn;rncr ol'Cuslonwr's obligations under rids l.casr rspilcs, IcmtlnatV's Ur io Ibe TCNSOrtdblr opinion of (i liM11S becrnnes wmtlrlrss. 1 ipu, die .wcurrrnce oi'an Ev~•ru of fkiauh, CiIiMS will have tlw option to declaro nc~ court balmwe ul'rrnl fin the rcrn;tindrr of qtr sbttrd kale tcnu uumcdialrly due ;uui p:,! ah!:.u„I n, accrkcatr ontd nuke unrnidialcly duo and payable any a1+cr amounts owing rmdcr this Lcasc, GF.;vIS will also have die vluinn w rrtakc and rctmn any or ;dl n! qa' I:yuip,n,,,i i~<: ,,; .,II n_IHS OI ('nS1Unk'f w11I1nUl an)' I11IIhrr ha])Ihly Uf UYIIgadMl 1u fCdr114L`f any of nc~ h:yuiparcnl to Customer, and Cusu>rnrr licrchy I;ranrs G1:A1S the riglu w cntrr ulxn, am p, en u:•;> ~, I::rr all or :un of the I:quipmrnt is located m urdrr w Iake pvsscssiwl ul'aud rentuw such Equipment. (?Vnnritllstulxliug Ihr lixrt;oinl;, if an h:wnl of hlelhuh u: tars under , I:~u<; . aI!O\'e, >udi aCl'CkialnxiR will UCCUI aU1nIr1a11L':III)' w1lIWUl Ihu IWCd I(u dl'ClarahUli,) (~IµIPmCf N'III lxsy u, U[?\1S on dstinuud all li:cs, costs and oxpenzcs utcuncd by C;li~tS m :~:Jbtcrnc ns nghn under dtis Lcasc, including without limilmiuo rcawnable airome~}>' tars, 77rr rcnmdies provided in favor of GGSIS Dill hr cunmlative :uul in .rdditiwi to III ,alo:r rcn+rd r, prut'Idct{ Ill I111S Lcasc ur l'YlS/ing al IJK' Uf III rgnll)'. No acliwr fakeu h)' Glih15 pursuant to this Scclicur I1 or Sccti+ur 1? will rrJo.ur l.'nsrunrcr Iivur C'nsauncr's r~ncu,nuti, ;.;~htau, n. ~,uuJ indrmm~ics pro{•idrd under This Lrusr,.wcludmg but not limited Iv Cuzlmnrc's obli~;;uir>n fin Use paynrem of rentals provided in dris l.eazc, ti UL>15 rct:rkes possession al' lbr Iiquipnwm ur any part of Iha lsquipnx:m mid IlMro is .II d10 llnle of f11CI1 tel0lilllJr in, upon i,f tn{achud ai such reposzrs.rd h.`qugnnrnt..,nc „n :r :o;xny, prwds ur Ihings of a:dtre monad by Cnz{wtwr or in the wurvdy nr c+aurol uCCusuxuar. GG:MS is authorirrd u, wku (xissessiou of such other ]rmpcny, {;axJs ur Ibmgs :,na 1.•41 rht same tar t'rutoUrer. ar ('usrrxioePs sok cast. tither iu Gltb15'z (rots'vasiun or in public zlaruEC, ar GEM1IS's solo disrrctiun. I:S.Gf:~15' itiy;hl'1'u Cute If Cwumxr drliudls in any of its obligation, nndar this Lauc, Whrllrrr nr ncK an Gvcnt of nofauh Ihcn ia:isrs. G1:~IS may pay all :unouuts ur prrlonn ,u cauxc u, be pab,nnrd ill uhiit•ariuus r~•rprired to la paid or Ixrlonned by Cusnnr><'c +mrkr dris Lr.>.cr and recoter liow Cusrunrrr as addnionnl rem nil nmaunrs so paid or the rousunablc value of .,JI .a aec., ~,.,. pcrf~nu~ ! . 1:~. Srr•Gff 1Yithoia buunng any uthrr provision of ilris Lwsr, upon the orcuncncc uCau Gvem ol`llrfault, GI:Mti will haw qu: iunnrchutr right, without uotieu, dcai:uul ur ndici acnun, n..,cr~:~it again+t t'ustuurcr any armiuuts GEMS nwy hold ax propayrneuts or +kpvsits (ix <iFMS liabditiez In ('irswnwrwhcdirr or aUl Ihvn due lu Customer. IAde>s orhrrHisc pruhrb,ad be L: , t)1`.>IS ,. ill hr dcchaud io halo czerciscd s+rch right to wtrofTmxl In ItJVC spode ,r rhargv agrrinsr any such sums unmrdiatcly np~>n die uccurranr;c of mry' furor ul' Lkfauh b. C n,;ou,,r J-. :~+siytnment.:~ma+dmeN, ~]uJification, Miseellanauus tai Cu3tanrr will not have Ihr right to assign This Lcasc ur to sublur. rent cx nthrncisr hire uul nr Irauslcr possession ufany of diC fiyuipmcnt w ;ury prnuu of emir} agn•r Ii~:ui i.P~I~ ,eiiiwm U,e prior u~riucn cnnscm of UGM1IS. GGM1iti nay ar;si~t this Lrax and IIw nntats rrsa'vvd nrxkr this Lease. ]t CUiM1tti u,at:cs xuch an ,tssisuunenr, the as+ignre wdl oainnc ,.u ~i~bis nid rrnirdivs pus~rsad by ur uvailahlc Iu GUMS urxlcr Ihts Lcasc. Ib1 i'hi> l.r:uc contains the catirc agreement lx;nvccn the niu pelWUSing lu the subject nmurr uflhis Lcasc Ku alrrrmnr:uls, rrpraarmati~ur or uudrrsinnding, us,t ..p:cilicalk c,:nrnr, :: in ti,i., Laasr ++ill he !>inding upon any of the 1>rnies her u u rss rcduecsl to ,writing atxl sigutsl by tin: potties Jn hr J+ouud Ilwrrby :~n.~ .vn:ndroau, m<xlilizatirn + as um lu U L• wit nw be bisuling un GC:;tIS iutlcss ;igacd by an aulburizcd ulliccr of (3E\1S. this Lrasr will I+r i'otrnmd us r, u, cnncinrcnnu, unegrrrntUiu .ux1 c by n II C'. •ahlr r,iJ+`fniYY14e1)iT\1Ito.~N',I,:.~~lrid~ uigwul rvgxrd rn princiltlez ofrlrntce of la+rs. Il,u,.~ .,! ti~~nh \ uhuru~d Srclu _._ \, LIP=. +~...I : t_I ~._ 3/0 <) Aliidl{l,;t lp+c,y._n_ Ir+ i}~>n-u(..r c s 1 iIJIQ { u)11i1.1 ('!y2L!!!>'~ \,Ih, r~wd tit n uurr -^g~v - G.~et_~r1 _ (lA(4~..~/~