2001-005 Maintenance Agrmnt. w/Powerware Global Services• RESOLUTION 05-2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH POWERWARE GLOBAL SERVICES, A DIVISION OF POWERWARE CORPORATION, WHICH MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTENANCE OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the maintenance agreement with Powerware Global Services, a Division of Powerware Corporation, attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement is for the purpose of maintenance of the public safety uninterrupted power supply. Section 2. The Village Council does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the maintenance agreement for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF JANUARY, 2001. (Village Seal) ' AYOR ATTEST u POWEIZWI~~IZEp GLOBAL SERVICES SERVICE AGREEMENT INVOICE T0: (CUSTOMER) Company Name: SueeC cM: state: Contact PH: Fax / E-Mail Zip: INSTALL SRE: (CUSTOMER) Company Name: North Palm Beach County Public Safety Sveet: 560 US Hwy 1 City: North Palm Beach stare: FL zip: 33408 Conred: Lt. Mulz PH: 561.841-3303 Fax/E-Mal: 561-841-4425 PAYMENT TERM SELECTED: X SEVEN MONTH ~ MULTI-YEAR Start DaG: February 11, 2001 End Dale: September 30, 2007 PAYMENT CYCLE: ~ ANNUAL ~ MULTI-YEAR PREPAY ~ ARREARS (GOVT. ONLY) ~ MVS PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: Tax Ezempl CerOficaBOn Aaached LIST OF COVERED EQUIPMENT Item Product Line Model SMa Serrke Clake CPM Un0 Armual Pdce Total 7 monM t Powenvare Plus 80 EQ011ZBA04 PawerCero Rea nd Plus 7x24 1 E2,S00,00 2 Correc8ve Malntenarlce INCLUDED Paris Labor nse UPS 3 UPS PM Service INCLUDED 4 Batt PM Service INCLUDED 5 24 Hr Dispatch - Maz BHr INCLUDED Res se Time SEE ATTACHED SHEETS:POWERWARESTANDARDTERMSANDCONlNTIONSAPPLY NETTOTAL• S2 6OO.00 , This Agreement, together with the terms on the attached sheets made part ojthrs Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and shall exclusively control the relationship of the parties, with regard to lhls Agreement. Printed, preprinted or other terms on the face or ' reverse side ojCustomer s Purchase Order shall nor be bindin . CUSTOMER 1 PURCHASER POWERWARE GLOBAL SERVICES, A DMSION OF POWERWARE CORPORATION ~ Company Name: f o ~ ~ Q Signature: /~ Sgnalure: ,~ t,_A,(ylaM.[TV~ Date: Dare; Pdnted Name:: Pdnled Name: Tare rroe: e,S FaxlE-Mail: Fax/E-MaW: OFFICE USE ONLY QUOTED BY: Joyce Keeser ConVad Number. Firm Name: Predsbn Envlronmen Inc. Customer Number: Signature: eCew~ Sae Number. Date S (wore a: Novem r 22, 2000 Ouore t;20376Revlsad Ba To Number. ne Number: 954.497-3175 pare procasaed: MMENTSr Replacement Beaerres Nd IricWded Imporlanl tax notice: Tax Is not induded in the above purchase price. In order to comply with tax regulations, salesiuse lax will be added and Itemized separately when Form Revised: 10/01/00 _~ " POWEIZWI~~IZEm • GLOBAL SERVICES Lieutenant Mutz November 22, 2000 North Palm Beach County Public Safety Proposal # 20376 Revised 560 US Hwy 1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 RE: Critical Power System Protection - Powerware Plus 80 Serial Number: EQOIIZBA04 Warranty Expiration: February 10, 2001 Dear Lt. Mutz, I am pleased to offer the following service proposal for your UPS system as referenced above. Precision Environment, Inc. is the manufacturer representative in the state of Florida for Powerware Corporation. PowerCare Respond PIu• Crwin 52,600.00 -for period of 2/11/01-9!30/01 54,456.00 per year 10/01/Ol - 9/30/02 Includes: One-Year Corrective Maintenance Parts, Labor, Travel, Expense for UPS Electronics 24 Hr Emergency Service Dispatch Maximum 8 hr Response Time Annual System Performance Check - PM Service Annual Battery Preventive Maintenance - 40 Batteries Does Not Include Replacement Batteries 7x24 Around the Clock Coverage PowerCare service is the most comprehensive service program in the power protection industry, designed solely to keep you in power. All of our Field Service Engineers are factory trained and kept abreast of any engineering changes that need to happen to your equipment during the PM visit. Battery care is a necessary component of any maintenance plan for critical UPS equipment. This will assure you that you have the battery power you need, when you need it. I have attached a scope of work for the PM services. The pricing quoted is valid for (60) sixty days from this transmittal date. Powerware's standard terms and conditions apply to this proposal. Applicable sales tax is not included. Should you decide on the purchase of protection for your equipment, please forward a purchase order and I will havti the documents sent over immediately. Please remit PO as follows: Powerware Corporation c/o Precision Environment Inc. 3230 W. Commercial Blvd. # 160 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309 954-497-3119 Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to call on me at 727-894-8200. 1 will be back in the Ft Lauderdale office on Monday, and can be reached at 954-497-31 I S or via fax at 954-097-3119. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, • GP. ~.O.k$~'l. Joyce aeser invensys P.O. Box 820635, South Florida, FL 33082-0635 954.441.3646 • Fax: 954.441.3680 • e-mail: info@powerware.com • www.powerware.com