2001-094 Amends Personnel Rules - New Hire RateRESOLUTION 94-2001 • A KESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 4.02, NEW-HIRE, OF THE PERSONNEL RULES AND KEGUI,A770NS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH BY PROVIDING A 1'ROCIiDURE WHEREBY THE VILLAGE MANAGER MAY APPROVE APPOINTMENTS OF NEWLY HIRED EMPLOYEES ABOVE THE MINIMUM RATE; AMENDING SECTION 4.03, 1'AY RATES IN TRANSFER, PROMOTION OR DEMOTION BY REVISING THE PROCEDUKE I~OR PAY RATES ]N TRANSFERS; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BI; ]T RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby amend Section 4.02, New-Hire Rate, of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village of North Palm Beach, and to read as follows: " 4.02 New-Hire Rate: 7'he minimum rate established for a job class shall be paid upon employment, except that the "New-Hired" rate in amounts above the minimum may be authorized if the department head submits adequate written justification and such action is approved by the Village Manager. Approval will be based on the exceptional qualifications of the appointee or inability to employ adequate personnel at the minimum rate. The Village Manager is authorized to approve appointments of new hired employees above the minimum at an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 per individual. The overall limit on the amount the Village Manager may authorize will be determined by Council in the annual budget. In the event an individual is recommended to be hired above the $5,000.00 threshold then the Village Manager must obtain Village Council approval." Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby amend Section 4.03, Pay Rates in Transfer, Promotion or Demotion, of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Village of North Palm Beach, and to read as follows: " 4.03 Pav Rates in Transfer, Promotion or Demotion: If an employee is transferred, promoted or demoted, his rate of pay for the new position • shall be determined as follows: a. If the rate of pay in the former class is less than the minimum rate established for • the class of the new position, the rate of pay shall be advanced to the minimum for the class, or increased five (5) percent, whichever is greater. If the rate of pay in the former class is more than the maximum rate established for the new class, the pay rate shall be reduced to no more than the maximum rate established for the new class. c. If the rate of the former class falls within the new grade of pay, the pay rate shall remain the same or be increased in accordance with Section 4.02 above in the case of transfer; shall be increased up to five (5) percent, not to exceed the established budget, in the case of promotion and shall be adjusted to the rate of the new grade in case of demotion." Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. I'ASSIiI) AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2001. (Village Seal) . A"I"TEST: • 2