2000-058 Bid Award for Canal Dredging• RESOLUTION 58-2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF SUB-AQUEOUS SERVICES INC., FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $271,340 FOR PHASE 1 CANAL DREDGING; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED FROM A5206-66210 (COMMUNITY PLANNING -CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section I. The bid of Sub-Aqueous Services Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in the amount of $271,340 for Phase 1 Canal Dredging, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials aze hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from A5206-66210 (Community Planning -Construction and Major Renovation). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 28th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2000. Mayor A"fTEST: Village Clerk • THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Tvler Dixon who on oath says that she is Classified Advertising Manaeer, Inside Sales of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a Bid in the matter of Canal Dredeine -- in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Aueust 7, 2000. A17iant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach , in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ~ /~ / Sworn to and subscribed before this 7 day of Au ust A.D. ZI10 . Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ln»~~rnr.,`»n»r, ~~nr~~»t>>nnt:n•~ni~u,w~ < o`"~'' ~d4~ Y.~ren Ptcl,inton ~~ i ~ ~~;.~'~ ~ Nota.y. Public, Smk of Flociilo ; < : ', :~`FA Oem:uiaaian No. CC 541347 ,• ~ r''ov v:o° My Cenv;iisaiun rvp.l l/152G90,~ )~ LEiV-!-tlbfAV l' ru N+~,ry Seo~i..S OOUCin~ Co. 05 i))A)))Y.Yi il}SU) ))>)S.)))))))N))lU))))))))N))S THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Tvler Dixon who on oath says that she is Classified Advertisine Manaeer. Inside Sales of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a Bid in the matter of Canal Dredein¢ -• in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Aueust 7. 2000. Atfiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach , in said Yalm beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised eny person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. O /~ / Sworn to and subscribed before this 7 day of Au ust A.D. ZDO . Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced (JIJNJlJJIJJAlNJJJIINgJIJ.?'JJJJNl/JJJJJJJJ.!V ~ i ,}"''r"' ~ Y.-arch htc3,irron ~3 ~~ ^~ ~~=;.;F' ^ Notr~y Rublio, Srac of F'loride ; ' ~ r; n Com:uissi~~n No. CC 541337 ~- ~ "or~P~ idy Cvm:,iission fxp.ll/152UDU;C S52 t-FiU-l~1lOTAF]' ria NOhry $ervin.i-auEinp Co. ~Q r C _~ a S rl O P 6 U W Gl ...~ Q a F a • o Z O 41 U ¢] I 8 N op oq Q U 0 M N Q .~ :_° ~' F v fL o fV S ~- S O 8 O~ $ M S t~ $ $ P 8 OG $ N 8 C $ 1~ 8 8 00 8 e ~ $ r1 pp O~ h Or ~O O~ ~n O h O O r1 V1 V O [~ [~ M O 1 r M 1n V~ M ~O ~ p O p. O ~' V O N O M 1~ N O N N u0 f`I CI CI N N M N M N O N V N M O M ~ P O ^ ^ ~ 7. 'O G L y N ~+ V ~ fn pO S O O ~O V N N N O~ N h ~n N O a Q. ^ N r W M V ~ ^ t~ ~ n N - P pp~~ P VOOi ~O ~p O; O 00 O N pM. O v~ ~/1 N M N 00 V. N I~ ~O O M IeN~{, O P ~D 7 p O; O ~ C M ~ ~' ~D M S ~O l~ o0 ~ ~ ~ w A ~ d .9 ~ ~ ^ o' A ~ S p O O p O p O S pp O O pp p pp p p S pp 0 pp 0 pp 0 pp 0 S ~p U '~ E 88 O h [~ M ~ oo" N M a N M ~/1 O o0 N ~D v'r'i 00 V N O N e0 -- O 0~0~ O N ~O~ppG O O. N M P N M M h 00 M 00 ~ ~O ~-- O WC00 P 00 P P 'R ~/1 OMO h I~ (0~0 P ^ r n n Q ~ O N O 8 O O vl N v1 1~ O v1 N .~• N ~D ~/1 l~ [~ 00 1~ 00 N ~O O vl ~ N ~r1 1~ I~ O~ \° ~ u ,E pp O N o0 ~ N N Vt $ M a O v`oi N rn ~O °- ~D v f`~ yap O `~ Vl d v (`~ ~6 ~n 00 r v l ~ ~ N 00 V [~ N N M l~ N y O~ O P oo N N M ~ M ~/1 VI P P ~ O ~ N ~ rn m O E N O N _ U c C ~ a o" O ~ ~ 00 c ~ n V O z. v 0o c O m V fV G Z v eo c ~ ie V M G z ~ eq c ~ m V V G z u on c ~ m V vi G z ~ m c ~ m V ~O C z ~ eo c 0 m V t~ O z u 00 e ~ iv V 00 G Z c~ 0o e ~ is V P O z ~ c ~ V G G z ~ ~ U ~ G z v ~ _ F V 9 ~ ~ W N ~ ° 3 ~ 4] Aq c V ai z V ~ ~ m ~ ~ o m u d p U 0 i- E aY `\ r 4 U $5$~ l u¢a S (~] N O l ..] i ~ eeo m ~ K C1 ¢ ~ z ~ 4. U m O y t~ w U ~-' . 9_ ~ m 7 i Q ~ \ ~ ~ O ° a v o°o g $ $. $ 8 0 ~ 8 v o o , ~ ~ ~ , ~~ 8 ~ V _ 9 ~< 9 9 < 9 <_ S~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ q ~ C O ~D ~ ~ > Q j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ p O u p b U y yY L.1 41) X t3a U U ~~ '~ 8 ~ .C ~ ,rR. 0 .Z 0 Z 0 0 Z. Z 0 Z 0 0 .'L Z. r 0 Z ~ 0 .Z ~ 0 Z. 0 Z. r 'J ~ y .] V O m g O ~ rd U m U n S U U a U e a n U~ U u ~ U d' U u 3 z m u rd Ci O y a :7 -: Y .S f Z O h ~~ ``µC` .V ~ ~. ~~.. ~, ~~`~~ ~: Bid Form Price Schedule Proposal to • Village of North Palm Beach Canal Maintenance Dredging Pay Item No. Description uanti Unit Amount Pay Item A. Pay Itcm B. Pay Item C Pay Item D. Pay Item E. Mobilization Lump Sum (Words) 1 LS 60,000.00 SIXTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS Canal No. 1: Canal Dredging 22, 211.43 Lump Sum (Words) TTY TNA THWSAND TWO HUAIDRED ELEVEN AND 43/100 DOLLARS Canal No. 2: Canal Dredging 25, 525.97 Lump Sum (Words) fv FrcrF nwnrl.Ganm FTVF' HIINf1RF:1) 7WFNI'Y F?c>_F Arm 97/100 DOLLARS Canal No. 3: Canal Dredging 21.993.01 Lump Sum (Words) TWENTY ONE THWSAND NINE HUPIDRED NINETY THREE AND 01 /100 Canal No. 4: Canal Dredging 14, 381 .72 Lump Sum (Words) FY)UR'11;II9 THOUSAND THREE HUNDRID EIGHTY ONE AND 72/100 DOLLARS Pay ]tem F. Canal No. 5: Canal Dredging 15, 713.88 Lump Sum (Words) FIFTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUDNDRID THIRTEEN AND 88/100 Pay Item G. Canal No. 6: Canal Dredging 9,128.73 Lump Sum (Words) NINE THWSAND ONE HU6IDRED TWENTY EIGHT AND 73/100 DOLLARS Pay Item H. Canal No. 7: Canal Dredging 16,158.99 Lump Sum (Words) SIXTEEN THWSAND ONE HUNDRID FIFTY EIGHT AND 99/100 DOLLARS Pay Item I. Canal No. 8: Cana! Dredging 20,801.96 Lump Sum (Words) Tay THWSAND EIGHT HUNDRID ONE AND 96/100 DOLLARS Pay Item J. Canal No. 9: Canal Dredging 25, 509.31 Lump Sum (Words) TWErFly FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINE AND 31 /100 DOLLARS Pay Item K. Canal No. 10: Canal Dredging 29.826.35 Lump Sum (Words) TWENTY NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUDIDRID TWENri'Y SIX AND 35/100 DOLLARS Pay Item L. Canal No. 17: Canal Dredging 1 7 Lump Sum (Words) THIRTEEN THWSAND SIXTY EIGHT AND 73 100 DOLLARS • Vill. Of NPa-Canals 98-0291 Aug 00 0030P3 Bid Form Pay • Item No. Description uauti Unit Amouut '- 1 LS 146,909.72 • Pay Item M. C-South: Canal Dredging Lump Sum (Words) ONE HUNDRED FDRTY SIX THOUSAND NINE ~~ ~~ AND 72/100 DOTS~ARR Pay Item N. W-Lake: Canal Excavation 41, 407.90 Lump Sum (Words) ARTY ONE THOiISAND FOUR HUAIDRID SEVE[9 AND 90/100 DOLLARS Pay Item O. N-Lake: Canal Excavation 136,136.30 Lump Sum (Words) ~ a•^ •°°•^^°^ ""TD"^' erv "";^~~GA~ ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SIX AND 30/100 DOLLARS BID TOTAL 598, 769.00 TOTAL BID PRICE (Words) FIVE HUNDRID NINEPY EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRID SIXTY NINE AND 00 0 DOLLARS Vill. OCNI'B~Cenals 98A291 Aug 00 003001 Bid Fom~ _ 6.01 Bidder agees that the Work will be substantially complete on or before and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with paragaph ]4.07 of the General Conditions on or before 6.02 Bidder accepts the provisions of the Ageement as to liquidated damages in the evrnt of failure to complete the . Work within the times specified above, which shall be stated in the Ageement. 7.01 The following documents are attached to and made a wndition of this Bid: A. Required Bid security in the form of a Bid Bond ; B. A tabulation of Subcontraaors, Suppliers [and other) individuals and entities requ'ved to be identified in this Bid; C. Requ'ued bidder qualifications statement with supporting data; and D. Swom statement pursuant to Section 287.133(3)(a), Florida Statutes, on Public Entity Crimes. 8.01 The terms used in this Bid with initial capital letters have the meanings indicated in the Instructions to Bidders, the General Conditions, and the Supplementary Conditions. SUBMITTED on 8-30-2000 ~KXXX State Contractor License No. (If applicable) if Bidder is: An Individual Name (typed or printed): By: (SEAL) (Individual's signature) Doing business as: Business address: Phone No.: FAX No.: A Partnership Partnership Name: (SEAL) By: (Signature ojgeneral partner -attach evidence ojauthoriry to sign) Name (typed or printed): Business address: Phone No.: A Corporation FAX Corporation Name: SUBAQUEOUS SERVICES, INC. (SEAL) State oflnwrporation: FLORIDA Type (General Business,Professional, Service, Limited Liability): General BUS1nP.S$ • V ill. Of NPBLanals 9s-0291 Aug 00 003045 Bid Form By: Name (typed or printed): LANCE W . YOUNG Title: Attesl Business address: tPORATE ~.>~AL) 9201 Kean Road, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 PhoneNo.:g,Sa SR'I_~a~n FAXNo.: 954-584-7072 Date of Qualification to do business is 1 2/ 0 3/ 1 9 8 2 A ]oint Ventwe ]oint Venturer Name: (SEAL) By: (Signature ojjoint venture partner -attach evidence ojauthortty (o sign) Name (typed or printed): Title: Business address: Phone No.: FAX No.: Joint Venturer Name: (SEAL) By: (Signature -- attach evidence ojauthority to sign) Name (typed or printed): Title: Business address: Phone No.: FAX No.: Phone and FAX Number, and Address for receipt of official communications: (Each joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership, and corporetion that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) u Vill. OfNPB-Canals 98-0291 Aug 00 0031Wd Bid Form BIDDER (Name and Address): OWNER (Name and Address): Village of North Palm Beach 50] U.S. Highway One Noah Palm Bcach,FL 33408 BID BOND BID BIp DUE DATE: _ August 30. 2nn0 PROJL•CT(BrieCDescriptionlncludingl.ovation): Village of North Palm Beach, Canal Dredging Project X98-0291 Work of this propoxd Contract is generally described as the dredging of soils and other ma[erials from the Nonh Palm Beach Waterway and numerous finger canals and lakes off the waterway within the Village of North Palm Beach. The work will also consist of the disposal of the dredge material in a manner consistent with local, State and Federal regulations, BOND BOND NUMBER: N/A DATE (Not later than Bid due date): puyus . 3n, 90nn PENAL SUM: Five Percen of Amnunt R;A t4****5q***** (Words) (Figures) TN WITNESS WHEREOF, Surety and Bidder, intrnding to be legally bound hereby, subject to the terms printed on the reverse side hereof, do each cause this Bid Bond to be duly executed on iu behalf by its authorized officer, agent, or rcprcxntativc. BIDDER SURETY Suba ueous Servi s (Senp Ohio Casualty Insurance ComoarlhSeaq $idd 's Name as orate Stvery's Name and Corporate Seall~''j r nature~Title By. ~ MichaelyA'Holmess~g Attorney-In-Fact & (Attach Power ofnnorney) Florida Resident Agent At[es[: Arrest: SEE ATTACHED POWER OF ATTORNEY Signature and Title Signature end Title • Notc: (I) Above addresses are to be used for giving requved notice, (2) Any singular reference to Bidder, Surety, OWNER or other party shall be considered plural where . apylicablc. viI I.Of Nl`D-Canals 98-0291 Auy 00 00611.1 Di0 Done J 1, Bidder and Surery, jointly and scvtrally, bind themselves, the'v he'vs, executors, adminisvators, suaessors and assigns w pay to OWNER upon defauh of Eiddu anv difference between the total amount o! Bidder's Bid and the total amount o! the Eid of the next lowest, responsible and responsive Bidder as determined by OWNER for the Work required by the Contract Documents, provided that: 1.1. If there is no such next lowest, responsible and responsive Bidder, and OWNER dots not abandon the Project. then Bidder and Swery shall pay to OWNER the penal sum set forth on the fact of this Bond, and 1.2.1n no event shall Bidders and Surety's obligation hueunder exceed the penal sum set forth on the fact of this Bond. 2. Default of Bidder shall occur upon [he failure of Bidder to deliver within the time required by the Bidding Documenu (or any extrnsion thereof agreed to in writing by OWNER) the execmod Agreemem required by the Bidding DocumenB and any performance and payment Bonds required by the Bidding Documents. 3. Phis obligation shall be null and void if: 3.1. OWNER accepts Bidders Bid and Bidder delivers within the «me required by the Bidding Documents (or any extension thereof agreed to in wri«ng by OWNER) the executed Agreement required by the Bidding Documents and any pcrfomtance and payment Bonds rcquved by the Bidding Documents, or 3.2. All Bids are rejected by OWNER or 3.3. OWNER fails to issue a Notiu of Award to Bidder within the time specified in the Bidding Documctts (or any extension thereof agreed to in writing by Bidder and, if applicable, consented to by Surery when requred by paragraph 5 hereof). 4. Payment under this Bond will be due and payable upon default by Bidder and within 30 cntrndar days after receip[ by Bidder and Swcty of wrincn notice of default from OWNER which notice will bt given with reasonable promptness, identifying this Bpnd and the Project and including a sutement of the amount due. 5. Swery waives notice of and any and all defenses based on or arising out of any time extension to issue Notice of Award agreed to in writing by OWNER and Bidder, provided that the tool time for issuing Notice of Award including extensio»s shall not in rho aggregate exceed 120 days from Bid due dart without Suretys wrincn consent. 6. No suit or action shall be wtnntenced undcrthis Bond prior to 3U calendar days after the notice of default required N paragraph 4 above is received by Bidder and tri11.Of NPII•Ctmals 98•U29t Aug 00 00411.2 Swep• and in no cast later than one year slier Bid due dart. 7. Any suit or action under this Bond shat) be commenced only in a court oC eompeecnt jurisdic[ion located in the state in which the Project is located. 8. Notices required htteunder shall be Ln writing and sent to Bidder and Surery at thew respective addresses shown on the face of this Bond. Such no[ices may be sent by personal delivery, commercial courier or by United States Registered or Certified Mail, reNtn receipt reques[ed, postage prepaid, and shall be deemed w be effective upon receipt by the parry concerned. 9. Swery shall cause to be anached to thls Bond a current and effective Power or Aaomey evidencing the authority of the officer, agent or rcprcsenutive who executed this Bond on behalf of Surery to execute, scat and deliver such Fond and bind the Swcty thereby. 10. This Bond is intended to conform [o all applicable suNtory roquvementa. Any applicable requirement of any applicable statute drat has been omitted from this Bond shall be deemed t0 be included herein ns if set forth at lcn3tlt. If any provision of this Bond conflicts with any applicable suture, theo the provision of said statute shall govern and the remavidcr of this Bond that is not in conflict therewi[h shall continue in full force and effect, 1 I. llte term "Bid" as used herein includes a Bid, offer or proposal as applicable. Rid Dcmd .- CERTII'TED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY No. 33-8U1 Know All Men by These Presents: That THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio Corporation, and WEST AMEWCAN INSURANCE OMYANY, en Indiana Corporaltoq in punwnee of authority granted by Article VI, SeCGon 7 of the By-Laws of The Ohio Casualty Wurancc Company and Aricle Yl, Sccuoo 1 f Wesl American ]nsman<e Company, do hereby nominate, constitute end appoint: GeTfl)d J. Al'Cfl Of' MIChfl¢~ A. HOIITI¢S of Ft. Lflod¢rdfl)¢, F)Orldx its we end lawful agent (e) snd etlomey (r}in-fact, to makq execute, seal and deliver fm and on its behalf a rarely, and as its act and deed any and all BONDS, UNDERTAKINGS. and RF,000NIZANCES, not exceeding in any single instance SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ($7,500,000.00) DOLLARS. excluding, however, any bond(s) or undertaking(s) gwranteeing the payment of rwles and )nlarut thmeon And the execution o(mch bonds m undertakings in punuanca of these preaema, shall be a binding upon raid Companies, as fully and amply, to all inlrnla and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Companies at their adminiaualive ogees in Hamilton, Ohio, m their own proper persons. The authority granted hereunder aupereedu any previous authority heretofore granted the above mmed attomey(a}in-fact. 1n WH'NESS WHEREOF, the undersigned officer of the raid The Ohio Gmalty Inamance Company and Weal American Insurance Compam has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the Corporate Seal of each Company this 251h day of F¢bruflry, 1999. \nltvgt f!° sew L~` ~ SEAL /: ~ na+d' .. ~p,,,., ~µu7Le....cQ, Sam wnncq Auiatant Vice President STATE OP OI-O, COUNTY OF BUTLER On this 2$lh day of F¢blLfll'y, 1999 before the anbacribtt, a Notary Public of the Sate of Ohio, in and im the Gunty of Buller, duly commissioned snd gcalified, came Sam Lewren<c, Aasietent Secretary of Tf1E OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY and WEST AtvffiRICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, to me penorolly known to be the individual and otEcer deecrilxd iq and who executed the preceding inawmrnl, and he acknowledged the execution of the came, and being by me duly awom depoacth and sailh, that he is the officer of the Companies aforeuid, and that the seals allured to the precedng irutmmrnl are the Coporate Suls of aid Companies, and the aid Corporate Seals and his signature ea officer were duly affixed and mbacribed to the aid instmment by the authority snd direction of the aid Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WIffiREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my 01Tcial Seal al the Cily otHamil[an, Stale of Ohio, the day and year -rt above written. YIIYNye I N,p~r ,~ ~`" ~~ ~ ~ aN~. Notary Public in and fm County of Butler, State of Ohio My Commiuion expirce September 25 2002 This poser of sUOmey is granted under and by authority of Arlide V{ Section 7 of tho By-Laws of The Ohio Gawlty ]romance Company and Arlide Vl, Section 1 of W'wt American lnaurance Company, exuacla from which rod: Anidc VI, Scclion 7. APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEYS-IN-FACT, ETC. 'The chaimun of the board, the prosident, any vice-president, the aocretary m any auiatant rceretary of each of these Companies shall be and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint attomeya-in-fact fm the purpose of signing the name of the Companies as surety to, end to execute, amch the corporate aul, acknowledge and ddiver any and all bonds, recognizances, atipulatiare, undertakings m other inaWmenU of suretyship and policies of insurance to be given in Cavor of any individwl, firm, corporation, or the officid repreernul)ve thmwf, m to any county m slate, or any official board or boards of wanly or state, m the UnitW Stales of America, m to any oOser political rvbdiviaion." Article Vl, Section 1. APPOINTMENT OF RESIDENT OFFICBRS. "The Chaimun of the Board, the Pruiden4 any Vice Pruidrnt, a Secreary m any Assistant Secretary shall be and is hereby vested with ful l power and authority to appoint attomeya in fact fm the purpoca of aignirtg the name of the cmporatiw as surely m guarantor, and to execute, attach the corporate seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, rewgnizarteu, rtipulatiaru, undeNkinge or other imtrumrnts of amety-ship m guarantee, and politico of insurance to be given in favor of an individual, firm, co{poralioM m the official repreamdtive thereof, m to any county m ante, m any official board m bmrda of any county or stale, or the United States of America, m to any other political rubdivieion." This imtnunent ie signed end sated by facsimile ae eulhmized by the following Resolution adopted by the reepulive directors' of the Companies (adopted May 27, 1970-The Ohio Caauahy Insurance Company; adopted April 24, 1960-West American Immrnce Company): "RESOLVED that the aigruturc o(any officer of the Company authorized by the By-laws to appoint atlomeyr in Fscl, the signature of the Secretary m my fvsiatant Secretary certifying to the conedneee oCany copy of a power of attorney and We seal of the Company may be affixed by faciimile to any power of atlomey m copy thacof issued on behalf of the Company. Such rignatmee and teal arc hereby adopted by the Company ae original aignatmea and aul, to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force I, the undersigned Aasiabnt Secretary of The Ohio Gsualty Immance Company and Wcat American Immance Company, de hmeby certify that the foregoing power of rttomey, the referenced By-Laws of the Companies and the above Resolution of their Boards of Diredan s~gr~q~and correct copie and are iq full force and effect on this date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto rat my hand and the seals of the Companies shit 3tr t.fl day of ~U 9 U $ L 2 ~~0 mAl.{p F .5:' tC ri~SEAL%F ~\5,,~E--A~~L~~~ ~y ~ild~Ni~~ y Om.-.~9 s-4soo (aros> Assistttnt Vice President • subaqueous 9545647072 08/30/00 03, 42P P.001 Subaqueous Services Inc. 4201 Kean Road Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33314 (954) 581-2810 • FAX (954) 584-4050 I r'~'C. \'. ~'A1I V/ii Fi1CS1M!/_F_ 561-NN1-7469 August 30, 2000 Mr. Dennis Kelly, Village Manager VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH 501 US Highway 1 North Palm Btach, FL 33408 RE: Village of North Palm Beach Canal Maintenance Dredging Contract No.; 9&0291 Section 6.01 of Bid Form; Bidder'N Proiect Comnletion Time Daily Mr. Kelly: We apologi2t for having left the above referenced Soction of our Bid Form incomplete. Plcau; ace~yt the below statement as our Project Completion Tlnte: Biddtx agrees that the Work will be substantially complete on of before June 30. 2001, and completed and ready fix final paym~mt in accordance with paragraph 14.07 of the General Conditions on or before August 31.2001. For any further questions, please wntact the undcrsigncxl. 5i trel WITNESS: OW K. ,LOAN Resident JE NIFE . EDWARDS R\p ILPi\(lIIIAQI IrgK SP.RNCfQaIDS fl MARKf?11 N(TYllyie o(Nr~rtA nlm I4xA ].Erc. •