2001-081 911 Call Takers Salary ReimbursementRESOLUTION 81-2001 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING WITH 9-1-1 MANAGEMENT OF PALM BI;ACI I COUNTY ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING PROVIDES REIMBURSEMENT TO THE VILLAGE FOR 9-1-1 CALL-TAKERS' SALARIES UI' 1'O A MAXIMUM OF $57,528.00 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2001, AND F,NDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2002; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BI; IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Letter of Understanding with 9-1-1 Management of Palm Beach County attached as Exhibit "A", which better of Understanding provides reimbursement to the Village for 9-I-1 call-takers' salaries up to a maximum of $57,528.00 for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2001, and ending September 30, 2002 Section 2. 7'he Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Letter of Understanding with 9-1-1 Management of Palm Beach County attached as Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. l~ • A PASSf;D AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2001. • Department of Public Safety Division of Fmergenry Marajement Office of Fmergenry Medical Services 20 S. Military Trail W'es[ Palm Beach. PL 33415 (561)712.6400 FAX: (561) 712-6455 h[tpalwwwco.palm-beach. fl.us ^ Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H. Newell. Chairman Carol A. Roberts. Vice Chair Karen T Marcus Mary McCarty Bur[ Aaronson Tony bfasilo[[i Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman • 'An Equal Opportunity Af/vmanve Acnon Employer' June 8, 2001 Capt. George Warren North Palm Beach Public Safety Department 560 No. U.S. Highway #1 North Palm Beach, F133408 Deaz Capt. Warren: This correspondence will serve as a letter of understanding between 9-1-1 Management of Palm Beach County and the municipality regazding annual reimbursements for 9-1-1 Call-taker salaries. In an effort to assist municipalities in attracting and retaining 9-1-1 call-takers, 9-1-1 Management agrees with the municipality to the following: 1. Based on the municipality's budget submitted to 9-1-1 Management prior to March 15, of each yeaz and the availability of funds in the 9-1-1 Program, 9-1-1 Management will deternune the annual maximum funds available for call-taker salary reimbursement. The maximum amount of the reimbursement will be up to 25% of the regulaz salary, overtime, holiday pay and F.I.C.A. set aside by the PSAP for all employees whose job description includes answering 9-1-1 calls. 2. For FY 2002, 9-1-1 Management will reimburse the municipalities for 20% of the actual bona fide call-taker expenses as presented by the finance department of the municipality for each quarter. By presenting documentation to 9-1-1 Management in December, the municipality may request reimbursement for September, October and November. Reimbursements for December, January and February, may be requested in Mazch. Reimbursements for March, April and May, may be requested in June. Reimbursements for June, July and August, may be requested in September. arlnretl on recycledpaper • (North Palm Beach P. S., Call Takers Reimbursement Cont'd) Page 2 Reimbursements for call taker salaries for FY 2002 will not exceed $57,528. Call-takers salary reimbursements will be made to the municipalities as long as funding is available. If program expenses for the operation and/or maintenance of the County 9-1-1 System should exceed anticipated levels, funds originally earmarked for call-taker salary reimbursements maybe reallocated by the County to cover those expenses. An authorized signature in the space provided below will signify that you understand and agree with the terms for call taker reimbursement as defined above. This signed original document must be returned to 9-1-1 Management before reimbursements can be requested in December 2001. Sincerely, \1~ ~~z'~ Mark Adler 9-1-1 Coordinator ry1~T~~ ~~ /~J~ /~ /~Jb~J Name (Printed)