2001-023 Public Safety Security System Maintenance Agrmt• RESOLUTION 23-2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, INC., WHICH MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTENANCE OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY SYSTEM; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the maintenance agreement with Security Technologies Group, Inc., attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement is for the purpose of maintenance of the public safety security system. Section 2. The Village Council does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the maintenance agreement for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2001. (Village Seal) AYOR ATTE T• C VILLAGE CLERK • From'. Nvr Sp¢ge To: Chip Mudz a: L23/01 Tnne' :I4: Page 2 078 Security Technologies Group, Inc. 0303 Adams Street, Jupaer. Fl 33458 /561-312-2785 / (F/ 561.312.2705 • Village of North Palm Beach Police Dept. 560 U5 Highway i ~i NMh Palm Beath FL 33908 I Attenhon: Cynthia Hawes Descrigion: Access Conlyd / CCN udeo Surveillance System '. Reference: 12 Month Hardvare Maintenance Conlrect Oude 10:032000.02113-0425 System Proposal Page 1 d 1 oz-23aoo1 loon as wim Ortler vas FOB Shipping To Aaginq srea Detailed list of materials 1 4 AS0100001 apGOx B Readers 256K Memory, Flesh ROMwih Endowre end Dower suDD)Y 2 4 AS002P00 apC Star Coupler Moduk - 0 Readers, 6 Mputs, B Relay Outputs 3 4 PS7204UL-8 12VDC/4A Power Supply with a po5lion (used wtpuls (Order N 97401) 4 4 PS2404UL$ 24VDC/4A Power Supply wan 8 poslion Nsed outputs (Ortler R 97403) 5 25 5356GN-268 ProxPro Reader, 12 Vdt, Charcoal Gray, 26 Bit 6 25 DC2000UL Single Card Reader Door Convdler 12X72X4 Endosure, Bttrd Assemby end RM-4 (Order tY 97405) 7 1 AD2150TT32-5 32 z 5 Matrix wah ADTT Touch Trecker Keyboard 8 1 AD2083-O2A Contrd Code Trenslator, AD to RS122 9 3 MV96p-20 16-Camera Cdd Wpex Muaiplezer with Video Alarm Oetedion 70 3 ADFi8045 VCR -960-Hour Time Lapse wdh 24 Hour Virtual Real Time 11 18 ADC710 CAM - Cdor, i!J', General Purpose, CCD, 3301ines, 1.5 Nrx 12 3 7M-2084SU Monkor- Cdor, 20' with Stereo Tuner 13 3 AD616L5 DettaDame - Cdor, Autdotus. 128X zoom, T•bar ar wrface nxzx4 System Sub TdaP 57,901 50 Maidenentt. (12 Mrnth Extended) 57,901.58 Tdal Oude Price: 57,907.50 Applicede sales taxes are nd'ncluded n the ldal pace dlhis proposal. Taxes will be calculated sM added to the final pdce al the lime d Invdcnq, unless an exemption ar tired pay certificate has been provided STG's Standard Wertenly an the epuipmenl end seMCez praddeo in this proposal Is one (1) year tom Ne commentemenl oftne wartenly period, end hours d operelan covered under the Standard WerraMy ere Montley through Friday, BAM to SPM, exdudinq hd'bays. For Ndher dela9s, rata to Me Standard Werrenry Specifkatial Sheet Dradtled as en attachment to this proposal. Page 3 of8 SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, INC. (STG) MAINTENANCE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 A[teplance Tniz Agreement will Im antlinq Dn Security Tethndooles Grasp Inn, f•STG'1 myN STG atted5 N Only with STG'S eulheriaatim may Customer ceder addkimal EWip~nL one such ceder shall ce IMOUgA submissim Dry the Customers of STG's Durchase atlers (hereinafter referred to as "Purchase Orders"1. Tne Drowsims of this Agreement antl govern the purMase d my and all wch atldtimel Equipment. 2 Taxes and Fees Custaner will pay when duce a reinlwrse STG fa ea razes and ell dhef pgvefnmenlel charpef, assessments, fats end my rclale0 interest a penaaies ImDOSeO wish rasped to the EqulDment a the Iransaclims emtemptale0 by Ihls Agreement wdh the ezceDtim d federal d slate income a franchise taxes imposed m STG 3. Late Charges STG a as Assignee shall invdce Customer far all Charges, and payment shall be due Nel 30 days alter dale d invdce. tt STG a any Assignee does na receive any payment within 70 days agar Its due date, Cuslaner will pay a kle charged 1.25%per ngnlh a the greater of 15°.6 per annum a the maximum amount pertnntetl by taw m such payment. Any such late charges, if essesse4 will De crosideretl pad d Customer's odigalimz 10 STG. 0. Maintenance Service. STG will provitle maintenance service b the equipment isled in Attachment A Ohe'Mainlbinetl FAUipmmt') h eccatlance with the provisions of this Sedion 10 fa the charpes, if any, specifetl m the face olthis Agreement. Maintenance servce shell commence upon the ezpketion d the warranty period end shah cmlinue throughout the Term speci0ed on the face d the agreement UPON EXPIRATION OF THE ORIGINAL TERM, MAINTENANCE SERVICE Wlll BE AUTOMATICALLY RENEWED FOR SUCCESSIVE TWELVE MONTH PERIODS AT STGY THEN PREVAILING MAINTENANCE CHARGES UNLESS ONE PARTY SERVES WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCEIIATION ON THE OTHER PARTY AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE THEN CURRENT THERM. EITHER PARTY MAY TERMINATE ANV SUCH RENEWAL TERM UPON 30 GAYS WRITTEN NOTICE. HOWEVER. IN NO EVENT SHALL CUSTOMER BE PERMITTED TO TERMINATE MAINTENANCE SERVICE UNTIL ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL Maintenance seance is Intended to keep the Maintainetl EqulDmenl in. p to rcztae h to. manuiadurer's spedgcetiens but Oces rid assure urunlerrupled opereum d the Mahtemed Equipment. STG shell have full and free acttss to the Mamlanetl Equipment durhg the hours spea0e0 m the face of ink Agreement to perform maintenance seMCes. Fa services renderetl et CUSTOMERY request oulsitle d sucA nouns, CUSTOMER will be charged fa labor, (revel lime and expenses at STG's established rates. CUSTOMER shall Drovide. hoe d charge and with ready stttss. slorcge spates for spare pees. waking spatt, neat. IigM, ventiletim, elednc anent an0 outlets fa use d STG's maintenance Deroonnel. CUSTOMER shall mahlam ske enwrmmenlel catdNimf mrWghout the lean dlNS Agreement In accordance unto lne scecigcetbns eslaaiznetl by STG fa the reDeirs to Malnteinetl EAUipmml ezceq as specified and approvetl Dy STG h writing. CUSTOMER shall rid cause nwtlificelims to be metle. or accessories, aftathmenls, features a devices to De atldetl to the Maintahetl Equipment without the Aria wnnen approval d STG. Upce mutual agreement STG fneN per/orm mo0featims to the Mahtsinetl Egapmont end STG shall atljust t1b Maintenance Service Fee accadngly. Such modNCalims shag be made al • time muluaNy agreade to CUSTOMER antl STG. Subject to STG's instrudim and drechon, CUSTOMER shall, al ds avn ezpenses antl when necessary, pertarm cantata duties and senates of s housekeeping nature, wch es Wt rid arNtetl to. the replacement dDnnter dooms end Doper, end ckanhp of magnetic lope heeds. EXCLUSIONS: STG n rid respmside fa servicing lags, labels. Detlestel covers, access tares, VCR heatlz, printer material a dher cabinetry. STG shall rid be responsible !a any faAUre to render maintenance service due to wok stoppage, Rrcs, sootls a reuses Deymtl Ns Cmtrd. CUSTOMER wig De charged al STG's appicaae service charges Then in eNeU fa service Ihtludnp labs, bevel charpes, parts end malenals) requestetl a required ss a rewn d: (t) reinstallabm or reldelim d Mamlametl Egmpnenl: (2) any semce cells prompted Dy systems alarming due loteg Drozimry (mprellnp tags); (3) any request Dy CUSTOMER la changes to Mamlametl Equipment; (a) attWent, tlissster, ligmnhg a dher ads of God, msuse (hdudng, Dul rid limtetl lo, uu d the Maintained Equipnwnl no In scCatlence with STG's spedOCetims a operetimal prceetlurcs), negkd, abuse, eNeralims. edluslmenls, repairs a maintenance rid done by STG, a by parts, accessories, allechmenls a dher tlevitts rid furnished Dy STG: (5)leiMe to cmtimaly provide witade Inztanalim envirmment wlln aN faciaties as presaibed Dry STG hdudnq, bus rid IirMetl lo. atlequa[e space and eledrical power, a (B) any causes external to the Main[aned Equipment, such as bus nor limitetl lo, power failure aair-cmdtimhg lailure. Parts removed and taken by STG shall become the progeny d STG Any Maintenance Aitls provNetl by STG hereunder. inclutling but rid Iimite0 to maintenance soaware. ere the progeny d STG antl are proprietary to N. CUSTOMER agrees to keep emfidenlial end to Wace Ns best efforts to prevent en0 greed the cmtents of these Maintenance Ntls a any pars niered. from unauthorized OsUOSUre Dy ds agents, empbyees a wslomers. CUSTOMER agrees that it will rid make a nave ccpks d any Maintenance Futls a part Ihered wNhout Me pace wnnen tensed d STG. It, ocean the Indies term of maintenance senate. any dam of Maintained Equipment is in STG's oplnim, h need d relurDishmenl a overhaul, STG shell wbmit to CUSTOMER a descriptim dthe necessary reNrashment and STG's charges lolhe CUSTOMER fa wcA reNrbishmenl. If CUSTOMER does rid Bled to have STG refurash wch equipment, STG shall (i) be relievetl dmaintenance respmsldNy fa such equipment under the terms dlhls Apeemenl, antl (k) upon mutual agreement Drovitle memlenmce service fa such equipmml m a hme and malenals basis m atcdaance wah Ks Wblishetl terms. cmdnms and charges for such services Aser the initial term d maintenance service. CUSTOMER, Dry wrdlen amendment tothis Apeement, may Mange Ina maintenance service provided untler Ines Apeement. to andher plan loco ofkred by STG to Ns wslomers fa Ina equipment speafied herein. In Ina event d such change, the DuDlishetl roles en0 terms Then in eHeCl for the maintenance glen seledetl shell appy. Changes in fpeCliicallms for the Maintained EW ipmenl may resuN in an adjustment of lne Maintmanee SeMCe Fee. Such aQuflment wiN Decona etleclive open ezpiration d the lust year d maintenance service a el me end d any calendar month Ihereager, by giving al least tNdy (30) days written ndice. Rental Charges far any spedal equipment wch as fork ens, man IHIs. Cherry pickers, etc. requiretl to praride the maintenance servke hereunder sass be paitl by customer as additimal charges. S Limdatim d liebilny. IF STG OR ITS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS FAIL FOR ANY REASON TO PROVIDE MN NTENANCE SERVICE OR MAKE FAULTY REPAIRS OR ADJUSTMENTS, OR DAMAGE ANY EQUIPMENT, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE. STG'S SOLE LIABILITY TO CUSTOMER Wlll BE 70 MAKE ANY REPAIR, ADJUSTMENT OR REPLACEMENT NECESSARY 70 RETURN SUCH EQUIPMENT TO NORMAL OPERATING ORDER. IN NO EVENT WILL STG OR ITS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SERVICE DUE TO CAUSES BEYOND THEIR CONTROL. No failure to provide mahtenance seMce wiN rckase Customer Tram any Obligabms. STG AND ITS EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS WILL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTUU-OR OTHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES SUFFERED BY CUSTOMER. ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR ANY OTHER PERSON ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE EQUIPMENT. EVEN IF THEY HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, STG neither aswmes na 6ulnoriZes any employee a agent to assume fa STG any doer IiadNry in conneUim with the sale a use dlhe Equipment. • 6 Intlernnity. To the MI extent permitted a.Ja.,i>I alit' mw do yauiey Clem, ludpnk at d the'oenormahce d Iha wok descr wch o wr sells SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, INC. (STG) MAINTENANCE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Iw, Customer ogees to xve, intlennHy and keepRierMass STG, ds agents. i4ii2i enwp tieniandi lx AanMges 10 rsons jp+r~ prcgenY aos~p al d. ro: in this Agfeement unless such ciei anrY« kKses ere ceusafl sdey by Nr all claim '« suRS which s whkfy~he Customer jr aims« actions). Thf IiaD)lity. Tne Customer A IheO Dut rid owledges t t R untlerst+hds Chet fledges In unless STG R sde to main) in ~Ihetd is ~~((wsed,i i s evenl~is detemun6d that S :rid srG~purwaM to riu log ch bases Bred«s and Omplgees ~n «dha~Se ansrnp five of ST6. Tne ~ inadion erewith a)fd wRl mcost and rce eWe St NI Indemnity: TG. onsi a f« we osxs shah whelsoe~r. from its finandaly sand and reputfde mwrance companies a~einst liabirta/antl risks a6slnp at dthjL ApreemeM~ind dnivfrlse'daolisntter ~uaAy insureo against by Cus(omer in svoch amounts ss STG may, ~ %s sde and Soiriplete dirt etlon, deem a opnate ; 'Iii 2~22~0 7. DelauR. Customer will De in defauR i1. while any Obigations are outstanding. (e) Cuslaner fails to pay when de ary~Obfipelions «eny amount due antler any doer agreement won STG. «d any insurance requne0lobe mamtemetl by Customer lapses, end such failure soMnues f« 10 days, (D) Customer fees to observe «ped«m any doer covenant d Inis Agreement «eny wcn dher ageemenl and earn (allure continues /« 20 days alter wntlen ndke thered to Customer, (c) any kvy, seizure «atlechmenl of the EWipmeM occurs, (4) Customer becomes InsdveM «mekes an assignment f« the benefit d credt«s. «eny hsdvenq, benkruplcY. re«ganization «Lmller proceednps Dy «agalnsl Customer are InstRUted, d a receiver, trustee «liquldel« of Customer « e subslanlial Dart d ds assets is eppdnted, with «without Cuslamer'c eanxnl, «(e) Cuslarner ceaxs to tlo business. II Customer is in delaull. STG may, m rte sde tlncrelim, wRhout further ndice, exerax one «mde Of the following remedes: (Q tleelare all unpaid Obigations immerialey due end Dayade. (hl terminals mis Ageement «eny eDdicede purchase gtler as to eny Equipment, (FO with «wdhout nditt d kgel praes. enter any premises in which Ina Cdlateral may De lasted antl tske Dossessim «remove M, wdhout any YeDtlrty for tldng tip. (rv) cause Customer to ratan me Cdlateral promptly to STG, (v) use, hdd sad, lease «dherwise dispose d any d all rime Cdlateral, In while «in pan, hoe end ekar d any rights of Custaner, at pubic auction «pnvale sale «lease, antl Aeve the right to old sod purMax et wcA xle, (vl) enbrce Customer's perfomance rime Obligations «recover damages forlhe breach Ihpeo(antl (vk) exercise eny end aN dpMS and remedies available to STG under Isw, including, but rid 6miled lo, loose d a securetl cretld« under the UMform C«nmercial Code. Insdar as STG models similar equipment h the «dnary caurx olrts business antl maintains SuDStenhel invent«ies to meet wstomer needs. the panes acknowledge that lh! tlemages sustaned DY STG In the event of a defauR x811 De articull to escenam and there!«e, STG may, at Rs elecDm end in its sde and complete dis«elion, De enldled to recaer mmerielely as Iquideled damages f« loss of a Dargah, antl rid as penally, en amount aqua) to me Sum d (1) all ODllgegans then due but unpaid, pus (2) an emanl a Wel to (A) the dderence between li) ell remaining Obhpetions rid then due antl (ii) the coals which STG would have incurred in the perbrmance d Rs obligations hereunder eder the default d the tlefau4 had rid occumetl, all as reasonaby tlelerrtpnetl Dy STG. (B) 6xounletl to presets value as of the dale dtlefauR at tot rata Of 7 % Cuslaner ogees that wM hquidetetl damages ere reasonede and appropnele. Odigatipfs loaf are rid paid when due (indutling Nose which have been accelerated) end the gquidaled damages prodded sDove will Dear interest at the maximum rate allowetl by law (Iha `Overdue Rate') hom the date due. «in the Case dkquitletetl damages, Iron me date d Customer's tlefeuR, unDl Dald. Customer waives any fight to regwrc ndke of xle « doer deposition, the place (hereof and the manner and pkce of any advertising. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BV LAW. CUSTOMER WANES ALL RIGHTS 70 NOTICE AND TO A JUDICIAL HEARING WITH RESPECT TO THE REPOSSESSION OF THE COLLATERAL BV STG IF CUSTOMER DEFAULTS HEREUNDER. Ad remedes d STG tiro cumulative and h adriti«i to every dher remedy available to STG. wndher haw g nereaRer existing. STG's la stare at any time to enforce any npnl «remedy available to R «lo require Customer's performance olany d de provisions d this PgreemeM, « any delay m so Bang, mil rid De deemed to conwtde a waiver d any such nghl «remedy, n« will n In any way arted STGs right to enlace eny wch pransion InereaRer B. COnlidentiality. Customer wnllnd dsdose«permn risUOSUre deny mformehondtlete relMeO to enydme Equipment wNnout the wnnen canunld STG «use a perrrvl the use d wch mf«meban d tlala to compete vriln STG In enymanner. 9 Assignment. Customer acknavledges mat STG may. In Rs sde antl Complete ds«edon, assign the proceeds dtNS Ageement and« grant s xcunly interest m Ins Agreement enN« m Ina Equpment to mstilNional lenders adhere 10. Additional Ageemenls d Customer. UnDI Ina Obligations are peitl in NR: (e) Cuflomer wilt rid, wnhoul STG's M«wriden eonsenl. in Is sde and complete discretion (i) assign, transfer, pledge d dhenv6e encumber any EW ipmeM d Ihls Ageemenl «eny Interest herein, «leex, sublease « relinquish possession «contrd dlhe Equipment, Iii) make «aux to be matle any ederslian, ettechment «repeir tome Equipment dher then by STG « pip remove the EW ipmenl from the installed location, (b) Iha Equipment N ell times wIN remain personal progeny end Customer wYl rid cause «permN any Equpment to become Dermanenlly affixed to any real property end Ic) Customer wNl eompy wqh all laws antl repulatlans appGCable to the posxssion «use of lee EWipment end wit use the Equpment h me regdar course d Rs business h a eareNl and proper manner Tne praNSlons of (his Section 1 wit also apply to eny Cdlateral whkn Is rid Equipment. Cuslaner reDresenls and warrants IMt any sde at whiUi Ina EWIDmenl is to be Instated k tee d asbestos and any dher hazardous «toxic substsnces. Heny such substance exists al any site, STG will na De requiretl to inflell«service the Equipment at wch site and STG may arrange. at Customer's sde expense, for the EW ipment to De Installed end serviced Dy persms W alidetl to hande such substances. 71. Governing Law. Venue shall lie, end Inis Ageement will De gwemed by and consbued n eccddance with the laws dlhe Slste In welch This Pgreement iz to tt pertormed. 12. Miscellaneous. This Agreement, STG's PurMax Terms antl Con61bn5 end MoreTging Terms antl Conritions, R eRacheQ conslRNe the entire agreement between STG end Customer wflh rasped to their subject maid, and no reprexdatbn. statement, term «cmdigan rid sd forth Aerch will bintl STG Except wah respect to terms sN lath in s wDSequeM Customer purchase order regaMinp delivery doles, Wantiees antl paces whkh have been agreetl to by STG. this Pgreement wll supersede and will rid De morifietl Dy any wcn purMese «tler Or eny IXner document wllhat STG's written agreement No provison of Inis Ageemenl may De Mangetl. Waived. dscharged «lerminated, a%cepl by an msWnknt m wr%mg executed by me pally against which enf«cemenl is SW gel. All ndices «IXher commudcetions must be h wnang end will De deemed to nave Deen given when mailed. postage prepaid, by registered «certifietl mail, etldresxd to STG «Customer, at its address eel forth on the face ollhis Ageemenl, d wch dher addess as K properly tlesigneled 6t' ndice Nany provision of this Agreement is tlederetl ale{mt «unenf«ceade by a roan of eompetenl jurisddion, d wNl De IneRedive myto the extent of such illegality«unenf«coatNlky, without atfednglhe veliddy and enlorttadfiry dthe dher provisions. Tne hearings in tNS Ageemen[ are inserted f« convenience d reference only sntl will rid be used in the IMerprdation dmis Agreement In the event deny cmNid Delween IAe language, terms antl condtions DeM'een this Ageemenl and such dher addentla «dher tlocuments altaehetl hereto IX mcdDOretetl herein. then Ina terms d mis Ageemenl shall tonlyd. This Ageemenl shell also supersede any terms end condtions oonlahed In any DurMese rider. whether same ro executed Dn« « subsequent to the execution of (his Ageement. ~KNOWLEDGMENT SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, INC. (STG) MAINTENANCE TERMS AND CONDITIONS I have read the etlaMed Terms 8 Con6tions of Sete, understand them PoAy. and agree to aGide Oy Uem I understand That peyrnenl far all epmpment and installation charges K due upon receipt of mvoiae EWipmenl vnll be invoced upon shipment ham Ne designated shipping pant antl installation charges x~ll be invoiced as the loh progresses. AGREED TO: ~-- stomer No _-_ - -_ Signal ,J>;~Pnh A Trin~3,li Printed Name SEf~URITY TECNNOL IES GROUP, INC. 9gnaWre .~oLY~-~ ~~16.~ it;- Printed Name Customer's Name Village of North Palm Beach, Dept. of Public Safety Tgle 2~27~D1 Date Tdle Date Quotation lD :012000-82743-0425 Prpposal Reference : 12 Month Haldwale Mamlenance Cmtrect Mamienance Amount (NO TAXI: $'~ 9~ 1 .fig