07-15-2002 VC SP-AVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AGENDA SPECIAL SESSION HERB WATT BUILDING Edward Eissey [ ] Don Noel [ ] Mayor Vice Mayor Dennis Kelly [ ] Village Manager 1 2. 15 ROLL CALL MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS MONDAY, JULY 15, 2002 6:50 P.M. Joseph Tringali [ ] Charles O'Meilia [ ] David Norris [ ] President Pro Tem Councilman Councilman George Baldwin [ ] Village Attorney Kathleen Kelly [ ] Village Clerk a. LIBRARY LIGHTING PROJECT -CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS. Consider a motion to authorize the Village Engineer to do construction drawings for the North Palm Beach Library Lighting project, per~the lighting study. -_ __ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ / ~, ~ ~ -, , ~,,J ' ~r jam` ~ i. ~,~ ~ ~~ ADJOURNMENT ~~ 5~ ~ If a person decides to appeal any decision by the Village Council with respect to any matter considered at the Village Council meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This agenda represents the tentative agenda for the scheduled meeting of the Village Council. Due to the nature of governmental duties and responsibilities, the Village Council reserves the right to make additions to, or deletions from, the items contained in this agenda. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION SUBJECT: LIBRARY LIGHTING Date: July 15, 2002 MODIFICATION SPECIAL Attachments: Department: Public Services Ordinance Subject: Community Planning Resolution X PBS&J Work Authorization X PBS&J/Larry Smith Report Prepared by: Kristine Frazell, P.E. Type Action Requested: Approved by: Ordinance Resolution X Formal Vote Other Village Manager: Orientation of Issue: The Village Engineer, PBS8~J, was authorized by the attached Work Order # 6 to review and comment on the lighting study dated November 7, 2000 prepared by Gee 8~ Jenson Engineers, Inc. Also, the Village Engineer was to summarize the results of the review and provide additional recommended alternatives, including cost estimates for the alternatives. Additionally, the Village Engineer was authorized to prepare contract documents and assist the Village in obtaining competitive bids for construction of the selected alternative. The Village Engineer retained a specialized sub-consultant, Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. to assist in providing this work product. The work product was provided to the Library Advisory Board on June 25, 2002. The Library Advisory Board recommends Lighting Plan No. 3 of the attached Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. report, dated June 19, 2002. It is the desire of the Library Advisory Board to complete the construction in August, prior to school beginning. Construction documents can be completed in less than 30 days. Given approval is granted by the Village Council on July 25, 2002 for the Village Engineer to prepare construction documents, and by selecting a qualified electrical and lighting contractor from the "pool" of contractors who have conducted similar government work, construction can begin in late August. Construction is anticipated to take two to three weeks. It is anticipated alternating portions of the library can remain open during construction. A formal presentation by the Village Engineer and Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. is prepared for the Council for the July 25, 2002 Regular Agenda. Programmatic or Policy Impact: The project is budgeted in the current fiscal year at $110,000.00. PBS&J's fee to prepare the subject work product is $13,965.00. The proposed construction cost for Lighting Plan No. 3 is estimated to cost $75,000.00. Therefore, sufficient funding is available with a potential $21,035.00 surplus. Fiscal Impact: Issue Budgeted: yes Funds Available: yes Budget Transfer: na Budget Appropriation: na Alternatives (following the selection of the desired Lighting Plan alternative): 1. Publicly advertise a Request for Proposal for construction of the preferred Lighting Plan. 2. Select a qualified contractor from the °pool" of contractors who have conducted similar government work so as to expedite the project. Recommendation: Staff recommends authorizing the Village Engineer to prepare construction documents as quickly as possible and to assist the Village with selecting a qualified contractor from the °pool" of contractors who have conducted similar government work so as to expedite the project. Council Action Workshop: Date: ( )Forward to Regular Agenda ( ) Continue to Workshop ( )Other Regular: ( )Approved as recommended ( )Approved with changes ( )Disapproved -~, )Other ~. ~4 `'~ ~ ~~ ~ Smith Engineering y ~! Consultants, Inc. :~..::r::.:~~~ June 19, 2002 Mr. A. L. Har<~ey, Jr., P.E. PBS & J 3230 Commerce Place, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Re: Village of North Palm Beach Library Second Floor Lighting Modifications Dear Skip: Smith Engineering Consultants. Inc. (SEC) was requested to review the lighting study prepared by Gee & Jenson dated November 7, 2000, atld to offer comments on their work as well as to provide additional recommended lighting alternatives along with their associated costs. Overall the Gee & Jenson report is very well done, however. in our opinion their estimated costs for the work are too high. Also. their costs do not include replacement of the existing drop ceiling (as they recommend) or repairs to the high ceiliny~ in the main circulation area. During our site investigation, we obtained similar existing illumination levels throughout the various spaces. In the main circulation area we measured from »footcandles in the opetl spaces to 5 footcandles between the bookshelves to«-ard the rear of the space. The average illumination between the bookshelves was approximately 2~ footcandles. The calculated average illumination in this area with the existing fixtures is ~~ footcandles. Industry standards suggest illumination levels between ~0 and 7~ footcandles for this area. Therefore, through proper maintenance of the existing fixtures. including replacing burned out lamps and keeping the fixture lenses clean. illumination levels in the main circulation area should be adequate. However, the perception of illumination levels is very subjective so that if it is desired to brighten this area by approximately ~0 percent, then the selection of a 75 footcandle design criteria is appropriate. The illumination levels measured outside the perimeter of the main circulation area are far below the industry standard. In these areas, as well as the office spaces, we agree with the installation of parabolic lens, fluorescent fixtures as recommended in the previous report for an illumination level of 75 footcandles. However. it is our opinion that the existing drop ceiling system can remain following the installation of the new recessed fixtures. The ceiling appears to be in good condition, and the tiles removed for the installation of the new fixtures can be used to fill in the spaces where the existing recessed fixtures are removed. 5114 Okeechobee Blvd., Suite 104 West Palm Beach, FL 33417 (561) 61 6-391 1 Fax (561) 616-3912 S C For the main circulation area. we propose to have installed prismatic lens, fluorescent fixtures as the least cost alternative. These are less expensive than parabolic lens fixtures, and provide more even light distribution where glare is not a concern. As a second alternative, the installation of pendant mounted, direct indirect, linear fluorescent fixtures would present a more modern appearance to the space. However, we recommend six (6) rows of fixtures instead of five (~) to provide approximately 75 footcandles of illumination throughout this area. We also explored a third option that was the installation of low bay, high intensity discharge (H.LD.), metal halide fixtures. It initially appeared that with an 18 foot ceiling the use of these type of fixtures might be more practical. However, upon further review, the 'initial installation cost would be higher than for the fluorescent lighting, would consume approximately twice the energy (and therefore not meet the requirements of the Florida Energy Code), and would present an undesirable, industrial appearance to the space. In summary, Lighting Plan No.l is to keep the existing main circulation fixtures but to replace the lenses, lamps, and ballasts for an estimated project cost of $4,000. Lighting Plan No.2 replaces the existing main circulation fixtures with ne~ti- prismatic lens, fluorescent fixtures (Type `B') at an estimated project cost of $60.000. Lighting Plan No.3 replaces the existing main circulation fixtures with new direct/indirect, decorative. tuorescent fixtures (Type 'C') at an estimated project cost of $7,000. Please note that the estimated costs for all of the lighting plans include the new Type 'A' fixtures around the perimeter and all ceiling repairs. Thank you for allowing Smith Engineering Consultants to be of service to you in this matter. If you have any questions, or if I may be of further assistance, please call me at vo~:r convenience at 616-3911. 1%arry M. President Enclosures Sincerely, ~~ . ~ ~ . *.. _ _ ~_{ .. .L - 4~ ~ a .. s i. .. f~.., -~-~ ~- ~ ~' ~ ~ -( - ~ ~ . -+-1 .. - } _ - ~ ~ - . _ . '~ : _ }~., - ' ! 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Ea. 0.00 3.50 10.00 4.50 120 150 1,200.00 1,200.00 4 5 6 7 8 Re lace Ballasts in Main Circulation Fixtures Re lace Pol carbonate Lenses in Main Circulation Fixtures Install New Perimeter Recessed Fluorescent Parabolic Fixtures Miscellaneous Conduit and Wirin Miscellaneous Ceilin Re airs Ea. Ea. Ea. LS LS 50.00 100.00 150.00 5000.00 0.00 50.00 10.00 75.00 5000.00 5000.00 50 25 60 1 1 5,000.00 2,750.00 13,500.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 Total 38,850.00 10% Cont. 42,735.00 Bud et $45,000 Li htin Plan No.2 T e'B' Main Circulation Fixtures 1 Remove Existin Surface Fluorescent Fixtures Ea. 0.00 10.00 20 200.00 2 3 Remove Existin Recessed Fixtures Remove Existin Main Circulation Fluorescent Fixtures Ea. Ea. 0.00 0.00 10.00 25.00 120 25 1,200.00 625.00 4 5 6 7 Install New Main Circulation Surface Fluorescent Prismatic Fixtures Install New Perimeter Recessed Fluorescent Parabolic Fixtures Miscellaneous Conduit and Wirin Miscellaneous Ceilin Re airs Ea. Ea. LS LS 100.00 150.00 7500.00 2500.00 150.00 75.00 7500.00 7500.00 48 60 1 1 12,000.00 13,500.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 Total 52,525.00 10% Cont. 57,777.50 Bud et $60,000 Li htin Plan No.3 T e'C' Main Circulation Fixtures 1 2 3 Remove Existin Surface Fluorescent Fixtures Remove Existin Recessed Fixtures Remove Existin Main Circulation Fluorescent Fixtures Ea. Ea. Ea. 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 20 120 25 200.00 1,200.00 625.00 4 5 6 7 Install New Main Circulation Pendant Fluorescent DirecUlndirect Fixtures Install New Perimeter Recessed Fluorescent Parabolic Fixtures Miscellaneous Conduit and Wirin Miscellaneous Ceilin Re airs Ea. Ea. LS LS 250.00 150.00 7500.00 2500.00 150.00 75.00 7500.00 7500.00 66 60 1 1 26,400.00 13,500.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 Total 66,925.00 10% Cont. 73,617.50 Bud et $75,000 DIMENSIONS DESCRIPTION ~"7 I The Paralux III Series features recessed aesthetics and the latest in O O O e energy efficient technology. The luminaire incorporates a 3" precision cell full aperture louver into a nominal 5-1R" deep para- I - A I contoured fixture housing. This combination creates a total high performance parabolic optical NOMINAL SIZE A a assembly for optimum performance. 2' x 2' 23 3/4' 16o3mm1 6 IR" 1165mm1 The Series is compatible with 2' x !' 23314' (603mm1 5 1/2' (140mm1 today's popular ceiling grid systems 20'x48' 193/4' (SOlmml 51R'tl4omml ~ and is available with a number of options and accessories for application versatility. The Paralux III Series is an excellent choice for commercial office spaces, schools, hospitals or retail merchandising areas. M ETALUX® ~i'.1'*,brse., . ~~ 2P3GSERIES 9, 1 2 o r 1 8 C e l l 2' x 2', 2' z 4', 20" x 48" Parabolic 2 or 3 Lamp Parabolic Louver PARALUX III RECESSED STATIC TROFFER ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: 2P3G-2U6T85331.120 V-E881-U HR Heat Removal to ~ D Heat Removal Control Damper \ ` Width 2'=2' width Blank=1' width or 20' width Paralux Louver Louver Depth Trim Type G=Grid/Lay-in -Standard F=Flange Trim 2048 20' Width x B8' Length Number of Lamps- 2 or 3 (amps INo[inrJudedl Wattage ILengthl U6-BOW 124'1 U6T8>31W 124'1 BO>40W 148'1 32-32W 78IB8'1 Louver Color S-Silver G-Gold GII Configuration 33-3 Rows of 3, 9 Cell 26-2 Rows of 6, 12 Cell 36-3 Rows or 6, 18 Cell Lowbr Finish 1-Semi-SpecularMaze llow IridescenU Standard MI-Spewlar/Mirrored (Low Irideseant) ~ ~ TJ Flange Vohage O1 Config. 120=120V S=Single 277=277V (cndividuau E=End of 347=3B7V Row i A=In Row Finish N=Natural W-White -~ Ballast Type rn p ns LE3= Energy ISee Oonons Saving and Accessories Ballast Pagei LEOCB=Energy Saving Ballast R$ Lamp Onlyl EB _ Generic j Electronic L Ballast No. of Ballasts ~lor2 Lamp Size 2=T72 8=TB IFa specfic electronic halos[ ap«ily Arend and uubv numearl PRODUCT INFORMATION Gtaloq lamp Cea Nominal Shipping Number Type fills Gtdigurbtion Sbe Wt. 2P3G-2UBTSS331 ~ 2FU32 9 3 x 3 2' x 2' 21 Ibs.19.5kg1 2P3G•2325261 ~ 2F32 12 2 x 6 2' z B' B2 lbs.118.9kg) 2P3G332S361 Ita 3F32 18 3 x 8 2' x B' B2 Iba.118.9kg) P3G2046-232S281 ~ 2F32 12 2 x B 20'x48' 41 lbs. (18.5kg1 P3G2018.332S381 ~ 3F32 18 3 x B 20'x48' Bl Ibs.118.5kg1 ~u NOTES: to EO Orld CIIP V reoonanwdW tkr W MI6' ea61n0 yaoana m IetprM and Olaaa YNd bd krun nol avaWAN in elde fmrea A M1edueta Wo avWeAN In eon•US voxabaa and haptwrsaa for kdarnatltuW marbe< w Fer oanWaa OroOtat day nNwo tM Ruaeaeetb SOerJbulbn AYNv. ~ Spadbeetlar ! Nmenalona au4lact b eAatpa aMhout nouoa. A Catnrlt Your Coovar UpMtq bprertwatM ra ayabaebhy and ordwkq kdermador- Equipped with energy saving ballasts/complies with federal energy efficiency standards Computer designed, precision cell louver technology Balanced low brightness illumination reduces glare, increased VCP's Cam action latches/ T hinges Four auxiliary fixture end suspension points provided Interlocking tabs and screws secure end plates End plates secured by screws Luminaire Efficacy Rating LER=FP-68 Catalog Number. 2P3G-332S36 • U.L Listed, CSA Certified and IBEW Labeled COOPER LIGHTING 11IIETALUX® •_~ rf~ SASERIES 4' or 8' Surface 2, 3 ar 4 lamp SURFACE MODULAR WRAP Equipped with energy saving ballasUcomplies with federal energy efficiency standards Architectural preferred design Full seam welded corners Low profile flush optical design Full perimeter luminous sides • Low brightness/micro base prisms/good lamp image obscuration (acrylic lens) • Low brightness/square base male conical prisms/precision light control (injection molded acrylic lens) Injection molded end caps/sonically welded Mechanical attachment of lens assembly Surface or stem mounting single or continuous fOW Itl to Also available in tandem 8' lengths ~ Luminaire Efficacy Rating I.ER=FW-75 Catalog Number: SA-232A • U.L Listed, CSA Certified and IBEW Labeled DESCRIPTION The SA Series combines arcltitecturallyprefeaed design features such as low profile housings and refractor optics into a contemporarily styled modular series. This energy efficient luminaire is available with an extruded acrylic refractor basket. The refractor has been designed to conceal lamp image and effectively control brightness. Product design and styling result in a luminaire for either surface or pendant mounting. Lighting aesthetics and performance required for applications such as commercial environments, classrooms, corridors, hospitals and general office lighting makes the SA Series the ideal luminaire choice. ORDERING INFORMA710N DIMENSIONS 1 ~/ U ~ \ ~1 e ( A 1 NOMINAL LENGTH A g •' 2 Lemp (AI 10.15/16' 3.15!16' (27Bmm1 IS/mm1 t' 2 Lamp (IMA) 10.15/16' t-3l8' 1278mm1 (111mm1 i' 3/! lamp iAl 15-15/16' 3-15/16' (405mm1 (8/mm) t' 3/! Lamp (IMAI 15-15/16' !-3B' (t05mm1 I81mm) SAMPLE NUMBER: SA•232A•t20V•E881•U Tandem Wide Body Number of Lamps Voltage 1B/ 8T 8' length A 2 lamps 2, 3 or 4 Iambs 120=120V Housing INOt Included! 277=277V Only Uses t' 3a7=3<7V s ~ Wattage Ilengthl l0=40W (d8'1 SA=Series 32=32W T8 (38') Lens A=Acrylic Refractor Lens IMA=Injection Molded Acrylic Lens ~~- ~~i Ballast Type ~ Optiot ns 1E3= Energy Saving 8allast~ t5ee Options and LEOCB=Energy Saving Ballast Accessories Pagel (T-8 Lamp Onlyl EB Generic Electronic Ballast L (T$ Lamp Onlyl No. of Ballarts 1 or 2 Lamp Size 2.T12 8=T8 IFOr specific elMronic ballast zpecity Grand and wtabg number) PRODUCT INFORMATION GLlog Lamp Nominal Ship{wng Number Typs Size WL SA-232A to 2F32 - ~ - P -- ! 151bs. (6.Bkg1 -- - SA-332A m 3F32 t' 21 lbs. (9.5kg) SA-l3IA m 4F32 t' 221bs.19.9kg1 BTSA-232A m 4F32 8' 31 Ibs.113.9kg1 SA-2321MA m 4F32 4' /61bs.17.2kg 1 SA-3321MA m 3F32 a' 22 lbs. (9.9kg! SA-1321MA m lF32 4' 221bs.19.9kg1 BTSA-2321MA to 4F32 8' 321bs. (14.l9kg) NOTES: t~fer aerRYarers raw mouno,p 7A' KO'a hnnbnaa In ana W flatva, aparily EKG. ~ a?ainl auapanaion npufrW for ] aM a Yro ftrhrea 2•PtoMt a a-pout wapnrbn for S lanq 6abaaa ItaWtaa auMrd KO'al. ~hr Oonlplara podua eau. ra<erara tdta Flwraaoara Spadflptlon bk~. pBpaaMtariara <• dlmarwbna COOPER LIGHTING 6aow a~tor Pro°`uar°atr"4Walnn°".u5wpa°asan°b'°"'""a't°`""a"'a"°"r"'ati"`'AR""r,°'''e7""'p°"h'.mC°""'kvaor .•.a.e~q. «.e o.aa~v Inrom.atien. ~ ~,\ r Direct/ Indirect ~''v p ~ / ~v l J 1 e ~ Parabolic Louver // j ~~j r~ . _ ~~ti~~n~ ~. ~ . , t ~a:~~ _s~ Project: Type:_ Fixture Lamp Shielding Mounting Linear Finish Voltage Options Series Type Footage Series Lamp Type Shielding Mounting Linear Finish Volta e g 0 tions p Footage ADI ~_ `J " ~ P SpecularMINICAV' C Cable Indicate Wti White 120 Ballast Options Artec® 1 T8 F032T8 ' nominal length EM Emergency Ballast (consult factory) Direct/ .~ ~ ~ ' T Matte Silver MINICAV S Stem rounded to the B K Black 277 DM Dimming Ballast (consult factory) Indirect 2T8 F032T8 v next highest W White MINICAV• 3T8 F032T8 ~ =LJ' foot, using SV Silver 347 Wiring Options S Specular Aluminum three digits, I.e. FS Single Fusing 012,128, etc. SP Specify TM Tandem Wiring B40 F408X/RS ~_~ M Matte Aluminwn Factory will Color i C ~ (Multiple lamp Units only) supply layout acn~ r o rea) i v eQu B50 F506X/RS R White Radial PApavEX" drawings. Suspension Options D Acrylic OiHuser E0 as° Earthquake Swivel (stems only) Union Made Affiliated with IBEW Local 363 UL C U~ LISTED LISTED SELUX Corp. ®1998 • PO Box 1060, 3 Lumen Lane Highland, NY 12528-1060 TEL• (914) 691-7723 FAX: (914) 691.6749 Entail: seluxus~selux.com Web Page: www.selux.txxn ADI-0198-01 1. Construction - Two piece 6063-T5, extruded aluminum profiles up to 16 feet long with integral connectioN suspension/ socket bracket. Continuous runs are joined with four steel bars to assure a uniform appearance. Approximate weight of assem- bled fixture = 4 IbsJ tt. 2. Lamps - F032T8, F408X/RS, or FSOBX/RS BiaxTM' fluorescent lamps (by others). Other lamp lengths and wattages available; consun factory. 3. Parabolic Reflector - 0.025' thick, dear specular aluminum. • 81Ax"' 's a aeaamark d GE IAnarg 4. Ballast -Electronic ESB, high power factor, class "P', type 'A' sound rating. Specify 120v, 277v, or 347v. Ballast is factory pre-wired with leads to one end of fixture. Consult factory for ballast options. 5. Shielding -Specify MINICAV® parabolic louver in specular, matte silver or white; parabolic aluminum louver in specular or matte finish; white radial PAR- AVEX° louver; or acrylic diffuser. 6. Suspensions - (Not shown) Choose from double aircraft cable with straight 18-3 SVT cord or single 5/8' O.D. stem. Cable suspension is delivered with a spring loaded, quids release grip- per for easy vertical adjustment. Suspensions are 2 n. from ceiling to top of luminaire and are field callable. Other lengths available (consun factory). When using dimming ballasts, stems must be used at feed locations. Outlet boxes by others. h a cnrrbruirg effort b ofkr the hest podrxt paasbb, •e reserve ttb ri¢d b atarga wits oul ro6ca, speaTicatiora a mabriels tat if our apiibn wi na arts rb luwtion d fb Product. Jun-28-02 10:30; rage 8817489; Sent ,By: HP t.aserJet 3100; -~.vr-ie-z002 Oi:GTas Fron-PBSSJ +56161S3i21 ~ T-65S P.002/004 F-6t5 0(I~{ laauary 11, 2002 WORK ORDER €#6 LIBRARY LIGHTING IMPAOVENIIrNTS C~EIYERAL/BACKGROII~Yll This Work Order, when executed, shall.be iacvrponttd in and become.an intagraI pact of the Agreement for Professional Services between the Village of North Palm.Bcach, Florida (VILLAGE) and Post, Backley, Schuh & Jernigan, lac. (CONSULTANT} dated August 23, 2001, hercafta referred to as AGRbEMP'VT. The VII,LAGE has s Iiglctiag study that was prepared by a previous cottsuitant and wishes to have the study reviewed and cotnmeats prepared about the aAatysis and results contained in the study, Subsequently, the VILLAGE wishes to proceed wild the lighting design and plan preparation for implementing itrcproverrtettts to the library lighting. The fo119wisig ScBpg of Services has been preparFd by ehe CO?~TSULTAI~T to address the desires of the VILLAGE. SCOPir OF SERVICF~S TASK 1- LIGHTING STLDY REVIEW CONSULTANT will visit the library and take tneasureruents of.the existing illumination levels for comparison to the infa:zuatiot: contained in the existing lighting study. CONSULTANT will review and common on the cxiating lighting study, dated Nwembgr ~, 2000. as prepared by Gee & Jenson for tha VILLAGE. A letter zepozt will br prepared by tha CONSULTANT to summarize the results of the review and to provide additional recommended alternatives. Cost estimates will be reviewed andJor prepared for the alternativcz. COIr'SULTANT will attend two meetings to present the results 4f the revievr and to answer questions about the project. C}ne tnccting wiU be the Library Board and oac meeting will be a VILLAGE Council Workshop. TASK 1-CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PRLPAItATiON Hszsed upon the results of the lighting study review prepared by CONSULTANT, the VILLAGE will select the desired altcmative for lighting improvements. J Jun-2a-ae ~.,.~.. 8817469; ti616443ttt ;T-8ii P.003/OOd F-649 Bjt: Hp 4aserJet 3100; CONSULTANT shall then prepare the lighting and electrical design for.. the sciected alternative. ~, This includes constructionplsa: and spocifcatioas suitable foTpamitting. cotnpedtive bidding and conatrucdom by the VILLAGE. Coristructian plans (bard copy of the existing building will be provided to the CONSULTANT for use as base drawing iafcnntatioa.: An update construction cost estimata wilt be prepared. CONSULTANT' ws`tl submit the cwaplcced plans to the VILLAGE staff fot revi~v and comment. The CONSULTANT will attend one Library Boazd totaling to prrser~t the plans and aruwar questions. Construction plans will be prepared in AutoCADD Version 14 fottnat. Standard VILLAGE bidding docu:aeats will be provided to CONSULTANT for use ort tha pcojcct. They wiU be in Word or WordPerfect format and will be modified by CONSULTANT for this projact_ TASK 3 -BIDDING CONSULTANT wiA assist VILLAGE in obtaining competitive bids by preparing addendums, responding to technical questions, rcviewin$ bids and providing a secommeadation of award. ~~~ LABOR COST Task 1 -LIGHTING STUDY I2.fiVLEw S 4,400.00 Task Z - CGNTRACT DOCUMENT PR.IrPARATI(7N ~ 7,950.OQ X0.04 Task 3 - BIDD~tG Total Labor Co9t 513,300.00 E.X-PENSE COST Internal direct expenses billed in accordance with the AGREEMENT 5°~ S~~ R,eimbunable expcnsrs billed in accordance Frith ilze AGR~:T:IKENT Total Cost (Labor & Exp. 5l3T965.00 Jun-28-02 10:31; ma'y` "' ' ' ~ I a+.r 8817469; Sent Bq: HP Laser)at 3100; ~5616iii1'~t f 855 p.00UG81 F-69S : sr'uFnrn .E ,_ Tho duration of the work tasks are summuized betaw tD.~YS_ ?'ASK~AUTHORIZA'Y`ION TASK 1-LIGHTING STUDY REVIEW TASK 2 - CONTRACT DQCL'~NlENTS PREPARATION TASK 3 - BIDDING 30 Days 30 Days 34 Days ~ZQ J't~L Data ~~9--A-z _______ raa~s ~t.~~. ~~~ ~~~~~~~ Smith Engineering ~~. ~-5 ~- Consultants, Inc. • June 19, 2002 Mr. A. L. Harvey, Jr., P.E. PBS & J 3230 Commerce Place, Suite A West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Re: Village of North Palm Beach Library Second Floor Lighting Modifications Dear Skip: Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC) was requested to review the lighting study prepared by Gee & Jenson dated November 7, 2000, and to offer comments on their work as well as to provide additional recommended lighting alternatives along with their associated costs. Overall the Gee & Jenson report is very well done, however, in our opinion their estimated costs for the work are too high. Also, their costs do not include replacement of the existing drop ceiling (as they recommend) or repairs to the high ceiling in the main circulation area. During our site investigation, we obtained similar existing illumination levels throughout the various spaces. In the main circulation area we measured from 55 footcandles in the open spaces to 5 footcandles between the bookshelves toward the rear of the space. The average illumination between the bookshelves was approximately 25 footcandles. The calculated average illumination in this area with the existing fixtures is 55 footcandles. Industry standards suggest illumination levels between 50 and 75 footcandles for this area. Therefore, through proper maintenance of the existing fixtures, including replacing burned out lamps and keeping the fixture lenses clean, illumination levels in the main circulation area should be adequate. However, the perception of illumination levels is very subjective so that if it is desired to brighten this area by approximately 50 percent, then the selection of a 75 footcandle design criteria is appropriate. The illumination levels measured outside the perimeter of the main circulation area are far below the industry standard. In these areas, as well as the office spaces, we agree with the installation of .parabolic lens, fluorescent fixtures as recommended in the previous report for an illumination level of 75 footcandles. However, it is our opinion that the existing drop ceiling system can remain following the installation of the new recessed fixtures. The ceiling appears to be in good condition, and the tiles removed for the installation of the new fixtures can be used to fill in the spaces where the existing recessed fixtures are removed. • 5114 Okeechobee Blvd., Suite 104 West Palm Beach, FL 33417 (561) 61 6-391 1 Fax (561) 61 6-3912 FY u ~~'. ~~ r .. For the main circulation area, we propose to have installed prismatic lens, fluorescent fixtures as the least cost alternative. These are less expensive than parabolic lens fixtures, and provide more even light distribution where glare is not a concern. As a second alternative, the installation of pendant mounted, direct/indirect, linear fluorescent fixtures would present a more modern appearance to the space. However, we recommend six (6) rows of fixtures instead of five (5) to provide approximately 75 footcandles of illumination throughout this area. We also explored a third option that was the installation of low bay, high intensity discharge (H.I.D.), metal halide fixtures. It initially appeared that with an 18 foot ceiling the use of these type of fixtures might be more practical. However, upon further review, the initial installation cost would be higher. than for the fluorescent lighting, would consume approximately twice the energy (and therefore not meet the requirements of the Florida Energy Code), and would present an undesirable, industrial appearance to the space. In summary, Lighting Plan No. l is to keep the existing ,main circulation fixtures but to • replace the lenses, lamps, and ballasts for an estimated project cost of $45,000. Lighting Plan No.2 replaces the existing main circulation fixtures with new prismatic lens, fluorescent fixtures (Type `B') at an estimated project cost of $60,000. Lighting Plan No.3 replaces the existing main circulation fixtures with new direct/indirect, decorative, fluorescent fixtures (Type `C') at an estimated project cost of $75,000. Please note that the estimated costs for all of the lighting plans include the new Type `A' fixtures around the perimeter and all ceiling repairs. M. Smith, P.E. Enclosures Thank you for allowing Smith Engineering Consultants to be of service to you in this matter. If you have any questions, or if I may be of further assistance, please call me at your convenience at 616-3911. Sincerely, • President -F~-- 9CIIIE 1/id'•1'-0' ,., i _ S' Y • T i' ;; - -~ ' i a - ~ti - ~ r - ~. ++- 4 ~ ~~ - -r i ~ ~- ~ oaoaa 1 +- ~ - I.~ L T . ~ - t~ = - ~ T i T - r ~ - ~ s - . r .* ~ a a a o 0 T ~ { ~ ~ ~ , . ~ Z T ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ Y - ~ - a o a o 0 . ~ r Y ~ . oo . aao ~ , ~ ~ a a ~ ~ , z .~ , . ~+ ~~ ~; ~„~ ~ NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY ~. ~. ~ ` °~ ^° SECOND FLOOR ~ ~. a..~...... s.. ,a ~ ~ t aF t "'~""~"' LIGHTING PLAN N0. 1 Sys ~ ~~ ~a 9G1tE• 1/1d'~1'-0' ~ ~~ ,~: y„~ NORTH PALM BEACH LI6RARY ~ °~ ~° SECOND FLOOR ~` eau a..dw.. ~ mill. ~a omaD: uB ~ ~ ~ (an) nwn~ ~ (xq ~~aao~: ~0° ~ a~~ """"~'"~"' LIGHTING PLAN N0. 2 ,~C.dj i ~. ~ 1 - r1 a' •.r•~~-~~ ~Y ` t'~`- C (TYPICAL ^F 66) ~. i _ 1- S--l- t 1 ~~ T' t^ ~-t-f ~ tT~' ~ t 1-1- t-?-4 1- 1 . _ _ ~-r t, ~ ~ ~„~ NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY ~ ,~~, ~ ,~ SECOND FLOOR , ~ , a~u a..e~ ra, sr. ~a a~O~ Y6 -~ ^~ °-~ A ~~~ ~. ~ ~~ LIGHTING PLAN N0. 3 (aa~) atsan~ r (xq awnt DIMENSIONS O O O B I A ( NOMINAL SIZE A g 2' x 2' 23 3/4' (603mm) 61/2' (166mm) 2' x 4' 23 3/4' (603mm) 5 1!!' (140mm) 20'x48' 19 3/4' (502mm1 5 1R' (140mm) `~~~~ '~' DESCRIPTION The Paralux III Series features recessed aesthetics and the latest in energy efficient technology. The luminaire incorporates a 3" precision cell full aperture louver into anominal 5-112" deep para- contouredfixture housing. This combination creates a total high performance parabolic optical assembly for optimum performance. The Series is compatible with todays popular ceiling grid systems and is available with a number of options and accessories for application versatility. The Paralux III Series is an excellent choice for commercial office spaces, schools, hospitals or retail merchandising areas. METALUX® ~r 2P3GSERIES 9,12 or 18 Cell 2' x 2', 2' x 4', 20" x 48" Parabolic 2 or 3 Lamp Parabolic Louver PARALUX III RECESSED STATIC TROFFER ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: 2P3G-2U6T8S331•t20V-E6a1-U HR Hea[ Removal ~ D Heat Removal Control Damper want 2'=2' width Blank=1' width or 20' width Paralux Lower Louver Depth Trim Type G=GridlLay-in -Standard F=Flange Trim 2048 zo• wdm x 48• Length PRODUCTINFORMA Number of Lemps- 2 or 3 lamps (Not inGuded) Wattage (Length) U6=40W (2d') U6T8=31W (24'I so=IOw 118.1 i 32=32W TB (18'1 Louver Glor S=Silver G=Gold GII Configuration 33=3 Rows of 3, 9 Cell 26=2 Rows of 6, 12 Cell 36=3 Rows of 6, 16 Call lower Knish 1=,Semi-Specu IarMaze (Low Iridescent) Standard MI=Speeular/Mirrored (Low Iridescent) Flange Vohage m Config. 120=120V S=Single 277=277V (individual) 347=347 V E=End of Row R=tn Row Finish N=Natural W=White Ballast Type pl Optl ions LE3= Energy (See Options Saving '~ Accessories Ballast page) LEOCB=Energy Saving Ballast (T~ Lamp Only) EB Generic Electronic t Ballast No. of Ballasts 1or2 lamp Sizs 2=T12 s=Te (Fa rpacifie elecvonie ballast specify bond and ratalop number) Catalog Lamp GII Nominal Shipping Number Typo Cells Gnfiguration Siu WL 2P3G-2U6TBS331 w 2FU32 9 3 x 3 2' x 2' 21 Ibs.19.5kg) 2P3G-232S261 to 2F32 12 2 x 8 2' z 4' 421bs.118.9kg) 2P3G.732S361 m 3F32 18 3 x 8 Z' z 4' 42 Iba. (189kg) P3G20/8-232S281 m 2F32 12 2 x 8 20•x48' 41 Iba.118.5kg) P3G2048-3325361 ro 3F32 18 3 x 8 20•x48• 41 Ibs.118.5kg) NOTES: ttl EO Gdd Clip b reoonunandad /a as gnfi' aNNq ~vst~ma RI IntsprN end p4b Arid kx1 Nature oat wal4bN In atatfe 6xturaa m PmAleb abo milabN In nort-l1S voftapaa and frapuerlelu for Imarnatlonal markau. wFar wmgata ptoduet data, nfantwa lice FluottNtaanl SpeaMkatlott binder. ~ SpaeMlaayana fd ~n»tulona tub)aet to eMnpa without notla. ~ Comux Your Cooper U7hunp RapreasntatM for awaaWllty and ordarlnp Infpmatloa Equipped with energy saving ballastskomplies with federal energy efficiency standards Computer designed, precision cell louver technology Balanced low brightness illumination reduces glare, increased VCP's Cam action latches/ T hinges Four auxiliary fixture end suspension points provided Interlocking tabs and screws secure end plates End plates secured by screws Luminaire Efficacy Rating LER=FP~8 Catalog Number. 2P3G-332S36 • U.L Listed, CSA Certified and IBEW Labeled COOPER LIGHTING METALl1X® ~'t~ SASERIES 4' or 8' Surface 2,3 or4Lamp SURFACE MODULAR WRAP Equipped with energy saving ballastlcomplies with federal energy efficiency standards Architectural preferred design Full seam welded corners ~ Low profile flush optical ' design • Full perimeter luminous sides • Low brightness/micro base prisms/good lamp image obscuration (acrylic lens) • Low brightness/square base male conical prisms/precision light control (injection molded acrylic lens) • Injection molded end - caps/sonically welded = Mechanical attachment of lens assembly Surface or stem mounting single or continuous rOW Iota • Also available in tandem 8' - lengths ty • Luminaire Efficacy Rating LER=i1N-75 Catalog Number. SA-232A L. Listed, CSA Certified nd IBEW Labeled COOPER LIGHTING DESCRIPTION DIMENSIONS The SA Series combines architecturally preferred design _ B features such as low profile ( ' housings and refractor optics into 1 -+ a contemporarily styled modular l A series. This energy efficient luminaire is available with an extruded acrylic refractor basket. NOMINAL LENGTH A B The refractor has been designed 4' 2 Lamp IA) to-15(18' 3-15116• to conceal lamp image and (276mm1 (8dmm1 effeCtlVely COntCOI bflghtneSS. d' 2 Lamp pMA) 70-15/16' 4-3/8' Product design and styling result (278mm) ' (711mm1 ' in a luminaire for either surface or 4' 3/d lamp (AI 15-15/16 3-15116 pendant mounting. Lighting (dosmm) ' (admen) ' aesthetics and rformance ~ d' 314 Lamp {IMA) 15-15/16 4.3/8 8d required for applications such as (405mm) ( mm) commercial environments, classrooms, corridors, hospitals and general office lighting makes the SA Series the ideal luminaire choice. ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPL£ NUMBER: SA-232A-720V-£681-U _~J ~ Tandem Wide Body Number of Lamps Vohage m Ballast Type nl Optio 6T=8' Length A=2 Lamps 2.3 or 4 lamps 720=120V LE3= Energy Saving Ballasts (See Options and ~SSOfI~ Page) Housing (Not Included) 277=277V lFOCB=Energy Saving Ballast Only Uses 4' 347=347V (T-8 lamp Onlyl Ooor Frame ~ Wattage (Length) EB Generic Electronic Sections 40=40W (48'1 Ballast ~ SA=Series 32=32W T8 (dti') ST-8 Lamp Onlyl No. of Ballasts 7 or 2 Lens tamp Size A=Acrylic Refractor Lens 2=T12 IMA=Injection Molded ffi=Tffi Acrylic lens (For spedfic ekaronic aa11aR spedtY brand and wtslog numAer) PRODUCT INFORMATION ' Catalog Lamp Nominal Shipping Number Type , _ Sizs Wt. _ SA-232A ~ 2F32 4' 151bs, l6.ekg1 SA-332A to 3F32 4' 21 lbs. {9.Skg) SA-d3zA m 4F32 4' 221bs. (9.9kg) HTSA-232A m dF32 6' 31 Ibs.113.9kg) SA-2321MA °J 4F32 4' 161bs.17.2kg) SA-332IMA ~ 3F32 4' 22 tbs. (9.9kg1 SA-4321MA ~ 4F32 4' 221bs. (9.9kg) STSA-2321MA ~ 4F32 8' 32 Ibs.174.49kg) NOTES: lufor oontinuara row rnourKing 7/B' KO'e tuml:had In and G 6ature, specify EKO. ~ 1?dM wapaneion reVUMed for 1 and 4 MmP fielutaa. 2-Poln1 or 4yWnt wapemfon far 21emp rudvrp hrtll'u!p elenderd KO's). W For eornpleb product data, relennd tM FluoraetaMt Spadtleatlon bYWer. pSpadRutione 6 dlmaruloro wblea to ohatgs without tgtiea. w ProducU eW available In non-US vohagas end IregwnrJes 1a imernetionel marker, W (R eveNafAe M 21smp tu+N• m Corqult ytwr Coawr t;pnerq tlepresentatiye t« avaitebiGry aM atlarlnp inltwmation. ~ Direct/ Indirect "~`'y ~ ~ o r e c Parabolic Louver / ~~i ,~j ~~ ~ lJ a r ~ ? ~ {, F ,tia~° . t ~~. -- ,4 ~~~ ~ Y r ~t .'~ T f X . '. ~ 4 s a r .~E~ 3., ~w:i, -e k iyt!ar rti '~,~ ~, '~ Project: Type:_ ADI - - Fixture Lamp Series Type Shielding Mounting Linear Finish Voltage Options Footage Series Lamp Type Shielding Mounting oot g Finish Voltage Options . F a e ADI ,, _. `J ' ~ P SpecularMINICAV° ~ C Cable Indicate WH White 120 Ballast Options Artec® 1T8 F032T8 - ' nominal length EM Emergency Ballast (consult factory) Direct! ~ ~ '~ T Mane Silver MINtCAV S Stem rounded to the BK Black 277 DM Dimming Ballast (consult factory) Indirect 2T8 F032T8 next hi hest W White MINICAW g 3T8 F032T8 ~ ~ toot, using SV Silver 347 Wiring Options S specular Aluminum three digits, i.e. FS Single Fusing 012,128, etc. SP Specfy TM Tandem Wiring 840 F408X/RS ~ ~ M Mane Aluminum Factory will Color (Multiple Lamp Units only) - supply layout l~ ~^~ ~~~~«al B50 FSOBX/RS R White Radial PARAVEX° drawings. Suspension Options D Acrylic Diffuser EQ 45° Earthquake Swivel (stems only) `~-~~,. . ,~ Union Made Affiliated with IBEW Loca1363 ~L c ~L LISTED LISTED SELUX Corp. ®1998 ~PO Box 1060, 3 Lumen Lane Highland, NY 12528-1060 TEL: (914) 691-7723 FAX: (914) 691-6749 Entail: seluxus~selux.com Web Page: www.seiux.com ADI-0198-01 1. Construction -Two piece 6063-T5, extruded aluminum profiles up to 16 feet long with integral connection/ suspension/ socket bracket. Continuous runs are joined with four steel bars to assure a uniform appearance. Approximate weight of assem- bled fixture = 4 IbsJ ft. 2. Lamps - F032T8, F406X/RS, or FSOBXlRS Biaxzh1 fluorescent lamps (by others). Other lamp lengths and wattages available; consult factory. 3. Parabolic Reflector - 0.025' thick, clear specular aluminum. 81AXTM is a trademark d GE Lir~ting 4. Ballast -Electronic ESB, high power factor, class 'P', type 'A' sound rating. Specify i20v, 277v, or 347v. Ballast is factory pre-wired with leads to one end of fixture. Consult factory for ballast options. 5. Shielding -Specify MINICAV® parabolic louver in specular, matte silver or white; parabolic aluminum louver in specular or matte finish; white radial PAR- AVEX® louver; or acrylic diffuser. 6. Suspensions - (Not shown) Choose from double aircraft cable with straight 18-3 SVT cord or single 5/8' O.D. stem. Cable suspension is delivered with a spring loaded, quick release grip- per for easy vertical adjustment. Suspensions are 2 ft. from ceiling to top of luminaire and are field cuttable. Other lengths available (consult factory). When using dimming ballasts, stems must be used at feed locations. Outtet boxes by others. In a canta>wg effort ro oAar the hest product pass~le, we reserve ere rgld to charge, wlth- out notice, speafiatias a materials that h ow opinion wltl not after e>e function of the product. . • SEC PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATE (Prepared By: Larry M. Smith, P.E. 6/18/02) Vllage of North Palm Beach Library- Second Floor Lighting Modifications Item No. Descri tion Unit Material Labor Quanti Total Li htin Plan No.1 Existin Main Circulation Fixtures 1 Remove Existin Surface Fluorescent Fixtures Ea. 0.00 10.00 20 200.00 2 Remove Existin Recessed Fixtures Ea. 0.00 10.00 120 1,200.00 3 Re lace Lam sin Main Circulation Fixtures Ea. 3.50 4.50 150 1,200.00 4 Re lace Ballasts in Main Circulation Fixtures Ea. 50.00 50.00 50 5,000.00 5 Re lace Pol carbonate Lenses in Main Circulation Fixtures Ea. 100.00 10.00 25 2,750.00 6 Install New Perimeter Recessed Fluorescent Parabolic Fixtures Ea. 150.00 75.00 60 13,500.00 7 Miscellaneous Conduit and Wirin LS 5000.00 5000.00 1 10,000.00 8 Miscellaneous Ceilin Re airs LS 0.00 5000.00 1 5,000.00 Total 38,850.00 10% Cont. 42,735.00 Bud et $45,000 Li htin Plan No.2 T e'B' Main Circulation Fixtures 1 Remove Existin Surface Fluorescent Fixtures Ea. 0.00 10.00 20 200.00 2 Remove Existin Recessed Fixtures Ea. 0.00 10.00 120 1,200.00 3 Remove Existin Main Circulation Fluorescent Fixtures Ea. 0.00 25.00 25 625.00 4 Install New Main Circulation Surface Fluorescent Prismatic Fixtures Ea. 100.00 150.00 48 12,000.00 5 Install New Perimeter Recessed Fluorescent Parabolic Fixtures, Ea. 150.00 75.00 60 13,500:00 6 Miscellaneous Conduit and Wirin LS 7500.00 7500.00 1 15,000.00 7 Miscellaneous Ceilin Re airs LS 2500.00 7500.00 1 10,000.00 Total 52,525.00 10% Cont. 57,777.50 Bud et $60,000 Li htin Plan No.3 T e'C' Main Circulation Fixtures 1 Remove Existin Surface Fluorescent Fixtures Ea. 0.00 10.00 20 200.00 2 Remove Existin Recessed Fixtures Ea. 0.00 10.00 120 1,200.00 3 Remove Existin Main Circulation Fluorescent Fixtures Ea. 0.00 25.00 25 625.00 4 Install New Main Circulation Pendant Fluorescent DirecUlndirect Fixtures Ea. 250.00 150.00 66 26,400.00 5 Install New Perimeter Recessed Fluorescent Parabolic Fixtures Ea. 150.00 75.00 60 13,500.00 6 Miscellaneous Conduit and Wirin LS 7500.00 7500.00 1 15,000.00 7 Miscellaneous Ceilin Re airs LS 2500.00 7500.00 1 10,000.00 Total 66,925.00 10% Cont. 73,617.50 Bud et $75,000 • VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION w SUBJECT: LIBRARY LIGHTING DESIGN SERVICES Date: APRIL 11, 2002 WORKSHOP Attachments: Department: Village Manager Ordinance Subject: Library Lighting Resolution ' Staff Report Advisory Board Report Finance Report Prepared by: DENNIS KELLY Draft Agreement Type Action Requested: Approved by: Ordinance X Resolution Formal Vote Other Village Manager; Orientation of Issue: At Workshop meeting of January 24, 2002, Council directed Staff to prepare an RFP solicitation for professional services. The advertisement was prepared and then published on March 8, 2002. One firm responded with a qualification package on March 27, 2002. The firm is Taskin and Associates, Inc. and is located in Miami. The firm appears to be technically qualified, however, they have limited experience with libraries and very few projects listed in Palm Beach County. Staff is not familiar with the firm or their reputation. The objective of the project is to complete all design, bidding and contract award work in order to start construction during an extended Library shutdown in August. Programmatic or Policy Impact: The project is budgeted this year at $110,000. The Village was not required to seek the RFP since the project is below the threshold established by the State that requires public advertisement and negotiation. Options at this point are: 1. Have the Village Engineer provide the services in accordance w, ith the work order previously submitted. 2. Begin negotiations with Taskin and Associates, Inc. 3. Re-advertise for consultants in an effort to secure more responses. Fiscal Impact: Issue Budgeted: yes Funds Available: yes Budget Transfer: na Budget Appropriation: na Recommendation: Staff recommends using the services of the Village Engineer. The small size of the project may be difficult to attract interested firms, and most likely is the reason only one firm submitted. :] Council Action Workshop: Date: ( )Forward to Regular Agenda ( )Continue to Workshop ( )Other Regular: ( )Approved as recommended ( )Approved with changes ( )Disapproved ( )Other ., „/~ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION :] SUBJECT: LIBRARY LIGHTING DESIGN FEES Date: JANUARY 10, 2002 WORKSHOP Attachments: Department: Public Services Ordinance Subject: Library Lightin Resolution /~ Staff Report /~ ~,`, j Advisory Board Report Finance Report Prepared by: Thomas ogarth, P.E. Draft Agreement Type Action Requested: Approved by: Ordinance X Resolution Formal Vote Other Village Manager: Orientation of Issue: Staff seeks Council direction to solicit professional services to design the interior Library Lighting renovation. The objective of the project is to complete all design, bidding and contract award work in order to start construction during an extended Library shutdown in August. Programmatic or Policy Impact: The project is budgeted this year at $110,000. At that price • range, the Village has the option of seeking outside design proposals pursuant to the Village Purchasing Regulations or contracting with the Village Engineer. The project is below the threshold established by the State that requires public advertisement and negotiation. Fiscal Impact: • Issue Budgeted: yes Funds Available: yes Budget Transfer: na Budget Appropriation: na Recommendation: Staff recommends soliciting a proposal from the Village Engineer. The cost of the design work should not justify the added cost and staff time to solicit outside services. Council Action Workshop: Date: ( )Forward to Regular Agenda ( )Continue to Workshop ( )Other Regular: ( )Approved as recommended ( )Approved with changes ( )Disapproved ( )Other