2000-069 Interlocal Agreement for School Concurrency• RESOLUTION 69-2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN PALM BEACH COUNTY, VARIOUS MUNICIPALITIES OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY TO ESTABLISH PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY, WHICH AGREEMENT IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section I. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County, various municipalities of Palm Beach County and the School District of Palm Beach County attached as Exhibit "A", which Agreement is for the purpose of establishing public school concunency. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Interlocal Agreement as set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2000. (Village Seal) MAYOR • ATI'I;ST: C'~7~ `~ VILLAGE CLERK ~ ~ 1 ~ • ., R2ooo osos z~ PALM BEACH COUNTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT with MUNICIPALITIES OF PALM BEACH COUNTY and THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY To Establish PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY qA ~I~~I~ • TABLE OF CONTENTS I. DEFINI'T'IONS ........................................................5 II. SCHOOL CONCURRENCY OVERVIEW ................................ 10 A. Agrcement to Establish School Concurrency ......................... 10 B. Requited Concurrency Elements ...................................11 C. Specific Responsibilities of the Parties ............................... 12 IH. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ...........:.......................... 14 A. School District's Five-Year Capital Faculties Plan .................... 14 B. Ten and Twenty Year Work Program ............................... 16 C. Transmittal ................................................ ....17 D. TAG Review ....................................................17 E. Final Adoption ..................................................18 F. Material Amendment to the School District's Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan ...........................................................18 G. Amend Comprehensive Plan ....................................... 19 IV. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS .............................. 19 A. Process for Development and Adoption of Capital Improvements Element ........................................................19 B. Process for Development, Adoption and Amendment of the Public School • Facilities Element (PSFE) ......................................... 20 _ii_ C. Intergovernmental Coordination Element ........................... 21 • V VI. SCHO OL CONCURRENCY PROGRAM ................................. 21 A. Commencement of School Concurrency Program ..................... 21 B. Concurrency Service Areas ....................................:...21 C Level of Service (LOS) ............................................ 23 . D. Exemptions .....................................................25 E. Local Concurnncy Implementing Ordinance ........................ 26 F. School District Review of New Residential Development Proposals ....... 27 G Term of School Coacurnncy ...................................... 35 . ....... 35 H. Suspension of Concurnncy ................................. MONI'TORING .......................................................37 A. Establishment of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) ................ 37 B. Purpose of the TAG .............................................. 37 C. Membership ofthe TAG ..........................................38 D. Terms of Membership .......................... . ................. 39 E. Election of Chair sad Organization Meeting ..................:...... 39 F. Quorum and Voting ............................................... 39 G. Meetings open to the public ..............:........................ 40 40 H. Compensation ................................................... I. Staff Support for the TAG ........................................ 40 J. .Management Reports .............................................41 K. Enrollment Reports ..................:... ....................41 • -iii- L. Monitoring Reports ...............................:..............41 M: Program Evaluation Report .......................................42 N Conflict of Interest .............:.................................43 VII. "MEDIATION OF DISPUTES ........................................... 44 VIII. COORDINATED PLANNING ........................................... 45 c A. The Coordination of Planning and Sharing of Information ............. 45 B. Population Projections ............................................46 C. Local Government Data Collection ................................. 47 D. School District Data Publication .................................... 48 E. Multiplier Publication ............................................48 F. Proposals for Development, Redevelopment snd Infrastructure required to Support Public School Facilities .................................... 48 G. School Siting ....................................................49 H. Scbool District Review of Future Land Use Element Plan Amendments ... 54 IX. SPECIAL PROVISIONS ............................................... 55 A. School District Requirements ...................................... 55 B. Land Use Authority ..............................................56 C. Specific Performance .............................................57 X. ACTS OF GOD AND OTHER EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE SCHOOL BOARD .................................. 57 • X. STANDING AND THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY RIGHTS ................ 58 XI. AMENDMENT, WITHDRAWAL AND TERMINATION .................... 58 -iv- A. Amending the Agreement .........................................58 • B. Withdrawal from Agreement ...................................... 58 C. Additional Participants ........................................... 59 D. Termination of Agreement ....................................... 59 . XIII. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT ......................................... 59 XIV: INDEMNIFICATION OF PARTIES ..................................... 59 :: A. Hold Harmless ..................................................59 B. Third Party Claims ..............................................60 XV. MULTIPLE ORIGINALS .• ............................................. 60 XVI. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT .........................:........ 61 A. Effective Immediately ................~........................... 61 B. Nullification of Agreement ........................................ 61 . - .:. _ . ~a, .. .. . . 'r= • 'V' • EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A - Comprehensive Pian Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement, October, 1993 ~J EXHIBIT B - Implementing Ordinance Elements EXHIBTT C - Participation Agreement EXHIBIT D - Student Generation Multiplier Table EXHIBIT E - Projected Units Table H:IDATA\WPSI\DOCICONCRNCIISECI'fONUNTERLOGULASIAMD606C.WPD.71 pp _yj_ R2000 0808,~N_6iooo PALM BEACH COUNTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT with THE MUNICIPALITIES OF PALM BEACH COUNTY and THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY To Establish PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY An Interlocal Agreement between PALM BEACH COUNTY (hereafter refemd to as the "COUNTY"), operating through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; those municipalities who have exocuted this Agreement (hereafter referrod to singly as "MUNICIPALITY" or collectively as "MUNICIPALITIES"); and The SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (hereafter referred to as the "SCHOOL DISTRICT"), operating through the SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY (hereafter referred to as the "SCHOOL BOARD"): WI~REAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, enables local governments to cooperate with other local governments and public agencies, including school districts, to provide services and facilities on a basis of mutual advantage, and to enter into an Interlecal Agreement; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, the MUNICIPALITIES and the SCHOOL DISTRICT have determined that the safe, convenient, orderly and adequate provision of public school facilities is essential to the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Palm Beach County; and • Page 1 of 71 • H ~ ., i, WHEREAS, in order to provide adequate public school facilities in a timely manner and at appropriate locations, the COUNTY, the MUNICIPALITIES and SCHOOL DISTRICT have further determined that it is necessary and appropriate for the entities to cooperate with each other to eliminate the current deficit of permanent student stations, sad to provide capacity for projected new growth; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, the MUNICIPALTI'IBS, end the SCHOOLDISTRICTrocogaiu that adequate revenue sources must be available to provide for the needod increase in permanent student stations; and WHEREAS, the Local Goverrunent Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act requires the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES to adopt comprehensive plans to guide and control future development; and WHEREAS, Article IX, Sections 1 and 4 of the Florida Constitution require a uniform system of free public schools oa a oorwty-wide basis, and provide that each county shall constitute a SCHOOL DISTRICT subject to supervision by the State Board of Education as provided by general law; and WHEREAS, Sections 235.193 and 235.(94, Florida Statutes, require the coordination of planning between school districts and local governments to ensure that the pleas for the constrttction and opening of public educational facilities are coordirtated in time and place with plans for residential development; and • Page 2 of 71 WHEREAS, Section 235.193, Florida Statutes, requires the general location of educational facilities to be consistent with the COUNTY'S and the MUNICIPALITIES' Comprehensive Plans; and WHEREAS, Sectiot1235.193, Florida Statutes, requires the SCHOOL DISTRICT to submit plans for public educational facilities to the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITTFS and requires each local jurisdiction to determine the consistency of the plans with the effective Comprehensive Plan and applicable land development regulations; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3177(6)(h), Florida Statutes, requires the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES to coordirate the adopted local comprehensive plans with each other and the plans of the SCHOOL DISTRICT; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3180(13), Florida Statutes, authorizes the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES to adopt a school concurrency program; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3180(13)(g), Florida Statutes, requires that prior to establishing a school conctutertcy program, the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALTI'IF.S and the SCHOOL BOARD adopt an interlocal agreement (hereafter referred to as the "AGREEMENT? for school concurrency to satisfy Section163.3180 (12)(g)1,Florida Statutes, which will: establish a process by which they shall agree and base their plans on consistent population projections; coordinate and share information relating to existing and planned public school facilities, projections and proposals for development, and infrastructure required for public school facilities; establish a planning process • that encourages the location of public schools proximate to urban residential areas and the Page 3 of 71 • collocation of schools with other public facilities to the extent possible; jointly establish level of service standards for public schools; establish a process for the preparation, amendment and joint approval of a financially feasible public school capital facilities program; define the geographic application of ooncarrreacy; establish criteria and standards for the establishment and modification of school conattrency service areas and incorporate the criteria and standards into the COUNTY and MUNICIPALTT[FS comprehensive plans: establish a uniform district wide procedure for implementing the school conctrrrency program that provides for the evaluation of development applications for compliance with school conctrrrency requirements; provide an opportunity for the SCHOOL DISTRICT to review and comment on the effect of comprehensive plan amendments and rezonings on the public school facilities plan; and provide for the monitoring and evaluation of the concurrency program. The AGREEMENT shall also provide procedures for its amendment, suspension, and termination. WHEREAS, the COUNTY, the MLINICIPALTCIES and the SCHOOL DISTRICT pursuant to their various statutory responsibilities and powers, desire to establish joint procedures to establish and implement school ooncrurency; and WHEREAS, the COUN'T'Y and MLTNICIPA~.ITIES, also known as the LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, are entering into this AGREEMENT in reliance on the SCHOOL BOARD'S commitment to prepare, adopt and;implemeat a financially feasible capital facilities program that will result in all schools of each type in each CSA and each individual school operating at the. adopted level of service consistent with the timing specified in the SCHOOL D[STRICT's Five- • Page 4 of 71 • Year Capital Facilities Plan, and the:SCHOOL BOARD'S fuRlter commitment to update and adopt the plan yeazly to add enough capacity in the new fiRh year to address projected growth and to adjust the plan in order to maintain the adopted Icvel of service and to attain maximum utilization of school capacity p»suant to Soction 163.3180 (13xc)2., Florida Statutes; and R~RF.AS, the SCHOOL DISTRICT opaating through the SCHOOL BOARD, is entering into this AGREEMENT in reliance on the COUNTY'S sad MIJAIICIPALITiES' commitment to adopt ameadmarts to their local comprehensive plans to impose school concurrency as provided in Section 163.3180 (13), Florida Statutes; and NOW, THEREFORE, in order to accomplish these goals and purposes, and in consideration of the mutual obligations and benefits the COUNTY, the MUNICIPALITIES and the SCHOOL DISTRICT (hereinafter referred ro collectively as "PARTIES" hereby enter into this AGREEMENT. I. DEFIIVITIONS Capacity Projects -New school construction or nay project that adds necessary improvemarts to accommodate additional permanart studart stations or core facilities needed for the educational program of each type of school based on the requirements of State Requirements for Educational Facilities.(SREF). Consistency -The condition of not being in conflict with and in furtherance of the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan Elemarts and this AGREEMENT. • Page 5 of 71 u Concurrency Service Area (CSA) -The specific geographic unit within a SCHOOL DISTRICT is which school concurrency is applied and measured. Concurrency Service Area Level of Service Standards -The maximum acceptable percentage of school utilization as established in Section V. (C2.) below determined by dividing the total number of sdxteats for all schools of each type is each CSA by the total mrmber of pemtanent student stations for that type of school in each CSA. Core Facilities -tire media center, cafeteria, toilet facilities, and circulation space of an educational plant. Development Order - As defined in Section 163.3164(7), Florida Statutes. Educational Fadlitles -The buildings and equipment, structures, and special educational use areas that are built, installed, or established to serve educational purposes only. Financially Feasible Facilities Plan - A plan which demonstrates the ability to finance capital improvements from existing revenue sources and funding mxhanisms to correct deficiencies and mcet future needs based on achieving and maintaining the adopted Level of Service for each year of the five (5) year planning period for all schools of each type in each CSA and`each individual school, and for the long range planning period. Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) -The report of the capacity of existing facilities. The FISH capacity is the number of students that may be housed in a facility (school) at any given time based on using a percentage of the number of existing satisfactory student stations and a designated size for each program. In Palm Beach County, permanent capacity does not include • Page 6 of 71 • the use of relocatables unless they mcet the standards for long term use pursuant to Section 235.061, Florida Statutes. Inter Governmental Plan Amendment Review Committee (1PARC) -The interlocal committee, established throttgh the "Compt+ehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement, "dated October 1. 1993. which coordinates comprehensive plan amendment review. League of Cities -Palm Beach County League of Cities, Inc. Anot-for-profit corporation established to promote and advance the collective interest of municipalities of Palm Beach County, Florida. Level of Service (LOS) -The measure of the utilization, expressed as a percentage, which is the result of comparing the number of students with the satisfactory student stations (FISH capacity) at a given location or within a designated area (i.e., a CSA), e.g., a facility with 1000 students and a FISH capacity of 970, has a LOS of 103%. Also referred to as the utilization of a facility. Local Governments -Palm Beach County and the MUNICIPALITIES. Maztmum Utilization of Capacity - Utilization of facilities to ensure the adopted LOS for all schools of each type in each CSA and each individual school is not exceeded. Municipalities -All municipalities in Palm Beach County, except those that are exempt from participating in the school concurrency program, pursuant to Section 163.3180, Florida Statutes. • Page 7 of 71 • Permanent Student Station -The floor area in a public school facility required to house a student in an instructional program. Proposed New Residential Development -Any application for residential development or amendment to a previously approved tesidential development that ins the number of housing units. This shall include arty roquest for any approval of the type that establishes•e density of development and which approves a Site Specific Development Order on a specific parcel ofpropeaty. Regntred Modernhationa - A comprehensive upgrading of schools to `like new'school standards. This requires a comprehensive evaluation of schools which are 35 years old or older for a determination of the aecd for rehabilitation, remodeling or replacement of the facility. Residential Development -Any development that is comprised in whole, or part, of dwelluig units for permanent human habitation. School Board -The governing body of the SCHOOL DISTRICT, a body corporate pursuant to Section 230.21, Florida Statutes. School District -The district for Palm Beach County created and existing pursuant to Section 4, Article IX of the State Constitution. School District Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan -The SCHOOL DISTRICT of Palm Beach County Five-Year Work Plan and Capital Budget as authorized by Section 235.185 Florida Statutes. - • Page 8 of 71 • School District of Palm Beach County Siz Year Capital Improvement Schedule - A Table of expenditures and revenues detailutg how the School District shall achieve and maintain the Level of Service for public school facilities. Site Specific Development Order - A Development Order issued by a Local Governmwt which establishes the density, or maximum .density, and which approves a specific plan of development on a lot or lots pursuant to an application by or oa behalf of an owner or contract purchaser, or initiated by a Local Government It may apply to a lot or lots under single ownership or a group of lots under separate ownership. It shall apply to all parcels or lots in theirtntirety taken together of any subdivision. It includes site specific rezonirrgs, special exceptions, conditional uses, special Permits. master P~ aPPro~. site plan approvals. Plat approvals, building Permits, and any "Development of Regional Impact" as defined in Section 380.06, F.S. It may or may not authorize the actual commencement of development Two (2) or more Development Orders which individually do not constitute a Site Specific Development Order shall be considered a Site Specific Development Order if when taken together they meet the defurition of Site Specific Development Order. Type of School - Schools in the same categories of education, i.e. elementary, middle or high school • Page 9 of 71 u II. SCHOOL CONCURRENCY OVERVIEW A. Agreement to Establish School Concureency 1: The PARTIES desire to establish a public school concurrency system consistent with the requirements of Section 163.3180, Florida Statutes. 2. The PARTIES agree that the timely delivery of adequate.ptrblic school facilities at the adopted level of service requires close coordination among the PARTIES at both the land use planning and residential development permitting levels. Furthtr, the PARTIF-S agrx that new school facilities should be planned for and provided in proximity to those areas Planned for residential development or redevelopment. Accordingly. to implement an effective school concurrency system that will ensure that the oonstntetion and opening of public educational facilities are coordinated in time and place with residential development concurrently with other necessary services, the PARTIES agree that the SCHOOL DISTRICT must be afforded the opportunity to review and provide timely findings and recommendations to the COUNTY and the MUMCIPALITIES on proposed amendments to their respective Comprehensive Plans and on all applications for development orders which will have an impact on school capacity and the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan. The PARTIES agree that in order to provide future public school facilities in a timely manner at appropriate locations, residential development orders issued by the COUNTY and by each MUNICIPALITY shall be issued and conditioned upon the availability of public school facilities at the level of service specified in this AGREEMENT concurrent with the impact of such • Page 10 of 71 • development. A determination that school capacity is available before issuance of a development order, consistent with the level of service standard, hereafter referred to as "concurrency", shall be based upon the adoption of a Public School Facilities Element into the COUNTY's and MiJNICIPALTfIFS' comprehensive plans that is consistent with the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five- Year Capital Facilities Plan and which shall be implementod by an implementing ordinance adopted by each local government party consistent with Section V. E. below. B. Required Concurrency Elements Comprehensive Plan Amendments -Within one year of this agreement becoming effective, .the LOCAL GOVERNMENTS agree to adopt the following comprehensive plan amendments which shall be consistent with each other as required in Section 163.3180, Florida Statutes: 1. Amend its comprehensive plan to add a Public Schools Facilities Element (PSFE) consistent with the requirements of Section 163.3180, Florida Statutes, and this AGREEMENT. 2. Amend its Intergovemmental Coordination Element as required by Section 163.3177(~(h)1. and 2., Florida Statutes, and this AGREEMENT. 3. Incorporate "The SCHOOL DISTRICT of Palm Beach County Six Year Capital Improvement Schedule" which is in the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S FivaYear Capital Facilities Plan into its adopted Capital Improvement Element and update that Schedule consistent with the • updated and adopted SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan in order to set forth Page l l of 71 • a financially feasible public school capital facilities plan, consistent with the adopted Level of Service Standards for public schools. C. SpeciTic Responsibilities of the Parties 1. When the comprehensive plan amendments adopted in accordance with Section II.B become effective, the COUNTY AND MUNICIPALITIES agree to undertake the following activities: (a) Unless electing to be bound by the COUNTY implementing ordimnce, each MUNICIPALITY shall adopt as implementing ordinance consistent with the time frame in Section V.E.1. and the requirements of the basic framework contained in Ex}nbit B, the requirements of this AGREEMENT, and the LOCAL GOVERNMENT comprehensive plan. (b) Once the School Coacumency Program commences, not issue any site specific development orders for new residential units until the SCHOOL DISTRICT has reported that there is school capacity available to serve the development being approved consistent with the requirements of this AGREEMENT. (c) Coordinate planning with the SCHOOL DISTRICT regardirtg population projections, school siting, projections of development and redevelopment for the coming year, infiastructwe required to support public school facilities, and amendments to future land use plan elements consistent with the requirements of this AGREEMENT. 2. By entering into this Interlocal AGREEMENT. the SCHOOL DISTRICT agrees to undertake the following activities: ~J Page 12 of 71 • (a) Prepare and update yearly a financially feasible Fiva-Year Capital Facilities Plan containing enough ty each year to meet projected growth is demand for student stations so that al! schools of each type in each Coneturency Setvioe Atea and each individual school does not exceed the adopted level of service for each year, consistent with the requirements of this AGREEMENT. (b) Institute program and/or boundary adjustments as necessary to maximize utilization of capacity is order to ensure that all schools of each type in each Conctarency Service Area and each individual school operate at the adopted level of service, consistent with the requirements of this AGREEMENT. (c) Implement the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan by constructing the capacity enhancing and modernization projects in that program consistent with the timing specified in the program. (d) Provide the COUNTY and MUMCIPALITIES with the required data and analysis updated annually to support the comprehensive plan elements and any amendments relating to school concurrency. (e) Adopt a ten and twenty year work program consistent with the requirements of this AGREEMENT. (f) Maintain and publish data required in Section VIII for the review of proposed new residential development. • Page 13 of 71 u (g) -Review applications for proposed new residential developments~for compliance with concu[rency standards, consistent with the requirements of this AGREI3MSNT. (h) Review mitigation proposals consistent with the roquirements of this AGREEMENT. (i) Prepare reports on enrollment and capacity, consistent with the requirements of this AGREFdvIENT. (j) ProvidesecrrtatialstaffsupPortformeetingoftheToclmicalAdvisory Group and all other District generated reports established by this AGREEMENT. • (k) Coordinate planning with the COUNTY and MUNICIPALITIES regarding population projections, school siting, projections of development and redevelopment for the coming year, infrastructure required to support public school facilities, and ameadmeots to future land use plan elements consistent with the requirements of this AGREEMENT. III : CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN A. School District's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan On or before September 15 of each year, the SCHOOL BOARD shall adopt; and update the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan for public schools in Palm Beach County. • Page 14 of 71 u 2. The SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan shall specify all new construction, remodeling or renovation projects which will add permanent FISH capacity or modernize existing facilities. 3. The SCHOOL DISTRICT Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan shall constitute a 5nancially feasible program of school oonstnrc~tion for a five (5) year period which adds sufficient FISH capacity to achieve and maintain the adopted LOS yearly for all schools of each type in each concurrency service area and each iadividtral school based on projected increases in enrollment; which provides for required modernization; and which satisfies the SCHOOL ~ISTRICT's constitutjonal obligation to provide a uniform system of free public schools on a county-wide basis. 4. The SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan and each annual update shall include a description of each school project, the amount of money to be spent in each fiscal yeaz for the planning, preparation, land acgttisition, and actual construction and renovation of each school project which adds FISH capacity or modernizes existing facilities; the amount of FISH capacity added, if any; and a generalized location map for schools depicted in the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Yeaz Capital Facilities Plan which will be built within each CSA consistent with the SCHOOL DISTRICT's current Educational Punt Survey and with the Future Land Use Elements of each MUNICIPALITY's Comprehensive Plan and the COUNTY's Comprehensive Plan. 5. Upon achieving the adopted Level of Service, the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall maintain the adopted Level of Service standards and ensure that school capacity shall be utilized to • the maximum extent possible District-wide. When preparing the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five-Yeaz Page 15 of 71 Capital Facilities Plan, the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall annually institute necessary program and/or boundary adjustments or provide additional capaclty to ensure that all schools of each type in each CSA and each individual school will operate at the adopted level of service (I.OS) throughout the Five yeaz period. 6. The SCHOOL DISTRICT"s Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan and each annual updau shall identify the projected enrollment, capacity and utilization percentage of all schools of each type for each CSA and each individual school for each year of the Plan. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall annually update the CSA Tables and "The SCHOOL DISTRICT df Palm Beach County Six Year Capital Improvement Schodule" when updating the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Fivo- Year Capital Facilities Plan 7. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall initiate the necessary program and/or boundary adjustments to n;flect the new capacity for the schools that are scheduled to be coastructod and opened for each year of the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan. These adjustments shall be .consistent with the data and analysis provided in the CSA Tables of the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan. B. Ten and Twe6ty Year Work Program. In addition to the adopted SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan, the SCHOOL DIST)tIC'i' shall annually adopt a ten year and a twenty year work plan based upon enrollment projections and facility needs for the ten year and twenty year period. It is recognized • Page 16 of 71 that the projections in the ten and twenty year time frames are tentative and should be used only for general planning purposes. C. TransmlttaL The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall transmit copies of the proposed SCHOOL DISTRICT Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan along with date and analysis necessary to demonstrate the linancia! feasibility of the Program, to the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), the MUNICIPALITIES and COUNTY on or before May 31 of each year commencing after the effective date of this AGREEMENT. D. TAG Review 1. By June 30 of each year, the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) established in Section VI of this agreement shall review the proposod SCHOOL DISTRICT Five-Year Capital Facilities Program and report to the SCHOOL BOARD, the COUNTY, and the MUNICIPALITIES on whether or not the proposed SCHOOL DISTRICT's Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan maintains the adopted Level of Service by adding enough projects to increase the FISH capacity to eliminate any permanent student station shortfalls; by including required modernization of existing facilities; and by providing permanent student stations for the projected growth in enrollment over each of the five (5) years covered by the Plan. • Page 17 of 71 • E. Final Adoption. Unless it is delayed by mediation or a lawful challenge, the SCHOOL BOARD shall adopt the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan and it shall become effective no later than September 15th of each year. F. Material Amendment to the School Dishict's Fivo-Year Capibrl`Fatdlitles Plaa. The SCHOOL BOARD shall not amend the SCHOOL DISTRICT Capital Facilities Program so as to modify, delay or delete any project is the Erst three (3) years of the program unless the SCHOOL BOARD determines by written Endings, with the conctutence of at least five Board members: (a) That the modification, delay or deletion of a project is required in order to meet the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S constitutional obligation to provide acounty-wide uniform system of free public schools or other legal obligations imposed by state or.federal law; or (b) Thai the modification, delay or deletion of a project is occasioned by unanticipated change in population projoctions or growth patterns or is required in order to provide needed capacity in a location that has a current greater need than the originally plannod location and does not cause the adopted LOS to be excxded in the CSA from which the originally planned project is modified, delayed or deleted. G. Amend Comprehensive Pian Once the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan, the annual update, or any material amendment has been adopted by the SCHOOL BOARD, the COUNTY and • Page 18 of 71 • MUNICIPALITIES shall amend "The SCHOOL DISTRICT of Palm Beach County Six Yeaz Capital Improvement Schedule" of the Capital Improvement Element of their Comprehensive Plans to include the changes in their next round of amendments. 1V: ~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS A. Process for Development and Adoption of Capital Improvements Element 1. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall prepare and the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES shall adopt into the Capital Improvements Element of their compi+ehensive plan "The SCHOOL DISTRICT of Palm Beach County Six Year Capital Improvement Schedule"of the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan set forth in Section III, in this AGREEMENT. 2. The COUNTY -and MUNICIPALITIES, by adopting "The SCHOOL DISTRICT of Palm Beach County Six Year Capital Improvement Schedule" in the Capital Improvements Element of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT's Comprehensive Plan, shall have no obligation nor responsibility for funding the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Yeaz Capital Facilities Plan. 3. The procedures for the annual update and amendment of the local government's public school capital facilities program in its Capital Improvements Element is set forth in Section I[[ of this AGREEMENT. r 1 LJ Page 19 ~of 71 • $. Process for Development, Adoption and Amendment of the Public School Facilities Element (PSFE). The COUNTY and MUNICIPALITIES shall adopt a Public School Facilities Elemeat which is consistent with this AGREEMENT and Rule 9J-5.025, F.A.C. The COUNTY aad MUNICIPALITIES shall notify TAG when this element is adopted and when the element becomes effective. 2. In the event it becomes nooessary to amead the PSFE, prior to transmitting the amendment to the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, the local government wishing to initiate an amendment shall request review through the Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committee (IPARC) in accordance with the "Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review" Interlocal Agreement dated October 1, 1993, attached as Exhibit A to this AGREEMENT. The IPARC Clearinghouse shall be responsible for distributing the amendment to all PARTIES to this AGREEMENT that are participants in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Intalocal Agreement for review and comment. (a) If ali local governments agree to the amendment, they shall adopt the amendment in accordance with the statutory procedures for amending comprehensive plans. (b) If any local government does not agree to the amendment, and the issues canhot be resolved between or among the PARTIES, the issue shall be referred to mediation • Page 20 of 71 • in acxordance with Section V II of this agreement. In such a case, the PARTIES, agroe not to adopt the amendment until the mediation process is completed. 3. Any local issues not specifically required by Statute or Rule in the Public School Facilities Element may be included or modified in the Local Govemmcnt Public School Facilities Element by following the normal Comprehensive Plan amendment process. C. Intergovernmental Coordination Element The process for the development, adoption, and amendment of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element shall be that set forth in Section 163.3184, Flotida Statutes. V. SCHOOL CONCURRENCY PROGRAM A. Commencement of School Concurrency Program The School Concurrency Program described in this Article shall commence ninety (90) days after the effective date of the last r+oquirod LOCAL GOVERNMENT comprehensrve Plan elements required for school Concurrency. B. Concurrency Service Areas. 1. The PARTIES hereby agree that School Concurrency shall be measured and applied on the basis of twenty-one (21) Concurrency Service Areas (GSA's) as described in the Public School Facilities Element. • Page 21 of 71 • 2. The COUNTY and MUNICIPALITIES agree to incorporate and adopt these CSA's and the standards for the modification of the CSA's as established below into the local government comprehensive plans. 3. Any PARTY may propose a. change to the CSA boundaries. Prior to adopting any change, the SCHOOL DISTRICT verify as a result of the change that: (a) Adopted level of service standards will be achieved and maintained for each year of the five year planning period; and (b) The utilization of school capacity is maximized to the greatest extent possible. taking into account transportation costs, court approved desegregation plans and other relevant factors. 4. The PARTIES shall observe the following process for modifying CSA's. (e) At such time as the SCHOOL DISTRICT detemtines that the change is appropriate considering the above standards, they shall transmit the proposed CSA's and data and analysis to support the changes to the MUNICIPALi1'IFS, to the COUNTY and to TAG. (b) COUNTY, MUNICIPALITIES and TAG shall review the proposed amendment and send their comments to the SCHOOL BOARD within 60 days of receipt. (c) . In the event there is no objection, the local governments shall amend .: z: their plans to reflect the changes to the CSA boundaries in their next amendment round. (d) The change to the CSA boundary shall become effective on the effective date of the last local government plan amendment adopting the change. • Page 22 of 71 n U C. Level of Service (LOS) To ensure the capacity of schools is sufficient to support student growth at the adopted level of service for each year of the five year platutittg period and through the long term planning period, for each CSA, the PARTIES hereby establish the LOS as set forth below. The actual LOS (utilization) for all schools of each type in each CSA and each individual school shall be establishod each year by the first student count of the second semester. 1. Tiered Levels of Service shall be in force pursuant to the Tiered Level of Service Table is the Public School Facilities Element until August 1, 2004. Individual schools of each type may excced the Tiered LOS during the period in which Tiered LOS are in effect, provided that the CSA's Tiered LOS is not exceeded. However, each individual school's LOS which exceeds the Tiered LOS, during the time that the Tiered LOS is in effect, shall not exceed the utilization standards for that school type as shown in the Maximum Utilization Table of the Public School Facilities Element. During the time that the Tiered Level of Service Standard is in effect, the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall initiate necessary program and/or boundary adjustments so that the tiered LOS is not exceeded in each CSA. 2. After August 1, 2004, the following level of service (LOS) standards shall be established for all schools of each type within each CSA and each individual school: (a) 110 percent of capacity (utilization) as determined by the Florida [nventory'of School Houses (FISH); or Page 23 of 71 • (b) Up to 120 percent of FISH capacity (utilization/I,OS) (tcst two), for individual schools subject to the results of School Capacity Study (SCS) undertaken by TAG, in consultation with all LOCAL GOVERNMENTS having jurisdiction within the CSA and the SCHOOL DISTRICT, to determine if a particular school can operate in excess of 110% capacity. . The SCS shall be roquired if a school in the Iirst student count of the second semester reaches 108 percent or above of FISH capacity, ortx the Level of Service in V. B.2. above is achieved. 3. The School Capacity Study (SCS) shall determine if the growth rate within each CSA, causing a particular school to exceed 110 percent of capacity, is temporaryvr reflects an ongoing trend affecting the LOS for the Five year planning period. At a minimum, the study shall consider: (a) Demographics in the school's CSA; and (b) Student population trends; and (c) Real estate treads, e.g. existing redevelopment and ,new redevelopment; and (d) Teacher/student ratios; and (e) Core facility capacity. If the SCS concludes that the school can operau within the FISH guidelines and not exceed 120% LOS (utilization), then that school shall be consider~od to be operating within the adopted LOS and the CSA Level of Service shall be amended and the local government comprehensive plans shall be amended in the next round of amendments to reflect this additional capacity. • Page 24 of 71 C~ 4. Any PARTY to this.AGREEMENT may request a School Capacity Study (SCS) based oa the criteria provided in paragraph 3. above. 5. Any PARTY to this AGREEMENT may propose to the TAG a modification of the adopted LOS staadiud at aay time. Following a review and recommendation by TAG and concmrenx by at least 51% of the- LOCAL GOVERNI.~ffiNTS to this AGREEMENT and the SCHOOL BOARD, the adopted LOS will be modified by addead»m to this AGREEMENT, and each LOCAL GO~BRNMENT shall amend its comprehensive plan to reflect this new LOS in the next round of amendments. D. Ezemptions 1. Single family lots of t+eoord, existing as such at the time School Concurrency implementing ordinance is adopted, shall be exempt from School Concurreacy requirements. 2. Any residential development or any other development with a residential component that received final approval of a Site Specific Development Order prior to the commencement date of school concutrency or is exempt from conetartency under a local government's concuneacy regulations is considered vested for that component which was previously approved and shall not be considered as proposed new residential development for purposes of school concurrency. 3. Any new Residential Development that has. filed a complete application for a site specific development order or any amendmnat Yo any previously approved site specific ~~ ~J Page 25 of 71 • development order pending prior to the commencement date of the School Concurrency Program shall be exempt from the School Concumncy Requirements. 4. Any amendment to any previously approved residential development which does not increase the density is exempt from school concurrency. 5. Any proviously approved residential developm~t or any other previously approved development with a rCSideatial component located within any existing `Transportation Concunency Exception Area,' as defined in Section163.3180(5), Florida Statutes, is exempt from schoolconcurrency. E. Local Concurrency Implementing Ordinance 1. Within ninety (90) days after the effective date of the last required LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Elements addressing school concurrency, each local government shall adopt an ordinance regulating the issuance of development orders based on the availability of public schools at the required Level of Service. Ttus ordinance shall be consistent with the components outlined in Exhibit B and with the provisions of this AGREEMEI~'T. 2. The COUNTY shall adopt an ordinance which provides procedures. for review of municipal development orders and COUNTY unincorporated development orders. (a) In the event that any participating MUMCIPALITY does not comply with E.1. above by adopting an ordinance consistent with Exhibit B -and this AGREEMENT within ninety (90) days of the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Elements, that government shall • Page 26 of 71 r~ u be deemed to have "opted in" to the COUNTY ordinance in E.2. above and agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions therein until it adopts its own ordinance. (b) At any time any LOCAL GOVERNMENT may opt out of the COUNTY's implementing ordinance through implementing its own ordinance consistent with the requirements of Exhibit B. F. School DisMct Review of New Residentiat Development Proposals The SCHOOL DISTRICT agrees to roview and make school concurrency determinations, for a proposed residential development for which an application for a-development order is submitted. The review and determination are afour-part process which: a) accepts the residential development application; b) calculates the development's projected students; c) compares the development's students to projected students within the Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan for Level of Service; and c) issues a detemmination letter. The complete Development Review Process shall be as follows: 1. Intake Application -Requirements for Proposed Residential Development: a) The request for a school concurrency detemmination for a proposed residential development shall be submitted by either the applicant or the local government, whichever is specified in the local government's concurrency ordinance. b) The applicant of the proposed development shall provide the following: location, the build out time flame, and the number, type and size of all the residential units anticipated • to be occupied each calendaz yeaz. Page 27 of 71 • c) The SCHOOL DISTRICT agrees to log in .by date and. time stamp every completed application and agrees that each application shall be processed in the ordu they are received. d) The SCHOOL DISTRICT agrees that it shall review every application end issue its determination to the applicant within fifteen (1 S) working days of receipt of the application. e) The SCHOOL DISTRICT tray charge the applicant anon-refundable application fce payable to the SCHOOL DISTRICT to meet the cost of review. 2. Calculate Students - Conversion of Proposod Residential Units to Students: To determpae the proposed development's projected students, the proposed development's projected number and type of residential units for each year shall be converted into projected students for all schools of each type within the specific CSA using the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Student Generation Multiplier as shown in EX>-IIBIT D of the this AGREEMENT. 3. Determine Utilization -Analysis of Enrollment to Capacity for Five years: The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall create a Development Review Table (DRT) (shown,below) for each CSA, and will use the DRT to compare the projected students fiom proposed iesidemial developments to the CSA's planned growth, enrollment, capacity and utilization (LOS) ovu the Five year period. The Development Review Table produces a calculation of the Level of Service for each school type in each CSA. The Figures in the Development Review Table are explained below. • Page 28 of 7), • Figures (I), (2) and (3) are numbers obtained from the Concurrency Service .trey Tables (CSA) as shown in the School District Five-Year Capita! Facilities Plan. The Figures show the CSA's projected I) enrollment, 2) capacity and 3) utilization. Figure (4) is the projected number of ttew residential units in each CSA obtained from the annual disaggnegation of residential units county wide, based on historic absorption rates. This is established from the Palm Beach County Projected Units Table, as shown in Exhibit E of this AG1tEElv~2T1' as amended annually. Figure (5) is the number of students expected from projected new units (Fig.4) multiplied by the student generation multiplier based upon a three bedroom, two-bath house. The multiplier used is the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Student Generation Multiplier Table -shown in Exhibit D of this AGREE[v1ENT. Figure (6) is a list of the new residential developments in the order that each application is received within the CSA . Figure (7) is a list of the number of amual units expected from each residential development. Figure (8) is the list of projected students from new residential development, calculated by type of unit and by school level found in the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Student Generation Multiplier Table shown in Exhibit D of this AGREEMENT. Figure (9) is the total number of students per school type from the proposed residential developments. • Page 29 of 71 • Figure (10) is the number of students which is the difference between the rota! students from new developments (Fig.9) subtracted from the expected projected students from new units (Fig.S). If the number is positive, the level of service (Fig.3) does not change. Fignre (11) is the revised student enrollment by school type determined by the difference in (Fig.10) if it is a negative number, that number of students shall be added to the projected student enrollment (Fig.l). Figure (12) represents the level of Service calculated and revised, if needed. Figuro (13) represents the development from adjaoeat an CSA (if requited), recorded iri the order that each application is received. Insert "Development Revlew Table" See page 30a Attached • Page 30 of . 71 • Development Review Table Example Igor A Single Year ~ z _ ~ O z Fa ~ } ~ YEAR U W ~ w o J ~ ~ O 1 - O~O V ~ Q Sy ~tn~ a w ¢a .~ v, y ~.. A C B a E s z o E W m ~ m a~aoent ` G S A W ~ 13 ~ F Z 11 Z tan U W Z W ~ o Z o: ~ o. ,' 10 c B d 6 C LJ.1 ~ 0 0 Q E ~ Q ~ Adjacent c d p CSA C 3 13 F to Z 11 A c 6 ~' E 6 C _ ~ D Ut -y E ~ AdJace ~ CSA 13 ~ F a~ Z New LOS - 4,074 ~ Remaining StudenlAvailabili[y NtpATNVJP S ~ tDOCtCONCCRNCY/SECTiONnN TE RLOC~DEVRE V )C )Oa •f 71 -- 700%. ~ or 10 ~ _2 3 -'~ 97•/. 4 666 5 158 22SF 5 100SF 23 ~ 193SF 8 -->• 44 - - 200SF 46 65SF 15 I 90MF t4 -~ 97 % 9 ~-- 14 6 10 -- 1 0 ,ti O ~ v1 W ll. ~ Z W t- z~z ~ ~ Z a N n LJ 4. The Three Year Rule If the level of service is exceeded, and new capacity in the CSA will be in place or under actual construction in the first three years of the School District's Five-Year Capital Facilities Program, the new capacity will be added to the capacity shown in Figure 2 and the level of service will be recalculated. 5. Adjacent CSA Capacity (a) Ifthe projected student growth from the residential development causes the adopted LOS to be exceeded in the particular CSA and that type of school and Capacity exists in one or more contiguous CSA's, the development shall receive a letter of determination of concurrency. In conducting the review, the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall first ttse the adjacent CSA with the most available capacity to evaluate projected ettrolhnent, and if necessary shall continue to the CSA with the next most available capacity until all adjacent CSAs have bcen evaluated or the letter of determination of concutrency is issued. (b) If a proposed new development in a CSA which has been used to provide capacity for a development in an adjacent CSA causes the LOS to be exceeded, the development in the CSA which used the adjacent CSA's capacity will be re-evaluated by using the adjacent CSA with the next highest capacity until capacity has been identified or all adjacent CSAs have been evaluated. If there is capacity in an adjacent CSA,•projected enrollment will be moved from the originally used CSA to the adjacent CSA with the next highest available capacity. • Page 31 of 71 • (1) •The development in CSA 20 was evaluated usirtg the adjacent CSA with the most capacity for high school students (CSA 19). (2) Later, a new development proposal in CSA 19 is submitted for evaluation and there is not enough high school capacity in CSA 19, or adjacent CSA's 17 and 18. (3) The previously approved development in CSA 20 will be re-evaluated based on capacity in CSA 21. If the capacity exists in adjacent CSA 21 (2nd highest capacity), the projected enrollment from the previous development in CSA 20 will be moved from CSA 19 and added to CSA 21. (4) The development in CSA 19 will be revaluated based on the new data for that CSA. 6. Issue Letter of Determination of Concutrency Letter of Determination of Concurrency shall be issued if the impacts of the proposod development's student growth does not cause the adopted Level of Service (or Tiered LOS) to be • exceeded, the Letter of Determination of Concurtency shall indicate the development to be in Page 32 of 71 (c) Example of Adjacent CSA Use • compliance. If the development is not in compliance, the Letter of Determination of Concurrency shall detail why the development is not in compliance and shall offer the applicant the opportunity to enter into the 90 day negotiation period described below. 7. Mitigation (a) Mitigation shall be allowed for those residential development proposals that the SCHOOL DISTRICT detemunes cannot mcet adopted level of service standards. The applicant shall be allowed to enter a ninety (90) day negotiation period with the SCHOOL DISTRICT in an effort to mitigate the impact from the development Prior to the approval of the mitigation plan, the local government shall have the opportunity to review the mitigation options which shall be limited to those the SCHOOL DISTRICT recognizes and assumes the responsibility to operate, with the exception of charter and private schools, and which will maintain the adopted level of service standards for the first Five years from r+oceipt of the school concurrency Determination Letter. Mitigation options. must consider the SCHOOL DISTRICT's educational delivery methods and requirements, and the State Requirements for Educational Facilities (S.R.E.F.) and may include: (1) Donation of buildings for use as a primary or alternative learning facility; and/or -• (2) Renovation of existing buildings for use as teaming facilities; or (3) Construction of permanent student stations or core capacity:; or • Page 33 of 71 • (4) For schools contained in the adopted SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan only, upon agreement with the SCHOOL BOARD, the developer may build the school in advance of the time set forth in the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan. The SCHOOL BOARD shall eater into as agtnemeat bo reimburse developer at such time as the school would have been funded is the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan; or (5) Charter School; or (6) Private School; or (7) For mitigation measures 1,2,3 and 4 above, the developers shall receive impact fee credit (8) Upon conclusion of the 90 day period, a second Letter of • Determination of Concurrency shall be issued. If mitigation is agreed to, the new Letter of Detemtinadon of Concurrency shall fmd the development is in compliance and shall be conditioned on those mitigation measures agreed to by the developer and~the School Board. The mitigation measures shall be memorialized in an agreement between the School District and the Developer that specifically details mitigation provisions to be paid for by the developer and the relevant terms and conditions. If mitigation is not agreed to, the new Letter of Detemtination shall detail why any mitigation proposals were rejected and detail why the development is not in compliance. Page 34 of 71 • G. Term of School Coacurrency A Letter of Determination for School Concurrency issued by the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall be.valid for one year from the date of issuance. Once the Local Government Site Specific Development Order is issued, the ooneruneacy determination shall run with the Development Order. )3. SnspensIon of Concarr+ency 1. School conerrrreacy shall be suspended in all CSA's upon the ooaareaoe and ~'or the duration of the following conditions: (a) The SCHOOL DISTRICT gives written notice to the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES of the occurrence of an "Act of God" as provided in this AGREEMENT: or (b) The SCHOOL BOARD does not adopt an update to its SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan by September 15th of each year consistent with the requirements of this AGREEMENT; or (c) The SCHOOL DISTRICT's adopted update to its Capital Facilities Program Plan does not add enough FISH t~pacity to meet projected growth in demand for permanent student stations at the adopted level of service for all schools of each type for each CSA sad each individual school as determined by TAG based on data provided by the SCHOOL DISTRICT; or (d) The SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan is determined to be financially infeasible basod on an evaluation of all funds available to the SCHOOL DISTRICT for capital improvements as determined by the State Department of Education; or as defined by the issuance of a Notice of Intent to Find an Amendment to a Capital [mprovement • Page 35 of 71 • Element not in compliance as not being financially feasible, by the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes; or by a court action or 5nal administrative action; or e) If concutrency is suspended in ono-third or more of the CSA's pursuant to G.2. of this Section below. 2. School Concurnency shall be suspended within a particular CSA, upon the occurrence and for~the duration for the following conditions: (a) Whero an individual school in a particular CSA is twelve or more months behind the schedule set forth in the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan, concurrency will be suspended within that CSA and the adjacent CSA's for that type of school; or (b) The SCHOOL DISTRICT does not maximize utilization of school capacity by allowing a particular CSA or an individual school to exceed the adopted Level of Service (LOS); or (c) Where the School Board materially amends the first 3 years of the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan in accordance with Suction III G., and that amendment causes the Level of Service to be exceeded for that type of school within a CSA, concurrency will be suspended within that CSA and the adjacent CSA's only for that type of school. 3. If the Program Evaluation Report in accordance with SectionVI.M., below, recommends that concurreacy be suspended because the program is not working as planned, • concurrency may be suspended upon the concuaence of 33% of the Parties to this AGREEMENT. Page 36 of 71 ~J 4. Once suspended, for any of the above reasons, concurreacy shall be reinstated once TAG determines the condition that caused the suspension has been remedied or the Level of Service for that year for the affocted CSA's have been achieved. VI. MONITORING A. Establishment of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The PARTIES agroe thatthe SCHOOL DISTRICT's Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan and the ten and twenty year work programs will be momtorod by an mdependeat Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to be established by the PARTIES of this AGREEMENT no later than 90 days from the date this AGREEMENT becomes effective. B. Purpose of the TAG. The purpose of the TAG is to function as a resource for the SCHOOL BOARD, the COUNTY and the MLlNICIPALTI'IES and to make recommendations including but not limited to the following: The SCHOOL DISTRICT's FivaYear Capital Facilities Plan 2. Ten and twenty year work programs. It is recognized that the 10 and 20 year work programs are tentative and will be used for general planning purposes. - Schools that tugger a School Capacity Study (SCS). 4. CSA boundaries. 5. SCHOOL DISTRICT Management reports • Page 37 of 71 • 6. Operation and effectiveness of the concurrency program C. Membershlp of the TAG. 1. The TAG will consist of five (5) members with relevant spacial knowledge or experience and shall include the following: (a) A Certified Public Accountant nominated by the FAU College of Business. (b) A general contractor nominated by the Local Chapter of the AGC. (c) A demop~rapher nominated by the FAU College of Geography. (d) A planner nominated by the Treasure Coast Chapter of the American Planning Association (e) A business person representing the for-profit private sector nominated by the Economic Council of Palm Beach County. 2. The parties expect the nominating agencies to make the initial recommendations no later than 30 days from the effective date of this agreement and other nominations no later than 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of membership. 3 Interim vacancies shall be filled as quickly as possible. 4. TAG members shall be automatically approved within 60 days of the nomination unless vetoed by the SCHOOL BOARD, the League of Cities Board of Directors or the Board of COUNTY Commissioners (BCC). r1 LJ Page 38 of 71 • D. Terms of Membership The initial temts of TAG members shall commence 90 days from the effective date of this AGREEMENT and be as follows: Two Year Temrs -The CPA aad the General Contractor and the business I~n- 2. Three Year Terms -Demographer, and Planner Each succeeding appointment shall be for a tam of three years. Upon the death, or resignation, of a member, the nominating body will propose a successor for the unexpired urm, or a full tent, as the case may be, and will be accepted unless vetoed pa Section C.2. above. E. Election of Chair and Organization Meeting At the first mceting of the TAG and every year thereafter, on or about the anniversary of the first mceting, the members of TAG shall hold an organizational meeting. 2. At the organizational meeting, the members shall elect a chair and vice-chair who will serve one year terms. There shall be a limit of two consecutive terns the chair aad vice- chair may serve. 3. The TAG has the authority to enact their own rules of procedure. F. Quorum and voting. No. meeting of TAG shall be called to order, nor may any business be transacted without a cjaonun consisting of a majority of the members being present All actions shall require a simple majority of the members then present and voting. [n the event of a tie vote, the proposed • Page 39 of 71 motion shall be considered to have failed. No member shall abstain from voting unless there is a conflict of interest pursuant to Florida Statutes. G. Meetings open to the public All meetings shall be open to the public. Ii. Compensation The members of TAG shall receive no compensation for their services. I. Staff Support for the TAG The PARTIES will direct their staffs to cooperate with the TAG in perfom~ance of its duties under this AGREEMENT. Clerical support for meetings of TAG will be provided by the SCHOOL DISTRICT. J. Management Reports By July 1st each year, the School Superintendent shall submit an annual management report to the SCHOOL BOARD and TAG detailing the status of the SCHOOL DISTRICT's implementation of its adopted Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan. The management report will contain reports on the status of each capacity or moderttiTation project in the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five- Year Capital Facilities Plan• including any related audits and a schedule of the proposed and completion date of all programmed activities. Revisions to projected cosu for unbuilt projects and the projected costs compared to actual costs of each constructed project shall also beincluded. • Page 40 of 71 K Enrollment Reports The SCHOOL DISTRICT Superintendent shall submit a yearly report on the first student count of the second semester enrollment of all schools of each type in.each CSA and each individual school by February ISth. L. Monitoring Reports The TAG shall review the information submitted by the SCHOOL Superintendent and shall compile and submit a report annually on the following: The accuracy of previous pupil enrollment projections compared with actual enrollment. 2. The accuracy of previous population projections of each CSA compared with actual growth. 3. The accuracy of projected costs of school construction piojects compared with actual costs: 4. The accuracy of projectod school constnxtion schedules compared with actual performance. All annual reports of the TAG shall be submitted to the MUNICIPALITIES, the COUNTY and the SCHOOL BOARD by August 1. Any interim TAG report shall be submitted to the parties within five days of completion. • Page 41 of 71 n LJ M. Program Evaluation Report 1. On or before August 1, 2002, or at the request of any party to this AGREEMENT, TAG shall initiate an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program. This evaluation shall consider but not be limited to the following: (a) Number of school concttrrency suspensions by school type (b) Duration of school concutrency suspensions (c) Ability to achieve and maintain the adopted LOS (d) Timeliness of parties' response inquired by this AGREEMENT. (e) Operation and effectiveness of the conctutency program. 2. TAG shall issue a report on the findings and t+ecommendations toall PARTIES by November 1, 2002, and every 2 years thereafter, and within 90 days after the request for review by any party to this AGREEMENT. The recotnntendations shall include, but not be limited to, suspension and changes to the following: (a) Joint Planning and Coordination by PARTIES to this AGREEMENT (b) LOS Standards (c) Interlocal AGREEMENT (d) Goals, Objective and Policies (e) CSA boundaries • (f) Implementing Ordinance (g) SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan. Page 42 of 71 • N. Conflict of Interest 1. General. No TAG member shall have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business transaction or professional activities, or incur any obligation of any nature which is in substantial conflict with the proper dtscharge of duties as a member of the TAG. 2. Implementation. To implement this policy snd strengthen the faith and confidence of the citizens of Palm Beach County, members of the TAG are directed: (a) Not to accept say giR, favor, or service that might reasonably tend to improper4r influence the discharge of official duties. (b) To make known by written or oral disclosure, on the record at a TAG meeting, any interest which the member has in nay pending matter before the TAG before any deliberation on that matter. (c) To abstain from using membership on the TAG'to secure special privileges or exemptions. (d) To refrain fiom engaging is any business or professional activity which might reasonably be expected to require disclosure of confidential information acquired by membership on the TAG not available to members.of the general public; and refi~airt from using such information for personal gain or benefit (e) To refrain from accepting employment which might impair independent judgment in the performance of responsibilities as a members of the TAG. • Page 43 of 71 n LJ (f) To refrain from transacting any business in an official capacity as a member of the TAG with any business entity of which the member is an officer, director, agent or member, or in which the member owns a controlling interest. (g) To refrain from participation in any matter in which the member has a personal investment which will create a substantial conflict between private and public interests. VII. MEDIATION OF DISPUTES The PARTIES acknowledge that the intergovernmental coordination provisions of Section 163.3177(6)(h), Florida Statutes, may not eliminate all disputes between the PARTIES to this agreement and such disputes may affect the SCHOOL DISTRICT and the land use planning authority of the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES. In the case of the negotiation, adoption, and implementation of any provisions of this interlocal agreement or amendment thereto, COUNTY, MUNICIPALITIES and the SCHOOL DISTRICT agree that those PARTIES in opposition shall attempt an informal resolution of the concerns raised. In the event objections cannot be resolved within 20 days or such other time as may be mutually agreeable, the PARTIES shall have the right to petition the Court in accordance with the provisions of Article DC.C., or submit their disagreement for mediation under the protocols of the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Pian Amendments Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement of October, 1993, as specified in Article X therein, attached as Exhibit A to this AGREEMENT. • Page 44 of 71 If the mediation process is irretrievably deadlocked after three meetings, the PARTIES will submit their dispute to arbitration. The arbitrator will be selected by the Executive Committce of the Palm Beach County Issues Forum within 15 days after the third mediation meeting, and arbitration will commence within 30 days after the third mediation meeting. The arbitrator's decisions will be binding on the PARTIES, and the costs of arbitration will be home equally by the PARTIES. VIII. COORDINATED PLANNING A. The Coordination of Planning and Sharing of Information The PARTIES recognize that sound planning for both educational facilities and student growth emanating from existing, redevelopment and new development of residential properly requires adequate and accurate data and information and that effective coordination of these two planning functions requires that all of the PARTIES have access to and utilize the same data and information. Accordingly, the COUNTY, the MUNICIPALITIES, anti the SCHOOL DISTRICT agree to share and coordinate information relating to existing and planned public school facilities, proposals for development and re-development, infrastructure required to support public school facilities, and population projections, including student population projections, which are utilized and relied on by the PARTIES for planning purposes. B. Population Projections The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall utilise the COUNTY'S population projections derived from the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) medium • Page 45 of 71 • population projections for permanent resident population, which include municipal and unincorporated areas, as the basis for student population projections. The COUNTY shall convert the BEBR projections into both existing and new residential units and disaggregate these units throughout incorporated and unincorporated Palm Beach County into each CSA using BEBR's annual estimates by municipality, persons-per- household figures, historic growth rates and development potential considerirrg the adopted Future Land Use maps of all local govemment Comprehensive Plans. These are shown is Exhibit E of this agreement ("Projected Units Table's wlrich shall be amended annually. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall evaluate the disaggregated projections prepared by the COUNTY, considering the population projections contained in each local government Comprehensive Plan, and the State Department of Education Capital Outlay Full Time Equivalent (COFTE) student projections, making modifications as necessary, and utilizing appropriate models and methodologies. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall develop and apply the Student Generation Multipliers as shown in EXHIBIT D of this AGREEMENT for all schools of each type to the projected residential units, considering past trends within spxific geographic areas, in order to project school enrollment, consistent with the requirements of Chapter 235, Florida Statutes. All PARTIES agree to the continued use of this methodology, which has been used by the SCHOOL DISTRICT since 1996, and, based upon its historical accuracy, consider its results to be the best available data. • Page 46 of 71 • The SCHOOL DISTRICT, the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIFS commit to continued efforts to improve this methodology and enhance coordination with the plans of the SCHOOL DISTRICT and local governments. Population and student enrollment projections shall be revised annually to etrsure that new residential development sad redevelopment information providod by the MUNICIPALITII3S and the COUNTY is reflected in the updated projections. The revisod projectioac and the variables utilized in making the projections shall be reviewed by all signatories through the Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committoe (1PARC). Projections shall be especially revisited and refined with the results of the 2000 Census. C.' Local Government Data Collection On April 1 and October 1 of each year, local governments shall provide the SCHOOL DISTRICT with the information regarding the Certificates of Occupancy issued for new residential units. The actual students generated from new residential units will be used in the data and analysis for the annual update of the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan . D. School District Data Publication The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall publish data concerning school capacity, including the enrollment of each individual school based on the first count of the second semester, the actual capacity of each school at the adopted level of service, the enrollment and capacity for all schools of each type in each concurrency service area. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shaLL specifically update the .. data upon meeting the following conditions: no later than fifteen (l5) working days after the annual • Page 47 of 71 • update of the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan; with the first count of the second semester each year, as new capacity becomes operational;~wlten a SCS is approved; or as conctuxency determinations are issued. E. Multiplier Publication Sixty (60) days prior bo the implemeatatiion ofconcurreaty the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall publish demographic multipliers. These multipliers will be used for the te:m of this agreement to detemrine the number of elementary; middle and high school students, based on the number and type of residential units from the proposed development These multipliers must be'supported by data and analysis based on existing enrollment for each type of residential unit and will be updated or re-verified by the SCHOOL DISTRICT upon renewal of this agreement F. Proposals for Development, Redevelopment and Infrastructure required to Support Public School Facilities On or before January 1 of each year, for the SCHOOL DISTRICT's consideration and utilization in preparing its annual update of the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES shall provide to the SCHOOL DISTRICT a report setting forth the COUNTY'S and the MUNICIPALITIES' respective projections for development, and redevelopment, in the forthcoming year. In addition, before January l of cacti year the COUNTY and the MUN[CIPAI.[TIF.S shall provide to the SCHOOL DISTRICT a copy of any amendments to their respective five-year road plans, fivo-year utility plans, and five year plans for parks, fire protection • and public safety and any other plans they have in their possession affecting infrastructure. Page 48 of 71 • G. School Siting 1. Unless a local GOVERNMENT has or ¢oes cafe into a separate Interlocal Agreement relating to school siting, the following provisions shall be followed in school siting decisions. If a sepamu Interlocal Agreement that addresses school siting is in effect, the provisions of that Agreement shall control and this Section (G) and shall twt be applicable betwoea those parties. 2. Tire SCHOOL DISTRICT shall coordinau planning and siu location of . educational facilities with each MUIQICIPALTTY and the COUNTY in which a school siu is proposed for consnnction or siu•acquisition within the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Fiv~Year Capital Facilities Plan in accordance with Chapurs 235 and 163 of the Florida Statutes. This process shall assist in determining possible sites for the proposed schools and the consisuncy with the Comprehensive Plan, applicable land development regulations, the necessary existing or planned infastucture, and coordination of public facilities such as parks, libraries, and community centers. 3. Not less than 90 days prior u adoption of the initial Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan and any amendments or yearly updates, the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall coordinate with the COUNTY and each MUNICIPALITY in which a school is proposed for construction or expansion under the proposed plan to determine the consistency of one or more proposed sites with the local government's comprehensive plan and the availability- of necessary or planned. infrastructure and to coordinate the proposed location with public facilities such as parks, Libraries and community centers. Alternative sites may be proposed by the LOCAL GOVERNMENT for the consideration of the SCHOOL DISTRICT. J Page 49 of 71 • 4. At least 60 days prior to acquiring or leasing any property that may be used for a school site, the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall provide written notice of the proposed acquisition to the LOCAL GOVERNMENT in whose jurisdiction the proposed site is located. This written notice from the SCHOOL DISTRICTshall include a school site acquisition form, aerial map, location map and proposed acquisition and oonstnrction completion schodule. As quickly as possible but no htber than 45 days from receipt of this notice, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT shalt notify the SCHOOL DISTRICT if the proposed site is consistent with the land use categories and policies of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S comprehensive plan sad~wning district and provide comments regarding the feasibility of each of the sites submitted by the SCHOOL DISTRICT. These comments should address the availability of necessary and planned infrastructure and the collocation of the proposed school facility with other public facilities such as parks, libraries and community centers. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall include these comments in their rating system to detemtine the best overall site for acquisition. This preliminary notice does not constitute the local government's determination of consistency required by Section 235.193(5), Florida Statutes. 5. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall submit a request for determination that a proposed site for a public educational facility is consistent with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S comprehensive plan and land development regulations and an application for site plan approval as early in the design stage as feasible, but no later than 90 days prior to the proposed construction commencement date of a new public educational facility or modernization of an existing public • educational facility. The SCHOOL DISTRICT application shall include the items required in Page 50 of 71 paragraph 4, a site plan mceting the requirements of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S land development regulations to the exunt the land development regulations are not in conIIict with the stau uniform building code or the review criteria is subparagraph (b) below, any other information required for siu plan review under the LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S land development regulations, and, if in a municipality, a municipal traffic ooncurrency letter from the County.Enginoer. The LOCAL GOVERNNIEN'I' shall have 90 days to .determine in writing after rxeiving all of the requit+od infomration from the SCHOOL DISTRICT whether the proposed siu and siu plan for the public educaUioa facility is consistent with the local oompnehensive plan and local land•development regulations and if the site plan is approved. (a) If the LOCAL GOVERNMENT informs the SCHOOL DISTRICT that a proposed siu is not consisunt with the land .use categories and policies of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S comprehensive plan, the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall not proceed to construct any new or expanded public educational facility on the siu unless aad until the LOCAL GOVERNMENT comprehensive plan is amended to make the proposed facility consisunt with the LOCAL GOVBRNME'NI' comprehensive plan. If the siu is consistent with the comprehensive plan's future land use policies and categories in which public schools are allowable uses, the LOCAL GOVERNMENT may not deny the development of the siu for a public educational facility but may impose reasonable development standards and conditions through the site plan approval process in accordancdwith Section 235.34(1), Florida Statutes. ., • Page 51 of 71 r~ U (b) The LOCAL GOVERMIvIENf tray not deny the site plan based on the adequacy of the site plan as it relates solely to the needs of the educational facility. The LOCAL GOVERNMh'NT's t+eview may consider the site plan and its adequacy as it relates to environmental concerns, health, safety and welfare, and effects oa adjacent property. Standards and conditions may not be imposed which conflict with those established in Chapter 235, Flotida Statutes, or the State Uniform Building Code, unless mutually agreed by the SCHOOL DISTRICT and the LOCAL GOVERNM>:'NT. The parties agree that the following criteria shall be applied in evaluating the site plan: (1) The proposed site and education facilities shall, at a minimum, meet the State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SRF.F), plus a ten percent (ll)%) capacity flexibility allowance in conformance with the SCHOOL DISTRICT's adopted level of service. (2) The site plan shall demonstrate that there are no adverse impacts on sites listed in the national Register of Historic Places or otherwise designated in accordance with appropriate State guidelines as locally significant historic or arohaeological resources. (3) The site plan shall provide sufficient space to meet on-site parking and on-site traffic circulation requirements to satisfy current and projected site generated vehicular demand. (4) There shall be adequate setbacks, buffering and design controls to eliminate or decrease any negative externalities, such as noise; fivm affecting neighboring • developments in accordance with SREF standards, at a minimum. Outdoor recreational facilities, Page 52 of 71 • including stadittms and similar support facilities shall be located and buffered on the proposed site to minimize impacts on the adjacent properties. (5) The location of the proposed site shall comply with all provisions of Florida Statutes, as they relate w the siting of public education facilities. (~ '!he following access standards shall aPP1Y ~ ~ Proposed sites of the specific .school types to ensure they are consistent with. the LOCAL OOVERNMENT's comprehensive plan: () For elementary schools, special education facilities, and alternative education facilitiesproposed school sites shall have direct access to at least a minor collector road or as otherwise approved by the LOCAL GOVERNMENT after detr**n;.,Ar~on of acceptable traffic impacts. (ii) For middle schools, the proposed site shall have direct access to at least a minor collector road or as otherwise approved by the LOCAL GOVERNMENT after detemilnation of acceptable traffic impacts. (iii) For high schools, the proposed location shall have direct access to at least a major collector road, or as otherwise approved by the LOCAL GOVERNMENC after determination of acceptable traffic impacts. (c) Any facility not usodexclusively for educational purposes and any non- educational'uses are subject to the LOCAL tiOVERNMENT's land development regulations and such facility or use shall not occur unless approved pursuant to those regulations. • Page 53 of 71 n U (d) Nothing herein shall preclude the SCHOOL DISTRICT and the LOCAL GOVERNMENT from developing eltetnativedevelopment standards based on mutually acceptable performance criteria, that would meet the intent of the provisions listed above. 13. School District Review Of Future Land Use Element Plan Amendments. 1. Each LOCAL GOVERNMENT that is aot a participant in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement dated, October 1993, agroes to submit to the SCHOOL DISTRICT at least 30 days prior to its transmittal hearing an executive summary of any amendment to the Future Land Use Element that modifies or adds any residential designation along with a copy of the plan amendment and supportirtg material and the date, time, and place of the transmittal hearing. Each LOCAL GOVERNMM1sN'[' that is a participant in the `Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement' shall follow the procedures of that AGREEMENT. 2. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall review the information submitted and shall evaluate the impact of the proposed amendment on the Public School Facilities Plan, the consistency of the proposed plan amendment with the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan, the impact on the adopted Level of Service standard for public schools, and the projected timing and delivery of public school facilities to serve any residential development authorized by the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. 3. O~thin 20 days of receipt, the SCHOOL DISTRICT, shall submit to the • COUNTY or affected MUMCIPALITY a written report setting forth the findings and Page 54 of 71 • recommendations of the SCHOOL DISTRICT, and specifically setting forth the capacity, or lack thereof, of existing facilities or planned facilities in the current SCHOOL DISTRICT Capital Facilities Program Plan to serve additional students without overcrowding such facilities beyond the adopted Level of Service. 4. The COUNTY or MUMCIPALITY shall consider the report and recommendations of the SCHOOL DISTRICT at its transmittal hearing. and if the COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY docides to traacmit the ProP~ P~ amendment to the Department of Commtmity Affairs, the COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY shall intdude the written report and recommendations of the SCHOOL DISTRICT in its trnncm;ttal package. 5. In considering whether to adopt nay. Comprehensive Plan Amendment providing for residential development, the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES agree to consider the factors set forth in the written report of the SCHOOL DISTRICT. 6. The COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES agree to abide by the procedures set forth in subparegaphs 1 through 5 above, in considering any proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Element of their respective plans. IX. SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. SCHOOL DISTRICT Requirements. The PARTIES acknowledge and agree that the SCHOOL DISTRICT is or may be subject to the requirements of the Florida and United States Constitutions and other state or federal • Page 55 of 71 • statutes regarding the operation of the public school system. Accordingly, the COUNTY, the MUNICIPALITIES and the SCHOOL DISTRICT agree that this AGREEMENT is not intended, and will not be construed, to interfere with, hinder, or obstruct in any manner, the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S constitutional and statutory obligation to provide a uniform system of free public schools on a county-wide basis or to require the SCHOOL DISTRICT bo oonfa with, or obtain the consent of the COUNTY or the MIJNICIPALIITFS; as to yvhether that obligation has been satisfied. Ftnther, the COUNTY, the MUNICIPALITIES aad the SCHOOL DISTRICT agroe that this AGREEMENT is not intended and will not be construed to impose any duty or obligation on the COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY for the SCHOOL DISTRICT's constitutional or statutory obligation. The COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES also aclmowledge that the SCHOOL DISTRICT's obligations under this AGREEMENT may be superseded by state or federal court orders or other state or federal legal mandates. B. Land Use Authority The PARTIES specifically aclmowledge that each LOCAL GOVERNMENT is responsible for approving or denying comprehensive plan ataeadments and development orders within its own jurisdiction. Nothing herein represents or authorizes a transfer of this authority to any other party. • Page 56 of 71 • C. Specific Performance The COUNTY, the MUMCIPALITIES and the SCHOOL DISTRICT shall have the right to petition the Circuit Court for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit for the State of Florida foi• specific performance of any and all of the provisions of this AGREEMENT. X. ~~ACTS OF GOD AND OTHER EXIGENT, CIItCUMSTANCES BEYOND THE `CONTROL OF THE SCHOOL BOARD • -"The COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITIES acknowledge that the SCHOOL DISTRICT, in its opetatioa of the public school system, is subject to events, circumstances, and external forces and authorities beyond its control. Examples are hurricanes or other rtatwal disasters which destroy school facilities, other emergency situations affecting the operation of the public school system, state court judgments concerning the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S State Constitutional or Statutory obligation to provide a uniform system of free public schools, and school desegregation orders or compliance agreements involving Foderal Courts or the Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Education. Such events or actions may prevent the SCHOOL DISTRICT tirom complying with the provisions of this AGREEMENT and may require the SCHOOL DISTRICT to deviate from or modify the SCHOOL DISTRICT's Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan agreed to and approved by the COUNTY, the MUNICIPALITIES and the SCHOOL DISTRICT. The COUNTY and the MUNICIPALTCIF.S hereby agree that such noncompliance, deviations, or modifications will not be Page 57 of 71 • deemed a violation of this AGREEMENT and that the provisions of suspension will pertain to those oceturenoes. XI. STANDING AND THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY RIGHTS The PARTIES hereby acknowledge and agree that it is not the inteat of any party to this AGREEMEN'T' to confer say rights on any persons or eatities other than the PARTIES to this AGRE1Tv1ENT. No person or entity not a party to this AGR~EEIvlENT shall have any claim or cause of action against either the COUNTY, the MUMCIPALITTES or the SCHOOL DISTRICT for the failure of any party to perform in accordance with the previsions of this AGREEMENT except as may be provided by law. XII. AMENDMENT, WITHDRAWAL AND TERMINATION A. Amending the AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT may be amended only by written agreement of 51% of the PARTIES. B. Withdrawal from AGREEMENT Any PARTY that is no longer required by law to be a party to this AGREEMENT may withdraw from the AGREEMENT by sending written notice to the other PARTIES to the AGREEMENT and the Department of Community Aff'sirs (or its successor agency) at least sixty (60) • days prior to the effective date of the withdrawal. Page 58 of 71 • C. Additional Participants Any MUNICIPALITY that•becomes a required party after the effective date of this agreement may bedome a party to this agreement upon execution of a Unilateral Participation Agreement in such form as the agrcement attached hereto as Exhibit C. D. Termination of AGREEMENT This AGREEIvIF;AlTmaybetaminated by 75%ofthe PARTIESfilingavvritteanotice of termination with the other PARTIES within aay ninety (90) day period. The AGREEMENT shall immediately be terminated upon~the filing of the written notice by the last required party ICIII. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT shall be for a term of (5) years and will automatically be ronewed for an additional five (5) year terw as long as no required PARTY objects in writing to the renewal. Any objection, by any PARTY to this AGREEMENT, to the renewal must be sent to the other PARTIES no sooner than 90 days prior to the end of the term. XIV. INDEMNIFICATION OF PARTIES A. Hold Harmless The SCHOOL DISTRICT agroes to hold harmless and indemnify the other PARTIES to this AGREEMENT against any third Party claim, liability, lawsuit, and damage award arising out of the performance of this AGREEMENT for any acts, failure to act, or decisions of the SCHOOL • Page 59 of 71 n U DISTRICT that are totally within the purview of the SCHOOL DISTRICT or are the responsibility of the SCHOOL DISTRICT under this AGREEMENT. Acts or decisioac of the SCHOOL DISTRICT include, but are not limited to, items relating to school attendance boundaries, providing adequate capacity for new students in the SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Five-Year Capital Facilities Plan, constructing and modemiting stdtools consistent with the adopted SCHOOL DISTRICT'S Fivo-Year Capital Facilities Plan, decisions on whether to acceptor reject mitigation, and detsions oa available capacity in the review process. B. Third Party Clauns The COUNTY and each individual MUNICIPALITY that is a PARTY to this AGREEMENT agrees to hold harmless anti indemnify ell other PARTIES to the AGREEMENT against any third party claim, liability, lawsuit, and damage award arising out of the performance of this AGREEMENT for any acts, failure to act, or decisions of that PARTY that are totally within the purview of that party or are the responsibility of that patty under this AGREEMENT. Acts or decisions of the COUNTY or an individual municipality include, but are not limited to, the denial of an application for development approval based on school impacts after the SCHOOL DISTRICT has informed that party that adequate school capacity exists for the development: ~ • . - - XV. MULTIPLE ORIGINALS This AGREEMENT may be executed~in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be • deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Page 60 of 71 XVI. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT A. Effective Immediately Upon this AGREEMENT being signed by the last tequirrd PARTY, the AGREEMENT shall be filed. with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. This AGREEMENT shall take effect immediauly on the dau filed with the Cltxlc of the Circuit Court and shall continue until terminated. B. Nullification of AGREEMENT If this AGREEMENT is not signed by all required PARTIES by July 1, 2001, this AGREEMENT shall be null and void aad all PARTIES that sign this agreement are released from any obligation imposed by the AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned PARTIES have executed this Interlocal AGREEMENT on the day and year indicated. ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ••~.••""•••.••• IT'S BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS r~Oro yg Wilke ••""•.• •i Boa t Coun~r ne ~/ By ~ Nrr ; By: ~e ~ e,r rt . ,~ Jerk ~ '. ~~ : :Commissioner Maude Ford Lee, Chair ~., ~'••.,,,,.••'~~ 8 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 Approvedssto Formand••:F..•••••• Date: JUN .62000 Le fficiency County Attorney Page 61 of 71 • n LJ • ATTEST: By: _ Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency Boar-r a - SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTX B V~K/ Dr. Sandra Richmond, chairman Hate: ~Ol I ~ I6d . Page 62 of 71 • ATTEST: sy: City Clerk ,.;: •. ATTEST: :. r, ~y.: ., City Clerk .. •~ ATTEST: By City Clerk MUIVICIPALTTIES CITY OF ATLANTIS i s sy: William Howell, Mayor DATE: CITY OF By:, D. Bill Ma/thie~ Mayor DATE: _~/~ u~ CITY OF BOCA BATON By: DA' Carol Hanson, Mayor • Page 63 of 71 • r, L_J ```~~~~~oyNSON 6F ~''' MUNICIPALITIES OtO~~ORAT~..'9S i Y tZ O i = EO A8 O FOR ,r ? - ~• CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ATTEST: % ~ 1g, ~'~~ CITY AiTOR:~EY ~~~~~~ 11111111\\\\~~~ ~ By. By: itv Clerk Gerald Broetung, Mayor DATE: 9~B~OO ATTEST: CITY OF DELRAY BEACH By:/ Ciy Approved as to form and I ficiency: sy: Ciry Attorney ATTEST: City Clerk By~~z~ , ~~..:-Sly : -.... David Schmidt, Mayor DATE: /o/3~acm CITY OF G12EENACItES By:, Samuel Ferreri, Mayor DATE: Page 64 of 71 MUNICIPALITIES ,^ ,~•~ ~.:; 'o .. ATTEST: TOWN OF HAVERHILL By: Town Clerk . Charles Stoddard. Mayor _ DATE: ATTEST: gy. ~::.. Town Cler c ~, ATTEST: By Town Clerk TOWN OF HYPOLUX//{O~ ~~' Cenneth Schu tz, yor .. DATE: 1o /6 -~.aa o TOWN OF JUNO BEACH By' Robert Blomquist, Mayor DATE: u Page 65 of 71 w ,P. - .., c- `; MUNICIPALITIES -c ! ,!, •~ ~~ .~ 4° a + ir, Y. ~ /. U~ ~ :T .~•. ~ A .+ . -~ ATTEST: CITY OF LAKE WORTH `~: ~. ' ` By: BY~ City Clerk Tom Ramiccio, Mayor DATE: ATTEST: TOWN OF LANTANA By: BY~ Town Clerk David Stuart, Mayor DATE: ATTEST: Village Clerk • VILLAGE OF NORTH Mayor DATE: /f--/~ bD Page 67 of 71 ATTEST: By: Town lerk MUNICIPALITIES TOWN OF JUPITER By: lCs~ Karea Golonka, or DATE: ATTEST: By: Town Clerk TOWN OF LAKE CLARKS SHORES ' By: Malcolm Lewis, Mayor DATE: ATTEST: TOWN OF LAKE PARK By: ~ By: ~~; Town Clerk . William Wagnor; Mayor ` "" " ~ ? ~~ DATE: • Page 66 of 71 n LJ MUNICIPALITIES ATTEST: CITY OF PAHOKEE By: - By: ~ u City Cle c Roy ingletary, ayor ATTEST: i• .; ~~ By_ ,~. ' . Town erk ATTEST: By: City Clerk • DATE: ~~ G !/fl TOWN OF PALM BEACH `"~ Lesly Smi i, Mayor. _ '_ '" 'DATE: CITY OF PALM BEACH GARDENS By: Joseph Russo, Mayor DATE: Page 68 of 71 u ATTEST: By: Town Clerk ATTEST: B Village Clerk ATTEST: By: City Clerk MUNICIPALITIES TOWN OF PALM BEACH SHORES By: Thomas Mills, Mayor DATE: VILLAGE OF PALM SPRIN . By. - 1. ' ~i hn Davis, ayor DA/TE: ~~~a 2 Or1a CITY OF RIVIERA BEACH By: Michael Brown, Mayor DATE: • _., •. fv .. V ys •, ~ygp~l f ~~~ ~ q~ ~'. 1 b ~ c~. is .* .'`• ... Page 69 of 71 n U MiJNIC1PALITIES ATTEST: VILLAGE OF ROYAL PALM BEACH Village Clerk David Lodwick, Mayor DATE: ATTEST: .~. By: .~ ty Clerk ... .. ~ , _.);._1~ ATTEST: CITY OF SOUTIi BAY By arence ony, ayor ~ .•. ~. J.~ \ . . '. DATE: :..,- VILLAGE OF TEQUESTA Village Clerk •; -. `~` '.~°a'~,t , :.t. :___.... _...._.A.._.:..___.. ,a Joseph Capretta, Mayor - -..__.. _~_~....:.: ~_ .Qrr.- DATE: • Page 70 of 71 • MUNICIPALITIES ATTEST: By: ,.~~ .Co Village Clerk VILLAGE OF WELLINGTON gy; , G~i.~..~~.-w Thomas Wenham~ DATE: ~GC. ~y mad ATTEST: By: City Clerk CITY OF T PALM BEACH ,~~7 By: Dawes, Mayor ' DATE: ~ ~~"`" CITY ATTOHNEY'8 OFFICE Approved as to form and l~pelj}u~H~l~cl~e~no r By: ,l~'LIZi~ Date: DO Final 6106/00 Page 71 of 71 u • EXHLBTT A COHPREKENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT COORDINATED R£VIEW INTERLOCAL AGREEKENT This Interlocal Agreement, dated the 1st day of October, 1993, entered into by and among the various parties executing this Agreement, each one constituting a public agency as defined in Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; • W T T N E S S E T K AFiEREA6, Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, permits public agencies as defined therein td enter into interlocal ' agreements with each other to jointly exercise any_ power, privilege, or authority which such agencies share in common and - which eadh might exercise separately; and =' WHEREAS, Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, requires - the coordination of local comprehensive plans with :the - .- comprehensive plans of adjacent local governments and the plans of school' boards and other units of local government providing services but not having regulatory authority over the use of land; and WggggpS~ the participants to...this Agreement desire to establish an intergovernmental coordination program for reviewing proposed changes to adopted comprehensive plans which fully utilizes the existing Chapter 163 comprehensive planning process with minimal bureaucracy and expense for the participants; and • WaEitEAS, participation,in.this;.pro~ram,shall not di;uinish any .existing local government's. or .service.provi~er's process or power;- and WHEREAS, the participants desire to enter into this Agreement Exhibit A Page 1 of 35 I • • \ • - .. to provide countywide coordination in the comprehensive plan amendment process. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is mutually agreed and understood,- by and among the undersigned agencies that now or may hereafter execute this Agreement, as follows: ARTICLE I. TITLE This Agreement shall: be known and may be cited as the "Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement". ARTICLE;II. PIIRPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a coun'tjiwide Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process. This process is designed to provide• coordination of proposed plan amendments, cooperation between affected local governments and service providers, and opportunities to resolve potential disputes only within the Plan Amendment proces's with the least amount of infringement upon eu`istiag processes,•.without undue processing delays and without the necessity of significant staffing or consultant costs. Specifically, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process will accomplish the following: A. Proposed Plan Amendmenrs sna~.i ,.Q.~ ~~------------- distribution~"arid"dissemination• to 'insure rhat•°•initial transmittal and final~• approval will not- occur without adequate notice to local governments and service providers who may be adversely affected by the action. • • Exhibit A Page 2 of 35 • . B. An avenue for discussion and evaluaL-ion of the proposed Plan Amendments is created so that the governiny body is aware of objections, the basis for them, and the reasonableness of the objection. C. An opportunity is created for conflict resolution of an item which, if approved, may result in a potential .~ problem for another local government or service provider. • D. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process does not diminish or transfer existing authority ' with respect to planning and implementation decisions of the participants. • ARTICLE TIZ. DEFINITIONS ~~ The following definitions shall apply to this AgYeement: ~ - - "Act" means Part I of .Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. _ ^Agreement^ means this Interlocal•Agreement, including any amendments or supplements hereto, executed and delivered in. accordance with the terms hereof. ^Clearinghouse" means the agency that provides the logistic support services for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process. • "Comprehensive Plan" means the plan adopted by a local government pursuant to Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, meeting the requirements of Chapter 163, Part IL•y Florida Statutes and its implementing •rules..•~ _ '~ . . • •^conf-lict Resolution. Panel": means;:a subgroup. of ,the Znterlocal • Plan Amendment~Review Committee. Exhibit A Page 3 of 35 _ _. , . • • "Days" means calendar days. "E~ecutive Committee" means the representative body of the local governments and service providers responsible for the oversight and administration of this Agreement. "Fact-finding Panel" means a subgroup of the Interlocal Plan Amendment Review.COmmittee. "Governing Body" means the board of county commissioners of a county, the commission or council of an incorporated municipality, the Pa3~a Beach County School Board, the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District, or the governing body of •~ a special district. ' "Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee" means ttie' lsod}~ • comprised of full-time, planning directors or other °simil"AY .. position, from any ,local government participant. This group 'is charged with the major technical role in the Comprehensive•• Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process. "Local Government" meaiLS the incorporated cities, villages and .towns within Palm Beach County and the County of Palm Beach. "Participants" means those local governments and='service~ providers who have entered into the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process through this Agreement and have paid the annual participation fee as required in this Agreement., "Plan Amendment" means any change • or modificationF.ito:; ana' adopted comprehensive~pl:an-that•:is.considered'a:comprehensinre':~plan =• amendment pursuant to Chapter 163; Part II, Florida Statutes,.or:.• its implementing rules. • bychibit A page 4 of 35 • • :. '•servico Providers" means the Palm Beach County School Board, the South Florida Water Management District, and all independent special districts located in whole or in part in .Palm Beach County which provide services required to be addressed in comprehensive plans by Chapter 163, Part ZI, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE IV_ PARTICIPATION.. Section 1. All local governments and service providers located in whole or in part in Palm Beach County are eligible to participate in this Agreement. Only the parties who execute this Agreement and who have paid their annual participation fee are considered participants under this Agreement. Any local government• or service provider who is not .a participant by October~i, 1993, may become a .'participant- upon execution of a unilateral Participation Agreement, in such form as the agreement attached -- hereto as FSChibit "A" . ' Section 2. Particivant General Obligations A. All participants shall be obliged to pay an annual participation fee. • (1) The initial participation fee shall be $500.00 per participant. This 'fee shall cover participation from October 1, 1997 to~September 30, 1994 and shall be due and payable by October 31, 1993. ' (2) The participation fee shall be $500.00 per .year for each subsequent,,..year, ~unle~s this .amount. is • modified. as.. authorized ..in Article:.V, Section. 2_ F. . - No modification shall increase the fee by more than Exhibit A Yage S of 35 -•• 25t of the past year's-.fee amount. The annual participation fee shall be due and payable. by October 1 of each succeeding year. (3) Non-payment of the fee shall result in the suspension of participation in this Agreement • pursuant to Article XI, Section 7. (4) A fee paid pursuant to this section shall not be returned in, full or prorates amount upon a participant's withdrawal from this Agreement. Participants entering into this Agreement after _ October 1, 1993, or during any period subsequent to September 30 of each year thereafter, shall be obliged to remit the entire fee amount. B. The local governments employing •full-time planning directors or other similar positions are required to appoint that. person to the Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee.. C_ The local governments and service providers whobecome - participants agree to provide technical as:sistance•requested by a Fact-finding Panel or Conflict Resolution Panel established pursuant to this Agreement. ARTICLE O. EZECIITIVE COHHITTEE - Section i Creation/PUroose There shall be -created~•arn.Executive Committee to provide oversight•• •and directibn'•to•~°Ehe•'~Comprehetisive~•~•Plan Amendment • Coordinated, lieview Process 'established this AgreemenC, in accordance with and pursuant to the duties and responsibilities Exhibit A Page 6 of 35 r .~ .expressed herein. Section 2. Duties and Powers The Executive Committee shall have the following duties, powers and responsibilities: A. Prepare an annual budget. B_ oversee the collection and expenditure of funds. C. Prepare an annual- report to the participants detailing the activities and results from the comprehensive plan amendments processed pursuant to this Agreement. ' D. Oversee the operations of the' various _panels, committees, and the Clearinghouse established • pursuant to this Agreement. E. Mane recommendations to the participants on ways to- improve the coordination process. F. Modify the annual.particip'ation fee in accordance ' with this Agreement. G. Sy majority vote of the entire membership of the Committee, iaodify -the time frames set forth in Article VIII. H. Propose amendments to this Agreement pursuant to Article XI, Section 4. I. Select the Clearinghouse. from ~ interested participants. _ • No enumeration of duties, powers, and responsibilities herein .shall be deemed exclusive or restrictive, but shall be deemed to s Exhibit A Page 7 of 35 • incorporate all implied powers necessary or incident to carrying 'out the purposes of this Agreement. Section 3 Membership A. The Executive Committee shall consist of nine members, selected from the following_ five categories in the manner specified, and shall meet the following criteria: ~ ~_ i (1) Four elected municipal officials, selected by the Palm Beach County Municipal League. (2) Two Palm Beach County Commissioners, selected by the Palm Beach County Commission. ---' "(3) One member of the Palm Beach County School' $oard, ' selected by the Palm Beach County School Board'. (4) One member of the South Florida Water ManBgemetit District Governing Soard; selected by the South .• Florida Water Management District Governing Board. • (5) One Special District Representative, who shall reside in Palm Beach County and represent a District in' Palm Beach County, appointed by the Regional Chair of the Florida Association of Special Districts. B. Except for the Special District Representative, all members of the Executive Committee shall be a representative of a • participant. Each member shall have one 'vote on the Committee. • C. Each category as set foirth in Paragraph A shall be entitled to appoint one (1) alternate. The alternate from Exhibit A Page 8 of 35 • categories 1 - 3 must be an elected official. If no other member of the South Florida Water Management District Governing Board resides in Palm Beach County, the Executive Director or his designee shall be the South Florida Water. Management District alternate. The Regional Chair of the Florida Association of Special Districts shall appoint as the Special District alternate a person who resides in Palm Beach County and represents a district in Palm Beach County. The alternate may act in place of any member .,, from the same category. D. In the event there are no participants in a designated category set forth in paragraph A, that category shall kie_deemed deleted and all remaining categories shall constitute the Executive Committee accordingly. Section 4. Executive Committee Action - A. The affairs, actions and duties of the Executive _. committee shall be undertaken at duly called meetings pursuant to '- Section 9 hereof. B. For any meeting of the Executive Committee at which any official action is to be taken, a majority of the committee members shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of the members present shall be the act of the Executive Committee. C. A certificate, resolution, or instrument signed by the Chair, Vice-chair or such other designated person of the Committee as may be hereafter selected by,the Committee shall be evidence of •the action of the Committee. - Section S. Election of Offioers _ Exhibit A Page 9 of 35 • Once a year, and at such other time as may be necessary to fill a vacancy, at a meeting of the Executive Committee called for the purpose thereof, the Committee members shall elect a Chair, a Vice-chair, and a Secretary-Treasurer to conduct meetings•of the Committee and to per-form such other functions..as.herein•.provided.~ Said Chair, Vice-chair and Secretary-Treasurer shall serve one (1) !. year terms unless they resign sooner pursuant to Section 7 hereof. aeativn `v '•••~'~`^r'7-v of nff iGerS . A. The Chair and the'Vice-chair shall take such action and sign such documents on behalf of the Executive Committee--and in furtherance of the purposes of this Agreement as shall be approved by resolution of the Committee. B. The Secretary-Treasurer, or his or her designee, shall keep minutes of all meetings, proceedings and acts of the Executive -• committee but such minutes need not be verbatim. Copies of all minutes of the meetings of the Committee shall be sent by the Secretary-Treasurer, or designee, to all Committee members and to such other parties as requested. Section 7 Resicmation A. Any member may resign =rcam aii ~~~~~° -.._ responsibilities hereunder by giving at least seven (7) days prior written notice sent to the Chair. Such notice shall state the date said resignation shall take effect and such resignation shall take effect on such date. • B. Sn the event any• member shall resign as the representative of a participating group such participating group ~'xhibit A page l0 of 35 • sha?.l appoint a new representative as expeditiously as possible. C. Any member, upon leaving office, shall forthwith turn over and deliver to the Chair or vice-chair any and all records, books, documents, or other property in his or her possession or under his or her control which belongs to the Executive Committee and/or relates to this Agreement. Section 8. Liability No member of the Executive Committee shall be liable for any action taken pursuant to this Agreement in good faith, or for any , omission, except gross negligence, or for any act of omission or commission by any other member of the Committee. -_ Section 9. Meetings A:' The Executive Committee shall convene at a meeting called by either a majority of the members or a't the request of the Chair. Meetings shall be conducted at such locations as may be acceptable to the majority of the Committee.. The Chair shall set forth the date, time, location and purpose of each meeting and notice thereof, unless otherwise waived, shall be furnished to each member by .the Secretary-Treasurer, or his or her designee, not less than seven (7) days prior.to the date of such meeting. The Chair may direct the Secretary-Treasurer to send the prerequisite notice for any meeting of the Committee otherwise called in accordance with the provisions hereof. S. Duri:.g October 1993, the duly appointed members of the • Committee shall hold an organizational meeting to elect officers and perform such other -duties as shall be provided under this ;' . - Exhibit A Page I1 of 35 _ • Agreement. ARTICLE DZ. INTERLOCAL PLAN AMENDHENT REVIEW COHHITTEE A. Participant local governments employing 'full-time planning directors or other similar position are required to appoint that person as a member of the Interlocal.Plaa•Amendment Review Committee. i B. The functions of this Committee are as follows: (1) To provide participants, on a rotating basis, fora Fact-finding'Panel. (2) To provide participants, on a rotating basis-,--for a Conflict Resolution Panel. ..(3) To call for technical assistance from 'service- - - providers and other agencies which participate in this coordination activity. _ • (4) To meet, at least quarterly, for the purposes of administration, consideration of referrals, reports of subcommittees, general coordination and consultation, and the forwarding of reports of actions to the participants. C. The Committee shall establish its own organization and rules of procedure consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE VII. CLEARINGHOIISE ~ ~•_ A. The Clearinghouse shall•be a~~particfpant public•agency~.•~ 8. The Clearinghouse shall'be responsible for: 1. The establishment of an account into which the Exhibit A Page 12 of 35 • participation fees required herein shall be deposited. 2. The deposit and disbursement of futtds in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards. 3. Securing and storing all adopted local government comprehensive'plans, and all amendments thereto. a. Coordinating the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process, as specified in Article VIII, Section 3. ARTICLE VIII. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT COORDINATED REVIEA PROCESS Section 1 Local Gov~rrnment Specific Obligations ~~ A.~ All participant local governments are obligated to do the following: ' (1) Inform the Clearinghouse of :the notice of plan amendments proposed by other participants that it desires to receive. (2) Designate to the Clearinghouse the position or individual who can file a written notice of intent to object and a formal objection. ' (3p Inform the Clearinghouse whether a formal governing body action is required prior to filing a written objection. (4) Provide the Clearinghouse with'a full copy of the local government's adopted Comprehensive Plan within thirty..(30) • days of the effective date oP this Agreement. ~ If a~ local government becomes a participant after October 1, 1993, the r Exhibit A page l3 of 35 • participant shall provide the Clearinghouse with a full copy of its adopted Comprehensive Plan within thirty (30) day$ of the effective date of the Participation Agreement. g. Flhen processing a proposed plan amendment to its own Comprehensive Plan, the local government shall do the following: (i) submit all proposed plan amendment documents !. required by Section 3 A. to the Clearinghouse at least thirty (30) days prior to the local government's transmittal hearing. (2) Meet with any objectors at least one time prior to the transmittal hearing on the proposed plan - - amendment. ~ ~_ '_ (3) Participate in fact-finding as described in Section 3 . _. (a) Include in the proposed plan amendment transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs, or within five (5) days of receipt if received after transmittal, all written notices of intent to object and written objections received pursuant to Section S, the status of that objection, a fact- findinq report prepared pursuant to Section 3, and any report ,from a GOI1L 11cL iCG.lYlu~.ivu cca..ca prepared pursuant to Section s. (5) Consider participating in any Conflict Resolution • Panel requested by an objector. The local government initiating the proposed plan amendment Exhibit A Page 14 of 35 is under no- obligation to participate in the Conflict Resolution Panel process. (6) For all proposed plan amendments, provide the Clearinghouse with a copy of the full proposed plan amendment; all background materials, including the supporting data and analysis; the objections, recommendation and comments report prepared by the Department of Community Affairs for the amendment ~'. upon its receipt; the response to the objection, . recommendation and comment report prepared by the local government; and, if adopted, the amendment to the local government's comprehensive plan; the notice of intent issued by the Department of Community Affairs; and arty f final orders or compliance agreements dealing with the amendment. '- (7) When it becomes available, provide the .Clearing- house with a revised copy of the local goverruaent's Comprehensive Plan including all amendments. C. If the local government desires to object to another local government's :proposed plan amendment, the objecting local government shall do the following: .(1) Submit a written notice of. intent to object to the Clearinghouse and the local government initiating the proposed plan amendment pursuant to Section 3. • (2) Meet with the local government transmitting" the proposed plan amendment at least one time prior to - Exhibit A 'Page 15 of 35 _ • that local government's transmittal hearing. (3) File a written objection with the Clearinghouse pursuant to Section 3. (4) Participate in fact-finding as described in Section 3 if the localcxovernment files a written objection. (5) Consider participating in any Conflict Resolution .: i, Panel requested by the initiating local government or other objector. An objector. is under no obligation 'to participate in the Conflict Resolution Panel process. --"" (°6] If the objection is to be withdrawn, file a'~iritten ' ~ notice withdrawing - the objection with the• .. Clearinghouse and the local government proposing the plan amendment. Section 2 All Other Pa -`-'manta Specific Ob~iaations All participants who. are not local governments must comply with the requirements of Article VIII', Section 1 A. (1), (2), and (3). Anon-local government desiring to object to a proposed Plan amendment has the same .obligations as an objecting local government detailed in Article VIII, Section 1 C. Section 3 Plan A ~ * uoview Process A.- A plan amendment is prepared pursuant to policies and " procedures•oF the~initiatinq locaL•governmes;t. At least thirty (30) days prior to the••~governing •body!s .•transmittal hearing, an Executive Summary along with a copy of. the proposed plan amendment and supporting material, and the date,. time, and place of the Exhibit A pa8e 16 of 3.5 _' _- • ransmittal hearing, shall he furnished to the Clearinghouse. g. Within five (5) days, the Clearinghouse shall distribute the Executive Summary and hearing information to the participants in the Agreement who have requested copies of the initiating local government's amendments. .. C. A written notice of .intent to object may be filed by any participant. (1) A written notice .of intent to object must be filed .~ no later than fifteen (15)• days before the transmittal hearing. (2j If a proposed. plan amendment is substantially modified between the submittal to the Clearinghouse _and the transmittal of the amendment, a written notice of intent £o object may be piled within ten (10) days of transmittal. D. The Clearinghouse shall imicediately notify the initiating- local government of all written notices of intent to object -- received by the Clearinghouse. E. The initiating local government shall meet with all objectors prior to the transmittal hearing unless the written notice of intent to object was filed pursuant to Section 3•C.(2) above. In that instance, the parties shall meet within fifteen (15) days of the submittal of the written notice of intent to object to the Clearinghouse. F. No later than fifteen (15) days after transmittal of the ,: proposed"plan amendment, a participant who filed a written notice • of intent to object prior to transmittal may file a written objection to the proposed plan amendment with the Clearinghouse. Exhibit A Page 17 of 35 • If a written notice of intent to object was filed after transmittal pursuant to Section 3 C.(2) above, a written objection may be filed by that participant no later than thirty (90) days after the filing of the written notice of intent to object. G. Upon receipt of a written objection;•~the•Clearinghouse shall notify the initiating local government and the Interlocal •• i• Plan Amendment Review Committee of the written objection and transmit a copy of the objection to the initiating local government and the Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee. . H. The Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committea_shall convene a Fact-finding Panel within ten (10) days of receipt-of the written +objection. The Fact-finding Panel shall review the. objection pursuant"to Article IX and shall issue its opinion letter no later than twenty (20) days after the submittal of the written • objection to the Clearinghouse. • I. After the Fact-finding Panel issues its opinion letter, any~party (the initiating local government and any participant objector) to the fact-finding may request conflict resolution pursuant to.Article X. The request shall be submitted in writing to the Clearinghouse no later than ten (10) days after transmittal of the Department of Community Affairs Objection, Recommendation and Comments Report. The Clearinghouse shall immediately notify • the other .parties of this request...Within ten (10) :days of receipt . of notification• from the••C•learinghouse,• the. other parties .shall notify the Clearinghouse of'their'decision on whether or not to • agree to conflict resolution. If the initiating local government - Exhibit A PaBe•'18 of 35 _ • nd any objector agree to conflict resolution, the Clearinghouse shall notify the Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee, which shall convene the appropriate Conflict Resolution Panel pursuant to Article X. cPr-r;on 4 Modification ~f TimerFrames By majority vote of the entire membership of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may modify the time-frames set ' forth for any activity as specified in Article VIII. !. ARTICLE IX. FACT-PINDING PAPfEL . A. The three person fact-finding panel shall consist of members of the Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committeg_ The Chair shall be selected by the panel. B. ~ The Clearinghouse shall provide the panel with .the following information prior to the meeting: (1) that portion of the Plan Amendment which is under -- consideration; and (2) the written objection. C. The Chair shall arrange for testimony and technical assistance from participants as is appropriate. D. At the meeti{~g, only the initiating local government, the participant objector, property owner for a site specific plan amendment, and any participant who has been requested to provide technical assistance shall be allowed to present testimony. The initiating local government shall present the item being objected to, the reason for the proposed amendment, and its supporting data, .analysis, and documentation. This presentation may be supplemented Exhibit A Page l9 of 35 ~ .. by the affected property owner. The objecting party(ies) shall make a presentation on the basis for its objection. Technical assistance testimony as requested by the Chair may be presented at any time. The panel may ask questions. The Chair shall close discussion with the participants and thereafter confine<~discussion to panel members. • E. The panel shall specifically identify each objection and ~,, shall issue an opinion letter including,•but not limited to, the following on each objection•which is filed: ' (1) The objection appears to be one of miscommunication and.that it appears to be resolved_ _. (2) There is insufficient data and analysis upon-which to support either the amendment or the objection or - • both. --_ (3) Sufficient data and analysis hztiS been provided and - a conflict appears to exist. The conflict should be resolved either: (a) through the noxmal Department of Community Affairs review process; or (b) in~ a conflict resolution forum such as provided in Article X, mediating services of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, or other mediation forum. • F. Within two (2) working days, the Chair shall fax an opinion letter to the involved part$.es. If warranted, a minority • opinion may be prepared by other members of the panel and provided exhibit A Page 20 of 35 - --- _. • concurrently with the Chair's opinion letter. ARTICLE X. CONFLICT RESOLIITION PANEL A. The Conflict Resolution Panel shall consist of three members when performing facilitation services or five members when performing mediation services. The pane l.. shall be composed of individuals who are members of the Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee. The Chair shall be selected by the panel.. 8. The Chair shall arrange for testimony and .technical assistance from participants as is appropriate. Testimony shall be provided only through participants who are parties to the objection unless technical assistance testimony has been requested by the Chair. C.; Two types of service may be provided. These are: (1) Facilitation - a. A facilitation panel shall consist of three members. When the facilitation panel convenes to review the objection, it shall seek to have the parties reach a mutually agreeable posititon on the proposed amendment and the objection to it. b. The facilitation panel shall declare when its work has been finished or an impasse has been reached. At that time, the Chair shall write a letter documenting the meetings which were held, the evidence and testimony received, • points of agreement, and points of Exhibit A Page 21 of 35 .' . • disagreement. The letter shall be transmitted to participating parties and the Department of Community Affairs. (2) Mediation A mediation panel shall •consist of five a. members. In addition to functioning as a ~ • facilitation panel, the mediation panel shall J; provide a statement recommending a method of resolving any remaining points of disagreement. If there is not utlanimous consent among panel members, a -minority opinion may be issued. It shall accompany the majority position.• b. As with the facilitation panel, the Chair __• shall write a letter documenting the meetings •' - which were held, the evidence and testimony received, points of agreement, points of disagreement, and recommendation. The letter and any minority opinion shall be transmitted to participating partie"s and the Department of Community Affairs. ARTICLE Z2. HISCELLA2iE0IIS t ' y eQat;On Of Du _c_ ti nn 7 Del Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of the state, • county, or city officers. Exhibit A Page 22 of 35 n LJ Section 2. Filincx - A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County. ,g, tion 3 Limited Liabi.litY No participant shall in any manner be obligated to pay any debts, obligations or liabilities arising as a result of any actions of the Executive Committee.-The Executive Committee members have no authority or power to obligate the participants in any ,, manner. Section 4. Amendments This Agreement may be amended in writing at any time by the concurrence of a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the Executive Committee and subsequent ratification by all of -the participants in this Agreement and any Participation Agreement. - sP^-ti on 5 Controh+nc Law --. This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. S,~rt~on 6 Effective Date/Term This Agreement shall be effective on October 1, 1993, and shall. continue in full force and effect unless all the participants withdraw in accordance with Section 7. section 7. Withdrawal Any participant may withdraw as a party to this Agreement after October 1, 1994, upon sixty (6Q) days written notice to the • Chair of the Executive Committee. Any participation fees paid will not be returned and the participant will cease activities:in the Exhibit A Page 23 of 35 - -- program outlined in this Agreement. Suspension of participation in this Agreement will occur upon the nonpayment of the fee prescribed herein or for the nonperformance of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by any participant. The suspension will be effective thirty (30) days after date- of notice--from the clearinghouse that noncompliance has occurred. Any participant receiving such notice shall have an opportunity to .cure its noncompliance in a reasonable time. Upon compliance, the participant shall be notified by the Clearinghouse of• its - reinstatement as a participant. =-- TN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed~'by the participeants as of the date and year indicated above. • -, • -. . • • 'ATTEST: • By:~ ~ ' Ci y~Cl~Y ~ `L ;. ~ .: ' -ATTEST : • :. •_ ity Cleric ATTEST: By: • ~~•. - i CITY OF ATLANTIS '-• .~ - Clyde F. Farmer, Mayor *BELLE CLADE By: / iY -~ ~ - - ill Bailey, Mayor *NOthinq in this agreement will au rize the delegation of is~tive authority. CITY BO TO ii~~`~~ . .. i ~! ~ ~ i~ - Exhibit A Page 24 of 35 ~ _ • ATTEST:,{ R ~ ~.}' CITY OF BOYNTO BEACH Sy : .y"itas'i-~u+~l /~~.tiL.L By : ~G~~~iGc~c City Clerk .~ ) E. F. Harmening ayor ATTEST: TOA1N OF BRINY BREEZES • ~ L ~ ~ ~ BY ~ _sG~ By' Town~Cl k~ „r gh David, Mayor A EST: TOWN OF CLOUD LAKE By: t.cc.) By: ~ Town Cle K Robert R. Reynolds, III, Council Chairman __ ATTESTS CITY OF DELRAY BEACH G~ City Clerk Tho as E, ch, Mayor ATTEST: Village C~ erk VILLAGE OF GOLF Dona d H. Gustafson, Mayor ATTEST: ~ CITY OF GRE^EN~AC~R,ES By: By: ;%%~~~--- ity Clerk mu errerx, Mayor ~~. • Exhibit A Page 25 of 35 • ATTEST: By: ~ /~ ' Town Cle ATTEST: ATTEST: j~ Town Clerk ATTEST: .By: ~ g- Town Clerk • ''•. 'ATTEST: By: ~ ~ Tocdn Cler ATTEST: By: Town Clerk TOWN OF GULF STREAM. lW3 am Koch, Jr., Mayor TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH 8y: G ~r-~~i- Arf n Voress, Mayor TOWN OF HYPOLUXO =_ . j, 1 Al Merlon, Mayor TOWN OF JUNO BEACH gy;~ ~ ~rn~.r.o Frank W. Harr~.s, Mayor TOWN OF JUPITER Q ~~_ By: Karen Golo ka, yor TOFfiN OF JUPITER INLET COIANY By: CHOSE NOT 20 PARTICIPATE AT TBI,S T33~ Ns.cholas F. Porto, Mayor Exhibit A page 26 of 35 i • • ATTEST: TOWN OF LAKE CLARKS SHORES ToWn,Cl$rk Gregor asey, Mayor ;'':; `:: t ~ ~' ATTEST: CITY OF LAKE WORTH i- (SEAL) .. ~~ 1 . i _L ': By: BY: bara A. Fo ~s e, do mano, .Mayor •. -ti. C (y Cleprkp .... DATE: 7 •~/. /~ '. .' , ATTEST: t' :RY;~1~.Yi.~iJ Y.J~.P~1 • - •Town• Clerk - .! ~- ~. c• ~ . TOWN OF T-A(iA _ By:. Rober McDona d, Mayor AT-TEST: TOWN OF MANALAPAN • _ J Charles H. Helm, ! G. Kent Shortz, M.D., Mayor Town Clerk •:~ ATTEST: TOWN OF GONIA PARK Town Clerk ~ ~ G e M. Eng is t•Jayor ATTEST: k/ • Town Clerk TO OCEAN R GE ~ By: Daniel J.'' 'Connell, yor Exhibit A Page 27 of 35 • ATTEST: CITY OF PAHOKEE 8 .. ~G-~~e~7'~ T City Clerk Ramon Horta, Jr., Mayor ATTEST: TOWN ~O~F PALM BEACH /. 1 // l ~~~ To Cer M.rW 1amWenu , Town Council, Pre~dent DATE: ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF`~OUNTY . COMMISSIONERS - DOROTHY H. WILXEN, Clerk - - ~~ ~ clerk Maryt.McCz~ty, Chair _ • APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEG BUFF C ENCY BY= County tto ney R 93 8 0 2 ; ~ _ o~~~~~~;~;~y, ~„ CW -r %O: Cvv'vT~; • : o. ,.. _ . ATTEST: •''~/ CITY OF PALM EACCH/~' -ENS . qty Clerk .'• '• R. Russo, Mayor ' ~ STATE OF FLORIDA. COUh?Y OF PALM.SEACH • !. ~:sR~T! :Y ii. WIUCEP2. ex-olfiwto Gls:k o! t:s> `^C.: r,'=' O! wL'?::}' C'Jf.T7:1i55!: I:~fa' C0.7.i~ ISf 1 i ~ 2 L ~~N _~ wl..ni.4r.•s!Y:r1Y•iii.`T_J'1^.L^.L!a~~~~irJi:iC~ TiLUI•! 11. ~= riq [~ 71_1._ I.'.~.`Cii.l ~_.. _.- •' Exhibit A ~:. ~ 7;t :~•' o•-: •- _ _ _ Pane 28 of 35 - .. • • ATTEST: ,r By: ~ ~cs•»t~n~ %. fir! , 11 K+%• Town Clerk. - TOWN fOF PALM BEACnH~SHOREST Thomas Chilcote, Mayor EXECUTED on •.l~.ol•.J: /~y_i _ by authority of the Village Couttcil as provided"in~Resoltftion R93~19. ••• ATTEST: VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ~, / / PALM SPRI • - Irene L. Burrou~kfs, ~ Richard H. Jette`, /Mayor village Clerk ~ {~ ; (SEAL) ATT '•By: CITY O RIVIERA BEACH j i Clara K. W1 Hams Mayor, City of Riviera Beach ATT VILLAGE OF ROYAL PALM BEACH ~~% n By: Sy: lag Clerk Tony as tti, Mayor ATTEST: CITY OF SOUTH BAY City Clerk ~. . By: • r- ~• Exhibit A Page 29 of 35 .. ATTEST: By: ~ ~• Tow Jerk ATTEST: D'~"oc.-n Clerk .~- ;.` , -. ATTEST~• ~;... :.ti By ` . .. •.A~ayh t ._ .City Cleric . t TOWN OF SOUTK PALM BEACK 8 / Mar .Roberts, Mayor VILLAGE./On/F TEQUESTA. By: ~[ `~ `7'f ~ct~lao~~ Ro-lt T'. Macka , May r CITY OF T PALM BEACH By. -- - Nancy/M.-Graham, Mayor. (INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) • r, Exhibit A Page 30 of 35 • ATTEST:. BOCA BATON AIRPORT AUTHORITY ~ew~ W. Blank, Chairman ATTEST: By: _ William G nters, Secretar APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY My j. ~~ , t rney for D"ake W th D inage District ATT ~ R Dent, Executive Director ATTESTS C~// /• BY : /'1-- ~i ;mot !-~ Ga M. Englz ,~ General Manag r LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE STRICT By: John I. Whitworth, IIZ, President i LOXAHATCHEE RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL DISTRICT By: George G. Gentile, Chairman SOUTH INDIAN WATER CONTROL DISTRICT Sy: ~T mas H. Prowell, President Or: ~ ; ~ C~~~~%,.~n 4 vice-President \g engovt\dmd\cuggtzt.mep Exhibit A Page 31 of 35 ATTEST: NORTfiERN PALM BEACH C ~yA OL DISTRI r By: By: Pctc Pimentd, Disuia Sccretary William Kerslake, President . APPROVED AS TO FORM AND AL S CZ' By. Kcn Edwards, Legal Counsel ATTEST: By: ~ (.,,. ~. ~~ . Monica Uhlhorn, Supcrirtttndcar r~: ._. `; - ; - .• i ;;' .. . ,~ :. ~: . ''= '' a SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH'• .. ' ~ COIJNIY ~ . _ _ _ ~ .... . By. ~ l Bjork, tman .. • (INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) • Exhibit A Eage 32 of 35 .., .. ` • ATTEST: LOXAI-!AT'CHEE GROVES WATER COMTtOL DISTRICT ~__ ~~' By: ~ By:~ ~ G~~ ~o C William H. Thrasher, Distn t Director Merodi Fox, Chaimuin of the Board of Supervisors (INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) • FSchibit A .page 33 of 35 ,., _. PARTICIPATION AGREENENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of 1993, entered into by and among • a (local goversvoent or service provider) hereinafter "New Participant", and the various parties executing the Znterlocal Agreement dated October 1, 1993, hereinafter "Master Agreement"; i, W I T N E S' 6 E T H: AHEREAS, an intergovernmental coordination program for - reviewing proposed changes to adopted comprehensive plans which ' fully utilizes the existing Chapter 163 comprehensive Fr>ianning process with minimal bureaucracy and expense for local goverlugents and service providers has been established as evidenced by that _ certain Interlocal Agreement dated October 1, 1993; and __ WHEREAS, _ desires to become a -~ participant under said agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1 of the Master Agreement, participation is 8uthorized upon the execution of this unilateral Participation Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, ill consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is agreed and understood by ,and among the undersigned New Participant and the participants in the Master Agreement as follows: 1. IIpon execution of this Agreement and upon p$yment of the annual participation fee prescribed in Article IV, Section 2 of the • Master Agreement, New Participant will become a.participant in the Exhibit A EXHIBIT Page 34 of 35 _~ _-- - aster Agreement recorded in the Official Records at Book No. Page 2. The New Participant shall enjoy all the privileges of, and shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of, the Master Agreement_ 3. The participants in the Master Agreement agree to the inclusion of New Participant in accordance with Article IV, Section 1 of the Master Agreement as it is acknowledged that the inclusion of an additional participant furthers the intent and spirit of the Master Agreement and the ultimate goal of providing planning coordination among all local governments and service providers. - 4. A copy of this Participation Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court in and for Palm Seach County ahd with the Clearinghouse_ 5. This Participation Agreement shall be effective upon execution and filing pursuant to Paragraph 4 and shall continue in furl force and effect unless New Member withdraws pursuant to Article XI, Section 7 of the Master Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, xhis Agreement has•'been executed by as of the date and ,year indicated below. By: Its• . t am Date• •\3engov \ d\pnrticip. ngt `.t....~`~ v i~T E t l .. /R, ~.JUI~: , r R! A: t+~ti:'''. =pF CGUryra, DO ~O~H':' H. WiLKSN. er.-of??w., :::.;?; s? t`s }'~ :. t~:t;: f•:,r~:ssior.:ts:.a:.iSy :`,~'s i~ :-. - sue; COUNTY, ~`~~,~~-na:~/•:ss:?z!:::&:~ ,~: r/1~~ ~ ~ ~~ •.. i~.' ___.~~ _ 'n.,l.t l.tr~ a "-`n.: I_'~~t'~ r EXHIBIT B • Implementing Ordinance Elements SCHOOL CONCURRENCY ORDINANCE BASIC FRAMEWORK See Interlocal Agreement A. Applicability (required concurrency determination) 1. Applies to: a. All new residential development orders b. Amendment to existing development orders which increase the number of residential units 2. Does not apply to: a. Project with no impact on school attendance, i.e. non-residential or elderly restricted housing, or single family platted tots B. Establish Level of Service Standard and Application of Standard 1. Level of Service standazds 110% and 120% a. How measured b. Test for Level of Service 2. Concurrency Service areas (CSAs) a. Application of CSA b. Amendment of CSA Assured construction -definition (budgeted, adopted, and scheduled school construction) Standazds for mitigation Procedures for residential development phasing to assured school construction or mitigation C. Procedure for Reviewing Development Applications I . Documents which must be submitted for review 2. The point in the process at which evaluation must occur. Generally, before any development order is issued. 3. Transmittal to School District (process, time frames) 4. Evaluation and comments of School District (time frame) 5. Incorporation of conditions of approval into development order 6. Appeals of School District decisions D. Procedure for School District Review 1. Transmittal to School District for review • 2. Time frames for review and comment 3. Effect of comments H:\DATA\W P51\DOC\CONCRNCYISECTIOMINTERLOC~EXH6 • EXHIBIT C PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of ,entered into by and a municipal government, hereinafter "New Participant", and the various panics executing the Public School Concutrcacy Interlotxil Agreement among the datcd , fieieihafter "School Concurrency Agreement"; ~~'ITNESSETH: WHEREAS, a public school concurrency program has been established as evidenced by that certain Interlocal Agreement dated WHEREAS, agreement; and desires to become a pamcipant under said ' WHEREAS, pursuant to Article XII, Section C of the School Concurrency Agreement, • participation is authorized upon the execution of this unilateral Participation Agreement NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is agreed and understood by and among the undersigned New Participant and the participants in theiSchool Concurrcncy Agreement as follows: l . iJpon execution of this Agroement, New Participant will become a participant in the School Concurrcncy Agreement. 2: The New ptuticipantshall enjoy all the privileges o~ and shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of, the School Concturency Agreement. The New Participant shall adopt the required comprehensive plan amendments p~~m~A~t to Article II, Section B as soon as possible after execution of this Participation AgreemcnL ~. Thc participants in the School Coneurtcticy Agreement agree to the inclusion of New Participant in accordance with Article XII, Section 8 of the School Concusency ' Agreement as it is acknowledged that the inclusion of an additional participant furthers the intent and spirit of the School Concurrency Agreement. ~. A copy of this Participation'Agrcement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court in and for Palm Beach County and with the Tecfinical Advisory Committee established I and by Article VI, Section A of the School Concurcency Ag-cement. • S. This Participation Agreement shall be effective upon execution and filing pursuant - to Paragraph 4 and shall continue in full force and effect unless New Member withdraws pursuant to Article 3~, Sectioa 8 of the School Concurrcncy Agreement or the School Concurrency~Agreetttwt is otherwise terminated. 1N WTINESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by , as of the date and year indicated . below. Br• _ Its• Date: ~ Student Generation Multiplier Table TOTAL PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC SAMPLE SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SIZE FC-12 Y.-5 6-B 9-L'2 ALL HOUSE TYPES 1 BEDR 70 0..04 O_04 0.00 O.OU _.. 2 BEDR' 252 ~ 0.12 O.OS 0.02 0.01 3 BEDR ~ 245 O_50 O_l5 O. L2 0.22 3+ BEDR 76 O.b9 0:38 0.15 ~ U. 15 SItJG. FAMILY DETACHED At4D ATTACHED 2 OR LESS 123 O_19 0.14 O_03 0.00 3 BEDR 217 O. SS 0.17 0.12 U_23 3a - HEDR 70 O, ~'2 0.40 O_ 17 O_ 15 LOIJ F2ISE MULTI. FAMILY C'Z S~-or ~ CS~ 1 BEDR 26 0.00 O_00 O_00 O.OU 2 BEDR 97 0.10 O_06 0.03 O.OL " 3 BEDR 16 0.36 O_OS 0.16' 0.16 3+ BEDR 3 0.66 O_33 0.00 O_;3 MID RISE MULTI. FAMILY (,3 S~-pC' ~e~~ 1 SEDR ~ 13 O_00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 BEDR 23 0.00 0.00 O_00 O_00 S BEDR ~ 1 O_00 0.00 O_00 0.00 3+ BEDR O O.Ob O_00 0.00 O.00 HIGH RISE MULTI. FAMILY C4 p\us S~ortC S~ 1 BEDR 8 O_00 0.00 O_•00 0.00 2 BEDR 19 O_LO O_00 0.00 O.1U 3 BEDR b 0.00 0.00 O_00 O.00 3+ BEDR ? G.OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 MOBI LE HOME 1 BEDR 1 U.UO 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 BEDR LO 0.06 0.00 O.04 0 00 3 BEDR 3 O_00 0.00 0.00 . U.OU 3+ BEDR 1 U_00 0.00 •G_U~i n.pq ~R ~N1~ W NCO~O~i t7^~M~M<fn0~ W N~~ N aD O • ... 8 N ~~~~~~~~m~~~Q~~~$~~~~ ~ ~~~~m~~~s~~~~~~<~~~~~~ N O o~ N ~~~~O1O1pppp!p!111 O ~ O ~ ~ r N N ~ ~ Q ~ ~ O ~ Q ~ ~ ~Op~1~N~~0OV ~n~{h~l7Q~l7~OrN n N m O 8 N pr~ (Q~pVyl~ (aOOpppp pp ~Oy~N~NN N~N~~ Q th ~TOmU1O C'1 N ~ ~NpnN p~pNO~iO tn+1 t0O~ ~~Nt")I~pQNQ^N Q r O n 8 N ~CD r1~Nr N ~ r~ ~ m O O N p S f- N ~ 88 {{pp (Opp pp (Qp p1 ~ O M ( ~N O n N r N ~ O 1~ O m C = f~ D V1 `1 (0OMt p_ D O~( $"~ OO ~OQpp p~~ p Fi ~ N N O N N N~ N N N O O! ~ O~ Q f 0 0` ~p p N _ 'Q W ~ V N Q IA OD ~ED OroO N ~~ON~ ~ d g M ~O Q ~ 8 N pg p(p OOO(~~~p !O(NQpp ~~O ~~ ~ ~ ~r •1O O!O s N ~t0O Qeh ~-O N N (V N r< N fD YNl N-ONi N O O N N b~ r m Q~ N 8 9 0.-~,_~.. r N •- OD ~- Q r O N l7 0~ r r N '~ .- m. 8O O N ~pQ~Q~(0p1 t?Oa")N Q~rODO ~pp tppD~~O~N fOOppG 1h~NNN' ONNNN Olr7 ~QOONO' U/ Cy .-NMQ NfD 00 OIO~ ~.O-.u1-~.r- W ~NN • C d ' ~ U' 1~- U N ~ ~