2001-038 Supports BOAF Position on Inspectors• RESOLUTION NO.__38-2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE BUILDING OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA IN ITS EFFORTS TO OPPOSE LEGISLATION DURING THE 2001 LEGISLATIVE SESSION WHICH AMENDS CURRENT STATE REGULATIONS REGARDING THE HIRING, LICENSING, AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF COMMERCIAL BUILDING INSPECTORS; FURTHER SUPPORTING THE ASSOCIATION IN ITS APPEALS FOR THE FOLLOWING LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS: THE DEFEAT OF PROPOSED SB 744 AND ITS PROPOSED COMPANION BILL HB1223; THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROCESS FOR CAREFUL EXAMINATION, DEBATE AND EVALUATION OF THE ISSUES; AND THE REQUEST FOR COOPERATION AMONG INTERESTED PARTIES TO ASSIST THE FLORIDA BUILDING COMMISSION IN THE RESOLUTION OF PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTION PROCEDURES AT ISSUE; PROVIDING FOR DISTRIBUTION; REQUESTING SUPPORT FROM OTHER MUNICIPALITIES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: WHEREAS, legislation known as Senate Bill 744 (Senator Clary -sponsor) and similar legislation known as House Bill 1223 (Representative Cantens & Bennett, co- sponsors) (the "Proposed Bill") has been proposed which addresses specifically the hiring, licensing and accountability of commercial building inspectors as these procedures relate to the requirements imposed on local government agencies for commercial building code inspections; and WHEREAS, the Proposed Bill's implied intent to expedite the plan review and inspection process for commercial buildings is far outweighed by the negative impacts it will have on safe building practices, licensing of commercial building inspectors and ethical • standards for such inspectors; and VC RES SB944 BLDG CODE Section 3. Copies of the Resolution shat) be sent to the Florida League of Cities, Inc., the Florida Association of Counties, the Palm Beach County League of Cities, Inc., the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation, the Palm Beach County Commission, the Building Officials Association of Florida, and the Building Officials Association of Palm Beach County, thereby, requesting their support. action 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. • PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF (Village Seal) AT~ ~C.~ VILLAGE CLERK VC RES SB944 BLDG CODE • WHEREAS, the Proposed Bill, as drafted, will impose totally unreasonable time constraints for the review processes by the local governments resulting in the potential automatic issuance of some building permits or certificates of occupancy for any failure to follow the Bill's mandated procedures; and WHEREAS, the Proposed Bill provides for the hiring of a "private" inspector who is not accountable to the local government, thereby threatening the integrity of the process and creating potential conflicts of interest for the commercial building inspectors so retained, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1 The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, hereby supports the Building Officials Association of Florida in its opposition to the enactment of the proposed legislation jointly known as SB 744 and HB 1223 and hereby expresses its opposition to the entire Bill on behalf of the Village. The Village Council specifically opposes the enactment of Senate Bill 744 and House Bill 1223 as presented since such legislation may prevent local governments from providing their own building code inspectors while still being held accountable for the entire plan review and inspection procedures which have been severely jeopardized by the mandates of the proposed legislation. The Village Council specifically endorses the position statement prepared by the Building Officials Association of Florida dated March 12, 2001, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit ..A.. Section 2. The Village Council supports the establishment of a process for careful examination, debate and evaluation of the issues and the request for cooperation among interested parties to assist the Florida Building Commission in the resolution of problems associated with plan review and inspection procedures at issue. U VC RES SB944 BLDG CODE EXHIBIT !'A" Building Officials Association of Florida, Inc. Position Statement on SB 744/ HB 1223 March 12, 2001 One of the most fundamental purposes of any forth of government is to provide for the basic protection of the health, safety and general welfaze of its' citizenry. Hence, in Florida, we have developed a very detailed and comprehensive system of construction codes, regulations and enforcement procedures which are intended to work in concert in order to safeguard the public's protection in the built environment. Unfortunately, the current versions of SB 744MB 1223 present a self serving alternative that makes a mockery of the building plan review and inspection services provided by cities and counties. The proposed bills will weaken the very foundation of this fully integrated system that is designed to afford Florida's citizens the very best built and safest structures possible. The bills' implied intent is to expedite the plan review and inspection process for commercial buildings by allowing the owner to hire his own private "commercial building inspector", who must be a licensed architect or engineer (or a duly authorized representative of same). The "commercial building inspector" is allowed to review all plans for code compliance in all disciplines (building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical and gas), and certify compliance with the code in order to obtain a building permit from any government jurisdiction in the State. The jurisdiction must issue the permit within I O business days or challenge the issuance through the local enforcement agency oeunty board of appeals. After obtaining the permit, the "commercial building inspector" is authorized to perform ell mandatory inspections requ'ved by the code, and then upon completion of the building, he may submit a certificate of compliance along with all inspection reports to the building department. The jurisdiction is then required to issue the certificate of occupancy within 2 business days or again challenge the issuance through the local enforcement agency eeunw board of appeals. The jurisdiction is given strict guidelines within which to respond to the initial permit request and certificate of occupancy request, which includes the automatic issuance of a permit or certificate of occupancy if the jurisdiction fails to follow "any of the procedures" described in the Bill. The current versions ofthese bills contain a number ofmajorconcems for maintaining the highest level ofpublic health, safety and general welfare. Some of the more offensive, but certainly not all, of the issues and concerns are listed below: Threatens safe building practices - By allowing the building owner to h"ve his open plans examiner and inspector, the integrity of the duly established neutral party plan review and building inspection process is jeopardized severely, Disparity in licensure -commercial building inspector or his representative should be licensed under F.S. 468 in order to assure competence and maintain discipline standards, however, the bill assigns this responsibility to two othtr State Boards (Board ofArchitecture and Engineering) resulting in unnecessary duplication of Board duties and a weakening of the inspector and plans examiner licensing requirements, Lack of accountability -commercial building inspector should be accountable to the building official as established in F.S. SS3 (threshold bldg.) so as to maintain ethical standards and avoid conflict of interest, Tao permissive -owner should only be allowed to utilize this private sector optional procedure when the local jurisdiction can't provide services within reasonable time frames, as intended in F.S. 468, • Unreasonable timeconstraintsandmandateonlocelgovernment-the 10/2 day challenge periodforpermit or C.O. issuance is unrealistic for many commercial projects, Position Statement • SB 744/HB 1223 March 12, 2001 page two Lack of full appeal -challenge process ends at local board without ability to appeal to Florida Building Commission as established in F.S. 553. In addition, it is questionable whether SB 744/FIB 1223 will significantly reduce delays of the overall process which includes building plan review and inspection. The bills have carefully excluded any restrictions on the review or inspection performed by the fve service, zoning, engineering and other state or local regulation entities, i.e. Department of Environmental Protection, Department ofHealth, Department ofTransportation, Division ofHotels and Restaurants, Historic Preservation, etc. These types ofagencies have eitherstatutory or local responsibility and jurisdiction over the permit and/or C.O. process. It is common knowledge that often these types of reviews, which tend to be very detailed, complicated and rarely fall under the purview ofthe building department, cause more significant delays than those done for construction code compliance by the building depamnent itself. Since they are the intake coordinators of building plans and ultimately issue the certificate of occupancy, building departmenu are mistakenly held accountable for the entire process. The proponents of this initiative are truly concerned about reducing the time required for obtaining a building permit and/or building inspections in this State. We've heard honor stories of it taking 6 or more months to obtain a permit or 3.4 days to obtain en inspection on a basic commercial building in certain jurisdictions throughout the State. Without doing a thorough analysis as to the cause of the delay, the mere fact that such a delay is even possible speaks to the distinct possibility that something is wrong and improvement is needed in the building construction regulatory system. Perhaps the wisest thing the Florida Legislature can do is to defeat SB 744/HB 1223 and direct the interested parties and all stakeholders to work towards an amicable and reasonable resolution that provides for the highest level of public protection. An open consensus process will afford an opportunity for the issues to be carefully examined, evaluated and deba[ed, thus guaranteeing the greatest chance of success without the heavy hand of such an onerous piece of legislation. The Building Officials Association of Florida stands ready to assist the Florida Building Commission and/or any other interested parties in resolving our concerns and producing an optional building plan review and inspection procedure that supports the highest level ofpublic protection and promotes apublic-private partnership benveen local government and the development community. • Building Officials Association of Florida 705H West State Road 434, Longwood, Florida 32750-4907 (407) 265-9009 Office (407) 831-9875 Fax wN•w.boaF.net