2001-022 Public Safety Records Mgmt Software Maintenance Agrmt RESOLUTION 22-2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH USA SOFTWARE, INC., WHICH MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTENANCE OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY RECORDS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the maintenance agreement with USA Software, Inc., attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement is for the purpose of maintenance of the public safety records management software. Section 2. The Village Council does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the maintenance agreement for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2001. (Village Seal) • A AYO _m m D O OO O OOC~pp 0~_7 • ~ G, Octobcr05,2000 NORTH PALM BEACH P.S.D. 501 US HWY HI NORTH PALM BCH FL 33408 Computer System Manager: Tills letter is w infunu you [hat your liSA SuCtwarc, Inc. Annual Software Agreement will exp've 12/312000. Plcasc plan accordingly as you prepare your new budget. Annual Support Agreemrnts are available from USA Software, Inc. and are for one-year periods. The Agreemrnts cost $ 4,395.00 per year (price subjec[ to change.) Clients under a valid Support Agreemrnt will have priority over those without an agreement. SUPPORT AGREEMENT FEATURES • Unlimited telephone technical support on pralucts listed in the USA Software Software Support Agreemrnt, Schedule A. • Referral Policy - if another agency (Police/Fire/EMS)purchases aUSA Software, Inc. system as a result of a qualified sales lead famished by •our agency, we will give you a standard USA Software, [ne. module tree of charge. NON-SUBSCRIPTION RATE The same Technical Support Services are available to [hose not choosing a one•year USA Software, Inc. Support Agreement. Services may be purchased in thitry-minute blocks at the charge of 565.00 Cor each thirtyminute block. (Price subject to change). This support time includes time spent on the telephone as well asnon-phone time sprnt researching your problem. A 20-minute phone cal I could result in 2 hours time spent on our in-hou_ce system diagnosing and solving your problem. Billing is rendered for total time sprnt. If you would like additional information on the USA Software, Inc. Annual Software Support Agreement, please feel free to call. If you would like m renew your a¢reement, please send us a purchase order for a USA Software, Inc. Annual Software Support Agreement in the amount listed above. coavoaATE r+EA000anrens:480T S. UNIVERSITY DRIVE SUITE 305 FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33328 TEiEFHONE:9$4.434.2242 FAX:9S4.434.2877 WEBSITE:WWw.u~a-soltWare.COm E~slai~:salesOusa-sottware.com 42 Nev. 27 00 09: OOa USR Software, Inc. - Main (954) 434-2877 p,2 J USA Sokware, Inc. SOFTWARE SUPPORT AGREEMENT TK (ollow7lp ue the ¢mb am eadiUam aakr Welch USA SoRwarc a{rew ro f«rish aM Qm«ner epees to ac«pf bM1wart agpon arviat (« err Lkensea RoFnm(a) lased a she amrhM Support SthOUe A. I, Fs _+[`snnm >LF(M)teFAtsrxs'R: SeMces Wn sNs Ay«vlesls to ppliubk aNY b INosmasian Marojemen SyvtsK Sohwut pusWse! hart USA So(twere. 11. gpuS & rONnsT10NA: M sh sim Cuama:r Iktrres UreKed Proym(0 tram USA SoMarc, Is mY dso plpchASt aNDOrs selMces fa a Lkrnsed Rrjrari(O. All each servkes aWl K upon Ur falowhp trm am uMiiar: 1. SsspWn. USA Sorrwar< will provlae she rolbwhp rVPOrs: a. Telepbrc support seMCe b CwaKr f« the puspat of miaid{ Qmarcr wish tie applicuia of 6r Uoereed Royam(0. TekpilaK Stlppon SerNCe U Oelllriea u'arwcria{ ganUaa nquUb{ a famiW amams o(sime, aaW1Y dnrlal' rr was tleph«e aU' aM wiU be anikde freer B:70 A.M. urdl t:30 P.M.. Haan Surdard Time. Maftlays Nrouyr faidays (Imlidrys tAChtled). In the evaM sury kltphae ngpon rcgdm an frordwm aplouse of slvse cover nve Mrua m aAY a« Rodeo «nlp Onsafrrr ww Iro reryorrble f« sty lap diraKa rtlegiar ehr{et f« arL nuts). h. Madan oommwJUrian a@DOn whcrc avallabk. QWOrrcr mua prwlde ha pwrr eonpr~le aadem ad w1U Ee rapmrid< (« all Innj Aiauax kltplasr tamers Ur11t W tNr{es. c. On site Maiv either b she USA SoRwvt sik hY Cllaaaler. a b Csssmmr's Ak hY USA $OfnYae W itrvka b addfsia b teiephar service wEl h chuSW a arc Urn aprea rh« nsn plw urpesrea. Cuwomer will h bfoefmd b bvaroe of locurtirp ap etrrSd. TNs rervl« Is Rovbed to Cwsomrs wlship tie eafrircnal Ussised Suter asd Carty. 2. Eros; CwfaKr !lull pnY b USA Sonwue an alealal sup{mn fee in advaae b Be amad sa (orN b Ur USA SoAwu< InvacUSkkmca acconganybg INs Ay«mrnl. Fea ue pride b USA SoM1wue b BrwMlll Cawy, Fbrsda ald K tubjea w Woe wI1Mn naipe cane[ f« artem s[r«meru fa e rrudmap or 12 rrmfulu or urlw tApirarbn dak w1UcM~er Rriod b shorter. 3. u®: This Support Apeelrclt shall he fa a km of Ktlve (In Iperahs si Wavn a the invokelssumlals actonymlylll{ Ids Ayeemrns. 111. 11YAB6A 1. lII1~ND IJMRATION OF IIABII )TY~ PXCEPT AB STATED 3N THE APPWCABIB LICIItSE ACfthFlvIIs'NI', TF®tE ARE NO EICPRgSS OR L~LDD WARRAN'17ES RESPECTING THE WCEP9D PROGRAMS, TN1S ACRFFMEM AND THE SERVICES AND MATERIALS PROVmED }fFJiEUNDFR, INCLUDLYC BVI' NO'T UAITTED TO 7716 PiPWED WARRAN[IES OF MERCHAMABBI[Y AND FITNESS FOR A PART[CVI.AR PLRPOR?. THE WARIUIM4S AND RB11iRDi8S SET FORTH W THE APPWCAB[R WCPNSE ACRFE USA SoM1vruc SOFTWARE SUPPORT AGFtE6MEM ARE P7CCLIJSIV6 AND IN UEU OF AU.OTHF.RS. ORAL OR WRITTEN. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USA Sonwarc, ITS DISTR®UfOAS, DEALERS AND/OR AOEMS MAp~ NO EXPRESS OR IMPLED WARRANTIES TO CUSTOMER WRH REGARD TO THIS ACREEMEM. THE UCENS6D PROGRAMS AND THI; SERVICES AND MATERIALS PROVIDED THFREATTH. INCLUDING MPACFUMABIIIIY. FRNESS FORAM PURPOSE OR PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF OTHERS. NEITHER OF THEM SHALL HAVE ANY UABIUTY OR RESPONSBIUTY TO CUSTOMER FOR OAMAOF.S OF AM KIND. INCLUDING SPECUL INDI1lECi' OR CONSFAUEMUL DA.MAOE. ARISING OUT OF OR RFSULTINO FROM THIS AOREEMFM, THE WCENSED PROGRAMS. OR THE SERVICES OR MATERIALS MADE AVAIUBIE l~RflfNDFR IN NO EVENT SHAD. IAA Softwue BE WABLE FORAM LOSS OR PROFR OR AM OTHER DAMAGES OF AM KIND. SOME STATES DO NOT ALfAW T}Di EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF MCIDEMAL OR CONSEQUEMUL DAMAGES, 50 THE ABOVE LIWTATIONS OR EXCLUSIOTA MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS UMRED WARRANTY GNES YOU SPECIFlC IF.GAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS wH1CH VARY FROM STATE TO STAT& 2. USA Sonwuc will mt fx Ssde fa spy !allure a dctay b peRamrrc slue b wlak a N pus b my cartk heyaod IAA Sahwarc's rcasarde caslsrol. In ro even W II USA SaM1warc he I(ahle b CuaorKr far an)' Claim. wklhb Ip CWfaa of Bleat Na! anlae rllalt BrM1 d(hs«n p1aaM prbr Ip IMIb11Cr 0( al{I UICKOR IV. pFNFR •1 I. (4parcr mY rat asslpf aw of W adipBaK. r111s+ a remedies «der N8 Apeasca sty anY Lath asknlpkd wtplma still a rnU apd vain. 2. The waiver « faiNrc or adrr ParsY b eaefetse b aly taRU anY rlyt provbed (« hertin NUI pas be Axmcd a waive o(anY (urlher riSd herauder. ). Cwt«rcr atratl Ihar USA Solh+ae mY Rrf«m Nldl kas a USA So(wue aha0 Onv1 Kawoady Kceasary b mlalllbr <arpllaKt WW1 applttade soM1wve li«uses as arq am, NN «wI Wert rosk<. 6vioF rornrl Wsinat MIRS. r. Tms sK SoM1ware U«KC Ayamrns fa the plyduns coveroJ hercd ad the USA SoRwale Term and Cadman of Sak art Ilraponta0 hcrtlp hY rc(trcrre ud srnde a pan htreof. Thu if any ksb of shls artrcmsea apd tie applicade LIaKe Apaalml as IpraOiiateft a oafvnry she applinde Uceme AyealcK ahdl jovem. S. 7Na AyaarWns than De dearcd made ad eacsed Sao h Browud Covey. Flofsaa asd ahaU !K Smemed by Ua kws o(sh: Suu of Florida. Cuslarcr apca Has venue f« arty rJr a aerial arlsiaS oa of a b conrecUan wIN Nis Apcarca, 0e IXmxO Proyam a any stlppon a mksLls psoNded • haewiN, a anY aflltt rmskr ipvdvhp lAA SoM1wu<, IocluGlrp Da nol UMSed b reaelubn. Cm astl Nall adY b vNsitaUled b Browasd Couay. Florin afd C4slarcr heselry rEmlb b tie Jwidklia a she Cans In Broaard Caunsy, Fbrka f« afry surh auk m0 Custarcl hereby walva dl nrzllb b trial q' ~~' M,o;v~ 27 00 09:O1a USR Software, Inc. - Main (9541 4:i4-za-/-/ p•~ USA Software, /nc. SOFTWARE SUPPORT AGREEMENT • 6. Customer agrrcs tMU USA Softwa[e'a mire IlabititY• if anX for anY cause whatsoever arising nut oP tha Agrewlent slut! rot excad the aznoont Chstamer acridly paid ro USA SattwaR [o ptttWSe the ss¢swn. 7. This AgtvYmeo<comdtuvs ds: edrc am sole agrea[mt d Ne parties Meta ard aW assMes ail p^°r agreeme°ts. "nDe[°psd'viQS. and ar wrinea eap[essed or Mid. with tespecr m the suhjat matter bumf. There arz ro co[wnWnsras aN agsetmrnts or wderstaMings between me parties other than dmu rmaaiKd or hsotponmd Ixseia This Agreeav;m maY not x aasetNtd or ttpdifwd except in writing. 8. In drc event any lldgadon b imdm[ed hY tither party abler ar az a resin[ of Wis Agreensen[, the pnvailiug WnY slvtl h entitled ro its reasotnble anomeas fees Prom the mnprcvailiag party. Accepted and agreed to: Customer name: , N TH CH PUBLICS FETY DEPARTMENT 'I Signature: ~ ` Print Name: ~ ~/N6'7~'L ~ I~i9y0~ Street Address: J~~ // City/State/Zip: /UU /Z-~/~ r"A~i~.--~ ~~~`~ ~` '~~~ Date: • ~l~t efrec/i~n nmll apte~yl n a~rthn rid red .ncnaatativn of ISO ~S,,o~kwata Accepted by USA Software on the ~~ day of 19 v I u Capyrlght (e)1995 USA Sahware. Inc. NI tights tswtvBd. Telephone: Fax: Mbv 27 00 09:O1a USR Software, Inc. - Main (9541 434-2877 p.4 • USA Software, /nc. SOFTWARE SUPPORT AGREEMENT SUPPORT SCHEDULE A This Support Schedule outlines the sohware (Licensed Programs/ to be Included with the USA Sohware Support Agreement prov/ded to Customer. (tnm if Snltwara names ~K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f0 11 12 13 14 15 Cf2000®For Windowa Information Management Sohware 1 CADFile2000®Computer Aided Dispatch 1 CrimeFile 2000®For Windows Print Eng/ne 1 Field Reporting Host System 1 Crystal Reporta~ Wlndows Report Writer 1 USA Sohware, 9900 St1iling Road Cooper City, F/orlda 33024 ~oVY~9h1 k)1995 USA SaNwa~. lne. M ilyhb m~rn0. Mov, 27 00 09:O1a USFl Software, Inc. - Main f9541 434-2877 p.5 USA Softwar®, /nc. SOFTWARE SUPPORT AGRfEARENT • ~ , sanintAnancer USA Software shall distribute to Customer updated Licensed Programis) and/or documentation as soon as they are available. USA Software will respond to Customer's request for service within a reasonable lima considering all circumstances at the time of the request, including the nature of the service required. USA Software shall distribute to Customer those enhancements to the Licensed Program(s) released without restriction by USA Software to other licensees. Fnhancementc is~da; e, Ljnanaed proareml_a1 Enhancema[]t5: Versions of Licensed Programis) which encompass improvements, extensions, and other changes which USA Software, in its sole discretion, deems to be logical improvements or extensions of the original Licensed Program(s) supplied to Customer. b. Dnr~~mnnrntion~ Updates and extensions or amendments of user documentation of the Licensed Programis). c. $iystam 1 datew~ Customer acknowledges that certain Licensed Program(s) enhancements may require either additionai software, hardware or hardware updates, with respect to the Customer's original computer system, in order for Customer to gain the full benefits of said enhancements. All costs and responsibilities for such new or additional software, hardware shall be borne solely by Customer. MAINTENANCE: Fifteen percent (15°k) of the then current List Price of the software per year. • Copyilonl (c1199S USA So/Iwu., rnc. M Agnu naw,a. Dec 04 00 O4:35p USR Software, Inc. - Main (9541 434-2877 p,2 • 7ecea.5er 04,2000 Ner;h ?a;n Beac^ Pc'ice Cepa rt:r:e n; SC. i;S 1!wY N. vor;h ?a:n 3eac`, cL 33CSR Coaputer Systec. Manager: Itis :et: er is :o i^`cra. you tha[ your USA Software, Inc. Annua'. S~,:oco:c wili expire 12/31/00. Please plat. accordingly as you prepare your new budget. An^ual Sunpor; Agreecents are available Iron USA Software, Lnc. and Are for one-year pe cods. The Agreea~.en[s cos; $3,296.25 frog January 1,2001 - September 30,2001 (price subjec[ :c Chanye.) Clients under n va;:d Support Acreea.er.t will hove priority over t.^.ose without a.^. agreer..er.t. SJ?PJRT .AG 3F, El:ENT e'EATURES Unlini:ed to lephcne :ec^nical support on ;roduc;s listed in the USA Sof;wa:e Suppo:[ Agreereat, Sc`.edule A. o r urchases a • Rc`erza_ Poliey - if another agency lPc;ice /_i:e/..MS) F' ;fSP. Software, Inc. syscere. as a re s.:_t cf a quellfied sales lead furnis.`.ed 5y yo^r agency, we wi:l give you a year of USA So `. [ware, Inc. tec'r.ni tai s::ppor: nee cf charge. SOV-SUBSCRI P:IOC RATS Toe sale Tec`:n Lca. Supcc:t Services are available to those roC choosing a one-year VSA Sof:wa: e, :nc. Support Agreene^t. Services nay be purccased in ;bitty-r..ihuce b'. xks at t^e c:^.arge of 565.00 for each :bitty-R'-ru:e b:ocic. iPrioe sublect to cha^ge;.T::is s::pport i'_r,.e r.clndes tine s?ent oa the a:l,:p:^.oae as we.; as r.on-p:.one tir..e spent 2 resewrching your p:oblea. A 20-airute ohoae cal'. co::'_d reset :.. hours tine spent cr. our in-house cyst ern diagnosing and solvi.^.y^ your p roblea.. 9i;linq is rendered for total tis.e spent. I` you weuid like edditio.^.a. infozmattnn or. :`e: USA Software, Inc. A~n::ai Suppcrc Ag:eexen;, Crease feel .`tee to ca_l. :f you would tike to renew you: ag:eea.en[, please send us a purchase order for USA Software, Inc. An^.ual Software Support Agreereh: in the axou^: o`_ $3,296.25. •