2001-055 Amends Personnel Rules & RegulationsRESOLUTION 55-2001 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 12.01 POLICY STATEMENT, SECTION 12.02 I'I;RFORMANCE EVALUATION POLICY, AND SECTION 12.03 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS POLICY OF THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE, WHICH AMENDMENT 1S ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN F,FFECTIVIs DATE. Bl? 1'I' RESOLVED BY Tf3E VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby amend Scction 12.01 Policy Statement, Section 12.02 Performance Evaluation Policy, and Section 12.03 llistribution of Funds Policy of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village, which Amendment is attached as Exhibit "A" and made par[ of this Resolution in its entirety. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect July 2, 2001. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF JUNE, 200]. YOR (Village Scal) A7'"LEST: • REVISED FOR 6/14/01 REGULAR AGENDA EXHIBIT "A" • 12.01 POLICY STATEMENT 12.01.01. PURPOSE: To define the various components of the Personnel Rules & Regulations Pay for Performance Program and to provide guidelines for its administration. 12.01.02. POLICY: The Village of North Palm Beach recognizes that some employees perform above and beyond the call of duty, or consistently maintain a level of performance that distinguishes them from their co-workers. It is the policy of the Village to measure, as objectively as possible, how an employee's job responsibllities are performed. The Pay for Performance Program is designed to acknowledge employees who have made special efforts in a project, program, or in rendering service or have consistently maintained an outstanding level of performance, or exceeded expectations. The Village will measure employees based on stated, well defined goals and objectives to the greatest extent possible. These goals and objectives will be reduced to writing and made a part of the Village's budget and other policies. 12.01.03. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Pay for Performance Program are as follows: a. To encourage and enhance communication between the supervisor and the employee. b. To identify, recognize and reward employees whose job performance is outstanding or exceeds expectations. c. To improve job performance by identifying areas where acceptable performance is lacking and by developing an action plan for improvement. d. To provide a review of job performance. e. To document employees with the capacity for assuming greater responsibility and leadership. 12.01.04. ELIGIBILITY: The evaluation period shall begin on June 1 of the$revious year and end on May 31 of the current year. All regular full-time employees as of the epd of the evaluation eR riod (from here forward referred to as "employees") shall participate in the Pay for Performance Program (referred to as "program"). All full-time emplovees who have completed at least 90 days of service prior to the end of the evaluation period shall also participate in the Program. For purposes of the Program, base salary is defined as the basic salary earned by the employee, excluding overtime and fringe benefits, as described in the Village's annual budget or Departmental Orders, or Village Codes, Ordinances and Personnel Rules and Regulations and Village policies. 12.01.05. GUIDELINES: The Village places a high value on: caring, helpful service to the public; creative, workable solutions to problems; dedication and hard work; self-improvement; and enhancing the Village's positive image. On-going performance that is consistent with these values is recognized through the performance evaluation and a pay for performance program to the extent that there remains room to advance within a salary range. The Village recognizes the advantages of rewarding the consistently high performer through the Program. a. Pay for Performance Increases: A pay for performance increase. as budgeted by the Village Council. may be granted to an employee based on an annual evaluation of his or her performance. A n... ,.,.r ............... ..:n a,., t,., ~..a atio a 9 b 6f ..t....,...~.. Fn Hn - - s "~ b. In all respects, where a pay for performance increase would cause an employee to exceed the maximum of that employee's pay range, the distribution of the pay for performance increase will be such that the employee will be topped out at the maximum of the range and will not receive abase salary increase beyond the maximum of the range. In recognition of the extraordinary service of an employee, a bonus incentive Snot added to base salarvl will be afforded to those employees who have attained the maximum of their pay range. Said bonus incentive will be based on the annual evaluation and applicable to those employees who receive an evaluation rating of "Outstanding" or "Exceeds Expectations. The bonus incentive amount shall equal the designated rate increase for the ratine attained. 2 • 12.02 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION POLICY 12.02.01 PURPOSE: To establish guidelines for the completion and submission of performance evaluations and recommendations for pay for performance increases. 12.02.02 POLICY: All employees shall be reviewed annually. Pay for Performance increases shall be based on performance in accordance with the Village's annual budget, Collective Bargaining Agreements, Departmental Orders, or Village Codes, Ordinances and Personnel Rules and Regulations, and other Village Policies. All proposed Pay for Performance increases will require a performance evaluation. 12.02.03 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONDUCTING PERFORMAi~1CE EVALUATIONS: Under the direction of the Village Manager, the Department Head and supervisors shall be responsible for conducting performance evaluations of employees under their direct supervision. a. Evaluation process. 1). Performance evaluations for eli ble a lovees shall be prepared and conducted by the immediate supervisor. The supervisor and the employee shall both independently prepare in writing an evaluation prior to the review. G....,....: ^....^ ..6....1A ..1^ ~.. ..,L^ a6.. 1^^A A:......^^:.... ~..~''^^^•^^^° '^ '~° °^~'^ ^^^' ^'' •'~^ - °°'^° The supervisor is resnonsible for com leg the evaluation form. and the employee is responsible for com lReting the self-evaluation form. ' 21. Prio r to t he eva luating s upervis or s re view me eting with the e mployee. t he evalu atin g s l~ne rvisor m ust revi ew the complet ed evaluation f orm with t he next leve l s upe rvisor. If the two le vels of s upervision dis agree on t he perfo rma nc e ev aluation for an e mplov e~, the D epartment Hea d will revi ew the f orm an d m ake a det ermina tion o the a ea s of disa t before t e he form is r evi ewed with th e emplo n yee. r greem n ..6^11 6.. d:^..........R ..Aa6 s6^ .. ..1....°.. T6., .. ..1........ ... .,..l..d., ..:~~.... ..~.. ..,6:..6 s6^.. 6 ........... .. ..n..F ..C ~6.. ...^l..s:.... T6^ .. ..I^...,^ • ' ...t ~I.^tl 1._ .._ _ ..,.1 1... sl,_ T..., s _ va V..^.i TI... T........s.......~ V..., .1 .., . __ _~ _ . _r... __. _ _ _ _ ~_ . _r__ _.______ _ ___ __~ 31. After the supervisor has completed the evaluation. the performance evaluation form shall be discussed with the emplovee. The review meeting provides the ~pervisor the opportunity to review the position requirements with the employee and to discuss the employee's overall performance. covering both strong n4ints and areas for improvements. The employee may include written comments on the evaluation form. The emplovee self-evaluation should also be discussed during the review meetine. 41. It is possible that du ring the evaluati on inte rvie w, ba sed on additional information and insig hts from the emp lovee o n h is/her perform ance, the supervisor may deter mine the need to modi [y a rat ing on a specific performance criterion. Any cha nges m ust be sh ow n on t he evalua tion form and must be initialed b y the eva luating supervis or. 51. After the evaluation has been di scussed. and any modi fications made. the emplovee and supervisor shall sig n and date the performan ce evaluation form. After the empJQvee and superviso r have signed the evalua tion form, the form shall be reviewed and signed by th e Department Head. Th e Department Head may include additional written c omments. f7 Once the evaluation form has been completed and clgned by supervisor. and Department Head. the on 'nal copy of the ev b. Evaluation period and due dates: 2). Completion and timely submission of performance evaluations are the responsibility of all supervisors and the Department Head. All v t ' shall be submitted to the Village Manager no later than June ~S ~Qof each year 3). Evaluations for all eligible employees shall be completed every twelve (12) months, but may be completed more frequently if performance warrants. 12.02.04 SCALES: For each category a scale of 1-4 is used when evaluating an employee. The evaluator should use the following defmitions: Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Outstanding a. Outstandine-Excellent Performance. Performance ' consistently exceeds standards and expectations at an exceptional level. Demonstrates exceptional ability and initiative. Accomplishments withia~he categer3~ are truly outstanding and exceptional and such performance is obvious 5 to others within or outside the organization. This rating is reserved for .ytheGer~ few employees whose performance is consistently far above normal expectations. b. Exceeds Expectations- Above Average Performance. °+^~a^~a° '^ •'•'° ^^'^^^~° Performance consistently exceeds standards and expectations. Demonstrates notable ability and initiative. Accomplishments are superior and commendable eat~+re. This rating sbeuld-apply gp 1~-es to employees whose performance ~~ttin-tbe-eateger~ is consistently above normal c. Meets Expectations- v °,a-~~'~^~^^.teger7. Performance meets standards and expectations. Demonstrates an acceptable level of ability and initiative. Accomplishments meet expectations consistently and can be considered geed-eF normal. *• ^^°°-^ •'•°°° °~'•^ ••°^~•'^••~^ ^~0^~°• •^~"•°^ •'•^ ^^'°°^^•• ' This rating applies to emplovees whose performance regularly meets normal expectations. d. B elow Expe ctatio ns- s^ ^•^ ^°+ ~^a •~•~ ^ ^^ +^^^•••• ~~ P a erfor n acce mance ptabl is bel e leve ow l of mini abi mum stand lity and ini . ards and expec tiative. Im~ Below Av tations. ovement erage P Fails to is nee erfor demo ded t mance. nstrate o meet p erform ance expec tatio ns. This ratin g~pnlies to em plovees whose perfo rmance is inad equate and bel ow acceptable standards. (I ndividua ls with an overall p erform ance score at th is l evel should either move up in perfo rmance leve l or out o f the p ositio n in a sho rt p eriod of tim e). It is imperative that each employee understand the relationship between job performance and rate of pay and the relationship between the attainment of job standards and the level of performance. There must remain a consistency between performance evaluations and the employee's rate of pay. 12.02.05. PRIORITY WEIGHTS: Each of the dimensions set forth in the evaluation form has been assigned a priority weight, which is a measure of its importance to the organization. The dimensions considered to be important have higher priority weights than those dimensions considered to be less important. The priority for each dimension is set on a scale of • one to nine (1-9). Although the priority weights are constant in terms of definition, their applicability to a particular dimension of measurement will vary from year to • year. That variance is predicated on the importance of that dimension as it relates to the organization's needs, goals and objectives for a given year. The scale is an arithmetic progression in which a priority of five (~ is five (5) times more important than a priority of one (1). For scoring purposes, the weights act as multipliers. The priority weights are defined as follows: Priority Weight 1: Of Priority Weight 2: Of Priority Weight 3: Itril Priority Weight 4: ~j Priority Weight 5: ~'j Priority Weight ¢,7,8,9: minor importance to the position and to goal attainment. lesser importance to the position and to goal attainment. t4CiaaS to the position and to goal attainment. ~,~oortant to the position and to goal attainment. Lisa] to the position and to the goal attainment. Special weight granted for obtaining key certifications and management responsibilities for supervisors, division chiefs, or department heads. 12.03 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS POLICY 12.03.01 PURPOSE: To define the methodology of distributing funds and maintaining cost control on distribution of funds for the Program for employees. The Village of North Palm Beach, in an effort to maintain control on the cost of distribution of funds for the Program, recognizes the need to distribute foods equitably and fairly. Furthermore, it is the policy of the Village to not allow the Program to be circumvented by inappropriate application of the evaluation process. 12.03.03. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the distribution policy are as follows: a. Pay for performance increases are to reflect an equitable and fair response to performance evaluations as described in the Policy Statement and Performance Evaluation Policy. b. To avoid top-loading of funds avallable for pay for performance to one category of evaluation, thereby circumventing the intent of the program. c. To maintain fleadble criteria on an annual basis that will be in response to the amount of funds available. d. To effectively manage the evaluators by including their objectivity and efficiency in evaluating as part of their evaluation. 12.03.04. GUIDELINES: The Village Council will determine the budget process with the Village staff. the 8 a. In all cases, the Village will withhold 10% of the total departmental distribution • amount as a set aside to be used for adjustments by the Village Manager to round out mathematical fractions and correct any inequities in the program. b. Performance evaluations and fund distributions will not be subject to appeal or the grievance process. • c. « » « ,~ « » Evaluations will be completed during June of each y ae r. pqy for performance increases will be distributed based on the emnlpyee'c wnnnal p ep a ,. a At ,,,Hnn crnrP budgeted by the Village Connci(. The Village Manager nr his dPsignea will be ~nonsible for review~g the dstribution of evaluation ratings wit in De rtmen and across Departments. The Village Manager mav~gquirP Cupp manr„t evaluations as needed to correct inequities in the ~rQgram 9