2001-097 Accepts SouthTrust Banking ProposalRESOLUTION 97-2001 A KIiSOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BANKING SERVICE PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF NORTII PALM BEACH FROM SOUTHTRUST BANK ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", AND MADE PART OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve and accept the Banking Service Proposal to the Village of North Palm Beach from SouthTrust Bank attached as Fixhibit "A", which exhibit is made part of this resolution. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSF,D AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 200]. (Village Sealj AT7EST • VII.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PROPOSAL QUOTATION FORM FOR BANKING SERVICES Name of Bank: Firm Name: Home Office Address: Telephone: SouthTrust Bank SouthTrust Bank Corporation 420 North 20th Street Birnilngham, Alabama 35203 1-205-254-6848 Address of branch serving Village of North Palm Beach's account if other than above 11011 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Name and Title of Bank Representative for Village of North Palm Beach: Sheryl Masi, Vice President Commercial Services The undersigned attests to his authority to submit this proposal and to bind the firm herein named to perform as per contract, if we are awarded thti Ba Servicin contract by the Village of North Palm Beach. ~' ~ ' ~~ J ~ ; ~,~ ~.~ Bank Officer's Signature witness, Louis D. Brandon, Vice President ~ wONNE rNRCRAWI.EY - 'My Ccmr fsp. 1/198001 ~ No. CC 802605 / wwn f I Oorf LD. • n ~..., \r ~l • • VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACII PROPOSAL QUOTATION FORM FOR BANKING SERVICES (41 REOUII2ED SERVICES: Account Maintenance (#accounts) Checks Paid Number of Deposits Deposited Items Cash Deposited per 5100 (od~~c tbec~ Return Items Stop Payments Wire Transfers (Incoming) Wire Transfers (Outgoing) ACH Credits Statements (#Accounts) Other Charges (Describe): Serial Sort w/o Recon Maintenance Fee ZBA Funding Service 1 SouthSweep Maint.(Overni ht Invest.) ~A' ~' ~~G Checks -General Checks -Payroll Deposit Slips -Triplicate -~~~/ Estimated Unit Monthly Monthly Cost Cost Volume 2 $5.00 $10.00 1,600 $0.11 5176.00 75 $0.30 $22.50 1,132 $0.07 $79.24 663 $0.08 553.04 10 $3.00 $30.00 5 $3.00 515.00 4 $7.00 $28.00 4 $7.00 $28.00 40 $0.00 $00.00 2 $0.00 $00.00 2 $35.00 $70.00 $20.00 $20.00 1 $100.00 $100.00 700 1,000 • $500.00 credit to your account for 100 Intial orders of checks & deposit tickets. ~t,'i Total estimated cost -Required Services: S631.78 C~~,tK P~+ci~ Gin ~ as ~,e.~s-~ C3) yRs - Y~r • • (B) OPTIONAL SERVICES: SouthLink -Basic Balance & Trans. Reporting 1I -$50.00 monthly for up to 2 accts. Positive Pay (no per item presented for payment fee is Recon. services are established) Recon. Service with Positive Pay: $75.00 monthly maintenance fee (1 acct) Direct Deposit of Payroll ACH File Charge $35.00 ACH Items Paid Per Item $00.10 Reversals/Deletions $15.00 per item Return Items, per Item $03.00 (C) Total Compensating Balance Required to Cover Estimated Monthly Cost Required Services - (A) 5238,457 (D) Total Compensating Balance Required to Cover Estimated Monthly Cost Optional Services - (B) ~~'ill depend on monthly volumes (E) Earning Rate to be paid on daily investment during the term of this proposal: Fed Funds Minus 25 points (F) Formula used for computing the earning rate on the daily investment: Amount of Investment, multiplied by Rate, divided by 360 days and multiplied by the number of davs invested. (G) Provide the interest rates which would have been paid on the daily investments for the months of July 2000 through July 2001 at Village of North Palm Beach's special rate of Fed Funds minus 25 basis points ATE F EDERAL FUND S RATE DATE )4iATE July 2001 3.75% CHANGED Juue 2001 3.75% 06/28/01 ~Iay 2001 4.00% 05/16/01 Apri12001 4.50% 04/19/01 i•Iarch 2001 5.00% 03/21/01 February 2001 5.50% 02/01/01 January 2001 6.00% 01/04/01 December 2000 6.50% November 2000 6.50% October 2000 6.50% September 2000 6.50% August 2000 6.50% July 2000 6.50% DAILY INVESTMENT INTEREST RATE 3.50% 3.50% 3.75% 4.75% 4.75% 5.25% 5.75% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 3 • (I3) State the formula used to compute the earnings rate on account balances which generated the required compensating balances in (C) and (D). The formula used is: Average Available Balance for the 11lonth, multiplied by ECR, divided by 365 days, multiplied by the number of days in the month. (n Latest time transactions will be posted and be included as the current day's business is: 2Pi`f (.l) Length of time required from date of deposit to receive credit on the following: DEPOSIT AVAILABILITY - See the Preferred Availability Schedule Section INCOMING WIRE TRANSFERS - Daily cutoff time for same Day credit: 6P~1 EST (K) Describe capabilities for maintaining "zero balance" accounts and associated costs: To maximize usage in accounts separated by function, say, payroll from an operating account, our customers often use Zero Balance Accounts. Nith a ZBA, funds are automatically transferred each evening from one account to another. Tying accounts together in this way helps to maximize nightly overnight investment balances by concentrating funds to gain rate advantage, or funding just the amount of checks presented that day. (L) Describe capabilities of maintaining overnight Repurchase Agreement arrangements and Associated cost. SouthTrust's SouthSweep service provides Automatic Investment to maximize investment income on operating funds and/or Automatic Loan Adjustment to minimize interest charges on outstanding commercial lines of credit. Deposits and checks are processed daily to a "master" account. If the investable balance exceeds the predetermined target the funds are invested in overnight repurchase agreements or Eurodollar Time Deposits. An investment confirmation is mailed daily, evidencing the value of the investment, the interest rate and • the collateral pledged by the bank A monthly recap of interest earned is also provided, available either as hard copy or via SouthLink Repurchase agreements are collateralized with government and agency investments from the bank's own portfolio; interest rates are based on Fed Funds rates, minus 25 basis points, and a minimum $25,000 investment is • required. Eurodollar investments require a 5100,000 minimum; rates are based on market rates, which change daily. A combination of repurchase agreements and Eurodollar investments can be instituted, as long as the minimum investment is met for both. Investment sweeps are made in $1,000 increments; interest is paid daily. As an alternative, excess balances could be swept to pay down a commercial Line of Credit at SouthTrust. Advances and pay downs will be calculated daily based on activity in the commercial "master" deposit account. For an additional upgrade, SoutbSweep Plus offers the capability to alternate between Automatic Investment and Automatic Loan Adjustment to maximize interest earnings while minimizing interest expense. ~5 • VII.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH BANKING SERVICES QUESTIONNAIItE 1. Yes, the bank is a qualified and authorized public fund depository by the State of Florida. See attached documentation. 2. Listings and reframe of(3) Florida municipal clients. (A.) Name of Municipality: South Florida Water Management District Contact Person: Ms. Raylene Puckett, Sr. Accounting Technician Telephone Number: .(561) 682- 6461 Services Provided: Cash Management/Investment Services (B) Name of Municipality: School Board of Pinellas County Contact Person: Mr. Andrew Jacobsen, Manager, Cash & Investment Telephone Number: (727) 588- 6173 Services Provided: Cash ManagemenUInvestment Services • (C) Name of Municipality: Contact Person: Telephone Number: Services Provided: 3. Total Assets: $46.5 billion City of Oldsmar Ms. Jennifer DePasque (813) 855- 4693 Cash Managemendlnvestment Services 4. Yes, the sen•icing branch is located in the Village of North Palm Beach 5. Yes, charge card services are provided as follows:. SouthTrust's VISA Business Card • Employees can easily and professionally make direct charges to company account. • Provides better records of employee expenditures. • Flexible billing options. • Protects against travel accidents and fraudulent use by ex-employees. • Single application process for company. • Cards issued in name of employee. • Outstanding balance is not required to be paid in full each month. • Liability waiver insures against fraudulent use by ex-employees. • Travel insurance. • APR for purchases and cash advances is Prime + 5.9%. • Interest charged on average daily balances. • Grace period for repayment of the balances for purchases is 25 days from statement closing date. • Annual fee is $25.00 per year per accounUcard. • Renewable every 2 years. ~~ • SouthTrust will assist the Village in completing a VISA Business Card application at the appropriate time. 6. Yes, SouthTtvst will be very happy to provide assistance in issuing the Village of North Palm Beach charge card services. Information is included in ourlntroductlon to our Products & Services Section. 7. Banking services to Village employees will be provided by SouthTrust Bank. (A.)We will provide FREE checking and saving accounts without minimum balances. (B.) SouthTrust will provide check cashing privileges to non-account holders without charges. (C.) SouthTrust will provide FREE money orders & travelers' checks. (D.) For complete details of free services provided to Village employees, please Refer to the Employee Banking Services section in the Table of Contents. • • September 11, 2001 Village of North Palm Beach Richard ZajaclDanny Butterworth (954)762-9240 /(205)978-6352 Thank you for yow interest in SouthTrust Merchant Services. We offer the resowces and services to help make credit card processing easy and affordable. See ow offer below: • Low processing fees. Discount Rate 1.45% + 25 cent /traneart;nne for qualified Visa/MasterCard transactions. Non-qualified transactions + .9%. Minimum discount $25.00 per month. Rate based on 530.00 average ticket with 100% of cards swiped. " Economical equipment. We offer the latest equipment available for rent or purchase. Traoz 380 P250 Printer (optional) $15.00 monthly rental $15.00 monthly rental $475.00 pwchase 5300.00 pwchase For yow protection we offer a backup imprinter for 535.00. * Getting Started. For a small investment of $175.00 you can begin the application process today. Additional fces include: Amex/Discover $0.21 per transaction Statement fee 55.00/mo Voice Authorizations $0.75 pcr occwance Chargeback fce $25.00 " Rapid Availability of Funds. Next business day deposit of Visa/MasterCard funds with a SouthTrust checking account. "Customer Service/Supplies. FREE!! 24 hour customer support FREE!1 Sales/Credit Slips and Printer Paper & Ribbons Thank you for yow trust and confidence in SouthTrust Bank. We look forward to serving all yow financial needs. . Sincerely, Danny Butterworth National Sales Mgr-Merchant Services Richard Zajac Ft. Lauderdale-Merchant Representative • ~~ • VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH BANKING SERVICES QUESTIONNAIItE 1. Yes, the bank is a qualified and authorized public fund depository by the State of Florida. See attached documentation. 2. Listings and reframe of (3) Florida municipal clients. (A.) Name of Municipality: South Flotda Water Management District Contact Person: Mr. Stephen Grabe, Treasurer Telephone Number: (i61) 682- 6421 Services Provided: Cash Management/Investment Services (B) Name of Municipality: School Board of Pinellas County Contact Person: Mr. Andrew Jacobsen, Manager, Cash & Investment Telephone Number: (727) 588- 6173 Services Provided: Cash Management/Irtvestment Services (C) Name of Municipality: Contact Person: Telephone Number: Services Provided: 3. Total Assets: $46.5 billion City of Oldsmar Ms. Jennifer DePasque (813) 855- 4693 Cash Management/]nvestment Services 4. Yes, the servicing branch is located in the Village of North Palm Beach 5. Yes, charge card services are provided. 6. Yes, SouthTrust will be very happy to provide assistance in issuing the Village of North Palm Beach charge card services. Information is included in our Introduction ro our Products & Services Section. 7. Banking services to Village employees will be provided by SouthTrust Bank. (A.)We will provide FREE checking and saving accounts without minimum balances. (B.) SouthTrust will provide check cashing privileges to non-account holders without charges. (C.) SouthTrust will provide FREE money orders & travelers' checks. • (D.) For complete details of free services provided to Village employees, please Refer to the Employee Banking Services section in the Table of Contents. ~~ • _~. ~~ n:~' 0->%;p S?A7]; OF FY.ORIDA Office cf t3e IYrasv r- etd Iavoraaa r,....~,~tt; one Divisiv: of Timsuzy $u~t of Collatz~al Secatitia CERTIFIC~IT~ OF QUAI,YFIED PLBLIC DEPOSt[flRY IIh'UFA TRE:I.ORipA 5~1RtTY ppA T(d3LIC I7r1'OSJIS wCT a.is is m c-riy ~ SOUTHTRUSf•,BA~C, N~ dZ0 20TH STRF.*~T NORTE SLZ~1Gr1A~ AI. 3ScG3 `ss iu11Y 4~~ ~ • F~ ~°r per' ~~~ Ta Cb~~ 280, ?Zorida Sb=ae5, o~rs~.se Scsc~a as the Fladda Searity for Pvb(ie Deposits .1.^ As cue ;said bray ar sattia~s asur:~c is ~^cby dmgaatri? to :sccire public deposits, as de5ne3 is Subseaaa s".SO.02(13), _i7arida S•su.'s. Givra twat my 1•~ tbds 2nd day ofJuac 1997. ZRY.~SL'2SR. S?w7E of FLORIDA M~-ItC RLY.70i •