2000-072 Authorizes Note for $860,000 for RefinancingRefinances Fidelity Federal Bank Loan Resolution 1999-24 • R1;:soLUTLON 3-ZOOo A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAOE COUNCIL, OF THE VLId.A(IE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZINQ THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTE OF THB VILLAGE 1N THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF S860,000 TO REFINANCE A PROMISSORY NOTE OF THE VLLLAGB AND TO FINANCE VARIOUS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES; PROVIDING THAT SUCH NOTE SHALL BE A LIMITED OBLIGATION OF THB VILLAGE SECURED BY FRANCHISE FEES AND PUBLIC SERVICE TAXES OF THE VILLAGE; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS, SBCURTI'Y AND REMEDIES FOR THE OWNER OF SUCH NOTE; MAKINO CERTAIN COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION THBREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE RATE. BE IT RY;SOLVED BY THE VILLAOE COUNCIL OF 1'HE VILLAOE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. All only for this Resolution. This Resolution IS adopted pursuant to the provisions of Article VIII, Section 2 of the Conatimdon of the Stato of Florida, Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, the Charter of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, and other applicable provisions of law. Section 2, j~j(igpg. The following words and phrases shall have the following meanings when used luuein: "Act" means Articla VII[. Section 2 and Article VA, Section !2 of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, the Charter of the Issuer, and other applicable provisions of law. 'Busittoss pay" means arty day oxcept aqy Saturday or Sunday or day on which the Principal Office of the Original Ptur:haser is closed. "Clerk' means the duly appointed Village Clerk of the Lssuer, or any duly authorized dopury thereof. 'Code" means the Internal Revemte Code of 1986, as amended, and aqy Treasury Regulations, whether temporary. Proposed or final, promulgated thereunder or applicable thereto. `Issuer" moans the Village of Nonh Palm Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation of the • State of Florida. "Mayor" insane the Mayor of the Issuer, or In his or her absence or inability to act, rho Vice-Mayor of the Issuer. • "Note" means the Note of We Issuer authorized by Section 4 hereof. 'Original Purchaser" means First Union National Bank. "Owner` means the Person or Persons in whose name or names the Note shall be registett;d on the books of the Tssuer kept for that purpose In accordance with provisions of this Resolution. 'Person' tttearu natural persons, &ms, ousts, estates, associations, corporations, partrtetships and public bodies. 'Pledged Ravonues' means (i) ell fees derived by the Issuer from the granting of ftanchlses to provide telephoce std telegraph service, electric ilglu and power facUities and facilities for rho purchase, transmission, distribution and sale of natural gas within the Village (the 'Franchise Fxs7, including, but not lia»ted to, those fees derived pursuant to Resolution No. 5-90 adopted by the Village Council on March 8, 1980, Ordinance No. 1480; enacted by the Village Council on July 24, 1980 and Ordmance No. 11-80, enacted by the Village Council on May 22, 1980 and (ii) all of the proceeds derived by the Tssuor from the imposition of a tax on the purchase of electricity, metered or bottled gas (natural liqu~ed petroleum gas or manufactured), pursuant to the provisions of Section 166.231, Florida Statutes, as amended and aupplomented (the "Public Service Tax's. 'Principal Office" means, with respect to the Original Purchaser, the office located at 1950 West Illllsboro Boulevard, I)cerfield Beach, Florida 33442 or such other office as the Original Purchaser tray deslgttate to the Issuer la writing. 'Project' means various capital expenditures of the Village. "Rafinatuxd Note' means the Promissory Note dated May 18,1999, in the principal amount of 5800,000, tnado by the Issuer. aM payable t4 Fidelity Federal Savings Bank of Florida. `Rcaohuion" means this Resolution, pursuant W which the Note is authorized to be issued, iachtding any Supplemental Resolutions. 'Blatt" meatts the Stau of Florida. "Supplemental Resolution" means any resolution amendatory or supplemental to this Resolution adopted by the Issuer in accordance with Section 9 hereof. Section 3. Reset 'ep to Clinsttmte a Ce tear . In consideration of the purchase and socepwnce of rho Note authorized t0 be issued hereunder by those who at>a11 bo the Owners thereof from titnt to time, this Resolution shall constitute a contract between the Issuer and tite Owners. • Section 4. A3liherization of Nnte. Subject and pursuant to the provisions of this Resolution, an obligation of the Issuer is herby authorized to be issued under aM scatted by this Resolution, in the principal amount of 5860,000, for the purpose of providing fitnds to pay for 2 • the Project and refinance the ltofinartccd Note. Because of the characteristics of the Notc, prevailing market conditions, std additional savings to be realized from an expedldous sale of the Note, it is in the best interest of the Issuer to accept the offer of the OrigitrU Purchaser to purchase the Note at a private negotiated sale. Prior to the issuance of the Note the Issuer shall receive from the Original Purchaser the disclosure statement containing rho lnfotmation required by Section 216.385, Florida Statutes. Seaton 5. Description of Nnte. The Note shall be dated the date of its execution and delivery, which shall be November 13, 2000 unless another data is agreed upon by the Mayor and the Original Purchaser, and chall have such other terms and provisions, including rho interest rate and maturity date, as stated !n the form of Note attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Note is to be in tbo form set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto. The Note shall be executed on behalf of the Issuer with rho tnarntal signature of the Mayor and shall have impressed thereon the official seal of the Issuer, and be attested with the manual signature of the Clerk, and the said Mayor and Clerk arc hereby authorized to execute and anent to the Noto on behalf of the Issuer. Sedlon 6. RSgiStCittinn and I3xrhapgg nfj~[nL: Perc~ns Treated ag •~^ers. The Note is int[ially registered to the Original Purchaser. So long as the Note shall remain unpaid, the Issuer will keep books for the rcgisttatioa and transfer of rho Note. The Note shall be transferable only upon such registration books. The Person in whose name the Note shall be regrstorod shall be deemed and regarded as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes, and payment of principal and interest on the Note shall be made only to or upon the written order of the Owner. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. Section 7. ]?gyment of Pripgj~) and TntPrer*.: Y im~t,Q~ Ohli~atinn, The Issuer promises that it will promptly pay the principal of aM interest on rho Note at the place, on the dates and in the manner provided therein according to the true latent and meaning hereof and thereof. Nota+ithstanding arty other provision hereof, the principal of aM interest on tiro Note shall be sectucd solely by and payable from the Pledged Revenues and the Owner shall have no recourse to any other assets of the Issuer for payment of amounts due on the Noto. The Issuer cavettants that for so long as the Note shall rettutln unpaid, it will not repeal the existing Franchise Feo agreements or modify such agreeanents so as to reduce the rate at which such fees are levied as of this daft or otherwise modiiy such agreements in any manner so as to impair or adversely affect the ability of the Issuer to levy and collect the Franchise Fees, and the Village agrees that It will use iu host efforts to the extent permitted by law to assure that aqy Franchise Fce agreement which expires prior t0 repayment of the Note will be renewed or renegotiated on a basis comparable to the expiring agreement so as to produce the same or a higbei' • level of fees as is obtained under the existing agreement. Further, tiro Issuer covenants that for so long as tiro Note shall remain unpaid, it will contitnre to impose a Public Service Tax, and will not amend or repeal the provisions of the resolutions and/or ordinances of the Issuer that impose • the Public Service Tax as of the date hereof so as to reduce the rate at which the Public Service Tax is collected, or otherwise modify the proceedings of the Issuer relevant to the Public Service Tax in any manner so as to impair or adversely affect the ability of the Issuer to levy and collect the PubUc Service Tax. To the extent permitted by law, the Issuer shall Impose a Public Service Tax at such ran as shall, together with the Franchke Fees collected by the Issuer, be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Nou as the setae shall become due and payable. To the extent permitted by law, the Issuer shall establish Franchise Fees Iri such amounts as shall, together with the Public Service Tax, be sufficient to pay the principal of ant interest on the Note as the same shall become due and payable. Chapur 2000-260, Laws of Florida (the 'Telecommunications Aa') may have repealed the authority of the Issuer to impose franchise fees under Resolution No. 5-90 (Southern Z1eU Telephone and Telegraph), For purposes of applying Secdon 54 of the Telecom+~~nt~9tionc Act to the Issuer, the Issuer shall treat ttte Note a9 if it wen Issued prior to the enactment of the Telccommuaicadons Act and to the extent a like sum of revetute received by the Issuer wou1Q be deemed under the Telecommunicatioas Act to replace the Issuer's franchise fee under Resolution No. 5-90 (Southern BeU telephone and Telegraph) such avenue shall, without further action of the Issuer become part of the Pledged Ravetntes hereunder. The Village wUl not Issue any other obligations or incur any liability payable froth the Pledged Revenues std having a right to paytnern therefrom that is prior to the right to repayment therefrom of the Nou. Fwtltermore, the Issuer will not issue any other obligadons or ituatr any liabiliy payable from the Pledged Revenues unless (i) there is no default with respect to payment of the principal of or interest on the Nou or otherwise hereunder and (ii) one-half of the Pledged Revenues collected by the Issuer during the 24 full months most troceady concluded preceding the dau of issuance of such additional debt or incurrence of such additional Uabiliry shall be at least 1,5 times the maximum amount of principal and inurest or other form of payment scheduled to be made with respect to the Issuer's Promissory Nou dated Match 16, 1999 in the original principal amount of X600,000, the Issuer's Promissory Nou dated January 31, 19971n the original principal amount of I;6,560,000, the Note, any other debt or liability of the Issuer that is sectued by a lien upon or pledge of all or any portion of dte Pledged Revenues and such additional debt or liability during any twelve month period afar the dau of issuance of such additional debt. Section 8. COmDlig~g {inch Tex Re~iromeeu, The Issuer hereby coveatattcs and agrees, for the betufit of the Otvncrs from time to tote of the Nou, to comply with the requirements applicable to h contained in Section 103 and Part N of Subchapur B of Chapur 1 of the Code to the extent necessary to preserve the exclusion of inurost on the Nou from gross inrxune for fedctal income tax purposes, Specifically, without inunding to Ilmit in any way the generality of the forgoing, the issuer covenants and agrees: (1) to refrain from uslog proceeds of the Nou in a tnanaer that would cause tbo Nou to be classified as a prlvau activity bond under Section 141(e) of the Code; and • (2) to refrain from taking any aetioa or omitting to take any action if such action or omission would cause the Note to become an arbitrage bond under Sccdon 103(b) and Section 148 of the Code. 4 • The Issuer ttrdotstands that the forgoing covenants impose continuing obligations on the Issuer to comply with the trgttiromeras of Section 103 and Pan IV of Subchapter B of Chapter 1 of the Code so long as such requirements are applicable. The Issuer reasonably oxpacta that the aggregate face amount of aU tax~xempt bonds (other than private activity bonds) to be issued by it during 2000 will not exceed SS,000,000. There steno entities that issue bonds on behalf of the Issuer nor are there any subordinate etttitirs which issue tax~xetnpt bonds. The Issuer expects that at least BS qb of the proceeds from the sale of the Note not used to refinance the Reflnancert Note will be allocated to capital expenditures within the three year period beginning on rho date of issuance of the Noto sad that the Issuer will within six months incur a substantiai binding obligation to a third-parry to expend at least five percent of rho proceeds of the Note on such capital projects, and that completion of the capital projects will proceed with duo diligence. Section 9. ~. Thfa Resolution shall not be modiiled or amended in any respect subsequent to rite issuance of the Note except witb the written consent of the Owner of the Nok. Section 10. Limitation of Rights. With the exception of any rights heroin expressly conferred, nothing expressed or tttondoned in or to be implied from this Resolution or rho Note is intended or shall be construed to give to any Person other than the Issuer and the Owner any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or with respect to this Resolution or arty covenants, conditions and provisions herein contained; this Resolution and eU of the covenants, condldoas and provisions hereof being intended to be and being Por the sole and exclusive benefit of the Issuer and the Owner. Seaton 11. Note Mutilalgd 1)eatroye~. Stolen pr net III case the Note shall btx:ome mutilated, or be destroyed, stolen or lost, the Issuer shall issue and deliver a now Note of like tenor as the Note so mutUated, destroyed, stoles or lost, in exchange and in substitution for such mutilated Note, or in lieu of and in substitution for the Note destroyed, stolen or lost and upon the Owner furnishing the Issuer proof of ownership thereof and lndetnnity reasonably satisfactory to the Issuer and complying with such other reasonable reguladonc std conditions as tbo Issuer may prescn'ba and paying such expanses as the Issuer may Incur. The Noto so surrendered shall be cancelled. Section 12. jm~~nc of Cgptract. The Issuer covenants with the Owner of tt-o Note chat it will not, without the written consent of the Owner of the Note, enact any ordittsnce or resolution which repeals, impairs or amends in any manner adverse to rho Owner the righu granted to the Owner of the Note hereunder. Section 13. Budget a FinanciAl Information. The Issues will eauso an 8udh to bo cot»pleted of its books and accotints sad shall famish to the Owner of the Note audited year~Ad financial statements of rho Issuer txrdfied by an Udependem certified public accountatu acceptable to rho Owner to the effect that such audit has boon conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and stating whether such financial statements present fairly in all • material respects the financial position of the Issuer std the results of its operations end cash flows for rho periods covered by the audit report, all in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis. The Issuer shall adopt an amtual budget as required by • law. The Issuer shall provide the Owner of the Nore witlt (i) a copy of its anmral oporating budgot for each fiscal year coding after September 30, 2000 and any capital improvement plan ("CIP") promptly (but no later than 60 days) after it is adopted, In the case of the budget or prepatt:d, in the csso of sny CIP, and pq hs audited financial statements for each fiscal yaer ondiug on and after September 30, 2000 promptly upon the same becoming avat7abk and in all events within 180 days after the end thereof atxompanicd by s wrti5cato signed by sa authorized officer of the Issuer stating whether the Issuer is in compliance with ell repreaeatations, warranties and covenants of the Issuer in this Resohnion, in rho Nou and in the Loan Agreements, and if not, identifying the aaturo of such non~ompliattce. Tha Issuer haroby covenants that it shall promptly give wtittan oodce to Ute Owner of the Note of aryy lidgatioa or proceeding which if detetmiaed adversely to the Issuer would adversely affect the securiry for the payment of Ute Noto. Section 14. Remedies of Noteholder. Sbottld the Issuer default in airy obligation created by this Resolution or the Note, the Owner of the Note may, in addition to aqy other ramedios set forth in this Resolution or the Note, either at law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus or other proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction, Protect and enforce any and all rights under the laws of the State of 1?lorida, or granted or contained in this Resolution, and may enforce sad compel the performance of al! duties required by this Resolution, or by any applicable statutes to be perfortnod by the Issuer or by any officer thereof. Section 1S. ~yr,~jljly. If airy provision of thin Resolution shall be held or deemed to be or shall, in fact, be illegal, inoperative or unenforceable in any context, rho setae shall not affect any other provision herein or render any other provision (or such provision in any other context) invalid, inoperative or unenforceable to any extent whatever. Section 16. Business Days. In aqy csso where the due date of intarost on or principal of the Note is not a Business Aay, then payment of principal of interest need not be made on such dale but may ba made on the text succeeding Business Aay, provided that credit for payments made shall not be given until the paymen is actually received by rho Owner. Betties 17. Appij@gbte Provisions of Iaw. This Resolution shall be governed by and wttsrnted In accordance with the laws of the State. Section 18. Rutes of Itst~preratinn. Unless axprassly Indicated otherwise, references to sections or articles are to be construed as refetetues to sections or attkks of this iasttutnent as originally executed. Use of the words "heroin," "hereby," 'hereunder, • 'het+eof," "heroittbofore, • "hereinafter" std other eguivalem words rafor to Utls Resolution and not solely to the particular portion is which any such word is used. Section 19. !. The captions std headings in this Resolution are for convenience only and in no way define, limit or describe tl18 scope or intent of any provisions or sections of this Resolution. • SeCtlen 20. Affioers and Rmnleyees of tl+e~ Lanier RYemmt Pmm perannnt L,inbiNty. NO recourse under or upon airy obligation, covenant or agreement of this Resolution or the Note or 6 • for arwy claim based thereon os otherwise in respect thereof, shall ba had against any member of the Village Council of the Issuer, or any officer, agent or employee, as such, of the Issuer past, present or future, it being expressly understood (a) that im personal UabUIry whatsoever shall attach to, or is or shall be incurred by, the members of the Village CouncU of the Issuer, or the officers, agents, or employees, as such, of the Issuer, or eay of them, under or by reason of the obligations, covenants or agreements contained in this Resolution or IatpNed therefrom, and (b) that any and all such personal IiabiUty, of, sad say and all sash rights and claims against, every such member of the Village Council of the Issuer, and every officer, agent, or employee, as such, of the Issuer under or by reason of the obligations, covenants or agreements contained In this Resolution, or implied therefrom, ate waived and released as a condition of, and as a considetatIon for, the execution of this Resolution and the issuance of the Note on the part of the Issuer. Serxloa 21. gythnri~AriotL. The Mayor and any member of the Village CowicA, and such other officia4s and employees of the Issuer es may be designated by the Mayot ate each designated as agents of the Iscuor in connection with the issuance and delivery of the Note atb are authorized and empowered, collectively or individually, to take all action and steps and to execute all instruments, documents, and contracts on behalf of the Issuer that are necessary or desirable in connection with the execution and delivery of rho Note, and which are specifically authorized or are not inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Resolution. Section 22. Section 2 5 Designation Note. The reasonably anticipated amount of tax-sxcmpt obligations (other than obligations described in Clause (ii) of Secrlon 265(b)(3)(C) of the Code) which have been or will be issued by the Issuer during 2000 does not exceed X30,000,000. There are no entitles which are subordinate to or which issue obflgations on behalf of the Issuer. The Issuer hereby designates the Note as a 'qualified tax-exempt obligation' for purposes of Section 265(b)(3)(>1)(i) of the Cade. The Issuer hereby covenants and agrees not to take any action or to fail to take any action if such action or failure would cause the Note to no longer be a "qualified tax-exempt obligation.' Section 23. )?~~. All resolutions or parts thereof is confUct herewith aro hereby repealed. Section 24. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTID THIS 9TH DAY OF NOVEMB ~. ~~ MAY EST: • ~ GE CLERK C~~ (3:1067A8\169~Reaolu[ion(3).wpd 7