2001-071 Agreement for Uniform & Laundry ServicesRESOLUTION 71-2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM B}:ACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH G & K SERVICES, INC. ATTACHED AS }?XHIBI'I' "A", WHICH AGREEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING UNIFORM AND LAUNDRY SERVICES FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE VILLAGE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFIiC7'IVE DATE. BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the agreement with G & K Services, Inc. attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement is for the purpose of securing uniform and laundry services for employees of the Village. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the agreement with G & K Services, Inc., set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. I'ASSI;ll AND ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF SE~~'~- "~~~ -°°" (Village Seal) 0 • A7"PEST: L- VILLAGE CLERK G&K Services, Inc. 3874 Flscal Court Riviera Beach, FL 33404 ITEM DESCRIPTION pERSONS/~TY. I PERSON/ITEMR CHANOEATEM FREOU NCY OR OSSJDAMAGE VALUE f~l~/1f0,~/7- ~ g5 ~3~ ~2Q~ ~,cvPos ~ .. ~,2iG i N~ , ® ~dGfirtC.tlr' ,~ /9 d~ ,~! .t.~e ~` G~iv/1 ,~2 . Customer agrees to a minimum week) service volume of S or % of service volume Intlicated on this A reemenl. ~9nltiai SERVICE 6 SUPPLY AGREEMENT. G8K wilt provide eM Customer will t l , acoop exc usivelyY I~rom GdK, ell of Customers requirements br the types of merchantlise and services listed on [his Agreement, during Ne term (including renewals) 01 this Agpreement. Additional merchanSise/aervbe reouested Dy Customer varDallIyy C2r in wnbn Agreement subject to their current will De C r rian h f tl b h , p. D ove pp o e y t suc e terms of this merchanGise/service. All rental Aems supplied b Customer remeln the progeny of GdK. In the event Mai rental items ere bsl a damaged beyond repart, except by rrormaf wear and Isar, or are rrot returned b G6K upon termination of the AO0reemen~, rn upon tertn~nBlron of individual anployees. Customer agrees b pay for all such rental hems as incurred, et GdK's then current replacement values. Replacement values may be revised peri00roal b G6K y y . G6K'S GARMENT QUALITY GUARANTEE. E e re lacem nt ga ant tx new em I~vee u Norm will et or xceetl GgK's Guaranteed acme uaiity c~tantlards or it will t>eAre~laced~ a Iollowing deYiv~ry aQno cos to you~or the reptacem~nl'rtem. ~fems requ~g repfcement due to replaced al no c e e t t Y C ~ ~~ g g normal we o ustomer. r an e r wnl~ G&K'S SERVICE GUARANTEE. G&K will: return all merchandise is ed u on t e no I tleliverv day by the next schedulgtl dsI'yery tle re alr a d return to c;u5tomgr aR UaRnen1s ~n anee of repal7; on the next scheouled oe~rvery Gayy c reP~lrn dr merchandise l a clean 8nG us~able cAn~tmn ~ e rver in one wee uni orms o to tlartl siZa antl color rtleretl 1 r eII new afi~Dloyee5 provided h K f l d al suc or e[ was received n a,reguiar delivery tlay. s to meet the guarantees'ISletl above, (:uslomer wlR be entNPed to a credit equal t61he weekly charge for the nonconPonnin tem g . II Customer believes that GaK has wnsistenlly IaileO to rovide quality service required untler this Apr ement Customer may terminate this Agree hout penaly, prpvitletl that: (a1 Customer lust gives G8K wrinen notice sent by certtieQ mail detaihnd such cemcs pafN.tierlpes; en0 /6) (adl( 1911510 cure such daACiencie5 within tl such notice Customer concerns sn ll b l ' g ays a ter G8K 8 receiD( 01 e presumed curetl unless Customer Nes GGK anotMr wddan rglge detailinC the continulna de5nencies wl nin ten ~10) tlays after the expiration of such sixty (60) day cure cepedotl. Customer ma then cancel this Agreement provldetl tlylt sA previous balances due 81o G8K are p2id and the rental Items are returned to G8K in poop arW usable contlRion or replacement value is paid for IosUdamagetl rental earns. /~`~ ~ ) ` S/ TERM, RENEWAL. This Apreemen~ takes eHed es of the tlate of signing end continue r 1l~fmpnths Baer the date 01 first Installation (tor new Cu amers) rn the tlate Customer flb~ signs a renewal Agreemen! (tor renewal puslomers). It wIA then be renewed cut I erW b0~nbnuWSly for suocesslve penotl oft ree ars u 55 t Comer or a rve n n ,ce of non-renewal to ins other ei least ninety (90) tlays prior b the Ezpiration~~~~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ys ,' G ~ p' PRICES. Minimum or flat rate charges ere based upon total Invent Insl911etl a u to H i nb increased or tlecreasetl shown below prices ma be Increa M an S lih i 0 ti , y . w erv se no ce Agreement Date ce to Customer. Win thirty days of rql~ prstgner lnay d~ssCree in wdtinp to an price Increase of percentage amount greater than the increase o1 the Consumer Price Index • en areas or a previous 12 months or A, wh caev99r b reate[ CharGes will ps Tnade ror se sonel chan r eover t f t ~ g p epara ron o s, ou edQit anal orbars. names. emblems. size charges, antl environmenlel surchar All pd ere based 52 eks r ea7service. Pa C.~.D. _ Inltiei ~ des 0f Po Y yme-nt-i{~due on N1 the month Iollowing delivery, or /VC ~.tvu4( GiGG '=-~1Cr'K.r4K~ . Customer sprees to Du .upon rwn-renewal, breach, rn other Carman ono the Agreement eA tlired embr itl tl GdK' e , o ere el s then current r or specially purchasetl mart se In sernce Or heltl in stock by G8K placement values. ,ICustomer acknowledges that the garmenis rented untler thlc contract aro for General r~ses, unless apeeHifally ntiiletl as 'flamB re4rdanl; antl are not de~lsned or recommended for areas of IlammiDlllty or whon contact with hazardous mata7l0ls or lppun t n sources Is pose Dle. QWBsK has advised Customer of the avallsbllity of Rame• retardant garments end recommended their use where employees ma work d th b y un er e a ove condHions. Customer has tleelinstl this oHar ezcept es noted by provlslon for flame-retardant garments in Ihls Agreement. Use of non-flamo-retertlant arms s around or near heat or Ipnttlon sources may Incroess the p0sclblllty of burns Or other carious Inlurles. G8K maY not be the maker of these garments antl has noQ m~tl does not make any representation, wsrrYnty or coyenaal, express or Implkd Customer use with reipecl to Ihelr Initial ualit el I , . _ q y, s ~( ety or sultablltty for NO EXISTING AGREEMENTS. Customer warrants that G&K is b of way inidnpirp upon a exi5lirp Agreement between the Customer and any other textile rental uniform or Oust control service. Tnis A reemenl hall De biMin end inure to the Dane it of me aTTres, their res rve su ssors antl ass' ns. C TOMER AUTHORIZATION JRE SERVICES AU ORIZATION SIGNATUR ACCEPTANCE D E PRIN E P D AM (~ TITL TITLE Q/1t/ ~ P7 ATr ~,~~ A dti GBK MGMT SIGNATURE ACCEPTANCE DATE 'SERVICE ACRE MENT DATE G K MGM7 RINTED NAME TITLE G&K Servlceso • /~ 3674 Fiscal Coun V G Suire 300 • ' Riverla Beach, FL 33404 561/682-4050 Fax 561/632-4117 August 17, 2001 Village of North Palm Beach Agreement # 195225 501 US 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 I would like to present the following proposal; 3 year agreement: 1.A 3 yeaz price price lock. 2.Industrial shirts = .36 each or $1.80 weekly for an inventory of 11(lost/damage charge = $20.00 each garment) 3.LZdustrial pants/shorts = .54 each or $2.70 weekly for an inventory combinaton of 1 I (lost/damage charge = $20.00 each gamleat) A.Weekly charge for combination of industrial shirts/panWshorts ~ $4.50 4.Executive shirts = .40 each or 52.00 weekly for an inventory of 11(losUdamage charge = $22.00 each garment) S.Executive pleated slacks -.54 each or 52.70 weekly for an inventory of 11((osUdamage chazge = $22.00 each garment) B.Weekly charge for combination of executive wear ~ $4.70 6.Industrial coveralls = 1.06 each/ inventory varies 7.Red shop towels = .08 each B.Red fender cover = .87 each 9.Untreated 36" mop = $3.60 each l O.Liquid grit soap = $7.39/gallon • ^~ ,::. a ~t ~rS 11 ~ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . f'y YPt~A ~ • ..... s , ... .. .. .5. i t 1ti~a' ''1 't A. .. ...{.a?' 3 G G&K Services® 17,1004 Fiscal Court SW[e 900 aiveria Beach, FL 33404 561/882.4050 Fax 56]/832-4117 11.3x4 Safety Mats= $4.00 12.3x10 Safty Mats= 55.50 13.3x5 Scrapper Mat = $3.50 I want to thank you for this opportunity to continue doing business with'Ihe Village of North Palm Beach I look forwazd to talking with you. Sincerely, G~~l~/~~ John C Hanson Account Manager / 1N ' G & K Services Vl a Of No Pa Beach G G&K Services® 3874 Fiscal Court Suite 300 Riveria Beach, FL 33404 •~ 561/882-4050 Fax 561/632-4117 August !7, 2001 Village of North Palm Beach 501 US1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Agreement # 195225 Addendum 1 Temlination. Renewal A. Village of North Palm Beach may, by written notice to Contractor, terminate the Contract if Contractor has failed to perform the Work in a manner satisfactory to Village of North Palm Beach. The date of temlination shall be stated in the notice. Village of North Palm Beach shall be sole judge of non- perfomlance. Village of North Palm Beach will not thereby be deemed to have waived any or remedies available to it. B. If the principal position of the Work consists of the provision of services, Village of North Palm Beach may cancel the Contract upon 30 days' written notice for reasons other than cause. C. The term of the Contract is set forth in the conditions of the agreement. The Contract maybe extended for an additional, equivalent period by the mutual, written consent of the Contractor and Village of North Palm Btach. •