2007-023 Document Imaging System PurchaseRESOLUTION 2007-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A DOCUMENT IMAGING SYSTEM FROM MCCi; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village wishes to purchase a document imaging system for the Village Clerk's Office and the Departments of Human Resources, Community Development and Public Safety; and WHEREAS, Village Administration recommends the purchase of Laserfiche Software from MCCi through the piggyback of an existing agreement between MCCi and the Town of Miami Lakes; and WHEREAS, the amount expended shall not exceed $20,522 to be expended from Village Capital Fund Account K4904-66415 ("Computer Hardware and Software") and the budgets of the respective departments; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Village. ivOVV, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE `'`~-' OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section L The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby approves the purchase of Laserfiche Software from MCCi through a piggyback of an existing government contract and authorizes the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute an Agreement with MCCi for such purchase, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF FF.RI (~-'illage Seal) A'T'TEST: ------ ~~~ ~ VILLAGE CLERK Municipal Code Corporation SALES DEPARTMENT PO Box 2235 • Tallahassee, Florida 32,316 TELEPHONE (800) 342-2633 • FAX (850) 701-0715 Bob Kinsey, Account Executive • extension 407 • bkinsey@mccinnovations.com January 31, 2007 Ms. Melissa Teal Village Clerk Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Dear Ms. Teal: I enjoyed speaking with you recently regarding the Laserfiche software. Pursuant to our discussion we are pleased to enclose our Professional Services Proposal. While reviewing the proposal please keep in mind the following advantages of being a customer of MCCi: - MCCi is a division of Municipal Code Corporation (MCC)- MCC has been serving local governments for more than 50 years and has a proven track record of developing services to meet local government's needs. MCC's philosophy includes providing cost effective, easy to use products and providing personalized customer service that our clients deserve. MCCi has followed this model. - MCCi focuses on Local Governments- MCCi was created by Municipal Code Corporation to focus on innovative technologies for Local Government. MCCi provides LaserFiche software and services to more than 250 Cities and Counties. - MCCi #1 LaserFiche VAR- Last year, MCCi was ranked as the #1 LaserFiche VAR in the U.S. - MCCi offers superior support- MCCi offers support through our help desk, email, and toll free number, and we also have a phenomenal online support center that gives end users access to training manuals, "how to" checklists, training videos, a knowledge base, and software updates. If you have any questions concerning our proposal or desire additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me on our toll-free number. We appreciate your interest and hope that we will have the pleasure of working with you and serving the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Sincerely, Bob Kinsey Account Executive BK/clp Enclosures: Exhibit A - Laserfiche Proposal Executive Summary Laserfiche has been a resource for over 21,000 organizations since 1987. Laserfiche creates elegant document management solutions that help organizations run smarter. Dedication to customer-driven innovations has built a suite of products and services that address organization-wide business problems from executive, records management, information technology and end-user perspectives. Laserfiche is a unified solution that manages all your organization's documents and records, regardless of location or media. Laserfiche strikes a balance between security and accessibility, protecting information while providing efficient access to keep staff working at maximum productivity. Please keep in mind the following competitive advantages of Laserfiche: - Digital Archiving- Digital archiving is the storage of paper and electronic documents in accessible electronic media with long-term preservation capability. It is cost effective because it saves physical storage space and it cuts media maintenance costs. Original documents can be stored off-site or destroyed as necessary. This simplifies the disaster recovery process by allowing you to backup documents on digital media and stores them off-site. - Comprehensive Security- Laserfiche Comprehensive Security allows you to control the security of your documents on many levels. You determine what functions, such as scanning and printing, each staff member may use. Security features are easy to administer, records managers can administer most security functions without IT staff assistance. - User Friendly- Laserfiche is very easy to learn and use. It has a folder tree structure similar to Windows Explorer to make it easy to use. Your office can begin to scan and retrieve documents almost immediately after installation. - Intelligent Search- LaserFiche lets you search your documents based upon full-text search, index search, and document and folder name searches. The Laserfiche full-text search unlocks the contents of your documents; if you need to find a word or phrase within a document, the full-text search retrieves it immediately. There is not any other imaging software that allows you this mean searching possibilities. - Web Access- Laserfiche allows you to publish your documents on the web with our WebLink software. You decide which documents you wanted published and WebLink publishes them on the web without having to use HTML programming. Users can then search the site to find the information they need using the Intelligent Search feature. - Integration- Laserfiche is able to integrate with current software and hardware on existing systems. - Service- Lase~che understands the importance of a thorough support service. From technical help to the latest document imaging news, Laserfiche is dedicated to forming a lasting, complete service relationship. Should you need technical assistance; a qualified professional will be available to help you. LASERFICHE SOFTWARE QUOTATION SHEET *Please check all boxes below for options desired. SOFTWARE ~ LF Group Server Software $2,250 Q 9 LF Full User ($550 each) $4,950 0 8 LF Retrieval User ($220 each) $1,760 0 9 LF User Snapshot ($100 each) *imports documents from computer $900 *SnapShot amount must equal number of Full Users purchased. *E-mail Plug In amount must equal number of Ful[ Users and Retrieval Users purchased. 0 6 LF ScanConnect (required for each scanner purchased/utilized) $990 Total Software $10,850 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT Q LF Group Server Software LSAP $450 Q 9 LF Full User LSAP ($110 each) $990 ~ 8 LF Retrieval User LSAP ($44 each) $352 Q 9 LF User SnapShot LSAP ($20 each) *imports documents from computer $180 Total Software Support and Updates $1,972 For budgetary purposes, the Client should include this amount in annual budget for renewal of LSAP of the above quoted software. INSTALLATION, TRAINING & SUPPORT SERVICE: 4 days, Installation & Training of software @ $1,500 per day, travel expenses included $6,000 Note: Any installation and training hours not used in the implementation will be converted to PSP hours. All installation and training costs are per day (based on an 8 hour day) and per MCCi Technician. ~ Shipping and Handling Fee for LaserFiche Software Q 15 hours, Professional Services Package @ $110 per hour *Travel expenses not included for onsite visits. $50 $1,650 PAYMENT & BILLING TERMS MCCi will invoice fifty percent (50%) of the total contract amount upon receipt of the signed contract. Balance will be invoiced and billed upon completion of installation. Payment will be due upon receipt of an invoice. Total Cost $20,522 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE QUOTATION SHEET *Please check all boxes below for options desired. BATCH PROCESSING SOFTWARE & SUPPORT ^ LF QulckFlelds *allows batch processing of documents $495 ^ LF QuickFields LSAP $100 ^ QF Annotation/Bates Number $495 ^ QF Annotation/Bates Number LSAP $100 ^ QF Bar Code $1,495 ^ QF Bar Code LSAP $300 ^ QF Document Classification $4,995 ^ QF Document Classification LSAP $1,000 ^ QF Forms Combo $9,995 ^ QF Forms Combo LSAP $2,000 ^ QF Forms Registration $2,495 ^ QF Forms Registration LSAP $500 ^ QF Optical Mark Recognition $2,495 ^ QF Optical Mark Recognition LSAP $500 ^ QF Pattern Matching $495 ^ QF Pattern Matching LSAP $100 ^ QF Agent $9,995 ^ QF Agent LSAP $2,000 ^ QF Real-time look up $495 ^ QF Real-time look up LSAP $l00 ^ QF Zone OCR $2,495 ^ QF Zone OCR LSAF $500 INSTALLATION, TRAINING & SUPPORT SERVICE: ^x Installation & Training of software, travel expenses included $1,500 per day ~ Shipping and Handling Fee for LaserFiche Software $50 per shipment 0 Professional Services Package $110 per hour Note: All installation and training costs are per day and per MCCi Technician PAYMENT & BILLING TERMS MCCi will invoice fifty percent (50%) of the total contract amount upon receipt of the signed contract. Balance will be invoiced and billed upon completion of installation. Payment will be due upon receipt of an invoice. The terms of this agreement shall remain in force and effect for a period of ninety (90) days from the date appearing below, unless accepted by the Client. Submitted by: MCCi, a Limited Liability Company Date: January 31, 2007 By: (Signature) Witness: (Printed Name & Title) (Signature) Noted Items Accepted by: VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Date: By: (Printed Name & Title) ...-- Witness: ~ (Signature) i~~~~/s~~ /,E,~/, l/r/~~ ~'~~--~~ (Printed Name & Title) ~E.6,~u,rzlz r/ /.~ aOO ~ MCCi, a I.imitcd Liability Company and subsidiary of MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION, which is duly organizal and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as MCCi, hereby oll'ors the Lasertiche Software & Services m the Village oC NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, a corporation duly organimd and existing under state law, hereinafter referred to as the Client, according «r the following terms and :onditions. LASERFICHE SOFTWARE & HARDWARE LASERFICHE SOFTWARE. MCCi will provide the Client with a full-fcaturcd version oC the Lasertiche p.F) Software. This software is a records repository allowing storage, retrieval and imaging of all documems. Capabilities include an intuitive browse window, index cards, Cull-text indexing, keyword template search, fuzzy word search, and virtually unlimited folders, giving users access to any document instantly. Lasertiche provides a truly concurrent licensing structure. Instead of purchasing a license for every computer with Iawrliche installed, licenses can be purchased to suit the needs oC the numhnr of people enterprise-wide that will use Lascrliche. The number of licenses purchased eyuals the number of concurrent awes of Lasertiche. Por example the 12 Retrieval users could tw installed on 20 dil Ceront PCs but only 12 of them could access the system simultanatusly. • LASERFICHE TEAM: Our envy-ICVCI product lino is bundled with MSDI?. Laurtiche Team comps with one database, which holds up to a million page and can support up to five lull and ten rcu'ieval users. bike United, users and databases can he added in increments of one. • LASERFICHE UNITED: Our premiere suite of products. Lasertiche United will support MSSQI. databases (engine not included). You can start with onc database and upgrade to an enterprise version with up m IS databasLS. You can add Cull users, retrieval users and databases in increments oC one. • LASERFICHE RECORDS MANAGEMENT EDITION: The Lasertiche Records Management Itdition is a special package that includes Lascrliche ZU. Advanced Audit Trail and the Records Management Module. It complies with the Department oC Defense records management standard (DOD 5015.2). Tho DoD 51115.2 standard was created as a tx'st-practices guide for records management within departments in the Department oC Delonse and has since bwn endorsed by the United Stales National Archives & Records Administration (NARA). The Iasertiche Records Management Edition was designed and developed around the standard and is a turnkey solution Cor managing imaged. electronic and physical records. The Ra:ords Management I?dition is Iully integratai within the Lasertiche inter(aw, presenting a uniform look and feel to all users and simplifying the adherence to formal records management practices within a subset oC a Lasertiche repository. S[andalones: • EXECUTIVE: Executive is designed to tx; a standalone version oC the lull Lasertiche ClicnVScrver, so it otters the Cull functionality of the Client for one licensed uses That user can scan and OCR, crwte as many volumes as necessary, and store as many pages as MSDE allows. • DESKTOP: Desktop is our standalone solution for small organizations or persons with limited nails. Thus, it allows onc user to create only a single volume with a limit oC 16.000 pages, and cannot support any additional Lasertiche modules. NOTEBOOK: Notebook is a standalone that is meant to supplement another Lascrliche ClienUServer system by allowing workers outside the main office, such as public service workers out "in the field," to access documems without a connwtion to the main Lasertiche Server by taking a portion of the repository with them on a laptop computes As such. Notebook can allow onc user to store as many volumes and pages as MSDE and the computer's hardware will allow, but it does not include the capability to scan and OCR. Documens arc, instead. imported into Notebook hrom the main system as briefcases or volumes system already tX;Rcd and indexed. LASERFICHE PLUG INS, UTILITIES & TOOLS. MCCi can provide additional Lascrliche Plug-ins Utilities, & Tools software. Lasertiche offers a solution ofadd-ens and development tools designed to let you tailor Laserfichc ur meet your nails. feature Plug Ins: • Lxserfiche Import Agent^' automates document importing and document management within Lasertiche. particularly well-suited to work with multi-function peripherals • Lasertiche ScanConneetT"' Lasertiche ScanConnect allows ISIS scanning. A collwtion oC ISIS scanner drivers is includal with Lasertiche ScanConnect These drivers allow images to be scanned through supported scanners. ScanConnul 7.x is can tw purchased as an add-on to both Lascrliche scanning and Quick Fields. • Lasertiche Snapshofr"' Lasertiche Snapshot can generate images and text Crom an elutronic file (e.g. a Word document, a web page, a text editor, elcJ. The tiles genes sled by Lasertiche Snapshot capture the content of the electronic file at the time that it was processed, [n other words. they represent an accurate portrayal of an oluU'onic ^Ie at a given point in time. The images and text created from an electronic file arc then storal in a Lascrliche repository. As you can see, Lasertiche Snapshot can he used as a tool to archive a particular version of an electronic file. Lxserfiche Snapshot can prows any elutronic file that can tx: opened with a Windows application that has printing capabilities. pistribu[ion Plug Ins • Lxserfiche WebLinkT"' The WebLink module publishes sclut documents in a Laserfichc repository to an Intranet or the Inernet in read-only form. Documents can be made available through the Web almost instantly, and users need only an Internet browser in order to access them. Built on ASP .NET, WebLink can he customized «t match the look and feel of an organization's Internet or Intranet site. • Lxserfiche WebAceess lasertche Web Access is a Web browser-based thin client offering v'vtuaily all of the document managemem capabilities of the standard Laserfichc interface. Web Access allows your IT stall to roll out high-volume Lxserfiche access without increasing your organization's application support burden. Authorized users organization-wide enjoy simultaneous access to documents, whether they arc using the corporate Intranet or logging in Irom a branch ollice. • Lasertiche PIusT"' I,asorfiche Plus allows the information stored in a Lascrliche repository to fw portable. Lasertiche documents published by Lasertiche Plus can he viewed by anybody, regardless of whether they have Lasertche installed. IC these portable Lawrticho documents arc sent to a company or site that already has Lasertiche installod, then that organization can also choose to attach those documents «t their repository. This sotiware prepares a copy of the Lasertiche tiles (images. text electronic Iles, annotations, templates and bold Data) Cnr horning d'vedly to your removable media or to a temporary directory. Choosing to publish to a temporary directory allows you to write it to your removable media at your convenience. • Lasertiche E-Mail Plug•inT"' allows instant clulronic documem distribution via standard MAPI-compliant e- mail applications. • Lasertiche COLD/COLD PIusT"' archives machine-generated reports to digital media, eliminating great quantities of paper reports, cutting storage vests and allowing immediate report rctricval. Workflow& Process Automation • Lasertiche Workflow: 8fticicncy and accountability-enhancing document routing, o-mail notification and audit trail reporting. • Lasertiche Audi[ Trail Modules: Three levels of audit reporting un address your specific regulatory compliance and security needs. • LF Aadil Trail -Starter: This edition tracks who accesses dew in the repository, as well as changes made to the repository. Users curt then generate reports nn the life-cycle of documents, and who has accessed them. • LF Audit Trail -Standard: Sites with a larger amoum of activity in their repository can us; this edition !o sa up event logging according to individual users. This allows a more finely grained auditing arhtguratiom that tracks only the data that a particular customer needs. Standard features the tracking of failed attempts to change content in the ropository, giving more insight into user activities. All the functionality of the Starter edition is also included. • LF Audit Trail • Advanced: Customers operating in the most demanding regulatory environments find this version ideally suited to they na;ds. Besides doing everything that the other two versions do, it also «acks changes in suurity settings, so not only what a user is looking at or changing is trucked, but who gave them the right to do so. Searches are also tracked. Iror additional document security, with this edition users can Fx• required to submit reasons Cor printing and exporting documents. Administrators can force printed documents to have Watermarks applied to them. Batch Processing • Laserfiehe Quick FieldsT"' automates document sorting and indexing for reduced data entry costs and manual Indexing errors. Lasertiche Quick Fields is a collection of image processing and enhancement tools wrapped in an elegant and intuitive interface. We call Quick Fields a document capture platform tx•cause it is so much more than just an oltline scanning tool. Buausu Quick Fields was developeA specifically Cor Lascrliche document imaging and management solutions, it otters a unique functionality wt designed to simplify xutomatal capture and classification of documents. In addition to working with most production Icvcl scanners. Quick Fields supports the Universal Capture plug-in and includes a powerful tool called the Lxserfiche Capture Engine. The basic premise of the Lasertiche Capture Engine is to provide the ability to "scan" documents into Quick fields Gom a Lasertiche repository. This Cavly simple idea is extremely powerful because it eliminates dependence on Gaditional scanners in order to take advantage of automated image processing technology. With Quick Fields, it does not matter how an organization images they documents. They could be scanned through a networked copier/scanner, automatically imported from a fax server or converted Gom an electronic format through Snapshot, and Quick Fields will process them as if they were scanned indirectly. • Pattern Matching: The Pattern Matching add-on looks for a specified pattern within surer-defined value. This process can ho used to identify a document, validate data, or to save the matching data along with a documem. The patern that will he searched for is dclined by the user through predefined criteria (regular expressions). A regular expression looks for a certain pattern in a string. It can then use this pattern to look Cor a character or a xl oC characters. • QF Real-time look up: look up and extract data Irom a 3"~ party database, verily values exacted Irom an image matched values in the 3~ party database • QF Zone OCR: Images that contain dearly printed or typed information can be converted to text files through a process called (X'R (Optical Character Recognition). Once text has been extracted from an image, it can fw amt along with the image to the repository. Once the documem has tx:en imported info the repository, the exlractod text will he associated with the corresponding image in the document. The International zone OCR add-on will scan a zone on an image for text. Only text found within the zone will tx; exvacteA. The data returned by this process can he used to identity a page, populate a field, determine the document name, or determine where the document will M~ stored. The International %onc fKR add-on can be installed when Quick Fields is lust installed or after it has already bwn installod. • LaserRche Import Agent: Lasertiche Import Agent is a capture tool that can bring files into a Lascrliche repository Gom the Windows Tile system. Any file that can t>L stored in Lasertiche can also ~ imported via Import Agent. What's more. Import Agent allows fix scheduled and selective imports, so that users can sat up specific criteria Ibr what gets imported when. Import Agent can create fully OCRed and indexed docunents. complete with template information and thud in the repository. • QF Bar Code Recognition: Tho 13ar Code add-on reads bar codes on a specified page in the document. The value returned by the bar code process can he user to identify a page, populate a field, determine the document name, of determine where the document will he storal. 13ar Code is very powerful when combined with Rcal Timc Lookup. Supported barcodc formats: Codahar, CODE 39. CODE 128, 1>AN 8. IiAN 13, Interleaved 2 0l 5. UPCA, and UPCI!. • QF Quick Forms: permits multiple document dassitcation, as wolf as include advanced capahilitias such us form recognition. Ionn regisu'ation, them removal and optical mark recognition. • QF Document Classification: designed for dicnts who deal with multiple forms, and will rwognize and process multiple document types. • QF Anmtation/Bates Numbering: The Bator stamp option is a document auto-numbering annotation option • Forms Processing: The Forms Processing add-on consists OC four processes, which arc Lascrliche Form Extracux. Form Identification, Lasertiche form Registration, and Lasertiche Optical Mark Recognition (OMR). Form Extractor removes the layout from an image and leaves data in a region specified on the page. 1rorm Identifcation identifies images according u, the layout of the page. form Registration aligns images to match the layout of the form. OMR detects whether a region has tx,en marked by comparing it with the same region on a master form. This add-On can only process or ra;ognize Corms when processing black & while images. Additional information is availahlc. ln[eeration • LF Integrator's Toolkit Tools & documentation necessary Cor customizing Lasertiche • LF Integration Ezpress: 1'ackagai solution for image-enabling integrations • LF Integration Ezpress GIs: Simplified imago-enabling integrations txtwun Lxserfiche and geographic information systems. • Fiche Feeder: enables you to populate Lasertiche Databases Irom disparate OD13C compliant sources and 1'ixcd. tab, comma, or user defined delimited tiles • Fiche Finder. enables you «> search your Iascrliche Databases from third-party sotiware applications MCCi will tx• happy to quote any ul the shove options, with the ussocialcd training expense upon your request LASERFICHE SOFTWARE UPGRADE. When software is upgraded, the old copy oC the software must tx returned and will no longer he a valid copy. Proof oC previous purchase is reyuired to receive upgrade. Upgrade credit applied towards new purchase is 10117 oC original purchase price. The difference between the now system '. (server, full and rctricval users) price and the old system (server, full and retrieval users) price must lw greater than or alual to 10°l0 0l the new system price. Otherwise, a minimum software upgrade adjustment will lx applied «~ comply ~ with the iU~ price difference requirement. One year of LSAP must M' purchased for new products when upgrading. j LSAT' of the original product will not tat credited. However, remaining months oC LSAP can be applied towards the j new purchase of one year of LSAP Cor the new products. LASERFICHE SOFTWARE SUPPORT. Software Support I'or the above software packages is offered by MCCi and Compulink. (developers of Laserfichc sotiware) Lasertiche Software Assurance Ylan (LSAP) includes: I Telephone or I:-Mail support for software related issues, all new software version updates. 24-hour FTP and web site access and ta•hnical bulletins and newsletters. Adjustments in annual support rates may he made to coincide with ~~ current U.S. intation Talcs. Any updates rcyuiring shipment of software require Client to pay shipping costs. OPTIONAL COLD/FORM SOFTWARE & SUPPORT • FabSoft Reform Software - PahSo Ct Reform streamlines business workflow by automating documem management, enhancement, and distribution. Reform will capture the print stream Irom any operating system. application, or device: enhance it: and intelligently distribute it to printers. Cax, email and archive sysloms. Users can generate customized Corms, invoices, transactional documents, etc.- giving them a professional look and fw.l without having w buy expensive pro-printed Corms. Enhanced documents arc intelligently distributed by using information exu'acted li~om the print stream, such as lax numbers and email addresses-eliminating the hassle of manually entering destination inlixmation. Reform can also control indexes and directory locations integration with our Laserfchc solutions. • FabSoft Reform Support - sotiware Support Rv the PahSoft Reform Sotware is oCCCrcd by MCCi and includes: Telephone or P: Mail support for software related issues, and web site access and technical bulletins and newsletters. Fahso is direct support policy is based on a charge per call if the issues warrants them being directly involved. In the event shat a Pahsolt call is na:dal. MCCi's support plan covers up to two d'vut Fabsolt calls per year, while MCCi support is unlimited. Adjustments in annual support rates may he made to coincide with current US. inllalion rates. Fabsolt Reform Upgrades & Updates -Minor amomatic soltwxre updates are included and software upgrades are availahlc Cor additional costs. Pricing is availahlc upon request. MCCi SOFTWARE CUSTOMIZATIONS. The costumer may elect to contract with MCCi to customize the standard soliwarc. As the basic softwum is upgraded, any customizations pcrlm~mod will require support in the form of uptlating. Cusmmas will have two ways of paying fix the required support. They may inercase the cost of the annual support agrwment by 211 % or pay for modifications to the wswmizations, as required. CLIENT SOFTWARE CUSTOMIZATIONS. The client may also choose to customize their software internally. without MCCi's hdp. MCCi is not resnonsihle for any damages caused by the user's customization of the software. MCCi will not M: herd responsible for correcting any problans that may occur from thee: customizations. Returns updates to the soltwxre may affect any customizations made by the user. If MCCi's help is required to con~ecUupdalc any customizations made by the client uppmpriato charges will apply. OTHER PROGRAMS AND EFFECTS. Upgrades tO existing programs, or rho acquisition oC new programs Gom vendors other than MCCi, may or may not have an ettul nn any customizations made to the software by MCCi. MCCi will work with the client to update existing customizations via onc of the two payment options listed above under "MCCi Soliware Customizations". MCCi will not hL held responsible if upgrades or changes made by the customer prwludo the operation oC MCCi's customisations. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION. MCCi will install all software outlined herein. It additional software is nwdcd u•. hying the site up to specifications, customer will be billed accordingly. END USER TRAINING. MCCi wilt provide instructor-led hands-on training in the operation of the Lasertiche soltware. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR TRAINING. MCCi will provide a training session for Client's Systems Administrator. The Training will include CoNtguring Lasertche System, Database Maintenance, Security Settings, Data IIack Up, Methods of Communication for Lasertiche Software Support, and Solution Development. SITE PREPARATION. The Client site should be ready for installation according to specifications outlined within the Hardware section listed L>zlow. Any additional work by our installation team not covered in this contract, ie: Network modification and rceonligurations: will be billed at $110 per hour. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PACKAGE. MCCi otters our Professional Services Package (PSP), which is purchased annually in hourly increments. MCCi will make a rwommendation as to the initial number of hours needed haled upon the Client's needs and system :ontiguration. PSP hours purehasul can M: used for the following professional services according the terms outlined below. • Pre-Installation Consultation /Solution Development MCCi will consult with the Client prior to the installation and training to determine how the Lasortche System will he set up. This consultation will include a review occurrent document organization and retrieval practices ut determine desired indexing methods (i.e.: folder structure, document naming scheme and template structure), as well as other basic system set up needs. Remote Access Support Remote Access Suppon allows our helpdesk staff to access your machines remotely to resolve problems faster. The use of Remote Access Support saves you both time and money by reducing the delays in resolving soltware issues without cosdy on-site visits. One-Year Hand Holding Package MCCi otters this supplemental support package for Clients during the lust year alter system implementation, which includes the following services: • Additional Training -additional training, via web conferencing, can be conducted to train new users on the use of Lasertiche or as refresher training Cor existing users. On-site training can also tk conduced, however PSP hours do not include travel costs fm' on-site visits. • Additional System Set Up Consultation - MCCi offers additional consultation that would include recommendations nn hest pracices for adding additional departmuhts, additional types of document etc. to your current Lasertiche System. • Remote implementation oP software updates -While the standard LSAT' plan covers Ire' updates tilt LaserPiche software, implementation of those updates is sometimes overlooked. With the addition oCa PSP plan. MCCi is at your service to du'ectly assist in implementing software updates. • Annual System Review & Analysis - MCCi will access your system to review and analyze how your organization is using the Lasediche System, idemify any potential problem arws and make recommendations for heater use of the system. In addition MCCi will review your organizations database backup procedures to ensure the data backup is being performed as recommended. This analysis is designed to he implemented 6 months aRer the initial Lasertiche Software installation, and would be perlormed annually alter that date, if additional PSP hours have been purchased. This is an optional service that will be completed only it ruluesmd by the Client. • Expiration & Additional Hours MCCi's Professional Service Package is an annual package and any unused hours will expire on the same Uato as your Lasertiche System LSM plan. The Client my elect to renew or purchase additional hours as needed and can be provided with an additional proposal for this upon request. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS. MCCi will provide necessary consultation as u> the compatibility of current hardware with the La crliche System. Changes and rceommcndations will he made az the time of consultation. See system reyuiremenls Lx;low. Please keep in mind that these arc the minimum system rcyuirements. All scanner's also require the ScanConnect soltware, which is quoted within our pricing section. HARDWARE. Hardware prices do Iluetuate frequently. Pricing will Mt confirmed prior to order, Support Cor all Hardware is provider by the hardware manulacWrcr and is the responsibility of the Client Warranties for all hardware can be quoted upon reyuest. SCANNING STATION PC SERVER REQUIREMENTS SCANNERS Operating System: Windows 21100 or XP Operating Systemr Windows 2000, or Musl utilize CI'U: 80(1 MHz processor or faster Windows 2003. ISIS drivers Memory: 256 MB CPU: Pentium fill 700 MHz processor or taster RAM:Communicalions: TCP/IP Memory: 512 MB RAM minimum;l MI3 per Web browser. Internet Explorer 5 or additional user higher Communications :TCP/IP POR LF UNITED VERSION ONLY: Database Engine: MS SQL Server 2(100 (service xck 3 or hi her) CLIENT REQUIREMENTS WEBLINK REQUIREMENTS Operating System: Windows 2000 or XP Windows 21100 with IIS 5.0 or CPU: Pemium II 50(1 MHz processor or Windows 20113 with IIS 6.0 faster CI'U: Pentiun III 650 MHz processcr Memory: 128 MII RAM: Memory: 256 MO RAM Communications: TCP/IP Web browser: Intcrnct 8xplorer 5 or hi Shur ADDITIONAL SERVICES. As an additional service/product under this contact MCC and MCCi can provide rho following: • Electronic Agenda Management (MuniAgenda). MCCi offers MuniAgenda Sotiwaro and related services which provides electronic automation and creation of Agendas. • Document Scanning Services (MuniScan). MCCi olicrs scanning, indexing and integration of hard copy documents with Lasertche Software to provide the CLicnt with the most powerful index retrieval search engine available with the following features: intuitive browse window, index cards, and luzzy logic • Process Management Software (MuniTracklU. MCCi o(fcrs the MuniTracklt soltware (developed by Brandt Information Services. Inc.) which is a web basal solution designed spa:i(ically for Government organizations. MuniTracklt will save time and money by streamlining business processor. • Code Supplementation and Codification Services (MuniCode). Municipal Codc Corporation otters supplementation oC existing Codes, Coditcation of Ordinances and Ru:odiliartion of existing Codes. Our optional services include legal review, republishing. ediuvia! and index. work and elcetronic options (CD. Internet). • Utility Billing Services (MuniBills). MCCAdvantage offers billing, statement and remittance processing services as an additional tx:nefit under this agra:ment- MCCAdvantage. a subsidiary of MCC, can provide the client with design, printing and mailing serviws for customer billing/statements of all types. These services also include remittance payment options, soltware and other billing solutions. AGREEMENT EXTENDED TO OTHER GOVERNMENTAL UNITS. MCCi agrees to allow any other Government agency in the State of FLORIDA to purchase items, at the same terms, conditions and pricing as this contract during the period oC time that this conu'act is in effect. Minor changes in terms and conditions may he negotiated by MCCi and participating Government agencies. Any orders issued against this agreement shall be the sole responsihility of the Government agency placing the order. It is understood that the Village of NORTH PALM BEACH shall incur no financial responsibility in connection with any purchase by another Government agency- TRAVEL EXPENSES. If the client cancels or reschedules an installation after MCCi has made travel arrangements. travel expenses may ht incurred due to circumstances such as non-relundahle airline tickets, hotel reservations, rental cars, eta PAYMENT & BILLING TERMS. MCCi will invoice Ctfty percent (50"1) of the total contract amount upon rwcipt oC the signed contract. Balance will be invoiced and billed upon completion of installation. Payment will be due upon receipt of an invoice. TERMINATION. The services provided in this agreement will be in full force and infect for a period of three (3) years from the date of shipment of the completed product to the organization Thereulter, this agreemem will ht automatically renewed Irom year to year, provided that either party may alter or cancel the terms of this agreement upon sixty (60) days' written notice.